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Director Candidates


Patrick’s career in the water quality profession began while studying for finals at St. Cloud State University. During his visit to the library, he picked up a copy of the Journal AWWA magazine. This edition of the Journal AWWA focused on Federal Safe Drinking Water Act updates, specifically the 1991 Lead and Copper Rule. This provided him with the inspiration to reach out to the local utility, and after a successful interview, Patrick was granted an internship to help develop and implement the City of St. Cloud’s lead and copper program.

After completing his undergraduate degree, Patrick was appointed full time by the City of St. Cloud. He was encouraged by leadership in St. Cloud to become active in the Minnesota Section and served as the Central District Chair. Later he was elected to the Section’s Trustee-at-Large position. Patrick continued to serve in a leadership role as the Section Chair in 2012-2013. He has volunteered on the Research Committee, the Water Utility Council, and has been active in the Section’s implementation of social media.

Patrick holds a B.Sc. in Chemistry from St. Cloud State University and a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of South Dakota. Patrick was employed by the City of St. Cloud for 25 years and concluded his tenure as its Director of Public Services. Since March 2021, he has been the General Manager of Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS).

Patrick’s career focus has been on water quality related initiatives, including numerous innovative treatment, conveyance, and renewable energy projects. He is currently helping manage Minnesota’s largest drinking water facility improvement project along with the replacement of over 26,000 lead service lines. His most rewarding work has been working alongside a dedicated team of public servants at SPRWS, the City of St. Cloud, and the MNAWWA.

Patrick and his wife Joy have been married for 26 years and reside in Woodbury. Their son, Jacob, and daughter, Whitney, both recently graduated from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul and are now officially “off the payroll”. Patrick and Joy enjoy traveling to warm destinations, dealing with an overzealous dog (or two), and visiting Minnesota’s numerous craft breweries. Like any true Minnesotan, Patrick wants to live to see the Vikings win just one Super Bowl.

If elected to this position, Patrick’s primary objective would be to continue the tradition of providing strong representation at the Association level and provide effective communication between Section and Association leadership. Patrick is appreciative of the opportunity to be considered for the position of Section Director and looks forward to continuing to serve the Minnesota Section of the American Water Works Association.

He also has experience in company governance, serving as a CEO of a bolted steel tank distributor and participating on many boards of directors during his career.

Tony is a 1982 graduate of the University of Notre Dame and was special teams captain of the 1981 Fighting Irish Notre Dame Football team. He resides in White Bear Lake, MN, with his wife Mary , and the couple have two adult children.

If elected as Minnesota Section Director, Belden will bring his vast experience in the water industry to the national AWWA Board and utilize his extensive contact base both locally and around the country to make sure Minnesota’s influence is exercised impactfully on the national level. He is an extremely good communicator and will report back to the section all pertinent information from the national level of AWWA meetings to keep the MN Section current.

If elected to this position, Patrick’s primary objective would be to continue the tradition of providing strong representation at the Association level and provide effective communication between Section and Association leadership.


Tony has spent forty years in the water and wastewater industries, spending many of those years volunteering in AWWA activities. He is currently employed at Great Northern Environmental, living his passion of selling equipment in the potable water industry. He is a lifetime AWWA member, serving as Past-Chair for the MN Manufacturers & Associates Council, former Finance Committee Chair and former Chair of the MN Section. He has received many industry association honors and awards including the AWWA Minnesota George Warren Fuller Award. His strengths are sales, marketing, and networking, and has been participating in those activities for his entire career.

If elected as Minnesota Section Director, Belden will bring his vast experience in the water industry to the national AWWA Board and utilize his extensive contact base both locally and around the country to make sure Minnesota’s influence is exercised impactfully on the national level.

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