29 minute read

Additive Technology in Dentistry: Current Trends for 3D Printed Dentures

Additive Technology in Dentistry:

Current Trends for 3D Printed Dentures

Jamie Stover, CDT, Senior Manager of Dental Lab Applications, Carbon

The pace at which technology is evolving has never been faster in the history of the world, and it will never again be slower than it is currently is an observation that has been noted in recent years. Evidence of this can be seen in our daily lives as technology helps us stay in touch more easily, order goods and services with a mouse click, and work remotely in ways we didn’t imagine even only a couple of years ago. In the dental industry, rapidly evolving technology is streamlining the workflow between lab and clinic, and solving daunting workforce challenges, while elevating the level of patient care. In this article, the author will discuss 3D printed denture workflow and its benefits for technicians, labs, and patients.

It is hard to believe that for over a decade, analog fixed restorations such as porcelain fused to metal crowns, multi-unit PFM bridges, and full gold crowns have been widely replaced by digitally produced restorations such as milled zirconia crowns, milled lithium disilicate, and other hybrid-ceramic materials. These digital processes and materials allow technicians and labs to utilize technology such as intra-oral scanners, CAD software, and mills to replace many of the labour-intensive, hands-on production steps required to fabricate restorations while lowering the cost of production, reducing the production time, and providing patients with stronger, more durable restorations. Removable restorations such as dentures, partials, and splints have taken longer to transition to digital fabrication, but that is changing rapidly with the evolution of 3D printer technology and associated materials.

Current Industry Trends

Recent demographic data shows us that in the United States, there are more than 36 million fully edentulous patients and 120 million people missing at least one tooth. The numbers are expected to increase in the next decade. Around 15% of the edentulous population has dentures made each year, for a total of about 5.4 million denture cases annually in the US.1

American College of Prosthodontists denture information.

Combine a high volume of denture cases with recent demographic data from the dental lab industry in the US, which shows that 60% of dental lab technicians are over the age of 55 and that only 24% are listed as ‘most experienced’ removable technicians versus ‘least experienced.’2

The transition of denture production from hands-on, analog processes to a streamlined digital design and 3D printed production process will allow labs to fulfill the deluge of denture prescriptions while moving the remaining experienced analog removable technicians to digital roles and pass their priceless knowledge on to the next generation of digital removable technicians.

Challenges with the Early Digital Denture Workflow

Removable restorations such as dentures and night guards began moving to milled digital production processes several years after the fixed restorations, but the adoption rate was not as rapid for multiple reasons. One early challenge for labs was the lack of comprehensive denture and splint design

software, meaning the workflw was clunky and that accurately transferring patient records from the clinic and producing an accurate prosthesis was problematic. Another challenge that exists with milling removable materials is inefficie y for labs. When milling harder materials, such as zirconia, the speed at which the milling bur spins to cut the material can be very fast, but with softer materials like PMMA, the bur speed needs to be reduced, or the heat generated will melt the acrylic it is cutting. This increases the amount of time and means to mill one denture arch with a smooth surface finish is oten two or more hours, and for comparison, labs can mill dozens of zirconia crowns in the same amount of time.

A wave of excitement hit the industry around fie years ago as the firs generation of 3D printable denture resins appeared. Adoption was not widespread; however, because these materials lack the aesthetic quality of traditional denture base acrylics and carded denture teeth, and the Work of Fracture and Flexural Strength of these materials are not equal to traditional denture acrylics. Some early 3D printed denture adopters experienced failures due to fractures and decided to continue with traditional processed denture fabrication. Others had more success utilizing these materials for indications such as immediate and temporary dentures versus longterm, final dentue applications. Note: the majority of the 3D printable denture resins on the market currently are still in this firsgeneration strength category and not rated as high impact, so the author recommends that clinicians and lab technicians educate themselves about the material properties and carefully read the instructions for use before selecting a resin to produce a 3D printed denture.

Current denture fabrication methods.

LDP Denture Work of Fracture rating, courtesy of Dentsply Sirona. Game Changers

In 2019, Dentsply Sirona launched the firs high-impact 3D printed denture system, the Lucitone Digital Print Denture (LDP). The process of converting Lucitone 199 denture base acrylic to a printable resin produced a notable side effect wherein the Work of Fracture rating increased from around 1,500 j/m2 to about 3,000 j/m2 when warmed up from room temperature to body temperature in a patient’s mouth. Labs now had a 3D printed denture option available to them with strength rated higher than the traditional denture acrylics provide.

The initial LDP workflw paired the 3D printed denture base to a specifi line of carded denture teeth, featuring a fied geometry that fits intimaely into the sockets of the base via settings in the design software, and is bonded with a special fusing resin. Because the teeth are mated to the partially cured denture base prior to the final UV cue step, the final cuing cycle fuses the teeth into the base with an incredibly strong bond, minimizing the concerns of denture teeth debonding as sometimes happens in the traditional workflw.

Although this was an innovative workflw, it required around 14mm of VDO for two full denture arches or around 7-8mm of space for a single arch due to the fied geometry of the carded denture teeth, so it limited the number of cases that were possible, as many patients have less VDO space.

In the fall of 2021, Dentsply Sirona released two additional on-label workflw options for LDP with the ability to mill and print the denture teeth, and currently have two options for printed teeth, an economy and a premium resin.

These new materials and multiple improved digital tooth design libraries mean that labs now have much more flexibiliy when designing denture cases and the option to modify the tooth shape to accommodate virtually any occlusal scheme. With this increased flexibiliy, the adoption of 3D printed dentures is increasing steadily, and for Carbon printer users specificall, from Q2 2021 to Q2 2022, the percentage increase of LDP denture printing is over 90%. The printed tooth workflw also lowers the cost per arch of denture teeth by around 50% or more compared to the carded tooth price according to Dentsply’s estimates.

Image showing assembly of LDP denture base and teeth.

Image of IPN Premium Print Denture Tooth, courtesy of Dentsply Sirona.

Image of an LDP try-in denture and benefits. A Functional Try-In

Another unique benefit of the LDP workflow is the fact that the try-in step improves and becomes a functional try-in. The delicate traditional wax try-in is replaced with a strong monolithic try-in denture that can be taken home and tested by the patient prior to ordering the final denture if desired. Clinicians still maintain the control of modifying the try-in and requesting changes from the lab prior to final denture fabrication, and the lab can easily perform requested modifications in the denture design software.

The try-in can also be delivered along with the final denture as an emergency backup denture and used temporarily in the event the final denture is lost or damaged, an additional benefit that is impossible with a traditional denture workflow.

Copy and Reference Dentures

One of the most impactful benefits of the LDP denture workflow is the ability to reproduce a patient’s existing denture, either with or without making functional or aesthetic changes, quickly and easily in as few as two clinical appointments. This is commonly referred to as the ‘copy’ or ‘reference’ denture workflow and allows a clinician to do a washimpression with the patient’s existing denture to capture the tissue accurately and then either scan the denture, bite, and opposing arch with an intra-oral scanner or send them to the lab to be scanned. The lab imports the scans into their denture design software and either prints an exact copy of the existing denture or can make requested changes to the existing denture, using it as a reference point. Common requested changes for a ‘reference denture’ are modifying the tooth shade, shape, length, or position to eliminate cheek biting, increase lip support, or improve phonetics. Clinicians and lab technicians who are experienced with the LDP ‘copy denture’ workflow can opt to skip the try-in step and instead have the clinician virtually preview the denture design via the software without the need for a clinical try-in which reduces the total appointments to only two.

The CAD denture software has improved over time, with multiple companies providing comprehensive, user-friendly programs with all the digital tools technicians need to efficiently design very accurate dentures. Labs can also outsource the design steps by partnering with companies who provide this service, eliminating the need to hire experienced designers or train inexperienced technicians

in the very competitive marketplace, and allows labs to scale production as they train and hire their own denture designers.

A Simpler Denture Process with Many Benefits

In conclusion, the author recommends that labs and technicians conceptualize the LDP denture as a stronger denture with a simplifie workflw and many benefits ver a traditional processed acrylic denture instead of thinking of it as a ‘digital denture.’ Digital dentures have existed for years, in both milled and 3D printed iterations, but most 3D printed dentures still lack the material properties required to produce a denture with high impact strength and aesthetics similar to traditional processed acrylic. Labs using Carbon 3D printers with LDP report a reduction in the amount of labour required to produce a denture of around 65%, meaning they can lower the retail price of the denture while still maintaining a healthy profit magin and pass some savings on to their dental clients. Dentists and denturists can reduce the number of appointments and chairtime required to deliver a denture by using the ‘copy’ and ‘reference’ denture workflws, making dentures a less complex process and also a more profitable poduct. Clinicians can receive LDP dentures without purchasing an intraoral scanner or changing anything about their current traditional impression process if they choose. Patients benefit fom a denture that is stronger than a traditionally processed acrylic denture, with a very accurate fit, an with a digital record that the laboratory can store for fast reproducibility if needed. The LDP denture material can also be relined and repaired chairside or in-lab should the need arise, just like a traditional acrylic denture.

The digital record means that the LDP denture can be reproduced quickly from the stored design file ersus starting over with a new impression, which is required with traditional processed acrylic dentures. This benefit is especially impatful when we consider the patient segment in convalescent care facilities, many of whom require special transportation to/from the clinic, and some require additional medications or sedation for dental procedures. When these patients lose or damage dentures, their ability to eat is impacted, and their health can decline rapidly. With LDP dentures, the monolithic try-in can be delivered with the final dentue as an emergency backup, and the digital record can be quickly accessed when reproduction is necessary, meaning a patient never has to be without a critical dental prosthesis.

When technology, materials, and production processes evolve and provide us with impactful benefits or labs and technicians while elevating the level of patient care, they can truly be called a game changer, and the LDP denture produced using Carbon 3D Printers is an excellent example of just what this means for our industry and our patients.

A denture being designed in 3Shape denture design software.


1 The American College of Prosthodontists –https://www.gotoapro.org/facts-figures/#:~:text=

About%2023%20million%20are%20completely, more%20than%20200%20million%20individuals. 2 2022 Valmont Research NADL Demographic Survey.

Digitization in Dental Technology: Ivoclar’s Comprehensive Digital Workflows Offer Greater Efficiency during Fabrication

As the dental industry continues to evolve, the future of dentistry is becoming increasingly digitized. Thanks to state-of-the-art digital workflws that combine scanning of impressions, fabrication planning, design, and automated production processes, many process steps are now becoming more commercially viable, heralding the transformation of dental laboratories and dental practices. As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of integrated solutions for high-quality dental applications, Ivoclar enables a simple and straightforward introduction to innovative dental fabrication processes with a comprehensive product and system portfolio for dentists and dental technicians. The digital workflws combine almost 100 years of Ivoclar experience in the dental industry with leading-edge technology, premium-grade materials, and harmonized workflws – meaning greater flexibiliy, profitabiliy, and efficie y in the daily routine for dentists, dental technicians, and dental laboratories.

Digital workflows: the future of dentistry?

Dentistry is as individual as a patient’s anatomy. No two cases are the same, and every treatment is specifically tailoed thanks to a longstanding tradition of craftsmanship that puts the patient first. Just lie any other craft, the quality of the fina result depends on a number of factors, such as the material, experience, planning, and precision during implementation. Creating superior quality dentures that are also cost-effective to fabricate and eliminate as many potential defects as possible is always a challenge. Now, thanks to digital dental technology, risks and uncertainties can be mitigated, enabling outstanding precision, accuracy, and efficie y throughout all phases of the workflw while also improving process reproducibility. In doing so, Ivoclar digital workflws – from the practice to the laboratory – blend traditional craftsmanship with digital fabrication strategies, optimizing workflws while minimizing the time required for individual process steps. Regardless of the current level of digitization of a laboratory or a dental technician – from beginners to seasoned professionals – Ivoclar has appropriate, innovative solutions for a forward-looking working environment. The range of digital devices here includes powerful equipment for scanning, milling, and sintering zirconia, meaning maximum flexibiliy and profitabiliy. As an integral part of modern dentistry, digital dental technology paves the way for completely new approaches that benefit veryone, from dental practices and patients to dental technicians and dental laboratories.

Going digital with Ivoclar: for efficiency, quality, and reliability into the future

Ivoclar’s holistically designed digital workflws can start in the dental practice and offer a seamless transition to dental technicians. What’s more, they can begin directly in the dental laboratory too. Here, digital design and digital fabrication increase productivity and reduce manual work while, in turn, optimizing production so that less time is required for each unit fabricated. Milling machines can combine jobs and operate unattended, helping to accelerate processes even further. All current Ivoclar product systems are adapted to one another for reliable fabrication results and simple, intuitive handling. As a result, the entire range of powerful devices can be seamlessly integrated into the digital workflw for improved control of daily work routines. Cutting-edge equipment for scanning, milling, and sintering zirconia is available for a wide variety of applications. Regardless of whether you are just about to launch digital fabrication processes or you have already established digital workflws – Ivoclar offers the right equipment and appropriate service for dental technicians and dental laboratories.

Working hand in hand: digital thinking and digital fabrication

The consolidation of workflws in the dental practice and in dental technology continues apace. Some dental practices already use digital impressions, while others still send conventional impressions to the laboratory, where they can then be scanned using the laboratory scanner. That’s why modern dental laboratories now offer maximum flexibiliy and the relevant solutions to provide optimum support for the various application scenarios.

With PrograScan PS5 and PS3, Ivoclar provides powerful, reliable partners for scanning in the laboratory. These devices are intuitive to operate, feature high precision and scanning speed, and deliver reliable scanning results to accelerate the workflw significantl. The connected exocad DentalCAD software also makes scanning simple. Impression scanning is fully automated using a third axis with the digital model shown in colour. Both laboratory scanners, PrograScan PS5 and PS3, are optimally integrated into the Ivoclar digital workflw. All process components such as technology, software, and materials ensure high process reliability, which saves time and ensures highly aesthetic results.

With the PrograMill series, Ivoclar offers a variety of CAD/CAM milling machines, each with its own strengths. PrograMill PM5 and PM3 are the two midfielders ou can rely on in the milling machine team. The 5-axis milling machine PrograMill PM7 is the outstanding striker in the team, setting new standards in the digital fabrication of restorations in the dental laboratory. Suitable for a wide variety of indications, a diverse range of materials can be processed in both wet and dry modes. Moreover, fully automatic material management in combination with an intuitive user

interface delivers reliably reproducible results. With PrograMill DRY, the Ivoclar squad also includes the ideal player for the professional fabrication of zirconia restorations. This compact 5-axis dry milling machine fabricates zirconia crowns and bridges quickly and precisely, and with Ivotion, even complete digital dentures are possible using just a single disc. Thanks to its compact design, PrograMill DRY impresses with flexibility, enabling space-saving integration in any laboratory.

The Programat S2 is the state-of-the-art expert for a precision fit when sintering. This compact furnace can sinter frameworks or full-contour zirconia restorations at temperatures up to 1600°C. And thanks to integration in the Ivoclar workflow, the Programat S2 not only facilitates a seamless process but also ensures superior end-toend quality too. The ergonomic design of the Programat S2 includes a large colour touch display for fast and intuitive operation. This furnace provides reliable and precise sintering in record time.

The innovative Ivoclar workflows are also sure to shape the digitization of the dental industry and drive it forward. Looking to the future, digital workflows from Ivoclar will continue to optimize processes in dental laboratories and dental practices – when it comes to efficiency, quality, profitability, and aesthetics too. After all, the company aims to continue to establish itself as a digital pioneer going forward with new, innovative products and services. What’s more, to make it as easy as possible for customers to get started in the digital world of Ivoclar products, the company offers extensive consultation, detailed guidelines, step-by-step instructions, white papers, webinars, further training, discussions with experts, and much more.

More information on the digital workflows and digital solutions from Ivoclar is available at www.ivoclar.com/en_li/digital-equipment.

About the Ivoclar Group

The Ivoclar Group, headquartered in Schaan, Liechtenstein, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of integrated solutions for highquality dental applications. The company’s success is based on a comprehensive portfolio of products, systems and services, strong research and development capabilities, and a clear commitment to training and further education. The group of companies, which sells its products to around 130 countries, has 47 subsidiaries and branch offices and employs roughly 3,500 people worldwide. More information about the Ivoclar Group is available at www.ivoclar.com.

British Columbia

Career Opportunities

Cast Partial RDT or Assistant Dental Technician

Surrey Dentcraft Dental Laboratory is looking for cast partial tech immediately. We offer very competitive wages and full medical and dental benefits ater probation is completed. We offer a great signing bonus. Denture experience is not necessary. Wax/cast partial denture. For more information, please contact office_manager@dentcraftlab.ca.

Crown & Bridge Technician Assistant

Richmond D & R Dental Laboratory is a small dental lab looking for a new dental technician to join our team. The job requires the following qualifications and sills: • Minimum one year of experience working in a dental lab. • Must be able to stain and glaze zirconia and e.max crowns. • Able to wax up and cast full gold crowns. • Can handle model fabrication and trimming. • Able to finish screw or cementretained restorations. • Can finish ~7-8 crowns/day. This is a permanent full-time position, approximately 40 hours/week, from Monday to Friday. For more information, please contact drdentallab@gmail.com.

Dental Ceramist

Vancouver 3D Dental Laboratory Inc. is looking for a dental ceramist with experience fitting zirconia crowns, porcelain-related work, stain and glaze, and gold crowns. For more information, please contact 3ddentallab@gmail.com.

Dental Ceramist

Victoria Moon Dental Lab is looking for an experienced ceramist comfortable with porcelain-related works. Must demonstrate precision in a fast-paced environment. Willing to learn new techniques. Work with minimum supervision and responsible for assigned jobs. To apply for this job, please send your resume to info@mdts.ca.

Dental Technician or Technician Assistant

Victoria A & P Dental Laboratory is seeking a dental technician or technician assistant with experience in dentures or other departments. We need someone immediately. Come join our team! For more information, please email aplab@shaw.ca or call 250-383-7118.

Accepting Overflow Cases

Pitt Meadows Falcon Dental Lab is accepting overflw cases from your lab. Crown and bridge, zirconium, PFM’s. For more information, please contact Mark at falcondental@shaw.ca or 604-802-5005.

Ortho Technician

Surrey Dentcraft Dental Laboratory is looking for a fully trained ortho tech – needed immediately. We offer excellent wages and full benefits ater three months of probation. For more information, please email info@dentcraftdentallab.ca or call 604-507-8555/604-372-3595.

Career Seekers

Orthodontic Dental Technician

Vancouver I am a registered dental technician with the College of Dental Technicians of BC. I specialize in orthodontics and have over 15 years of full-time work experience in large, challenging practices in Vancouver. I have expertise in the full spectrum of orthodontic appliances and lab procedures. Some examples of appliances that I produce are twin block, spring-loaded twin block, twin block retainer, RPA, quad helix, posterior bite block, anterior bite plate, BLRT straight and wave wire, essixes with modification, sports guard, IND transfer tray, flippe, Kois deprogrammer, hard TMJ splint, etc. I’m seeking a position as a part-time in-house lab dental technician in my area of specialization in the Vancouver Lower Mainland. You can send me an email at rdtvan8@gmail.com, my preferred method of communication. I can also be reached at 604-435-4576. A voice message can be left for me at this number.

For Sale

Busy Dental Clinic for Sale in the Comox Valley, BC

The dental lab requires a qualified registered dental technician (RDT) to replace the current owner. Due to the flexibility of the business and qualified technicians running the day-to-day operations, the RDT could benefit from an exceptional work/life balance, only needing to be in the office part-time. The current location is available for lease. The asking price is $195,000 and includes $90,000 of assets, equipment and inventory –an incredible opportunity for a work-to-own situation for a busy, profitable, turnkey operation. Please contact Ramon Ramirez at ramon@chinookmabb.com or call 250-886-1041. For more information, please visit https://app. dealbuilder.co/blind-profile/7c3a28356551-4ab8-beaf-e9cfed55e8d0.

Dental Lab for Sale

Located in the sunny Central Okanagan, this profit-generating dental lab has successfully operated for over 35 years. The lab is busier now than ever before. It employs six people and is up-to-date with all the current digital capabilities, resulting in increased efficiency and streamlined operations. The dental lab deals with all aspects of orthodontics, including but not limited to removable prosthetic appliances, cast partials, Valplast, complete dentures, sleep apnea, space maintenance, sports guards, LVI orthotics, brux guards, and more. The lab is located in a beautiful area that is ever-expanding and close to all amenities, making it ideal for business operations and daily life. The owner is willing to work through the sale transition to ensure everything goes smoothly and looks forward to hearing from you! Please contact dougortho57@gmail.com for more information.

Dental Laboratory for Sale

Sidney Small established dental lab for sale in downtown Sidney, BC. The lab specializes in implants and crown and bridge. Retiring due to health issues. Willing to sell for cost of set up. All equipment is brand new as of three years ago. Good opportunity for young RDT wanting their own business. The potential for growth is excellent as it is the only lab in Sidney. For more information, please email hammerc@shaw.ca.

Denture Dental Laboratory for Sale

Duncan Small dental lab in Duncan, BC, established in 1995. Owner selling due to retirement. Please call Allan D. Milne to discuss opportunities at 250-746-9399.

OF-02G Forced Convection Oven

Functioning perfectly fin. Only used for slowly dissolving support wax from printing resins at moderate 75°C. Maintained very well as fans and heat-up are working normally. The temperature range is from ambient 10°C to 250°C. Stainless steel chamber and an air-tight door gasket. Delayed on/off diital timer range: 1mm - 99hr 59min. LED display uniform temperature circulation generated by two noiseless sirocco fans. Dual slide vents on the top for vapours to flw out of. For more information, please email Frank Lando at landofrank@yahoo.ca.


Career Opportunities


Georgetown Ceramist with a minimum of fie years of experience needed for dental lab in Georgetown. Proficient in PM, zirconia, and all implant systems. Must be able to complete cases from start to finish. ust read and write English. Salary $45,000-65,000 per year. For more information, please email emmademelo97@gmail.com or call 905-702-3852.


Woodstock Pow Laboratories is a family-owned and operated business looking for a multi-skilled ceramist with a strong passion for dentistry and replicating natural teeth to join our team. Applicants for this position should have a minimum of 5+ years as a trained ceramist, experienced in full mouth design, implant retained and customizing dental restorations through concepts of colour theory. The successful candidate will be responsible for porcelain application of layered zirconia, full contour zirconia, PFM, e.max Press® restorations, and complete daily production volume. Our laboratory is located in Southwestern Ontario, and applicants must be able to commute or willing to relocate to our community. Applicants must be available for interview and practical testing and currently legally eligible to work in Canada. Minimum of 40 hours per week with additional time/overtime available. If you want to join our team of leaders in cosmetic dentistry, work well in teams and individually, and thrive in a fast-paced environment, please send your resume and cover letter to resumes@powlab.com.

Chief Marketing Officer

Kanata Live Dental Studio Inc. is seeking a CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) with t following qualifications • Bachelor’s degree. • Minimum of five years experience as a senior manager in the dental, medical, or health industry. • Minimum of two years of experience in product management, marketing, or business development. • Finance experience building and managing company profit and loss models, building financial models, budgeting, forecasting, and conducting key performance indicators. • Minimum of two years in digitalization, including ERP & CRM modules. This is a fast-paced environment – one must be able to work under pressure, have attention to detail, and handle a large workload. This is a full-time, permanent position, working 40 hours/week at $51.00/hour. The position includes 15 paid vacation days, a group health insurance plan, and medical, dental, and life insurance. Discretionary bonus subject to company performance. If you are interested in the CMO position and want to join Live Dental Studio, we encourage you to send us a cover letter and resume in confidence o info@livedentalstudio.com. For more details about the job posting, please visit https://adto.ca/advert/chiefmarketing-officer-2.

Dental Technician

Mississauga Full-service lab in Mississauga is searching for a technician with CAD/CAM experience, model work, denture set up, trimming and polishing, night guard fabrication, investing, and processing. Preferably someone with experience or a GBC graduate in the Peel area with a vehicle would be ideal. For more information, please contact dentalcraft@outlook.com.

Denture Technician

North Bay North Bay Denture Clinic is looking for a denture technician. Must be familiar with all aspects of denture fabrication. Salary based on experience. For more information, please email dclinic@outlook.com or call 705-492-5407.

Digital Dental Technician

Mississauga Our team is looking for a full-time, experienced digital dental technician. Responsibilities include scan/design and fit/finish frameworks as part of the digital team. We are a well-established lab in the Mississauga area looking for enthusiastic team players to join us. Good benefits and work environment. Digital experience is a must, located in Canada, and available to start work asap. For more information, please contact tcarruthers@prismdental.com or call 905-890-0072.

Experienced Ceramist

Mississauga We are looking for an experienced full-time ceramist. We are a well-established lab in the Mississauga area looking for enthusiastic team players to join us. Good benefits and work environment. Experience a must, located in Canada, and available to start work asap. For more information, please contact tcarruthers@prismdental.com or call 905-890-0072.

Metal Technician

Mississauga Experienced metal technician required for a busy Mississauga dental laboratory. We are a well-established lab in the Mississauga area looking for enthusiastic team players to join us. Experience a must, located in Canada, and available to start work asap. For more information, please contact tcarruthers@prismdental.com or call 905-890-0072.

Model/Plaster Technician

North York We were looking to add a dental technician to the mode/plaster department. This enthusiastic addition should have experience with pouring and mounting denture models, as well as pouring, pinning, and mounting crown and bridge models. Minimum three years of experience preferred. For more information, please contact maya@gordanadentalarts.com.

Orthodontic/Dental Technician

Toronto Our organization is seeking a highly motivated and technical individual who can perform roles as an orthodontic/dental technician and troubleshoot/repair orthodontic appliance issues as well. The ideal candidate for this position will be skilled in various areas of orthodontics, have strong communication skills, and have an unwavering commitment to integrity. The successful candidate must have prior experience and will be responsible for having a broad understanding of and fabricating various orthodontic and dental appliances and solving appliance-related issues. Experience is preferred. We offer a competitive salary and a friendly, supportive atmosphere. For more information, please contact bgkrakowski@gmail.com or call 416-782-0958.

Registered Dental Technician

Georgetown Registered dental tech urgently needed for a lab in Georgetown. A well-established business that has been servicing dedicated clients for 30 years. We are a full-service lab specializing in crown and bridge. Responsibilities include managing day-today operations, ensuring quality control, and customer service communication. Salary range $70,000-90,000. Commensurate with experience. For more information, please email emmademelo97@gmail.com or call 905-702-3852.

Seeking Denture, Crown and Bridge, Ortho, and Plaster Technicians

Barrie Always growing, Image Dental Laboratory is a state-of-the-art dental laboratory that exists where the rest of the province vacations. If you are interested in any of the above-referenced roles, contact us and let’s talk about affordable housing, quality of life, respect in the workplace, your skills, and your potential for a future here. For more information, please contact kevin@imagedentallaboratory.com or call 705-726-6301.

For Sale

DEKEMA AUSTROMAT: Press Furnace 654 & Ceramic Furnace 624

Gatineau-Ottawa DEKEMA AUSTROMAT 654 Press Furnace –minor wear and excellent condition – asking $8,950.00. DEKEMA AUSTROMAT 624 Ceramic Furnace – excellent condition –asking $6,850.00. For more information, please contact oraltech.qc@gmail.com or by text only at 819-918-4747.

Dental Lab Benches for Sale

Toronto Dental Lab Y Bench for sale. Brand new, comes not installed. It can fit three technicians when put together as a Y shape OR can fit six technicians when installed separately. For more information, please email parkanthony123@hotmail.com or call 647-567-7275.

Dental Lab for Sale

GTA West Quality crown and bridge dental lab for sale. 2021 revenue in excess of $700,000. Modern equipment and excellent reputation. For more information, please email rourke@mbcbrokerage.ca or call 647-519-5775.

Lab for Sale

Sarnia Gem Dental Studio is a high-quality, fullservice dental lab in Sarnia, Ontario. We are a progressive lab that has always stayed on top of current technologies. Gem is looking for a George Brown graduate or an RDT to join our team to focus on all aspects of crown and bridge while maintaining first-hand knowledge of removables. The successful candidate will gain knowledge of all aspects of the lab, working towards a supervisory role, then management, and eventually taking over ownership. Timeline is negotiable, and you will be fully trained. Sarnia is a beautiful city located at the base of Lake Huron on the Clair River. It is peaceful, progressive and right across the river from the US. Contact us today to begin your journey. Submit your resume and cover letter to beyond@bell.net.

Dental Technology Today would not be possible without the advertising support of these companies and organizations. Please think of them when you require a product or service. We have tried to make it easier for you to contact these suppliers by including their telephone numbers and websites. You can also go the electronic version at www.adto.ca or www.dentaltechniciansofbc.com and access direct links to any of these companies.


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Central Dental Ltd.


Dentsply Sirona Canada

Excel Dental

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9 855-604-0465 www.abutmentdirect.com

31 418-683-6567 www.begocanada.com

13 416-694-1118 www.centraldentalltd.com

27 800-363-9973 www.dentaurum.com

5 416-407-6752 www.dentsplysirona.com

11 800-881-2932 www.exceldentalshop.com

32 800-263-8182 www.ivoclarvivadent.com

18 630-762-1803 www.renfert.com

Specialty Tooth Supply

Unique Dental Supply

VITA North America 11 800-661-2044 www.specialtytoothsupply.com

25 888-532-0554 www.udscanada.com

15 800-263-4778 www.vitanorthamerica.com

VOCO Canada 2 888-658-2584 www.voco.com

Zahn Canada, A Division of Henry Schein Canada 23 800-496-9500 www.zahncanada.ca





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To reach dental technicians and technologists across Canada through Dental Technology Today and its targeted readership, contact Chad at your earliest convenience to discuss your company’s promotional plans. CHAD MORRISON, Marketing Manager

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