Kelowna Cap News 04 May 2011

Page 1





KELOWNA’S Rory MacDonald is fast becoming one of the rising stars in ultimate fighting after his win in UFC 129 last weekend inToronto.

THE 25TH anniversary in business for Cherry Hill Coffee in Kelowna is marked this year by the company’s expansion of its online store and start of a ‘Brew School’ to help educate the public about coffee brewing.

AN ELEGANT evening with a fashion flair that dates back to the Audrey Hepburn/Liz Taylor style of the ‘60s will be front and centre at the Kelowna Art Gallery’s fifth annual Go Party.

ALISTAIR WATERS says the federal election results on Monday may serve to further polarize Canadian politics like never before.




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Cannan cruises to third riding victory Orchards need warmer days, though might cause flooding


Every person trying to get elected, whether a veteran or a rookie, will tell you they cannot take any vote for granted. Incumbent KelownaLake Country Conservative MP Ron Cannan is no different. But when you have a history of winning your riding with more votes than all your competitors combined, and you have just won a third term with an increased share of the vote, a whopping 58 per cent, announcing you did it “street by street, door by door, voter by voter” may sound a little over the top. But, hyperbole aside, Cannan’s third cruise to victory in one of the safest Tory seats in the country Monday night was met with as much joy as his two previous victories by his supporters who gathers Monday night at the Delta Grand Hotel. That was, in part, because it came with a bigger prize for his party, the first Conservative majority government under leader Stephen Harper. “One of our goals was to win, and win big. And we did,” said Cannan during his victory speech. Cannan easily beat out his three rivals in the race, second-place finisher Tisha Kalmanovitch of the NDP, who trailed Cannan’s 34,566 votes with 13,322. Liberal Kris Stewart was a distant third with 7,069 votes and Green Party candidate

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CELEBRATING HIS victory as the Conservative incumbent candidate for the Kelowna-Lake Country riding in Monday’s federal election, Ron Cannan celebrates with a little help from his wife Cindy. Alice Hooper was fourth with 5,265 votes. While the Conservative and NDP vote totals and share of the vote grew compared with the 2008 election, the Liberal and Green totals and shares fell. Cannan said he attempted to take the “high

road” during the campaign, shrugging off attempts by opponents to, in his words, bait him. “Some things were said during the election campaign by our opponents who tried to bait us, but we bit our tongue and took the high road,” he said. “When you take the


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high road, you get a better vision for the future. This is a vision of hope and opportunity.” During the campaign, Liberal Kris Stewart criticized Cannan for his role in a Parliamentary report by Conservative MPs that incorrectly used a quote from auditor general Shei-

la Fraser from several years ago. The report defended the then minority Conservative government from the accusation it was in contempt of Parliament for not revealing the true cost of anti-crime pro-



to re-establish your credit!

See Victory A8

Weather in the next month or so will be a critical factor in determining whether we can expect flooding this spring, due to the deep snow that’s accumulated in the hills around this valley. Because it’s been such a cold spring, little of the snow that fell all winter has melted yet and even more has been added to it in the last month or so. Meteorologist David Jones with Environment Canada says this past month has been among the coldest five on record, due to a combination of the effects of La Nina and the Pacific Decadel Oscillation. While La Nina results in colder than normal temperatures in the Pacific Ocean and causes colder and wetter than normal weather in this part of the world, the PDO is a pattern of Pacific climate variability that also can result in cooler surface waters in the Pacific, translating into cooler inland temperatures. Jones said the result of a lower freezing level has been a snowpack that is still accumulating instead of melting as it normally would at this time of year. Temperatures were about two degrees lower than normal during April, with an average mean temperature of 6.3 C, compared to the normal of 8.5 C. Up until April 22, the high temperature for the month was only 14 C, he noted. However, he says La Nina never persists through summer. Dave Campbell, head of the River Forecast Centre for the province, says while they haven’t yet analyzed data from the snowpack measurements done around May 1, he does anticipate there could be as much as 20 per cent more than the normal amount of snow in local watersheds for the time of year. How it will melt off depends on weather conditions in the coming six weeks or so. The colder, wetter weather that is a feature of La Nina continues this spring, leading to concerns that all See Weather A5

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


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Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A3


Defeat points to rebuilding process Kathy Michaels STAFF REPORTER

“Oh…wow,” deadpanned Liberal contender Kris Stewart Monday night, her eyes transfixed on the TV above her, as national voter tallies rolled in. Liberals, she was learning with the rest of the country, weren’t going to paint the town red in victory. They were in the middle of a civilized version of a political bloodbath which, while not unforeseen locally, was unprecedented on a national stage. “It’s disappointing,” she said, learning that Conservatives took a majority with 167 seats. The NDP slotted into the official opposition with 102 seats, and Liberals fell to a paltry 34 seats. Locally, in Kelowna Lake Country’s riding, MP Ron Cannan slid into a comfortable lead with 34,566 votes compared to Stewart’s third place showing of 7,069. “This NDP surge was unexpected,” Stewart said. “I haven’t quite wrapped my head around it all.” Stewart wasn’t the only one having a hard time coming to grips with the historic turn of events. Murmurs of surprise


KRIS STEWART monitors the election results on Monday night. fast became a feature of the 30-plus Liberal supporters gathered at Hannah’s to mark the end of a vigorous campaign effort. Among their ranks was 18-year-old Michael McDonald who, decked out in Liberal red for his first election, was noticeably rattled by the night’s results. “This is mind boggling,” he said. “We now have a right wing govern-

ment like Canada’s never seen.” Stewart’s campaign manager, Dr. Islam Mohamed, offered a measured view of the shift in power. “Come fall, when the party meets, there will be a lot of looking back at this, and a lot of looking to the future,” Mohamed said. “The Liberal Party has a great history. So much of what’s done is at the

core of this country.” Problem is, he said, it wasn’t a message Canadians were taking heed of this election. “The national platform was solid, blending fiscal conservatism with a strong social policy, but clearly we didn’t reach Canadians with our message,” he said. “We’ll have to look at how we can do that in the future.” According to UBC Okanagan political science instructor Wolf Depner, the party is going to have to find those answers soon, because it may not have much gas left. “Saying the party is dead is a little bit exaggerated, but it’s on life support,” he said, pointing out that the Liberal’s 18.9 per cent national showing closely mirrors 1993 election results. Then Progressive Conservatives, under Kim Campbell, got 16.4 per cent of the vote and the party was all but eliminated from the House of Commons and its future was put on a downward trajectory. The Liberals ended up with more seats this time around, but unless they can get a grip on who they are, he said, or they may not fare much better in elections to come. The problem of inef-

fective communication, however, isn’t new and can be traced back more than a decade. “It started in the Jean Chretien and Paul Martin years, where there was a preoccupation with personality,” he said. In those years, the message of what it means to be a Liberal wasn’t pronounced, but their standing in Canada was taken for granted. Subsequent party leaders were weak, which continued to erode the party’s standing. And this time around, it was structural problems, like a lack of money and inconsistent messaging, that ultimately landed them in third. “I can look at the NDP and the Conservatives and know what they stood for, but I can’t do that with the Liberals,” Depner said, pointing out that some of the weak messaging could be due to a lack of ad dollars. At some points in the campaign, the Conservatives were outspending Liberals 15:1. “Now they have to start from scratch, burn the policy book, open a rigorous debate about what the party stands for in the future, then settle on the political personality to sell those ideals,” he said.


TISHA KALMANOVITCH talks with NDP supporters on election night.


Alternative idea gains ground Jennifer Smith STAFF REPORTER

Huddled in the back of the North End Café, with a spread resembling a potluck, the NDP camp’s election night celebration could not have been more spartan or more jovial. Among the bottles of beer and tables of food, a somewhat tired Tisha Kalmanovitch played host as cheers spontaneously broke with each punch of the NDP orange delivered on the live newsfeed; candidate after candidate winning to produce an NDP official opposition with 102 seats. “I’m happy. What we aimed for as a success was to increase our percentage of the vote locally,” said Kalmanovitch. “People might now start thinking that there is an alternative to the Conservatives.” At the end of the evening, with 13,322 votes to her name, Kalmanovitch held 22 per cent of the vote— up significantly from the 15 per cent achieved by Tish See Gains A4


Candidate disappointed by drop in riding vote percentage Jennifer Smith STAFF REPORTER

Alice Hooper expects to do a lot of door-knocking in the next four years as she tries to regain some of the Green votes in the Okanagan, having received eight per cent of the vote Monday night. Though her showing was over double the na-


tional average of just over three per cent, the previous candidate, Green Party stalwart Angela Reid, got 13 per cent in the last election. “I had to re-evaluate this morning. Initially I was disappointed with the results but when you look at the national average, I actually did twice as good as most,” she said.

If in the coming years she ever loses faith in the process, though, or grows a little green with envy at the ease with which other candidates can collect votes, the thought of Elizabeth May’s groundbreaking win will be there to ease the tension. “It was very exciting,” Hooper said. “I’m so glad Elizabeth

Alice Hooper got in; that’s the best news

ever.” The seat, in the Saanich-Gulf Island riding, marks the first for the Green Party in Canadian history. “She worked so hard ‘disappointed’ wasn’t the word if she would have lost. It would have been so discouraging,” said Hooper. That hard work is what

Hooper figures will win her more votes as well. While she doesn’t know if the people who told her they would vote Green while she was mainstreeting actually did, her sense is that this face-to-face contact is the way to win over voters. “People like Ron Cannan have had the benefit of doing that for eight

years,” she said. “I’m regrouping today, obviously, life isn’t going to be the same.” Nevertheless, as caring for the planet and sustainability are issues close to her heart, Hooper says she figures she will be back on the campaign trail. “You never know,” she concluded. “Four years is a long time.”


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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


Taking away votes from the Liberals Gains from A3 Lakes in the last election. Nevertheless, the evening likely held the hallmarks of many NDP celebrations across the country with candidates who started the race not expecting to win, or achieve results anywhere near as positive as delivered, finding themselves in serious contention. Campaign chair Sean Russo, for example, wasn’t present for much of the night, spending an evening on the road helping volunteers and leaving the polling station results to a core group trying to track numbers on their own spreadsheet. The set-up meant no one in the room had real numbers when the Conservative and Liberal camps started seeing results and Kalmanovitch’s initial neck-and-neck showing with Conservative Ron Cannan almost went unnoticed. “You’re kidding,” the candidate said when she heard, before turning to shout out the news to the rest of the room. Those milling about—a mix of local activists, labour movement heads and a solid youth contingent—erupted into a huge cheer, buoying an already the elevated spirit. Whether youth actually had an impact on this election, locally or nationally, could not be determined by Tuesday, though there was speculation the cross-country Vote Mobs were playing a role in the NDP’s success. Michael McDonald, a Kelowna high school student who voted for the first time Monday morning, said he felt disheartened by the national vote results. “The NDP forming the Opposition, I can live

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with that. But a Conservative majority is something I can’t understand,” McDonald said. Reflecting on the Conservative win, he added: “When we see where this party takes us, we are going to be saying, ‘Where are we living?’ “The political landscape of Canada has been forever altered.” Nowhere is this altered political reality more evident, though, than in Quebec where the NDP all but pushed the Bloc Québécois off the political map, taking 58 of the 75 seats in the province. In the aftermath of the campaign, pundits from coast to coast were questioning whether polling

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TISHA KALMANOVITCH was happy to see the ‘orange surge’ in NDP vote support across Canada. wasn’t at least partially responsible for the orange surge. The party’s eleventh hour rally came on the heels of polls indicat-

ing Layton’s party was well ahead in the Eastern province.

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Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A5

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that snow could melt suddenly when it does warm up finally. Jones forecasts it will remain cool for the next while—a forecast that isn’t encouraging for orchardists. Joe Sardinha, president of the B.C. Fruit Growers’ Association, says he hasn’t heard of any major problems in valley orchards caused by the cold weather yet, but some cherry growers have been using their wind machines to prevent damage from frost. Cherries have begun to bloom, and many of the soft fruits such as apricots and peaches are nearly finished. In the southern part of the valley, apples are getting close to what is called the pink stage of the bud. It’s a point at which the blossoms are susceptible to low temperatures. In addition, bee flight is delayed if the weather is cool during blossom, and some fruit trees depend on bees for pollination. Even those varieties that are self-fertile benefit from bee activity, he said. A consistent patch of warmer weather is needed at this time of year in order for this year’s crop to get off to the best start, said Sardinha.


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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


Local wineries rake in awards

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Three local wineries brought home two top awards each in this year’s Best of Varietal Wine Awards, as part of the Spring Okanagan Wine Festival which continues through this weekend. Judged by the winemakers themselves in a blind tasting, the results of these awards are often quite different from those judged by professional wine judges for the Fall Okanagan Wine Festival. Plus, the wines judged for the fall awards are not judged against each other within a varietal class to pick a top wine, but are simply judged on their own merits for gold, silver or bronze medals. Sandhill, Gray Monk and Mission Hill Family Estate all brought home wins in two categories each this spring, while two other Central Okanagan wineries also each won the top award in one category—CedarCreek and The View.


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Distraction Rose was picked as tops and CedarCreek’s 2010 Greata Ranch Rose, Arrowleaf Cellars’ 2010 First Crush Rose and Volcanic Hills’ 2010 Rose all were finalists. The wine festival continues with tastings, wine pairing lunches and dinners, such as Mission Hill’s event Friday evening with guest chefs from two top Vancouver restaurants joining winery chef Matt Batey to present a multi-course menu paired with wines. At Summerhill thatj same evening, neighbouring wineries CedarCreek, St. Hubertus and Tantalus join in to present Masquerave, which will include a glow-in-the-dark dance party in the pyramid with performances by Kinshira Fire Troupe. Wear black and white is the advice. Then there’s cellar dinner dancing at The View Saturday and a modern medieval feast at Mead-

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rain, where Sandhill’s 2008 and 2009 Cabernet Merlots both were finalists. In the viognier category, Mission Hill won with its 2009 Reserve Viognier, and its 2006 SLC Riesling Icewine was a finalist in the Icewine category. CedarCreek’s 2010 Riesling was judged tops in that category, while The View’s 2010 Riesling was a finalist. Both CedarCreek’s 2008 Platinum Syrah and Peller Estates’ 2008 Private Reserve Syrah were finalists in the Syrah category, and both CedarCreek’s and Sandhill’s 2010 Pinot Gris were finalists in the Pinot Gris category. In the gewurztraminer category, both the 2010 Gewurztraminer from The View Winery and the 2009 one from Kalala Organic Estate Winery were finalists. Central Okanagan wineries cleaned up in the Rose/Blush category, where The View’s 2010

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In the mixed red varietal class, Sandhill’s 2008 Small Lots Malbec won, and The View Winery’s 2008 Pinotage was a finalist. Sandhill’s 2009 Chardonnay also picked up the top award in that class, while sister winery Peller Estates’ 2009 Family Series Chardonnay was a finalist. Another sister winery, Calona Vineyards’ 2010 Sovereign Opal, won the Mixed White Varietals category. All are owned by Peller Estates. CedarCreek’s 2010 Ehrenfelser was a finalist in that category. Gray Monk’s 2009 Unwooded Chardonnay took top place in that category, while Calona Vineyards’ Artist Series 2010 Unoaked Chardonnay was a finalist. Gray Monk’s 2008 Odyssey White Brut won in the sparkling category as well. Mission Hill Family Estate took first place in the red meritage blend category for its 2007 Quat-







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Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A7


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Accidental 911 calls cause headaches Cheryl Wierda STAFF REPORTER

Staff at the RCMP’s local 911 call centre are speaking out in the hopes fof reducing the large number of accidental calls made to the emergency number, wasting time that could be spent responding to real emergencies. In a two-week period last month, the call centre, based in Kelowna, received 1,938 abandoned calls to 911, averaging out to 138 calls daily that opferators and police officers had to track down and verify. “We calculated that tjust over 110 hours were spent by operators in locating and verifying abandoned calls, which equates to about eight hours per day,” said Staff Sgt. Troy kGross, manager of the Kelowna 911 Operations Communications Centre (OCC). “That time is exponentially longer for po-

Cooler spring weather left impact

lice officers on the road to follow up on abandoned calls. That precious time could be spent on investigating more serious offences and responding to real emergencies,” said Gross. And the problem is not just confined to last month. In 2010, the OCC, which serves 660,000 people in the Interior, received 221,073 calls, of which 46,033 were abandoned. Over half (53 per cent) were generated from mobile devices. Operators are required to call back dropped calls to determine whether they are real emergencies, Gross noted. If the operator is unable to get hold of anyone, attempts to locate the caller are the next step and a police officer is dispatched to verify the call physically. Determining the location of a cell phone dropped/abandoned call

requires much more effort. It means contacting the cell service provider to obtain subscriber information, obtaining their GPS coordinates and then dispatching police to the location. Operators and officers alike are asking the public to please stay on the line if you accidentally call 911 and simply tell the operator there is no emergency. The operator will appreciate you saving them the time. Additionally, pick up the phone when you receive a call back after accidentally dialing the emergency line. This will avoid having a police officer knock on your door. Other very useful tips to eliminate accidental dialing of 911 include: • Removing your mobile phones and wireless devices from your pockets while you are driving or in a car to avoid accidental “pocket dialing.” • Removing 911 from

your programmed speed dials whether on your mobile phone or land line. • If you realize you have dialed 911 by accident, please call back to let an operator know there is no emergency. For more information on when to call for emergency assistance, visit

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Wine from A6 ow Vista Honey Wines tonight. Saturday, there’s also All You Need is Cheese, at the Okanagan Heritage Museum with wines paired with cheeses, and Sunday there’s the second Valley First Vintages in the Park at Father Pandosy Mission from 1 to 4 p.m., featuring food, wine and entertainment in the open air. One of the festival’s organizers, Blair Baldwin, says 400 turned out each night of the WestJet Wine Tastings last weekend and wineries were busy over the weekend. However, he does feel the cold spring has affected attendance generally at this year’s expanded spring festival.


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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


Majority win called ‘great day’ for Canada Victory from A1 grams, and new fighter jets to Parliament. It was that finding that prompted the non-confidence vote that led to the election. When the mistake was pointed out, the Conservative MPs who wrote the report apologized. Cannan’s name was on the report and the apology

because he was a member of the committee, though appointed after the report was written. When he explained that, Stewart said Cannan should have been aware of what the committee did before he was appointed to it. At his victory party Monday, Cannan wore a Vancouver Canucks jersey with his name on


the back and suddenly stopped halfway through his speech to lead the 200 people on hand in an impromptu rendition of the national anthem. When he returned to his prepared remarks, he vowed the new Conservative government would concentrate on improving the economy, and praised Conservative leader Stephen Harper and former Okanagan-Coquihalla MP Stockwell Day, whom he called a mentor. Following his speech, Cannan told reporters he

hopes to see civility return to the House of Commons and called the new Conservative majority a “great day for Canadian democracy.” Cannan said the majority of seats in the Commons will allow his party to move ahead on its “tough” anti-crime agenda and to finally kill the long-gun registry. He noted $145 million of federal funding has been funneled into the riding since he was first elected 5 1/2 years ago but could not say if any more

money will be coming because the stimulus funding to jump start the Canadian economy has ended. Campaign worker Barb MacCarl welcomed the NDP as the official Opposition, calling the re-election of Cannan, the majority Conservative government and the dramatic drop in the Liberal vote across the country “the perfect outcome.” “I think (Prime Minister) Stephen Harper will be able to do what he wants to do now,” said MacCarl.


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City settles on 2.47% tax hike Kathy Michaels STAFF REPORTER

City councillors expressed frustration at financial responsibilities that forced them to peg the tax increase at 2.47 per cent, up from the 2.05 they’d initially struggled to maintain. “This year we tried to keep the tax increase to two per cent,” said Coun. Luke Stack. “Quite a bit of belttightening had to be done to do that.” Now, he said, looking at a list of fixed expenses and projections for years to come, it looks like before council even starts (next year’s) process that there would be a 3.1 per cent increase as the starting point. “This has been a bit of a shock,” added Mayor Sharon Shepherd. “This is the first time I remember a final budget that went so different to what we worked to maintain.” Initially, continued Shepherd, she was of the understanding that the $200,000-plus dollars needed to replace copper wiring that had been stolen from lampposts was the budget-boosting culprit. But it turned out that was covered off elsewhere so the hike was merely a matter of dwindling incomes from a weak new construction market and new pressures on their coffers. And raising taxes, contended city staff, is the only way forward. “In these tight economic times, staff are focused on core services and utilizing current resources as effectively as possible,” a report from city manager Ron Mattiussi indicated. When all is said and done, the 2.47 per cent hike will result in an additional cost of $39 for the owner of an average $484,000 single-family Kelowna home. Offsetting that rate, however, is a decrease in the school tax rate and an increase in the annual homeowner grant.

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Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A9

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News



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The Capital News is a division of Black Press, at 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C. V1X 7K2



KAREN HILL Publisher/Advertising Manager BARRY GERDING Managing Editor ALAN MONK Real Estate Weekly Manager TESSA RINGNESS Production Manager GLENN BEAUDRY Flyer Delivery Manager AMBER GERDING Classified Manager RACHEL DEKKER Office Manager MAIN SWITCHBOARD 250-763-3212


Fund B.C.’s ailing justice system


ealth care. Education. The HST. There’s no shortage of hot-button issues clamouring for government attention as a possible provincial election looms. But there’s an elephant in the room, one that has been ailing for nearly a decade. B.C.’s legal system is in big trouble. Provincial funding cuts dating back to 2003 have reduced the number of sitting judges, fuelling a trial backlog that increasingly lets criminals go free

because of unconstitutional delays. The result? More than 2,100 cases are now at risk of being tossed out of court due to waits that threaten to violate the accused’s right to be tried within a reasonable time. Savvy defence lawyers are exploiting the dysfunction in the system to their advantage. Accused criminals—some charged with serious crimes such as impaired driving causing bodily harm—are getting

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away scot-free. But perhaps the hardest hit are the victims —regular people impacted by crime and relying on a deteriorating legal system. The verdict on the possibility of a quick fix is grim. February’s provincial budget approved another $14.5 million in cuts to the judicial system for 2011-12, followed by a funding freeze for the next two years, until 2014. This despite the fact a tax on legal services—originally creat-

ed to support legal aid—funnels $145 million each year into the province’s general revenues. Aside from health care, one would be hard-pressed to identify an issue that cuts across all walks of life and has, directly or indirectly, affected nearly everyone. If Premier Christy Clark is serious about her “Putting Families First” platform, fixing B.C.’s debilitated justice system must be among her top priorities.

Sound off


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Were you surprised to see the demise of Liberal support across Canada in Monday’s federal election? See story A3.

To register your opinion on the Sound Off question, go to or call 250-979-7303. Results will be tabulated until 2 p.m. Thursday.


Member of the British Columbia Press Council

National scene riveting; local scene a foregone conclusion


here were no lost their seats. CITY whom end of story Then there was the CONFIDENTIAL election of Elizabeth lines coming out of Monday’s federal May, Canada’s first election. Green Party MP. The historic vote But more than any had everything from the of that, what Monlong-sought after maAlistair day’s vote has done jority for Stephen HarpWaters is polarize Canadian er’s Conservatives to federal politics like the surprisingly strong, never before. first-ever second-place showing by Harper was partially right when the NDP. There was the meltdown he said this election gave Canadians a of the once-mighty Liberal Party, the clear choice between visions of Canpolitical annihilation of the Bloc Que- ada. The part he got wrong was the becois, the resulting resignation of choice was not between his rightLiberal leader Michael Ignatieff and wing Tories and centre-right Liberals, Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe, both of it was between his party and left-lean-

ing NDP. Despite the newly minted Tory majority, anyone expecting a more civil, less raucous House of Commons should think again. Political rhetoric in this country is about to explode as the Conservatives use their new found power to push through all the legislation they wanted to pass but claimed to be blocked by the bigger numbers on the opposing side. Running a government he admits is more conservative than a majority of Canadians, Harper will point to his 167 seats as his licence to lead as he sees fit. The NDP will counter by saying the Conservatives were elected with just 39 per cent of the total vote.

But, bombast aside, there is little any Opposition can do when facing a majority government. The Conservatives have already said that within the first 100 days of its new mandate, the tough-on-crime legislation it has long promised will become a reality. The long-gun registry—something the Tories hate but police chiefs across Canada support—will be history and the budget the Harper minority government could not get passed before it fell will get the go ahead. Locally, the Kelowna-Lake Country and Okanagan-Coquihalla ridings once again proved to be safe seats for anyone wearing Tory blue. Incumbent

Ron Cannan (Kelowna-Lake Country) and newcomer Dan Albas (Okanagan-Coquihalla) easily cruised to victory, taking 57 and 53 per cent of the vote respectively. The lack of attention paid to the two local ridings by all the federal leaders during the campaign showed just how safe those seats are believed to be. In Kelowna-Lake Country, the Conservative and NDP vote share went up, while the Liberal and Green share fell. As is always the case here, when it comes to federal elections, it’s the big picture that is worth watching. The small picture is a foregone conclusion.

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A11


SUNDOWNE R Meats & Delicatessen


A mother’s reminder 22 years after son’s death To the editor: Joe Gaal, a 29-yearold former Kelowna Daily photographer and photo journalist covering the Soviet/Afghan conflict for AP, was found dead in Thailand while on a break from the war in April, 1989. His return from Hong Kong to his home base in Peshawar, Pakistan, included a brief stopover in Thailand. It was there that he met an early demise April 30, 1989 while a guest at Ocean View Hotel in Pattaya, a hotel run by powerful drug lords later labelled as being responsible for numerous tourist deaths. Reuter News reported over 150 mysterious tourist deaths in Pattaya within a period of 18 months, from 1988 to 1989. The Pattaya police implied accidental drowning: “with no injuries or wounds of any kind,” a ruling very quickly adopted Canadian authorities.

Joey hated swimming pools, and friends here in Kelowna spoke often of his refusal to even enter a pool. Knowing this, drowning appeared very suspect. Realizing that fact takes precedent over fiction, private investigations were begun, and soon uncovered 12 injury photos taken poolside. Our greatest fears were realized. Joey had been brutally beaten with severe head injuries, facial lacerations and bruising, with dried blood that should have washed off in a pool. A suspected gunshot wound in the left chest, and arms and legs in a state of rigor not typical of drowning. Joey’s tongue was cut out and the pericardium surrounding the heart was missing. Cover up became the name of the game. Informants came forward, one Thai and one Canadian, both living in Pattaya in 1989, and both

providing similar but independent details of the murder. A few years later, an American teacher told of an unusual friend from Kelowna. Sue spoke of being poolside at Ocean View Hotel in Pattaya when a body appeared on the pool deck across from her. She and her friends had swum in the pool for two hours, along with other hotel guests, and no one saw the body before then. Most wore goggles. Sue was told it was a Canadian. Describing the scene as ominous, they hurriedly left Ocean View Hotel a few hours later due to the frightening experience. The injury photos were examined by an expert from Eastman Kodak confirming the injuries and non-typical drowning position of the limbs. The autopsy reports were reviewed by a well respected U.S. pathologist who wrote that the Thailand

findings of “severe hydopulmonitis (drowning) is inconsistent with the weight of the lungs,” also, “no fusion of the aterolateral suture sounds like a skull fracture, the brain is heavy suggesting cerebral edema with head truama as the cause of death.” Important evidence, too much to include in this letter, has been ignored, proving this death as anything but an accidental drowning. Trying to determine why Canadian authorities had a need to close this case at least three times was not difficult to understand as multi-million dollar Canadian government contracts with Thailand were being negotiated or in place. These inclued a 1989 SNC Lavalin bid to build a rapid transit system, a 1994 Canadian military arms and Bell Helicopter sales to Thailand, etc. All incorporated with Canada’s Foreign Affairs Department of Consolar

Operations and Trade. Mulroney and Chretien obviously considered the life of Canadians expendable and multimillion-dollar Thailand contracts took precedence. Foreign Affairs boasts protection of Canadians abroad but rarely rises to the challenge willingly. The death of Joe Gaal is indeed considered to be a cold case, but cold cases do get solved. “There is no statute of limitations on murder.” To those who have taken time to provide valuable evidence, I thankyou. To those who are still withholding important evidence, (trivial or otherwise) and to authorities in both Thailand and Canada, I leave you with this thought: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”—Edmund Burke. Arlene Gaal, (Joey’s mom) Kelowna

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Only in Kelowna do we see such sights To the editor: Where else in Canada can you ride a bike without a helmet, on the sidewalks, on the highway; ignore all the Don’t Walk signs at the traffic lights; bike down wrong side of road; don’t have to look when entering a crosswalk or crossing a side street; jaywalk across a major highway; cross the street anywhere you want on the downtown main street? Only in Kelowna, I bet! Where else in Canada do you tout yourself as a tourist destination but have made absolutely no provisions for camp sites, RV parking, and have only three boat launches available which have no parking places for your boat trailer and vehicle? Only in Kelowna, I bet! Where else in Canada is a tourist bureau located on a one way street, heading out of town? Only in Kelowna, I bet! Where else in Canada is there a beautiful

six-lane highway through the center of town where the citizens are forced to endure bumper to bumper traffic behind every logging truck, gravel truck, semi trailer truck, cement truck and every other big rig because of two ridiculous empty HOV lane? Only in Kelowna, I bet! Where else in Canada does city council get to have five possible friends dictate whether they deserve a raise or not, instead of letting the citizens determine whether they deserve one ? Only in Kelowna, I bet! Where else in Canada does this same city council keep passing bylaw after bylaw and have nobody to enforce them? Or have a council waste valuable time yapping about rabbits, chickens, dogs, planting a vegetable garden for council members and anti idling crap? Only in Kelowna, I bet! Where else in Canada can a city transit engineer convince the city council to divert hun-


dreds of big rig trucks from an industrial street to a residential street disrupting thousands of residents 24/7, 365 days a year? Only in Kelowna, I bet! Where else in Canada does this same city council keep ignoring the wants and needs of the majority of its citizens? Ie: The CD 21 zone fiasco; now the proposed Cedar Creek park uproar and finally the new seniors center with 1000 sq. ft. less space on two levels so the folks with walkers and scooters have no accessability, and no dedicated parking? But this same council figures $72,000 for landscaping at the new place is OK. Only in Kelowna, I bet! And finally. where else in Canada are the utility boxes and garbage cans at bus stops, decorated so wonderfully with beautiful apples? Only in Kelowna, I bet! Jim Haire, Kelowna

Driving Hwy 97 is dangerous Express yourself To the editor: I noticed on my last trip to Penticton, that a lot of highway work is being carried out on Highway 97, and that’s sure great that the work is being done prior to summer. Now, if there is only something that can be done about the drivers. Never have I seen performances of lousy situations all in one day. If one tries to drive the speed limit, you are tail-gated (with

high beams on); amber lights are a signal to put the metal to the floor; and a work zone sign does not exist. I would hate to be a worker on the highway. It appears that the RCMP is lacking in their duty to those who are employed to maintain our highways. Maybe I am “old fashioned” in my thoughts on this subject, but I do know this: Driving courtesy in B.C. is becoming non-existent, and should

be repaired more than our roads. Highway patrols do this and not with a “ghost car” but a properly marked vehicle designed to do the job. We recently had a day of mourning for those who died on the job, this includes our highway workers and those who drive for a living. Ron Barnard, West Kelowna

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We welcome letters that comment in a timely manner about stories and editorials published in the Capital News. Letters under 200 words will be given priority in considering them for publication. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, brevity, legality and taste.

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Letters sent directly to reporters may be treated as letters to the editor. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer. Names will be withheld at the editor’s discretion, only under exceptional circumstances. E-mail letters to, fax to 763-8469 or mail to The Editor, Capital News, 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C., V1X 7K2.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


Capital News editorial staffers win newspaper awards Two members of the Capital News editorial staff were award recipients last week for both a national and a provincial newspaper contest. The prize winners for both contests were announced last weekend at two gala banquets held at Richmond’s River Rock Inn. The Canadian Community Newspaper Association awards presented

Sean Connor

Judie Steeves

April 29 saw photog-

rapher Sean Connor win

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first place in the best feature photo category for newspapers across Canada with a circulation of 12,500 and over. Reporter Judie Steeves was third in the Best Agricultural Story category for her article about the demise of West Kelowna water irrigation districts. In the B.C./Yukon Community Newspapers Assocation awards presented April 30 Connor also won a silver award for second place in the Best Photo Essay category for his feature about how the Kelowna RCMP deal with criminal gangs. Steeves won a gold for first place in the Best Business Writing category for her feature about the growing wine industry in the Okanagan. The Capital News also was a silver medallist in the overall newspaper judging category for our circulation group, finishing second to the Nanaimo News Bulletin. The Capital News had won this award for the previous two consecutive years and three of the last five years.

#(& ! # # ' '( )'% % & * ))) !$)# %# )' $"

CAPITAL NEWS photographer Sean Connor received first place awards from two community newspaper association editorial contests last week. The best photo essay award from the BCYCNA was about gang crime in Kelowna (top illustration) and the best feature photo winner in the CCNA contest was the photo below of a police officer and his dog trying to deal with an aggressive smaller canine.

SOLE is a new downtown Kelowna condo project that offers an attractive price point for buyers and other unique features including a car share program. A21

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he police wanted to send a message to gang members operating in Vernon and Kelowna last weekend—operating outside of the Lower Mainland doesn’t provide anonymity. Members of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit, a combination of RCMP and municipal police department resources, were in the Okanagan to turn up the heat on suspected gang criminal activities and identify known gang members. To help reinforce that point, the local media were invited along to see how the CFSEU is able to go about doing just that. Capital News photographer Sean Connor was part of the media group, tagging along with the CFSEU patrol last Friday and Saturday evenings. See story, photos on A3


a vehicle pulled over on Queensway Avenue in downtown Kelowna belonging to an individual familiar to police who had recently moved here from Langley. The car was pulled over on suspicion of seeing the barrel of a gun. Upon closer inspection, the gun barrel actually was part of a paint ball gun. SEAN CONNOR/CAPITAL NEWS

Now you can use the Internet to add your own non-profit event to the Capital News Stuff to Do. Simply go to, look for the calendar and click on Add Event.

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Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A13

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


Chemical scare evacuates postal outlet Fire officials believe pepper spray or animal spray was the reason some 40 postal workers began feeling ill Tuesday morn-

ing, prompting Hazmat to search the postal sorting facility. Shortly after 8 a.m., Kelowna firefighters were

dispatched to the Canada Post facility at 720 Baillie Ave., located in the north end, after more than three dozen employees said

they began experiencing sore throat symptoms. Given the number of people with symptoms and the type of facility, the

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call “is something we take very seriously,” said assistant fire chief Jason Brolund. Police and ambulance were called, and Hazmat crews searched the building after it was evacuated. “Nothing suspicious was found,” said Brolund. The symptoms employees were suffering, said Brolund, was “consistent with” pepper or animal spray. Postal employees are issued such a spray, he added. The 40 people suffering from sore throats had their symptoms go away once they were out in the fresh air and postal employees returned to work later that morning.

CANADA POST “Optometrist on-site for full Eye Exams”

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workers at the Baillie Avenue facility were evacuated by the fire department Tuesday after several employees fell ill inside the building.

Photos by Sean Connor

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


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Auto theft stats reflect decline in theft numbers Cheryl Wierda STAFF REPORTER

With the arrest of two people in a bait car over the weekend, RCMP say their efforts to combat auto crime are continuing to have an impact on local theft numbers. “At one time, auto theft was a very serious issue in our community,” said Const. Steve Holmes. Through partnerships with IMPACT (Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team), the use of bait cars and a local police team targeting prolific offenders, Holmes said, “We’ve been able to reduce these numbers drastically.” In 2006, the first year of the bait car program in Kelowna, there were 927 vehicle thefts. That number dropped to 605 thefts locally last year, RCMP statistics show.


NeighbourWoods sets roots for return of the fall program The City of Kelowna NeighbourWoods program was awarded a TD Green Streets grant in April that will enable the program to run again this fall. The TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, which provides grants




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(with Earthworm castings) 15 L

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for tree planting, maintenance and educational activities, named Kelowna as one of 23 winning municipalities. The city will match the $15,000 grant, directing the full $30,000 toward the NeighbourWoods program.


Summit 3 Meat

Altwin -Premium Potting Soils



Higher Standard Compost 40 L


“The bait car program continues to be a very useful and successful tool in the reduction of auto thefts in our community,” said Holmes. The latest arrest as a result of a bait car happened on Sunday evening. Around 6:40 p.m., RCMP received confirmation that a bait car had been stolen from the downtown core. Some 15 minutes later, RCMP officers stopped the vehicle and arrested two Kelowna residents—a 35-year-old man and a 28-year-old woman. Court records indicate a charge of theft of a motor vehicle has been laid against 35-year-old Christian Joseph Denis Cote. He was released from custody on Monday and was expected to appear in court Tuesday afternoon. Results of that court appearance were not known at press deadline.


5% of weekend plant sales will be donated to Rutland Senior Secondary School.


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“The program is an important initiative for the city as it makes ‘greening’ neighbourhoods affordable for residents,” said Lorna Rowland, landscape design technician. “The fall is ideal for planting trees as the winter months give the root systems time to develop.” The NeighbourWoods program is a residential planting initiative developed to encourage citizens and communities to grow and preserve our urban forest. According to an Urban Forest Effects Analysis completed in 2007, Kelowna’s tree canopy was at about 13 per cent, while the recommended tree cover for our area is 25 per cent. NeighbourWoods was not able to secure funding for the spring 2011 program, but with the TD Green Streets award and the city’s continued support, the program will be back this fall. In 2010, residents bought 1,000 discounted trees ($30/tree, including taxes) to plant on their properties. For more information about the NeighbourWoods program, visit under NeighbourWoods.

News from your community Capital News

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A17


OPEN YEAR ROUND 7 Days a Week for Lunch

Speeder lucky his life didn’t stop with his car Police say a driver who slammed a car into the back of a flat deck trailer and then fled after responding to offers of first aid with expletives has been found. The 29-year-old was found by police at his home on Friday, a day after his Honda Prelude became wedged under the trailer, which had been carrying a mobile home. Around 4:40 p.m. on Thursday, the driver of the tractor trailer carrying the mobile home had pulled over on Highway 97 near Oceola Drive in Lake Country when suddenly a vehicle, which witnesses say was traveling at a high rate of speed, slammed

into the trailer. The roof of the car was compressed almost down to the body frame and police say it is likely the driver would have suffered fatal injuries, had it not been a right hand drive. The driver managed to extricate himself and was picked up by another vehicle before police arrived. When RCMP tracked the driver down the following day, they learned he had gone to Kelowna General Hospital after the crash to be treated for minor injuries. Officers served the man with two tickets— one for failing to remain at the scene of an accident and another for driv-

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POLICE SAY the driver of this car is lucky to be alive after the vehicle slammed into

Master Chef

the rear of a tractor trailer pulled over on the side of Highway 97 in Lake Country. ing without due care and attention. Police are now asking anyone who may have witnessed the driving behaviour of a blue 1992 Honda Prelude on Hwy. 97 North near Oce-

ola Road around the time of the crash to call Lake

Country RCMP at 250766-2288.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


Spring hours Everyday 10-5 840 Old Vernon Rd.


Offer expires 5/9/11

Cops crack down on speeders

Our beautiful waterwise plants will save you time & money!

A driver was handed an indefinite driving prohibition last week as part of a number of road safety crackdowns in the Central Okanagan last week. “You can only imagine how many issues this driver has had,� said Const. Steve Holmes of a driver who was served with an indefinite prohibition from driving. During the project,

Mother’s Day Sale

Hanging Baskets 20% off! Perennials-Buy 1 Get 2nd 50% off In addition to our line-up of great shrubs, trees, perennials & succulents,

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Find stuff, buy stuff:

held last Wednesday at various Central Okanagan locations, another two drivers were handed three month driving prohibitions, while two drivers were charged with driving while prohibited and had their vehicles impounded by police. As well, eight warnings were written for vehicle defects, six tickets were given for failing to

produce or not having a driver’s licence and two tickets were served for no insurance, said Holmes. Another five tickets were handed out for Commercial Vehicle Act contraventions, four people were ticketed for speeding and six drivers were given tickets for other Motor Vehicle Act violations. Officers also conduct-

17th Annual

The Spring Okanagan Wine Festival LAKE COUNTRY TO PEACHLAND RECEPTIONS MAY 5, 2011

White on White Waterfront Cocktail Party at the Eldorado 500 Cook Rd, Kelowna 7-10pm • $55+hst 250-763-7500


Lakeside Dining at the Hotel Eldorado Lunch & Dinner Wine Fest Menu 500 Cook Rd, Kelowna Lunch: $19 • Dinner: $35+tax & gratuity 250-763-7500 ext 103

APRIL 28-MAY 8, 2011

Old Vines Restaurant Spring Festival Feature Lunch Quails’ Gate Estate Winery 3303 Boucherie Rd, Kelowna 11:30 am - 2:00 pm • $45 250-769-2500 •

APRIL 29 - MAY 8, 2011

Spring Wine Festival Lunch at Gray Monk 1055 Camp Rd, WinďŹ eld 11:30 am - 3:30 pm • $35+tax & gratuities 250-766-3168

MAY 8, 2011

Summerhill Wild and Organic Brunch Summerhill Pyramid Winery 4870 Chute Lake Rd, Kelowna 11 am - 3 pm • $36.95 250-764-8000 ext 3

MAY 7, 2011

Minstrel Lunch at St. Hubertus Estate Winery 5205 Lakeshore Rd, Kelowna 11:55 am - 2:00 pm • $33.50+HST 250-764-7888 1-800-989-WINE

APRIL 29 - MAY 7, 2011

MAY 6, 2011

Winfest in the Mission Minstrel Cafe & Bar 4638 Lakeshore Rd, Kelowna 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm • $59.97 250-764-2301

Summerhill Cedar Creek St. Hubertus & Tantalis Presents: Masquerave Summerhill Pyramid Winery 4870 Chute Lake Rd, Kelowna 7:00 pm - 12:00 am • $79 + tax & gratuities 250-764-8000 ext 131

APRIL 29 - MAY 8, 2011

MAY 7, 2011

Chef Bernard’s Dinner on the Lakefront Manteo Resort 3762 Lakeshore Rd, Kelowna 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm • $39+taxes & gratuities 250-860-4488

Cellar Dinning Dancing and Winemaker’s Olympics at The View Winery The View Winery 1-2287 Ward Rd, Kelowna 5:00 pm • $65 250-215-1331

APRIL 29 - MAY 8, 2011

Sip into the Sunset Summerhill Pyramid Winery 4870 Chute Lake Rd, Kelowna 5:00 pm 250-764-8000 ext 3

MAY 7, 2011

Predator Ridge & Road 13 Wine Maker Dinner Predator Ridge 301 Village Centre PI, Vernon 6:30 pm • $65 + tax & service charge 250-503-3405

APRIL 29 - MAY 8, 2011

Spring Wine Festival Dinner at Gray Monk Gray Monk Estate Winery 1055 Camp Rd, WinďŹ eld 5:00 pm • $49+taxes & gratuities 250-766-3168 ext 2

APRIL 29 - MAY 8, 2011

Cabana Grille Rocks with Seven Stones Cabana Grill 3799 Lakeshore Rd, Kelowna 6:30 pm • $75 250-763-1955

MAY 6, 2011

APRIL 29 - MAY 8, 2011

Top Toques: Mission Hill welcomes Blue Water Cafe and CinCin Ristorante Mission Hill Family Estate 1730 Mission Hill Rd, West Kelowna • 6:30 pm $165+taxes

Touring Tasting & Tapas Little Straw Wineyard Estate Winery 2815 Ourtoland Rd, Kelowna 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm • $20 + tax Wine by the glass $5 - $7.50 + tax 250-769-0404

MAY 5, 2011

MAY 6, 2011

All You Need is Cheese ... and Some Wine! Okanagan Heritage Museum 470 Queensway Ave, Kelowna 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm • $52 all inclusive

MAY 7, 2011

Valley First Vintages in the Park Father Pandosy Mission 3685 Benvoulin Rd, Kelowna 1 pm - 4 pm • $45 all inclusive

MAY 7, 2011

Greenfest Farm Folk City Folk Interactive *GREEN* Beaumont Family Estate Winery 2775 Boucherie Rd, West Kelowna 11 am - 5 pm • FREE 250-769-1222

MAY 7 & 8, 2011

Summerhill Comparison Taste Tests Summerhill Pyramid Winery 4870 Chute Lake Rd, Kelowna 11:00 am • $10 ($5 is refundable with wine purchase) 250-764-8000 ext 5

MAY 5, 2011

ed patrols in school zones and a number of drivers received tickets for speeding in a school zone as well. “These initiatives are to highlight the fact that road safety is not just about speeding and impaired driving, but a host of other issues that also may contribute directly to collisions and injury,� Holmes noted.

Celebrating Mom House of Rose Winery 2270 Garner Rd, Kelowna 1 pm - 4 pm • FREE 250-765-0802

APRIL 28 - MAY 8, 2011

Tutored Wine Tastings Delta Grand Okanagan Resort 1310 Water St, Kelowna $15 per seminar

MAY 2-6, 2011

Learn the Art of Viticulture Rollingdale Winery 2306 Hayman Rd, West Kelowna 9 am • FREE • 250-769-9224 or

White Wine ... An Affair to Remember Quails’ Gate Estate Winery 3303 Boucherie Rd, Kelowna 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm • $55 250-769-2514

MAY 7, 2011

Food & Wine Pairing Seminar - Compare & Contrast Manteo Resort 3792 Lakeshore Rd, Kelowna 2 pm - 4 pm • $37 + tax 250-860-4488

Join us this Mother’s Day weekend for free appetizers, chocolate and free tastings!

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Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A19

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News




MacDonald leashes emotions to win It was only his third fight for the Ultimate Fighting Championship but Kelowna’s Rory MacDonald may have solidified his status as one of the organization’s rising stars at UFC 129 in Toronto on the weekend. MacDonald was dominant in winning a unanimous decision in Toronto on the weekend, improving his overall Mixed Martial Arts record to 11-and1 and moving to 2-and1 on a five fight contract with the UFC. The 21-year-old controlled a fight with Nate Diaz from the opening bell, culminating with three suplex throws in the final round that cemented his victory. The win came after his first UFC loss 10 months ago in a fight MacDonald led until late in the final round when he lost by TKO. This time though was different. “I learned how to use my technique,” MacDonald told after the fight. “My last fight I carried a lot of emotion and got psyched out but I didn’t let that happen tonight.” MacDonald is one of the youngest fighters in the UFC and said he has gotten stronger in the past year. “I’ve done a lot of work within the past 10 months in strength and


RORY MACDONALD was a convincing winner Saturday against Nate Diaz at UFC 129 in Toronto. conditioning,” he said. “My power and explosiveness has gone through the roof.” That was evidenced by the throws in the final round that put an exclamation mark on a convincing win. After winning the first two rounds with

a combination of punches and take-downs, MacDonald picked up and threw Diaz to the ground three times in the span of a minute, prompting UFC announcers to question whether they had ever seen that before. MacDonald cred-

ited the training he received working with the same trainer as Georges St. Pierre for the power moves. “I feel like I’m strong and explosive in positions like that and it shows.” MacDonald’s next UFC fight is unknown.

Rockets set for bantam draft The homework is all but finished for Lorne Frey. The Kelowna Rockets player personnel director is ready to put a year of studying and scrutinizing young talent into effect on Thursday at the WHL’s bantam draft in Calgary. The draft of 1996born players will be web cast for the first time ever on Frey and his scouting staff, along with general manager Bruce Hamilton met this week to put together a list of the prospects they will take to the draft, looking for the players they feel will be the best fit for the team in the coming years. “I think it’s a strong draft year,” said Frey. “It’s a solid draft. There are certainly a lot of good players that are relatively the same. I think this may be the most difficult year in making decisions because a lot of the higher end players are all relatively the same. There isn’t a lot of separation among all of the players so it will be difficult.” The Rockets will select 15th overall in the draft and are expecting to take as many as 10 play-

ers as the draft progresses. Unlike some years Frey says picking lower down isn’t a bad position due to the quality of the players and how close they are in talent. “We think we’re going to get some good solid players and certainly everyone will,” said Frey. “It’s a question of how they turn out down the road, that’s the big thing. We hope that we make some good selections.” As far as strategy heading into the draft, Frey said the Rockets will look to select the best player available when their turn comes around early in the draft before looking to fill in gaps in specific positioning later.

“I think in the first couple rounds we’re going to take what we feel is the best guy and go from there,” said Frey. “Then towards the middle or late rounds if we feel we need a defenceman then we will take a look at that.” If the Rockets can duplicate what they did at the 2010 bantam draft the club will be happy. Kelowna selected two top defensive prospects early last year and both Jesse Lees and Madison Bowey made impressive debuts with the team this year. Players eligible for the 2011 WHL Bantam Draft will be 1996-born players who reside in Western Canada and the Western U.S.

Sherbino wins Vancouver Marathon, 2nd entry ever Keddi-Anne Sherbino

Keddi-Anne Sherbino has proven to be a natural in a pair of running shoes. The 21-year-old from Kelowna was the first woman to cross the finish line Sunday in the 2011

edition of the Vancouver Marathon. Sherbino, who won the race in two hours 43 minutes 40 seconds, was competing in only her second marathon ever.

To make the performance even more startling is the fact she didn’t begin running seriously until 2009. Sherbino was greeted at the finish line in Van-

couver by Boston Marathon winner Kathrine Switzer. Sherbino won a marathon on her first try, the Okanagan Marathon last fall in Kelowna, in a time

of 2:53:38. Earlier this season, Sherbino also won the Campus to Campus Half Marathon in Kelowna. Among other local finishers were:

Eric Malmsten (3:22:31); Daryl Brooker (3:23:00), Shane Hickey (3:44:38); and Chris Greenway (3:59:53). For complete results, visit

Storm windows, table tops, patio doors, plate glass, windshields, mirrors. We are your “ONE STOP” Glass shop..

We can repair and replace anything in glass

Same Day Service on Auto Glass

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A21


Tough weekend for OC Coyotes


OKANAGAN A’S catcher Chris Gooding waits on a throw to the plate as a Clover-

dale base runner slides into home safely in B.C. Bantam AAA Baseball League action Saturday at Edith Gay Park.



Junior A’s route Parksville

While the Okanagan A’s took the weekend off from B.C. Premier Baseball League, the junior A’s were busy beating up on the hometown Parksville Royals in BCJPBL action. The junior A’s won all tfour games over the Royals by a combined score of 57-12. In the opener on Saturday, Brandon Johnson had three hits and two RBIs in a 9-5 Okanagan win. Eric McGinn earned the victory in relief. In Game 2, the A’s tscored nine times in the fourth inning en route to a 14-2 win. Kody Smith had three runs and three RBIs, while McGinn scored three times and had three RBIs. Mike Tongue went five innings on a three-hitter for the win. On Sunday, McGinn went 5-for-5 with five RBIs and Johnson had five RBIs as Okanagan rolled the Royals 21-0. Thomas Katelnikoff tossed a three hitter. In the finale, James Walker had two hits and

three runs in a 13-5 win. Will Russell pushed his record to 2-0. The junior A’s (6-6) will visit the Nanaimo Pirates this weekend. The Premier A’s (3-6) return to action this weekend when they visit the Victoria Mariners for four games.


The Okanagan A’s will be home for four games in B.C. Bantam AAA Baseball action this weekend. On Saturday at Lombardy Park, the A’s will host North Delta for two games. On Sunday, Okanagan will play a doubleheader at Edith Gay against Tri City. The A’s are 2-7 in league play after losing twice last weekend at home to Cloverdale.



Season previews Athlete profiles Game summaries Scores

Family vacations Historical trails Quiet hideaways Exotic locales

Their busiest stretch of the season—eight games in 12 days—came to a disappointing conclusion for the Okanagan College Coyotes over the weekend in Kamloops. The Coyotes dropped all four games in Canadian Collegiate Baseball Conference action to slip to 8-15 on the season. In the opener on Saturday, the TRU Wolfpack beat the Coyotes 5-2.

Stefan McKee had three hits in the loss. In Game 2, Vancouver Island Baseball Institute won 6-1 as OC left 10

men stranded on base. Reed Quall and Nolan Dizak had two hits each. On Sunday, VIBI beat OC 5-4. Pete Tollenaar pitched a strong 5 2/3 innings and came out of the game leading 4-3. Brandon Klym came on in relief and suffered the loss. McKee and Brady Guimond had two RBIs each.

In the finale, Cory Wood went six innings and took the loss in a 7-5 win for TRU. A controversial call by an umpire with the bases loaded led to three runs for the Wolfpack who battled back from a 5-1 deficit. McKee had two RBIs. The Coyotes return to action Saturday at Elks Stadium when they host VIBI.

Your best source of community news—the Capital News


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News

SCORECARD KELOWNA MEN’S SOCCER LEAGUE Premier Division Brandt’s Creek Illegal Aliens KonKast Stallions KUFC 18 City Rangers Boston Pizza Kelowna Celtic Woody’s Pub Ecora FC Euro FC Brown Benefit Voyager/Armada Invisibulls Boca Juniors Iris Optometry Lifeworks Chiro Lions FC S.O.B. FC Blasters FC LCSC Athletics Green Machine

P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 3

W 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

D 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 3

F 17 11 6 9 8 23 16 4 10 9 7 5 6 8 8 2 0 1 3 2 2

A 2 5 1 5 4 5 6 0 11 12 5 3 4 7 12 5 5 8 11 14 32

W GD 15 6 5 4 4 18 10 4 -1 -3 2 2 2 1 -4 -3 -5 -7 -8 -12 -30

Pts 9 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0



W 2 1 1 1 0 0

Pink Panthers RPM Automotive Diablos Stiyotes Mark V Autobody Royal Star

L 0 0 0 2 1 2

T 0 1 0 0 1 0

GF 11 5 5 7 2 1

GA 3 2 2 10 4 10

GD 8 3 3 -3 -2 -9

Pts 6 4 3 3 1 0


Kelowna Raiders 9

Away Kelowna Raiders Kelowna Raiders Kamloops Venom Kelowna Raiders Kelowna Raiders Vernon Tigers Kelowna Raiders Kelowna Raiders South Okanagan Flames Armstrong Shamrocks Kelowna Raiders

Kamloops Rattlers

Home Armstrong Shamrocks South Okanagan Flames Kelowna Raiders Kamloops Rattlers Armstrong Shamrocks Kelowna Raiders South Okanagan Flames Kamloops Venom Kelowna Raiders Kelowna Raiders Vernon Tigers


Date Thu May 5 Mon May 9 Thu May 12 Sun May 15 Thu May 19 Thu May 26 Mon May 30 Sat Jun 4 Thu Jun 9 Thu Jun 16 Sat Jun 18

Time 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM



Date Fri. May 6 Fri. May 13 Fri May 27

Time 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm



Home Vernon Armstrong Kelowna


Away Kelowna Kelowna Armstrong

Place Westbild Nor-Val Memorial

Parksville Royals Nanaimo Pirates Langley Blaze Fraser Valley Chiefs Coquitlam Reds Victoria Mariners North Shore Twins White Rock Tritons North Delta Blue Jays Okanagan Athletics Abbotsford Cardinals Vancouver Cannons Victoria Eagles

14-May 14-May 17-May 21-May 21-May 28-May 28-May 28-May 29-May 29-May 29-May 4-Jun 4-Jun 5-Jun 5-Jun 8-Jun 11-Jun 11-Jun 11-Jun 12-Jun 12-Jun 18-Jun 18-Jun 18-Jun 19-Jun 19-Jun 19-Jun 22-Jun 25-Jun 25-Jun 26-Jun 26-Jun 26-Jun 28-Jun 7-Jul 9-Jul 9-Jul 10-Jul 10-Jul 13-Jul 16-Jul 16-Jul

7 8 7 5 5 5 5 6 5 3 4 1 1






1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 8 10 11

0.875 0.800 0.778 0.714 0.625 0.625 0.556 0.545 0.500 0.333 0.333 0.091 0.083

.5 1.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 4.5 5 7.5 8

6W 3W 3W 1W 1L 1W 1L 1L 1W 6L 2L 1W 8L

7-1 8-2 7-2 5-2 4-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 4-4 3-6 4-6 1-9 1-9






Mid Isle Highlanders FC Okanagan Challenge Surrey United Okanagan Challenge Victoria United Khalsa SC Surrey United Vancouver Thunderbirds Surrey United Vancouver Thunderbirds Khalsa SC Kamloops Excel SC Mid Isle Highlanders FC Kamloops Excel SC Vancouver Thunderbirds Surrey United Kamloops Excel SC Vancouver Thunderbirds Okanagan Challenge Okanagan Challenge Victoria United Kamloops Excel SC Okanagan Challenge Victoria United Kamloops Excel SC Okanagan Challenge Mid Isle Highlanders FC Vancouver Thunderbirds Khalsa SC Victoria United Surrey United Victoria United Khalsa SC Vancouver Thunderbirds Khalsa SC Surrey United Mid Isle Highlanders FC Mid Isle Highlanders FC Victoria United Khalsa SC Kamloops Excel SC Mid Isle Highlanders FC

Vancouver Thunderbirds Kamloops Excel SC Vancouver Thunderbirds Khalsa SC Mid Isle Highlanders FC Victoria United Kamloops Excel SC Okanagan Challenge Okanagan Challenge Kamloops Excel SC Mid Isle Highlanders FC Victoria United Surrey United Mid Isle Highlanders FC Victoria United Khalsa SC Khalsa SC Mid Isle Highlanders FC Victoria United Mid Isle Highlanders FC Surrey United Surrey United Vancouver Thunderbirds Khalsa SC Vancouver Thunderbirds Surrey United Khalsa SC Surrey United Kamloops Excel SC Okanagan Challenge Mid Isle Highlanders FC Kamloops Excel SC Okanagan Challenge Khalsa SC Vancouver Thunderbirds Victoria United Kamloops Excel SC Okanagan Challenge Vancouver Thunderbirds Surrey United Okanagan Challenge Victoria United

3:00 pm 3:00pm 8:00pm 4:00pm 3:00pm 2:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 1:00pm 2:30pm 8:00pm 5:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 1:00pm 2:30pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 2:00pm 12 noon 2:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 2:30pm 7:30pm 12 noon 2:30pm 7:30pm 6:00pm 2:30pm

Thunderbird Park UBC Hillside Stadium Thunderbird Park UBC



Ladysmith Turf Royal Athletic Park Hillside Stadium Apple Bowl Apple Bowl Hillside Stadium Ladysmith Turf Royal Athletic Park Cloverdale Athletic Park Ladysmith Turf Royal Athletic Park






Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Coquitlam Coquitlam Coquitlam Coquitlam Fraser Valley Fraser Valley Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Nanaimo Nanaimo Nanaimo Nanaimo

Vic Mariners Vic Mariners Vic Mariners Vic Mariners Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Vic Eagles Vic Eagles Vic Eagles Vic Eagles Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics

Sat, May 7 Sat, May 7 Sun, May 8 Sun, May 8 Sat, May 14 Sat, May 14 Sun, May 15 Sun, May 15 Sat, May 28 Sat, May 28 Sat, Jun 4 Sat, Jun 4 Sun, Jun 5 Sun, Jun 5 Sat, Jun 11 Sat, Jun 11 Sun, Jun 12 Sun, Jun 12

1:00 PM 3:30 PM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 4:30 PM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM

Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Elks Elks Elks Elks Elks Elks Lambrick Lambrick Lambrick Lambrick Elks Elks Elks Elks

June Fri, 6/3/11 Sat, 6/4/11 Sun, 6/5/11 Tue, 6/7/11 Wed, 6/8/11 Thu, 6/9/11 Fri, 6/10/11 Sat, 6/11/11 Tue, 6/14/11 Wed, 6/15/11 Thu, 6/16/11 Fri, 6/17/11 Sat, 6/18/11 Sun, 6/19/11 Mon, 6/20/11 Tue, 6/21/11 Wed, 6/22/11 Thu, 6/23/11 Fri, 6/24/11 Sat, 6/25/11 Sun, 6/26/11 Mon, 6/27/11 Tue, 6/28/11 Thu, 6/30/11 July Fri, 7/1/11 Sat, 7/2/11 Sun, 7/3/11 Mon, 7/4/11 Tue, 7/5/11 Thu, 7/7/11 Fri, 7/8/11 Sat, 7/9/11 Mon, 7/11/11 Tue, 7/12/11 Wed, 7/13/11

Ladysmith Turf Royal Athletic Park Ladysmith Turf Cloverdale Athletic Park Cloverdale Athletic Park Thunderbird Park UBC Thunderbird Park UBC Cloverdale Athletic Park Cloverdale Athletic Park Hillside Stadium Apple Bowl Ladysmith Turf Hillside Stadium Apple Bowl Thunderbird Park UBC Royal Athletic Park Hillside Stadium Apple Bowl Thunderbird Park UBC Cloverdale Athletic Park Apple Bowl Royal Athletic Park

KELOWNA FALCONS 2011 WESTCOAST LEAGUE SCHEDULE 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 6:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:05 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:05 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM

@ Bellingham Bells @ Bellingham Bells @ Bellingham Bells @ Wenatchee Applesox @ Wenatchee Applesox @ Wenatchee Applesox Langley Blaze Langley Blaze @ Kitsap Bluejackets @ Kitsap Bluejackets @ Kitsap Bluejackets Cowlitz Black Bears Cowlitz Black Bears Cowlitz Black Bears Bend Elks Bend Elks Bend Elks @ Cowlitz Black Bears @ Cowlitz Black Bears @ Cowlitz Black Bears Walla Walla Sweets Walla Walla Sweets Walla Walla Sweets @ Bend Elks

Joe Martin Field Joe Martin Field Joe Martin Field Paul Thomas Field Paul Thomas Field Paul Thomas Field Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Kitsap Fairgrounds Kitsap Fairgrounds Kitsap Fairgrounds Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium The Ball Park The Ball Park The Ball Park Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Vince Genna Stadium

6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM

@ Bend Elks @ Bend Elks @ Klamath Falls Gems @ Klamath Falls Gems @ Klamath Falls Gems Corvallis Knights Corvallis Knights Corvallis Knights Klamath Falls Gems Klamath Falls Gems Klamath Falls Gems

Vince Genna Stadium Vince Genna Stadium Vince Genna Stadium Kiger Stadium Kiger Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium


Richdale adds to career earnings; Crows short a few tries Samantha Richdale finished in 68th spot at the latest stop on the LPGA Tour. The 26-year-old from Kelowna carded a final round of 77 Sunday to close out the Anvet Classic in Mobile, Alabama at 8-over par 295. Richdale (74-73-7277), who was 47th through three rounds, picked up $2,734. Her season earnings on the LPGA Tour are $15,157.

Samantha Richdale


The Kelowna Crows division 1 spring rugby

season ended Saturday with a 35-18 loss to the hometown Port Alberni Black Sheep. The score was much closer that the final score indicated as the Sheep scored two tries near the end of the game to put the win out of reach. Within five minutes of the game start, starting inside center Daniel Blasco went out of the game with a leg injury. Richard Brewer who was awarded the man on the match



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scored 13 points on one try, two penalty kicks and one conversion. Team captain Danny Illichmann, who also had an outstanding game, scored the other try. However, the Sheep’s

center Ty Shannon proved to be too much for the crows as he scored four tries and set up two other tries for the Sheep. The win puts the Sheep into the division championship game against United which will be held May 7 on the Brockton Oval in Stanley Park. The Crows second team game that followed was completely controlled by the visiting Crows team as they out paced the Sheep 58-8. Richard Schouten lead the charge with four tries, while Alex Crooks scored two and Adam Lamond, David-


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James Pauls and winger Liam Chisholm each added tries. Stand-off Grady Krohman kicked four conversions and added penalty kick to round off the scoring for the crows.


The host Kelowna Select Sharks took second place out of eight teams at the inaugural Osoyoos Desert Cup atom AAA boys spring hockey tournament over the Easter weekend. The Sharks, who took a 5-0 record into the final, dropped an 8-3 decision to the Red Deer Rustlers in the platinum/gold championship game. “Full credit to the Rustlers,” said Dave Acheson, head Coach of the Sharks. “The Rustler’s are a well disciplined, well coached team. The Rustler’s are one of the top three teams in Alberta. Coach Brent Fudge has been at this game for 14 years, four years with this particular squad. They were the class of the tournament. I’d like to get another crack at them next

year. Having said that, I’m very proud of our team.” The local selects team was made up of players from Kelowna, Penticton, Edmonton and Prince Rupert. In other medal round action, the Okanagan Lakers beat the 2000 Junior Flames 5-4 in the first overtime to claim the bronze, while the Northern Selects prevailed over Calgary’s Explosive Edge 5-4 in the third overtime to win the silver.


Kelowna Secondary’s Cody Hutton set a pair of personal bests and won three events at the Battle Of The Border Invitational Track Meet in Kamloops. Hutton won the Grade 9-10 boys 100 metres over the weekend at Hillside Stadium in a PB time of 11.88 seconds. He also won the 200 metre event in 24.61, also his best time to date. Hutton’s third gold medal came in the 200 metres in 57.05 seconds.

The Capital News Serving our community since 1930.

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A23


Bantams compete against midgets The Kelowna bantam B Heat held their own against older competition at the Kelowna Midget B Spring Sizzle fastball tournament at High Noon Park. Playing up an age group, the local bantams earned a win and a tie in four games and narrowly missed the playoffs. In the opener, the Abby Outlaws beat the Heat 8-1. Latisha Williams came as a relief pitcher and shut down the Outlaws for two innings. In Game 2, Kelowna defeated the North Van Stars 93 by a 4-2 score. Their third game against the River City Hornets ended in a 6-6 tie. The finale, the Heat led the Ridge Meadow Rage 4-3 after three, but went on to lose 10-8. Coach Tracy Light said her team fought hard throughout the weekend, regardless of the situation. “All in all we thought that our team played really well and were right in there with competing in the older division,” said Light. “The one thing that


KELOWNA midget Heat pitcher Sheila Killins delivers a pitch Saturday during the Spring Sizzle girls fastball tournament at High Noon.


KELOWNA bantam Heat third base Hayden Craig applies a tag to a sliding Abbots-

ford player during the Spring Sizzle midget girls fastball tournament Saturday at High Noon. stood out for the weekend is that we fell behind on several occassions but the girls just kept chipping away and finding a way

back into the game.” The bantam Heat are: Taya Skarbo, Shea Skarbo, Kenzie Barbour, Kaitlyn Collins, Hayden

Craig, Latisha Williams, Taylor Bengert, Fawn DeGuevara, Kelsey DesRoches, Brittney McCarthy and Karlene Sorenson.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


Raiders in Vernon for lacrosse rematch on Friday night If their first meeting of the season is any indication, then the Kelowna Raiders and Vernon Tigers could be in for another high-scoring tilt this Friday night in Vernon. Last Friday at Memorial Arena, the Raiders picked up their first victory of the Okanagan Xtreme Lacrosse League season with a 18-11 win over the Tigers. Rookie Doug Langlois led the Raiders with five

while Jarrett Neigum added three goals and three assists, Kyle MacLennan added three goals and two assists, and Jacob Illichmann piled up eight points on two goals six helpers. Braden Renner had two goals and two assists and Joe Brown had five assists.

JUNIOR RAIDERS goals and three assists,

The Kelowna Raiders will try to make it three straight wins to open the

2011 Thompson Okanagan Junior Lacrosse League season. The Raiders will be on the road Thursday night to take on the Armstrong Shamrocks at the Nor-Val Centre. Kelowna pushed its record to 2-0 with a 9-6 win over the Kamloops Rattlers last Thursday night at Memorial Arena in a physical affair that saw 157 minutes in penalties handed out.

Iain Hart tallied five straight goals in the opening period to lead the Raiders attack. Jordan Urban had two goals and an assist, Brendan Urban added a goal and three assists, while Sheldon McDonald had a goal an assist. Tanner Belsham, was the winning goalie as the Raiders out shot the Rattlers 41-24. whenderson

Pinnacle Elite Athlete hosts evening BE “TASTEFULLY” REWARDED! for young hockey player parents, coaches



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The player agent for Daniel and Henrik Sedin, and a former member of the Vancouver Canucks, will be among the keynote speakers at a special event hosted by Pinnacle Elite Athlete on Tuesaday, May 10 from 7 to 9 p..m at the Capital News Centre. Agent J.P. Barry and 17-year pro player Tyler Bouck will be among those on hand to provide guidance, advice and support for parents and coach-

es as the young players of today prepare for their move from minor hockey up to the higher levels of the game. The evening will cover topics including: • Getting the right advice and navigating the junior hockey world. • The science behind successful athlete development. “This is a must for any parent of a youth player wanting to prepare them-

selves for a successful career in hockey,” said Shane Pizzey, Pinnacle Elite Athlete Director of Sports Science who will also speak at the event. “We’ve lined up some of the most knowledgeable experts working in professional hockey today.” Also sharing their expertise will be International Sports Physiotherapist Randy Goodman, and Troy Mick, the direc-

tor of hockey operations for Pursuit of Excellence Academy. Tickets for the evening have been limited and may only be purchased in person from Pinnacle Elite Athlete, located inside the Capital News Centre, prior to the event, or by phone at 250-7647505. Tickets are $30 per person or $25 for members of an Okanagan Minor Hockey Association.


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Immaculata takes team title week before city championships Michael Lee’s round of 2-over par 67 paced the Immaculata Mustangs to the team title at the latest stop on the Central Okanagan high school golf tour. Immaculata’s aggregate score of 275 Monday at Two Eagles in West Kelowna was 13 strokes better than second-place Kelowna Secondary (288). The Mount Boucherie Bears AA team was third overall at 295. Joining Lee on the winning team were Colin Hasick (69), Steven Lee (69), James Casorso (70), and John

Mlikotic. Michael Lee and the Owls’ Charlie Lewthwaite posted the lowest individual scores of the day with 67. Brandon Ortiz of KSS fired a 68. Steven Lee, Colin Hasick and Kyle Flint (MBS) all came in with 69. Maddie Kapchinksy of Rutland Secondary was the top female with a 68. The Central Okanagan (city) championship is set for next Monday, May 9 at Sunset Ranch.

Suite 2788 - 1177 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A25


Local students get creative with Clean Air Day ideas Nearly 200 students from 10 local schools created imaginative, colourful posters to show what their streets would look like without cars. The Clean Air Day poster contest is one way the City of Kelowna raises awareness of harmful vehicle emissions among young people and their parents. This year’s theme for the contest was: My Street, Car Free. “Students responded with amazing pictures that showed how important biking, walking and just generally being active is to them,” said Kate Bergen, regional air quality coordinator. Daylath Mendis, a Grade 6 student at Casorso Elementary, was the overall winner of the poster contest. Casorso Elementary had the greatest number of posters in the contest. Daylath won a new bicycle donated by Kelowna Cycle and her drawing will be made into a poster that will be distributed to all schools in the district to promote Clean Air Day on June 8.

Grade 4-6 honourable mention: Brina Groth,

Grade 7-9 honorable mention: Meaghan

Cap’s Is Your Thirst Headquarters! CONTRIBUTED

CLEAN AIR DAY poster overall winner Daylath

Mendis, a Grade 6 student at Casorso Elementary (second from left) with Kelowna Cycle’s Tannille Stickley, regional air quality coordinator Kate Bergen and Kelowna Mayor Sharon Shepherd. On Clean Air Day, the City of Kelowna will celebrate by offering free transit all day for anyone who says: “It’s Clean Air Day.” Free breakfast and snacks will also be available in the morning at Queensway and Orchard Park bus stations. The other Clean Air

Russian Standard

Day poster contest winners were: K-Grade 3, Anna Baerg, Casorso Elementary; and Grade 7-9 Vanessa Van Brummelen, Grade 8, OKM Secondary Grade K-3 honourable mention: Olivia Harms, Grade 1, North Glenmore Elementary.

take place from 1 to 3 p.m. every Thursday at the B.C. Schizophrenia Society office, 203-347 Leon Ave. in Kelowna. The first class begins May 12. To register, call 250868-3119.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News

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PUBLIC AUCTION A large wholesaler of fine Persian & Oriental carpets is now insolvent. Their assets are ordered to be sold by auction. All items are guaranteed as hand woven, or hand-made with natural fibres. Consignments for liquidation from various cancelled exhibitions have been added to this auction.


Exhibit celebrates woodwork artistry When other girls could be found playing with Bratz and Barbies, eightyear-old Kara Jobb was more likely hanging out with her dad in the wood shop tinkering with a band saw. “That was probably the first tool I played with,” said Jobb, thinking back to her days in Terrace when she and her dad would hike over to his buddy’s shop to spend the afternoon turning piles of square boards into useful, and sometimes even artful, objects. Jobb is now among a class of students completing Okanagan College’s inaugural Studio Woodworking program—an eight-month program that delves into the artistic side of woodworking, teaching students the skills necessary to create fine cabinetry, even musical instruments and furniture. On Saturday, May 7, Jobb will be among 18 students displaying their work at the exhibit Engrained held at the Tutt Street Gallery in Kelowna, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jobb’s piece is a tall shelf crafted from two types of wood—cherry and sapele, a hard wood very similar to mahogany that gained popularity when it was used for interior wood trim in Cadillacs. The shelf itself in-

Effective Monday, May 9, Okanagan Centre Safe Harbour Regional Park will be completely closed for the replacement of the main boat launch.


Terms: Cash,Visa, MC, Amex, and certified cheques. 15% Buyers premium plus HST in effect. Some items in advertisement are subject to prior sales/error/omissions. All sales are final. For more info call 604.229.1800. Licensed auctioneers.

corporates another piece she worked on during the course—a treasure chest. “The colours are really nice because the cherry is pink and the sapele is a reddish brown, so the legs and outside pieces are all sapele and the inside shows the cherry.” Jobb will also be exhibiting her graphically illustrated handcrafted longboards. “I’ve learned a few more techniques about how to do things in dif-

ferent ways and do some things better than before,” Jobb explained. “My favourite is marquetry where you use paper-thin pieces of veneer to create pictures and then apply them. “My theme was shoes, so I had all these shoes pieced together on a panel.” The program’s blend of practical woodworking and art draws students from all kinds of backgrounds, said instruc-

“This work requires us to completely close the regional park located on Okanagan Centre Road West to boats, vehicles and pedestrians,” said re-

gional district spokesman Bruce Smith. “Between May 9 and 14, we’ll be removing the existing deteriorating boat launch pads and a very


Mom Eats for

DINNER BUFFET Traditional as well as contemporary; Turkoman, Tabriz, Kashan, Heriz, Bukhara, Khal Mohamedi, Chobi, Nain, Qum, Triabal Balouch, Julien, one of a kind Village Rugs, Master Work by renowned artisans, Runners, Scatter Rugs, Oversized and many large Dining, Living Room sizes.

woodworking shop.

Safe Harbour boat launch needs upgrading




KARA JOBB at work in the Okanagan College

tor Tim Diebert, himself a well-regarded luthier, who turned his love of wood into creating handcrafted guitars. “We’ve got students here who have retired and want to be hobbyists, an artist who wants to get better at working with wood, and a carpenter who wants to do finer work. “This course really does appeal to a wide range of people.” During the year, students have worked hard on a variety of projects that taught them techniques in inlay and finishing, and also exposed them to a variety of exotic woods— many of which have to be privately sourced. “These are often kept secret,” said Diebert, who’s clearly willing to share. Students also learn how to market their work, right down to taking high quality photographs using inexpensive lights and simple backdrops. The images can then be used for their portfolio and for their websites. For Jobb, it’s like a dream come true. Eventually she’d like to open her own business, with hopes that her birch plywood longboards will take off. It’s a labour of love, and for Diebert and all the other students, it’s working with the wood that makes all the difference.

SUNDAY, MAY 8th 4:30pm-8pm



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large crane will swing the new concrete pads into place. The new pads are slightly wider and longer, which will extend the launch slightly further into Okanagan Lake. “As some of this work will also be done in the lake, we’ve received the necessary approvals from the ministry of environment and will be taking precautions to protect the water such as installing a silt curtain to contain any sediment that may be disturbed.” Signs advising of the park closure will be posted on both gates and fencing will be installed to close off the site. “We’ll also post a sign that can be seen from the water and floating markers will be installed so that boaters won’t enter the harbour while the park is closed,” Smith said. “Local sports, marine and recreation groups will also be advised of the closure.”

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A27


Degree bestowed on Bennett Kelowna businessman and community volfunteer Brad Bennett and filmmaker Deepa Mehta will receive honorary doctoral degrees at this June’s Convocation ceremonies at UBC’s Okanagan campus. Bennett has a long and distinguished record of community service in the Okanagan and leadership in higher education in British Columbia. He served as chair of UBC’s Board of Govertnors for five years, and was instrumental in the creation of UBC’s Okanagan campus. Since 1990, Bennett has been the president of McIntosh Properties Ltd., ta real estate investment

and holding company. He is a director of the Premier’s Technology Council, UBC Properties Trust Board, a trustee and member of the executive advisory board of the Fraser Institute, and a member of the B.C. Business Laureates Hall of Fame Cabinet. Bennett has also served as chair of the Kelowna General Hospital Foundation, the Okanagan University College board, and was the first co-chair of the Okanagan Partnership, a community-led, non-profit society dedicated to the vision of a prosperous and sustainable Okanagan region. He is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II

Golden Jubilee Medal, and the Honorary Alumni Award from UBC. In October 2010, Bennett was awarded the Order of British Columbia. Mehta is a Genie Award-winning andAcademy Award-nominated Indian-born Canadian film director and screenwriter. She began her career as a television and motion picture editor, producer and director, after coming to Canada from India in 1973. In 1996, Mehta wrote, directed and produced Fire, the first film in her “elemental trilogy.” It became the subject of controversy in India as Hindu fundamentalists pressured the Indi-

an government to ban the film because of its lesbian content and questioning of the destiny of marginalized Indian women. The film went on to receive 14 international awards. The next installments, Earth and Water, also drew critical acclaim. Water, centering on the practice of child marriage and the treatment of widows, was nominated for an Academy Award in 2007 (Best Foreign Film) and won three Genie awards, including best film. Mehta also directed several English-language films set in Canada, including The Republic of Love (2003) and Heaven on Earth (2008) which deals with domestic vio-


KELOWNA BUSINESSMAN Brad Bennett is to receive an honourary degree from UBC Okanagan at the convocation ceremony in June. lence. Convocation ceremonies will be held at UBC Okanagan on Thursday, June 9, and Friday, June


Both honorary degrees will be conferred during ceremonies on June 9. Bennett’s honorary de-

gree will be conferred at the 12:30 p.m. ceremony, while Mehta will receive her honorary degree during the 3 p.m. ceremony.


Brevity Memorial Dedication ceremony set for memorial cemetery The public is invited to join The Compassionate Friends and Kelowna Mayor Sharon Shepherd for the 8th annual Brevity Memorial Dedication Ceremony on Saturday,


May 7, 2 p.m., at Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery, 1991 Bernard Ave. Parents, siblings, grandparents, family members and others who have suffered from the

loss of a child for any reason are invited to join this ceremony. The Brevity Memorial, installed in 2004, is dedicated to children whose lives were cut short, as

symbolized by the lifesize bronze statue of two children playing on a tree stump. This year, 16 additional names will be added to the memorial. This memorial is the

result of a partnership between the Kelowna chapter of The Compassionate Friends and the City of Kelowna’s Memorial

Park Cemetery. The Compassionate Friends is an international organization dedicated to supporting bereaved parents and their

surviving children. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Linda Woods at tcfkelowna@ by Friday, May 6.



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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


The reverend was a gardener who cultivated the seeds of love


lthough much has been written and said about our dear friend Albert Baldeo, this past week I would be remiss if I didn’t add my thoughts. I don’t believe Albert was a gardener in the typical sense of the word, but

he cultivated the ground under his fellow brothers and sisters by sowing seeds of love, understanding, kindness and wisdom. I know he did this more than any other man of the cloth I have personally known in my life-

time. He was a tireless worker and to my knowledge he never refused to be there for anyone who asked for him. However, I’m sure there must have been times when he could not be in two or more places

at once. Thank you Albert and dear Beryl for being there for my family always. I recall as if it were yesterday when you came to our community immediately embracing it as your own child. I remember thinking:

“What are those poor people you left behind going to do without you?” I remember my parents mentioning and admiring their new minister at St. Paul’s United when Rev. Baldeo arrived in town, and when you asked the congregation

for help making props to get your point across my dad often volunteered my services. One time in particular you needed a branding iron for a sermon, spelled Jesus. Now that was a noble task to test my welding skills.

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Don Burnett It is so difficult to imagine our lives without our favourite reverend, but the seeds he sowed were countless, and will multiply and multiply, producing wonderful flowers and fruits growing alongside life’s highway for all of us. It was an honour to attend Baldeo’s memorial service at Trinity Baptist Church last Saturday and listen to the tributes, especially for his own wonderful family. Thank you Rev. Richard Chung and Pastor Tim Schroeder for doing such a wonderful job. And thank you to dear Sylvia and the wonderful St. Paul’s Choir—my dad was there with you in spirit. Unfortunately, I neglected to bring any tissues with me and I ended up with both my shirt sleeves soaking wet by the end of the service, and I know I was not alone. Goodbye my friend. ••• Mark your calendar for May 14 when the Fintry Spring Plant Festival takes place at the Fintry Manor House. This will be a fabulous event for gardeners and non-gardeners alike with over 20 exhibitors including growers, garden clubs, societies and more. This is all to support the Friends of the Fintry who are enabling the restoration and preservation of this wonderful part of our history. The night before this event, make sure you take in the lecture in the theatre, 7:30 p.m. at Okanagan College by Barry Agar, head gardener at Hatley House, Royal Roads University. His topic will be about his job, heritage gardening at the Royal Roads school in Victoria. Tune in to The Don Burnett Garden Show on AM 1150 News Talk Sports Saturdays from 8 to 10 a.m.

Telling your story most accurately: Capital News

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A29


It’s renovation time for many downtown shop owners Jan Johnson CONTRIBUTOR

As spring arrives in the Okanagan, everyone’s fancy turns to renovations. Downtown Kelowna is no different as lots of business owners have been busily doing renos on their shops over the past months. t So look for some interesting surprises when you visit your favourite spots this month. Fashion Foundations, a long-time downtown mainstay, has made a big move to a new spot on the ground floor of The Madison building (across from the library, on Ellis near Doyle). The mother and daughter team of Margaret and Susan Wort have made themselves a lovely new home with a luxurious upscale look. As soon as you enter their new store, prepare to be dazzled by the antique wood floors, oak cabinets and rich wallpapers in baroque and striped patterns. Chandeliers through-


SOME OF the items available at the renovated Olive & Elle shop at 1585 Pandosy St. in downtown Kelowna . out the shop and rich damask curtains on the change rooms give you the feel of an elegant Edwardian ladies’ shop. Margaret and Susan are just delighted with their new digs. Be sure to pay them a visit and expe-

rience their new elegance. Olive & Elle, at 1585 Pandosy St., has also just completed a beautiful store renovation with new floors installed, a wall removed to expose a skylight for more natural light, and the addition of

some new cabinets. The look is very fresh and open. The store is also excited with a new product line, the Dwell Studio line from New York, which includes beautiful bedding as well as gorgeous pillows and rugs. Dwell even has a baby line with cute hooded towels and puzzles for the little ones. Olive & Elle is also now carrying a line of reclaimed and repurposed furniture which is locally made. Local and recycled—what could be better? The shop is chock full of great new items for patio entertaining, just in time for the warm weather. The store celebrates its third anniversary on Saturday, May 7. The planned festivities include an all-day party, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., featuring cupcakes, goodie bags for all, and lots of store specials. Don’t want to miss this one! Chris Murphy, owner of Blackfish Apparel, 1603 Pandosy, has also been busy making chang-

es in her store. Her renos feature fresh paint, new furniture, an extra change room, columns moved and windows exposed for a contemporary, light look. Murphy says that Blackfish is more than ready for spring, with styles from Boools (England) as well as Sandwich and other European lines. They also focus on Canadian lines like Cartise, Fig and Lole. New this year is the Sandal line with lots of bling. Up Bernard Street at Tigerlily, we’ve been busy renovating too. On Easter weekend, we repainted, installed all new wall racks and new lights for a much more urban and upscale look. We’re very excited to be ready for the new season with a cool new look. So, if you want to experience the joy and fun of newly renovated places—without the headache of actually doing the work—come on downtown in May and check out these beautiful, updated shops.

Jan Johnson is the coowner of Tigerlily Fashions in Kelowna. If you

have any information to share, email

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


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Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 A31

we’ve checked we’re priced right

Nabob Coffee

Five Alive


1.75 Litres


card price


card price

99 ea


Dove Body Wash

354 mL


card price

Becel Margarine


99 ea

Chicken Breast

Fillet Removed, Boneless, Skinless, Fresh, Super Warehouse Pack, 11.00/kg


99 lb

Prices in effect until Saturday, May 7, 2011 Photos are for illustrative purposes only. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Plus deposit, recycling fee where applicable.


card price

99 ea


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News

WEEKLY SPECIALS 100% BC Owned and Operated Prices Effective Thursday, May 5 to Wednesday, May 11 2011. We reserve the right to limit quantities. We reserve the right to correct printing errors.

Grocery Department

Meat Department

Nature’s Path Organic Optimum Cereals assorted varieties

Uncle Lee’s Body Balance Dieter Tea

New York Striploin Steaks value pack

9.99lb/ 22.02kg

assorted varieties


311-400g • product of Canada


30 ct

184g • made in USA

Green & Black’s Organic Chocolate Bars



235g • product of Canada

100g • product of USA

Oasis Premium Orange Juice

assorted varieties

with or without pulp

400g • product of B.C.

2.63L • product of Canada


+ dep. + eco fee

reg 3.99


200-225g • product of B.C.

A liquid calcium citrate formula for superior absorption. Six delicious flavours to choose from.


150-170g • product of USA

Olympic Organic Yogurt

24.99 1.99

7.99 1.75kg tubs

product of Canada



individual packets

Package of 12

Nordic Naturals Nordic Berries

reg 6.49

A delicious multivitamin treat for children and adults alike.


Rice Bakery Pecan Square with Rice Flour Crust

original, French vanilla or plain


Sequel Vega Whole Food Smoothie Infusion

Chocolate Chip Cookies

assorted varieties


Lifetime Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate

Bakery Department baketodre in-s

454g Pkg

Health Care Department

Naturally Freybe Heritage Angus Roast Beef

Pamela’s Wheat-Free, Gluten-Free Cookies

assorted varieties


reg 3.99


Brookside Chocolate Covered Fruits and Nuts

California Grown


Salt Spring Organic Fair Trade Coffee

500g • product of Canada




assorted varieties

assorted varieties


Fair Trade, Certified Organic

Brie L’Extra Cheese

Earth’s Choice Organic Cheese


Large Hass Avocadoes

Deli Department

354ml • product of USA

Simply Pure 100% Natural Almond Butter


5.99lb/ 13.21kg



Certified Organic

value pack

assorted varieties

assorted varieties

Tommy Atkins Mangoes from Planeta Verde Cooperative

Specialty Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts Mary’s Organic Crackers

Simply Natural Organic Dressings

Produce Department


Bulk Department Thompson Seedless Organic Raisins


prepacked or bins • select sizes 170g • reg 5.49

10% off

regular retail price

Glulten-Free Health Fair Saturday, May 7, 9:00am – 5:00pm at Choices Kelowna Cost $18. Pre-registration is advised.

11am-4pm Open to the public gluten-free food sampling and Q&A with the Celica Association and Choices Nutrition Team.

Kelowna Seminar and Events: Monday, May 9, 2-5:00pm Naturopathic Medicine Week complimentary FREE 15 minute consultation with Dr. Barlow. Thursday, May 12, 1-4:00pm Naturopathic Medicine Week complimentary FREE 15 minute consultation with Dr. Phillips. To register for all seminars call 250-862-4864. Choices Markets Kelowna 1937 Harvey Ave. at Spall | 250-862-4864




Anniversary coincides with online expansion STRAIGHT FROM DEHART

Maxine DeHart It is with overwhelming sadness that I dedicate this week’s column to Rev. Albert Baldeo. Albert was a personal treasured friend and will be missed by all his many family, friends and colleagues. Along with his wisdom, I will miss his wit, smile, poems, treasured gifts and regular column in the Capital News. Roses are red, I am very blue, now that Albert, is sitting in a different pew! As Albert always said, “We will one day all be United!”


t’s a 25th anniversary celebration this week for Cherry Hill Coffee, located in Kelowna at1404 Hunter Crt. Started by Sandy and Lou Ciccelli in 1986 on Doyle Avenue, Don Biglow and Frances Solmundson purchased the company in 1994, and then David and Jeff Biglow took it over in 2004. The business was certified organic in 2005. Cherry Hill distributes coffee across Western Canada, roasting more than 200,000 pounds of coffee beans a year. Now, with the launch of a new online store last week, Cherry Hill can ship product from coast to coast. Starting Friday, May 13, Cherry Hill will start a Brew School, which is public coffee cuppings (similar to wine tastings) at their roastery at 2 p.m. These free cuppings are a chance to learn some new brew methods, try some coffee and learn more about your favourite blends. Space is limited. Reserve at james@ or 250-861-4733. Suzie Docherty, the

world host customer service trainer for Tourism Kelowna, is the new fulltime volunteer coordinator for the Salvation Army, working out of the Sutherland Avenue location. Call 250-860-2329 (ext. 33). Dressed To Impress, a high-end women’s and men’s consignment store, has opened at 1956 Kirschner Rd. (next to the OK Corral). Owned by Mike Gajdos, the shop offers a good selection of women’s business suits, cruise wear, special occasion dresses and some casual wear. Just in time for grad season, Dressed To Impress carries a very affordable selection of grad dresses from $45 to $100 and nice quality grad suits for men ranging from $60 to $200. Also for men, the store has a huge stock of business suits, more than 500 dress shirts and ties, and 500 pairs of shoes. They accept gently used, designer and good quality clothing (no jeans) on a daily basis during store hours, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. They also offer complete alteration services. Call 778-478-0609. This is a new twist to an existing business. Dan King, owner of Dan’s Deluxe Detailing, 1660 High Rd., will pick up your vehicle upon your arrival at the airport, have it fully detailed while you are away, so you are greeted on your return by a shiny, cleaned vehicle to drive home. As an added bonus, you also save on the parking fee. It’s a great way to end a holiday or business trip. King maintains a full line of specialized car care services designed to clean, polish, protect and help maintain your car’s appearance, using high-performance products including full hand wash and vacuum, fabric protection, interior shampoo and detailing, leather treatment, paint protection, high speed polishing


CELEBRATING THE 25th anniversary of Cherry Hill Coffee in Kelowna are David Biglow, Jackie Montgomery, Amber Jones, Tim Garn, Somer Wiancko, Andrew Lamb and James Calder. and engine shampooing. He also provides chauffeur service to and from work, or will pick up your vehicle at your place of work, detail it and return it that same day. Call 250317-3555 or see www. Celebrating another 25th anniversary is the Kelowna Sunrise Rotary Club. One of six Rotary clubs in Kelowna, it was the first breakfast meeting version established in the area. Charter president Dave Kilcup (retired from RCMP) is now in Ontario. Charter members still with the club today include Bruce Brown, Wayne Duchart, Andy Griffin, John McAfee, Jack Martin and Paul Mulvihill. The current membership is 70. The 2010-2011 club executive are Paul Mulvihill (president); Jim Belshaw (president-elect); Craig Garries (vice-

president); Pat Bentley (past-president); Wayne Evans (secretary) and Ken Spence (treasurer). Gary Graham, formerly of Lakeside/Oce Canada, has joined the team at TOPS (Total Office Product Solutions) locally owned and operated by Brian Fair and Wade McManus for over 28 years at 104-1905 Baron Rd. TOPS service the line of Konica Minolta products. Based on the outstanding performance of its colour and monochrome, Konica Minolta Business Technologies Inc. has been chosen as the winner of the Buyers Lab 2011 Multi-Functional Product Line of the Year Award. Call 250979-6708. After 35 years as senior accountant with the regional district—he says it is “the only real job” he’s ever had—Dom Rampone has retired.

VO2Max Personal Training has expanded to a newer, bigger and better studio location at 18-1515 Westgate Rd. in West Kelowna. V02Max offers boot camps, personal training, nutrition program, spin classes, yoga classes, Zumba, TRX suspension training, competition and prep programs. The new location grand opening is May 14 with free mini-classes, BBQ and door prizes. Look for more info online at www. vo2maxpersonaltraining. com. Over the past eight months, a new type of homeowner-contractor service has evolved in our city. Nine members of Business Network International, who focus their efforts in the home building industry, have come together to create Foundation To Finish. The group is made up of Okanagan Hardwood, MS Budd

Construction, Strugnell Electric, Vision Mechanical. Quality Time Concierge, Advantage Blinds, C$U Inspection Services, Coast Wholesale and Home Image Interiors. These companies have a vision of making it easier for builders and homeowners to quickly locate experienced support businesses and to unite a quality focused group of subtrades into a cohesive team from foundation to finish. Call Tom Crocker at Okanagan Hardwood, 250-765-2610 or 250878-4907. Intellibed Sleep and Spa, 317 Louie Dr. in West Kelowna, is now a supplier of Samson Soaps. Intellibed has a complete line of pool and spa chemicals and are able to test water from your pool or hot tub. They also sell Intellibed mattresses and have a diverse selection of pillows, along

with hand-crafted Amish furniture and Dimension Hot Tubs. Call 250-8630227; Something new for dog owners. Wayne Dorman, owner of Dogzies, is a huge fan of keeping you and your dog fit along with the bonding and nurturing angle. He has partnered with Dimensions Fitness, operated by Greg and Mitsi Schulte, to offer training sessions to do just that. Interacting with your pet, while you are both exercising physically and challenging each other mentally, will prove to be a rewarding experience for both. Dimensions is a circuit workout for men, but women are welcome to take part in the “R U Dog Fit?” classes beginning May 7. The hydraulic machines are suitable for all fitness levels, age and genders, with instructions from Wayne and the Dimensions trainers. Call 250-862-3649; Don’t be confused if you think that Predator Ridge golf course has changed its name to Canucks Ridge—they have, but only temporarily while the Canucks battle Nashville Predators in the NHL playoffs. The golf course operators bowed to public pressure after a petition of hundreds to change the course’s name from those who did not want to see the word “Predator” advertised. The grounds crew is even cutting the Canucks logo into the 18th fairway and the official staff uniforms are Canucks jerseys. Kudos to Canucks Ridge for showing support for the home team. Mark’s Work Warehouse will team up with the Soles4Souls campaign on Thursday to collect as many shoes as they can between the three store locations in the CenSee DeHart B2 there... and back.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


Offering support for Soles4Souls campaign DeHart from B1

tral Okanagan. It’s all part of an objective for

Mark’s Work Warehouse to contribute to the mil-

come get some CAR LOVE

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lion shoe mission, offering a 20 per cent discount on everything in the store on Thursday. If you bring in a pair of shoes to donate you will be eligible for an extra five per cent off. McDonald’s and Soles4Souls will also be on board from 2 to 5 p.m. collecting shoes and providing coffee for a donation. Danielle Dorwart is the store operator. Call 250-861-7751. Breast cancer affects people of all ages. There is something you can do to show your support and let them know they won’t dance alone. On Monday, May 9, filming begins on Kelowna’s first Pink Glove Dance, a video that features people of all ages dancing to the song You Won’t Dance Alone, by A Brand New Day, while wearing pink surgical gloves. Everyone is invited to the filming at Parkinson Rec Centre on May 9 between 7 and 9 p.m. You don’t have to have any dance skills as Rob from Dance Dimensions will be there to teach a simple line dance. Otherwise, just move your body to the music and have fun. There’s no cost. Just show up and you will be given pink gloves, some info on the


CELEBRATING the Royal wedding nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton

last week in Kelowna with a tea party fundraiser in support of the Kelowna Community Food Bank at the Jacques Vert boutique in The Bay were sales associate Aniko Kalocsai, The Bay assistant manager Connie Vetter-Johnson, sales associate Lynora Darling, sales associate Laura Hill, columnist Maxine DeHart, Jacques Vert boutique manager Wanda Silver, national area Jacques Vert manager Brenda Rostron, Lenetta Thordarson with the food bank, and sales associate Afsaneh Janamian. CIBC Run for the Cure, a pink ribbon and a chance to win a great door prize. To see videos in other communities visit www. The annual plant sale fundraiser in support of BrainTrust Canada will take place Saturday in the Prospera Place parking lot, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sponsored by Interior Savings and organized by Judy Watmough, who grows the majority of the plants for the event, there will be a wide variety of individually priced plants

to choose from, including perennials, succulents, ground covers and vegetable plants. The annual Blossom Time Fair is set for Friday, May 13, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Cottonwoods, 2255 Ethel St. The blossom fair includes everything from baking, plants and garden accessories to a BBQ, 50/50 draws and raffle ticket prizes. The annual SPCA fundraiser called Pride Within Cat Art Exhibition and Sale, hosted by local artist Samara Carri-

er, takes place May 7 and 8 at the Delta Grand. Admission is by donation. Call 250-861-7722. Birthdays of the week: Lorina Dick (Today, May 4); Chris Cowan, Kelowna Flightcraft (Today, May 4); Terry Rempel (May 8); Brenda Bell (May 7); Wally Giebelhaus (May 7); Allan McPhee (May 10). Maxine DeHart is a Kelowna hotelier. Phone her at 250-979-4546, fax 250-860-3173, email

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Do you have an opinion or comment to share with 100,000 readers in the Central Okanagan? E-mail a letter to the Capital News at

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 B3


Searching for an opportunity H

ow many times have, while we sat at our desks or when driving our cars, caught ourselves daydreaming about creating an entrepreneurial venture from a germ of an idea? We cross paths with people everyday who fantasize about that, about embarking on an entrepreneurial journey of their own. But with the dream comes the ever-present hesitancy that arises due to the inherent risks associated with it. But make no mistake, entrepreneurship is liberating and empowering, and it’s quite possible to eliminate some of the risks if one zealously engages in a sensible, strategic entrepreneurial process. Such a process should always begin with a search for the right venture idea for you, where you can ultimately source funding and establish a structure for you to exploit the opportunity in the marketplace. Such a process may, at first glance, appear simple and straightforward, but there are some crucial elements within each step of the journey that do empower aspiring entrepreneurs to minimize risk and, ultimately, embrace a successful launch. The world is full of ideas, virtually limitless— there are no lack of opportunities, perhaps more now than as ever been in the case in our country’s history. For clarity, when I talk about an opportunity, I refer to an idea worth pursuing. Entrepreneurial opportunities arise from social and technological changes within our society. The changes we’re going through now—both socially and technologically, in both magnitude and rate—are definitely greater than we’ve ever experienced. So where is that next million dollar idea hiding, waiting to be discovered? The answer is within you. Remember, my old dictums—an entrepreneur looks at the world the same as everyone else but thinks differently. An entrepreneur looks at the world and sees solutions instead of continuing problems. But a great idea alone doesn’t logically guarantee success. An entrepreneur needs to be able to recognize when a concept has a realistic and potentially realizable chance to become something tan-


Joel Young gible, to “ hit it out of the park.” So, opportunity recognition is the mantra of clear choice for our entrepreneurial expedition. How do you recognize this idea that you hope becomes an opportunity for you? What exactly does this little creature look like? It does, in reality, have to do with analyzing both the product or service in relation to the market you hope it will serve, and to explore how those two elements might intersect favourably. I have assembled over the years prior to our move to the Okanagan, and to assist my Saskatchewan clients, associates, friends and students, an Opportunity Screening Guide that will take a bagful of ideas and filter the good from the not so good with a desired outcome of discovering one or two ideas that may logically be moved to a business plan milestone toward venture launch. I have always said to everyone that if your perceived idea can’t make it through my screening guide safely, then perhaps you should abandon that dream and find a new idea. An idea is an opportu-

nity when it is attractive, durable, timely and anchored in a product or service that creates or adds value for its end user. The most successful entrepreneurs are opportunity-focused; they start their journey into the entrepreneurial world with a focus on what the customer and the marketplace wants and needs and never lose sight of these points. Consider these aspects of the planning process:


We are looking for a potential set of customers in the marketplace who may be currently underserved (such as our aging population) and who may be looking for a particular product or service to fill a specific need that they have. Such a product or service that adds value to people’s lives is the foundation of a successful entrepreneurial venture and will assist in the product or service selling itself.


Always a Joel favourite, as my friends and colleagues will attest, as being passionate about your new product or service increases your ability and enthusiasm to market it. It also makes it easier to endure the tough times and testing moments of establishing and building your venture. Because you are passionate about your new dream venture, it becomes easier be-

cause it has meaning and purpose for you, and you are far more likely to persevere when others may stumble. Being passionate also means you will be more inclined to build your skills, expertise and understanding of the particular product or service you are intending to take to the market.


We all develop certain skills through the experiences of our life and our career/job paths. Most people with then try to match those learned skills with a market need to create their opportunity. When launching an entrepreneurial venture, one can draw on a far broader range of skills and experiences to add value to their journey in the marketplace.


Last but definitely not least, access to relevant resources can make the venture launch a reality and even contribute to providing the aspiring entrepreneur with a competitive advantage. So if you have an entrepreneurial dream, exploring the content of today’s column can help inspire you to think, act and behave entrepreneurially in your investigation of the entrepreneurial option in your life. Best of luck. Joel Young is founder of the Okanagan Valley Entrepreneurs Society.


Winners are announced The recipients of the five 2011 Green Business Awards were revealed last week. The awards were presented in partnership by the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce and SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise). Each of the following category recipients has had to incorporate environmental sustainability into their business model and mission/vision statements. These businesses must also have met and exceeded their industry standards along with ensuring longterm sustainability for their green initiatives. Small Green Business Award (1-10 employees) Waterfront Wines Restaurant & Wine Bar Mid-size Green Business Award (11-30 employees) Ricardo’s Mediterranean Kitchen

Large Green Business Award (31+ employees) Pusher Mitchell LLP Green Innovator Award Campion Marine Inc. Rob Cinkant, president of Sysco Kelowna Ltd., was also honoured as the 2011 Sustainability Leader of the Year.

To receive this award, their organization had to have implemented innovative practices to reduce negative environmental impacts and must have achieved significant results in environmental stewardship. The recipient has also demonstrated initiative and has been a catalyst for change within their industry sector.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News



Some post-tax season issues addressed Biddlecombe honoured with A s the 2010 personal tax season draws to a close, I can start to reflect and comment on a few of the items that came across my desk this year. The item that had the most impact on a number of taxpayers was the conversion of the Real Estate Investment Trust units, or REITs as they are called by the industry. This year the REITs were required to incorporate, which closed a tax loop hole that appeared with this kind of investment. The result was investors were required to sell their REIT units and purchase corporate units. As we all know, when you sell an investment that has appreciated over time, you may be and most were, subject to capital gains. If you had capital losses in previous years, such as from 2008, you could

News from your community Capital News

capital so that the correct capital gain would be reported on the sale of the investment. Those people who thought they didn’t need to do this and didn’t provide these numbers for their accountants can probably look forward to a reassessment of the values to a higher capital gain down the road. With the use of the computer systems, the CRA is probably figuring out a way to check those capital gain calculations as I write this column. Now that the subject has moved over to computer systems, I also had a few cases where people came into the office not satisfied with bills that they had received from other accounting firms. It always amazes me how firms are able to charge a client a bill that, in my opinion, would mean that the entire tax return had been done manually instead of using a computer program. The slogan that comes to mind for me is ‘buyer beware.’ On the other hand, some people hate change so much that they will continue to pay an


Gabriele Banka have used these losses to offset the gains. Most people found it more beneficial to have the tax savings from a capital loss realized immediately, so any capital losses were usually applied back to the previous year’s gains. A second issue with the REITS pertains to the distribution of earnings. Instead of distributing that income back to you by way of dividends or interest, it was distributed back to you as a return of capital, which in effect reduced your original investment. So when you sold the investment, you may have experienced a larger capital gain than you would have if you had invested in something else. The onus was put onto the investor to keep track of how much they had received by way of return of

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Gabriele Banka is a Certified General Accountant and the owner of Banka & Company Inc. 250-763-4528

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all medical receipts for the lower income earning spouse. When we receive information for a tax return, we usually spend a lot of time putting the documents in order to easily and efficiently enter them into the tax software. If you are wondering what this order might be, every office is different so check with your accounting office. Once we get it in order and scanned, then we enter it into the software at which point we need to consider over 456 items before we come out with a final product that is your tax return. This is the reason why software programs are so popular because it would be very easy to miss something when calculating manually. Keep in mind that the small business owners/subcontractors needed to pay any taxes owing to the CRA by April 30 and file their personal returns (including spouses) by June 15.



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ever increasing bill just so they never need to make a change. Then there is the client that expects you to bend over backwards for them to complete and efile their tax return on time and then balks at the extra charges put on the bill for the extra effort, leaves the office without paying the bill, or asks for payment terms when the work has been completed. My question to them is this : “Do you leave a restaurant without paying, too?” The final item on the investment front is that many people are invested in the safe interest income or other income investments, which contributed to an increase in personal taxes payable this year. Surely your financial planner should be able to help you find some safer tax savings or tax neutral investments? Some married and common law couples choose to file separately. When we get that request, I let them know that they will lose any non refundable tax credits that they may have been able to transfer or optimize between them, an obvious one being a medical expense deduction of

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Harley Biddlecombe was posthumously honoured today with one of the top provincial credit union awards, the B.C Credit Union distinguished service award. Biddlecombe, who served as Valley First Credit Union president and chief executive officer for 31 years, was recognized for his long service and dedication to advancing and strengthening the credit union system. His contributions over many years were felt throughout the province where he served on numerous boards and committees. “Harley was such a powerful force at Valley First and throughout the province,” said Valley First president Paulette Rennie. “For his contribution to the credit union system to be recognized like this is a truly fitting tribute to his memory. “This award has extra special meaning to Valley First because we would not be where we are today if it weren’t for Harley’s passion, vision and leadership.” During his impressive tenure at the helm, Biddlecombe built Valley First from a two-branch operation to become the eighth biggest credit union in the province.

Harley Biddlecombe More recently, he was a major driver behind the merger of Valley First and Envision Financial and the formation of First West Credit Union. Biddlecombe passed away in October 2009 before he could see his hard work become a reality. The award, which was presented at the First West annual general meeting, was accepted by Biddlecombe’s wife Vickie and First West Credit Union vice-chairperson Colleen Lister. Valley First is a division of First West Credit Union, B.C.’s third-largest credit union, which has 37 branches and 29 insurance offices throughout the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, Kitimat and Okanagan, Similkameen and Thompson valleys. First West has approximately $6.2 billion in assets under administration, 167,000 members and 1,300 employees.


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Former premier to speak about sustainability Mike Harcourt will speak about sustainable cities and communities in the UBC Okanagan University Centre ballroom on Thursday, May 5, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Harcourt, a former NDP premier of B.C. and both mayor and a city councillor for Vancouver, helped B.C. earn its reputation as one of the most livable, accessible and inclusive places in the world. The presentation is

Mike Harcourt free and open to the public, but seating is limited.


Fridays in the Capital News

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 B5



An elegant evening at KAG to open photographic exhibition Jennifer Smith

should be plenty to look at even if one discounts the costumes guests are expected to wear. “This doesn’t have to be costly,” said Kris Johnson, the Kelowna Art Gallery’s marketing and events coordinator. “There’s Value Village, Tweaked and Yummy has agreed to help outfit people.” For this photo shoot, Johnson chose a free outfit pulling his great grandfather’s suit—the one he wore to his grandparents’ wedding—out for a stroll through the gallery’s halls. The entire evening is


When third-year UBCO visual arts student Hanss Lujan picks up his camera next Friday, Kelowna will look simply mad! With more than a little of that Mad Men, ’60sstyle flare, the party he is photographing should prove stylishly fun. The fifth Go Party—a gallery opening to launch the new Gabor Szilasi exhibition—will be an Audrey Hepburn/Elizabeth Taylor kind of affair and the young photographer set to take photos of the costumed guests is expecting to see the red carpet treatment roll out. “I just want to showcase how everyone in Kelowna has a little bit of elegance,” said Lujan, whose style tends to the trashy chic, according to his regular muse, opera singer Carmen Harris. With four exhibits on display including Szilasi, Barbara Astman’s Dancing with Che: Enter through the Gift Shop, the front room’s high school and middle school work (Art in Action) and the latest Dysfunctional Chairs, Jasmine Reimer’s 1000 lbs. 3 days, there

built to accentuate the Szilasi exhibit, a photographic event designed to accentuate the elegant beauty of the everyday. Szilasi is a Montreal-based photographer whose show, The Eloquence of the Everyday, offers five decades of work with images from Hungary to rural Quebec and Montreal. Szilasi became interested in photography in the early 1950s and went on to document the Hungarian Revolution in Budapest before fleeing the communist regime in 1956. Since immigrating to Canada in 1957, his ca-

reer has largely focused on capturing images of townscapes, cityscapes, architectural views and portraiture. The Eloquence of the Everyday includes early images of Hungary in the 1950s, as well as some made since 1980. The photographs of rural Quebec date principally from the 1970s, while the selection from Montreal span the late 1950s to the present day. Professional and hobby photographers alike will easily connect with the simple yet moving imagery in Szilasi’s work.

And, as at any good party, there are prizes (or at least an auction) with local businesses like Twisted Tomato, Volcanic Hills Estate Winery, Aura Beauty, Bordello’s Italian Pizzeria and Ogopogo Bed and Breakfast kicking in silent auction items. Tickets are $15 for members and $20 for nonmembers, available at the gallery, Mosaic Books or online ( Local jazz café creator Anna Jacyszyn will provide entertainment. The event runs Friday, May 13 from 7 to 10 p.m.

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CARMEN HARRIS (left) and Kris Johnson are ready

to go for the next gallery opening, or Go Party, Elegance and Eloquence, which opens Gabor Szilasi’s photographic exhibit.

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Kids Rentals

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


Solid album from R.E.M., though no commercial radio hits R.E.M.: COLLAPSE INTO NOW (WARNER)

This album came out a few weeks ago now but it just came to me in the mail a couple of days ago. I think that the recording label is trying to rekindle interest in this solid new R.E.M. album as it did manage to make the top five in sales in Canada and the USA, while it hit No.1 on the Modern Rock album charts. The odd thing is that this is the first R.E.M. album ever to hit such lofty heights and yet not yield a hit single. Collapse Into Now is the band’s first new album since the highly acclaimed Accelerate album of 2008 that enjoyed a modest hit with Supernatural Superserious, but there has been virtually no airwave play from this new release other than on National Public Radio stateside, who have been raving about this 15th studio offering. There are some finely honed hard rockers here with the U2-ish arena

fect. C



Bruce Mitchell rocker Discoverer and the humorous garage rocker Mine Smell Like Honey. Patti Smith co-wrote and sings on the dirge rocker Blue where Smith lets loose with some stream of consciousness…poetry? But ballads seem to be R.E.M.’s main strength now that they are aging rockers and there are plenty on this 12-track CD where my faves are the piano-driven Walk It Back and the sanguine folk rock of Every Day Is Yours To Win. Songwriters Buck and Stipe even sarcastically take on the young rockers who have supplanted them on the airwaves with the straight up rocker All The Best that is a little more than cranky at

the younger generation of emo popsters. All in all, this is a fairly solid new studio album from R.E.M. who sound like they are trying hard even this long into a legendary career and who would have guessed that these one time mumblers on Murmur and Reckoning would one day provide a lyric sheet. B-


Las Vegas based Pan-


One act theatre at its best! Directed and designed by Brian Haigh

The Sins of the Mother by Tony Devaney Morinelli AND

The Duck Variations

ic At The Disco have been whittled down to the duo of Brendon Urie and Spencer Smith now that guitarist Ryan Ross and bass player Brent Wilson have left to form The Young Veins. But Panic At The Disco remain a hair brained emo-pop band where you are left shaking your head wondering where they come up with their odd musical choices and off-kilter rock songs. Almost half of the 10 tracks on this strange album shift gears from hard, edgy rock to halfdisjointed outros with strings, ambient noises and cafe jazz endings that seemingly have nothing to do with the songs that just preceded them. There is some accessible dance rock to the lead off track, The Ballad Of Mona Lisa, that has become a minor hit, but the rest of Vices & Virtues is inscrutable. It seems that when the band has only little or thin ideas they press on the production bloat button for what has been described as the day-glo ef-

You could not exactly call British thrush Sade Adu (although she almost never uses her last name) a hurried or prolific artist. She has only released six albums in the last 27 years, but her first two discs gave her a huge career boost with the back-to-back hits Smooth Operator and The Sweetest Taboo in her 1984-85 back-to-back albums. Last year Sade released Soldier Of Love and it was her first album in a decade and frankly, I thought it would sell poorly due to the extended lay off. But much to my surprise Soldier Of Love hit number one in several countries and it stayed there for a few weeks spawning a hit with the title track. Now Sade has released this superb twoCD, 30-track collection

that has all her hits and gives a good perspective on her popularity where Sade has proven to be a major crossover artist. This anthology holds her smooth jazz hit Babyfather, her hot R&B/hip hop hit The Moon And The Sky (included here with a remix by Jay-Z who adds a lengthy rap), her adult contemporary smashes Smooth Operator and The Sweetest Taboo, as well as her dance


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Enter at the Capital News, 2495 Enterprise Way

Penticton Sat May 7th, 7:30pm Pencton Trade and Convention Centre

Sponsored by Peter Egglestone

Vernon Sun May 8th, 7:00pm Vernon Performing Arts Centre Sponsored by Nixon Wenger Lawyers

music/club play staple Hang On To Your Love. What makes this double disc even more valuable is the four new songs, highlighted by the contemporary dance styled song Love Is Found that foils Sade’s sultry voice with an edgy, textured synth line (making this one of Sade’s best songs ever, to my ears). The songs jump around chronologically which isn’t bothersome given Sade’s simple yet effective style while another dance club option on The Ultimate Collection could be the Neptunes’ hip hop remix of By Your Side. A thorough anthology from three-time Grammy winner Ms. Adu and well worth the price of a twoCD set. B+

S P IRI T OF T HE NOR T H TICKE T S AVAIL ABLE AT PENTICTON Wine Country Info Centre 553 Railway St 1 855 985 5000 KELOWNA Towne Centre Mall, 565 Bernard St 1 855 985 5000 VERNON Ticket Seller, Vernon Performing Arts Centre 33rd St at 38th Ave 250 549 7469

Adult $47 Senior $41 Youth $21 Tickets may also be available at the theatres the night of the performances

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This DVD carries a 2010 and a 2011 issue date on the back of the liner, so I am wondering if this award-winning documentary has added content for re-release as there is a subtitle: The Making Of Darkness On The Edge Of Town. I have seen that ninety-minute film on PBS cable TV but there has been a few songs added to this DVD from the acclaimed 1978 album, along with a cool Yule cover of Blue Christmas. There is also an added feature that reads Bruce Springsteen: A Conversation With His Fans and this I have not seen on the small screen. Anyway, this video clocks in at almost two and a half hours so big ‘Broooooooose The Boss’ fans may want to take note as this too came in the mail only a few days ago.

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 B7


Take a holiday in your own hometown valley Brandon W. Fletcher CONTRIBUTOR

Part of why the Okanagan is so awesome has to do with how close all the cities and towns are— you have the opportunity to take in a lot of different experiences over a weekend. For me, it started Saturday morning with a trip to the Kelowna Farmers Market at Springfield and Dilworth with Kayla and Adrian. We were on the lookout for valley-wide famous breakfast wraps but what we didn’t know at the time was the Okanagan Street Food truck has a real location now. Quickly, by asking around, we find other breakfast wraps that more than make up for it. There were Alpaca’s. After Kayla and Adrian went on their way, and with the weather getting warmer, it made sense to meet Rob and Ryan downtown. We were all thinking patio under the sun and

took in the atmosphere at Hanna’s Lounge at 1352 Water St. The view of Okanagan Lake from the patio is breath-taking but dangerous, staring down the South Okanagan proves too tempting. We hit the road, looking

for any excuse to roll the windows down and drive by the water.

▼ MAY 23-27

A week of fun at the O-Zone Prepare yourself for a wonderful week of excellent theatre as Theatre Kelowna Society hosts the Okanagan Zone Drama Festival from May 23 to 27 at the Mary Irwin Theatre, Rotary Centre For The Arts. This year’s entries include productions by Theatre Kelowna and Bumfbershoot Theatre Company from Kelowna, Shuswap Theatre Com-

pany from Salmon Arm, Powerhouse Theatre from Vernon and the Kamloops Players. Before the drama festival, TKS will present eight showings of its oneact play entries: The Sins Of The Mother and The Duck Variations, from May 12 to 21, at Mary Irwin Theatre. If you are any kind of a theatre fan, this is your chance to gorge yourself.

Reserve some dates in your busy schedules now. Tickets are available from selectyourtickets. com. You can find out more details by attending the TKS monthly meeting, upstairs at the Rotary Centre, on Monday May 9, 7.30 pm or by visiting the website and clicking on What’s New.

In Penticton we dig the vibe at Salty’s Beach House at 1000 Lakeshore

Dr. They serve us sangria, mussels and fish tacos; all of these things are A-OK with us. We bake a little longer as the boys regale me with tales of Naramata, I’ve never been, so we hit the road again.

I’m excited to visit Therapy Vineyards at 940 Debeck Rd.—I’ve enjoyed the wine on a number of occasions. We try to sneak in a tasting but they’re closing since it’s 6 p.m. They recommend places in town that are must-taste; every one in Naramata seems so pleasant. The sun sets and the view is ridiculous. The night is ending and our homes call. Sunday, the weather one-ups itself. The weekend’s still in full swing and our adventure continues. Adam and I head to downtown Kelowna for brunch at The Boh at 524 Bernard Ave. Eggs Benedict, we stick with the usual but are allowed to add personal additions to our meals by easy-going staff. Breakfast is delicious as usual, our mood is awesome. After spending the previous day on the other side of Okanagan Lake, we head down to Pandosy

Place a keepsake Graduation ad in the paper for only $50 (color incl. + HST) The Capital News will be publishing this feature page on June 12, 2011. We would like to do a before & after Graduation theme this year to add a little fun. Please send us a baby picture plus a graduation picture & a short write up before May 27, 2011.

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Village to see if Kelowna Cycle is open. We missed them, but made a serious note to try again soon. We stay the course down Lakeshore ogling the surroundings and ‘seriously’ making notes about which houses we “would totally buy.” Looking at the onceburned mountainside slowly recovering to a healthy green, I remember a delicious treat around the corner—you may remember from an online post about our trip to Carmelis Goat Cheese Farm at 170 Timberline Rd. It’s sunny so gelato sounds perfect. We also see our goatly friends. We head back home, it’s only lunch time and make plans for a bike ride and longboard before the day is done. This is springtime in the Awesome Okanagan.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News

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In Memoriam



It is agreed by any display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.



In Memoriam

In Loving Memory of





October 11, 1936 - May 4, 2010

You left this world one year ago, but time has stood still for all who miss and loved you so much. We miss your presence, but will always treasure your memory. Loving you always. Forgetting you never. Love from your wife Sharie, children, Jonn, Karey, Lorea, Rande, granddaughters, Lindsay, Thea, Danielle and Kendra



DELEURME, GILBERT CAMILLE Kelowna says goodbye to one its finest Ranchers, Cowboy, Hunter and Sportsman. Gilbert passed away in the presence of his family on April 30th, 2011 at Kelowna General Hospital at the age of 61. Gilbert was predeceased by his two brothers, Maurice and Aime. He is lovingly remembered by his wife Patricia, son Michael and daughter Lisa. Also left with heavy hearts; granddaughters Samara and Kylie. A Celebration of Life Service will be held on Saturday, May 7th, 2011 at 11:00 A.M. at Valleyview Funeral Home, 165 Valleyview Road with Celebrant Cathy Nesbitt. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Kelowna SPCA 3785 Casorso Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 4M7. Condolences can be sent to the family by visiting Arrangements entrusted to Valleyview Funeral Home, Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial.

MCCONNELL, GERALD GORDON Passed away on April 29, 2011 in Kelowna, BC at the age of 80. Gerald was born in Ridgedale, Saskatchewan on November 2, 1930. He grew up in the small town of northern Saskatchewan of 1930’s and 40’s radio shows and surrounded by a close knit community of Irish cousins. He joined the Canadian Army at age 16 and served until 1970. He had postings across Canada, in England, in Korea and as part of the UN Emergency Force in the Middle East. Gerry was an exceptional photographer and in 1970 turned his skills to become a special constable with the RCMP until his retirement in 1986. Gerry (with his wife “Sue”) was a keen fisherman both on the West coast and in retirement on many interior lakes. He also enjoyed square dancing, A-2 level, camping and travelling with the “Explorers” RV Club. He volunteered in many organizations including the Knights of Columbus and the Kelowna Respiratory Club. Gerald is survived by his loving wife Madeline (“Sue”), his son James, daughter-in-law Trudy and grandchildren Elizabeth and Thomas. Special Thanks to Dr. L. Wiebe over the years and the staff of Kelowna General Hospital for their support during Gerry’s last week. A Memorial Gathering will be held at 1:00 pm Thursday, May 5th at Valleyview Funeral Home, 165 Valleyview Road. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Central Okanagan Hospice House, 2035 Ethel Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 2Z6. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting Arrangements in care of First Memorial Funeral Services (250) 762-2299.

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STEINBRENNER, REINHARD Passed away April 29, 2011 in Kelowna, BC at the age of 87 years. He is survived by loving wife Anna of 64 years. No service will be held by request. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting Cremation arrangements in care of First Memorial Funeral Services, (250) 762-2299.


Ralph Emanuel Keiser passed away Friday, April 29, 2011 at the age of 78. He is survived by his loving wife Leona of 54 years, son Blake Keiser of Salt Lake City, Utah and daughter Tracy (Peter) Gann of Sydney, Australia. He is remembered with love by nieces and nephews, in-laws and friends. Ralph was both “Opa” to grandchildren Tara and Jared Keiser and “Dup” to grandchildren Kurtis and Brittany Gann. He was sadly predeceased by his parents Gabriel and Lucy and nine siblings. Ralph was born in Balgonie, Saskatchewan December 3, 1932 and joined the RCMP at 19 years of age. He was transferred to Kelowna as Superintendent in 1983 and retired in 1986 with 35 years of service. “Spike’s” hobbies included golfing, skiing and bottling his own beer. The family wishes to extend heartfelt thanks to the hospitalists, nurses and care aids at Kelowna General Hospital for the care and support they offered in Ralph’s final weeks. Also a special thanks to Dr. Gore and Reverend Richard Chung for their guidance and compassion. A service to celebrate Ralph’s life will be held at St. Paul’s United Church, 3131 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC on Friday, May 20, 2011 at 11:00 am. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Interior Alzheimer Society, 211-1889 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC V1Y 5V5. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting 250-860-7077.

ROSE, BARRY ERNEST April 15, 1938 - April 29, 2011

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our kind and caring husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle after losing a brief and brave battle with cancer. Predeceased by his twin brother Larry Rose, Barry is survived by his wife Dwila of almost 49 years, daughters Bonny (Harvey) Lalach, Heather (Tony) Biollo, and grandchildren Nicholas, Lauren, Julia, Lindsay, Delaney and Sophie. Barry also leaves a brother, Rolland (Helen) Rose, Ladysmith, B.C. and sister Lois Corsie , Maple Ridge B.C. as well as nine nieces and nephews. Barry was a proud Firefighter who served for 24 years. Barry moved from New Westminster, B.C. to Kelowna in 1959 to work at Shop- Easy. Barry married his wife Dwila in 1962. Barry managed People’s Food Market for a number of years before joining the Kelowna Fire Department in 1974. Barry drove for BC Transit part-time for 28 years. Barry was a loving husband, father and grandfather and his kind, compassionate, caring manner touched many lives. Barry’s eternal optimism, sense of humour and good will toward others will be forever remembered and cherished by all those who knew and loved him. Many thanks to the nurses and hospitalists Dr. Penner, Dr. McLellan and Dr. Wall on 4B for all their care, compassion and time for Barry’s many stories. Thank you to the staff at the Hospice House who took such good care of Barry and his family during his last days. A private family service will be officiated by Rev. Dr. Lorna Hillian. In lieu of flowers, Barry requested any donations go to our local SPCA. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting Funeral arrangements entrusted to FIRST MEMORIAL FUNERAL SERVICES 250-762-2299.

Passed peacefully April 29th, 2011 surrounded by her family. Margaret was predeceased by her husband of fifty-five years Ed Schneider; predeceased by brothers Albert, Jack and Ken. Born in Unity, Saskatchewan October 13, 1931, she completed High School in Saskatoon and travelled to Rutland to work in the Fruit Industry during 1948. Margaret is survived by her daughter, Cheryl (Ed) McCallion and son, Jack (Suzanne) Schneider. Missing her are her grandchildren, Justin and Kelsey Schneider of Victoria, BC, Jenelle and David Candido of New Haven, Connecticut, USA, Devon McCallion of Calgary, Alberta and Lara McCallion of West Kelowna, BC. Margaret is cherished by her brothers and sisters including Brian (Helen) Burnell, Vern (Verna) Burnell, Ted (Madeline) Burnell, Beth Bosch, and Ruth Anderson. Also survived by many nieces, nephews, great nephews, and great nieces who she loved so dearly. A special thanks to KGH rehab, Respiratory and Intensive Care nursing staff. Prayers will be held at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church Wednesday, May 4th at 7:00 pm. Mass will be held at St. Theresa’s Thursday May 5th at 10:30 am. In lieu of flowers please send donations to the Central Okanagan Hospice Association #204 - 1456 St. Paul Street. Kelowna, BC, V1Y 2E6 (250) 763-5511 OR Central Okanagan Bursary #1 - 616 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC V1Y 4X4 (250) 861-4980 c/o ‘Elsie Catherleen Burnell “Pursuit of Education” Award. Arrangements in care of Everden Rust Funeral Services, (250) 860-6440

MCGOWAN, JOHN EDWARD FRANCIS (ED) Ed went to be with the Lord on Sunday, May 1, 2011 at the age of 90 years. He is survived by his loving family: daughter Colleen (Pat); sons: Michael, Richard (Che-Yin), Edward; seven grandchildren: Brad, Gillian, Tavia, Haylee, Jesse, Gabrielle, Sophie; five great grandchildren: Emily, Ryan, Austin, Paige and Preston; his sister Rita; the Chisholm family, Beth and Robert Drewlo and many dear friends and extended family. Predeceased by his wives Margaret and Pauline, brother Dan, sister Edith and son Patrick. Ed served in the RCAF from 1941-1946 and he was a successful sales representative for Mack Trucks in Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador. Ed moved his family from Lachine, PQ to Winfield in 1969. A business owner and active member of his community, Ed was a Past Member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Lions Club and Winfield Minor Hockey. He was a Past President of the Lake Country OAPO and a member of the Royal Canadian Legion. He will be remembered for his devotion to his family, St. Edward’s Parish and as a volunteer who believed in service to others. Anyone wishing to say a prayer, pay or hear tributes to the “Mayor of Duck Lake” are invited to the Prayer Service at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, May 4th; followed by a Funeral Mass on Thursday, May 5th at 11:00 am both at St. Edward’s Roman Catholic Church, 11123 Okanagan Centre Road East, Lake Country, BC. Interment to follow in the Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Central Okanagan Hospice Association – Hospice House, 2035 Ethel Street, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 2Z6 or Cottonwoods Extended Care, 2255 Ethel Street, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 2Z9. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-7077.

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011










Childcare Available

ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL school survivors! If you received the CEP (Common Experience Payment), you may be eligible for further cash compensation. To see if you qualify, phone toll free 1-877988-1145 now. Free service!

HUNNY’S HOUSE Licensed Daycare, 12 full time spaces available, $650/mo 3-5yr olds.

Career Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Head Chef/Kitchen Manager required for Kuskanax Lodge in Nakusp. We specialize in fresh homemade theme menu and operate CMH heli-ski business in the winter. We want an enthusiastic, motivated person with a red seal and a minimum of 3 years experience. We offer competitive wage, benefits. Fax resume to Kuskanax Lodge 250 265-4447 or call 1-800-663-0100 for an appointment.

AIRLINES ARE hiring. Train for high paying aviation maintenance career. FAA approved program.Financial aid if qualified. Housing available. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-818-0783

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking


Coming Events CINCO DE MAYO! Live band from Vancouver. Sat., May 7, 7:30pm. Band starts at 9pm. Parkinson Rec Centre. $25. No jeans, no minors. Info at: Elizabeth: 250-763-4866 or Lucy: 250-769-6098 WATERWISE GARDENING Classes with Gwen Steele begin April 20 & May 4 at H2O Aquatic center. More info at or 250-762-6018


DATING SERVICE. Longterm/short-term relationships, Call now. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888-534-6984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1-877-804-5381. (18+). D&D Dining 4 Six (Kelowna) is offering a free membership for one year for all new clients for our Dining/ Dating Service. Please call 250-765-3560 for an appointment. Looking for Female FT. Companion. I am 72 yrs old & recently widowed.smoker S/d like motorcycle riding, RVing, some dancing Homebaked meals not into dating game. would like someone to live with me in Westbank No pets. Call (250)215-0340 THINKING OF SELLING? For a confidential, no obligation, free market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-762-9446 or 250-860-1100 anytime.

Lost & Found Notice to Rutland Waterworks District Residents Water Main Flushing. Rutland Waterworks District crews will be performing annual water main flushing starting May 2, to May 31, 2011, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Areas affected are as follows. All Roads within the boundaries of Hardie Road to Hwy 33 and Merrifield Rd to Rutland Rd North. All roads within the boundaries of Leathead Road to Hwy 33 and Rutland Rd North to Froelich Road. All roads from Springfield Rd to Hwy 33 and Belgo Rd to Dougall Rd South, including Mercury and Neptune Rds, Bornais and Molnar Rds. During this period you may experience lower than normal water pressure and some discoloration in your water. If you do experience discoloration in your water, we advise you to run your COLD water until it runs clear. Please refrain from doing laundry during these hours. For more information, call the Rutland Waterworks Office during regular business hours at 765-5218, or check our website at We apologize for any nconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Desperately seeking


Did you graduate from Westsyde Secondary School in Kamloops, BC in 1991? If so, we are looking for you! Please contact Beverly at: so we can invite you to the 20 year reunion in July 2011.

Obituaries B9

FOUND: Gold watch in Orchard Park parking lot. Please call to identify. 250-860-1959 FOUND on Burtch Rd at Springfield April 14, men’s wedding band. Please call to identify at 250-763-9219 LOST black & white Cat, Last seen on Black Mtn, 2 weeks ago. He looks like he is wearing a tuxedo.1-(604)614-7342 LOST: Men’s gold ring/black stone, small diamond. Reward. 250-862-2671


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare No risk program. Stop mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248 SELL/RENT YOUR Timesharfor cash!!! Our guaranteed services will sell/ rent your unused Timeshare for cash! Over $95 million dollars offered in 2010! 800-640-6886

Travel SUNNY SPRING specials at Florida’s best beach, New Smyrna Beach. Stay a week or longer. Plan a beach wedding or family reunion. or 1-800541-9621

Vacation Spots


Daycare Centers BRAND NEW Licensed Group DAYCARE opening in the Rutland area May 2nd. Only 5 positions available in our spacious, exclusive center. Our agenda includes a pre-school/ early learning program encouraging individual strengths and preparing children for kindergarten. Call (250)300-7687 for details and price.

Employment Business Opportunities

Did you know... Classified ads go online for FREE.

Call the Capital News 250-763-7114

80% COMMISSION Travel Only has 500 agents across Canada. Business opportunities with low investment, unlimited income potential, generous tax/travel benefits. Run your travel company, full-time, part-time from home. Register for free seminar, 1-800-608-1117, Ext. 2020. BE YOUR own boss with Great Canadian Dollar Store. New franchise opportunities in your area. Call 1-877-3880123 ext. 229 or visit our website: today. COKE AND Candy Vending Route. Local Hi-Traffic Locations. Earn $40K+ per year. Fast and safe investment return. Secure your future. Be the boss! Factory direct pricing 1-888-579-0892 Must Sell EARN EXTRA INCOME. Learn to operate a Mini Office Outlet from your home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income. No selling required. FOR Sale. 38 seat restaurant in Westbank. Call 250-7687983 after 8 pm. GOURMET Coffee Business, home based, huge potential. Call 250-491-1228


Children Childcare Available


Education/Trade Schools


Work with adults/youth in community agencies and private practice. Accelerated skill training - the practical alternative to a 4 year degree.

Esthetician Esthetican/Nail tech, experience needed at busy salon. #102-2000 Enterprise Way, Kelowna. 250-762-6833. Kali

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Congratulations Chelsea Stowers Graduate 2008


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OKANAGAN MONTESSORI K.L.O. campus has an opening for a part time E.C.E. The start date for this position is August 15, 2011. The desired candidate has a valid E.C.E certificate for the Province of British Columbia. Montessori training or experience would be an asset but is not required. Montessori training will be provided. If you are a warm and caring individual who possess dynamic teaching skills then this is the opportunity you have been looking for. An excellent remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate. Only those called to interview will be contacted. Please fax your resume and covering letter to (250) 869-0029 or email to, attention Barb Fulton. For more information about us, please look at our website found at

The Shortest Path To Your Health Care Career Train today for: • Practical Nursing • Pharmacy Assistant • Health Care Assistant • Addictions and Community Support • ECE CertiÍcation and more....


Aron Meier

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For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together in celebration of a special life.

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Funeral Director

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Proudly serving Westbank, Kelowna, Rutland, and Lake Country.


peace of mind.

Choose Kelowna’s on-site crematory for you and your family’s peace of mind

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Career Opportunities

From here. To career.

Valleyview Dignity Memorial

2BD, 2bth Condo fully furnished, boat lift extra, $2000 mnth. John. 250-718-9118

AT TIGGER & ME Too Daycare: Spots available for 21/2 5year olds & After school care. Rutland. 250-765-4900 TEDDY Bear Family Daycare Licensed. Near Rutland Elementary FT spaces available, for children Ages 1-4 years (250)-765-7239

Drivers Wanted: Terrific career opportunity outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Experience Needed! Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 weeks vacation & benefits pkg. Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time Valid License High School Diploma or GED. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE LODWICK TRANSPORT Singles wanted. Roundtrip: AB & BC to California. Premium equip., benefits, achievable bonuses. Solid, family oriented company. Reefer freight. TollFree 1-800-265-8374 ext: 228. Fax: 905-564-8381. Email:





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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News








Farm Workers

Haircare Professionals

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

BUSINESS AND administration trainees needed! Large & small ďŹ rms seeking certiďŹ ed admin staff now. No experience? Need training? Career training & job placement available. 1-888-512-7116.

DAR-CAR TRUCKING Ltd. is now hiring log & gravel truck drivers & buncher, skidder & processor operators. Please fax resume 403-638-4378 or call 403-638-3645 or email:

GILL Orchards looking for seasonal workers in Kelowna for thinning pruning picking & related jobs $9.28/hr 40hrs wk. June-Oct.19. 250 - 860-9737

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

ORCHARD worker for picking, thinning, pruning. Starts June Nov. $9.28/hr or peice rate. 250-766-1619 VOLCANIC Hills Estate Winery and TBA Farm Ltd.,Needs workers 5-6 d/pr/wk 40 -50 hrs pr/wk $9.28 pr/hr May1stDec15. Apple thinning picking cherry picking & work in vineyard - tying sukering, green pruning, new planting, picking. We also need workers to help in Wine cellar. Submit Resume by fax 778-755-5595 or by mail: 3030 Elliott Rd. Westbank V4T1M2. 250-768-5768

Haircare Professionals COME work at Mod Salon! We are looking for a stylist to join our family. Great pay and education pkg. Drop by 1508 Water St

Help Wanted

CHAIR RENTAL AT SAORI’S BEAUTY BAR- self-employment opportunity in a busy salon located in Lakewood Mall by Tim Horton’s to start June 1st. Make more money, work own hours. (250)808-7900.

Help Wanted

Did you know... we can place your ad throughout BC

Call the Capital News 250-763-7114

HEY YOU... YEAH YOU! WANT A JOB? Kelowna company is looking for hard working individuals. We provide full training, no experience required. $2,500+/mo! Must be 18+ and able to start immediately.

Attention Students SUMMER WORK Flex sched, $17 base-appt, customer sales/service, conditions apply no exp needed, 448-1132

Career Opportunities

CALL 250-860-9480 ADMIN ASSISTANT trainees needed! Large & small ďŹ rms seeking admin staff! No experience? Need training? Career training & job placement available. 1-888-512-7116.

SKILLED FOSTER PARENTS We are currently recruiting highly skilled foster families to provide loving care and support to children and youth in the Central Okanagan. We have a number of opportunities available including ongoing and emergency placement homes. At this time, we speciďŹ cally need a home for a young man who is First Nation. He has experienced many challenges and barriers but more than anything else, this boy wants to live with a family, have friends and do meaningful activities. He has lots of energy and enjoys riding his bike and almost any outdoor physical activities. He is an awesome young man who requires the support of strong, caring and exible caregivers.



The successful candidates (preferably two people, co-parenting) will understand the importance of caring for our young people and will commit to being an integral part of the youth’s care team. The following skills are required: t DMFBS BOE UIPVHIUGVM VOEFSTUBOEJOH PG UIF FĂľFDUT PG '"4% BOE "%)% t UIF BCJMJUZ UP NPEFM TFMG SFTUSBJOU TFMG EJSFDUJPO BOE TFMG SFHVMBUJPO t FYDFMMFOU VOEFSTUBOEJOH PG UIF JNQPSUBODF PG QFSNBOFODZ BOE attachment t B QPTJUJWF iDBO EPw BUUJUVEF BOE FBTZ HPJOH QFSTPOBMJUZ t XJMMJOHOFTT UP CPUI UFBDI BOE MFBSO Excellent child-speciďŹ c training, remuneration, ongoing supports and relief services are available to the family that proves to be up to the challenge of supporting this young person. A Criminal Records search, excellent references and positive medical history are required of each caregiver. The successful candidates must have acceptable accommodation and a safe and reliable vehicle. *You could make a dierence in the life of this child*


For more information, call Linda Austin, Resources Team Leader, Ministry of Children and Family Development; Kelowna at 250 470 0872 or forward resume to


1.866.306.3768 Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools



KEL.VCCOLLEGE.CA Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Become a Psychiatric Nurse in your own community There is an urgent need for more Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN), particularly outside the urban areas of the province. And with the workforce aging – the average age of a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in BC is 47 years – the number of retirees from the profession is exceeding the number of graduates. Entry-level earnings start at $29/hour to $38/hour. Train Locally – The only program of its kind in BC, students can learn within their local communities via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements, and some regional classroom delivery. This 23 month program is recognized by the CRPNBC. Government student loans, Employment & Labour Market Services (ELMS), band funding & other ďŹ nancing options available to qualiďŹ ed applicants.

Toll Free:


Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 B11






Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Auto Mechanic wanted. Automotive mechanic required for oilfield construction company. We want a journeyman mechanic preferably with Dodge truck experience. Your work schedule will be 5-10hr days. Call Lloyd @ (780)725-4430 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS. Salmon Arm GM on Shuswap Lake in beautiful British Columbia requires fulltime journeyman Automotive Technicians. fax: 250-8325314. Email:

Mind Body Spirit

Cleaning Services

EXP. Level 1 Insurance Agent. Competitive Salary and Commission. 4- 10hr. shifts, Benefit package avail. Drop of resume at Okanagan Valley Insurance #125-2463 Hwy.97N Kelowna, BC.V1X4J2. (beside Far West. Kelowna Crossing Mall.)email Contact us at 250-448-2255 or fax resume to: 250-448-1011 Heavy Duty Mechanic wanted. Heavy Duty Mechanic required. for oilfield construction company. Must be 3rd year to Journeyman, prefer a mechanic with Cat & or Hitachi experience. You will work in shop or field & be home virtually all nights. Call Lloyd @ (780)725-4430 JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! No experience necessary, we will train. Must be 18+yrs. of age. Call 250-860-3590 or Email: Looking for young enthusiastic money motivated individuals needed for a career opportunity in the Okanagan. Must be neat in appearance & avail. most weekends FullTime vehicle req.’ed Call 250-860-5554 MEDICAL OFFICE trainees needed! Hospitals & doctors need medical office & medical admin staff! No experience? Need training? Career training & job placement available. 1888-748-4126. Outlet expansion has resulted in 15 new openings in the Okanagan, work in Customer service/sales. $21.35/hr to start. Raise in 30-60 days.Full training provided. Call-250-860-5554 FOR AN INTERVIEW REQUIRED: TJ HD Mechanics for Southern Interior Road Maintenance Company’s Lillooet location. Fax resume to (250)374-4114 or email For further

Floor Refinishing/ Installations


CAL-GAS INC. B-TRAIN DRIVER Based out of Kelowna B.C to transport bulk propane from various refineries to various locations in Southern B.C Ideal candidates will have a clean Class 1 Lic & 5 years Hwy driving exp. hauling Liquids and/or Dangerous Goods. Cal-Gas offers Comp. rates & benefits. If you are interested in a career opportunity, submit resume with a current driver’s abstract to: humanresources@ or fax: (403) 279-9098 Attn: Logistics Coordinator


While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. CONCRETE FINISHERS. Edmonton-based company seeks experienced concrete finishers for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780444-7103. Dozer & excavator operators required by a busy Alberta oilfield construction company. We require operators that are experienced and preference will be given to operators that have constructed oilfield roads and drilling locations. You will be provided with motels and restaurant meals. Competitive wages, bonus and transportation daily to and from job sites. Our work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Call 780-723-5051. HOMEWORKERS GET paid daily! Now accepting: simple full/part time data entry & online computer related work is available. No fees or charges to participate. Start today,


Sales Assassin Wanted! Visit for more info. Stuck On Designs, a growing print and customized clothing shop, is currently seeking an experienced full time designer. Proficiency in Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign is a must. Must be able to work with clients, meet deadlines, multi task and function well in a team environment. or fax 250-624-6160

AFFORDABLE Swedish Massage. Voted #1 by clients. Linda 250-862-3929. The Lemare Group is currently seeking a boom man for the North Vancouver Island area. Full time, union wages. Fax resume to 250-956-4888 or email: Working 4th Class Engineer with maintenance experience needed for processing plant. Applicant needs to be able to work unsupervised. Bring resume to Colonial Farms 3830 Okanagan Street, Armstong, between 8am & noon. (250)546-3008.

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services COOKS needed immed. with min. 3-5 years experience in AUTHENTIC MEXICAN CUISINE. Knowledge of Jaliscostyle cuisine an asset. Must be organized & work well under pressure. $17/hour, 40 hrs per week,+ gratuities. Fax res with ref’s to (250)492-5617 e-mail thevallartagrill@shaw.


Full time Cashier. Early AM/ Day shifts. $10-$12/hr. Apply at 2112 Harvey Ave, Kelowna

Medical/Dental DENTAL RECEPTIONIST, req for mat leave at Kelowna office. Must be career oriented, have outstanding customer service, people skills, and a passion to grow with the team. Pref will be given to those with CDA and Cleardent experience. Send resumes to

Sales NORTH America’s Leader in the funeral and cemetary industry requires the right candidate to fill the position of sales counsellor for their Kelowna facilities. Articulate and well groomed would be essential assets. Training will be provided. Contact Brett at 250-7652929.

Trades, Technical The Lemare Group is currently seeking a hydraulic loader/hoe chucker for the North Vancouver Island area. Full time, union wages. Fax resume to 250-956-4888 or email:

Classified Sales/ Supervisor The Kelowna Capital News is a community newspaper with a distribution of over 50,000 copies serving the communities of the Central Okanagan every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. We are currently looking for a classified advertising sales representative/supervisor to work in our fast paced office. The ideal candidate must be motivated and take the initiative to build relationships to help grow their clients business. You must be able to work well under the pressure of deadlines and be a team player able to drive and increase revenues. Excellent inter-personal skills as well as being highly organized are a must. The Kelowna Capital News is part of the Black Press Group, the leading independent newspaper publisher in Canada. If you are interested in a rewarding challenge and would like to be part of a successful team please submit your resume with cover letter to: Karen Hill Publisher, Kelowna Capital Nws 2495 Enterprice Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 Fax: 250-862-5275 Closing date for submissions: May 18, 2011

A well-established Highway, Heavy Civil and Mining Construction Contractor in Southern BC is seeking an experienced Civil Construction Superintendent for a fulltime, year-round position. You must be a highly motivated, self-starting individual. Responsibilities to include: • The planning and schedul-

• •

ing of day to day construction operations including personnel and equipment delegation. Demonstrate and develop a positive relationship with all staff, owners and subcontractors. Knowledge of all aspects of WCB and Ministry of Mines Regulations. Ensure all safety values are met or exceeded.

Please forward Resume in the strictest of confidence to: Only those short-listed will be contacted.

Licensed Trailer Mechanic or Commercial Transport Mechanic with BC Inspection Certificate. Full time with benefit package. $27.50/hr. Fax Resume to 250-545-0683 Metal Fabrication shop looking for Full time Experienced CNC Brake Operator. Forklift Exp. an asset. Must have drivers license and able to work afternoon shift. Wages based on Experience. Excellent benefits package. Please email Resumes to or drop off at Reidco Metal Industries Ltd .4290 Hwy 97


Mind Body Spirit

#1 for a reason. Paradise Massage. Where men come to relax. 778-477-5050 Kelowna

ASIAN MASSAGE! Peaceful setting, $50hr. Call 250-3173575 BLISS Massage 4 your every need. 10 yrs exp. men only . Call 4 appt. 250-215-7755 ESCAPE From Stress Massage. Lori 250-868-0067

ESSENTIAL BODY SAGE. Warm Clean Studio conveniently located. (778)-478-1582 MAGIC HANDS! full body relaxation. Lessons & prostate massage avail. 20 yrs. exp. 250-801-8079 THAI Massage. Totally relax & energize your body & mind. Open 7 days a week Call 250801-7188

Health Products DIABETES CHOLESTEROL Weight loss natural product for cholesterol, blood sugar and weight. Physician recommended, backed by human clinical studies with amazing results. Call to find out how to get a free bottle of Bergamonte! 888-470-5390

Financial Services DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call 1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member $500 LOAN, no credit refused. Fast, easy and secure. 1-877776-1660 ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Anne Hamilton Estate Administrator at 250-979-7190 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Kelowna. Donna Mihalcheon CA,CIRP KPMG Inc. Trustee in Bankruptcy, #300 -1674 Bertram Street, Kelowna, BC. V1Y 9G4 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit / age / income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

Experienced Housekeepers have immediate openings available. Reliable honest cleaners will take as much pride in your home as you do. The Projects( 250)-808-5389

Computer Services 12/7 A MOBILE COMPUTER TECH. Certified computer technician, virus removal, repairs, upgrades. Let me come to you. 250-717-6520. 12/7 In-Home Repairs. New Systems/Upgrades. 20+yrs Prof. Service. Peter 215-4137

Concrete & Placing A&T Concrete for all concrete you need done. Big or small, I do it all. For Free estimates call Tony 778-478-9444. 250870-2730 + pressure washing For all your concrete services Check us out on our website

Free Estimates. Government Certified. 250-451-6944 K.W. CONCRETE - Specializing in Driveways, Sidewalks, Floors,& MORE 250-575-4973

Contractors KSK Framing & Foundations. Quality workmanship at reas rates. Free est 250-979-8948 WENINGER CONST. Family company commited to Kelowna & Big White. 250-765-6898


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Hairstylists Mobile Hairdresser. Licensed. 20 yrs exp. Will come to your home anytime 250-801-6878

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed record removal. 100% free information booklet. 1-8Now-Pardon 1-866-972-7366. Speak with a specialist, no obligation. A+BBB Rating. 20+ Yrs Experience. Confidential. Fast. Affordable. ICBC, MVA’S, SLIP & FALL or Any Injury? MARCO D. CEDRONE Making The Difference in Personal Injury Claims! 24hrs.1-866-913-3110 Cascade Law Corporation

Cleaning Services 1# “CLEAN BY CLEAN” Making U House Proud! Professional. Reliable. Competitive Rates 215-1073 BEST Quality Cleaning Prof, reliable, bonded, ins’d. Comm, Strata, Restaurant, Offices, Med/Dental. Call 250-8687224 Fax: 778-477-2668 CASTLES to Shacks. Housecleaning Specialist. Ready to clean for you. Weekly, bimonthly, monthly. Bonded & insured. Environmentally safe products avail. Veterans welcome. 250-215-6866 250-870-1577 250-763-8303

#2-1115 GORDON

REFACE Countertops. 1/2 the Cost of Replacing. Granite & Corian Designs. 470-2235.

Drywall PESL DRYWALL Service Inc. Renovations, new construction and repairs. Boarding, taping, textured ceilings. Call Tomas at 250-212-4483 or 860-3495.

Electrical ALAN Dignam Electric. Resid/ Comm. Service calls, Reno’s, Upgrades. lic’d, bonded & Insured. Alan 250-808-6595

Excavating & Drainage PAUSCH Equipment Kubota Kx161-3. Excavator day/week /month. Rentals.250-470-8688

Fencing ALL KINDS OF FENCES, 6x8 Cedar panels starting @ $65. Gates & custom orders, staining 250-491-4622 CEDAR Panels, Gates, Custom fencing & Decks. Quality Workmanship Repair & Reno’s Josef 250-864-7755.

DIXON Flooring. Hardwood & Tile. 10yrs exp. Facebook: Dixon Flooring. 250-212-3269 QUALITY Floors layed by Hooksnapped Flooring installation. 250-869-2125 RE-NEW Your Floors, Patios, & Driveways. See ad in Service Directory. (250)-878-0288

Garage Door Services GARAGE Doors- install, service, repair all makes of doors & openers. 250-878-2911

Garden & Lawn

Did you know... If you place an ad for 12 insertions, you get a 20% discount.

Call the Capital News 250-763-7114

1-1-1- All Exterior Hedge & Tree Specialist. Downsizing, pruning, artistic shaping & removing of hedges & trees. Ins. Call Dave, 250-212-1716 1-1-AERATING (Sale Price) power raking, mowing, hedge & shrub trimming. w w w. A l l T h i n g s E x t e r i o r. o r g 250-869-5349. $29.95 “Lawn Cutting Great rates on all yard work.Fence repair & Painting250-863-7539 Aerate, power rake, rototil & hedge trim Call Mel 250-7690867 or 250-718-0241 AERATING, power raking, hedge/shrub pruning, rotatilling, lawn care, mulch & rock etc. Insured. Exp.’d Ace Of Spades. 878-1315, 765-7825 ASPEN LANDSCAPING, irrigation, aerating, pwr raking. Spring clean-up. No HST. 250317-7773. CUSTOM Rototilling. Veggie & flower gardens. 250-862-0821 Edging Cedars - buy direct from grower, 6ft.-10 for $200, We deliver, Budget Nurseries, toll free 1-866-498-2189, GORDON’S Quality Lawn Care. Spring Special.12% off aerating/dethatching. 250-863-8935 IAN’S Yrd. Maint. Comm. & Res. De-Thatching, Pruning, Tree Removal, Fertilizing, Wkly. Lawncare, U/G Sprinklers, 250-765-3215 I WANT TO CUT Your Lawn! Plain & simple, your lawn needs cutting, and I cut lawns. I’m asking for your business, and in exchange, you will receive both excellent value and exceptional service, GUARANTEED! Weekly maintenance, power raking, pruning, aerating, spring clean-ups, etc. Senior’s discounts, all inquiries welcome! 250-878-7283 ...Common Sense Yard Care... JIM’S MOWING. Same day service. Fully insr’d. Aerating/ Power Raking. 250-310-5467 KELOWNA LAWN & Irrigation. Spring start-up and repairs. Gerry at 250-769-8717 LITZ LAWN CARE, weekly mowing, fertilizing, pwr. raking, hedge trimming & gen. yrd. clean-ups. Free Est. 764-6404

M&S LAWN & GARDEN Power Raking, Mowing, Pruning, Yard Clean-up, General Maintenance, Irrigation, Complete Landscaping, Retainer Walls, Water Features. Free Estimates Jim 250-861-3693

Top quality topsoil, garden mix bark mulch, sand & gravel, decorative rock. Ensign Bros. Pickup Mon-Sat 250-769-7298 TOP SOIL $20/yd. Compost Mix $35/yd., Ogogrow, Gravel, Rocks, Mulches 250-868-3380

Gutters & Downspouts KELOWNA GUTTER Cleaning and repairs, re-slope gutters,etc Richard 250-718-6718

Handypersons COMPLETE Handyman service. Free est. Seniors disc., Call 250-317-8348


Handypersons NEED a hand inside or out from painting to yard work. 250-215-1712, 250-768-5032 TERRY’S Handyman Service. Indoor/outdoor painting, carpentry, furniture repair, dump runs, No job too small! 250575-4258 or 250-450-6939

Home Improvements ADDITIONS, finished bsmts, kitchen & bth reno’’s, tile, hrwd & laminate flooring. Drywall, painting. Ext/int finishing. Call 250-870-3187 DB CONSTRUCTION Journeyman carpenter offering contract services specializing in concrete formwork for foundations & concrete driveways, Also building decks, garages and siding to suit your needs. Phone Dan 250 575-2797 HILLTOP REMODELING. For all your remodeling needs. Call 250-491-5992 Interior & Exterior Call Rob (250)-859-2787 THE PROBLEM SOLVER. For all the problems you have inside your house or outside. We do it all. Bathrooms, basements, etc. One call does it all. Free est. 30yrs exp., Call 250491-5992

Home Repairs LARRY’S Handyman & Reno Serv., Lg. & Sm. jobs, Graffitti Removal etc., 250-718-8879

Irrigation/Sprinkler Systems John’s Quality Irrigation Pro Reliable, Economical Service Call John 250-215-0693 WESTWIND Irrigation is pleased to welcome Gene Hodgson to our staff! He has over 12 years of experience in servicing irrigation systems. He is professional, hard working & we are proud to have him as part of our team. Call Westwind, 250-860-0025 WEST-WIND Now booking for irrigation start up, repairs & installs. Call 250-860-0025

Kitchen Cabinets MARYANNE’S Kitchen. Baths, countertops. Free measure & design. Ref’s. 250-317-7523


Did you know... If you place an ad in one classification, you get the second classification 1/2 price.

Call the Capital News 250-763-7114

#1 STOP FOR ROCKS. Please call 250-862-0862 BARK MULCH Fir or Cedar,$20 per yard. Delivery included on orders over 30 yards. Shavings and Sawdust available. 250-838-6630. DIGGINOLES N SHIFTINSTUFF. Pickup & delivery service. Rubbish & recycling removed. Landscape, building supplies & Hay delivered, small equipment transferred. Yes we work weekends!! or Ph: Ian 250-864-2339 Edging Cedars - buy direct from grower, 6ft.-10 for $200, We deliver, Budget Nurseries, toll free 1-866-498-2189, GLM Landscaping & Irrigation 12% Discount!!! Custom landscaping 250-864-5450 OGOGROW / GLENGROW. $25/ yard. Skyhigh Disposal. Call 250-808-0733 YARD Maint., Spring clean ups, landscaping. Free estimates. Louie, 250-212-4205

Machining & Metal Work GET BENT Metal Fab, fences, gates, railings, security bars,

Misc Services ALL KINDS OF FENCES, 6x8 Cedar panels starting @ $65. Gates & custom orders, stainning,


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News

Sales & Service Directory CONCRETE






Licensed & Insured

765-6898 In business since 1989

“Renovation Experts” Interior/exterior Prompt, clean and reliable Insured 250-826-2284

We install quality laminate, carpet, lino & much more. Need product? Call Jeff 250-869-2125

RE-NEW YOU’RE FLOORS PATIO & DRIVEWAY Professionally Cleaned & Sealed Slate, Ceramic, Vinyl, Linoleum, Cork, Concrete, Aggregate, etc. Epoxy Your Garage Floor

Ask about our spring specials

(12 colors to choose)





ADDITIONS, finished bsmts. kitchen & bath reno’s, tile, hrdwd. & laminate flooring. Drywall painting ext/int finishing.

• New & Existing Heating Systems • Heat pumps, A/C • Gas fitting • Licensed & Insured. • Replacement Furnace.

Call Wayne (250) 215-6767

Call 250-870-3187

LANDSCAPING • YARD maintenance • spring clean ups • decks • fences •retaining walls • residential/ commercial • FREE estimates Call Louie at


Dixon Flooring Hardwood & Tile

10+ years experience Quality work at competitive prices, free estimates, pictures on facebook.



We are now taking bookings for irrigation startups & repairs. We also offer free estimates on irrigation installations or major alterations. Call West-Wind Irrigation Ltd.

at 250-860-0025



Kelowna Gutter Cleaning & Repair

We install, service, & repair all makes of doors & openers. FREE ESTIMATES • INSURANCE CLAIMS • SENIOR DISCOUNTS Call Mon.-Fri. 8-4:30 pm

• Fix leaks • 20 years. experience • Fascia soffit repairs • Downpipes • Re-Slope



Lawn Maintenance, Yard Clean-Ups, Pruning/Hedges, Gardening, Gutters, Rubbish Removal, Odd Jobs


Senior’s Specials Experience & Quality New Homes & Repaints Ceilings Bondable. Insurance Work Call Terry 250-863-9830 or 250-768-1098

Interior - Exterior (FREE ESTIMATES) Fully insured and WCB



• Bath Remodels • Decks • Drywall

• Kitchen Remodels • Painting • Plumbing

• Electrical • Tile Work • To-Do Lists • Much More

Kelowna • 250-717-5500



Licensed, Bonded & Insured

Independently Owned and Locally Operated



Kitchen cabinets & vanity refacing. Replace doors, update crown, modern hardware, counters, tile splash. Bring your old cabinets up to date at a fraction of the cost.


Top Soil, Natures Gold Gravel Sand, Bobcat Service, Dethatching & aeration, driveway sealing, remove sand. *Window Cleaning Jason 250-718-2963



Shop & Mobile Heavy Equipment Repairs, Sales & Rentals


Trucking, Excavating, Bobcat, Residential Joe (250) 550-6208

Larry’s Handyman & Renovation Services • Interior & Exterior Renovations • Carpentry • Painting • Small Repairs • Pressure Washing

• Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades • Yard Maintenance • Fences, Decks • Tile • Graffiti Removal



• Tune-Ups • Summer/Winterizing • Seaworthies • Oil & Fluid Changes All Repairs Completed by Certified Technicians Insured and Licensed•Over 14 yrs. Experience

Repairs, Renovations, Maintenance, Carpentry, Drywall,

Painting, Carpet, Tile, Plumbing, Yard Cleanup,

Rubbish Removal, Gutters & Windows Cleaning


Senior Discount •Satisfaction Guaranteed


250-317-7773 or visit us at:




Book now for landscape projects, retaining walls, pruning, spring cleanup, irrigation repair & installation.


288B Campion St, Kelowna, BC • C 250-470-8688 • F 250-491-9368


MARYANNE’S KITCHEN Bathrooms & Countertops. Free measure & design & great service.

Kubota Kx 161-3 Rentals, Day/Week/Month




• Landscaping • Irrigation • Rock Wall • Allan Block • Aeration • Spring Cleanup • Power Rake


CALL 250-864-5450

MOVING North End Moving Services

Local or Long Distance Polite & Professional

Joe’s Moving Service “The Professionals”

• Local/long distance • Storage Available • No job too small • Free Estimates Call Joe Anytime 250-470-8194


Ph: 250-869-0697 Cell 250-470-9498




DEREK’S PAINTING Serving Western



Deck & Rail



Call Troy, 250-718-0209




Call 310-JIMS(5467)





RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free estimates, senior discounts, member of B.B.B. Fully insured, WCB coverage. All types of shingle roofing & torch on roofing systems. ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’


Canada for 34 years. FREE Estimates Clean & reliable work

Pager 250-861-0303

Bob 250-765-2789 Ogogrow Delivery, Rubbish Removal, Free Scrap Car Hauling.


TNTTRUCKING “Renovation Experts” Interior/exterior Prompt, clean and reliable Insured 250-826-2284




•Full Landscaping •Rock Retaining Walls •Portable Soil Screener •Excavators & Bobcat Loaders CELL: (250) 979-8033 BUS: (250) 861-1500




Dethatching, Aerating, Hedge & Tree Trimming. Full maintenance services. RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL Free Estimates

Residential & Commercial Wiring, New Construction, Renovations & Service Changes. Complete telephone & data cabling services, Prompt quality service. Licensed & Bonded Call Steve 250-864-2099



FLOORING Hooksnapped Flooring Installations

A & S Electric


No load too small • BARK MULCH • SAND • GRAVEL • YARD CLEAN-UP • JUNK REMOVAL LIGHT FLAT-DECK Nick Nixon - Trish Nebot Cell 250-862-0821 Office 250-765-2778

Neighborhood Trucking & Delivery

Top Soil • Ogo Gro • Gravel • Sand • Bark Mulch We remove: yard refuse, small trees, junk CHUCK 250-870-1138

We accept “When the Big Guys are Too Big We Deliver”

•Renovations •New construction •Plumbing Service & Repairs •H/W tank replacement • Furnace Service & Installs • Gas f/p Service and Installs Bonded & Insured


Electronics Authorized Service Centre Plasma, LCD, 3D TV & Audio.

250-763-8366 WELDING

METAL FABRICATION LTD. Fences • Gates • Railings • Security Bars • Cargo Racks • Rollcages • Boat Railings & more. Tube Bending Specialists


Get featured in the Sales & Service Directory, call classifieds to book your spot.


“Your Exterior Property Specialist” “GIVE YOUR HOUSE A BATH” •Residential •Commercial PRESSURE WASHING SPRING SPECIAL! Have your home exterior, windows and gutters ALL PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED. Call today for a Special Quote + SAVE THE H.S.T. Mike McGuire 250-300-0717


Serving the Okanagan 14 yrs. Vinyl Decking up to 80 mil., Modular Flooring, Aluminum, Glass, Topless, Picket Railings, Fences & Gates. Free Estimates



Artistic Ceramics.

Custom tile setting. Travertine, marble, granite & ceramic. Decks, kitchen, baths. Guaranteed work.

Call 250-870-1009

OKANAGAN STONE & TILE 25 yrs. experience. Free estimates. All work guaranteed, Renos to tile.

Call Gary 250-317-4770




Shop & Mobile Heavy Equipment Repairs, Sales & Rentals

Kubota Kx 161-3 Rentals, Day/Week/Month 288B Campion St, Kelowna, BC • C 250-470-8688 • F 250-491-9368

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Moving & Storage

Sound / DVD / TV


KELOWNA DIGITRONICS. Electronics Authorized Service Centre. Plasma, LCD, 3D TV & Audio. 250-763-8366

AAA Best Rates Moving $59+. “Why Pay More” Short/Long Distance. Free Est. Res/Comm, 861-3400 FAMILY Movers. Moving? Anything, anywhere. Local and long distance trips. Packing service available, weekly trips to Vancouver, Alberta, full and partial loads. Cheapest rates in the valley. Free Estimates, 250-493-2687 JOE’S MOVING.reasble rates fully equip’d trucks, local-long dist, no job too small470-8194 NORTH END Moving Service Local/Long Distance. Free Estimates 250-470-9498

Painting & Decorating 110% P&D Painting, 34yrs exp. Clean quality work, reas rates. Free est. 250-769-9068

✔ Painting.

BRITCO Repaint Specialist. Over 25yrs exp. Brian, 250-470-7959 ACE OF TRADES- SPRING PAINTING SPECIALS! CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON RE-PAINTS- INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR, RES/COMM. EXPERIENCED & INSURED. 250-878-5540. ELITE Trade Painting. Int, ext, comm. (FREE EST). A name you will come to trust. (250)808-3626 PAINTING Done Right Over 30 Years Experience. Phone Rick (250)765-1813 Quality MURALS New Line Design. Call Elizabeth 250717-6049

Plumbing DREGER MECH. Plumbing, Gasfitting, comm/res & reno, ins’d, 24hr. Call 250-575-5878. KOSKI Plumbing-Heating Gas Fitting Reno’s Res. Bonded/Insured Troy @ 718-0209

Pressure Washing CASCADE Mobile Pressure Washing. Windows & Gutters Cleaning. (250)300-0717 OKANAGAN Pressure Washing. Commercial/ Residential. Fully insured. 14 years exp. Call Dave at 250-491-1336

Roofing & Skylights GERMAN MASTER ROOFER. Over 30yrs exp. on all kinds of roofs. New Reroof & Repair. Tradesman + Best price Warranty. Free estimate. Call Steffen, 250-863-8224 Master & Visa.Card RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free est, ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’ 250-7653191.

Rubbish Removal 250-808-0733 SKYHIGH DISPOSAL. Full service Junk Removal & Bin Rentals. $39.99 1/2 ton truck, Load Junk, Yard waste.Haul away. 250-863-7539.


We haul little loads of anything, landscaping materials, & Junk to the dump. 250-7181114 DIGGINOLES N SHIFTINSTUFF. Pickup & delivery service. Rubbish & recycling removed. Landscape, building supplies & Hay delivered, small equipment transferred. Yes we work weekends!! or Ph: Ian 250-864-2339

ERIK the STUDENT Rubbish, Tree & Appliance Removal. Hauls from $39.99 & up


Sand/Gravel/Topsoil NEIGHBORHOOD Trucking & Delivery. Topsoil, Gravel, Sand, OgoGrow. Visa, Debit, Mastercard. 250-870-1138

Snowclearing TREMBLAY’S EXCAVATING Comm. snow removal & comm snow blower. 250-979-8033

Stucco/Siding DESIGN Stucco & Stone. New homes, reno’s & repairs. No job too small. Clean, quality work. Zoltan 250-864-9798.

Sundecks KELOWNA DECK & RAIL. Vinyl, Mod. Flooring, Alum., GlassTopless/Picket878-2483.

Tiling OKANAGAN Stone & Tile. 25yrs exp. Free estimates. All work gauranteed. Reno’s to tile. Call Gary, 250-317-4770 TILE Setter. Artistic Ceramics. Custom tile setting. Call 250870-1009


Did you know... you can place an ad for $4 per issue

Call the Capital News 250-763-7114

Building Supplies Quality Patio Covers @ reasonable prices. Steel Buildings. 30x40, 50x100 - Others. Time to Buy Now at Old Price. Prices going up! Source# 1JS 800-964-8335

Tree Services

$100 & Under

1-1-1- All Exterior Hedge & Tree Specialist. Downsizing, pruning, artistic shaping & removing of hedges & trees. Ins. Call Dave, 250-212-1716 ROB’S Tree Care Ltd 1975. For all your tree care needs. Ins. & Cert. WCB. 212-8656

BOSCH attachments mixer grinder, grain mill, slicer shredder $60 for all (250)765-7211 TV, Sony Trinitron, 27”, matching Sony stand, immaculate. $99. 250-763-9868

Trucking/ Bull Dozing TNT TRUCKING. No load too small. Junk removal, sand, gravel, etc. (250)862-0821 (250)765-2778.

Window Cleaning Hands Free Maintenance. Window, gutters, yard maint, pressure wash. 250-718-2963

Pets & Livestock

Feed & Hay Ginseng tarps 24’ x 165’ for shade or windbreak. Inexpensive and attractive solution for hay shed, livestock shelter etc. $150 each. 250-558-8322. Quote available for installation. *HAY-SALES-GUARANTEED Quality Grass, Alfalfa, Mixed square bales, round bales & Silage bales. Delivery avail. (250)804-6081,(250)833-6763.

Lessons/Training ACTIVE CANINE TRAINING and dogaims. CALL NOW for spring specials with Pawsitive Choices 250-768-2011

Pets Australian Shepherd Blue Merle puppies also Australian Shepherd/Border Collie Cross $450/$500 (250)769-6795 Basset Hound Puppies, ready May 21, vet checked, 1st shots, $600 (250)833-4081 PUPPY Tails Daycare & Boarding. 250-878-0931 PUREBRED Standard size Poodle Puppies For Sale. Very Smart & Affectionate. 250768-7869, 250-470-2422 Trinity Shepherds Old World Style Shepherd puppies, 10-16 weeks, $350$500. Vet checked, all shots. (250)547-9763 WOLF HYBRID Cubs reserve. now. Sun Valley Wolf Kennels 250-765-4996 Kelowna, BC

Merchandise for Sale

Antiques / Vintage South Okanagan Silver Buyer Top Payouts for silver coins, bars and bullion. Also Buying scrap sterling and gold. Visit my website for current payouts 778-931-0558


Did you know... you can place an ad for $3 per issue

Call the Capital News 250-763-7114

$200 & Under Computer System, Windows Internet ready Excellent Cond. $200. 250-869-2363 Kelowna GOLF bag, clubs, balls, etc. $200. Call 250-862-9223 YOUR HD TV held in place w/stand. $160. Similar stand sells for $350. 250-300-2727

$300 & Under 6PCE bedroom suite, $275. 250-861-4676 Computer Laptop, Windows, Wireless, Excellent Condition, $300. 250-869-2363 Kelowna VILAS solid rock maple student desk, detachable bookshelf. $300. 250-862-8987 WHITE Whirlpool elec range, ceramic top, self clean oven, like new. $300. 250-763-5536

$500 & Under

Did you know... you can place an ad for $5 per issue

Call the Capital News 250-763-7114

Free Items

Did you know... you can place an ad for $2 per issue

Call the Capital News 250-763-7114

2 Cockatiels, both with cages, free to good home. Call 250764-8323 FREE Pick-up of used bicycles that you no longer want. Ok if need repair 604-800-2104 FREE P/U- Appliances, Rads, Batteries, Old machinery, vehicles. Harley 778-821-1317 FREE Roosters 3 different breeds. Call (250)862-5932 KENWOOD Stereo, seperate components, cassette/CD player /tuner etc. 2 large speakers, cabinet, remote. excl cond. 250-862-8987 WE will pick up & recycle your wire pipes, & aluminum windows, from reno’s, batteries etc.too.(250)717-0581

Fruit & Vegetables BLACK CURRANT PLANTS, mildew resistant $10/each. 250-542-1032 FARM FRESH ASPARAGUS Contact Bruce Duggan 250-766-2628

1 long dresser w/mirror, 1 upright dresser (5 drawer). Made by Knechtel Furnitures. Excl cond., $200ea. 250-762-4702 ANTIQUE To MODERN Home Furnishings for all Budgets & Tastes. Come to OK Estates Furniture and More. 3292 HWY 97N (beside Sheepskin Boutique) Tue-Sat, 11-5. 250807-7775 Oak Dining Room Suite Excellent Condition. Table w/2 leafs 6 chairs & China Cabinet $650 obo (250)979-2802 TWO drawer filing cabinet. 30” wide by 18” depth by 27” high. Comes with keys. Grey. $65. Email picture avail. Call 250765-7811.

Medical Supplies SHOPRIDER Scooters & Power Chairs, Lift Chairs, Walkers & ramps, new & used. Shoprider Dealer, Kelowna: 250-764-7757, Vernon: 250542-3745, Toll free: 1-888-5423745, V Pap machine. + extras.3yrs old great shape. New $5000 asking $1000 (250)864-5028

Misc. for Sale

Ron Marchand

the Video Man


Services B13


Films, slides, photos & video transferred to DVD. Copies for gifts!

100% GUARANTEED Omaha Steaks. Save 64% on the Family Value Collection. Now only $49.99 Plus three free gifts and right-to-the-door delivery in a reusable cooler. Order today. 1-888-702-4489 mention code 45069SVD or 1/2 Price 12.3 laminate 1000s/f, underlayment included. Will install. 250-260-8511 1x4 Cedar T/G plained 5’ Long $1 per board, approx. 500 boards to lift. Bucket & backend grapel for a 310 John Deer backhoe, excellent condition, $2500. (2) 150 Gal. alum. fuel tanks, freight liner. 250-545-4653 A FREE telephone service Get your first month free. Bad credit, don’t sweat it. No deposits. No credit checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. BRAND new 5 stage reverse osmosis water filtration system. Retail price: $795. Now: $250. Call 250-863-1544 BUILDING SALE Canadian Manufacturer Direct. 25x40 $6320. 30x40 $7370. 35x50 $9980. 40x80 $18,900. 47x100 $31,600. Ends optional. Many others. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers since 1980, 1800-668-5422. CAN’T GET up your stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift! Call 1-866-9815991 CAN’T GET up your Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift. 1-866-981-6591. DO-IT-YOURSELF steel buildings priced to clear - Make an offer! Ask about free delivery, most areas! Call for quick quote and free brochure - 1800-668-5111 ext. 170. HOT TUB covers & accessories. Lowest price, highest quality. All sizes and colours available. 1-888-611-7660. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 OVER 1000 Aviation mags, all bound in 100 burgundy hard cover binders. All mags from mid 1970’s - early 1990’s. Titles incl: Flight Internationals, Air Extra, Aeroplane Monthly & Air Pictorial. Over $3000 value, asking $1000. Call 250860-0031

Real Estate

Real Estate

Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condos for Sale

For Sale By Owner

PANDORA CHARM clearance Save 80%. sterling silver charms as low as $1.99. Fits Pandora, Chamilia,Troll. Major Internet retailer. Log on to save POND Filter & Pump. Large Bird cage w/stand. Call 250766-4380 SAWMILLS - Band/Chainsaw - Spring Sale - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make money and save money In stock ready to ship. Starting at $1,195. 1-800-5666899 Ext.400OT

2BD, 2bth, 1500sq’, bright top flr corner unit, great loc. MLS $199,900. Betsy Price, RE/ MAX Kelowna. 250-212-5520 COLLEGE Area Hawthorn Park 2bdrm 2bath 55+. UG parking swimming exercise classes avail. NS $1200 + utils. Sandy 250-765-7269

Misc. Wanted IM a private buyer/collector of 1950’s, 60’s and older 10¢, 25¢, 50¢ & $1. I want to buy lots! All conditions! US & Canadian. Todd 250-864-3521

Musical Instruments GRAND PIANO CLEARANCE SALE MOIR New & Used Grand & Upright Pianos. Call Richard Moir 250-764-8800

Sporting Goods NEED OLD BASEBALL GLOVES, BATS, BALL EQUIPMENT TO BE GIVEN TO KIDS IN PHILIPPINES Ball Coach moving to Philippines. These people are very humble as I was there for 110 days teaching English. Drop off at Creative Trophies & Gifts 108-1755 Springfield Attn: Julian or Jessica OR Sports Excellence 2-310 Banks Rd attn: Bill Martinson OR Call Steve at 250-860-4238 for pick up.

Real Estate Acreage for Sale 149 Acres in Joe Rich, 15 min drive East of town. 3bd cabin, mature timber, fronts Mission Creek. $695,000. David Jurome, MacDonald Realty, 250862-1888 160 Acres in Oyama, panoramic lakeviews, has shale rock quarry, take trades/carry financing. $1,450,000. David Jurome, MacDonald Realty, 250-862-1888 20 ACRES $0 down, $99/mo. Only $12,900 near growing El Paso, Texas (2nd safest U.S. City) Owner financing,no credit checks! Money back Guarantee free color brochure 800755-8953 3 Acres, Whitevale Area, Lumby. Flat, trees, drilled well, gas/hydro to driveway. Price $230,000.00 + HST OBO. 250-547-6932. BIG BEAUTIFUL Arizona land $99/mo. $0 down, $0 interest, Golf Course, Nat’l Parks. One hour from Tucson Int’l Airport. Guaranteed financing, no credit checks. Pre-recorded msg. 1-800-631-8164 Code 4001

Garage Sales

COUNTRY LIVING Mill Creek Place 55+, centrally located condo. 2bdrm, 2 bath, approx 1420sqft. In suite laundry. Non-smoking. Small pets ok. $350,000 250-762-5622 DELUXE 4th floor 740sq.ft. 1 bdrm Fr, DW, W/D ,A/C, UG parking, storage. Assessed Value $194,100, will sell for $184,100. (250)763-4264 GARDEN patio, 2bd, 2bth Condo w/greenspace, fireplace, 6appls, ug prking, quiet & private, close to shopping, schools & rec. Only $218,876. MLS. Larry Slemko, 250-8615122 Realty Executives. HOLLYWOOD Station, 1182 sq’, 2bd, 2bth, 2 ug prking, SS, tile, many upgrades. $244, 500. $10,000 down. Balance mortgage for 5yrs at 4%. $1038.31/mo. 250-762-3966 NEW 2bd, 2bth Condo for sacrifice price of $199,900. MLS. (NO HST) SS appls, granite counters, fireplace, ug prking, private & quiet setting. Wont last, call now. Larry Slemko, 250-861-5122 Realty Executives. THINKING OF SELLING? For a confidential, no obligation, free market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-762-9446 or 250-860-1100 anytime.

Business for Sale


REDUCED: $569,900

LOCATION LOCATION........... Exceptional executive family home in Mission Springs neighborhood Walk to schools, Beach, H2O and Greenway. Completely renovated including granite in the custom designed kitchen, travertine marble in the spacious master en suite and much more. Approx. 2,600 sq.ft. Mature yard. Agents Welcomed 250-861-8856 By Appointment Only

AWESOME LAKE & MNT VIEWS FROM EVERY WINDOW 2bd Modular in one of the nicest parks on the westside. 1080sq’, natural gas heat & central AC, 5appls, ample prking, sep carport, attc’d 10x30 workshop, lrg lot with the best views in the park. Pets welcome.

$109,000. Call 250-768-7124

LOCATION......!!!!!!!! LOCATION..............!!!!!!!

Beautiful Downtown, Kelowna. 1075 Bernard Avenue Steps to Nestor’s Market Completely Renovated SPACIOUS 820 sq.ft. 1 BDRM, enclosed North Balcony. North Facing, Main Floor

Campground Established Vernon Area, Health Reasons 8.5 acres, 2bdrm apt., store, cabin, 40 sites, great potential. $900,000. (250)545-2798

Asking $179,000 OBO For Appointment. 250-762-3975

Duplex/4 Plex

Fri, Sat & Sun - 2-4.

2bdrms W/D, Yard, 2 Parking Spots, Newly Renovated in Beautiful Location $900 + utils. June 1 or now. (250)470-0000 DUPLEX FOR SALE! 4 bdrm, 3bth, downtown, big lot size, recently renovated, good mortgage helper, close to hospital & all other ammenities. $379,000 Msg 250-979-0250.

For Sale By Owner DUPLEX FOR SALE! 4 bdrm, 3bth, downtown, big lot size, recently renovated, good mortgage helper, close to hospital & all other ammenities. $379,000. Msg 250-979-0250. NO STEP RANCHER. 2172 Kaslo Court, Kelowna $429,900. 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath many extras. Call 250765-2811 or 250-869-1246.

Garage Sales


#9-1850 CRYSTAL SPRINGS Lovely DW 1344sq’, 2 bdrm, 2 baths, family rm, breakfast nook, 55+, new flooring & appliances - upgrades. Garden area, lovely yard, tool shed. Sm pets are welcome. Very nice, Must see! 778-755-0070,250-212-0898 PRIME LAKEVIEW LOTS from $150,000. Also: 1 precious 3 acre parcel, owner financing. 250-558-7888

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

2ND Annual Spring Kids Flea Market, Sat. May 7th 8am-1pm 60+ tables of deals, Rutland Centennial Hall 180 Rutland Rd N. 2ND Annual Spring Kids Flea Market, Sat. May 7th 8am-1pm 60+ tables of deals, Rutland Centennial Hall 180 Rutland Rd N.


CENTRAL SPCA (AUX) Sale Sat, May 7. 10-1. Lunch. White Elephant, Linen, Books, Clothes, Jewellery, Baking. First United Church 721 Bernard Ave. ELLISON. Multi-family Garage Sale. May 7, 8am. 3270 Esquire Rd. Personal items for sale. Assorted glassware, vases, ornaments & some antiques. To view, phone 778-478-7805. Fri & Sat, 10-2.


MAY 7 9am-12pm. ST. MARY’S CHURCH 2710 E.KELOWNA RD WINFIELD. Gigantic 5-family garage sale. Sat May 7, 9-12. 10618 Powley Crt.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News

Real Estate



For Sale By Owner

Apt/Condo for Rent

Commercial/ Industrial

Ready now! 1100 sf townhouse; open plan, 2 BR, lovely patio, garage and extra parking. View phase 7 Camarillo plan at www.sonomapines. com Below developer’s price. $299,900 Call 250-768-2277 or 250-486-8181 THINKING OF SELLING? For a confidential, no obligation, free market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-762-9446 or 250-860-1100 anytime.

Houses For Sale ******* Where smart sellers meet smart buyers! View Thompson Okanagan properties for sale.// Selling? No Commission. (250) 545-2383 or 1-877-291-7576 $165,000 2bdrm Holiday Park Resort Home with Lot, pools, gym, golf. #783-415 Commonwealth Rd. MLS Ken Dempsey Remax. 717-5000 $287,000 Affordable Retirement Rancher. Hrdwd, tile Sky light nicely updated. MLS Ken Dempsey Remax 717-5000 $333,900. Westbank, 3bd, 2bth up, 1bd or den, lndry, inlaw suite, 1bd, garage. Assist w/down payment. View on #248411. Call 250-768-2554 $374,000 Belgo Area 3 bdrm on Main Full bsmnt gar,Rv prking MLS Ken Demsey Remax 717-5000 $445.000 Glenmore .35 acre fenced lot det. shop RV prking 4bdrm + den updated home 2422 Longhill Rd. MLS Ken Dempsey Remax 717-5000 6 1/2 Acres with Cape Cod Style 4bdrm 3bath Lakeview Home Priv setting Only 15 min to DT Kelowna 5 min To UBC $639,000 (250)-215-1324 COURT ORDERED SALE. 3Bdrm+den Family Home. 2 baths, lrg fenced yard, garage, Nice area.$315,000 Lloyd 250215-5607 MacDonald Realty MORTGAGES LOW RATES. 5YR. 3.94% VARIABLE 2.25% Trish at 250-470-8324 THINKING OF SELLING? For a confidential, no obligation, free market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-762-9446 or 250-860-1100 anytime.

Mobile Homes & Parks 2010 Park Model Clearance 61K OBO 250-495-4650

Must Be Sold. 3 bdrm home in a great southeast Kelowna family park.New kitchen & other updates, fenced yard. Quick possession. MLS#10020037 Sacrifice $64,900 Allyn Bentz

Show Homes at 1680 Ross Rd. Accent Homes (250)-769-6614 WHOLESALE FACTORY DIRECT. Manufactured, Modular & Park models. Tremendous savings. Luxurious 1512 sq. ft home including delivery and installation only $ 109,950. Many other plans available. The Home Boys 877-976-3737 509-4819830 or

Mortgages Mortgage Help! Beat bank rates for purchases and refinances, immediate debt consolidation, foreclosure relief, and equity loans. Free, fast, friendly, private consultations. Call 1-888-685-6181

Recreational 1997 ClassA TripleE Embassy M.H. Fully equipped, gas, 4000 generator Back up camera. 82,000km. A-1 shape. $18,000 obo (250)869-1863

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1BD. Senior’s apt. quiet cls. to DT, 3appl, heat, hotwater, drapes, ac, sec. prkng w/video survillience, onsite mgr., safe & secure, ns, np, $700. 8606548 2BD aprt, close to lake & bus. Call 250-575-7605 or 778-7534656

2Bdrm. 2bath 55+ 5 appls. UG.parking Capri Area Very nice. Call (250)762-9265 2BDRM 2bth spacious 5yr old condo by Costco in Kelowna. Balcony. Avail. now. $1100.+ util. NS/NP. 250-495-5107. 2BD Top flr. Steps to Superstore. Close to all amens, NS NP. $850/mo. 250-769-2099 BELGO AREA, Rutland Rd. South. 2bd, $900 hydro, f/s, NO PETS, bus route, Avail. now. 250-491-3345, 869-9788


2bd, starting @ $850 incl. parking & utilities. 1Bdrm, starting @ $700 (250)-860-5220 CAPRI MALL area. Senior Orientated building. NP, laundry, 1bd, $720 & 1bd w/den. $800 250-979-2771 CENTRAL Rutland, Bright 2bd, NS, NP, Nparties. $850. Quiet well cared for building. Resp tenants. 250-863-6645 COSTCO AREA. 3BD, 2bth, $1450/mo + hydro, ug prking avail, $30/stall. NP. Avail May 1 250-869-9788


Close to shopping & bus route, 2BD APARTMENT Heat & hot water incl. New adjustable rates. Call (250)-860-4836 MILL CREEK ESTATES 1590/1588 Spall Rd.

Premiere Rental Complex in Kelowna. Different Floor Plans Available Close to Shopping / Restaurants. Call for Availability. Affordable rental amounts. (250)-860-4836 or email:

MISSIONS MEADOW Condo for rent. Casorso Road 2 Bd, 2 bth, 5 appl, 2 prkg, a/c, fireplace, gym room & lounge, Close OK College & lake. N/S, N/P. Avail now. $1300/mo. 403-938-1084 RUTLAND 55+ 2 bdrm 2 bath UG parking, Storage & 6appls. $890 (250)764-7786 RUTLAND: THUNDERBIRD EVERGREEN APTS. 435/395 Franklyn Road 1 & 2 bdrm suites, 3/appls, AC, drapes, walk-in storage, u/g secure parking, hot water included. Laundry facilities on site. Close to excellent shopping, major bus routes (excellent bus service to all campuses, Orchard Park Mall & downtown), theaters, medical facilities & restaurants. 250-762-5932 for appointment to view West Kelowna 2bdrm 2 bath top Flr lakeview Upgraded Granite. SS all appls etc. secure prking all amenties.$1390 Incl utils. 250-859-1300 Ed Virtual tour WILLOW PARK MANOR. 270 Aurora Cres 239 Hollywood Rd. S 1 & 2bd units S Next door to the full service Willow Park Shopping Center S Free parking S Resident manager 250-763-3654

Commercial/ Industrial 1000 sq. ft. Office Trailer fully serviced on fenced 1/2 acre. Zoned Heavy Industrial Including Auto Wrecking. $2500 + triple net. Central Westside Location 250-769-7424 1/2 - 4 acre serviced, fenced industrial lots for lease. Light, heavy or industrial use including auto wrecker & storage. 7000sq’ serviced coverall shelter for storage or workspace or build to suit. Westbank Industrial Park. 250-769-7424 2400 sq ft packing house for lease or rent. 1200 sq ft cold storage and 1200 sq ft open storage. situated in orchard setting in Summerland, $600/mo utilities extra. Please call Lance @ 250-558-5732 or email 3100 sqft unit #3-690McCurdy Rd. Warehouse shop office for lease. Rick 250-770-0903

HWY Front avail at 1694 Ross Rd Ship/rec doors, prking C1 2000sqft. $2500 TN. 769-6614 NEW 1521sq’ bare, $1300/mo. New 1752sq’, $1500/mo. 2543 Jiliann Rd West Kelowna. Call 250-317-1900

Duplex / 4 Plex 2Bdrm Upstairs Quiet For rent $900 Available Now 250-7631558,or 250-575-8154 3BD, 1bth, Scarboro Rd. Newly reno’d, new appls, FS, DW, small pet ok, June 1. $1200. 250-769-7243 3BD Mainflr, McClure Rd, RV/ gar prking, CA, WD, FS, sorry NS, NP. $1200+utils & DD. 250-212-0392 4BED+DEN 2BATH BLKMTN. $1250+Util. 5appl. 2decks. Lrg yard. NS.NP. 250-869-8504 AFFORDABLE 2Bd End Units. Split level x3, balcony 4/5-appls. Rutland, Near. school/shop/parks. Extra Sunny Lrg fenced yard prking water incl’d $895, $925. NS. 1250-542-1862. 250-260-8518 OLD Glenmore. 3bd, 2ba, FP, ensuite lndry, nr amens now/ June.1, $1180 250-763-7869 WESTBANK- 2bd, 1.5bth sxs 4plex, Smid Rd. $800 + hydro. Avail May 15 or 30. 250-2121282

Mobile Homes & Pads WESTSIDE ROAD, Nancee Way Village, new, 1 bdrm + den, 1 bath, large deck, 6 appliances, air conditioning, NS, NP, $1,000+ util, avail immediately, 250-768-2978

Homes for Rent 1BD in Ellison, WD, FS, June 1. $750+utils & DD. Suits one person. 250-765-5208 1bdrm, shared bath, everything incl. $425/mo., 250-4928681, 250-809-1693 2BD avail. Winfield. June 1. Looking for responsible person or couple. All appls, AC, utils incl, pet ok. $1300. Call 250766-1039 2BD House, upper level in Capri area, shared lndry, mature wrkong cple, NP, small workspace & garage. $1000+utils. (250)448-8507 2 BDRM 1.5 Bath. S/S single story duplex on Mission Creek. Quiet street in Rutland. Carport. Central air. Fireplace. Will suit mature person. $945 Ph. 250 575-3861.

3BD Mobile w/200sq’ addition. sm Pet negot. WD/FS. NS $1190+utils. (250)-768-6773 3bdrm Avail June 1 Fr st dw fenced yard cov deck carport pets negot.NS $1200 + utils DD + Ref’s req’d. Boucherie W.Kel. Area 250- 768-7912 AVAIL Immed, Clean 3BD, Garage, Rutland, 6 appl, NS. Pet neg. $1500. 250-861-5757 Beautiful new home for rent in Winfield, 3bdrm +den, 2bath, f/p, w/d, f/s, a/c, ns, np, $1675 util/incl. 250-550-4096 DRIVE By 947 Bernard Ave. Sing. detached w/inlaw suite, 4Bd. 2ba., incl. 4appl., cent air, 2 fp’s, hw flrs., lots of open prkng. totally reno’d., $1900. mo. June 1st, viewing by appt. only, Gold Realty 717-3177 Newly Reno’d 3 bdrm Hospital Area W/D $900 + utils NS NP Avail Immed Day 250-8680884 evening 250-768-0291 NO STRINGS ATTACHED! If we told you there’s a $45K non-repayable grant for a down payment on a brand new home, wouldn’t you want to, know more? If you can make mortgage pymts but haven’t been able to save a down payment, find out about Project Build II Attainable Housing program. Contact Gino Dal Ponte at 250.317. 2707 or RENT INCLUDES utilities 3 bdrm 2 full bath single car garage half duplex. North rutland bus stop out back close to ubco. $1250. No pets, students welcome. May 1. Call 250801-9621 or 604-619-7972. RUTLAND- 3bdrm, 2baths, nr school/bus Very nice quiet neighborhood Avail. Immed. NP,NS $1400/mo + utils. Call 250-317-1672, 250-863-5616 RUTLAND. Main flr, 2bd, air, DW, carport, shrd WD, ref’s, $975 + 2/3 utils. 250-765-5064





Homes for Rent

Suites, Lower

WESTIDE area, very private, 2860 Scharf Rd. 3bd House, 1.5bth, avail immed. $1100. Call (250)-768-5768. 2BD 4Appl Carport Patio $1300.3Bd 3Ba 5Appl FamRm DblGar $1700 250-860-1961

AVAIL 2bd suite, brnd new, Belgo area. NP, NS, Nparties, no lndry, $800 incl utils. Aft 5pm, 250-491-1829 Black Mtn 2Bdrm basement suite. Seperate entry, prking, NS. NP. $750 utils incl. Avail. immed. 250-765-7504 BRAND new 2bd suite avail in Rutland. Close to all amens, bus, the Y, ref’s, NP. $900. 778-753-3304 BRIGHT 1bd Glenmore suite. Close to shopping and down town. Separate entrance, washer, dryer, fridge and stove. $750/ month plus damage deposit. Avail May 1st. 250 545 4577 or Bright 2bdrm close to hospital sep. entry, laundry,.4 appls, garden,bus route NS. NP.$850 utils. incl’d. 250-862-9895 FURNISHED. Mission Nice 2bd, lndry, prking, strge. NS, NP. $800+ utils. 250-862-6991 LARGE 1bdrm, w/o, N. Glenmore, spacious, priv ent, lndry, near OUC, quiet wrking pref. $900 incl utils. May 1. Call 250-868-8458 Lrg 1bdrm hospital area WD Sep entry Lrg yard NS NP $900 utils incl’d (250)868-8874 NEWER 2bd WO Blk Mnt. Bus route, NS, NP. 5appls, ref’s req’d. May 1. $950+1/3 power. 250-491-0122 NEW. Fabulous view, 2bd, Blk Mnt. Priv ent, lndry, NS, NP, $950 incl utils. Bus nearby. avail immed. Mature single person pref. 778-753-1325 RUTLAND. 1bd bsmt suite, NS, NP, $750. Avail. now. 250-765-3002, 250-863-5616 Spring Valley area, 2bd, WO level. Close to amen, buses. $825+ approx. $100 utils.250868-9059 WINFIELD bright 2bdrm main level ste on parklike setting, priv patio. Avail May 1. Incl everything. Walking dist to beach & marina. On bus route. Furn or unfurn. Suits working person or students. N/s, n/p. $1000/mo. 250-766-1776

Auto Accessories/Parts

Cars - Sports & Imports

Office/Retail 187 ASHER ROAD, 800sq/ft. Plenty of parking. 250-7659448

Rooms for Rent CLEAN, safe furn’d rooms/ suites, DT, students/working/active seniors, int, WD. Lng/short term. 250-861-5757.


Best view. Best rates. Full service incl wi/fi & cable. Daily, Weekly & Monthy Rates.

Kelowna Call 250-862-7448

Shared Accommodation FURN’D Bedroom, Rutland, NP/NS, $480+DD incl utils, cble, int. 250-765-1633 LOOKING for Roommate 3bdrm newer house. Close to amenities. $450 incl utils, cable, internet. (250)869-4588 CLEAN Roommate. ND, ND, NP. From $400-$490/mth 250860-8106, 250-718-5837

Suites, Lower 1BD 4Appl $800 Incl Utils. 2Bd 5Appl Gar Patio Pet OK $900 Utils Incl. 250-860-1961 1BD, Bright Modern Suite, Glenmore. furnished (opt), 5 Appliances, digital cable - w/ internet - utilities incl. absolutely NS, NP. Quiet prof. $850/mnth. Tel: 762-9258 or 470-7157. 1BD. Bright. Spacious level entry, in Winfield, prking for 2. FS, WD hookup. NG FP, blinds, area rugs, priv deck/ yard. $800+ Shrd util cost incl satellite tv.& water. Call 250766-3292 1BD lower level of house, utils incl, $750. Prefer single, NS, NP. June 1. 250-860-5709 1Bd. new bsmt suite N. Glen nr UBCO lam/crpt 5appls utils incl’d sep entry a/c, prkg $800 suit Mature working proff. (250)762-8011 1BDRM, avail Now. Rutland. Clse to schools. $700 incl utils. NP.bus route 250-863-1302. 1 BDRM East Hill bright walkout bsmt, priv. entr., incl util, cable & internet, shared w/d, close to golf course, parks, n/s, n/p Avail now $750 250309-8788 1 BDR., secure & comfortable ste. w/private entrance, built-in breakfast nook/w chairs, large walk-in closet/storage area. Minutes to downtown or Orchard Pk. Mall. Incl. utilities, cable, wifi. N/s, n/p. $760/mo. (250) 762-7173 1BD. Rutland. Bright & new, shared w/d, n/s, n/p, near bus, $775mo. incls. utils. 801-9621. 1BD spacious, priv ent, sep patio, sep WD, gas FP, AC, mature person, NS, NP. $800 incl utils+DD 250-762-9726 1BD suite, N. Rutland, near bus, suitable for quiet single person. FS, WD. NS, NP. $750 incl utils. 250-765-5854 1lrg bd suite, $700+DD. incl utils/cbl. NS/NP. Single wrking person. Ref’s req’d. Avail Now. 250-491-9739, 250-863-0116 2bd 1ba fr/st shr’d w/d between Costco & Plaza 33 unfurn/furn. $825 (250)-491-3215 2BD Legal Suite Rutland, ns, np.near school,bus Avail now. Utils & Cbl incl 250-864-7264. 2BD. Near Nesters. avail imd. 5appl, incl utils, cbl & wl int, sep ent., $900. 250-470-3449 2bdrm Bright WO 5appls insuite laundry sep entry Larg back yard patio off street parking utils internet cable incl’d $850 +DD( 250)764-8178 $900 utils incl. Mission area. Pets negot.. 2bd, 1bth. Storage, shr’d yard. 250-762-9703 Cl.New 2bd 1ba 4appl prkng, b.yard patio,area DT. ministry welcome. cat ok 250-215-1073

Did you know... you can place an ad for $1 per issue

Townhouses THINKING OF SELLING? For a confidential, no obligation, free market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-762-9446 or 250-860-1100 anytime.


Antiques / Classics ATTENTION COLLECTORS 1980 CAMARO, only 50,000 K on reblt punched 305 eng. 3 spd. $2,800. Call for more info. 250-523-9762. (Logan Lake)

2006 Honda Pilot EX-L

Call the Capital News 250-763-7114

One owner, black with grey interior, 130,000kms, eight passenger, Honda installed trailer package. Meticulously maintained. $19,000. Located in Nelson B.C. Call


LYLE’S TOWING Free removal of unwanted vehicles. Pay up to $1000 for good vehicles. Lots of used parts for sale. 765-8537

for more information

Auto Financing

Motorcycles 12-727 Stremel Rd, Kelowna Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30


250-765-9457 Parts and Service for all makes of snowmobiles, motorcycles, & ATV’s. 1000’s of parts in stock. 2005 SCOOTER gas 125motor Vino Yamaha Good shape. 5,600km $2500(250)863-9830 2007 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Classic. 7000km. Show room condition. $16,800. (250)503-0259 2007 KYMCO 150cc scooter, 2500kms. Like new cond w/many extras. Great comuter vehicle. $2300. 250-862-0576 Collectors Items. 1986 Honda Shadow, 1100 cc, great cond, 34,000kms. 250-545-4653 or 250-308-0977 KLR 650, 1996, 25K, good cond. $3200 obo. Call 250764-4332

Suites, Upper AVAIL immed, quiet 2 bdrm 4 plex suite NP NS $830 + Utils. + DD. req.’d 250-451-9923 BRIGHT 2 bdrm upper suite, Apple Bowl area, furnished & appointed. We pay all utils. Avail May 1. No parties, NP, NS, ND. 250-868-1314 Large Bright 2bd. quiet resp NS adlt NP nr colg lake shops ref $875 elec.762-0317 6 rings LRG 2BD, near Costco/ Plaza 33, fs, wd, yard. $950 +utils. NS, NP, ND. 250-491-3215 NEWLY reno’d 3bd, 2bth upper, attchd 2 car garage, West Kelowna (Smith Creek) 5mins from town centre. Quiet alcove cul-de-sac in hillside provides country like environment. Large, fenced backyard, pets ok, family oriented neighborhood, 5appl, NS. $1200+ utils. 250-878-6529 Quiet Furn 1bd ste.,near. colg lake shps resp NS adult np $695 incl. ref 762-0317 6 rings Renovated 3 Bedroom top floor of house for rent. This unit has been updated with laminate flooring, stainless steel appliances, stacking front loader washer and dryer. Centrally located in Westbank near Super Store and on Bus route. Fully fenced back yard. Small pet considered. $1100 per month includes utils. No smoking, no partying. Call Karen to arrange viewing by phone: 250.878.3605 or email:

2002 Volvo S60 T5, fully loaded, 160kms, 300hp intake exhaust, custom brakes, Chrome summer rims and tires & Winter rims and tires, $10,000 obo. Must See! 250938-2868


Cars - Domestic 1994 Lincoln Continental, Black, fully loaded, only 174K, $3300. 250-575-7907 2000 Ford Foucs SE

5Speed 4Cyl Gas Saver Air P/W P/L P/M Cruise CD Player Spoiler Alloy Wheels Keyless Entry New Tires $2990 Call 250-862-2555 or Visit 2005 Hyundai Tuscon. 2 ltr, front wheel drive, AM/FM stereo w/MP3 CD, alloy wheels, anti-lock brakes, power brakes/steering/mirrors/windows/locks. Roof rack, five doors, tilt steering, 4 wheel disc brakes, electronic stability control, block heater, heated front windshield & heated mirrors. New winter tires, timing belt, windshield & front brakes. Good on gas +/- hwy 30, town 28 m/g. 100,000 kms. EXCELLENT CONDITION. New Price: $8900 obo. Call: Cell 250-617-9944 VW Golf GTi. Moving, must sell. 2001 coupe, 2.8L, VR6, black, loaded, c/w brand new winters. 175,000k. $3750 obo. Call 250-868-9899

Cars - Sports & Imports 1975 MGB, great cond., hard & soft top. No rust, $6900. 250-541-0782, 250-309-5627 1999 Honda Civic Hatchback, auto, 155,000kms, new winters, cd $5,500.(250)542-5048

Did you know... we can place your ad in Vernon & Penticton

Call the Capital News 250-763-7114

1982 Dodge Camper van, raised roof, ext body, 318 auto, stove & fridge, recent paint job. $2250 obo. 250-762-3643 1989 Ford Econoline camper van. 6cyl, fridge/stove, furnace 125,000km. Exc overall condition. $4500 obo. 250-549-5131 1993 Oakland 26 ft Fifth Wheel Trailer a[c awning very clean $5500 (250)766-4050 2002 Coleman YUMA tent Trailer $5500. 8.5ft sleeps 6 mint cond. 250-860-1877 2002 Titanium 5th wheel with 2005 GMC 3/4T 4x4 Duromax. Ph (778)475-2541 2005 Adventure Import Camper, 7.5’. Too many parts to list. For more info, 250-864-7110 For Sale: $14,000 OBO for our well - loved and expertly maintained 1992, 27’ Class A Winnebago. This super clean motorhome has 137,409 km on a 454 gas motor, airbags, a heavy duty hitch, generator, good tires and a new rooftop air conditioner. Call 250-212-5362 Package- 2004 Ford 350 Lariat dually, 4wheel drive, fully equipped for towing 5th wheel, like new. 26,700km. Extras fuel tank/ tool box. 2011 Chaparral 5th wheel 27ft, 1slide, loaded. Used twice. (250)545-0944

Scrap Car Removal $100 cash Paid for unwanted vehicles. Call Paul Haul (250)808-9593 1AA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Min $60 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 250-899-0460

Capital News Wednesday, May 4, 2011 B15






Scrap Car Removal

Trucks & Vans


Legal Notices

SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equipment. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288

Sport Utility Vehicle 1992 Toyota 4runner, 4x4, V6, auto, original owner, exl cond., 176K $3800. 250-765-5597 1992 Toyota Land Cruiser. If you like Land Cruisers, this one is a beauty and very reliable. Body in great condition, all wheel drive all the time, power windows and locks, seats seven. Asking $11,500. Call 250-491-8407 or e-mail 1997 FORD Explorer, fully loaded, like new cond, 4x4, a must see. Only $3500. 250491-5992, 250-317-0092. 1998 Honda CRV, Auto, AWD, ABS keyless entry. Elec. windows. Tow bar, remote brake sys. Ready to tow behind RV. $8750. (250)549-3182

2000 Chev Astro Van, good cond, tools racks, ladder racks, 140k. Good rubber. $5000. 250-545-8728 2000 Ford Windstar LX, 7pass, 3.8L, 143,000kms, recent service trans/motor, new brakes, tires/battery. Tr hitch. $3500 obo. 250-768-4790 2002 Dodge Carvan

1986 GMC PU 4wh dr, 3/4T. 150,000KM, original, 5000lbs. Winch. Exc cond. 1989 5w 22.5ft, 70amp solar panel, very clean, good cond. Sale as unit. Asking $10,500. (250)545-1728

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NOTICE TO CYRUS ELLIOT KOLBA Action has been taken in the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, dealing with the proposed adoption of Teigan Baylei Dianne Kolba and Alexis Brielle Kolba, by their step-father. You can obtain copies of relevant documents from the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, telephone number 780-3611258 or from Margaret Weir Andreassen at Andreassen Borth, #200 - 4870 - 51 Street, Camrose, AB, T4V 1S1, (telephone number 780- 672-3181, Fax: 780-672-0682), Unless you file a Notice of Objection with the Court of Queen’s Bench in actions numbered AD1200507 and AD1200508, within 14 days of the date of publication of this notice, or you notify Andreassen Borth in writing that you object to this step-parent adoption proceeding, Adoption Orders will be made without further notice to you.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Capital News


Dementia impact explored

Four UBC researchers have teamed up to investigate the experiences and

support needs of family caregivers to people with dementia.

The researchers— Carole Robinson, associate professor of nursing,

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Meredith Lilly, faculty associate at the Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, Susan Holtzman, assistant professor of psychology, and professor Joan Bottorff, director of the Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention—hope their research will influence the strategic planning currently underway to address the burgeoning needs of persons with dementia and their family caregivers. “After more than a decade of concerted effort by policy-makers in Canada and elsewhere to encourage older adults to age at home, there is recognition that the aging-in-place movement has had unintended negative consequences for family members who care for these seniors,” said Lilly. “Unfortunately, the Canadian home care policy environment has placed caregivers in more desperate circumstances. It prevents caregivers from successfully addressing their health and wellness needs by embedding incentives to declare burnout as their only means of receiving assistance.” As part of the research initiative, focus groups were conducted in 2010 with 23 caregivers, and the health professionals who support caregivers in three B.C. southern Interior communities. Two major themes emerged from the analysis of the focus group research: • Caregivers are often abandoned to care alone for their loved ones and they receive very little recognition or the adequate services required to support their caregiving. • Unrealistic expectations for caregivers to look after their own health while in the midst of intense caregiving for a loved one, which adds to the burden they experience. “A fundamental reorientation toward caregivers and caregiver supports is necessary, beginning with viewing caregivers as a critical-health human resource in a system that depends on their contributions in order to function,” said Robinson. As a next step, the research team is awaiting funding for a project designed to support couples where one person has early stage dementia. The aim of this project is to nurture the couple relationship in a way that supports the health and well-being of both the caregiver and the spouse with dementia. May 1 to 7 is Hospice and Palliative Care Week across Canada.

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