1 minute read
Annual Conference on the Horizon
Dear WEAU Friends, The Annual Conference will be here shortly. There will be many opportunities to participate in activities at the annual conference. A few of the activities you can join in at the annual conference include:
• Attending classes.
• Volunteering to moderate for a technical session.
• Watching the operator challenge competition.
• Hiking with the YPs.
• Participating in the golf tournament.
• Going to BigShots with the YPs.
• Celebrating with those who have received a WEAU award.
• Networking with your fellow sewer diggers.

• And, of course, telling stories and laughing!
WEAU is a great organization. I am lucky that I have had the opportunity of being an active member for many years and the privilege to have served you as president this last year. Thank you for your support and faith in me to lead WEAU. At the Annual Conference Banquet, I will hand the presidency over to Sherry Sheffield. I fully support Sherry. She will do a great job leading us.
There are always ways to become involved in WEAU with one of our 30 committees, presenting, moderating, being on an ops challenge team, or even assisting at a training. If you are interested in becoming part of any committee or helping in any way, please contact me, and I will find a committee that could use your expertise.
I look forward to socializing with you at the Annual Conference! See you in April.
Sarah Ward
At Integrity Inspection Solutions we believe it is best to do everything with Integrity and the highest ethical standards. Locally owned and operated, we are dedicated to providing the best solutions to private firms and municipalities in Idaho and surrounding states.

Services offered:
• CCTV Inspection (NASSCO Certified)

• Lateral Launch Inspection
• Hydro Cleaning
• Root Cutting
Contact us:
(208) 442-4470 – Office
(208) 960-2883 – Richard Mason, President 24/7 emergency phone:
(208) 960-2729 – Cody Aberasturi, Vice President
Email: integrity@iispipeline.com
• Hydro Excavation

• CIPP Point Repair
• Infiltration Repair
• Manhole Coatings www.iispipeline.com