1 minute read

Message from the Chair-Elect

Jeff Cunningham

Spring is Here and our Annual Conference is Scheduled

Greetings! I hope that everyone is staying safe and that the onset of spring is enabling a little sigh of relief from the usual challenges that winter brings to the utility world. Of course, in addition to those annual obstacles and headaches, the COVID issues have been the real battle of the past 12 months.

The Indiana Section has been forced to cancel three of its key conferences: first, the 2019 Spring Conference (formerly the IRWA Spring Conference) in Indianapolis; then the December Water Institute at French Lick; then the Annual Section Conference, that was planned for February 2021 in Downtown Indianapolis. We were looking forward to holding the Section Conference this April; however, after navigating countless hurdles, our staff and MAC volunteers worked to relocate this meeting to the week of April 12 at the French Lick Resort.

The uncertainty of being able to provide the top-shelf program and conference experience that our members expect was too much to overcome in Indianapolis. Luckily, the French Lick Resort has been able to safely accommodate our program, exhibit hall and member events. We are actively working with them to make sure that a comprehensive health and safety plan is in place.

We are excited to once again provide quality, in-person training for those that can attend. While the virtual and remote sessions that we have conducted have been beneficial and successful, the Section realizes that nothing is a substitute for in-person learning and the networking opportunities it provides.

The April conference will include our annual Awards Presentations and Section Membership Meeting, where we will be voting to approve our newly crafted Section Bylaws.

In addition to a great program and our Exhibit Hall and Equipment Expo, we will be holding our 4th Annual Sporting

We are excited to once again provide quality, in-person training for those that can attend.

Clays Shoot to benefit the Gambold Education Fund.

In closing, please stay safe and we’ll see you in French Lick.

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