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It is hard to believe that it’s been almost a year since taking over the helm of APWA during PWX in Charlotte. Time has flown by. What an honor to lead an organization filled with so many folks that I consider mentors and friends. I would like to personally thank you for all you do for the industry, your peers, and our communities. This association is strong because of our common interest in community service, and we are truly connecting the world through public works.
Throughout the year, I’ve spoken with chapters about the four things I always consider to be goals in my own life.
• Leave things better than you found them. This was my Dad’s favorite saying. He (and my mother) always taught us to serve others and have an impact by leaving things better than we found them.
• Be prepared and put yourself in a position to say yes. Take advantage of training opportunities. Stretch yourself to learn new things. The skills that make you successful today aren’t necessarily the same skills that will bring you success tomorrow. Be in a mode of continuous learning, and make sure you strategically place yourself in positions to say yes to opportunities when they are available. Also, be strategic when saying yes. No is a perfectly acceptable answer, and up isn’t the only way to move forward.
• Find a hobby that energizes and refreshes you. We cannot perform at our best if we are constantly in a state of busy. We need to pause. We need to reflect. We need to think. We need to re-energize. Find activities that allow you to do this. For me, it’s hiking, woodworking, and chasing sunsets. • Find a way to give back. We’ve all been given talents, desires, and various abilities. We need to use those to improve and enrich the lives of those around us.
I look at APWA, and what a fantastic year it has been. As an association, we remain financially stable and healthy. Our membership is growing and active. Our strategic plan has been refreshed and updated (as it is every three years). Our international influence is growing. Our educational programs are relevant and needed by our industry. Our advocacy efforts are truly making a difference with our legislators and regulators. Our technical committees continue to deliver quality educational materials and remain on the cutting edge of the industry. National Public Works Week continues to grow. PWX and the North American Snow Conference remain vibrant, well-attended, and relevant. We’ve made strides to define what diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to our association and the industry.
I’ve been fortunate to visit several chapters throughout the year. This consistently reminds me that our chapters continue to deliver the most direct value to our members. They do this through educational sessions, networking, community service opportunities, scholarships, fundraisers, exhibits, local advocacy, and so much more. Service in our chapters is also a wonderful way to develop those soft skills they didn’t necessarily teach us in school. These are listening, leading a group of volunteers, delegating, supporting good partnerships, public speaking, developing budgets, developing a strategic plan, setting goals, recruitment, retention, and recognition. I am always amazed at the enthusiasm, creativity, and passion of our chapter leaders.
The year also provided several opportunities to advocate on behalf of public works. APWA was asked to testify before the US House Committee on natural resources concerning NEPA permitting reform. As president of the association, I found this to be an exciting and anxious couple of hours, but I was well prepared for the testimony thanks to our incredible APWA government affairs staff in Washington, DC. Side note: YOU have the power to advocate as well. All you must do is be prepared to tell your story. Our legislators want to know what is happening at the local level and how proposed or current legislation impacts our communities.
The past year was also filled with opportunities for various industry interviews, articles, podcasts, and webinars. It was a pleasure judging the Future City Competition finals in DC with APWA’s very own Marty Williams. It was a pleasure being involved in the Engineering & Public Works Road-Show, highlighting various award-winning infrastructure projects in partnership with ASCE and ACEC.
Finally, the year brought tremendous personal change to my life. In June, I was fortunate to marry the love of my life, Sasha. She has been my rock, my sounding board, and my most vocal cheerleader. My family has grown. I am blessed.