Kelowna Cap News from July 28, 2011

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81 serving our community 1930 to 2011




ELKRIDGE development on the Westside is the latest initiative by local society to provide attainable housing for working families.

THE KELOWNA ROCKETS land another feather in their cap this week by being named host for the annual CHL/NHL Top Prospects Game at Prospera Place on Feb. 1, 2012.

MOVIE REVIEWER Susan Steen looks at two new films this week, Pressed which had its premiere in Kelowna last week and the new comedy Friends With Benefits.



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THURSDAY July 28, 2011 The Central Okanagan’s Best-Read Newspaper


Tragedy yet to change bad driving habits Wade Paterson STAFF REPORTER

Last Thursday’s tragedy on Shannon Lake Road, which resulted in the death of 74-year-old Stewart Tuningley, has left West Kelowna citizens wanting safer roads. Tuningley was voluntarily picking up garbage as part of an AdoptA-Highway crew. He was struck by a pickup truck, which was being driven by a 34-year-old man. Kelowna RCMP Sgt. Ann Morrison said that the Central Okanagan Traffic Services section is continuing to investigate the incident. “Our unit had a meeting (Monday morning). The topic was brought up and they still continue to have that file. They’re continuing to gather the traffic analyst’s reconstruction report,” said Morrison. Although Kelowna RCMP are still determining whether or not speed was a factor in the accident, members of the Westbank Lions Club are saying that speeding is a common problem on Shannon Lake Road, and it needs to be stopped. “We’re all, of course, still trying to come to grips with Stu’s needless death. But it seems,

to at least some of us, that speed must have been the main contributing factor to the incident,” said Fred Masson, a member of the Westbank Lions Club. “A number of our club members live in the Crystal Springs complex and all of them have indicated that the 50 km/h speed limit along that particular stretch of Shannon Lake Road is seldom observed.” Masson added that despite last week’s tragedy, cars are still speeding along the road. “(Tuesday) morning I was traveling along Shannon Lake Road at the posted limit and had no fewer than four other vehicles tailgating along the stretch from Crystal Springs to the Shannon Lake Golf Club,” he recalled. “One of them passed me, illegally, at a high rate of speed.” Masson said that the fatality may affect the Lions Club’s willingness to participate in future Adopt-A-Highway efforts. “I can’t speak for the Lions Club, but I know that we will be giving very serious consideration to ceasing any participation See Habits A2

PORTRAITS of Honour artist Dave Sopha was on hand for the unveiling in Kelowna on Wednesday of his oil painting of Canadian soldiers killed during the Afghanistan occupation. DOUG FARROW/CONTRIBUTOR


Mural elicits an emotional response Kathy Michaels STAFF REPORTER

Josh Baker was a character, and even when it came time to the serious business of posing for a military portrait, his personality shone through. “You can see he has a bit of a kink…or something playful,” said Karen Good, after looking at an oil paint rendering of the young corporal she once knew while it was at the Kelowna leg of the Portraits of Honour tour. “The likeness is unbelievable; when I saw it, I was just waiting for him to say something.” Good’s son Travis was close

with Baker, and they both served in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. Travis continued on to do two tours of duty, but Baker died in a training accident outside Kandahar on Feb. 12, 2010. He’s one of seven friends the soldier lost. Also commemorated on the mural is private David Byers, who was killed in 2006 while on foot patrol in Panjwaii, leaving behind a young bride and unborn child. It was the first time Good had seen the men commemorated in this way, and the combination of faces she remembers fondly and lives cut short was overwhelm-

ing. “They were proud to be in the military,” she said, welling up as she thanked artist Dave Sopha for the work he’s done. It was an emotional moment, and one that Sopha has encountered over and over again as he’s toured the country with the mural. “Every day, at every spot I have family members who had loved ones,” he said, admitting the pent-up emotions released at each stop has taken an emotional toll, but one he willingly pays. “I’ve had soldiers say, ‘You brought my buddy back. I could finally say goodbye.’” Some have thanked him for

immortalizing their loved ones through his homage, while others have just been grateful that faces have been put to names they read in the news. All in all, it’s a reaction beyond what Sopha hoped for when he holed up in his studio and started the gargantuan project of immortalizing Canada’s military causalities in Afghanistan. “Two and a half years ago I was watching the news, like most who had a loved one in Afghanistan,” he said. “Then, Dec. 5, 2008, I read See Mural A7


Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News


The danger of driving Shannon Lake Road caused by speeding Habits from A1 in the Adopt-A-Highway initiative until the district and the province can give the public some positive

indication that they are seriously considering methods to stop the speeding.” Ted Bens, a Westbank Lions club member and West Kelowna Citizens

Patrol volunteer, said that he has had Speed Watch equipment set up on Shannon Lake Road on numerous occasions. “Shannon Lake Road

is dangerous, but it need not be. Speeding is the prime reason. The speed limit is 50 km/h; however, we regularly clock some vehicles exceeding the

limit by 30 km/h or more,” said Bens. “Usually a third of the vehicles exceed the speed limit; we come up with the same numbers on oth-

er main roads where we set up our equipment (as well). Bens said that in his own experience driving on Shannon Lake Road,

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he has found that drivers are usually very impatient towards law-abiding drivers. “I don’t know if there is a solution other than vigorous enforcement by the RCMP, but Shannon Lake Road is not the only road that is troublesome,” Bens said. “The RCMP do not have the resources to be on all roads at all times.” The news of Tuningley’s death was tough to handle for District of West Kelowna Mayor Doug Findlater. “I knew Stu and most of council knew Stu as well. It’s been a real shock,” said Findlater. Despite many speaking out about the needs for improvement on Shannon Lake Road, Findlater said that he has only received three complaints about the road over the past four years. “That road is actually reasonably good in the sense that there’s a sidewalk along there. Had he been on the other side of the road he would’ve been on a pedestrian sidewalk,” Findlater said. “The big issue, and it’s everywhere, is speeding.” Findlater explained that Shannon Lake Road is a development cost charge road. “As with many roads, when we accumulate the resources from development, from external resources, from grants and put money into reserves from taxation, we’ll be upgrading these roads, he explained. “This is our biggest challenge as a new municipality. We had development approved by the regional district, but roads maintained by the ministry of transportation and highways to a rural standard. And they’re built to a rural standard.” Findlater said that having developments connected by rural roads is a problem in an area with 28,000 people plus the Westbank First Nation. He said it is a challenge deciding how and when to upgrade the roads. “Do you hit the taxpayer to go out and do (upgrades) or do you earn money through development and put the money aside and then try to lever other money with that? “We can’t build everything to capacity ahead of time, we have to earn money in order to actually do these things; otherwise, the taxpayer would be facing 10 per cent a year.” wpaterson

Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A3


NDP leader jumps on the outdated liquor act band wagon Jennifer Smith STAFF REPORTER

Adrian Dix says he wants to be the politician to finally get some traction on interprovincial liquor restrictions. The new NDP leader visited the Okanagan on Wednesday to pump up the anti-HST campaign in the last week of the referendum, but also took time to lend his voice to

Adrian Dix the fight to change the Im-

portation of Intoxicating Liquors Act. “I don’t think it’s made a lot of sense for someone to come down from Calgary and do a wine tour and not be able to take any wine home with them,” said Dix, who knows he’s not the first to trumpet the cause. Earlier this year, federal Conservative MP Ron Cannan presented a private member’s motion to update the legisla-

tion which prohibits alcohol from crossing provincial boarders unless it’s received by a provincial liquor board. Enacted in 1928, the Intoxicating Liquors Act is seen as out-dated by virtually every party and every level of politician in B.C., although it has been defended in Ontario. With B.C.’s political voice largely united on this issue, Dix says he’s

tired of the lack of attention the issue has seen. “We don’t want to be sitting here in 2012 with everyone who appears to be in favour of a change, but nothing is happening.” Lifting the restriction would not only mean wine tourists could take alcohol home legally, but also order the product online. The issue is just one of a few hot-button issues the NDP are targeting

in hopes of generating new votes in the Interior, where provincial Liberals and federal Conservatives have traditionally held a near stranglehold on election season. “The absence of competition in politics has hurt people over time,” said Dix. “I think people have been taken for granted.” In addition to the wine issue, he pointed to drastic problems in the tree fruit

industry as evidence the Liberals have not given due attention to Okanagan issues. In the final days of the NDP leadership race, Dix presented a $6-million plan for the tree fruit industry, which would see government leverage the purchasing power of health authorities to boost local growers and farmers.


Local family in hot water following unusual gunplay Kathy Michaels STAFF REPORTER

A Kelowna mother is in hot water following her decision to drive around the city while her children fired rounds from their pellet guns out windows. The toy-gun toting brood was caught on Geen Road in Rutland, just before 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday after a complainant reported the children pointed their barrels at his vehicle and pulled the triggers, said Sgt. Anne Morrison. “Members located and stopped the (grey Ford Explorer) and determined that five children, aged 11 to 16, all passengers, were shooting pellets randomly outside the vehicle and over the roof,” said Morrison. “The mother admits that she was aware of the activity and thought they

were just shooting at road signs.” Police seized the three pellet guns and the ammunition upon catching up with the family, noting they didn’t take the episode lightly. “The investigators noted the realistic look to the guns and said that from a distance, they looked very real,” she said. While there were no injuries, police aren’t taking the outpouring of ammunition lightly as the carelessness of the mother and the children could have had dire consequences. “Operating a motor vehicle during perfect conditions can be risky…but distracting a driver of a vehicle in this manner could be tragic,” Morrison said. Police continue to investigate and will be following up with the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development.


THESE PELLET gun pistols were seized by police from a vehicle Tuesday afternoon after a mother allowed her

children to shoot them out of the back window of her SUV. Shots were fired at a passing car and the motorist called in a complaint to the police.


Cycling access to university enhanced with pathway project Kathy Michaels STAFF REPORTER

Complaints that cycling the most direct route to UBC Okanagan is a life-threatening endeavour, are now being addressed. The provincial government, in conjunction with the City of Kelowna and UBC announced this week that they’d foot the


bill for a new multi-use pathway and bridge that will allow cyclists to bypass the Ellison overhead on Highway 97. “Cycling to UBC is a daily part of campus life for many of our students and staff,” said Doug Owram, deputy vice-chancellor and principal of UBC Okanagan. “It is vital that we are involved in efforts to improve the main bike

route to UBC for both safety and efficiency.” There have been complaints about the highway route to the university since the highway was expanded a few years ago, but were loudest last August when the student union started posting signs and writing letters explaining that the route was wrought with danger. “I measured the bike

path before the bridge and it begins at a standard width of roughly five feet. When you get to the bridge the bike path shrinks down to a mere 15-inch width,” reads a letter from Amanda Lepholtz, the former internal coordinator of the student group, adding the danger was especially pronounced when the 80 km/hr speed limit is fac-

tored in. “This small space leaves very little room for a bike and a car to safely share the road…This needs an immediate solution before anyone suffers an injury or worse, a fatality.” Until the new pathway is complete, cyclists will continue to use the Ellison overhead to reach the campus, but there will be additions to make it safer.

This August, a new cyclist-activated warning sign will be installed on the northbound shoulder at the bridge. The solarpowered sign will alert drivers to the presence of cyclists on the bridge’s narrow shoulder. UBC’s School of Engineering has been engaged to study the effect of this new sign on highway drivers and cyclists.

Stantec Engineering is currently working to fine tune the proposed alignment of the path and preliminary design. Final design and construction will take place next year. The province is contributing up to $1.55 million toward the design and construction of the project, with the balance of funding coming from the City of Kelowna.


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Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News


Artist feels kinship with subject of her sculpture Jennifer Smith STAFF REPORTER

It is perhaps fitting that local artist Crystal Przybille should deliver the bronze likeness commemorating Father Pandosy, one of the Okanagan’s most influential forefathers, to Kelowna’s public art collection for she has truly mothered its vision from infancy. Twelve years ago, while living across from the Father Pandosy Mission, she realized the Okanagan needed to pay homage to the venerable priest who established the mission, negotiating settlement of the new European culture in the existing First Nations territory, and planting the area’s first orchard. Pandosy contemplated growing the first wine grapes for communion, as was the custom in his native France, and taught others how to establish more fruit trees, as Pryzbille would learn while she lived in a small cottage across from the monument to what’s thought to be his grave. “I felt very much ensconced in his history and

Sculpture machete of Father Pandosy thought it would be really interesting to have a sculpture of this figure,� she said. “A lot of cities have sculptures of historical figures, represented for tourists and so that the general public can get a sense of the identity of the community.� The form she has devised tries to provide a balanced approach to this history, showing the priest’s formidable figure struggling through a tumultuous time from a fruit tree pruning rooted in the soil of his new homeland. On his cloak, images of the four Syilx First Na-

tions food chiefs—bear representing hunted meat, salmon for food from the water, saskatoon berry for the food grown above the soil and Bitterroot for food from the earth— showcase the hunter/gatherer society his agricultural knowledge would sacrifice as the coyote spirit guide of the First Nations howls at his side. The finished product will be slightly larger than life-size. To appear true-to-life bronze sculptors will typically oversize their work a little as a direct replica will often appear smaller to the naked eye in its solid, dark final form. “There are different reports on how people felt about Pandosy, but in general I got the sense that he was well respected,â€? said Pryzbille. â€œâ€ŚOn the other hand, he built the settlement. He was under obligation and obedience to Rome. He was teaching a different spiritual faith than what the First Nations people had themselves, so it did create a diminishing of their original culture.â€? As such, the sculpture will not be built to


LOCAL ARTIST Crystal Przybille will open her studio to show the people of Kelowna how she is building the

bronze sculpture recognizing Father Pandosy, the pioneer credited with establishing the first mission, the roots of Kelowna, planting the first orchard and conjuring up the idea that the Okanagan could grow wine. glorify, or for that matter vilify, the priest, but simply to mark the 150th anniversary of the Father Pandosy Mission last year. The caretaker of the mission property approached Przybille in 2009 to see if she was still interested in pursuing her sculptural project, pointing out it might be timely to find the funds. That prompted a little research, then more research, mock-ups, books ordered online, and meetings with the Okanagan Historical Society and the city’s public art committee. Przybille spearheaded a grant-writing process and when the six-foot, eight-inch bronze likeness (Father Pandosy was an astounding sixfoot, four inches tall) was given the go-ahead with

a $49,000 grant from the federal Heritage Legacy Fund, she secured approval from the city’s public art committee to have the piece accepted into the public art collection. “I wanted to give this sense of height. He would have been a very imposing, intimidating figure to some,� she said. “So it was important to have that scale.� Creating a piece of public art of this stature will not make one rich. Of the $112,000 budget, roughly a third goes to the bronze foundry to make the final moulds, slice and dice the clay figure, pour the bronze, solder the pieces together and work with the artist on the final patina. Another third is allocated to the raw materials, transportation, studio

rental and installation at its new home across from the Thompson farm on the H2O Centre property. For her vision and two years of labour, Pryzbille will see $30,000 in artist’s fees. This is her first bronze—she’s self taught, though she does have a fine arts degree—so building the piece will add to her portfolio for the future; but she has had to raise all the money without tapping the city’s public art funding and is still working to do so. “For me it’s a labour of love, really,� said Przybille. “When I’m in here working, I’m happy. It’s such a joy for me.� Some 20 machetes of the project will be sold to raise money to complete the work and the artist is still accepting donations

in hopes of meeting her final budget. An information plaque featuring English, French and Nsylixcen languages will acknowledge the donors on the final site. In the meantime, she is hosting an artist’s talk and opening her Rotary Centre for the Arts studio to allow the community a sneak peak of the clay form quickly taking shape. On Aug. 10, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in Studio 111 on the main floor of the RCA, Pryzbille will offer wine and cheese and hold a discussion on the Father Pandosy project—everyone welcome. Information on donating to the project can be found at http://sites. or by emailing Pryzbille at The machetes are on display in her studio and at the Kelowna Art Gallery.

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For the record The brown bag lunch session and panel discussion events with sculptor Brower Hatcher were published with the wrong date in Tuesday’s edition of the Capital News. The lunch session and panel discussion will take place Thursday, Aug. 11, noon to 1 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. respectively, at the Kelowna Art Gallery, and not on Aug. 1 as was initially published. Both events are free to the public.

Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A5


Mission Dance Centre Professional Training Summer Intensive


Auditions: August 7th* Ages 5 to Young Adult Summer and Fall Pre-Professional Mission Dance Centre Programs

Council majority endorses plan for Mission Hill winery expansion STAFF REPORTER

West Kelowna district council made a controversial decision Tuesday to take the next step toward allowing an expansion to Mission Hill Family Estate Winery. The third reading for three proposed bylaw amendments, which will make it possible for the expansion to occur, passed with five members of council in favour, while Couns. Rosalind Neis and Bryden Winsby were opposed. The expansion will add a hotel, restaurant, wellness centre, conference centre, art gallery, wine museum, guest cottages and microbrewery to Mission Hill’s property. A public hearing was held on June 23, when 38 presentations were made. Of those presentations, 71 per cent spoke against the proposed expansion. Since then, the District of West Kelowna staff has received 64 letters, 78 per cent of which were not in favour of the expansion. Although the public’s concerns covered a wide variety of topics, the biggest concern was traffic. At the June 23 public hearing, lawyer Tom Smithwick told West Kelowna council: “I would say 90 per cent would support it if there was an alternate route.” Two potential alternate access locations were reviewed. The first proposed was from Boucherie Road (directly up the face of Mount Boucherie). However, it was dismissed as both technically unfeasible and environmentally undesirable. A second road location extending from East Boundary Road was considered, but the Westbank First Nation band council did not support the proposal due to their site-specific infrastructure/servicing needs. But, even though an alternate route was not found, West Kelowna council decided that the winery expansion’s overall benefits outweighed the negatives. “This development is very much in the interest of the well being of our whole community,” said West Kelowna Mayor


Doug Findlater. “This is a difficult decision, but when you stand back and look at the proposal, it’s a high quality development, it is sustainable. It enhances our new municipality in so many ways overall.” Coun. Duane Ophus’ comments mirrored those of the mayor. “We have a duty to all of the citizens of the community. Most communities do their very best, and spend a lot of money, to try and attract a project like this,” Ophus said. “We’ve been offered this project. We cannot turn our back on it at this point in time.” Many councillors admitted the decision was difficult, but the estimated 400 jobs that the project will supply is too significant to ignore. “I’m very reluctant because I see a lot of loose ends,” said Coun. Carol Zanon. “But I think we have

to send a signal to our business community and this is it. “We definitely need to raise our tax base and we need jobs. The economy is not doing very well and there’s not going to be much growth in the next two to five years.” Zanon assured council she will “be like a hawk” watching over the construction management plan and regulation enforcement. Winsby and Neis said that there were too many problems with the proposal at this time, and because of that neither could support the expansion. “I feel that this project is premature. I think it’s very inspired, but at the same time, I believe it’s going to add to problems that we’re going to have even more difficulty solving as time goes by,” said Winsby. “There is a rush here. I understand that delays are expensive, but at the

same time, I think we’re going to see increasing urban pressure on rural infrastructure.” Winsby said he was also concerned about the traffic that would increase on Boucherie Road. Although the road is not connected directly to the winery, Winsby noted it does connect to Mission Hill Road so it will inevitably see an increased traffic flow caused by the winery expansion. Neis felt the expansion will significantly harm those who live in the Mission Hill neighbourhood. “There’s nothing in this construction management program, that I can see, that will do anything to guarantee any of the requirements of the requests that the members of the public asked of us at the public hearing,” she said. “There’s still work that has to be done with this.”

* Private auditions are available if you are unable to attend the group audition on August 7th

August Dance Intensive: August 15 - 31, 2011 Creative Dance, Pre-Ballet, Ballet, Pointe, Stretching, Modern, Jazz, Hip Hop, Latin/Spanish

Recreational Level: August 15 - 19, 2011

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between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm at The Rotary Centre for the Arts

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Wade Paterson

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Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News

NEWS STOLEN VEHICLE UNCOVERED‌ A stolen SUV was spotted just off of Westside Road on

Tuesday and pulled out later that day. RCMP Const. Robert Moon said the vehicle was stolen two weeks ago. “We don’t know how long it’s been here. It looks like they just dumped it. Nobody’s around; we’re assuming everybody’s fine,� said Moon. A man, who was having vehicle problems, pulled off Westside Road and noticed the vehicle Tuesday afternoon. “Sometimes you get lucky,� said Moon. The vehicle was stolen from the home of its registered owner. WADE PATERSON/CAPITAL NEWS

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Seniors who were evacuated from Kiwanis Tower in the wee hours of Tuesday morning are banding together to find a better solution to any future emergencies. “We’re going to meet about the safety procedures and many in the building here have decided to pack an emergency kit, so the next time something like this goes on; you grab it and you’re gone,� said resident Robert Erdely. Shortcomings in the procedure were highlighted when, just after 12:30 a.m. Tuesday, fire crews reacted to a smell of rotten eggs and evacuated 111 residents. In some buildings around the city, it may have been less of an issue, but at the Kiwanis Tower many of the tenants struggle with mobility. “I had no concerns for myself,� said

Erdely. “I was concerned about some of the old people‌one woman fell and twisted her ankle, so she was taken by ambulance, and people with walkers weren’t comfortable heading down 13 flights.â€? Some, he said, didn’t even bother evacuating. Once outside, 96 chose to be bused to the Salvation Arm, while the remaining 15 residents stayed at the scene. “My good friends at the 7-Eleven gave lots of these people free coffee, and some buses came by to take the weak to go to the Salvation Army, which was nice,â€? he said. Erdely was one of the first to get back into the building at around 2:30 a.m. after fire crews ensured it was ventilated. Kelowna fire department platoon captain Tim Light, said the origin of the odour remains unknown.




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Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A7




Snowbirds return to Kelowna The Kelowna Rotary Club is bringing the Canadian Forces Snowbirds here on Monday to provide a 35-minute aerial show over the area of Waterfront Park. Vern Nielsen, spokesman for the Kelowna Rotarians, said the show will start at 5 p.m. It will be proceeded by a fundraising gala banquet on Sunday, 6:30 p.m., at the Coast Capri Hotel, in honour of the Snowbirds’ visit. Tickets are still avail-

Vern Nielsen able at $100/person, with a Snowbird pilot to be seated at every table. For tickets to the ban-

quet, call 250-762-5050 or go to Nielsen said there will be photo opportunities with the Snowbird pilots and team members along with entertainment by a singer. Nielsen said the opportunity to host a show by the Snowbirds started out as a mere coincidence. “I happening to be talking to a friend of mine who had just retired from the Armed Forces. He knows the Snowbirds

commanding officer and some of the pilots,” Nielsen recalled. “He suggested we should bring them to Kelowna this summer, and I said absolutely.” His friend made some calls and found out another B.C. community was interested in bringing the Snowbirds to their town, but hadn’t completed all the paperwork yet. “He said if we get our (paperwork) in right away there’s a good chance we could get them and that’s what happened.”


Putting a face to the Afghanistan death toll Mural from A1 that 100 Canadian troops had been lost in Afghanistan… I was happy (my nephew) wasn’t one of them, but I realized I had 100 postage-sized faces looking at me and they all had someone missing them.” So he went to work. On a canvas that

stretches 10 feet tall by 40 feet wide, Sopha spent 6,500 hours recreating the faces of 155 Canadian soldiers, sailors and aircrew who lost their lives in Afghanistan. “I start by laying out the size, then I go directly to the eyes and spend two or three hours,” he said. “They give me a feeling what a guy is like and

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who they really were.” The mural is touring across Canada in a specialized mobile display trailer, and organizers expect to raise more than $1.5 million, which will go to the Military Families Fund. That fund was established in April 2007 by Canada’s former Chief of Defence Staff Rick Hilli-


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Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News



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Questions in fire dispatch decision


hen you are in charge of the public purse, there are always going to be tough decisions to make. Voting to give the contract for 911 fire dispatch services to Kelowna was one such decision, judging by how divided the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen board was on the issue. But it shouldn’t have been. We, like the regional district board, strongly support keeping not just the jobs local, but also keeping local people, with

real world experience of the area behind those microphones dispatching personnel to emergencies. But not at all costs. If the difference in bids had been in the thousands of dollars range, it would have been no contest. But we’re talking about nearly a $1.8 million difference here. And though they were strongly divided on the issue, that immense difference in bids really left the RDOS directors only one option if they were to live up to their fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers of not only Pen-

ticton, but the entire Okanagan Similkameen. There are arguments related to the quality of service, that a dispatcher sitting in Kelowna might be confused about the location of a call, and so put lives at risk. That’s a good and very real argument in favour of keeping dispatch services localized; however, the integration of mapping technologies with dispatch, combined with the fire fighters’ own boots-on-the-ground knowledge of the communities makes this much less a factor than it

might have been even five years ago. However, there is one question unanswered. Kelowna’s bid was the lowest of four, with Surrey and the Fraser Valley Regional District both coming in below Penticton’s $2.8 million bid. That begs the question of whether Penticton fire dispatch were including factors that the other bids didn’t. So, is Kelowna going to be able to provide the required level of service over the five years that the contract runs? —Penticton Western News

Sound off


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THURSDAY’S QUESTION: Would you support creation of a regulation approval process that would allow houseboats to be moored on Okanagan Lake if those regulations were adhered to? To register your opinion on the Sound Off question, go to or call 250-979-7303. Results will be tabulated until 2 p.m. Monday.


Member of the British Columbia Press Council

Absence of respect for pedestrians chases family out of town


hile cyclists have long complained about the perils of sharing the road with Kelowna drivers, it appears pedestrians may have something in common with local pedal pushers. At least Carlanne Huber thinks so, to the point where she and her husband and two kids are packing up and leaving town, moving to what she feels is the more pedestrian-friendly confines of Vernon. Huber, who lives in Calgary where her husband works in the oil and gas industry, has been coming to the Okanagan since she was a kid, Her father is retired here and the couple have owned a house here for several years.

The same week Huber contacted me to voice her frustration at the degrading driving habits of local drivers, a highway improvement volunteer was struck and killed on Shannon Lake Road, and another pedestrian was struck by an SUV and killed in the Orchard Park Mall parking lot crosswalk. Huber said her worst exposure to danger came while standing in the middle of Richter. With one driver stopping to allow them to cross the road, drivers heading in the opposite direction wouldn’t extend the same

courtesy, leaving them standing in the middle of the road. “I had never been so disgusted in my life. People are blowing past me while I’m Barry standing in the midGerding dle of the road with my two kids. I know they see me because I see the drivers looking at my kids and smiling at how cute they are, but they don’t stop,” Huber said. On one occasion, Huber flipped the bird at one ignorant driver, only to have the passenger stick their arm out the window and give her the finger right back. Another time, Huber


was so upset, she grabbed a rock at the side of the road to throw at the car, only to be stopped by her five-yearold son, who innocently asked her, “Mommy, what are you doing with that rock?” Huber voiced her frustration to the Kelowna RCMP, who said they can’t do much unless she gets the license plate number of a vehicle not granting the right-of-way to pedestrians. “I know in Calgary the police wouldn’t do anything, so when I heard that I thought, ‘Yea, right.’ But I know someone who had the police come to her home and give her a ticket for a traffic violation, so they actually will do that here. But the problem is getting a license plate number when

you’re trying to cross the street with two kids.” Huber said drivers aren’t as bad in Calgary as they are in Kelowna, nor the several European countries Huber has spent time in when her husband was playing professional hockey. “My dad says the police should have pedestrian decoys and give out tickets for drivers rather than hiding in the bushes to catch speeders. I don’t understand why people are in such a hurry here. My dad just says, ‘It’s a Kelowna thing.’” But that “Kelowna thing” has chased the Hubers out of town, afraid of becoming another pedestrian fatality statistic.

Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A9




No good comes from ministry seizing children from their families To the editor: Re: Our View: Court Delays Unacceptable, July 21 Capital News. There is no worse justice than what is occurring right now in the area of what we so wrongly term “child protection.” Children all over the world are being seized and taken into government custody, on no evidence, scanty evidence and even—it has been proven—fabricated evidence. When a child loses a parent and vice versa, the effects are traumatic and long lasting. Removal should be the last resort, and only when there is evidence of abuse, which there was not in Derek Hoare’s and Ayn’s case.

Now Ayn is all alone, drugged up, confused, scared, lonely, sad and crying for days on end. The ministry of children and families did pass this bit of info on, and asked for photos of Derek to give to Ayn, but that is all the comfort she gets as MCFD will not allow Ayn to see any of her family. This is the worst thing you could do to a child, yet the ministry does it without being accountable whatsoever, and uses our money (tax dollars) to do it—all under the guise of protecting children. People should go to the pa-pa(dot)ca website to really understand what MCFD is all about. 1Citizen009

A Gift in Memory Olympics to blame for debt Makes a Difference To the editor: Chris wrote a good letter about HST and the fact that the government spin is full of it (HST ‘Lets Gov’t Reach Right Into Your Pocket’ July 21 Capital News). Unfortunately this province had the Olympics. Sure, it brought awareness to Vancouver and it was entertainment for most. The huge problem was it cost the province billions. I am far from a rocket scientist guy but I knew once this Winter Games was awarded to Vancouver the taxpayer would pay dearly. The only real cost that has a benefit for the Lower Mainland is the upgrade on

the highway to Whistler and the airport to downtown Vancouver extension of the Vancouver Rapid Transit. These cost the province more than budgeted, just like just about everything to do with putting these “Games” on. Gordon Campbell should have been honest about is letting the electorate know that B.C. was pretty much broke from hosting the Olympics. Sidney Crosby’s goal was great to watch but it cost us seven per cent more on a lot more goods and services than before. I wish he scored the goal in Calgary as these Games should have returned there. Gary Scramstad, Kelowna

Response to ‘ill-informed’ letter To the editor: With respect to the ill-informed Chris of, the letter contains too many errors to let go unchallenged. Firstly, the comment about how Stockwell Day mislead the B.C. government in the formulation of the referendum question is just plain wrong. If Chris had read the report to B.C. papers about the responsibility for the wording of the question, he would know that he is wrong, yet again. The wording of the referendum question is the sole responsibility of those putting the request forward. In other words, Bill Vander Zalm and his committee were solely responsible for the wording, the B.C. government cannot interfere with the wording. Secondly, Chris goes on to say that the B.C. government, in its lowering of the HST by two per cent, needs approval from the federal government. Here again,

this is incorrect. The B.C. government is solely responsible for the PST portion which was lowered by two per cent, not on the HST. Remember that the HST is made up of the provincial government tax, called the PST, and the federal government portion, called the GST. In addition to these arguments is the widespread notion that this is “punishment” for the B.C. government and has nothing to do with whether or not the tax is needed or is fair. God help us all if the Yes side wins. Who will they blame then when we all have to pay for going back and have to make up the difference. What surprises me even more, is that the Capital News would let a letter be printed with so many misrepresented facts, unless the Capital News shares the impression that punishment is what they want as well. L. Babcock, Kelowna


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Push behind Gerstmar Park thanks one and all To the editor: July 15, 2011 was a big day for the residents of the Springvalley area of Rutland on Mission Creek, where the latest neighbourhood park, Gerstmar Park, which took 11 years to complete, was officially opened. (Worthy Conclusion to Long Park Campaign, July 19 Capital News) According to the registered Deed of Land, the Central Okanagan Regional District, with much foresight, bought the land October 11, 1977 “for future park purposes.” The opening was well attended by all sorts of residents and families with children. It was a perfect sunny Okanagan day and all the lawns, trees and flower gardens were in great condition. The tree-lined sidewalk and fence leading to the park speaks of the high quality of planning provided. The city set up a large white desert tent from which the officials spoke over a PA system. In attendance were Mayor Sharon Shepherd, MLA Norm Letnick, MLA Steve Thompson, MP

Ron Cannon and ceremony moderator Parks and Recreation manager Andrew Gibbs. All spoke appreciatively of the amount of time, from the year 2000; of the effort it took by a small group of residents, Malcolm Broxham, Jim Klein, Steve Matwychuk, Dr. Sheldon Langedyk and Sylvia Pierron, headed by myself to fulfill the original wishes of the regional district. Hundreds of residents turned out to meetings and signed a petition requesting the city to proceed with development of a park and not a utility yard. Rutland Residents Association, under the leadership of president John Vielvoye, where I was chairman of parks, was very involved and helpful in discussion with the city, which was continued in the latter years under the leadership of president Mary-Ann Graham. The support provided by Capital News, The Daily Courier, CBC Radio and TV, CTV TV and 1150 Radio all helped immensely to get the message out to all the residents of Kelowna. A special thanks to

the regional district which was very involved initially and who contributed to the overall cost of development. A special thanks also to the federal government who provided major funds towards park development throughout this area. Mayor Sharon Shepherd, initially Councillor Shepherd, was always available to advise and provide support, as it is and has always been her goal to continue to improve the desirability of Kelowna as a quality place to live. On behalf of our team and all the residents who gave their support to this effort, I’d like to thank the City of Kelowna and especially the Parks division and their contractors for the wonderful job they made of Gerstmar Park, the latest neighbourhood park on Mission Creek. Much care and planning by the Parks Division, was given to preserving some of the natural growth while adding a beautifully planned play area for the children, a large grassy area where all sorts of games and activities can happen, a ten-

nis court with huge fences to keep the odd misdirected ball on the court, with benches and seating areas provided throughout. Walkers can enjoy the sidewalks that meander all the way through the whole area. Three sides of the park are surrounded by homes with Mission Creek and the Greenway on the southern edge. Lawn areas and wild grass areas add to the overall tranquility that is attracting mom’s and dad’s with small children, tennis players, various lawn activities with

all sorts of games, walkers with dogs, all year round, with the addition of an all-season state-ofthe-art washroom. A new seating bench was presented to honour the completion of the park. It is a truly beautiful area to be enjoyed by all the citizens of Kelowna. Congratulations to the City of Kelowna on their mission to make Kelowna a most desirable place to live. Paul Pierron, Kelowna

4/11H WP21

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Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News

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Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A11



Brushing is what’s key I

Smokers asked to butt out before they play

n several recent columns we have discussed both toothbrushes and toothbrushing, but we haven’t said much about the stuff you put on the brush. While shopping around in the pharmacy, grocery store or natural food store, you have likely noticed that toothpaste comes in a variety of different formulations, all touting their benefits. All of the different toothpaste brands have their advantages and disadvantages, but none have all of the advantages in one tube. But there is one important thing to understand about toothbrushing—the most important part is the brushing. What goes on the brush is secondary. Toothpaste does not work like dish soap. It’s the mechanical action of the bristles physically removing the plaque from the teeth that is very important. Generally, toothpaste, is a pleasant tasting delivery system for a specific ingredient rather than a “detergent” for cleansing teeth. The main beneficial ingredients used in toothpaste are fluoride, xylitol in non-fluoride toothpastes, antibacterial agents (such as triclosan), anti-sensitivity agents in sensitivity toothpastes, and abrasives in whitening pastes. Fluoride, as we have discussed in previous columns, is the number one recommended toothpaste ingredient by dentists and practically every dental organization. Its anti-cavity and remineralization benefits have been clearly demonstrated in scientific research over the long term. Xylitol is a relatively new ingredient in some toothpastes as it has been shown to have anti-cavity properties. Xylitol is a non-caloric, natural sugar substitute derived from birch trees that has been found to reduce the stickiness of plaque, preventing it from building up. Xylitol also can’t be metabolized by cavity causing bacteria, thus preventing the buildup of acids that normally occurs with sugar. The majority of toothpastes that contain xylitol do so in an effort to provide an anti-cavity toothpaste alternative for those individuals opposed to the


Alan Milnes & Terry Farquhar use of fluoride. Antibacterial ingredients are aimed at actually reducing the number of cavity causing organisms. There has been discussion regarding the use of antibacterial agents in toothpastes, similar to those in hand soaps and sanitizers, coupled with an increased incidence of antibiotic resistant organisms. However, no evidence to support this concept has arisen to deter their use. Anti-sensitivity toothpastes have a variety of materials aimed at blocking the tiny exposed tubules in teeth that are porous and through which fluids travel eliciting that sharp pain some of us experience when root surfaces are exposed. Of note, these sensitivity toothpastes will not reduce discomfort caused by cavities, as dental pain in this form should be assessed by a dental professional. Whitening toothpastes will either contain an abrasive agent to mechanically remove surface stains and increase the whiteness of teeth, or a low concentration bleaching agent to slowly bleach teeth over time. While abrasive pastes will “scrub” teeth clean and make them look more white, they will also abrade teeth and wear away the enamel much faster than regular toothpastes. The low concentration bleach containing toothpastes will have minimal effect. Again, for those searching for whiter teeth, a visit to the dentist to discuss alternatives is recommended. For children, the best choice is a toothpaste that tastes good to them, contains fluoride, and is used appropriately with regard to frequency and amount. Toothpaste should be used twice per day, ideally in the morning and before bed. Make sure that toothpaste is kept out of the reach of preschool children, some of whom enjoy eating the paste. Too much of a good thing can be harmful. For more information

and to decide what is right for you and your family, visit your dental professional. He or she will be more than happy to point you in the direction right for you and your children. Alan Milnes and Terry Farquhar are certified specialists in pediatric dentistry at 101180 Cooper Rd. www.okanagandentalcare

With the August long-weekend just around the corner, park users are being reminded that all City of Kelowna parks and beaches are smokefree, including City Park, Waterfront Park and the Parkinson, Rutland and Mission Recreation Parks. “The parks will be filled with families enjoying the sun and sand this weekend so we would like to remind everyone that they must butt out before entering city parks,” said Ian Wilson, City of Kelowna park services manager. In March, signs went up in parks

to inform smokers that the smokefree zone includes everything within a park’s boundaries: parking lots, pathways, the entrances to buildings and the lawn space. The smoke-free bylaw, which came into effect Feb. 1, was established to help reduce the risk of fire and associated littering from improperly disposed cigarette butts in parks and on beaches. “We’re pleased that residents and visitors are refraining from smoking on the beaches,” said Wilson. “However, we are still seeing

and hearing complaints of people smoking in parks as they watch their children play in the playground.” According to health experts, second hand smoke impacts our health even in the outdoors as particles from tobacco smoke are still present at harmful levels, up to seven metres away from the source. Bylaw officers will continue to focus on voluntary compliance, although $100 fines could be issued. For more information on smokefree parks, visit the web site

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Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News


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Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A13

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Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News




Are chairs just chairs if they’re in an art gallery?

Locally made Pressed not in theatres yet; Friends won’t be for long


hen any children visiting the Kelowna Art Gallery this summer see the gigantic, colossal sculpture made from discarded chairs, surely they will all want to be artists when they grow up. What’s not to like? The work is fun and amazing, and seems to defy gravity as the conglomerated mass of old chairs soars upward, some 20 feet in the air. The artist is Chad Pratch, a recent graduate of the BFA program at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. Pratch has been thinking about his Dysfunctional Chairs commission for over a year. His idea of rounding up a huge number of old chairs appealed to him on several levels. He is interested in the human tendency to categorize and label things (even each other). So if a chair is no longer deemed useful, and loses its function as a chair, does it become art when placed in a gallery context? This stems from the question asked by artist Marcel Duchamp almost 100 years ago, when he invented his so-called Readymades, which marked a sea change in how people defined art. The first Readymade was a store-bought urinal, created and exhibited



his week is a “twofer” as I had the privilege of being part of the Kelowna premiere of Pressed, a Justin Donnelly film, shot locally. Then saw Friends With Benefits

Liz Wylie in 1917. Can any random commercial object attain the status of a work of art simply by being placed in an art museum context? Duchamp claimed it could be so. And thus the worn and discarded chairs that form the impressive vertical structure in the Rotary Courtyard of the Kelowna Art Gallery ascend to that status, with hefty precedent in their favour. Pratch wanted to explore the social aspect of his project and conducted taped interviews with people who personally donated chairs to him. These conversations are all playing in a cacophony of speech coming from speakers tucked in behind the massed chairs. On either side of the spreading tower of chairs are bone yards of identical white stacking chairs, formed into organic masses that look like decomposed works of art by Canadian artist Brian Jungen. Taken together, the entire installation is a rich and multi-sensory art


ending is very cool. I hope this sells in the North American market and gets the recognition it deserves. I give this one 4 reels with a thanks for putting Kelowna in the spotlight so everyone can see what a beautiful place this is!


Susan Steen PRESSED


CHAD PRATCH: Inanimate Phenotype, 2011, installation view, at the Kelowna Art Gallery. experience. Pratch’s title for his show, Inanimate Phenotype, reinforces his musing over the problem of labeling and categorizing. “Phenotype” is the collective characteristics of an organism that allow us to recognize it and distinguish it from others. He adds “inanimate” as the chairs are not alive. So, normally we

would recognize a chair by its four legs and flat place to sit, no matter in which style or period that chair was made. However, these discarded chairs were deemed no longer functional by their owners (some of them are spectacularly worn out) and yet they persist in looking chair-like to us. Ultimately, what is in a name?, as Shakespeare

pondered as well, and so eloquently. Despite its usefulness, any name also contains a danger—of mis-categorizing, prejudice and misunderstanding.

Liz Wylie is the curator at the Kelowna Art Gallery. 250-762-2226

Pressed is an action-thriller about murder, greed and making bad choices—and it was a good one. Part of the fun was identifying shooting locations around town, but that alone wouldn’t have carried the film were it not for the solid acting of Luke Gross and the other main characters. While not yet sold to the North American market, Pressed has been sold in Europe, where the big budget needed for the enormous amount of cigarettes smoked in the movie won’t even make their sophisticated little eyebrows lift. The show moves through its two-hour run without dragging and the

For a real change of pace, Friends With Benefits was a very light comedy with some funny scenes and lots of sex. For the ladies there are many bare butt shots of Justin Timberlake. There are some poignant moments as Dad, played by Richard Jenkins battles the onset of Alzheimer’s and the family comes to grips with the loss of the person they once knew, but there is levity even in these moments. The story line is predictable and while each of the main actors—Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Woody Harrelson plus Jenna Elfman, Patricia Clarkson and Richard Jenkins play the roles well, there is something that falls flat in the final analysis. Friends With Benefits is OK for an evening See Steen A15


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Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A15


Students, volunteers needed for art camp

end of its summer arts camp under the Kaleidoscope theme. Last year, camp participant Lewis Brunt, 11, created this kaleidoscope, which was shown at the gala. Come see what's out there this year. for the gala. SASFY also throws a spring fundraiser and is run by a board of directors, both which could use the helping hands of people who may have no time to donate in the sum-

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mer. The scholarship opportunities, on the other hand, are open to aspiring young artists who need a leg up to get involved. Information on Summer Arts Scene for Youth

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Susan Steen is a local non-profit executive and movie buff.



performing arts, music, fashion design, woodworking and culinary arts. Tickets to the gala event, which showcases the student's work, are also available for $10.


for 20- to 30-somethings, but it’s a toss up whether to pay the bucks and go to the show or wait for the DVD. Needless to say, Friends is not for anyone who has an ounce of sophisticated humour or who wants to be left with a lingering chuckle but it has its moments and, if nothing else, it might just be worth it to watch Patricia Clarkson playing the Mom, who would easily win the worst Mom of the year award. The best quote of this show is: “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll rip your ears off and staple them to your neck” I give this film two and a half reels—see it if you want to, but go quickly as it won’t last in the theatres very long.

THIS YEAR the Summer Arts Scene ForYouth in the Central Okanagan will throw a gala event on Aug. 13 at the


Steen from A14



Friends with… no benefits for movie watchers

inaugural year last year. "The program has been very well supported by the community," said Kargl. "It has received a grant both years from the Central Okanagan Foundation and I've already got instructors booked for next year." That said, she is still hoping people interested in keeping arts opportunities accessible for kids will step in and help during this final organization period. This year the school added a bus system so parents don't have to bring students all the way to the Lake Country location in George Elliott school. The bus will pick kids up from a Kelowna location and a West Kelowna location and volunteers are needed to ride along to ensure everyone is on track and gets to camp without issue. Kargl says she also needs greeters to help with registration on the first day and extra hands


A new art camp setting down roots in the Okanagan finds itself in a unique position this summer—it wants to help, but it also needs help to do so. With just two weeks to go until Summer Arts Scene For Youth throws open the doors to provide 62 kids with a weeklong intensive art and performance experience, the camp's organizers say they have found the funding for four more scholarship students, although they also desperately need volunteer help to make the camp a success. "Last year we spent $4,000 on catering, but the tuition was $250 and we wanted to make it more affordable for local youth," said Claudia Kargl, president and artistic director of SASFY. "I just read that the B.C. Interior has some of the most impoverished

kids in the country and that was some of the feedback from last year. We needed to make it easier for more kids to come." The new $150 price tag includes six days of intensive learning from formidable local artists. Teachers like painter Linda Lovisa, who owns her own gallery on the Westside, local filmmaker Richard Knight and fashion design grad Kate Grout-Lario work with the students for six hours a day during the week-long experience, which culminates in a grand finalé gala event the non-profit organization uses as a fundraiser. Each day includes a snack and lunch, which Kargl is hoping she can cover by adding volunteers to her kitchen who will keep the food train running throughout the day—though finding the bodies hasn't been easy, particularly now that the camp has added 20 more students than it had in its




Jennifer Smith



Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News


July 29-Aug. 3

Grand 10 Landmark TRANSFORMERS 3: DARK OF THE MOON (3D) Nightly at 6:30 & 9:45, Daily Mat at 1:30 (PG) *3D PRICING IN EFFECT* HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS ll 3D Nightly at 6:35, 7:00, 9:25 & 10:00, Daily Mats at 12:35, 12:55, 3:25 & 4:00 (PG) *3D PRICING IN EFFECT* SMURFS 3D Nightly at 7:05 & 9:30, Daily Mats at 1:05 & 3:30 (G) *3D PRICING IN EFFECT* COWBOYS AND ALIENS Nightly at 6:55, 7:10, 9:40 & 9:55, Daily Mats at 12:55, 1:10, 3:45 & 3:55 (14A) *NO PASSES ACCEPTED (until August 12th) - G.C Always Accepted* SMURFS 2D Nightly at 6:45, Daily Mats at 12:45 & 3:15 (G) BRIDESMAIDS Nightly at 9:15 only (14A) FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS Nightly at 6:50 & 9:20, Daily Mats at 12:50 & 3:20 (14A) HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS ll (NOT 3D) Nightly at 7:30, Daily Mats at 12:40 & 3:40 (PG) HORRIBLE BOSSES Nightly at 7:15 & 9:35, Daily Mats at 1:15 & 3:35 (14A)

Paramount Landmark HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 (2D) PG 7:00 & 9:50; Daily Matinee 3:30; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:00 & 3:50 TREE OF LIFE G 6:45 & 9:40, Daily Matinee 3:10; Sat & Sun Matinees 12:45 & 3:40 COWBOYS & ALIENS 14A 7:10 & 10:00; Daily Matinee 3:20; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:10 & 4:00 NO PASSES ACCEPTED (GIFT CERTS ALWAYS ACCEPTED)

Your business could advertise here, please contact your Capital News Sales Representative at 250-763-3212.

Orchard Plaza 5 Cineplex Orchard Plaza 5 Cineplex CAPTAIN AMERICA 3D (PG) [2:15] 7:15 & 10:15; Matinees 1:05 & 4:00 CAPTAIN AMERICA (PG) [2:15] 6:55 & 9:55; Matinees 12:45 & 3:40 CARS 2 3D (G) [2:02] 6:45; Matinees 12:50 & 3:30 CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE (PG) [1:58] 7:25 & 10:10; Matinees 1:15 & 4:05 THE ZOOKEEPER (G) [1:52] 7:05 & 9:40; Matinees 1:25 & 3:55 SUPER 8 (PG) [2:02] 9:45


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Expires March 31,2011

Capitol Westbank Landmark HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PG 6:45 & 9:40; Daily Matinees 12:45 & 3:40 *3D Pricing Is In Effect* FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS 14A 7:25 & 9:50; Daily Matinees 1:25 & 3:50 Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult CAPTAIN AMERICA 3D PG 6:55 & 9:30; Daily Matinees 12:55 & 3:30 *3D Pricing Is In Effect* CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE PG 7:05 & 9:40; Daily Matinees 1:05 & 3:40 COWBOYS & ALIENS 14A 7:15 & 9:50; Daily Matinees 1:15 & 3:50 Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. No Passes Accepted. Gift Certificates Always ONE TICKET TUESDAYS – Admission, medium pop, & medium popcorn all for $11.25 (incl. H.S.T) (Add $3.50 for 3D movies)

HARRISON FORD (left) stars with Daniel Craig in the sci-fi western Cowboys & Aliens.



Cowboys & Aliens getting good reviews


ith a title like Cowboys & Aliens, you might expect a low budget “B” movie. However, the big name talent, both behind and in front of the camera, suggests otherwise. Based on a graphic novel, it is produced by Brian Grazer, Ron Howard and Steven Spielberg and written by Damon Lindelof, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci (together they have had writer and producer credits on TV shows like Alias, Lost and Fringe and the 2009 reboot of Star Trek). Also, it is directed by Jon Favreau, best known for Elf, Zathura and the two Iron Man movies. Set in 1873, Daniel Craig stars as a loner who has no memory of his past and a mysterious shackle around his wrist. He enters the town of Absolution (I love the names of fictional western towns) where he learns he is a notorious criminal wanted


Rick Davis by many people, including Harrison Ford who rules the town with an iron first. However, the two are forced to ally themselves against alien spaceships which attack the town, as the mysterious shackle seems to hold the key to defeating the aliens. Cowboys & Aliens is already getting positive reviews including Variety’s Peter Debruge calling it “A ripping good ride.” Rated 14A with a warning of violence, it marks the second time that Harrison Ford has starred with an actor who has played James Bond. The first time was with Sean Connery in Indiana

Jones and the Last Crusade. Also getting good reviews, including 4 1/2 stars from Boxoffice Magazine, is Crazy Stupid Love. The strong ensemble cast includes Steve Carell, Julianne Moore, Emma Stone, Marisa Tomei and Kevin Bacon but it is the comedic performance of Ryan Gosling that really has critics noticing. Gosling plays Jacob, a handsome 30-something who takes on Carell as a “wingman” and helps with a makeover after the latter’s marriage falls apart. Although Jacob seems to have all the relationship answers, he is unsure what to do when he starts falling for a girl who seems resistant to his charms (Stone). This is a must-see for fans of ensemble comedies like Valentine’s Day, He’s Just Not That into You and Love, Actually. Rated PG with a warning of coarse and

sexual language. How do the Smurfs get from the animated Middle Ages to live-action present-day New York City? Clumsy Smurf, a magical portal and a blue moon, of course. In The Smurfs Movie, when Clumsy and a number of other Smurfs find themselves in Central Park and not their village, they take shelter in the home of a married couple’s home (Neil Patrick Harris and Glee’s Jayma Mays) and try to find a way back before Gargamel (Hank Azaria) finds them. Smurf voices include Jonathan Winters (Papa), Anton Yelchin (Clumsy), George Lopez (Grouchy), Jeff Foxworthy (Handy), Paul Reubens (Jokey) and Katy Perry (Smurfette). Rated General with a warning of violence. Rick Davis is the manager of the Capitol Theatre in West Kelowna.


Select your volunteering interests Dawn Wilkinson CONTRIBUTOR

Creating your volunteer profile is a great way to stay in touch with new volunteer opportunities throughout the year. You receive email notices whenever volunteer openings match your areas of interest. What are you interested in doing? That question can seem over-

whelming. Some days you just don’t know where to start. When you customize a volunteer profile, the process is made easy for you. There are 19 gener-

al areas to scan. You can zero in on one or pick several. Are you an administration kind of person? Do animals pull at your heart strings? Arts and culture

might bring out your creativity. Maybe you like hands on projects in construction or home maintenance. Some of the other topics include: Education, environment, family services or food preparation. Are you athletic and avidly involved with sports and recreational activities? Special events See Volunteer A17

Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A17


Komasket Music Festival celebrates 10th Pyper Geddes CONTRIBUTOR

August long weekend is here. I’m sure by now, most of you have weighed your options of how to spend your 3.5 days of weekend, whether it be camping, attending one of the numerous events happening around the valley or just plunking yourself down at the beach. Although we all know that Center of Gravity is happening right here in Kelowna, if you missed the boat on buying tickets before it sold out (or it just isn’t your scene) there is another great festival happening a quick drive away in Vernon. Komasket Music Festival is taking place in Komasket Park (Vernon) from July 29 to 31 and this year celebrates its 10th and biggest year yet. The festival weekend offers three days of bringing attendees together to celebrate joy, love, music, dance, art, culture and family on the beautiful shores of Okanagan Lake. Take the awesome scenery along with the friendly, loving atmosphere and then throw into the mix four stages, more than 40 artists, camping, a Yoga Zone, a Kids

Zone, vendors, art installations, swimming, kayaking and 25 free workshops ranging from drumming to poi spinning, and I think you have yourself one fabulous August long weekend. This year’s line-up will feature Jon Anderson (yes, the owner of a lonely heart), Buffy St. Marie, OKA, Digable Planets, Sweatshop Union, Tambura Rasa and Kytami from Delhi 2 Dublin, to name a few. There will also be plenty of Okanagan talent present including Cod

Gone Wild, Paperboy, Sound Splash and Lorelle Raindown. Devaki Thomas, Komasket’s artistic director, wanted to bring back some of the favourite artists from the past nine years in addition to this year’s first time artists to create a lineup for their 10-year anniversary that would start a buzz. “The slogan ‘Okanagan’s world music and dance celebration’ reflects the festival’s increasingly diverse line-up, which is attracting more international, national and

regional performing artists of high acclaim, positioning Vernon on the cultural map,” Thomas said. The Komasket Music Festival was founded in 2002 under the direction of Thomas and Devaki Thomas of local reggae band Samsara after being offered the land by Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB) member Mollie Bono for the purpose of playing a concert. The site was set aside by OKIB elders three decades ago for the purpose of community gatherings like Powwows and it was designated drug and alcohol free. A giant log arbor was constructed which has protected seating for hundreds of people and a stage and lighting for performances. The site is on Okanagan Lake and boasts many large open fields which are ideal for camping, so the idea of a festival on this site was fitting. The couple invited many fellow artists to play, including Vancouver’s beat boxer Kinnie

Star. Representatives from the B.C. Native Women’s Society and many local art enthusiasts volunteered to assist in creating a festival. The attendance was 1,200 and the festival has continued to grow in a positive way since then. Today is the last day for $95 weekend passes (camping extra). Tomorrow prices go up to $120 and will be sold at the gate only. A great plus for those with wee ones, children 14 and under get in for free. Tickets are available at So if you’re still wondering what to do with your long weekend, take a trip down to Komasket and you probably won’t ever have to wonder what you’ll be doing on August long weekend again. For more information on Komasket Music Festival, visit Pyper Geddes is the general manager of Habitat and an A-OK contributor.

What appeals to you? $SFFLTJEF Volunteer from A16

might grab your attention. Within each of these areas of interest you can select the types of tasks or activities that appeal to you. Think about the skills you would like to share and the skills you would like to gain. Is communications and marketing your area of interest? You can choose one of more of the following: Amateur radio operator, conference exhibit assistant, desktop publishing, graphic design, marketing, photography, public relations, public speaking, video production or writing and editing. Are you interested in criminal justice and legal service? You have options such as advocacy, alternative dispute resolution, court watching, crime prevention, crime victim/ witness support, or neighbourhood watch. Special events provide a wide range of areas for involvement. There is bartending, concessions,

event coordination, greeter, parking lot attendant, host, security, setup and cleanup, sporting event monitor and ticket sales. It is time to take the plunge. Go to www.kcr. ca. Click on Volunteer Opportunities Search.

Create your Volunteer Profile. Get involved. Impact our community. Dawn Wilkinson is the coordinator for the Community Information and Volunteer Centre. 250-763-8008, ext 24


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1 The Confession J Grisham $11.99 2 Portrait of a Spy Daniel Silva $21.99 3 Creepella von Cacklefur #1: The Thirteen Ghosts G Stilton $7.99 4 Creepella von Cacklefur #2: Meet Me in Horrorwood G Stilton $7.99 5 Never Look Away L Barclay $10.99 6 The Glass Rainbow: A Dave Robicheaux Novel J Lee Burke $12.99 7 Robert Ludlum’s The Bourne Dominion E Van Lustbader $29.99 8 Happy Birthday: A Novel Danielle Steel $33 9 Dexter is Delicious Jeff Lindsay $16.95 10 Pokemon: New Handbook Scholastic $8.99 11 The Tao of Travel P Theroux $32.99 12 Moonlight Mile D Lehane $11.99 13 The Vintage Vendetta: A Wine Country Mystery Ellen Crosby $9.99 14 Left Neglected Lisa Genova $17 15 The Griff: Moore & Corson $24.99


Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News


Mixed bag to review in recording industry’s quiet season NINO MACHAIDZE: ROMANTIC ARIAS (SONY CLASSICAL)


It is the dog days of summer. By that I don’t necessarily mean hot weather but more that this is a lull time for new album releases. There is only one new album in the top 40, with Gord Bamford’s Day Job, while Adele remains at the top of the pops for the 20th week! Anyway, this has sort of set me on a course of new listening that I probably would not have gotten to and the eclectic set of releases for this week. Alt listening for me includes this delightful classical opera album from rising superstar Nino Machaidze from Tbilisi, Georgie, once a province of the USSR and now sometimes at war with Russia. The 27-year-old beauty is often referred to as the Angelina Jolie of opera for her dark, exotic

Bruce Mitchell looks, her curvy pulchritude and handsome visage, but it is the voice that really makes Nino (I’ll go by the first name) into the big international figure that she is rapidly becoming. Nino is also a welcome respite for all the pop-opera that dominates the classical charts where young Jackie Evancho, Josh Groban (two of his albums have been in the classical top 10 for 400 weeks!) and Andrea Bocelli rule the roost. For the uninitiated, arias are solo vocal performances or ‘songs’ found within operas, sort of the equivalent to a soliloquy in a Shake-

speare play, and it is the aria that often acts as the high point of an opera as they become popular set pieces. Soprano Nino has a spine tingling voice at times with a ton of power and authority as she sings and ululates through the best known works from Rosinni, Bellini, Gounod and Donizetti. There are only nine

City in Action PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Variance will convene in open session on: Wednesday, August 3 at 8:30am Layer Cake Mountain Meeting Room 4th Floor, City Hall, 1435 Water Street The Board will consider the following appeal to the provisions of Zoning Bylaw 8000: 3935 Lakeshore Road The applicant wishes to proceed with a structural alteration to raise the structure located on Lot A, Section 6, Township 26, ODYD, Plan 12477 four feet higher due to the rising of Mission Creek. An appeal pursuant to Section 911(5) of the Local Government Act, is being considered to vary the north face setback from 2.0m required to 1.363m existing and the east face setback from 6.0m required to 3.029m existing and allow for the principal use to be Health Services. 332 559




















576 570

Subject Property Notes:

City Hall 1435 Water Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 1J8 250 469-8500




The Board will hear and receive submissions from all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the appeal. As an owner or occupant of property adjacent to the subject property you are being advised of the meeting. In order to allow the Board time to review written submissions, we ask your cooperation in submitting any correspondence before Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 4pm to the Office of the City Clerk. Written submissions will however be received up to 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, August 3, 2011. If this is not possible, you may present your written or verbal submissions at the Board meeting. All written submissions will be made publicly available as part of the appeal process. INFO: 250-469-8645

OPEN HOUSE Interested residents are invited to attend an open house: Thursday, July 28, 4pm to 7pm 580 Knox Mountain Drive Ellis Street park entrance

Plan 12477 Lot A

This open house is the culmination of two years of planning and the last opportunity for public feedback prior to completion of the updated Management Plan.




Oh Susanna is contemporary folk/country, soft rock singer and writer Suzie Ungerleider who has graced Kelowna stages a few times as it is an easy leap over the Coquihalla from her adopted city of Vancouver. I think this is album number four and Oh S. continues to mine pretty

Knox Mountain Park Management Plan 2011





Details of the appeal may be seen in the Office of the City Clerk, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna, B.C. Monday – Friday, 8am – 4pm.

Board of Variance Meeting


‘tunes’ on this CD but it clocks in at over 70 minutes and for non-opera cretins such as me, this stuff really grows on ya. As usual, the Sony Classical label provides tons of liner notes for the serious fan and as an educational tool for the casual listener. A




515 3960


3960-3970 3989-3991

3969 650


Subject Property Map



3994 4004

3935 Lakeshore Road Subject Property



INFO: 250 469-8837

Legal Parcel



View information panels that prioritize major decisions for the park over the next 10 to 15 years, and provide feedback. City Staff will be available to answer questions.


This map is for general information only. The City of Kelowna does not guarantee its accuracy. All information should be verified.




40 Meters 4003 Rev. July 27/11

but often melancholy and morbid tales of cruel lovers, hangings, sad narratives of single mothers, unfortunate fates, mortality and bad situations that are often belied by honeyed vocals and attractive rustic acoustic instruments. Oh S. is most often compared to the likeminded Gillian Welch, but I hear a touch of Dolly Parton on the opener Drunk As A Sailor, some EmmyLou Harris in By Rope while Richard Thompson-styled writing came to mind with the cool guitar work on Your Town. Oh Susanna writes all her own material and there is often a thread of existential fantods and mortality, but you can equally read hope or fatalistic dread in the title track lyrics that are, in part: “soon the birds will be flying away…but they’ll be back for me one day.” Pretty stuff but performed with an unflinching eye. B


A few years ago the teenaged Bixby was the runner-up on Canadian Idol and his subsequent debut album in 2008, Cowboys and Cadillacs, made its debut in the top 10 national albums and No.1 on the country charts with the hit single Old Fashioned Girl. The Alberta born and raised Bixby has a very young looking baby face and even today, as he is about to turn 21, he still looks way younger than his years. Heck, he could probably pass for a preteen. Anyway, On Canuck Idol, Bixby wowed the judges and audiences alike for his unexpected covers of songs by writers who were around well

before the kid crooner was even born with tunes by Conway Twitty, Johnny Cash, John Michael Montgomery, Lonestar, etc., and Bixby continues that trend with the lead off song to his new album, Easy To Love. The first song is a new trad/faith country rock cover of the Tom Cochrane & Red Riders classic The Boy Inside The Man, as Bixby riffs on his youthful looks. Furthermore, Rascal Flatts proved Cochrane is a rich source for country hit covers after their take of Life Is A Highway from the Cars soundtrack topped the charts a few years back. His cover satisfies CanCon rules for radio airplay but I am not sure if Bixby will earn another hit from this slim 10-track disc. The better songs include the Montgomery Gentry-like Tailgate Party and the lighter, rootsy country pop of Dream Bigger, but the power ballads and the rest of the songs on this CD are mostly just so-so. C


Sheryl Crow’s last album was titled 100 Miles From Memphis and hence the subtitle, but this DVD was also captured at Hollywood’s famed Pantages theatre which is indeed a long way from Memphis geographically. Crow plays some of the better songs from her most recent album mentioned above but this gig was also peppered with past Crow classics such as A Change Would Do You Good, My Favorite Mistake, Everyday Is A Winding Road, If It Makes You Happy, Soak Up The Sun, Strong Enough, All I Wanna Do, etc. Meanwhile, Crow throws in some Motown evergreens with Marvin Gaye’s Got To Give It Up and Michael Jackson & The Jackson 5’s I Want You Back as Crow started her career, believe it or not, as an unheralded backup singer and dancer on early MJ shows. At two hours plus this is a fantastic set with a crackerjack nine-piece band that does Crow proud and will keep her fans joyfully entertained. B+

Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A19



Rockets land prestigious Top Prospects Game Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER

For the better part of a decade, Bruce Hamilton and the Kelowna Rockets have been pursuing the Canadian Hockey League’s annual showcase of major junior’s best young prospects. Persistence finally paid off this week when the WHL club was awarded the Home Hardware CHL/NHL Top Prospects Game to be played at Prospera Place, Feb. 1, 2012. The top 40 draft-eligible players in the CHL will audition their talents for scouts and executives from all 30 NHL teams in advance of the 2012 entry draft. “Outside of the Memorial Cup, this is the biggest event in the Canadian Hockey League,” said Hamilton, the Rockets


KELOWNA ROCKETS' president and GM Bruce

Hamilton announces Wednesday that Prospera Place will host the CHL/NHL Top Prospects Game in 2012. president and GM. “The fans are going to be in for

such a treat. It brings the best players that are eli-

gible for the draft, in the world, in a lot of cases. This is the game the scouts focus the most on.” The Rockets have had four players take part in the event over the the last four years, including defencemen Luke Schenn and Tyler Myers, both of whom were selected in the opening round of the 2008 NHL draft. Defenceman Tyson Barrie played in 2009 and was drafted later that year by Colorado, while Shane McColgan played in the 2011 game in Toronto and was subsequently drafted by the N.Y. Rangers in the fifth round. Hamilton expects at least two of the current crop of Rockets, Colton Sissons and Damon Severson, are possible candidates to display their talents in the 2012 event. The NHL chooses the final 40man roster.

Meanwhile, Kelowna’s Prospera Place will be the smallest venue ever to host the Top Prospects Game. However, the Rockets are no strangers to accommodating major events. The WHL team hosted the 2004 Memorial Cup, an exhibition game featuring Canada for the 2006 World Junior Championship and, most recently, the Team WHL/Team Russia Subway Super Series in 2009. “Our organization, I think we really want to put our city on the map,” said Hamilton. “I know we’ll do a good job of hosting this and I know our fans will rally around this in a hurry.” Hamilton said that with as many as 300 NHL personnel travelling to Kelowna, the event will be a boon to the local econ-

omy. The game will be broadcast live on Sportsnet, giving both the Rockets and the City of Kelowna added exposure, said Hamilton. The Rockets are also in the running to host the 2013 Memorial Cup, with the cities of Saskatoon and Red Deer as the other finalists. A winner will be announced in October. Hamilton is confident Kelowna’s successful bid for the Top Prospects Game won’t affect his organization’s attempt to land another Memorial Cup. “We want to make sure nobody thinks this is taking the place of our bid for that because it certainly isn’t,” he said. “Our committee now is going full speed ahead, coming up with new ideas, little wrinkles that can make our (bid) special. I don’t

think this will affect us at all, I think if anything it enhances it.” TheTop Prospects twoday showcase will feature a skills competition and three-on-three challenge on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2012, with the game itself to be played the following night. Hamilton said it’s unclear as of yet who will coach the two teams, though he’s hopeful Don Cherry will be behind one of the benches in Kelowna. Tickets for the Top Prospects Game will be available to season-tickets holders Sept. 10. Hamilton said the remainder will go on sale to the general public in late September. For more details on the Top Prospects Game, visit

Warriors hire Ferster to coach Kevin Parnell STAFF REPORTER

Longtime B.C. Hockey League coach Rylan Ferster moved to Kelowna this summer to continue his coaching career. He just didn't think it would be back in the BCHL. Ferster was announced on Tuesday as the new head coach and general manager of the Westside Warriors, replacing Darren Yopyk, who resigned on Monday to take a scouting position with an NHL team. The former head

coach of the Salmon Arm Silverbacks and the Victoria Grizzlies, Ferster had accepted a coaching position with the Pursuit of Excellence for this fall and was expecting to guide the POE's female hockey program. But late one night last week his phone rang. On the other end of the line was Westside Warriors owner Mark Cheyne. "I called him about 1:30 in the morning," recalled Cheyne as he announced the third coach in Warriors history. "I always had my eye on Rylan. He's always done a good job."

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Within a day of that late night call, the Warriors and Ferster had agreed on a three year contract with an option year, bringing Ferster back into the BCHL after he spent last year coaching junior B in Revelstoke. "I really didn't know how I could say no," said Ferster. "I talked to probably 20 people in a matter of a couple hours and there wasn't anyone who said I shouldn't do this. These jobs just don't come up that often. To say no I think I would be kicking myself down the road." A native of Prince Al-

bert, Saskatchewan, Ferster has spent a dozen years in the BCHL, starting as an assistant coach with Salmon Arm before moving to Victoria to coach the Grizzlies. He then had a second stint with the Silverbacks that included two heated playoff battles against the Warriors, one which he won and one that he lost. He says he looks forward to seeing the rivalry from behind the Warriors bench. "Salmon Arm was home for so many years and I have so many good friends there," said Ferster. "Once I get behind

the bench I'm sure the rivalry will be full on." Ferster takes over the Warriors franchise that will enter its sixth season in the BCHL this fall. The team has never made it out of the BCHL Interior Conference, losing in the second round of the playoffs the past two years. Ferster himself has been to the BCHL final a couple of times with Salmon Arm and with Victoria. He has his sights set high as he takes over the Warriors franchise. "The goal is to win the Royal Bank Cup," Ferster said with a smile.


NEW WESTSIDE WARRIORS coach/GM Rylan Ferster speaks to the media after being hired as the Warriors’ third head coach in franchise history.


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Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News


Smith nabs silver at nationals, sets B.C. breaststroke mark Kelowna swimmer Kierra Smith has reached the podium for the first time at a national senior competition. Smith, 17, won a silver medal in the 100 breaststroke last weekend at the Canadian Senior Long Course Championships in Pointe Claire, Que. She also broke her second B.C. provincial record in three weeks by almost half a second by posting a time of 1:09.40. After the prelims,

Smith was in sixth position but the other other swimmers ahead of her were all within a second. In the final later that night she out-touched four others for the silver. "I've been on the wrong end of being outtouched so often it was finally my turn to turn the tables," said Smith. Tera Van Bielen of Oakville, Ont. won gold and Ashley McGregor of Quebec won silver. In her signature event,

Kierra Smith the 200m breaststroke, Smith posted the fastest time in the morning's

preliminaries but was disqualified for an improper turn heading into the final 50 metres. Her only comment afterwards was: " bad." The competition also served as a qualifier for the Pan American Games. Smith will have another chance at the 200m Canadian record this Sunday when she will rejoin her Liquid Lightning team at the Age Group Championships in Montreal.

Kierra's 100 breaststroke time qualified her for a place on Te m Canada’s Nations Cup competition which took place this week in Montreal, competing against teams from Brazil, Denmark and France. She was first in the 200 breaststroke and third in the 100. Her coach, Emil Dimotrov, was ecstatic with the surprise silver in the 100 and thinks there is still room for improve-

ment this year with a few changes to her stroke. "Kierra's taper has been just about perfect and her execution almost flawless in a tough field at seniors," said Dimitorv. "With even a little bit of luck she could have had a national championship in the 200 but we have something positive to build on heading into an Olympic year." Among other results, David Dimitrov, who trains in the Okanagan in

the summer, finished seventh in the 200 fly at seniors and qualified for B finals in 200 IM and 400 IM. Dimitrov's main meet of the summer will be the World University Games in Shanghai next month. Jennifer Short had a strong meet and qualified for the C finals in the 200 breaststroke. Also competing for Liquid Lightning was Sarah McKay.


Bantam Heat win bronze, head to Westerns The Kelowna Heat bantam B girls fastball squad is headed to Saskatoon this weekend for the Western Canadian Championships. The Heat qualified for the 2011 tournament thanks to their performance at the Softball B.C. provincial B girls championship in North Delta last weekend.



Breaking news and video:

The Heat posted an overall record of 5-3 to capture the bronze medal at provincials. The top two teams from B.C. typically qualify for Westerns but because second-place Surrey couldn't attend, the Heat was awarded the second berth. Kelowna finished the round robin in Delta with a 3-1 record, beating Abbotsford (14-6), Vancouver Wildcats (16-3), and Cordova Bay (15-3), while losing 10-1 to Nanaimo. The Heat opened the playoffs with an 8-7 win

over North Delta as Taya Skarbo's clutch hit drove in the final two runs for the margin of victory. In the second game of the playoffs, the Heat clinched at least third spot with a 9-7 win over Nanaimo. Brittney McCarthy made an outstanding catch on second base for the final out to secure the win. The Heat then lost 6-1 to Surrey and 9-0 to Nanaimo. Coach Tracy Light said her team saved its best ball for the most important time of the year. "The team had a terrific weekend," said Light. The girls bats came alive and they were very successful at scoring runs. "We started off with a new team, we've gradually gotten better, and have improved every single tournament. The girls are game and ready to go for Westerns." At Westerns, the Heat will open play Friday with games against the Saskatchewan host and the Saskatchewan champs. The Heat are: Taya Skarbo, Shea Skarbo, Kenzie Barbour, Taylor Bengert, Karlene Sorensen, Brittney McCarthy, Hayden Craig, Kelsey DesRoches, Kaitlyn Collins, Latisha Williams and Fawn DeGuevara. For provincials, the Heat has added Indra Hayre and Chelsea Ezzy from the South Delta Invaders. The coaches are Tracy Light, Darran Light, Tic Williams and Robin Gabert.

Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A21


Competition welcomed at Sun’s QB spot Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER

Bobby Davis has no objections to some good, t stiff competition for starting jobs on the Okanagan Sun—even when one is his own. Davis heads into the 2011 B.C. Football Conference campaign as the Sun's No. 1 quarterback, but he does have some company.



Jeremy Joseph, a former member of the St. Francis Xavier X-men, rhas given the coaching staff a viable option at the pivot position. t "I've always been a competitive guy, so I welrcome that little extra push from someone else," said Davis, 21, in his fourth season with the Sun. "It makes you take every rep seriously, keeps you on top of your game, and I have to be. It's my spot to lose. t "Jeremy knows his stuff and it's good to have talent like his at camp. It makes for better competition and makes the team better." Davis took over the starting job last season and literally ran with it. In addition to passing for 2,757 yards and 23 touchdowns, the Mt. Boucherie grad rushed for 506 yards and five touchdowns, rwhile leading the Sun to a 10-2 overall record. t Joseph, who hails from Winnipeg, played two seasons at St. FX, but was injured for much of the 2010 campaign. The 6-foot, 185-pound Joseph showed up at Sun rcamp fit and ready to go, and has impressed the coaching staff with his ability to both throw and

Jeremy Joseph ner and very athletic and I know he's the guy right now," added Joseph. "We have a good relationship and I don't think either of us are selfish about this. It's what's good for the football team we both want. I know I'm going to get some playing time. I think if we can get Bobby


INCUMBENT Bobby Davis heads into the 2011 BCFC season as the Okanagan

and I on the field at the same time, that's a way we can really do some damage." Whoever runs the offense expects to have a reasonably deep receiving corps comprised both returnees and newcomers. Experience will come from the likes of Dan Tur-

ek, Mike Friend, Tommy Howes, Ben White and D.J. Weber—a group that gives Davis a degree of added confidence heading into 2011. "I have that one season under my belt now and I know a few of these guys pretty well, I think that will help," said Davis. "I know Danny (Turek) and I are getting on the same page now, our chemistry and timing as a group is better. I think we'll be able to trust in one another and have some success this season." Among the newcomers in the receiving crops with post high-school experience are David Risko, 21, who played last season at Jamestown College in North Dakota, and Sam Meschishnick, 22, a former member of the Saskatoon Hilltops. The Sun will meet the Kamloops Cowboys on Sunday, 5 p.m. at Hillside Stadium. Okanagan's first home action is Saturday, Aug. 6 vs the Langley Rams.

The Sandra Schmirler Charity Golf Tournament - Okanagan

Sun's No. 1 quarterback but should get some competition from Jeremy Joseph. run the ball, as well his understanding of the offense. And while the incumbent Davis will get the call for the Sun's season opener Sunday in Kamloops against the Broncos, head coach Jason Casey said having two capable quarterbacks fighting for time is a situation any team would jump at. "We've got two studs, two guys like that are competing for one position and that's an insane problem to have," said Casey. "I love the fact that each week we know No. 1 or No. 2, whoever is in the game, our offense is clicking on all cylinders. Depending on our opponent and the quality of week of practice each guy had, it'll probably be interchangeable all 10 weeks of the season.

"Bobby's 1A, J.J.'s 1B. They know that, they both see the talent in each other, they work with each other and they're helping each other's game." Like Davis, Joseph views the Sun's quarterbacking situation as a healthy competition. And whether Joseph is the backup or starter on any given day, his main

objective will be to help his new team win. "I'm here to try and help this team get over the hump, in whatever role I can," said Joseph, 21. "From my understanding, there's only one team we really struggle with and that's Vancouver Island and that's what I'm focusing on. "Bobby's a great run-




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or call 250.763.3212 The Capital News also welcomes contributed photos and write-ups from parents & coaches.

Shadow Ridge Golf Course Kelowna BC Presented by Canadian Direct Insurance

August 19-21, 2011

The Foundation raises and donates funds to hospitals across Canada for the care of premature and critically ill babies and to that end is partnering with the Kelowna General Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the organizing committee for the Sandra Schmirler Charity Golf Tournament - Okanagan.

Entry fee of $250.00 includes two rounds with cart Prize value packages in excess of up to $85,000 for Hole in One Prizes Friday, 19th August 7pm - 11pm Meet & Greet Friday night at Rusty’s Steakhouse & Grill Saturday, 20th August 8:30am First round - Shadow Ridge Golf Course - Shotgun Start 2pm - 1am Silent Auction, Dinner & Dance with live band at Rusty’s Steakhouse & Grill Sunday, 21st August 8:30am Second round - Shadow Ridge Golf Course - Shotgun Start 1pm - 3pm BBQ at Shadow Ridge and prizes Entry Form Name: ______________________________ Phone:________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ Entry fee is $250.00 per player. Entries can be individual or as a team. If you do not have a comlete foursome, you will be put together with other entrants to form a team. Please indicate if you playing as an individual or if you have any playing partners: Individual $250 Twosome: $500 Threesome $750 Foursome: $1000 Online Registration: Accepts: Pay Pal, Visa, MasterCard Mail Cheques to: Sandra Schmirler Charity Golf Tournament c/o Donna Stuike 972 Ryder Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 7T5 Canada

Entries must be received no later than 5th August 2011


Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News


Raiders win TOJLL title, play for B.C. crown Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER

The Rutland Raiders were the last zone junior B champs back in 2001. Kelowna clinched the 2011 championship Sunday night with a 5-3 win over the hometown and defending champion Kamloops Venom. Kelowna dropped the series opener last week at home but then reeled off

three straight wins, thanks in large part to their defensive play. On Sunday, the Venom led 3-1 after the first period but failed to score over the final 40 minutes as Kelowna buckled down, then notched four unanswered goals to secure the TOJLL crown. "I've never seen a defense play as tight as we did and that was the difference," said Wray who coaches the Raiders with Kelly Cahill. "Their goaltender (Andrew) Copeland was sensational and he kept them in the series.

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Coach Travis Wray is happy he doesn't have to utter the words anymore. The same goes for every player on the Kelowna Raiders. "I kept saying: 'It's been 10 years, it's been 10 years since a team from

here has won.' "I know the guys were tired of hearing that," said Wray. "Now they don't have to be reminded of it anymore." The Raiders this week became the first Kelownabased team in a decade to win the Thompson Okanagan Junior Lacrosse League title.

Once were able to crack him and get some goals they had a hard time coming back against our defense." After Brendan Urban's first period goal, Jordan Urban and Andrew McMillan scored 25 seconds apart to tie the score 3-3. Sheldon McDonald and Iain Hart sealed the deal with third period markers. For captain Tyler French and his fellow five-year Raiders veterans the league title was a long time coming. “It feels amazing,” French told Kamloops

This Week after the game. “I’ve played for five years and came close a couple times, so it’s great to finally do it, especially against the Venom, who knocked us out last year.” The Raiders aren't taking a lot of time to savour their victory as they get ready for the provincial B lacrosse championship this weekend in Kamloops. Kelowna will open up against the Venom on Friday at 5 p.m. Cowichan Valley and the winner of the Port Moody/Coquitlam series will be the oth-

er finalists in the round robin tournament. The gold medal game will be played Sunday. Wray fully expects his team to be in the mix. "If we come out and play our game, we know we can play with any team in the province," he said. This is the first year Kelowna has had just one team in TOJLL as the Rutland Raiders and Kelowna Warriors merged prior to the start of the 2011 season. So far, all has gone acSee Lacrosse A23


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pionship in Coquitlam.The Kodiaks defeated Williams Lake 9-6 in the third-place game. Kelowna went 3-0 in pool play including a victory over gold medal-winning Mission (7-5), Cowichan Valley (5-4) and West Kootenay (12-2). The Kodiaks lost a heart-breaker in quadruple overtime to Port Coquitlam 4-3 in the crossover game.

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Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 A23


Okanagan FC wins PCSL reserves title r


OKANAGAN ATHLETICS first baseman Dillon Kakoshke fields a grounder and tags out a Nanaimo Pirates baserunner as A's pitcher Tanner Collins goes to cover the bag during B.C. Premier Baseball League playoff action Sunday at Nanaimo's Serauxmen Stadium.

Athletics fall to Pirates in opening round The Okanagan Athletics fought and won a dramatic uphill battle to get into the B.C. Premier Baseball League playoffs for the first time ever. However, in the postseason, the A's magic ran out. Okanagan pushed the first-place Nanaimo Pirates to a third and deciding encounter, but wound up falling two games to one in the BCPBL firstround series. The Pirates clinched the series Monday afternoon in Nanaimo with a 9-0 win in Game 3. The A's managed just two hits against Pirates starter Nick Smiley who hurled seven innings of shutout ball.

Lacrosse Lacrosse from A22 cording to plan under the new arrangement. "Our original plan was to come out and finish first, then get the banner by winning the league title," said Wray. "We've reached two of three of our goals. Now we want to finish it off with a provincial championship."

Nanaimo hitters got to Okanagan starter Jeff May for a six-run third inning then cruised to the series win. The A's jumped out of the gate quickly in the series, winning Game 1 on Sunday 5-0. Todd Collins tossed a five-hit shutout, while Tanner Morache had three hits and Brett McLure had two RBIs. But the tables were turned in Game 2 Sunday as the Pirates rebounded for a 10-0 win. Okanagan hitters were stymied by pitcher Mike Williams who spun a onehit shutout for six innings. The A's won their last three regular season games of 2011—two in extra innings—to finish in

a tie for eighth place with a 23-25 record, the best mark in the team's eightyear history. The A's then defeated White Rock 1-0 last Wednesday in Kelowna in a one-game showdown to secure their first playoff berth ever.


Like their parent club, the junior Athletics are into the BCJPBL post season for the first time ever. This weekend the A's are in Nanaimo for the league championship tournament. Play begins on Friday with Okanagan taking on No. 1 Langley in the first game of pool play. On Saturday, the A's will battle Nanaimo and

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The Rutland Rockies and Kelowna Reds hope home-field advantage weighs in their favour as the B.C. Bantam

AA Baseball Championship will be contested this weekend at Edith Gay Park in Rutland. The 10-team provincial championship opens with two games at noon on Thursday as the Chilliwack Cougars take on the White Rock All-Stars, and the Rockies battle the Vancouver Canadians. The Kelowna Reds' first game will be Friday at 9 a.m. vs Chilliwack. Other teams competing in the three-day tourney are the Tri-City Reds, Cloverdale Spurs, Abbotsford Angels and Victoria Stingers. Pool play continues until Saturday evening with two games at 6 p.m. The playoffs will go on Sunday at Edith Gay with the semifinals at 10 a.m., followed by the gold medal game at 2 p.m.


Anthony Wright, a 2008 Canadian Olympian

will lead the Future Stars Field Hockey Camp Aug. 26 to 28 at Southern Okanagan Secondary School in Oliver. The three-day program is for players from 14 to 18 years of age. It will offer athletes the opportunity to learn both basic and advanced skills in an environment that promotes tactical awareness necessary for success in regional, provincial, and university programs. Wright was a 2007 Pan-American Games gold medalist and a member of the 2006 Canadian Commonwealth Games field hockey team. The camp will be limited to 30 players and includes 7.5 hours on the field and five hours of dry land training. For more information contact Future Stars Camps, call 778-2291261 or go to


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The Kelowna Raiders were in Kamloops Wednesday to take on the Rattlers in Okanagan Xtreme Lacrosse League semifinal action. A score wasn't available at Capital News press time. The Raiders opened the best-of-three series with a 14-6 victory on Monday at Memorial Arena. The other semifinal features the Vernon Tigers and Armstrong Shamrocks.

Abbotsford. The top two teams from each of two pools move on to Sunday's playoffs round. The championship game is set for Sunday afternoon. Under first-year head coach Ben Fines, Okanagan (21-27) finished in eighth place at the conclusion of the regular season.

While the Okanagan Challenge was winning the Pacific Coast Soccer League title for the second time in three seasons on Sunday afternoon, the Okanagan Football Club was taking care of business in the PCSL Reserve Men's division. Okanagan FC captured the gold medal defeating West Van FC 3-1 in the reserves final in Penticton. Tournament MVP Enzo Paal scored twice in the win, with Austin Jones tallying the other goal for the champions. Okanagan FC advanced to the final thanks to a 2-1 win over Coquitlam on Saturday. Paal and Robin Whittaker scored the goals.


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Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News

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WEST KELOWNA gardeners were given special recognition by Communities in Bloom judges who visited our community last week.

INCUMBENT Gord Milsom plans to seek a third straight term on council in the November municipal election.

COLUMNIST Paul Hergott reflects on lesson we all should learn from the recent Shannon Lake Road accident tragedy.

DAVID SUZUKI says a trip to the Okanagan for cherries has been a summer ritual for his family over the past 32 years.







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Providing attainable housing in West Kelowna Wade Paterson STAFF REPORTER

Those who have never quite been able to afford their own home may just be in luck. Project Build III, the newest initiative of the Project Build Society, will help people who are on the cusp of success get into new homes that are part of the Elkridge development in West Kelowna. “We’re targeting people who would otherwise not be able to afford the down payments,” said Leanne Hammond Komori, executive director of the Central Okanagan Foundation. “Examples would be working families or couples who, for whatever reason, have not been able to save enough for a down payment. They may have student loans or they may be in debt, but it’s what we would call ‘good debt.’” Project Build III provides non-repayable grants to help hardworking families tackle the down payment and get out of renting and into owning. Hammond Komori said that one prerequisite is that applicants must be able to qualify for a mortgage. “Generally, a lot of working couples and young families are paying the same (on rent) as they would pay for a mortgage. We know they have the capacity to pay, they’re just short on the down payment.” Although working families are among the most common appli-


LEANNE HAMMOND KOMORI and Rob Anderson stand outside a Project Build home. Project Build III is the newest initiative from the Project Build Society to get hardworking families into homes by providing non-repayable grants. cants for Project Build III, Hammond Komori clarified that all applicants are considered. “There are some people who are (at the) retirement age, who are also still renting and have never been able to own. We’d still look at that. We’ve got quite a broad base of stories. It’s really their story that captures our attention, and then it’s their ability to qualify.” The Central Okanagan Foundation’s web site has a special projects section—on the left hand

side of the home page— where candidates can go to get an application form for the project grants. The funds are provided by private donors— businesses, contractors and various people who are involved in trying to improve the housing situation in the valley. “The money is not from the Central Okanagan Foundation, it is from the Project Build Society. We help facilitate the process. We don’t want the public thinking that we’re taking money from our

granting pool, which is supposed to be for charities, and giving it to individuals.” Project Build started off three years ago as a Central Okanagan Foundation fundraiser. “We built a home in Lake Country and then sold it and put the money into the endowment fund for the community,” explained Hammond Komori. “The same group of people that were involved in that build, the developer, the real estate agent

and all the various trades people that had volunteered for that, wanted to focus on getting people into homes. “A few of them got together and formed the Project Build Society. It’s a provincial society, not a registered charity, that is looking to improve the housing situation in the Central Okanagan.” After the initial Project Build, she said Project Build II was founded by Gino Dal Ponte, buyers’ agent and team leader of The Property Source

Group. “He was noticing that a lot of young couples and families that were starting to look for homes just didn’t have enough for the down payment to bring their mortgage payment down to a reasonable amount.” Project Build II, which is an ongoing project with homes still available, is located at the Sageglenn development in Lake Country. Applications for Project Build II grants are still being accepted. “The Project Build Society is trying to tar-

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get different areas and different price points in the Central Okanagan. It’s what we’re calling attainable housing, as opposed to affordable housing. It’s still not cheap; it’s quality housing. It’s just helping people get over that bump.” The project has benefits for the local economy as well, Hammond Komori added. “It’s fabulous because it gets families into homes, which makes them a part of the tax base. All the trades people working on the project are contributing and they are also working more steadily than they would without it because they’re building two or three homes at a time, as opposed to one-offs.” The initial plan for Project Build III is to start off with 20 homes, however, Hammond Komori said that the Project Build Society has the capacity to go up to 80 homes. And she notes the community reaction has been incredibly positive. “People are confused. They’re thinking this is too good to be true. They’re just delighted that something like this is happening.” Hammond Komori said that future Project Build initiatives aren’t out of the question. “It depends on developers or people coming forward wanting to start a project. We would want to look at ones that are in different areas of the community. Maybe Rutland or downtown Kelowna is next. Who knows?”

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Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News



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Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 B3



Milsom ready to seek a third straight term

Signage outlines emergency route

Wade Paterson

Route mapped out following the 2009 Glenrose Forest Fire for residents requesting secondary access out of the neighbourhood.

pect of that is to bring the southbound lane on the highway back to main street, back to the public. On Nov. 19, Gord MilThat’s really important.” som will find out if the Milsom said council third time’s a charm. must work with developMilsom recently aners to have high quality denounced his plans to run velopments in West Keas councillor in West Kelowna. lowna. If elected, he will As a result, it will inenter his third consecutive crease the tax base and it term on council. will help bring forward “The main reason (I Gord Milsom housing options for the chose to run) is that there’s public. more work to be done,” “We also need to continue to lobsaid Milsom. by for the Westside health centre, as our “We’ve accomplished a lot over the population is aging. I think it’s really imlast four years. Now that we’ve got that portant for our seniors to have great acfoundation built for the municipality, it’s cess to health care on the Westside.” time to move on with other priorities.” Introducing an RCMP school liaison Milsom noted that, over the past two officer within the school systems is anterms, council has been able to hire staff other step that Milsom feels will increase to work on master plans and build fipublic safety. nancial reserves, while at the same time, From discussions with West Kelowkeep taxes low. na residents, Milsom is confident that the A graduate of Concordia Univerpublic has noticed the changes over the sity, Milsom is a certified financial planpast four years. ner and operates an independent finan“By and large I believe that the comcial planning practice. He said there are a number of key items that council needs munity recognizes what’s been achieved. Visually, they can see we have a new to focus on in the future. RCMP building: That was our first cap“First, we have to remain fiscalital project for the municipality. It’s a ly conservative. Even though we have beautiful building, built on time, under really healthy reserves and we’ve been budget. able to keep our taxes down, there’s go“Four years ago we had one eming to be a lot of demands to invest capital into infrastructure: Roads, water sys- ployee; the public recognizes that we’ve come a long way.” tems and storm drainage systems,” MilAlthough many in West Kelowna see som outlined. the glass half full, Milsom insisted that “That’s really important that we plan service levels can be improved. those capital costs very well over time “We’re doing some work to help and continue to manage our money careidentify ways to make our services betfully because there’s only so many dolter,” he said. lars that residents have available to pay “You need the infrastructure in place towards property taxes and pay for serfirst, now our task is to make sure that vices.” our services developed to the community Another key, according to Milsom, are top notch in every department.” is to better the flow of traffic through the Milsom said he looks forward to the Westbank town centre. opportunity of serving the community “One of our master plans is a reagain and speaking to residents face to habilitation and revitalization plan of face about what matters to them. the Westbank town centre. A critical asSTAFF REPORTER

New Westside bridge club forming A new Westside Duplicate Bridge Club will start up on Sept. 1, meeting Thursdays, 1 p.m., at the St. George’s Anglican

Church, located at 3690 Brown Rd. This new club is sanctioned by the American Contract Bridget League.

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Directional signs have now been placed indicating an alternative emergency route out of the Glenrosa neighbourhood. Approximately 20 roadside markers have been installed, guiding motorists along Jackpine and Bear Forest Service Road ending at Westside Road. The route was chosen because it provides the quickest alternate route back to West Kelowna, where residents could seek food, shelter and Emergency Social Services assistance in the event of a forest fire or other major incident that prohibits the use of Lower Glenrosa Road or Highway 97. One directional sign has also been installed should residents need to travel to Highway 97 C (Okanagan Connector) for any reason. Residents are advised that the route consists of winding, gravel forest service roads and they should travel cautiously as they may suddenly encounter logging trucks, wildlife or off-road vehicles. The directional signage is installed during the peak forest fire season, when the fire hazard rating begins to climb. Signs are then removed in late summer or early fall when the forest fire hazard rating drops. The route was mapped out following the Glenrosa Forest Fire in 2009 after residents in the affected area approached the District of West Kelowna seeking a secondary access out of their neighbourhood in the event of a future emergency.


DIRECTIONAL signage has now been placed

indicating an alternative emergency route out of the Glenrosa neighbourhood. Approximately 20 roadside markers have been installed, guiding motorists along Jackpine and Bear Forest Service Road, ending at Westside Road. Residents are advised that the route consists of winding, gravel forest service roads and they should travel cautiously as they may suddenly encounter logging trucks, wildlife or off-road vehicles.


Voicing opinions on the road ahead Three transportation workshops were held throughout the Okanagan last week as part of the province’s commitment to engage local governments in long-term transportation planning in the Okanagan corridor. The province is working to ensure infrastructure improvements meet the needs of communities, families and the economy for safe and efficient travel along this important corridor, in step with community planning and economic development.

Community consultation is intended to help to ensure improvements are in step with community planning and economic development. “What resonated throughout the sessions was safety and mobility,” said Kelowna-Lake Country MLA Norm Letnick. “Participants explored a full range of possible solutions, including transit, light rail and cycling along with road improvements, to address a longterm transportation vision that will work with com-

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munity plans for future growth.” Following on a provincial report of transportation achievements in January 2010, a series of three technical workshops were held in Vernon, Penticton and Kelowna. They were attended by local government representatives to identify future transportation needs, and a long-term vision for Okanagan transportation. The workshops were initiated by the seven MLAs of the Okanagan caucus, supported by

Transportation Minister Blair Lekstrom, and are a first step in the planning for future transportation improvements, including cycling, pedestrian, transit and rail transportation. Community mayors, First Nations chiefs and regional chairs will meet in September to review the recommendations flowing from the workshops and reach a corridor-wide consensus on the vision for transportation in the Okanagan Valley and the priorities that will support it.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News


Senate reform a hot topic yet to find provincial consensus


he topic of the Canadian Senate is one that generally provokes a fair bit of reaction from most Canadians. Across Western Canada, and certainly within the Okanagan-Coquihalla riding, the theme of abolishment or Senate reform is one I often hear about from many of you. I’m frequently asked why the Senate and its approximately $120 million annual operating budget cannot simply be abolished. The answer is that abolishing the Senate would require a constitutional amendment and the consent of a strong major-

mugshot name ity of Canadian provinces. Although some provinces have voiced support of Senate abolishment, other provinces have voiced strong opposition against such a plan. Rather than abolishment, Senate reform is an-


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cently introduced Senate Nominee Election Act, a private members bill authored by Chilliwack MLA John Les could bring about elected representation from B.C. in the Red Chamber. For those of you not familiar with our parliamentary practice, currently a bill proposed in the House of Commons requires first reading, second reading, committee stage, report stage and third reading. Assuming passage after third reading, the bill is then forwarded to the Senate where it must receive final approval before the bill can get Royal



assent from the Governor General and become law. It should also be pointed out that even though

not currently elected, senators can also table bills that would be required to undertake a similar process (with the exception of spending bills that must originate in the House of Commons). It is unclear at this point how other provinces will respond to Senate reform, but it’s a topic I welcome your input on. ••• I would like to take a moment to voice my support for Opposition Leader Jack Layton in his courageous battle against cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Layton and his family for a

full and speedy recovery during this difficult time. Later this week I will also be viewing the Portraits of Honour National Tour that will arrive in the Okanagan to commemorate the many brave Canadians who have lost their lives while serving in Afghanistan. My deepest condolences to all those loved ones left behind, including the Penticton family of Capt. Jonathon Snyder. May we always honour the brave sacrifice of the men and women who serve. Dan Albas is the Conservative MP for Okanagan-Coquihalla.


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other avenue currently being pursued by the federal government. Senate reform would also include adding democratic accountability into the process as senators could instead be elected for a fixed term of nine years. This would replace the current decades-old practice of near lifelong political appointments made by the government of the day. Currently, Alberta stands as the only province that has put a process in place to elect nominees for the Senate. Should additional provinces adopt the re-

Parks Alive! schedule July 29th - August 4th, 2011

101.5 EZ Rock Theme Weekends Location: Kerry Park “Indie Rock Showcase” July 29th 6:30 Kingdom Cloud (3 piece; pop rock) 7:30 Jimmy Balfour (3 piece; folk/ soft rock) 8:30 Paperboy (3 piece; upbeat, contemporary pop) 9:30 Young Sparrows (5 piece; high energy rock) July 30th 6:30 Windborn (solo; soft rock/ folk) 7:45 Fields of Green (4 piece; upbeat contemporary rock) 9:30 Redfish (4 piece; original and retro rock )

Ryga Award finalists announced The George Ryga Society and Okanagan College are proud to announce the shortlist for the eighth annual George Ryga Award for Social Awareness in Literature. The son of Ukrainian immigrants, George Ryga settled in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley where he was known as a feisty playwright committed to social justice in works like The Ecstasy of Rita Joe (1969). The Ryga Award celebrates his legacy by searching for an outstanding work of literary and social value by a B.C. writer. The 2011 competition marks the expansion of the shortlist from three books to five due to a record number of submissions—57 in all.

“It’s a happy problem for us,” said Matt Kavanagh, chair of the department of English at the college. “There are a number of worthy titles, which prompted a lively debate at our shortlisting meeting. “The finalists range from a harrowing examination of human trafficking in Canada to a close study of B.C.’s iconic Cowichan sweater, which reveals how aboriginal women have woven themselves into the fabric of our nation.” The shortlist is traditionally announced on July 27, Ryga’s birthday. This year’s finalists are: • Gabor Gasztonyi’s A Room in the City (Anvil Press)

• Sylvia Olsen’s Working with Wool: A Coast Salish Legacy and the Cowichan Sweater (Sono Nis Press) • Benjamin Perrin’s Invisible Chains (Penguin) • John Vaillant’s The Tiger (Knopf Canada) • Richard Wagamese’s One Story, One Song (Douglas & McIntyre) The winner of the 2011 Ryga Award will be announced at a gala presentation on Oct. 1 held at the Centre Stage Theatre in Summerland. Andrew Steeves of Gaspereau Press (publisher of Johanna Skibsrud’s Giller Prize-winning novel The Sentimentalists) will serve as the judge. This year’s award evening will showcase Portait of a Lady: A Tribute to Margaret Laurence, featuring Dorian Kohl in her

acclaimed performance as heroine Hagar Shipley, based on George Ryga’s seminal adaptation of Laurence’s classic novel The Stone Angel with dramaturgy by Michael Cook. Tickets for the 8th Annual George Ryga Award evening and this special performance of Portrait of a Lady are $20 and available at Martin’s Flowers in Summerland (250-4945432), The Dragon’s Den in Penticton (250-4923011), the Okanagan College Bookstore (250-8625622) or at the door. The Ryga Award for Social Awareness in Literature is made possible by support from BC Bookworld, CBC Radio One (Kelowna) and Okanagan College.

Program info here

Community Music Tuesdays Location: Whitman Glen Park - August 2nd “Family Fun” 6:30 Paperboy (3 piece; upbeat, contemporary rock) 7:30 Wheelhouse (4 piece; classic rock covers) K96.3 Wednesday Night Showcase Location: Island Stage - August 3rd “Rising Stars” 6:00 Bridges (4 piece; pop rock) 7:00 Precision (4 piece; rock/new age) 8:00 Rachel Pavlakovic (solo; Pop) Thursday Legacy Series Location: Okanagan College (Centre Court) - August 4th “Acoustic Indie Bands” 6:00 Alex and Ibriam (duo; pop covers) 7:00 Aaron Gordon (solo; soft rock 8:00 Soul Remedy (duo; classic rock covers)

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Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 B5


Park trail upgrades More accessibility improvements have been made in the vicinity of West Kelowna’s popular Gellatly Recreational Corridor. The District of West Kelowna says the trails and bridge in the popular Rotary Trails Park have been completed, including upgrades that will allow people with physical challenges to access the park’s trails as far as the bridge over Powers Creek. The improvements ensure that all residents will be able to enjoy the peaceful, natural setting in Rotary Trails Park, located across from the Gellatly boat launch and the West Kelowna Yacht Club. Full access to the bridge’s viewing platform will be especially welcome during the annual kokanee salmon run in Powers Creek in the fall. The improvements to Rotary Trails Park are the latest accessibility upgrades in the area. Later this year, the district also plans to add a new accessibility ramp between the parking lot and the Constable Neil Bruce Sports Fields.



A positive lesson we must learn from a tragedy S tewart Tuningley, known by his best friends as “Stu,� died on Thursday, July 21, 2011. He was a gentleman who cared about his community. He died while volunteering his time to the Adopt a Road campaign to clean up a stretch of Shannon Lake Road, in West Kelowna. Had the 74-year-old passed away from natural causes, those close to him might take some solace in the fact that he was taken from this world while in the act of such kindness to our community. But he did not die from natural causes. He was killed after being struck by a motor vehicle. When I told my wife that I intended to write about this most recent traffic related death in our community, she as much as pleaded with me to not make the young man feel any worse than he must already feel. The “young man� she was referring to is the one who was driving the 5,000 lb. projectile that struck Stu. While the police have not been able to confirm whether or not speeding


Paul Hergott was an issue in this accident, we are left to wonder how else a driver could lose control of their vehicle on a residential street in the middle of the summer on dry roads? There was also a sign warning of volunteers working at the time. I saw a photograph of the driver, the young man’s head hung in obvious despair, the dented front end of his pickup truck behind him. I wanted to hold him. He was dealing with the intense emotional burden of being responsible for taking the life of another human being. I have trouble grasping the intensity of that emotional burden. I hope he has lots of support. I hope he gets help. I’m sure he had no idea something like this could ever happen to him. He was probably driving in autopilot, like most

of us do every day, possibly not paying much attention to the road or his speed. There was nothing terribly unusual about his driving behaviour, although nearby residents complain that drivers regularly speed down that stretch of Shannon Lake Road. The majority of us drive in that autopilot mode, our minds on something else instead of being focused on the road. If he could turn back the clock, I’m sure he would like the opportunity to re-drive that stretch of road, fully appreciating the enormous responsibility of piloting a 5,000-pound projectile. On seeing the sign, he would have slowed right down, knowing that there were volunteers working along the road ahead. He would have focused his attention on driving, Stu would still be with us. This death was no accident. It was bound to happen. There is a pervasive lack of driver care and attention on our roads. It could have happened to any one of us, in-

NOTICE OF POWER INTERRUPTIONďż˝ LAKE COUNTRY AND PORTIONS OF WESTSIDE ROAD Time: 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. When: Saturday August 6th and/or Sunday August 7th

What will it take for the rest of our community to follow suit? Must we have to cause permanent physical injury or death to another human being before we fully appreciate our driving responsibility? I see an opportunity. Stu’s death could become his last generous gift to our community. Perhaps a billboard dedicated to Stu could be created and maintained as a constant reminder that we must take much, much greater responsibility for our driving. The young man who caused this death, and those close to Stu, could redirect their emotional pain towards changing driver attitudes, perhaps giving presentations at local schools about the huge responsibility that we should be recognizing when we take our place behind the wheel. If done effectively, crash statistics could fall dramatically in our community.

We might never have to suffer another loss like this one. Fewer of our friends, neighbours and family would suffer life altering injuries. We could feel safer driving our children to soccer practice. I challenge us all. If I can get out of a scheduled Examination for Discovery pertaining to a head-on crash that caused serious injuries to one of my clients, I will be at the Anglican Church on Main Street in Westbank, beside the Community Centre, today at 10:30 a.m. to join the community in mourning Stu’s death. This column is intended to provide general information about injury claims. It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer to provide legal advice specifically pertaining to your case. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna. paul@hlaw.cath


BC Hydro is ďŹ nalizing a signiďŹ cant electrical improvement project in Lake Country. To safely complete the project, BC Hydro requires a series of power outages that will affect all customers in Lake Country and on portions of Westside Road served via the submarine cable. TrafďŹ c control signals along Hwy 97 through Lake Country will also be affected.

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stead of Stu. It could have happened to any of us, instead of this young man. The deaths make the news. There are car crashes every day that don’t, or are reported in such a way as to minimize the seriousness of injuries. We can’t see the sprains and strains to necks and backs that happen every time there is a crash, often resulting in a lifetime of chronic symptoms. When people walk away from crashes, the media tends to publish the police report that there were no serious injuries. But in this case, the young man will carry the emotional burden for the rest of his life. Now that he fully appreciates the seriousness of driving responsibility, I expect that he will be one of the safest drivers out there. He will focus his attention on the road. He will drive the appropriate speed.

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Your best source of community news—the Capital News


Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News


Cherry picking offers lessons in life W

hen my daughter Severn was born in 1979, my wife Tara and I wanted to raise her with an understanding that a lot of food is seasonal, particularly vegetables and fruits, especially in a country like Canada. The only reason we can always get fresh strawberries, tomatoes, avocados and lettuce is because we use the entire planet as a source of products. When oil was cheap and our awareness of cli-


David Suzuki mate change was limited, we had the illusion that it was practical to have inexpensive, fresh vegetables and fruit from all over the world yearround. Now we know better and more people are eat-


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ing food that is organic, local and seasonal. Around the world, people celebrate our connectedness with the rest of the biosphere through festivals for blueberries, rice, strawberries and peaches. Tara and I love cherries. We thought it would be great to celebrate their season with an annual ritual. So, for 32 years, we have looked forward to our annual cherry run, which begins as soon as school ends. We have loaded up the van and camped our way toward the Okanagan Valley where, depending on what kind of spring it was, we might start south in Osoyoos, or further north in Penticton or Kelowna. It has become a wonderful ritual, a kind of reward at the end of a school year—even though we’ve sometimes watched our daughters suffer the gastrointestinal problems of gorging on too much fruit. Over the years, they have brought friends and cousins and boyfriends, as much for the swimming and horseback riding as for picking and eating cherries. Now we look forward to our grandchildren participating in the tradition. When we started this

ritual, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver and Osoyoos were small towns, delightful to visit and no doubt beautiful places to live. Yet over the years, the area has transformed. Now huge houses and wineries dominate the valley. People have poured into the area, attracted by climate and amenities like fishing and hiking, skiing and relatively inexpensive homes. In the process, the towns we delighted in visiting have become choked with traffic, air and water pollution, shopping mall after shopping mall of chain businesses, social problems of drugs and violence and tensions between itinerant labour and locals. And looming always as a major issue is water—too many people and too much demand. Once, productive soil generated a cornucopia of good food. Now, much of that land has been converted to accommodate big houses and boutique vineyards often run by absentee owners. I doubt that any local politicians in 1979 would have opted for the kind of places their communities have become today. Yet this is happening all over the country, as people seize the short-

UPCOMING ROUTES AVAILABLE 3 DAYS A WEEK / NO EARLY MORNINGS / NO WEEKENDS Kelowna North & Glenmore #KC01004800 – 237 Papers Bernard Ave.700 to 1098 Even Side Only, Ethel St.1400 to 1499,Gordon Dr.1400 tp 1498 Even Side Only, Graham St.1400 to 1499,Lawson Ave.700 to 1099,Martin Ave.700 to 1099,Stockwell Ave.700 to 1099,Richter St.1400 to 1499 Odd Side Only #KC04001603 – 41 Papers Still Pond Lane, Still Pond Pl. N, Still Pond Pl.S, Tucker Crt. #KC04002201 – 46 Papers Drake Rd, Henkel Rd, Kathler Rd, Kerr Rd, Snowsell St.N.114 to 190 #KC04002500 – 26 Papers Glengarry St, High Rd.1575 to 1599,Mountain Ave.1512 to 1696 Even Side Only #KC04002600 – 44 Papers Ayre Ave, Ayre Crt, Clifton Rd.800 to 999,Glen St, Lynwood Cres, Macleay Crt. #KC04003302 – 65 Papers Blondeaux Cres, Richard Pl, Highland Dr.N.1508 to 1610 #KC04020001 – 24 Papers Omineca Pl.

Kelowna South & Mission #KC02007500 – 39 Papers Abbott St.2061 to 2150,Burne Ave.273 to 379,Cadder Ave.315 to 486,Long St.2030 to 2076,Pandosy St.2024 to 2124 Even Side Only #KC02007600 – 43 Papers Abbott St.2165 to 2251,Glenwood Ave.300 to 499,Long St.2127 to 2160,Pandosy St.2154 to 2178 Even Side Only, Royal Ave.300 to 499,Strathcona Ave. #KC03011702 – 24 Papers Hobson Rd.4200 to 4397

#KC03012100 – 40 Papers Lakeshore Rd.4429 to 4489,Nottingham Rd, Rattenbury Crt, Sherwood Rd, Sherwood Crt. #KC03012302 – 53 Papers Bellevue Rd, Collett Rd, Farris Rd, Fuller Rd, Lakeshore Rd.4600 to 4639 #KC03012601 – 61 Papers Eso Crt,Hazell Rd, Torrs Rd,T orrs Crt, Turner Rd.431 8 to 4353 #KC03013400 – 39 Papers Blueridge Rd, Mission Ridge Crt, Westridge Dr.4600 to 4648 #KC03013402 – 48 Papers Crawford Rd.1415 to 1535,Mission Ridge Dr.1383 to 1549,Mission Ridge Rd,Westridge Dr.4570 to 4590 #KC03014201 – 79 Papers South Ridge Dr.5026 to 5114,South Crest Dr.700 to 786,Cantina Crt.

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#KC08001412 – 35 Papers Tomat Ave.2108 to 2197 #KC08001411 – 28 Papers Alexander Pl, Michelle Cres. #KC08001610 – 60 Papers Hayman Rd.2200 to 2377,Keefe Rd, Thacker Dr.2200 to 2469 #KC08001711 – 47 Papers Hayman Rd.2445 to 2505,Stuart Rd.705 to 760,Thacker Dr.2448 to 2525 #KC08002510 – 88 Papers Boucherie Rd.3110 to 3191,McCartney Rd, Montigny Rd, Wales Rd, Thacker Dr.3015 to 3131 #KC08002012 – 20 Papers Anders Rd. Odd Side Only, Boucherie Rd.2705 to 2775 Odd Side Only ,Olalla Rd, Teal Rd ,Stevenson Rd.

David Suzuki is a scientist, broadcaster, author and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation.


BERNELLE LATIMER’S garden, selected as a winner by the Communities in Bloom committee for the most beautiful small personal garden category.

Gardening prowess earns recognition The Communities in Bloom committee gave special recognition to those who help keep West Kelowna looking its best and brightest on July 24 at a wine and cheese event. The committee worked with master gardeners Heather Doheny, Hermann Matis and Pat Zander to determine winners in eight categories. • Most Beautiful Small Personal Garden: Bernelle Latimer • Most Beautiful Medium Personal Garden: Duane Robson and David Johnson • Most Beautiful Large Personal Garden: Brenda Streu • Most Beautiful Container Garden: Loraine Harding • Most Beautiful Edible Garden: Kala and Jace Albrecht, Matt and Kaylan Fitzgerald and Brad and Grace Furman • Most Beautiful Business: Westridge Shopping Centre • Most Beautiful Winery: Quails’ Gate •Most Beautiful Strata: The Pointe • Honourable mention: Most Beautiful Strata: Bay Vista The judges evaluated the community on eight key criteria: Tidiness, environmental awareness, community involvement, natural and cultural heritage conservation, urban forestry, landscaped areas, floral displays, and turf and ground cover areas. Results of the district’s participation in the Communities in Bloom competition will be announced Oct. 29 at the national awards ceremony in Quebec City.

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#KC08002410 – 65 Papers Beverly Pl.3012 to 3090,Brookfield Crt, Graymar Rd, Ogden Rd.800 to 999,Thacker Dr.2927 to 3010,Westbrook Dr, Westview Rd. #KC08002210 – 34 Papers Britt Rd, Franwill Rd ,Kerry Lane, Thacker Dr.2815 to 2925 #KC08001911 – 20 Papers Anders Rd.890 to 930 Even Side Only ,Skyline Rd, Boucherie Rd.2650 to 2689 #KC08003012 – 55 Papers McCallum Rd, Menu Rd.1108 to 1435,Timothy Pl,Topham Rd. #KC08003011 – 40 Papers Menu Rd.1105 to 1181 Odd Side Only, Neale Rd, Saturn Rd, Ourtoland Rd.3000 to 3099 #KC10007210 – 40 Papers Glen Crt,Glenmount Crt, Glenway Crt ,Glenway Rd.3849 to 3882,Lower Glenrosa Rd.2805 to 2835 Odd Side Only

For information, contact our circulation department ~ 250-763-7575


term benefits of an economic shot-in-the-arm from opening new developments, filling in wetlands, diverting streams and so on. In the process, the communities that attracted people in the first place are disappearing. The problem is that agendas based solely on economics and politics are, by definition, shortterm. That is the very nature of these activities. We have few mechanisms to define what people like about the communities they live in, what they hope will still flourish when their children grow up and start having children of their own. It seems weird to me, living in the wonderful neighbourhood of Kitsilano in Vancouver, that my children will not be able to afford to live in a house like the one they grew up in. That’s not a sustainable, stable community. We have to keep the big picture in mind and make sure we don’t sacrifice the very things that made a community attractive in the first place. And we must protect the things that keep the planet and our local surroundings rich, diverse and healthy. The annual pilgrimage that we started so long ago provides me with a perspective and context to consider where we are and where we seem to be going. All communities need that and I guess it resides in the elders, folks who have a long history and experience in a place. They can define the pace of change and consider whether it is what people want and need.

~ gbeaudr

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Gas Cards this


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Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 B9

Your community. Your classifieds.







Nanny Agencies

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

NANNY available for Child or Senior Care. Call Edna at 250869-4652

Employment Business Opportunities

It is agreed by any display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.


Farm Workers

EARN EXTRA INCOME. Learn to operate a Mini Office Outlet from your home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income. No selling required,


Car Pool EMPTY CAR TRAILER going to Abbotsford from Kelowna July 30. Returning from Edmonton area between Aug 3 & 6th. Call 250-212-7042

Coming Events THE VITA-MIX ROADSHOW will be demonstrating the Amazing Vitamix Machine at the Kelowna Costco from August 3-14, 2011. Lowest price in Canada, including a 7 year warranty. See you there!

Personals 77 year old senior man looking for lady to share life together, to take holidays together & to share laughter together. Reply with phone number to Box 175, The Penticton Western News, 2250 Camrose St. Penticton, BC, V2A 8R1 CARD Games anyone? We are seniors playing Canasta, Hand & Foot. Please join us, call 250-498-1820 EMPTY CAR TRAILER going to Abbotsford from Kelowna July 30. Returning from Edmonton area between Aug 3 & 6th. Call 250-212-7042

Lost & Found FOUND Complete set of keys on Hwy 97 Westbank. 250212-5990 FOUND Pillow. Still in wrapping in department store parking lot. Call 250-860-4314 LOST Puggle(Pug/Beagle)-Mostly fawn(tan) color,white chest,brown ears,black tail,3 yr old,spayed female,approx 25lbs,not wearing collar when lost.Missing from Scotty Creek/Ellison area since July 16.Terribly missed.Please contact 250 859-2773 with ANY info. Thnx

LOST Keys on Gray Rd. Reward . Call 250-765-3468 LOST: Toyota fob car remote w/keys. Lost July 2nd West Kelowna, Gellatly area. Reward. $50 250-768-1405


Adventures Driving to Costa Rica in September, looking for someone to travel with & share expenses. Contact Will 250-863-7372

Children Childcare Available AT TIGGER & ME Too Daycare: Spots available for 21/2 5year olds. Rutland. Call 250765-4900 HUNNY’S HOUSE Licensed Daycare, 12 full time spaces available, $650/mo 3-5yr olds.

CLASSES Starting Sept. 6th. Register now for Natural Health Practitioner, Day Spa Practitioner, Holistic Practitioner. 1772 Baron Rd.

APPLE Pickers for September 1st. 2711 Lakha Rd. $9.28/hr. Call 250-491-9608

Help Wanted

FOR Sale. 38 seat restaurant in Westbank. Call 250-7687983 after 8 pm.


MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY Ice Cream Franchise Opportunities Available in Kelowna & Interior Area. Call: 1-888-337-7522 x.529 or e-mail:

If you are unemployed through no fault of your own, our company may be interested in interviewing you. We have several positions available for able bodied workers with good work habits. Experience not necessary. Training provided. No Car required. Above average pay.

WE are Pacific Art Stone, masonary stone veneer supplier in Metro Vancouver. We are looking to expand and open a branch in Kelowna as well as BC Interior and are looking for the right person/persons to become a part of Pacific Art Stone. This is a great business opportunity w/ a great amount of potential growth & profit within the BC interior. We will assist you in opening the branch in Kelowna by providing important information, initial training & showroom set up. If you are interested, please call Arif Uraizee at 1778-999-2758 or Charanjit at 1-604-951-3272 Find out more about us at

Career Opportunities FT ACCOUNTANT (CA/CGA/CMA), SMITHERS, BC You must have proven supervisory exp. Construction industry. Excellent salary & benefit package + health/dental benefits. L. Stanton, FAX: 250-877-7610, E-MAIL:

Education/Trade Schools Basic Chainsaw Operator Training- 2011. The BC Forest Safety Council’s basic chainsaw operator course provides handson training to everyone from new to experienced chainsaw operators. Learn how to safely maintain and handle a chainsaw for most non-falling applications. Key topics covered include creating a personal safety plan, chain sharpening, identifying tension and binds and how to safely make your cuts. This two-day course is endorsed by the BC Forest Safety Council and provides participants with training and competency evaluation in a form acceptable to WorkSafeBC. Numerous sessions of chainsaw training are scheduled around the province starting in August, 2011. To learn more and to obtain an enrollment form, visit our website at or call toll free 1-877-741-1060, Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm.



is looking for an experienced full time agent to join our team. Flexible position for the right person. Call Colleen at 250-558-6183 or email resume to: 250-860-3590

$2500+/MO.! Men & Women 18+yrs. needed to fill F/T positions in our Kelowna office. Students welcome We provide full training. Call 250-8609480, email: or text 250-899-0981



O’BRIEN, JERRY Passed away suddenly on Friday, July 22, 2011 at the age of 41 years. Survived by his son Jovian; mother Linda (Paul) Bryan of Big Lake, BC, Father James Kennedy of Prince George, BC, sister Christine Marvin (Sandy) of Ashcroft, BC, niece Shelby-Anne; two nephews: Arlin and Kaleb and maternal grandparents Ed and Flo Bryan. At Jerry’s request, there will be no service. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to a Charity of your choice. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting 250-860-7077

STEEVES, DR. SAMUEL LLOYD Passed away on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at the age of 88 years. Survived by his loving wife Agnes; daughter Cynthia Uitermarkt (Larry) of Chicago, Illinois; son Myron Steeves (Patty) of California; granddaughter Ally; and sister Rachel Fairchild (Ned) of Three Hills, Alberta. Predeceased by his first wife Lily and brother Pat. A Funeral Service will be held on Friday, July 29th at 1:00 pm at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC with Dr. Gordon Fletcher officiating. Interment to follow in the Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Gideon’s Memorial Bible Plan, c/o 593 Spruceview Place South, Kelowna, BC, V1V 1S8 Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting 250-860-7077.



Childcare Wanted Wanted Live in caregiver. Care for 3 kids min 6 months Exp as a care giver to work full time $8.75/hr To apply call Jacqueline at (250)215-0076

Save by buying factory direct


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THERESA (TERRY) JEANETTE BUSH (nee Delaney) Passed away on Sunday, July 24th, 2011 at Brandt’s Creek Mews, Kelowna at the age of 81. Terry was born July 1st, 1930 in the coal mining town of Inverness, Nova Scotia and was raised in the New Waterford area. She left home at age 17 to work in Halifax and later in Montreal, where she found work as telephone operator and supervisor for Bell Canada. After 5 years she had managed to save enough money (despite sending half of her paychecks back to her family in Nova Scotia) to be able to return to New Waterford to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse. Upon graduating with honours and perfect marks from the New Waterford General nursing school in 1956, she joined the Air Force in 1957 and was transferred to St. Sylvester, PQ, where she met Herman, her future husband of 52 years. They married in November 1958. While raising her four children, she worked full and part-time, including returning to school to study psycho-geriatric nursing in 1976. As she had handled many other challenges in life, she managed all this while being a military officer’s wife which required frequent moves. Their retirement posting brought Terry and her family to Kelowna in 1978. Here she continued to positively impact the lives of others through her work in geriatric and psychiatric nursing, first at Cottonwoods and then at KGH’s MacNair Unit. Upon retirement, she continued sharing Herman’s dream of operating the small orchard they had purchased. Her musical talents were limited to playing the spoons and the tape deck, but she loved listening to music and could always be heard whistling her favourite melodies. Terry and Herman were avid travelers during their working years, visiting family and friends across Canada and wintering in the Arizona desert. When Terry retired from nursing, she and Herman were able to expand their travels to visiting countries such as Ireland and Australia. However, the Arizona desert was still her favourite destination. Terry always had tremendous energy and was always helping with something, frequently foregoing her own pleasures to help out a family member or a friend. Her passion centered on her family and her home. Her passing has left a huge void in her family’s lives. Terry is survived by her loving husband Herman, her four children Michelle Colcerin, Lise (Karl) Dierdorf, Jocelyn (Dave) Tonge, and Dan (Carol) Bush. She is lovingly remembered by her sisters Dorothy, Mary and Anne, and brother Calyxte. She leaves behind grandchildren Jeff (Christy) Tonge, Garry Tonge, Rebecca, Patrick and Robert Dierdorf, Kalli Colcerin, Delaney Bush, and great-grandchild Lynken Tonge. Terry was predeceased by her eldest sister Virginia in 2005. The family owes much to Dr. Tara Sebulsky for her caring medical expertise and emotional support during Terry’s illnesses these past eight years. As well, we acknowledge the lifetime of family care provided by Dr. L.W. Nash before Dr. Sebulsky’s arrival. Our thanks also go to Drs Czerkawski and Kahn in helping us navigate some of Terry’s end of life issues. In addition, we would like to acknowledge the staff at the Central Okanagan Hospice House for their loving care during Terry’s brief stay with them. Most importantly, Herman and his family can’t say enough about the wonderful team of care aides and LPN’s, led by Kelly at the Brandt’s Creek Mews care facility. We are so grateful for the exceptional compassion, kindness, friendship and respect shown to all of us, and most especially to Terry. You all helped to make an unbearable situation tolerable for us. A private celebration of life will be held Friday, July 29th at 4p.m. at her family home where friends and family are invited to say their last goodbyes to this wonderful wife, mother, and friend. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made in memory of Terry to the Brandt’s Creek Apple Grove Comfort Fund 300-2081 Cross Rd.Kelowna, BC. V1V 2G2 Arrangements entrusted with Valleyview Dignity Memorial Funeral Home, 250-765-3147


Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News






Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


SEASONAL School Photographers required for upcoming school season. Must have photography/computer experience and reliable vehicle. Training/equipment provided. Travel within Okanagan and West Kootenays is required. Letter & mandatory resume to

SUMMER Work! $20+/hr. Work just for the summer or continue into the fall. Call 250860-5554

We are seeking a selfmotivated individual with Account Receivables and accounting experience to work within our Accounting Department in our Peachland Office. The selected individual will be involved with accounting functions in the Accounts Receivable area and other tasks as assigned by the Controller. The successful candidate will have a minimum one year proven experience working in an accounting environment and will have strong attention to detail, ability to multi-task and work under strict deadlines, as well as the ability to work effectively and harmoniously with staff and management. Experience using Quickbooks and Great Plains will be considered an asset. Please submit your salary expectations along with your resume to The onus is on the applicant to relate, in a clear and concise detail, their qualifications, skills and experience and position of interest. Only individuals selected for an interview will be contacted.


While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Experienced Interior Faller to work in East Kootenay, permanent work with full benefits. Capable of climbing & topping trees. Also run excavator & skidder. Call (250)349-5415 or fax (250)-349-7522 KARMJIT GILL ORCHARDS looking for apple pickers in Kelowna.$9.28/hr 40hrswk. Peice work. Sept-Oct.30. Call (250) -860-9737 LOCAL Manufacturing Firm is looking for a Fabrication Welder. Min Level B ticket req’d. Mon-Fri, 40hrs/wk. Starting wage rate is neg. Reply to box # 311 c/o Capital News. Millwright/Welder/Fabricator position available at North Okanagan Sawmill. The right individual is offered competitive wages and comprehensive benefit pkg. Fax resume to 250-838-9637 ROOFING Crew req’d, must have own tools & vehicle. Call 250-861-5907 SAND BLASTER wanted in Winfield. Experienced. Please fax resume to 250-766-1350 or phone 250-862-1345 SMALL senior home is looking for a mature, reliable individual to live on site. Email resume:

Education/Trade Schools

TITAN Transports,$3000 Sign on bonus for Leased Operators & Long Distance Drivers for Canada & US hauling. (250)-869-2210.

We’re on the net at Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

LAURA CANADA is the destination for contemporary women’s fashion. Established since 1930 we are a true Canadian success story, with a proud history. Laura Canada has grown from our first store in Montreal to over 180 locations across Canada and now Laura/Laura Petites/Laura Plus is coming to Orchard Park. Email or Fax your resume to be considered for one of the following career opportunities! Sales Floor Leader | Visual Tech Service Coordinators | Sales Associates


Work with adults/youth in community agencies and private practice. Accelerated skill training - the practical alternative to a 4 year degree. Congratulations Chelsea Stowers Graduate 2008




On-Campus or Online • Call (250)717-0412


$1,000,000 *


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Must be outgoing, well dressed, organized and enjoy working with people. Duties include: Greeting patients, booking appointments on computer, pre-testing patients, accounts receivable and helping out in the optical dispensary. One position. Permanent full time. Tues-Fri 9-5:30 with some Thursday evenings til 7 and 2 Saturdays per month 9-2. Also one part time position available. Wages negotiable depending on experience. Willing to train the right person. Please drop off resume in person July 28 and 29 to Lifetime Eyecare Optometry Center

Career Opportunities

Start any Sprott-Shaw Community College program between May 1, 2011 - July 31, 2011

and earn up to $1,000 towards tuition. *conditions apply

Practical Nursing Healthcare Assistant Medical Office Assistant Community Support Worker Early Childhood Education Business Management Pharmacy Assistant *Not all programs available at all campuses

Call Our Kelowna: Campus

250-860-8884 Join us on Facebook:

New Business Account Development

The Kelowna Capital News is a community newspaper with a distribution of over 50,000 copies serving the communities of the Central Okanagan every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are currently looking for an advertising sales representative to look after new business development for our community, online and feature publications. The ideal candidate must be motivated and take the initiative to build relationships to help grow their clients’ business. You must be able to work well under the pressure of deadlines and be a team player able to drive and increase revenues. The Kelowna Capital News is part of the Black Press Group, the leading independent newspaper publisher in Canada. If you are interested in a rewarding challenge and would like to be part of a successful team please submit your resume with cover letter to: Karen Hill Publisher, Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 fax: 250-862-5275 email: Closing date for submissions: August 5, 2011

Career Opportunities

Currently Seeking a

Full Time

Sales Consultant We are looking for flexible, energetic, dynamic people with professionalism towards sales. We offer: • Stable & supportive work environment • Unlimited earning potential with opportunities for advancement • The largest selection of new and used RV's in our selling area • Medical / Dental / Plus • Base salary plus commission A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! Please fax resumes Attention: Jacquelyn 250-545-6932

Become a Psychiatric Nurse in your own community There is an urgent need for more Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN), particularly outside the urban areas of the province. And with the workforce aging – the average age of a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in BC is 47 years – the number of retirees from the profession is exceeding the number of graduates. Entry-level earnings start at $29/hour to $38/hour. Train Locally – The only program of its kind in BC, students can learn within their local communities via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements, and some regional classroom delivery. This 23 month program is recognized by the CRPNBC. Government student loans, Employment & Labour Market Services (ELMS), band funding & other financing options available to qualified applicants.

Toll Free:


Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 B11





Help Wanted


Mind Body Spirit


Prince Rupert, BC has an immediate opening for a Journeyman Technician Chrysler experience preferred, will consider 3rd or 4th year apprentice. Top wages and relocation bonus to the right candidate. Apply by email:, FAX (250)624-3214 Attn Service Manager, or by mail 1105 Chamberlin Ave, Prince Rupert, BC , V8J 4J5 DL#24707 We are still hiring Dozer & excavator operators required by a busy Alberta oilfield construction company. We require operators that are experienced and preference will be given to operators that have constructed oilfield roads and drilling locations. You will be provided with motels and restaurant meals. Competitive wages, bonus and transportation daily to and from job sites. Our work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Call 780-723-5051.

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services BIG E ‘s is looking for exper’ed PT/FT Line cook to join our team. We offer competitve wages & flexible schedule. Must be able to work evenings, weekends. Apply in person to Hwy97 Peachland Center Mall

WELLNESS FACTOR’s purpose is to motivate people to self care. We are seeking 2 motivated and accomplished sales people to join our business development team p/t 16hr wk. Excellent basic and incentives. Send resume to

Trades, Technical COMMERCIAL Transport Mechanic wanted, $35/hr. plus, afternoon shift, flexible work week, email resume to: FLEET Supervisor/Maintenance Mgr. with Commerical Transport Mechanic designation , $35/hr. plus bonus, day shift, flexible work week, email resume: FULL-TIME CABINET BUILDER / INSTALLER Req. immediately for a busy Surrey / Port Kells location. The ideal candidate will be energetic with 5+ yrs. exp. Benefits after 3 months. Please E-mail resume: or Fax: (1)604-882-3561


BANK SAY NO? WE SAY YES Consolidate or get your personal loan started with us. Up to $200K with low interest rate starting at 1.9%. Bad credit OK. Call: 1-855-222-1228


Journeyman/woman Electricians required for wood frame and commercial construction. Fax resume to Howell Electric Kelowna 250-860-7735

Sheet Metal Applicators Required for Mid-City

Roofing (Kamloops) •RCABC Standards and attention to details a must. • Must have own hand tools, and safety harness. •Valid Driver’s Licence and transportation. •Some metal cladding exp. would be a benefit. Good Wages & Benefits! Please call 1-250-376-7663 or fax resume to: 1-250-376-2424

CAREAIDE available, personal care, 24 hr respite care, cooking, cleaning. Bondable & references. 1-(250)307-1138 MATURE, exp care aide to live in/out. Penticton/Kelowna.Sept 1. Excl ref’s. 250-859-1363

Are you into exercise, motivated and wanting some extra income? Capital News is looking for a person or persons with a reliable vehicle to deliver newspapers door to door in the Kelowna and Westside areas. Various sized routes on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Your papers would be dropped at your home early in the morning, and you would have the whole day to complete your deliveries. Work as much or as little as you want. To apply for this position, please call Capital News Circulation at 250-763-7575 and ask for Richard.

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. REDUCE DEBT by up to 70% Avoid bankruptcy. Free consultation. BBB accredited. 250-860-1653

Cleaning Services 1# NU MAID “Making U House Proud”! Professional. Reliable. 250- 215-1073 BEST Quality Cleaning Prof, reliable, bonded, ins’d. Comm, Strata, Restaurant. Med./Dental & offices. 250-868-7224 J&M’S Cleaning. Move in/out, post constr, organizing, gardening. Maralee,250-878-9729

Computer Services

Work Wanted

Help Wanted

MASSAGE EDUCATION OVCMT in Vernon is accepting Applications for Sept. and Jan. call 250-558-3718 or

ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Anne Hamilton Estate Administrator at 250-979-7190 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Kelowna. Donna Mihalcheon CA,CIRP KPMG Inc. Trustee in Bankruptcy, #300 -1674 Bertram Street, Kelowna, BC. V1Y 9G4

Professional/ Management

Help Wanted


Financial Services

Please submit resumes to

PRODUCTION Supervisor, Kelowna and Winfield, BC The Okanagan Tree Fruit Cooperative requires two outstanding individuals for the role of Production Supervisor to work in Winfield and Kelowna. Reporting to the Plant Manager with the following accountabilities: Effective supervision and deployment of production staff; cost effective delivery of production standards while maintaining quality; Ensure food and worker safety programs are adhered to; Effective communication with employees. The successful applicant will possess the following attributes: strong communication and interpersonal skills; conflict resolution and team building skills; ability to lead change; organized, able to manage time; like working with a diverse group of people; be diplomatic and objective; solid computer knowledge; post secondary education and/or fruit industry experience considered an asset. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. We would like to thank all applicants in advance. Only those selected for interviews will be contacted. Previous applicants need not apply. Please submit your application quoting competition: Production Supervisor, and include your salary expectations and plant preference by August 7, 2011 to: Jeff Neu, Assistant Plant Manager, 9751 Bottom Wood Lake Rd, Winfield, BC V4V 1S7 Fax: 250-7663580 Email:

Abandon Stress Whole Body Swedish Massage. Affordable, excellent work.Linda 862-3929 ASIAN LADIES MASSAGE! Lovely, peaceful setting, $60/hr. Call 250-317-3575 BLISS Massage 4 your every need. 10 yrs exp. men only . Call 4 appt. 250-215-7755 THAI Massage. Totally relax & energize your body & mind. Open 7 days a week Call 250801-7188

12/7 A MOBILE COMPUTER TECH. Certified computer technician, virus removal, repairs, upgrades. Let me come to you. 250-717-6520. 12/7 In-Home Repairs. New Systems/Upgrades. 20+yrs Prof. Service. Peter 215-4137

Concrete & Placing For all your concrete services Check us out on our website





Garden & Lawn



DCR. Reno’s, Flooring/concrete/wood/decks/ stairs. Res/ Comm. Free est 250-862-1746 JOURNEYMAN Carpenter for framing, finishing, additions, decks. Richard. 250-717-7043 KSK Framing & Foundations. Quality workmanship at reas rates. Free est 250-979-8948 New Line Design. Residential Renovations Painting Drywall Tiling Carpentry & Laminate Floors. Paul 250-717-6049 WENINGER CONST. Family company commited to Kelowna & Big White. 250-765-6898

Gordon’s Quality Lawn Care. Pruning, Trimming, Irrigation Blow outs. Dethatching, Aerating.Lawn Care 250-863-8935 JIM’S MOWING. Same day service. Fully insr’d. Aerating/ Top Dressing. 250-310-5467 KELOWNA LAWN & Irrigation. Spring start-up and repairs. Gerry at 250-769-8717 TAM’S Gardening. Clean-ups/ Maint. Planting, weeding, pruning & more. 250-575-3750 TOP SOIL $20/yd. Compost Mix $35/yd., Ogogrow, Gravel, Rocks, Mulches 250-868-3380

MADAHAR Landscaping & Maint. Mowing, hedge trimming, shrub pruning, fertilizing, irrigation repair, small tree & shrub removal & planting. OgoGrow & Bark Mulch. Call 250-212-1024

King Rooter Plumbing 24 HR Emergency Service. Licenced Bonded & Insured . 878-7959


Gutters & Downspouts

GRANITE SLAB SALE 30% OFF All Kitchens, kitchen counters, bathroom counters, vessel sinks. 150 colors to choose from GREAT QUALITY & SERVICE Open 9-4 Mon-Fri, 10-2 Sat. Showroom: 1115 Gordon Dr. Free Est. 250-870-1577 CUSTOM ROCKCOUNTERS.COM

REFACE Countertops. 1/2 the Cost of Replacing. Granite & Corian Designs. 470-2235.

Drywall PESL DRYWALL Service Inc. Renovations, new construction and repairs. Boarding, taping, textured ceilings. Call Tomas at 250-212-4483 or 860-3495.

Electrical ALAN Dignam Electric. Resid/ Comm. Service calls, Reno’s, Upgrades. lic’d, bonded & Insured. Alan 250-808-6595

Excavating & Drainage BOBCAT/Mini Excavator Serv Soil/ rock installs, postholes, footings, grading 250-470-2598

Fencing ALL KINDS OF FENCES, 6x8 Cedar panels starting @ $65. Gates & custom orders, staining 250-491-4622 CEDAR Panels, Gates, Custom fencing & Decks. Quality Workmanship Repair & Reno’s Josef 250-864-7755. FENCING, wood, chainlink, cedar + decks, sheds, garages, landscaping, retaining walls. Lic & Ins 250-809-1454

Garage Door Services GARAGE Doors- install, service, repair all makes of doors & openers. 250-878-2911

Garden & Lawn 1-1-1- All Exterior Hedge & Tree Specialist. Downsizing, pruning, artistic shaping & removing of hedges & trees. Ins. Call Dave, 250-212-1716 Edging Cedars - buy direct from grower, 6ft.-10 for $200, We deliver, Budget Nurseries, toll free 1-866-498-2189,

KELOWNA GUTTER Cleaning and repairs, re-slope gutters,etc Richard 250-718-6718

Machining & Metal Work GET BENT Metal Fab, fences, gates, railings, security bars,

Misc Services ALL KINDS OF FENCES, 6x8 Cedar panels starting @ $65. Gates & custom orders, stainning,

Moving & Storage

Handypersons Home Repairs Int & Ext, Flooring, Painting, Demolition, Fences, Decks, Any Home Repair or Any Landscaping Needs, Construction Site Clean-Ups, Licensed & Insured, 250-809-1454 NEED a hand inside or out from painting to yard work. 250-215-1712, 250-768-5032

Home Improvements OLD SCHOOL Construction. Renovations large & small. Done right the first time. Lic & ins. Senior discount. Cory Doell 250-862-7094

STUDZ Renovations Carpentry, Plumbing, Elect., Drywall, Decks, Tile, 250-317-8275 WELL BUILT CONSTRUCTION

Renovation experts. Int/Ext. Ins’d. Call 250-826-2284

Home Repairs LARRY’S Handyman & Reno Serv., Lg. & Sm. jobs, Graffitti Removal etc., 250-718-8879

Irrigation/Sprinkler Systems WEST-WIND Now booking for irrigation start up, repairs & installs. Call 250-860-0025

Landscaping #1 STOP FOR ROCKS. Please call 250-862-0862 DECKS, fences, retaining walls. Landscaping / Maint. Free est. Louie, 250-212-4205 Edging Cedars - buy direct from grower, 6ft.-10 for $200, We deliver, Budget Nurseries, toll free 1-866-498-2189, FULL landscaping, rock walls, soil screening. Tremblay’s Excavating. 250-979-8033 GLM Landscaping & Irrigation 12% Discount!!! Custom landscaping 250-864-5450 Hands Free Maintenance. Window, gutters, yard maint, pressure wash. 250-718-2963 Landscapes Unlimited; retaining walls, decks, deck coverings, lawns, all your landscapes needs in one call, 24-7, Kelowna, 250-718-2509, Penticton, 250-809-1454

AAA Best Rates Moving $59+. “Why Pay More” Short/Long Distance. Free Est. Res/Comm, 861-3400 DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, also Fifth Wheel moving. 250-2150147 or 250-766-1282 EMPTY CAR TRAILER going to Abbotsford from Kelowna July 30. Returning from Edmonton area between Aug 3 & 6th. Call 250-212-7042 FAMILY Movers. Moving? Anything, anywhere. Local and long distance trips. Packing service available, weekly trips to Vancouver, Alberta, full and partial loads. Cheapest rates in the valley. Free Estimates, 250-493-2687 JOE’S MOVING.reasble rates fully equip’d trucks, local-long dist, no job too small470-8194 NORTH END Moving Service Local/Long Distance. Free Estimates 250-470-9498

Painting & Decorating 100% AFFORDABLE Painting Exp, quality. Int Paint/ceilings. Winter Specials. Terry 8639830 or 768-1098 110% P&D Painting, 34yrs exp. Clean quality work, reas rates. Free est. 250-769-9068 CALL COR’S PAINTING. On time, on budget. Neat & tidy. Lic & ins. Senior discount. Cory Doell 250-768-8439 DALE’S PAINTING Service. Painting Kelowna a better place since 1982. 862-9333 PAINTING. Big Jobs or small. Touch-ups, House, FencesDecks, Garages, Sheds, Retaining Walls. Licensed & Insured call 250-809-1454 or 250-460-0761


ATLANTIS PLUMBING Plumbing, Irrigation, Gas Fitting/drain cleaning. Comm/res and reno’s. Service and hot water tanks. 250-575-3839 DREGER MECH. Plumbing, Gasfitting, comm/res & reno, ins’d, 24hr. Call 250-575-5878.

E M Y T EMPLOYMENT O FIND N L T T T E P N N N M THE E CLASSIFIEDS E EM E IN Y M M M O PL PLOY NT PLOY NT PLOY EM OYME EM OYME EM NT T L L ENT YME N P P E M M M O T EM E Y PTL Y N O O E L EEMN L M P P Y M O NT EM YM E L P O ,re looking E T T M L N N M E Everything you for is P T TM E E Y N N M M O E E Ethe classifieds! L Y Y in M M P O O T L ENLOY PL P EM PLOY M YMMP EM E M E LO E Free Estimates. Government Certified. 250-451-6944

Pressure Washing OKANAGAN Pressure Washing. Commercial/ Residential. Fully insured. 14 years exp. Call Dave at 250-491-1336

Roofing & Skylights GERMAN MASTER ROOFER. Over 30yrs exp. on all kinds of roofs. New Reroof & Repair. Tradesman + Best price Warranty. Free estimate. Call Steffen, 250-863-8224 Master & Visa.Card RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free est, ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’ 250-7653191.

Rubbish Removal 250-808-0733 SKYHIGH DISPOSAL. Full service Junk Removal & Bin Rentals.


LARRY’S LITTLE DUMPER We haul little loads of anything, landscaping materials, & Junk to the dump. 250-7181114 Demolition and Rubbish Removal, Dump Hauls, Garbage, Metal Removal, Clean-Ups, Construction site Clean-Ups, Dirty Jobs our Specialty, Licensed, Kelowna 250-7182509 Penticton 250-809-1454



MITTEN & Son Disposal Serv. Rubbish & junk removal. Res/ Comm. 778-755-5772

Sand/Gravel/Topsoil NEIGHBORHOOD Trucking & Delivery. Topsoil, Gravel, Sand, OgoGrow. Visa, Debit, Mastercard. 250-870-1138

Tiling OKANAGAN Stone & Tile. 25yrs exp. Free estimates. All work gauranteed. Reno’s to tile. Call Gary, 250-317-4770

Tree Services 1-1-1- All Exterior Hedge & Tree Specialist. Downsizing, pruning, artistic shaping & removing of hedges & trees. Ins. Call Dave, 250-212-1716 1DANGEROUSTREE/HEDGE REMOVAL, firewood, 20+yrs exp. Paul @ 250-212-6070 ROB’S Tree Care Ltd 1975. For all your tree care needs. Ins. & Cert. WCB. 212-8656 STANS CHIPPING. Tree Removal & Chipping. Free Est. 808-2447. Licensed & Insured.

Trucking/ Bull Dozing TNT TRUCKING. No load too small. Junk removal, sand, gravel, etc. (250)862-0821 (250)765-2778.

TRUTH IN “GENERAL HELP” ADVERTISING The Capital News makes every effort to ensure you are responding to a reputable and legitimate job opportunity. If you suspect that an ad to which you have responded is misleading, here some hints to remember. Legitimate employers do not ask for money as part of the application process; do not send money; do not give any credit card information, or call a 900 number in order to respond to an employment ad. Job opportunity General Help ads are salary based and do not require an investment. If you have responded to an ad which you believe to be misleading please call the Better Business Bureau toll free 1-888-803-1222 Mon thru Fri 9 am - 3 pm.


Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News

Sales & Service Directory COMMERCIAL CLEANING


Licensed & Insured


COMMERCIAL, RESTAURANT, OFFICES, MEDICAL, STRATA & FLOOR WORK Excellent References CELL: (250)868-7224 FAX: (778)477-2668

EXCAVATION Al’s Bobcat Service • Soil/Rock Installs • Postholes • Forklifting • Backfilling & Compacting • S/Axle Dump Truck Hauls • Mini Excavator Service

250-763-4044 250-470-2598

765-6898 In business since 1989

“Renovation Experts” Interior/exterior Prompt, clean and reliable Insured 250-826-2284



Kelowna Gutter Cleaning & Repair

We install, service, & repair all makes of doors & openers. FREE ESTIMATES • INSURANCE CLAIMS • SENIOR DISCOUNTS Call Mon.-Fri. 8-4:30 pm

• Fix leaks • 20 years. experience • Fascia soffit repairs • Downpipes • Re-Slope





e. concrete decks & stairs, wood decks, renovations, int/ext, res/ comm, licensed & insured. Free Est.


Fences | Retaining Walls Landscaping | Maintenance Free Estimates • Call Louie



• Landscaping • Irrigation • Rock Wall • Allan Block • Aeration • Spring Cleanup • Power Rake

CALL 250-864-5450



• Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades • Yard Maintenance • Fences, Decks • Tile • Graffiti Removal



Serving Kelowna & Surrounding Area • Rubbish and Junk Removal • Appliances & Furniture • Yard Waste & Clean Up Residential & Commercial - FREE ESTIMATES



We are now taking bookings for irrigation startups & repairs. We also offer free estimates on irrigation installations or major alterations. Call West-Wind Irrigation Ltd.

All landscaping & maintenance, pressure washing, window & gutter cleaning. Nature’s Gold soil & gravel. Dethatching & aeration, driveway sealing.

Jason 250-718-2963

North End Moving Services

Local or Long Distance Polite & Professional

Ph: 250-869-0697 Cell 250-470-9498

LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED 24 Hour Emergency Service

Ph. 250-878-7959

The Dump Truck

Junk Removal & Bin Rental

778-215-1111 Yard Waste Furniture Roofing Appliances Estate Clean Up Construction and more! Renovation The Green choice in disposal services. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES




•Complete Plumbing Repairs •Video Camera Inspection & Line Locating •Turbo Jet Sewer & Drain Cleaning •Renovations & Additions •Seniors Discount


“The Professionals”

• Local/long distance • Storage Available • No job too small • Free Estimates Call Joe Anytime 250-470-8194


• Bath Remodels • Decks • Drywall

• Kitchen Remodels • Painting • Plumbing

• Electrical • Tile Work • To-Do Lists • Much More



Kelowna • 250-717-5500

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Independently Owned and Locally Operated



Call 250-870-1009

WELDING METAL FABRICATION LTD. Fences • Gates • Railings • Security Bars • Cargo Racks • Rollcages • Boat Railings & more. Tube Bending Specialists



Kitchen cabinets & vanity refacing. Replace doors, update crown, modern hardware, counters, tile splash. Bring your old cabinets up to date at a fraction of the cost.


Senior’s Specials Experience & Quality New Homes & Repaints Ceilings Bondable. Insurance Work Call Terry

250-863-9830 or 250-768-1098


Artistic Ceramics.

Custom tile setting. Travertine, marble, granite & ceramic. Decks, kitchen, baths. Guaranteed work.


FREE ESTIMATES Brush & Tree Removal Reasonable Rates Stan Korzinski 250-808-2447


•Full Landscaping •Rock Retaining Walls •Portable Soil Screener •Excavators & Bobcat Loaders CELL: (250) 979-8033 BUS: (250) 861-1500


Lawn Maintenance, Yard Clean-Ups, Pruning/Hedges, Gardening, Gutters, Rubbish Removal, Odd Jobs BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY CUT NOW!

Call 310-JIMS(5467)


Joe’s Moving Service


Royal, fast, dependable service

Visit our showroom at THE AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm Family owned & operated for over 40 years


RUBBISH REMOVAL Mitten & Son Disposal Service

Natural Stone Surfaces All One Piece Laminate


59.00 SF


On select colors only | Installation available

at 250-860-0025




starting at

1630 Innovation Dr. Kelowna, BC V1V 2Y5 P 250.765.3004 | F 250.491.1773

& Renovation Services • Interior & Exterior Renovations • Carpentry • Painting • Small Repairs • Pressure Washing

9.95 LF


starting at


Larry’s Handyman




DCR Contracting c. 250.862.1746


For All Your Tree Care Needs Complete Tree Removal • Shaping • Thinning • Crown Reduction • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured • WCB


Call to Book Your Space 250-763-7114

For more information on our Sales & Service businesses go to and check out BCLocalbiz

DEREK’S PAINTING Serving Western Canada for 34 years. FREE Estimates Clean & reliable work




RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free estimates, senior discounts, member of B.B.B. Fully insured, WCB coverage. All types of shingle roofing & torch on roofing systems. ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’



TNTTRUCKING No load too small • BARK MULCH • SAND • GRAVEL • YARD CLEAN-UP • JUNK REMOVAL LIGHT FLAT-DECK Nick Nixon - Trish Nebot Cell 250-862-0821 Office 250-765-2778

Neighborhood Trucking & Delivery

Top Soil • Ogo Gro • Gravel • Sand • Bark Mulch We remove: yard refuse, small trees, junk CHUCK 250-870-1138

We accept “When the Big Guys are Too Big We Deliver”


For All Your Tree Care Needs Complete Tree Removal • Shaping • Thinning • Crown Reduction • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured • WCB


Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™

Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 B13

Pets & Livestock

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate

Real Estate

Feed & Hay

$300 & Under

Apt/Condos for Sale

Computer Laptop, Windows, Wireless, Excellent Condition, $300. 250-869-2363 Kelowna Sklar Peppler sofa & loveseat, excellent cond., $275. Call 250-869-0280

Heavy Duty Machinery

Acreage for Sale

1st cut Alfalfa grass mix, Irrigated, 70 - 80lb bales, barn stored, $6 (250)547-6816 *HAY-SALES-GUARANTEED Quality Grass, Alfalfa, Mixed square bales, round bales & Silage bales. Delivery avail. (250)804-6081,(250)833-6763.

13.9 Treed Acres near Edgewood, Arrow, and Whatshan Lakes. $89,500. 250-442-3035 3 Acres, Whitevale Area, Lumby. Flat, trees, drilled well, gas/hydro to driveway. Price $230,000.00 + HST OBO. 250-547-6932. 9.88 acres of solitude with beautiful lake views, modular home, opportunity for future developement, not in ALR. RU2 zoning allows 2nd home. 5 mins from Wal Mart. Ask about ďŹ nancing. Call Les G at 250-870-8702

55+Condo, Swanbrook Estates,Vernon, 2bdrm 2 bath, A/C upgrades: F/S, DW furnace, hot water tank, ooring & paint, low strata, 1 pet, close to senior centre & shopping $187,900. 1-(250)558-3737 DWTN Kel Amazing 2bd 2bt 55+ Bertram St. Walk to everything Crn unit big & bright $229,900 Mike 868-1728 mls 10029885 FORECLOSURE! 2bdrm, 1150 sqft. $165,000. Lloyd Tav. 215-5607. Mac Realty

Pets CHAMPION PUREBRED PITBULLS . Comes with papers and shots. 8 weeks on July 17. $2000-$3000 obo. Call Courtney 250-869-7837 CHESAPEAKE Bay Retriever pups. Reg. 10 weeks,$900, females only. For more info check our website or contact Dave @250-545-8648. HELP!!!! Ten week old male chihuahua puppy purchased for cancer victim whom is now unable to care for him. Playful and affectionate, pad trained. Shots and vet checked. 250-765-7271 SHITZU/BICHON puppies $450 non-shedding & excellent with children. 250-766-5572

WOLF HYBRID Cubs reserve. now. Sun Valley Wolf Kennels 250-765-4996 Kelowna, BC

Merchandise for Sale

Antiques / Vintage COUNTRY HOME ANTIQUES 5min from Armstrong, Open Sat & Sun, 10am-5 or by appt. Barn full of Quality Antiques, 4262 MacDonald Rd (off Otter Lake Rd) 250-546-2529

Building Supplies Steel Buildings. Discounted Factory Inventory. Canadian CertiďŹ ed. 24x36, 38x50, 48x96, 60x150 Misc. Sizes, limited availability w w w. s u n w a r d s t e e l . c o m Source# 1JS 800-964-8335

Farm Equipment 9N Tractor Good tires runs good $1700.00, Cosmo Spreader $300.00, 4’ Harrow $50.00 250-547-6151 Cub Cadet 1740 Hyro stat 46� mower snow plow chains trailer to match excellent cond garage kept. $2000 obo (250)769-1092

Free Items FREE 8 Shelving boards. Mixed lengths & widths. Call 250-868-3436, 250-801-6141 FREE Cat to good home. About 4 mos old, female. Call 250-718-8011 FREE Kittens, multi colored, littered trained,To good homes only. (778)-754-1030 Glenrosa FREE Mature Table Saw. Needs new belt. It works. 250-762-9655 Free pickup, aluminum, windows, wire, pipe from reno’s & batteries. 250-717-0581 FREE Pick-up of used bicycles that you no longer want. Ok if need repair 604-800-2104 FREE P/U- Appliances, Rads, Batteries, Old machinery, vehicles. Harley 778-821-1317 FREE Used Lumber. Various sizes. Call 250-763-3315 FREE White Plas. Patio Set, 4 shelf bookcase 30�L by 4FT high by 12�W. 250-764-4470


MADE you Look! Make your ad stand out with one of our Ad Toppers, only $1.00/day! SHORT time used carpet, different sizes, $100. 250-7697830 sturdy wooden table, 32x32� & 4 padded arm chairs. $50. 250-868-3436, 250-801-6141 Yamaha Electronic Keyboard Organ excellent condition. $65 250-765-9528

$200 & Under Computer System, Windows Internet ready Excellent Cond. $200. 250-869-2363 Kelowna DELUXE Jointer 6 inches. $200. Call 250-765-3486 LECTRONIC Kaddy, remote battery & charger, $150. Call 250-769-3795

Medical Supplies HOSPITAL bed, $300. Hospital table, $90. ROHO Mattress, $2760. ROHO HP cushion, $350. Wheelchair (Mableleaf Tilt), $700. Sling, $150. IV pole, $60. (250)542-6992 WE make house calls. Mobility Scooters & Powerchairs, new & used. Free in-home trials. Shoprider dealer. Kelowna: 250-764-7757, Vernon: 250-542-3745, Toll free: 1-888-542-3745

Help yourself to pallets stacked at the front of the Capital News building located at 2495 Enterprise Way

(Next to Kelowna Chrysler)

Furniture ANTIQUE To MODERN Home Furnishings for all Budgets & Tastes. Come to OK Estates Furniture and More. 3292 HWY 97N (beside Sheepskin Boutique) Tue-Sat, 11-5. 250807-7775 IN-STOCK Now! Pre-Owned and NEW OfďŹ ce Furnishings! Dozens of folding Chairs $39.00, Rental Return OfďŹ ce Chairs from $88.00 Folding Tables, Oak Wood Desks OfďŹ ce Panels & More! Total OfďŹ ce Business Furnishing New and Preowned Furniture Visit us at 420 Banks Road Mon. to Fri. 8.00 4.30pm Call Susanna Today (250)717-1626

MADE you Look! Make your ad stand out with one of our Ad Toppers, only $1.00/day! Moving out of country, dining set, sofa & chair & bedroom suite. 250-763-9793.

Commercial/ Industrial Property

1Bdrm apt located on bus route close to Downtown, bike path & beach. Sm. pet ok. Heat & hot water incl’d. Call onsite manager 250-763-6867

KIRSCHNER ROAD 1600 SF STOREFRONT Complete With Grade Level Overhead Door 250-769-8010

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

$$ I’M a private buyer/collector 1950’s, 60’s and older 10¢, 25¢, 50¢ & $1.Also special edition coins like older Olympic.All conditions! US & Canadian. Todd 250-864-3521

WANTED: FIREBALL ISLAND I am looking for a 1986 version of the board game Fireball Island. Please call, 250-869-7362

Musical Instruments GRAND PIANO CLEARANCE SALE MOIR New & Used Grand & Upright Pianos. Call Richard Moir 250-764-8800 UPRIGHT NIEER Piano for sale and matching bench. $900 obo. Call 250-765-3486

Fresh From the Fields “Local Produce at Your Doorstep� To place an the Kelowna Capital News


ARNDT ORCHARDS U-PICK CHERRIES Growing quality fruit since 1946 1555B Teasdale Road Kelowna Open daily 8-6 pm

DOWNTOWN. Morrison Ave. 600 block. Misc tools, welder, generator, towing equip, windows, doors, much, much more. Fri/Sat/Sun after 9am. LAKESHORE Great Sale. Old records, cass., karaoke, “like new�. Crafts of all kinds, clothes of all ages, lots of young girls. Lots of everything! Please come & have a look. #130 3745 Lakeshore Rd. Rutland 1030 Hoover Rd. Fri 9-1 Sat 9- 1. Multi family sale. RUTLAND. Fri 10-4, Sat 9-4. 1680 Hollywood Rd S. Baby, household & misc items.

RUTLAND. Large Estate Sale, Fri July 29, Sat July 30, 8-12. 495 Hollydell Rd. Furniture, collectibles, household items. Rutland Sat, July 30th 9am3pm. 930 Tataryn Rd. Misc , NHL items & MORE. WORRIED ABOUT THE WEATHER? Purchase rain insurance on your Garage Sale ad for $3.00. If it rains, we’ll run your ad again free. You must call by the following Thursday to book your ad for another day. (valid through September)

Do you have

Corner of Reid & Pooley. 3367 Reid Rd., East Kelowna

K&J PaciďŹ c Peaches. 1145 Morrison Rd S. Only accessible from McCurdy Rd. 250-7658184 Raspberries, Cherries & Blueberries. Call list for Peaches & Apricots. Guaranteed price on call list. Other fruit & veggies avail.

Fresh Vegetables, Tours, and so Much More! 11am to 4 pm Daily 4329 Bedford Lane 250-764-2883 CHERRIES: 250-317-2265. 1115 Graf Rd. Rutland Bench. Bings, Rainiers, Lapins. $1.10/lb & up. U pick & picked. CHERRIES. Corner of Anderson & Booth Rd in Ellison. You-pick or we-pick. Call 250765-5208. Bring containers CHERRIES For Sale. U-pick. $1.25/lb. 1310 DeHart Rd. 250-764-7403. From 10-5.

FRESH & LOCAL BLUEBERRIES Sohal Orchards WinďŹ eld $2.50lb Picked . 250-766-0473 or 250-470-9661

Sporting Goods WANTED a Concept 2 Rowing Machine & Airdyne exercise bike. Please Call (250)718-8182 Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gun Shop Around, 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tues-Sat 10-6

Phone Bruce Duggan

Turn those unwanted items into cash. Sell them in the Classifieds! They may be just the thing someone else is looking for.


Bring your own containers. Bulk sale discount. Open Daily 3030 Elliott Rd.,Westbank. 250-768-5768


NOW OPEN Pickling cukes ready and taking orders. Also Beets, Carrots & more. 2105 Morrison Rd. 250-317-5635

QUALITY CHERRIES Most Varieties, Including Sour Cherries. Available from July 10th 2591 Butt Rd Westbank Call Andy 250-859-2049 to conďŹ rm.



HARSH BASSI ORCHARD Selling fresh orchard picked cherries. 527 Valley Rd. Glenmore & 625 Hollywood Rd (between Hwy 33 & SpringďŹ eld.) 250-869-2371 Taking orders July & August.


in your closet?

Fresh cherries, berries & peas, summer squash & more, avail now. 250-766-4036 Open 9-6 daily 10-6 Sunday

You-pick, $1.50/lb, we pick, $2/lb.

ARLO’S HONEY FARM CENTRAL Lrg. Sale. Sat 9-5 Sun 9-3 63-2365 Stillingeet Rd. furn tools bedding hshld....


12133 Okanagan Centre Rd E.


ALICE’S FRUIT STAND 3735 Gordon Dr. 250-869-0920 Open Monday - Saturday 10:30 am - 5:30 pm

APRICOTS & BIG FRESH LAPIN CHERRIES WE TAKE ORDERS. EVERYDAY 10am-5pm. 417 Valley Rd. Glenmore. 250-864-1513

MADE you Look! Make your ad stand out with one of our Ad Toppers, only $1.00/day!

Misc. Wanted

Fruit & Vegetables

PP Squash, Garlic, Basil, Beets, Spinach, Potatoes, Etc.

BRAND new 5 stage reverse osmosis water ďŹ ltration system. Retail price: $795. Now: $250. Call 250-863-1544 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837



Apt/Condos for Sale

Misc. for Sale

I Buy old Coins, Collections, Silver, Gold, Olympic sets etc. Chad: 250-863-3082 (Local)

$100 & Under 30x60 ofďŹ ce or computer desk good condition. $45 250-765-9528 COFFEE & two side tables. Excellent cond. $80. 250-8690280 Excellent radio with turn table & tape player plus 2 lrg speakers. $50. 250-763-1424

4000LB Toyota Forklift. 4 cyl. Shuttle shift. Pneumatic tires. 10 ft. lift. Looks & runs good. $3995. Call 250-491-1227 D8165 Will pay cash for oversized scrap steel, cats, yarders, saw mill equipment, farm equipment, etc. All insurance in place to work on your property. 250-260-0217

Fruit & Vegetables

250-766-2628 ORGANICALLY Sprayed Sweet Cherries. U pick. 90¢ /lb. Bring your containers to 2740 Gallagher Rd. in Black Mountain


‘FRESH BLUEBERRIES’ For sale. Daily fresh hand-picked directly from the ďŹ elds.

10lb box, $25.

For ordering please contact Gary at 250-317-3464 or by email at (Minimum order 10lbs.) Come On Down To OLD MEADOWS CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARM MARKET Wholesale pricing on our organic fruits & veggies. Specials: Cherries $2.99/lb, lettuce $2.29/ head, bunch Beets, Kale, Carrots $2.79/bunch. Local non-organic produce available. Specials: Cherries $1.99/lb for over 10 lbs. Taking orders for all blueberries, raspberries, cherries, and peaches. Milk, bread, and farm eggs. Debit, M/C, Visa. 4213 Gordon Dr. 250-764-0931. Open Monday - Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5

DON ‘O’ RAY VEGETABLES Growing for the last 30 years

Hours: 9am-7pm 7days/week.


Strawberries, Rasberries, Rhurbarb, Cherries, Peas, Beets, Spinach, New Potatoes, cauliower, wala wala onions, Herbs, baby carrots, cabbage,kohrabi, broccoli, lettuce, fresh garlic & fresh organic baked bread. Lots of different kinds of dried fruit & canned vegetables. 3443 Benvoulin Rd. 250-860-2557/250-575-7806


Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News

Real Estate

Real Estate




Houses For Sale

Mobile Homes & Parks


Commercial/ Industrial

3bdrm heritage hse, in Lumby On large lot. Near all amens. $214,900. 250-547-9659 6 1/2 Acres with Cape Cod Style 4bdrm 3bath Lakeview Home Priv setting Only 15 min to DT, Kelowna 5 min To UBC $619,000 (250)-215-1324 FORECLOSURE! 3 bdrm, 2 bth home. $220,000. Lloyd Tav. 215-5607. Mac Realty MORTGAGES LOW RATES. 5YR. 3.69% VARIABLE 2.25% Trish at 250-470-8324 ******* Where smart sellers meet smart buyers! View Thompson Okanagan properties for sale.// Selling? No Commission. (250) 545-2383 or 1-877-291-7576 UPPER MISSION. 3bdrm, 3bath, amazing lake view! 1900/mo + utilities Jamie 250215-0713.

Lots Predator Ridge Lot - Longspoon Place, house to be built on site by June 2013. Owner anxious to sell. $184,900. HST exempt. 1-(807)543-1318 or email:

Mobile Homes & Parks 3BD, 2bth dble immaculate, priv yard. $215,000 Lisa Lang, Realty Execs, Kel. 870-7814

Show Homes at 1680 Ross Rd. Accent Homes (250)-769-6614

You’ll Get the Best buy from our factory outlet featuring Palm Harbor Homes. Show Homes at 1680 Ross Rd. (250)-769-6614 Home packages available for your land or we have spaces/pads available. Bank/Credit Union Financing approved product. Done right installations and genuine service for over 40 years.

Mortgages Mortgage Help! Beat bank rates for purchases and refinances, immediate debt consolidation, foreclosure relief, and equity loans. Free, fast, friendly, private consultations. Call 1-888-685-6181

Recreational RUSTIC 800sq’ 2bd Cabin at Beaver Lake. Asking $139,900. 250-763-2449

RV Sites BC’s FINEST RV OWNERSHIP RESORT - Own your piece of Heaven on Earth in the nicest area of the province North Okanagan/Shuswap for as little as $69,900. Low annual costs, finest amenities, large lots and beauty galore. River/Creek setting near Mable Lake, golf, rafting, tubing, fishing, sports, pool, all here!! Call Doug at SHUSWAP FALLS RV RESORT at 250-838-6261. See us at Located 22km. E. of Enderby on Mabel Lake Rd.


For Sale By Owner

For Sale By Owner

82.8 ACRES, 300’ lakefront, S Cariboo. Beautiful, pastoral, private, rural setting. Borders crown land. Adjacent 80+ acre parcel available. view/lonebutte/ann/


APARTMENTS 1370 Ridgeway Drive (Bernard near Spall) AFFORDABLE LUXURY IN THE CENTRE OF KELOWNA! July Occupancy • One bedroom, one plus den & two bedroom Limited Time Offer 12 Month FREE OptikTV & Optik Internet

250.762.7770 1bd aprt, 2nd flr. Lake view. 700sq.ft. $800. 250-768-9083, 250-718-9083 Westbank 1BD, Central Rutland, outdr pool, ug prking, quiet building, $750. 250-769-5259 1 BD Condo Rutland. Close to shopping. NS, NP. $950/mo. Avail Aug 1. 250-763-3880, 250-862-6945 2BDRM. Great location. Gertsmar Rd. Close to amenities & bus. Fridge, stove, w/d, free park., big yard. $900/mo. No pets. Call Gilles 250-470-0000 BELGO AREA, Rutland Rd. South. 2bd, $900 + hydro, f/s, NO PETS, bus route, Avail. now. 250-491-3345, 869-9788


Affordable 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms AC, near schools, shopping & bus route. Insuite laundry H.Up’s. Across from Park. Clean Quiet & Spacious. Sorry NO Pets. Well Managed Building 250-861-5605 BROCKTON MANOR. 1 & 2 bedrooms. Please call us at 250-860-5220 FAIRLANE CRT. 2 & 3 bdrms, heat & hot water incl. Please call 250-860-4836 MILL CREEK ESTATES. 1588/ 1590 Spall Rd. Various floor plans. 250-860-4836. WILLOW PARK MANOR. Aurora and Hollywood. 1 & 2 bdrms. 250-763-3654

Apartment Furnished 250-763-7114 TO BOOK YOUR AD

FOR SALE BY OWNER SPECIAL Save on Real Estate Fees!

ONLY $47.58 plus HST

Call your classified representative today!


PRIME LAKEVIEW LOTS from $150,000. Also: 1 precious 3 acre parcel, owner financing. 250-558-7888


Hear rippling sounds of Mission Creek. 1240 Creek St. (cul-de-sac) 1 neighbor, 3bd, 2.5bth, new flooring in upper living area, 2300sq’. Large cov’d deck, 5appl, AC, lrg yard/ garden/ fruit trees, ug sprinklers, 1 owner. $445,000. By appointment, 250-763-5217

Duplex / 4 Plex 3bd, ensuite lndry, FP, Old Glenmore area. Avail Aug 1/15. $1250/mo 250-763-7869 4BD & 2bd, 2 full bth, 4appl, carport, all windows blinds. NP. (250)860-8583 4 PLEX - Two - 2BDRMS 821 SAUCIER AVE. Attractive. Adult orientated. $900, $790 + 1/2 utils. No Dogs. Avail. Aug 1 or Sept 1 250764-2542, 250-300-3352 DOWNTOWN. 1/2 Duplex, $1200+ hydro, 3bdrm, 2bth, 4appl, garage, NP, NS, close to schools, family/ adult, avail Aug 1. Call 250-769-6709


Homes for Rent

Rooms for Rent


LAKEVIEW Heights w/Lakeview.2bdrm Up 1bath sunroom Gas FP A/C Newly reno’d. 1bdrm Down 1bath elect FP all new appls. 2car garage. NoDogs. NS $1500+utils Avail now.For Details 250-769-1092

MODERN Furn’d. bdrm. all cbl/utils. incl’d., $475mo. Call 250-317-2546

2BDRM townhouse. Great location. Laurel Rd. Close to amenities and bus. Fridge, stove, w/d, balcony, big yard, free park. $950/mo. No pets. Call Gilles 250-470-0000

MADE you Look! Make your ad stand out with one of our Ad Toppers, only $1.00/day! SMALL Rutland House on Hwy 97. 1bd+den, pet ok, $800+utils. Ref’s req’d. Call 250-765-5578

Office/Retail 2nd flr. Lake view. 700sq.ft. $800 + T.N. 250-768-9083, 250-718-9083. Westbank HWY 97 North, 1800sq’ of retail, 1500-3300sq’ of indust. & compound. Rutland area. 2000sq’ Retail. 250-765-3295 or 250-860-5239

Beautiful resort in desirable location!

345-654 Cook Rd, Kelowna, Playa del Sol

BEACH FRONT COTTAGES Mabel Lake Lumby end, RV stalls w/hook-up, boat launch, docks. Reserve 250-542-3276

Room & Board Need Safety, Security and Peace of Mind? TWIN MAPLES SENIOR HOME

Come and be a part of our Family! Private bdrms, beautiful gardens. Each bdrm has two pc ensuite. 24hr onsite staff, personal alarm system. Fresh cooked meals 3x a day plus snacks.


Rooms for Rent Room w/shared living area nr.bus, UBCO. & airport. $450. +DD. Shawn 250-870-6354 BERTRAM.ST Furn. rms. DT Check us first. Clean, safe, priv., f, no drugs/alcl, wireless net, cabl., W/D. Stud./work. pref. $450+, utils. incl. Cleaning lady. 250-861-5757 Lrg Furn. room discount on rent in exchange for housekeeping errands NS Driver Lic. Female only. 250-768-2810 ROOM for rent in condo, shared kitchen & bath. $500. No drugs/alcohol. Capri area, on bus route. 250-862-3530

OPEN HOUSE: Saturday and Monday July 30 and August 1 11 am-3 pm. Own your resort condo or come here for your holiday. 2 bdr and den, 972 sq.f., 550 sq.f oversized deck, 9 ft. ceiling. Everything you can imagine:pool, hot tub,steam room, exercise room, clubhouse, lobby with seating areas, security. Pool tables and gaming tables located on the 6th floor. Call:250-862-3292. Realtors welcome, Commission will be negotiated.

Buying or Selling?

250-763-7114 to place an ad.


Aircraft Hangar for Rent at Vernon Regional Airport. Inquiries to:

Antiques / Classics

Silver Star house with 2 suites, until Dec1, 1-800-894-0554

1969 GTO, 2-dr HT, 400 CID, $14,000. (250)542-1979, cell: 250-309-0909

Senior Assisted Living

Auto Accessories/Parts

Need Safety, Security and Peace of Mind? TWIN MAPLES SENIOR HOME

LYLE’S TOWING Free removal of unwanted vehicles. Pay up to $1000 for good vehicles. Lots of used parts for sale. 765-8537

Cars - Domestic Come and be a part of our Family! Private bdrms, beautiful gardens. Each bdrm has two pc ensuite. 24hr onsite staff, personal alarm system. Fresh cooked meals 3x a day plus snacks.


Shared Accommodation 1 Furnished- Modern TV, internet, kitchen etc. 1 block shopping, bus & college Wayne 250-801-3232

Connect the dots in the Classifieds. Looking for a new place to nest? Check out the real estate section in the Classifieds. With listings for everything from apartments and condos to family homes and farms, you’re sure to find the home you need at a price you can afford. You need it...we’ve got it. Pick up a copy of the Classifieds today or call

Superb fully furnished & equipped. Avail Now to Nov 2011. $350/week. 1-664-491-3840


Homes for Rent $1200/mo Aug 1. Rutland. Clean 3bd upper floor, Central. Mature couple. NS. Call 250575-4366 1bd House for rent, kitchen & 1bath. $450+utils. 250-8630507 2bdrm Rancher Kiliney Beach, large lake view lot, n/p $1050. Refs. 604-596-5645. 3BD, near hospital. Sundeck carport, NS, NP. Ref’s. $1025. Aug 15. 250-801-9900. DT 2+1BD hse for rent or sale R6 lot. Lrg deck, f,s, longterm pref. NP, Nparty, ND,ref’s DD, $1200+utils. 860-1038 Aug15. INVESTMENT opportunity or House rental property. 2000 sqft split level.1/4 acre fenced yard. Attached garage. 3bdrm 2bath- up reno’d. Unfinished bsmt. View Little White Okanagan Park & Lake. Call Teri Mtn. Property & Development (250)-317-2917 RUTLAND. 2bd house (upstairs), 1.5bth, avail now. 250491-7619. 530 Mugford Rd.

Seasonal Acommodation 1-Fantastic 4bdrm Silver Star Chalet proudly presents: our listing # 0096

1 col x 2” size with or without picture for 3 insertions **This offer ends August 30, 2011

AMAZING 180 degree views from this 2 bdrm/bath immac furn & equipped 4th fl condo in the Dolphins by the Grand. Home theatre. Parking,pool,gym. Avail Sept 1 till July 2012. $2200/mo all in incl util & internet. References. (604) 787-4494

1/2 - 4 acre serviced, fenced industrial lots for lease. Light, heavy or industrial use including auto wrecker & storage. 7000sq’ serviced coverall shelter for storage or workspace or build to suit. Westbank Industrial Park. 250-769-7424 900SF Warehouse/ Office w/600sf. mezzanine & 12’x20’ overhead door, incl. 10’x20’ fnc’d. area, $1000/mo.+tax. 250-258-6566 HWY 97 North, 1500-3300sq’ of ind. space & compound+ 1acre of industrial fenced yard. 250-765-3295, 250-860-5239 HWY Front avail at 1698 Ross Rd Ship/rec doors, prking C1 6500sq. ft. @ $12.00 per sq. ft. 250-769-6614 Warehouse/office 2400 sq.ft., 2-14’ overhead doors, 821 Fairweather Rd. $2000./mo triple net, fork lift avail. 250306-1936


Suites, Lower 1 BDRM 1200 sq. ft. daylight bsmt suite with F/S, W/D, Fire. All utils incl. Central Rutland. $900/mo. 250-765-2832 1bdrm bsmn’t suite, Winfield, F/S, sep/entry, $800/mo + half deposit. util/incl. 250-558-3302 days, 250-306-4417 evenings 1 of the Best! 2bd, Lake view. Lrg, priv. w/o. NS/NP. Quiet, mature adult(s). Glenrosa, $1000. 250-768-3346. 2 bdroom daylight basement suite in Lake Country. Shared laundry. No smoking, no pets. Cable. $800.00/month, inclusive; for September 1st; available to view Aug 2nd. 250-766-9243 or 250-2123182 email:

2BD, 1bth, above grnd, $950 utils incl. Westbank. Aug 1. 250-769-7751, 250-864-4255 2BD.+den. incl.utils. $950. nr. school/bus,.Rutland, 862-5756 Ruth / Shiv 864-6810 lve msg 2 BDRM Central Rutland, brand new, very bright, hardwood floors, close to ammenities, schools, & bus. NS, NP. $950 incl. utils for family. 250-763-3945 2 BDRM Suite avail. for rent in Mission. Near school & bus. NP, NS. 250-317-3462 2BD suite avail soon, NS, NP, $650. 2775 Dunster Rd. (250)765-9471, (250)-718-6505 Glenmore 1 Bdrm bsmt suite includes utils. NS NP Nparty suitable for single quiet person Avail Aug 1 $700 862-2508 NEWER 2bd suite, avail immed. Own ent, prking, nice yard. $750 incl utils. Quiet area. NS, NP. 250-712-2247 or 250-869-9663 RUTLAND- 2bdrm gr level, priv entry, 5appls,FP, heat, nr bus route. NS. NP, ND, ideal for wrkng cple/student, Avail immed. $1000 250-762-6519 RUTLAND N. Quiet. brand new 2bdrm, porch, lndry, big kitchen, bus route, park NP, NS, Avail now. $900+ utils. 250-864-6722. SEPT 1. 2bd, priv ent, no stairs, NS, NP. $750 incl utils. (offers). 250-765-2857

Suites, Upper 1BD bright suite above ground priv deck & entry, furnished if required, TV & utils incl, share elec. Bus stop close, NS, small pet ok. Rutland S area. $800. Aug 1. 250-448-5088 1BDRM Suite. Shr’d W/D. Lower Mission. $875/mo + utils. 250-215-1562 LARGE Clean 2 bdrm. 1 4 piece bth, 5 appls., patio/park., new reno’s. $1175 + DD. Aug 15 or Sept 1. 250-215-1073

1993 Chrysler LeBaron convertible, 6cyl, auto, AC, PW, PL, cruise, new top, excl cond, $3650 obo. 250-768-4002 1997 30th Anniversary Edition Camaro RS priced to sell. Features include a new (rebuilt) engine with 1,500 highway miles, 5 spd transmission, T-Top; Pioneer deck with Infinity speakers, new windshield, new battery, new power steering hose, new alternator (still in box) & cloth interior. $6,900 OBO; contact 250-470-8564 for any additional information or request a test drive. 2000 Chevy Tracker. 141,000 KM, 5 spd, AWD, New soft top... $5000 obo. Call Ron 250-878-7405 2001 Jaguar XK8 convertible 54,000 miles excellent condition. Trading in. $17,000 firm. 1 week only. It will be $24,000+ on the dealers lot. 250-558-5324

2001 PT Cruiser Limited Edition. 4 cyl. automatic. Fully loaded incl. sunroof & leather heated seats. Runs good. $4700 obo. D8165. Call 250491-1227 2003 Monte Carlo Circle track race car, no engine, many extras $8,000Firm 250-549-7003 2007 Dodge Caliber SXT,4dr, 4cyl,auto,78,000kms, loaded, ex cond.$7500.250-307-5665. 2007 Honda Civic Coupe LX. Navy, 2 door, auto. $16,995. 22,860 KM. Loaded w/ one year warrranty. Call 250-7120392, 360-303-9004 2007 VW Golf City, only 63,000km, excl cond., c/w ski rack Loaded with heated seats, auto trans, very nice, stereo. Asking $12,950. 1-866710-4600


V6 4 dr Sedan, low mileage, all options and very clean. Ph 250-470-2413 AUTOMOTIVE SPECIAL

ONLY $47.58 plus HST

1 col x 2” size with or without picture for 3 insertions Call your classified representative today!


Cars - Sports & Imports 2001 Jetta TDI auto, 256k, black, w/spoiler, tinted rear windows, sunroof, great shape $8,450. obo 250-832-0411

Vehicle Wanted 1980s 4099



Capital News Thursday, July 28, 2011 B15







Scrap Car Removal

Utility Trailers


Adult Entertainment


2001 Yamaha Roadstar 1600, al custom, 250 rear tire, S & S carb, all billet chrome, raked, custom paint, Dakota digital speedo/tach, too much to list, over $30,000 spent, $12,900, 250-490-6046 2005 Yamaha Dirtbike street legal, 200cc, very low km, Helmut incl. $4000. 1999 Yamaha 60cc $1500. (250)545-6934 2006 Honda CRF 150, less than 20hrs on the bike. Renthal bars, bark busters, new battery. $2300. 250-309-1568 $AVE. 2011 Electric Scooters $895 - $1295 Clearance kids ATV’s & Dune Buggies, $995-$1495 1-866-203-0906/250-863-1123 FOR SALE 2003 CRF 450 & 2004 CRF 150 motorcycles. 250-215-1562

$100 cash Paid for unwanted vehicles. Call Paul Haul (250)808-9593

CARAVAN Utility Trailer, very good condition. $650 Call (250)769-7629

MALE 4 Male Erotic Massage, $95. Winfield, 9-9 Daily 250766-2048

1AA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Min $60 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 250-899-0460

Boat Accessories

IF You have the desire, I have the fire. Body Bliss for your senses from head to toe Seniors welcome.10-10 Call MamaMia. 7days/wk (250)-3178043

Recreational/Sale 1977 20’ Dodge Vanguard Motorhome $3500 250 462-9492

1988 21ft Elite Class C M/H Chev 30 gas V8 F.I. chassis. 125,600km - cruise control, cab/roof air - air bag susp, combined shower/toilet, 3way fridge, microwave, propane, stove/heat/h.w. Asking $8,500. (250)260-3717 1994 29’ Corsair 5th wheel, 1-slide, F/S microwave, A/C, shower, 2 propane tanks, $8,500 obo. 250-306-1434 1997 Embassy Triple E, 29 ft + A overdrive. All new tires, backup camera, 4000 generator, 83,000 km, walk around qn. size bed. $20,000 obo. Call 250-869-1863 2008 Nomad Trailer. 225 LT, air, awning, hard wall. 403391-6485 (in Vernon area)

SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equipment. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288

Sport Utility Vehicle 1992 Toyota Landcruiser. Reduced to $10,000 obo. Body in great shape, all wheel drive, all the time, seats seven, power steering and windows, sunroof. For pictures and information email 1997 TJ Jeep, susp lift, hard top, soft top, extras $5800. 250-503-1821 or 308-7114 2004 BMW X5, 3.0i 95,000K, metalic grey, loaded, $20,500 (250)309-1867 2005 GMC Envoy XL, exc cond, 3 row seating, 149K $11,000. obo (250)549-4540

Trucks & Vans 1992 Ranger 4X4. 4 cyl. 5 spd. Looks & runs decent. $2195 obo. D8165. Call 250491-1227 1994 Ford F150 4x4, auto, dual tanks, power windows, AC, tow pkg, maint records avail. Excellent cond., $3000 obo. 250-712-1629 4X4 2002 Dakota Quad Cab. Automatic A.T.C. 4 spd. automatic trans. Tires 80%. Looks & runs perfect. $7750 obo D8165. Call 250-491-1227

1991 18’ Bayliner, bowrider, 4cyl, inboard, ex shape in/out, EZ loader trailer, $9,500. 250260-3323 or 250-260-3346.

Boats 1999 20.5ft Malibu Bowrider. 300hp mercruiser in board/outboard motor. EZ Loader boat trailer, 2 canvas covers, radio & CD player. 250-542-1472 ask for Brett 19ft Galaxy 1975, inboard/outboard 6cyl, OMC dr. c/w trailer and cover. $4,300. obo. In good shape. 250-832-0411 2003 19’ Maxum Sport SR Only 100 hrs! 4.3 Litre 190 HP MercCruiser. Stored indoors every winter! Mint condition - absolutely like new! Includes sport graphics, snap-In carpet, AM/FM/CD stereo, depth finder, bimini, bow & cockpit canvas, and galvanized karavan trailer with disc brakes. Great family boat! Must be seen. Located at Mara, BC, 1 hr 15 mins from Kelowna! Private sale $17,500 no HST. Call 604-852-9898 2006 Bayliner Runabout, family fun pac, bimini top, 3.0l Merc., trailer, only used about 100hrs., as new asking $15,500. obo (250)833-1533 2009 RXT 215 Sea Doo, 3hrs, many extras, show room cond. $16,500 obo 1-(250)541-1072

For Sale: A Cabin on the Lake The Kootenay Queen • 1976 30ft cabin cruiser with a 185 merc • Full galley (fridge, stove, sink, furnace, toilet) • Fold down table for a queen sized bed • Fold up bunk beds • VHF radio • Hull is sound, galley is dated. • Low draft • 200 hrs on new engine • A great boat that needs some TLC. $12,000.00 invested, will take offers starting at $9K Call 250-358-7794 or email for more information


Legal Notices NOTICE to Richard Allen Sheilds; that Christine Marie Paradowski has made an Application for Divorce in the court of Queen’s Bench, Judicial District of Grande Prairie, 10260 99 Street, Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 2H4. Please take notice that should you not respond to the Statement of Claim for Divorce within 30 days of notification the Court may grant the Divorce in absence of your response.

Escorts 1 and only Garden of Eden. Voted #1 in Customer Satisfaction. Only agency in Kelowna open 24/7 and accepting credit cards. GFE avail. 250868-9439 Now Hiring. A 30 yr old, Busty, Blonde 36D-28-36. Daytime Specials. Call MJ, 250-864-3598. AN Open Minded Mature Sexy Busty Blonde, Ready To PLEASE YOU! GFE. Independant. 250-808-9673 BOOTYLICIOUS Tight Bodied Island Beauty, 19, Tiara. Centerfold Cutie, Blue-eyed, 21, Jenna. Spec. B4 10am. Call 250-859-9584 In/Out. BRANDY Ready to play. Hot Busty Blonde GFE. In/Out Independant. 250-826-8615 BRUNETTE BEAUTY, Very Long Hair, Blue Eyes, 25 yrs. 5’5. 125 lbs Petite, Natural 36C-28-35. 250-681-8369 CLASSY SEXY BRUNETTE Sensual, Massage, Lingerie, GFE, Playful & Professional. Upscale In/Out. 250-300-0036 CORAL’S Cute & Sweet. In & out calls. No blocked calls pls. 9am-5pm Call (250)-870-8710 DON’T Miss Out on Petite Perfection. Asia, 5’2, 32D/22/32. Only until July 27. 250-8599584 Kimber and Friends, in or out calls. 250-306-0385 or 250-309-0942.


PLEASER, Teaser, Massage and so much more. Relax. 38D 29 34. 250-317-4605. SEXY, 40 DD, 28/32 brown eyed brunette. Sexy & Sweet, Discreet. Enjoys couples & dom, GFE. Kelly 765-1098. SWEET Sensual, Slim, 28 years, Naughty Nadia. Super Busty, blue eyed bombshell, 19, Summer. Spec. b4 10am. In/out. 250-859-9584.

PlaceYour Classified Ad

ONLINE It’s Easy!

The Ultimate GFE Service for the Discerning Gentleman call Lydia 250-448-2894

Classified Breakthroughs I got a wheel deal in the Classifieds, and you can, too. Call today to place your ad!


2010 “Alexa’s Team” was formed in memory of 4 ½ year old Alexa Renée Middelaer, who lost her life after being run down by a vehicle driven by an impaired driver.”

Cst. Eric Beaulieu Cst. Theodor Lange Cst. Trevor Skappak Cst. Cory Schneider Cst. Troy Laplante Cst. Sheldon Herman Cst. Scott Appleby Cst. Sean Orb Cst. Bradley Smith Cst. Andrew Campbell Cst. Michael Nelson Cst. Peter Mann Cst. Amit Goyal Cst. Kathy Prentice Cst. Trent Wessner Cst. Doug Pennington Cst. Al Conkin Cst. Colin Brandt

Alexa portrait courtesy Craig Minielly / Aura Photographics

Cst. Darren King Cst. Bart Doerr Cst. Kieran Bastians Cst. Mike Dibblee Cst. Dan St. Amand Cst. Cara Volz Cst. Chad Doucette Cst. Michael Nelson Cst. Tyler Mills Cst. Jason Tait Cst. Bryden Hennessey Cst. Micha Yakonowsky Cst. Maggie Banich Cst. Andrea Fitzpatrick Cst. Matt Greenough Cst. David Gauthier Cst. Martin Giguere Cst. David Gale

Cst. Gary McLaughlin Cst. Chris Neid Cst. Bob Charron Cst. Chad Lucash Cst. Beth Paetz Cst. Matt Innes Cst. Jeffrey Burnett Cst. Gabriel HuardLapointe Cst. Martin McKenna Cst. Sherrill Shmur Cst. Eric Ernzer Cst. Mike Leiding Cst. Don Carefoot R/Cst. Garry Moritz Cst. Ryan Fletcher


Thursday, July 28, 2011 Capital News

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