17 minute read
What Does the Future Hold for Water
AWWA’s Water 2050 initiative seeks to establish a long-term vision of the future of water. This collaborative exploration will chart a course for a successful and sustainable water sector. We will engage in a thoughtful, intentional, and inclusive discourse that results in bold, achievable goals. Ultimately, Water 2050’s infl uence will extend beyond the water community, fostering partnerships and cross-sector collaboration for mutual and global benefi t.
Starting in 2022 and working through the end of 2023, Water 2050 will: • Engage in meaningful conversations.
Thought leaders from within and outside the water sector will gather at intimate ‘think tanks’ to examine the future of water through the prism of fi ve key drivers. • Enlist strategic partners. Collaboration among water utilities, service providers, academia, water-sector organizations, and nontraditional partners will be essential. We’ll also reach beyond the water sector to engage corporate water users, nonprofi t organizations and other stakeholder groups for fresh insights. • Foster intergenerational responsibility.
Today’s and tomorrow’s water
professionals and leaders must work together to create a successful future. The voices of young and emerging professionals will be key throughout the initiative. • Capture collective knowledge.
AWWA will report on insights from each think tank and publish additional guidance to support the water community in realizing the
Water 2050 vision. • All of this supports the critical mission of the water community:
safe water, healthy people, and a
sustainable planet. We will do this by examining fi ve critical drivers to the future of water.
AWWA has identifi ed fi ve critical drivers that will infl uence progress toward a sustainable and resilient water future: sustainability, technology, economics, governance, and social/demographic.
These drivers will be considered by the ‘Water 2050 Sections’ as well as ‘Think Tanks’ and shape all future work supported by this initiative. 1. Sustainability. Managing our planet’s limited water resources and building infrastructure for water is paramount. Climate change is among the biggest risks. It will bring more fi erce and less predictable conditions: extended droughts and heatwaves, increased hurricanes and wildfi res, and severe winter storms. The future will require skillful and creative stewardship of our most vital natural resource, as well as innovative approaches to keep water infrastructure strong and resilient. 2. Technology. As the world enters the fourth industrial revolution, water professionals have access to new technologies that are changing the way they interact with water resources, water systems, and the people they serve.
Advances in data, analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, and artifi cial intelligence will increasingly empower consumers and infl uence water system operations. Adoption of new technologies will solve complex problems and sometimes introduce unintended challenges. 3. Economics. Water is a critical economic engine for North American communities across the globe. Increasingly, the water community is asked to do more with less while also addressing rising infrastructure needs. We must consider important economic factors such as regionalization, supply chain resilience, decentralized treatment,
ESG approaches to assessing risks and value, and the benefi ts of a circular economy. Rate-setting will occur in a world more keenly aware of equity and affordability challenges. 4. Governance. The roles of federal, provincial, state, and local governments signifi cantly impact how water utilities are operated and regulated. Both economics and governance will shape the model of tomorrow’s water utilities. Some communities may turn to regional solutions to gain effi ciencies. As regulatory structures evolve, communities will have to evaluate new approaches, such as fi t-for-purpose standards and decentralized treatment. 5. Social and Demographic. Public interest and concern about water quality and equity is rising, which means all communities must work to strengthen public trust. Simultaneously, potential population shifts between urban and rural areas are creating resource and infrastructure challenges while also forcing community-driven water solutions. Population growth in water-stressed communities will require innovative thinking to manage limited supplies.
Speaking at an ACE22 panel discussion, David LaFrance said, “Each and every AWWA member has a unique perspective to offer. For some of us, that may mean participating in a discussion at an AWWA event or a section activity. For others, it may mean participating in a survey. Still, others may pen articles for AWWA publications, observing how water may be affected by a particular driver. There will be many other ways to help formulate and refi ne this vision.”
For more information, please visit www.awwa.org/resources-tools/ water-2050.
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Upcoming Events & Activities
Please visit our website – www.inawwa.org – for details and registration information. Water and Wastewater Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to be approved by IDEM. Well Driller and Pump Installer hours to be approved by IDNR, as applicable. Professional Development Hours (PDHs) for engineers are available, as applicable. Other workshops are being planned, so please check our website regularly, or call our offi ce at 866-213-2796 for updates.
Please contact Monique Riggs at 317-372-9864 or monique.riggs@inawwa.org to host an event or suggest a topic for a workshop.
January 10, 2023
January 11, 2023
January 17, 2023
April 10–13, 2023
June 8, 2023
June 29, 2023
August 9, 2023
September 12, 2023 December 5–7, 2023 Well Driller/Pump Installer Workshop Series – Columbus, IN
Well Driller/Pump Installer Workshop Series – Washington, IN Well Driller/Pump Installer Workshop Series – Brownsburg, IN 2023 Annual Conference – Indianapolis, IN
Operator Symposium North – Winchester, IN
Operator Symposium South – Huntingburg, IN
Operator Boot Camp – Peru, IN
IWEA/INAWWA Utility Management Seminar
Water Institute & Equipment Expo
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Please mark your calendars for April 10–13, 2023 for our upcoming Annual Conference, at the Marriott Downtown, in Indianapolis. While the window to submit abstracts closed December 16, there are other items which warrant your consideration: • IRWA Gambold Education Fund Grants – We will award up to six (6) GEF grants to individuals who have never attended an INAWWA Conference or who have not attended in the last fi ve years. The grant includes full conference registration, two nights at the conference hotel, lunches and receptions, and a GEF shirt. Please submit your application and our
Philanthropy Committee will select the awardees. • Besozzi Youth Grant – The purpose of the grant is to send “a young delegate or delegates who have never been to an INAWWA Annual Conference ... to gather water supply and water treatment information accented toward innovative and cost-control methods. This information shall be for their own use but shall also be relayed to Indiana communities for possible use.” Grant would be for an individual in, or interested in, a career in the water industry who has never attended the INAWWA Annual Conference and is no older than 30 years of age. The grant provides funds for conference registration, conference meals, hotel and travel expenses. Applications can be found at www.inawwa.org/about-us/awards-grants. We will have our Exhibit Hall with vendors, agencies, and some great booth presentations. This venue offers the opportunity to learn about the latest in processes, technology, and equipment, in addition to opportunities to visit with agency folks and fi nds answers to issues you may have. Networking with your peers is a valuable benefi t of attending in-person events and the Annual Conference is a great place to do just that.
We hope to see you all there!
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AMERICAN Ductile Iron Pipe American Structurepoint, Inc. Bastin-Logan Water Services Beam, Longest and Neff, LLC Commonwealth Engineers, Inc. Curry & Associates, Inc. Dixon Engineering, Inc. E.J. Prescott Ford Meter Box Company George E. Booth Co., Inc. Gripp, Inc. GRW Engineers, Inc. H2fl ow Controls, Inc. Hawkins HWC Engineering Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd. Kokosing Industrial, Inc. LabtronX M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. McMAHON Midwestern Engineers, Inc. Neptune Technology Group Inc. Oldcastle Infrastructure Ortman Drilling & Water Services Peerless-Midwest, Inc. Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group Inc S & K Equipment Company, Inc. Strand Associates, Inc. Triad Associates, Inc. Veolia Advanced Solutions USA Waller’s Meter, Inc. Water Solutions Unlimited, Inc. Wessler Engineering
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