Kelowna Capital News 29 December 2011

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JENNIFER SCHELL offers some suggestions on great ideas for appies for a New Year’s Eve celebration.

A REVIEW of what made news this past year in Kelowna (A3), West Kelowna (A29) and the Central Okanagan sports community (A10) continues in today’s Capital News.

COLUMNIST Joel Young suggests one of the keys to being a success in business is to be grateful for success that comes your way, and don’t be afraid to thank others who have helped along the way.


81 serving our community 1930 to 2011



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THURSDAY December 29, 2011 The Central Okanagan’s Best-Read Newspaper


Warmer winter may become normal for Okanagan Judie Steeves STAFF REPORTER

Rubbers instead of snowboots, umbrellas instead of toques are what the average Kelowna resident is digging out this week, as temperatures hit abnormal highs. Frosty doesn’t stand a chance of continuing to stand up at the temperatures reached in Kelowna this week, of 6 C at the airport and as high as 9 C elsewhere in the city. New record high temperatures were reached on the coast, but here, they would have to beat out the 1980 Dec. 28 high of 10.3 C and they didn’t. Thawing overnight temperatures are a rarity at the end of December, but they’re especially surprising in a La Nina year—and there are a couple of overnight thaws forecast this week. Predictions were for a colder-than-normal, wetter winter because this is a La Nina year, when a coolerthan-normal Pacific Ocean stream from South America impacts coastal waters off B.C. and weather throughout the province. However, Environment Canada meteorologist Doug Lundquist did a little research and discovered over the last four decades during La Nina winters, Okanagan Valley weather has actually been warmer than normal, but springs have been cooler and later than usual. The one exception was in 1964 when December’s temperature was lower than normal, while in 1955 and 1988, February’s were lower. However, in 1999 and 1973, December was warmer, in 1998, January was warmer and in 1973 February was warmer than normal. It’s a different story in the spring. Between March and June, inclusive, generally temperatures were cooler than normal; with April of 1988 the only exception. This year, Lundquist forecasts warmer than normal temperatures through the first week of January, which fits in with the research he conducted on archived data, since this is a La Nina year. Looking back over the past year, which was also a La Nina year, he calls it “the year of delayed seasons.” Winter’s weather last year was not colder than normal, but the spring was substantially delayed, with markedly lower temperatures in April than usual. In fact, he notes, cooler than usual weather continued through July, with summer weather finally arriving in August and continuing through September—saving crops which depended on warm weather. Tree fruits and grapes all matured weeks later than usual, but the unseasonal heat in September allowed


A DE-FROSTING Frosty The Snowman melts amidst the thawing grass outside a Stetson Road home in Rutland as the temperature took an upswing on the warm side Wednesday.


City prepares for 11th hour of 11th year Wade Paterson STAFF REPORTER

Depending on who you are, the perfect New Year’s Eve may have various forms. Some ideal end of year celebrations may involve a family semicircle around



a TV screen to watch the Times Square ball drop and the banging of pots and pans and squealing of noise makers. Others might fancy a quiet evening, a glass of wine and a good book, with no concern of where the hands might be facing

on the clock. Some like to host parties with friends; others like to attend parties hosted by friends. And then there are those who like to put on their nicest clothes, hit the town and spend the final evening of the calendar

year with a few friends and hundreds of strangers. Those who plan to migrate from the confines of the living room will have the added challenge of choosing an event that will satisfy their New Year’s Eve desires. For those who are


fond of tradition, a good option might be the Kelowna Canadian Italian Club’s New Year’s Dinner and Dance. Club president Emilio Nanci said that the event

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See New Year A7



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A2 Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News

Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A3


THE DREAM had a long and winding road to it, but Danny Watkins inked a new contract with the Philadelphia Eagles worth just under $8 million. A13

81 serving our

community 1930 to 2011

We’re on your side.




THE RCMP continue to bust marijuana grow ops around West Kelowna, but the question arises are they making an impact on the illegal drug trade? The RCMP feel they are.

BOCEPHUS KING, the musical identity for singer James Perry, will showcase his talent in concert at the Minstrel Cafe on Aug. 9 as he tries to revive what was a critically acclaimed career in Europe in the 1990s.






August 4, 2011

The Central Okanagan’s Best-Read Newspaper


District against land swap


Summer is finally bringing on the heat

July. But that was down from the average of 11, 30 C-plus days in the month July. Is summer finally of Despite that, he said, here? temperature readings After a sunny and the generally not that far were hot B.C. Day long week- off the norms for July. end and more of the same “It may have felt like through the first few days summer was not realof this week, Mother Na- ly there but the numbers ture appears to be finally don’t show it,� said Jones. smiling on those looking As for August, he to soak up a few rays in said it is shaping up to be the Central Okanagan. of a typical OkanaAccording to Environ- moresummer month, with gan ment Canada, the long- the only “blip� on the rarange weather forecast dar screen being a possicalls for nothing but sun- ble shower Friday night. shine here through the “After that, it is looknext few weeks with tem- ing pretty good,� said peratures in the 30 C range Jones. next week and dropping The welcome return only slightly to the mid- to consistently hot weath20 C range the following er comes as a welcome reweek. to those who promote And that has local lief Kelowna as a visitor desbeach bums and visitors tination. alike flocking to the lake While the depth of shore to enjoy this area’s the destination has deeptraditional top draw—the ened with activities such beaches. shopping, cultural acBut while July may as wineries and cooltivities, cloudand have felt cooler er-weather activities like ier than normal to many, golf now popular, KelowEnvironment to according na Tourism’s Catherine Canada’s David Jones, the Frechette said the return to temperature in July here consecutive days of sunwas not that far off histori- shine is a welcome relief. cal norms. She said many visitors While the weather ofare “last-minute� travelers fice no longer records who may be looking at the hours of sunshine, he said weather to decide when to there were six days when the thermometer regisSee Heat A4 tered 30 C or higher in

Wade Paterson

Alistair Waters



The Capital News’ look back at this year concludes with recalling what made news from July to December. JULY

• B.C. Parks celebrated its 100th anniversary. • An economic impact study revealed Kelowna International Airport had a total economic impact for the province of $610 million in 2010. • Mission Hill Estate Winery caused a stir with its plans to add a wellness centre, restaurant, hotel, guest cottages and brewery. • A four-month old infant was left in the car at Orchard Park Mall prompting police intervention and a round of warnings not to leave children and dogs unattended in hot vehicles. • Democracy Watch had former Okanagan-Coquihalla MP Stockwell Day in the hot seat over his consulting business; the matter was eventually dropped. • West Kelowna Fire Rescue proved their prowess quashing a grass fire fuelled by high winds on Reece Road before much damage could be done. • The Christmas in July campaign kicked off with Kelowna Food Bank representatives saying rising fuel and food costs were hitting the nonprofit as much as residents making needs more urgent. • American homelessness activist Mark Horvath made Kelowna a stop on his national tour, which broadcast his views via Twitter feed under the handle @invisiblepeople; he later said Kelowna was on the right track with agencies and government initiatives that work together to provide more than just food and shelter. • Artist Chad Pratch revealed the creation he built using the unwanted chairs he collected in a campaign to get residents to donate their chairs to his Kelowna Art Gallery piece—the last in the gallery’s multi-year Dysfunctional Chairs Series. • During a whirlwind tour of Kelowna’s post-secondary schools, Minister of Advanced Education Naomi Yamamoto said she believed UBCO was a good investment, that education in general is a good investment and that students believe taking on debt for education is a good investment. • Local filmmaker Justin Donnelly held his first red carpet screening of Pressed, starring Luke Gross, at Paramont Theatre on Bernard Avenue; its his first feature film and a coup for Kelowna’s film industry. • Kelowna Cycle donates a bike to 11-yearold Lucas who had his bike stolen in a brazen assault and robbery. • NOW Canada’s $10 million supportive housing complex on Pandosy Street opened with plenty of fanfare and little controversy— sharp contrast to the sea of political debate and protest from its neighbours when it was announced two years.

The District of West Kelowna is objecting to a proposed land exchange between Westbank First Nation and the provincial government. The proposed exchange would see WFN gain a 698-acre plot of Crown land in exchange for eight acres of reserve land, which are being used for the development of the Westside Road interchange. Mayor Doug Findlater said the deal goes against the interests of taxpayers in the District of West Kelowna and the Regional District of Central Okanagan. “Council is especially concerned because the provincial government refuses to provide the District of West Kelowna with a copy of the agreement it has signed with the Westbank First Nation, despite numerous requests for the document,� said Findlater. Findlater also noted the province has yet to the district with provide W COUR any of the landTappraisals regarding the land ex-


THE WESTSIDE WARRI will w look to blueline ORS r Izaak I Berglund to provide leaders leeadershhip ip for his teammates o the ice and in on the dressing rooom as the team’s room new caaptain this season. captain


CANDESCA will bring unique singing style their to the Kelowna Commun ity Theatre for a concert on Oct. 8.

WEST WEST KELOWN A Mayor Doug Findlater gave the media a tour of the Rose Valley watershed at the centre of a land exchange deal between the province


229 9955


• oof Sutherland The up uup-Bay. B • Art camps gradee on a deadhhad kids paintSnelson evaded ing skateboard ly stretch in probing police decks and learnof Highde queries ing to skate on way 97 in between the bare bed of Oyama and Winfield the new lakeside outdoor ice rink. got underout Air port’ss $50 m • The death of way. million expansion 249 ready for take-off volunteer pick• Const. a vo Geoff Manting up garbage 81 Shannon Lake ler pled not on S Road had residents guilty to two Roa plot GO OT D DIRT g cuts Senior wants to save garden let us cle clean it! calling for safety counts of as- Fundin callin t impac won’t measures. sault for inmeas local radio expansion cidents in • The Portraits tour stopped in Kewhich arrests oof Honour mural lowna paying tribute to the soldiers lost in got out of lo Afghanistan. control—one A • A local artist operating out of the Roon the bridge tary Centre in which a suspect was ffor the Arts was showpunched, anw 299 other (caught iing off the 81 by local bbronze Fathmedia on eer Pandosy Downtown is tape) in which ssculpture focal point of she had built a suspect was kicked while down on all sh mayoral debate fours. oout of clay; • Kelowna’s new senior’s centre got bbronzing would take council approval. w place in the • Conservation officers felled a cougar pl fa fall. near Kalamoir Regional Park in West Ke• Centre of lowna. G Gravity sold • Glenmore residents got to test a transit Grizzly bear gets snared and relocated 22 22,000 tickproposal that would see residents offered a et ets to customyear-round pass for the er ers who were whole family at a lar largely comreduced rate as a 81 ing from outmeans of increasside the Okanagan, proving a huge touring ridership. ism generator. • New currency was revealed Farm AUUGUST at the cop shop land • The coroner’s report into a young and local retailers valued Jam Jamaican immigrant’s death in August got hands-on train- by city 20 revealed Kelroy Munroe was in2010 ing on how to spot to toxicated when he dove into the Kalacounterfeits of the m malka Lake despite being unable to new funky polymer sw his friends had questioned the bills. town core swim; spirits in the down Distillery raises de decision and the version of the events • Kelowna Gran-p presented to media the year earlier. Fondo made its • Residents were questioning debut to many posi CE w why fi re alarms did not go off in the tive reviews. FINAN JEAXCC OE L LBSE NEN CE w wake of a condo inferno on Lequi• Closing argume Road which destroyed several condoments in the trial for owners’ homes. Brent Derick Nagy and Mark Robert Zagar, ac• Summer temperatures finally arrived early cused in a Kelowna-based cocaine trafficking August after a long start to summer. ring, were delivered. • The District of West Kelowna stated it was • Chromeo was headed to Kelowna for Cenobjecting to a proposed land exchange between tre of Gravity. the Westbank First Nation and the provincial • A moorage deal between the City of Kegovernment, which would see the WFN add a lowna and the province pushed houseboats out TOR DOUG FARROW/CONTRIBU

‌Big WILDLIFE SIGHTING summer. sight for motorists during the

horn sheep hanging out along

the higher cliffs overlooking





SSeptem ept ptembe berr 22 22, 2011

TThe he C Central Okanag B Best-Re est ad Newspa an’s per ww ww www.k w elownacapnew

See Land A4

Westside Road are a common

Kathy Michael s




A FORMER MAYOR and the current mayor will square off in the mayoral civic election for West Kelowna on Nov. 19.

KELOWNA ROCKETS forward Spencer Main is the games played veteran of the WHL squad at the age of just 19.




October 20, 2011

serving our

community 1930 to 2011

The Central Okanagan’s Best-Read Newspaper

Neil Snelson sure how he was wasn’t to deal with the going charge he was murder facing in the first few days following his arrest. “Is it your intention plead guilty then?â€? to Peter Tewfik asked Sgt. Snelson early into a two-andhalf hour interview corded ded Oct. 24, 2009., re“I haven’t made ma that decision yet,â€? MULCHING Snelson. “I have replied BLOWER ENTERTAINMENT my lawyer about to talk to ADVERTISING GURU Terry going to do.â€? what I’m VACUUM full of leaves ďŹ tting O’Reilly was in town last week Deferring an oppor- A yard into a few small bags! to share his thoughts on the tunity to make a statement until 95 95 $ magic of advertising and howlegal he consulted with his $ SH 56 defence, Wade Jento draw consumers to your son, was a SALES common PARTS SERVICE reproduct. frain for Snelson 1892 Spall Rd, the course of that over lengthy Kelowna interview, which jurors at 250-868-1010 the Kelowna EQUIPMENT man’s murder trial watched on Tuesday and in court Wednesday. It wasn’t a matter of if the courts would use anything he said against he said he’d been him, by Jenson. It was advised matter of how. merely a


International Airport general manager Sam Samaddar stands on top of the airport’s airline terminal.


passengers. in the new internatio “Currently, if planes (that just we have two als area will be what nal arrivinclude expansio arrived) on the ar n ground at the same as a rammed earth is known nal to the north andof the termiments made to time, we wall, which have a problem will use local materials a new Canadian will provide baggage systemthe outbound off-loadin off Border Servicand that will be g evand not eryone,� said airpo reflect the colours es Agency primary followed by an expansio airport director inspection n of the Sam Samaddar. landscape but also of the local area to screen passenge domestic arrivals rs arrivhelp transfer heat be used to The expanded a ing on internatio or 2014 dependin area in 2013 in the nal fl will not only see more area ing. Geothermal and buildume of passenge g on the volAs well as a new ights. space s addr traffi ed, it will also include massing will also thermal hall, public washroomscreening The expansion workc. inclu be used in the s, an exis all “green� technolog the use of construction. tension part of the airport’s to the air-side corridor, a smoother flow y and create new mechanical The total cost Million, a move Drive to 1.6 of ddeplaning and to ready the airpassengers by havin phase will be $7.9of the first trical features will new elecport for having them go the time when be added. through customs additional work, million once 1.6 million passenge it sees Work on the project before retrievbef such rs pass is slated ing ng their bags, just grading the airport’s as upto like in larglik emergency ed start next week and is expect- through the doors of its termierr airports. generators, fire alarms nal. to be complete by and other safety equipmen One of the design Samaddar said thenext fall. That is expected t is complete features second phase of the The one-storey addition d. 2015 and the airport in 2014 or director will ed next year, project, to be startwill see improve-



See Queries A4



See Airport A4

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way Will Smith, 71, may not have much in the one-quarof material riches, but with a plot of land he’s grown ter the size of an average Kelowna yard, ingredients fit for a month-long vegan feast. car“I produced a couple hundred pounds of he as rots,� said the Pleasantvale resident Tuesday,we surveyed his six-by-eight foot garden. “And have another hundred pounds of beets.� dry The carrots and beets, which will go into winthe storage, will help sustain Smith throughout handle. to ends in Edmonton, Otta- ter, but there’s a lot of bounty for one man Alistair Waters harThat’s why he’s already given some of his wa, and St. John’s. ASSISTANT EDITOR Noting the plan, vest to his neighbours at the low-income seniors Evhe lives. Despite an expected dubbed Everyone,funded complex where ground is being And, as beets were being pulled from the and funding cut of between ery Way, off lopped CBC re- Tuesday, their edible tops were being five and 10 per cent to the through existing president and to be donated to the food bank. public broadcaster in next sources, the corporation packaged up estimates, farming and the edible rethe By Smith’s spring’s federal budget, CEO of are seven mil- wards that can be reaped from it, is the best way forthe recent expansion of ra- said there community. sustainable a either are creating of ward in terms dio service here will not lion Canadians or underserved But he has some concerns that the little niche be directly affected, says not served come. by the public broadcaster he’s carved out may cease to be in years to the head of the CBC. Pleasantvale, the city’s oldest seniors’ housing Hubert Lacroix, who across this country. a pubof Ke“You cannot be complex, was passed from the Rotary Club was in Kelowna Wedneswithout beHousing at the cost of a dollar. day as part of a Western lic broadcasterthe regions,� lowna to B.C. to in The provincial housing authority is expected Canada tour of CBC sta- ing deeply square foot bachelor suites and tion offices and the com- said Lacroix. currently re- change the 38,400apartments into a higher density The CBC 12 one-bedroom munities they serve, told billion in fundthe Capital News any cuts ceives $1.1 federal gov- building. units the Current residents will get housing in the that have to be made will ing from has to raise currently pay when anything new is be done outside of the re- ernment and $700,000 in at the cost they happens, however, Smith is makthat sources being used for an additional to meet its built. Before be kind, its of garden a ing a plea that his garden, or the four-year plan that in- revenue itself kept in mind. cluded creation of Radio budget. if Lacroix argues that in “We’ve put in a request to the board to ask a West, a new afternoon rathe expecwill they give 1,000 square feet for dio show out of Kelow- order to meetgovernment they rebuild, the garden,� he said. na that started last week, tations of of that a pub“The people we have here don’t have a lot and the anticipated start of and Canadians shouldIn terms potential. much so there’s and broadcaster lic money of new morning show out accessibility and, in the of group development, it could create a dynam-and Kamloops next year. Broadcast- ic where people work together and feel united “We will trim around words of the inform, en- bound in belonging. If the Rotary would support the edges,� said Lacroix, ing Act “to entertain,�— this, and put it through to architects, it would vitalize adding it is not his inten- lighten and the money it the future for the old residents.� tion to curtail the plan that CBC needs In addition to a garden space, Smith is hoping will also see new region- receives. a And despite criti- any new development could come along with al radio shows in Kitchstorage, and he’s said as much to the leveled at it beener-Waterloo and Lon- cism often public mon- root cellar, for the building. board overseeing don, Ont., Rimouski in cause of the meanHe hasn’t heard anything yet, but in the Que., and the addition of time he’ll keep gardening. evening television news See Cuts A7 broadcasts on the week-


complex in Kelowna.


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KELOWNA ROCKETS forward Brett Bulmer will make his WHL season debut on Friday against Portland Winterhawks.





CURRENT SWELL, one of the top three ďŹ nalists in the recent Peak Performance Project, will show why their music career is on the upswing when the group performs at O’Flannigan’s next week.

COUNCIL candidates express their views on four questions posed to each of them by the Capital News in our West Kelowna election coverage.



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November 3, 2011

Gold and Silver!

The Central Okanagan’s Best-Read Newspaper

serving our community 1930 to 2011

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Alistair Waters


He may be campaigning on a platform that accuses the current Kelowna city council of being indecisive, but mayoral hopeful Walter Gray had praise for at least one council initiative Wednesday. During a lunch-hour all-candidates meeting sored by the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce, sponGray, a former mayor of the city, called the current council’s cision to revamp the aging main street downtown, deBernard Avenue, “one of the greatest decision’s ever made in Kelowna.�

His description of the $14-million project, in the fall of 2012 and continue in the spring set to start 2013, came during a question about what and fall of he as mayor to help development downtown. would do The question was posed by saying nothing changed downtown in 10 years, something had sit well with Gray’s opponent, incumbent that did not mayor Sharon Shepherd. “I get discouraged when I hear nothing has done downtown in 10 years� she said noting been gence of the Cultural District, improvements the emerStreet, the creation of Jim Stuart Park and along Ellis DOUG FARROW/CONTRIBUTOR plans to exKelowna RCMP members conducted a pand the park when the Kelowna Yacht thorough ground search at a construction Highland Drive and Clifton Road on Tuesday Club site near the corner of and Wednesday after an abandoned rifle the space currently held by the downtown moves to was discovered. “If you’re going to do something, you should do it properly, so we’re combing seniors’ centhe area to ensure there wasn’t anything tre on the lake shore, which in turn is being else that’s dangerous or of interest to us,� relocated to Const. Steve Holmes. The firearm discovery said RCMP Parkinson Recreation Centre. sparked an around-the-clock police presence at the property. “Once they found it, they us because one doesn’t find a firearm on Both Shepherd and Gray said they believe called public property very often,� Holmes said. Moving forward, assuming more weapons the investigation into the gun will focus downtown has a lot of potential, with Gray the aren’t found, on its history and whether it has been used calling it the in a crime.� “heart of the city.� But Gray said it needs “densification� in order to not W LAKE COUNTRY only bring more life to the area, but also help improve its safety by having more people out and about in the evenings. And his criticism was not just reserved for the existing council. “I’m disappointed that good activities have come here and have been cancelled. I feel there is Judie Steeves ficers to snare, drug and made both passion (for the events) at city hall,� he said.not enough for STAFF REPORTER He wouldn’t go into relocate an errant griz- of the public the safety Another candidate in the race for mayor, and the safety the culvert trap normally of the valley, although zly right down in pointed to the rejection of the controversial Cal Condy, there are CD-21 zone A hungry grizzly bear ley at Okanagan the val- of the bear, said Conserva- used to trap black bears resident some who are which would have seen private sector redevelopment of can do a lot of damage in Okanagan Centre Lake in tion Officer Terry Myr- that have been judged to White up in the Big area and over the oniuk, who set a snare and an orchard or vineyard. be too aggressive and dan- mote locations at other reweekend. around the baited in the animal with gerous. And that has ultimThe decision to re- portions of a valley. See Downtown A9 ately led conservation ofmoose carIt’s very unusual to see locate the big bruin was cass in a vineyard. a grizzly bear in the floor See Bear A9 OLD JEWELLERY





serving our community 1930 to 2011

an’s The Central Okanagper Best-Read Newspa www.kelowna


KELOWNA’S Jeff Richard has enjoyed some success this season on the World Curling Tour playing with the Brent Pierce rink.



do with WHAT DO YOU d and 200 broken, dishevele If you’re discarded chairs? you’ve Chad Pratch, after n for created an art installatio you the Kelowna Art Gallery,go. a let other artists have

A Mayor WEST KELOWN his Doug Findlater says lle, and community is Hockeyvi of hockey has a wide variety to prove it. programs in place





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The current collabip beorative relationshKelowof tween the City re na and the Agricultu ion is due Land Commiss of the in part to the input Advisral city’s Agricultu and the atory Committee titude of city staff. and attitude It was that NTRIBUTOR ion DOUG FARROW/CO effort by the commiss and resulted that Hahn, senior distiller, and city staff of manager, Peter von Goodchild, assistant in last week’s removal designatof (from left) Rodney 10.5 hectares of Avenue consists Land Ren Spirits on Bernard ed Agricultural TEAM behind Okanaga in Glenserve farmland for con- THE MANAGEMENT Dyck. more by the ALC fields chief executive officer Tyler struction of sports play and and ball courts chair- W KELOWNA areas, notes ALC noted, enman Richard Bullock. conAs Dyck wryly dotted and The close to 10 that of suring all the Is wereamountand spirits. in ditions on removal were has Okanagan Spir“We’ve had a distillery for Ts were crossed wine bar, rather land from the ALC of small re-proof shop in Vernon a period ed to the most fi an industrial area offers a new income its—one of a number a few which is a worked on over multiplying says on Bernard Avenue on Bernard Avenue, eight years, but decided spirit producers and showof the last five years,city’s New business delight builda glimpse of what’s we wanted to exthe quality bound to across the country predecessors years ago that of production agriculturists and Terry Barton, places stream to local ing inspectors. interestpand the theatre ing up where their enparks and public in transition. those less street offer a high end a For and tread. on side never come manager. s and more the quala disa snifter of from to ed in the mechanic “We wanted to putn,� said vironment to mirror and women seekingwill drop by. They ranged zone downtow s ities we go for.� that required something unique for any num- tillery in the Kathy Michael a fence and buffer of Okanagan recreation It was an idea A6 Tyler Dyck, CEO It’s regular fare turns to menaround the new n STAFF REPORTER See Distillery ts or cafes in Ke- Spirits, of the business that cant thought, not tears.� signifi restauran of ber a area to off-site conversio into and days, Avsweat berries n these land elseLater tonight a Bernard lowna’s downtow the hub of ac- B.C. fruits andbrandies, liqueurs tion “dollars, of city-owned to farmbe humming case array of enue business willnosh will be in except in this where in the city eatery or wide isn’t another new with music, local vy men tivity abundance and style-sav See Land A10 E








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698-acre plot of Crown land to its territory in exchange for just eight acres of prime real estate needed for the Westside highway expansion. • RCMP announced they had busted 38 marijuana grow shows in the first half of the year. • Peachland’s Trepanier Manor project, a 38room hotel surrounded by upscale homes on MacKinnon Road, was facing receivership with more lawsuits against it than homes built. • Concerns about electromagnetic radiation from the so-called Smart Meters B.C. Hydro planned to install had residents in the Okanagan nervous. • The growing popularity of the Kelowna Farmers’ and Crafters’ Market forced management to rein in parking scrambles on the Central Okanagan School District’s lot by banning cars from the property. • A 21-year-old man was killed at a house party on Ethel Street; the cause of death has yet to be announced though police determined it was not criminal. • Sunlogics, a local solar power commercial installations firm, was awarded a $7.5 million contract from General Motors Centres to produce electric car infrastructure. • Kelowna RCMP officer Owen Wlodarczak received a conditional sentence for beating and threatening his wife with the judge saying his service as a police officer merited consideration in the sentence. His wife complained the RCMP were responsible for creating the situation as they did not help him enough to cope with work stress. • Kelowna city planners said the downtown core would likely be peppered with high-rises a century from now as discussions on the city’s downtown plan continued. • The province took a second look at the WFN land appraisal debacle. • Boxed wine was making in a splash in the Okanagan’s boutique wineries, with winemakers touting the environmental and cost benefits of the once dÊclassÊ packaging. • Local singer/songwriter Leah West announced she had sold the rights to five songs for companies to offer as background music to doit-yourselfers creating home videos. • A shooting killed notorious ganger Jonathan Bacon in front of the Delta Grand Hotel mid-afternoon on a Sunday sending stray bullets into surrounding buildings and stunning bystanders. • Mayor Sharon Shepherd stated that gangs are not welcome in Kelowna, noting several businesses have voluntarily opted to ban the organizations from flying gang colours in their establishments; the mayor said she wanted a registry of gang-affiliated businesses published once again and more support from higher levels of government to fight the problem. • The Kelowna Art Gallery’s staff were dealt high praise in the wake of the shooting for havSee Review A4


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Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News



• A family spread flowers on Okanagan Lake in remembrance of their daughter, Emily Joy Chaplin, who died when the Yamaha Waverunner she was riding on collided with a 21-foot powerboat. • Parents were told the school day would be shorter for elementary school students as the Central Okanagan School District would have nobody to supervise the second recess. • Even the Superintendent of Schools was out supervising students on the first day of classes as the 2011-12 school year opened under teach-

Wise customers read the fine print: , •, *, ±, ‡, †, § The Boxing Week Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating dealers between December 23, 2011 and January 3, 2012. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. See participating dealers for complete details and conditions. No purchase necessary. Contest opens 9:00AM ET December 23, 2011 and closes 11:59PM ET January 3, 2012. One (1) Grand Prize available to be won, consisting of a cheque for the total purchase price of the new Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge or Ram vehicle purchased. A random draw will be held on January 9, 2012 in Oakville, ON. Must be a resident of Canada (including Quebec) and be the age of majority. Odds of winning depend on the total number of eligible entries received. Correct answer to a mathematical skill-testing question required. Limited to one entry per person. For complete contest rules, including no purchase means of entry, go to: •$16,999 Purchase Price applies to 2012 Chrysler 200 LX (24H) only and includes $3,500 Consumer Cash Discount. Pricing includes freight ($1,400) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and applicable taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. See participating dealers for complete details. *Consumer Cash Discounts are offered on select new 2011/2012 vehicles and are manufacturer-to-dealer incentives, which are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. Amounts vary by vehicle. See your dealer for complete details. ±The $500 Holiday Bonus Cash offer includes applicable taxes and is available on the retail purchase/lease of the following eligible vehicles between December 1, 2011 and January 3, 2012 at participating dealers: any new 2011/2012 Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram or FIAT model excluding only the following: Chrysler 200 LX, Dodge Journey Canada Value Package/SE Plus (22F & 22G), Grand Caravan Canada Value Package, Grand Caravan Cargo Van (C/V), Avenger SE/Canada Value Package, Caliber SE, Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8, Wrangler Sport, Compass Sport 4x2 & 4x4 (base 24D, 25D, 26D & 2BD), Patriot Sport 4x2 & 4x4 (base 24D, 25D, 26D, 2BD & 28D), Ram Cargo Van (C/V), 1500 Reg Cab 4x2 & 4x4, and Cab & Chassis 4x2 & 4x4 models. $500 Bonus Cash will be deducted from the negotiated purchase price after taxes or may be used, at customer's option, to reduce their first monthly payment or towards the purchase of Mopar accessories or service packages. Some conditions apply. See your dealer for complete details. ‡4.99% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on the new 2012 Chrysler 200 LX model to qualified customers on approved credit through Royal Bank of Canada and Scotiabank. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. See your dealer for complete details. Example: 2012 Chrysler 200 LX (24H) with a Purchase Price of $16,999 (including applicable Consumer Cash Discount) financed at 4.99% over 96 months with $0 down payment equals 208 bi-weekly payments of $99.20 with a cost of borrowing of $3,634.60 and a total obligation of $20,633.60. Pricing includes freight ($1,400) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees, other dealer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. †1.99% purchase financing for up to 36 months available on the new 2012 Chrysler 200 Touring models to qualified customers on approved credit through Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank, TD Financing Services and Ally Credit Canada. Dealer order/ trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. See your dealer for complete details. Example: 2012 Chrysler 200 Touring with a Purchase Price of $23,995 (including applicable Consumer Cash Discount) financed at 1.99% over 36 months with $0 down payment equals 36 monthly payments of $641.35 a cost of borrowing of $693.60 and a total obligation of $23,088.60. Pricing includes freight ($1,400) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and taxes. §2012 Chrysler 200 S shown. Price including applicable Consumer Cash Discount: $26,895. Pricing includes freight ($1,400) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and applicable taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. ¤Based on 2012 EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide ratings published by Natural Resources Canada. Transport Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. 2012 Chrysler 200 LX – Hwy: 6.7L/100 km and City: 9.9L/100 km. ¥Based on 2011 Polk Standard Mid-size Sedan Segmentation. ®SIRIUS and the dog logo are registered trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc. ®Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC.

ing the forethought to move everyone inside to a safe place and lock the doors; a bullet entered the building through a front window in the middle of Family Sunday activities. • The parliamentary secretary to Premier Christie Clark felt the appointment of a municipal auditor-general would be good for smaller municipalities but locals mayors were saying they disagreed. • Agricultural land was set aside in Glenmore for a future recreation centre. • A cougar was spotted at Big White prompting warnings to those headed to the mountain resort. • The long-beleaguered Conservatory development in Glenmore was purchased and work started to convert the abandoned condos into rental units until the real estate market musters enough strength to see the units individually sold. • Local NDP stalwarts offered condolences in the wake of party leader Jack Layton’s death as mass tributes swept the country in the second prominent NDP support wave of the

year. Dubbed the Orange Crush, the party’s showing in the federal election just prior to his passing rocketed the NDP into the official opposition, largely as a result of the charismatic leader’s presence. • Six new beds for women were opened in the Kelowna Gospel Mission after complaints that women had more limited options for help than their male counterparts reached council’s ears. • New boundaries for school trustees on the Westside were established.


THE KELOWNA Fire Department dispatch control took over responsibility for 9-1-1 calls for the South Okanagan, a decision that offered financial benefits but also raised concerns about emergency response times. ers’ job action—a situation which continues in the New Year. • The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce began eliciting feedback from the business community on how the HST debacle affected its bottom line. • Firefighters snubbed a bush fire in Bear Creek which saw 550 residents of Traders Cove and those staying in Bear Creek

Provincial Park evacuated. • Orchard Park Mall finally consented to letting a polling station for the municipal election be placed within the facility. • Property owners on Bernard Avenue were given the option to assume 25 per cent of the upgrade costs to the shopping district in a referendum.

• Parents admitted job action from Central Okanagan teachers was worrisome, though few seemed to have specific complaints according to the local parent advocacy group, the Central Okanagan Parent Advisory Council. • Friends within a Kelowna drag-racing club were in shock following the high-speed crash that

claimed the life of a 66year-old veteran racer. • Neil Snelson’s trial for the cold case murder of Jennifer Cusworth got underway. • Rumblings a slate of candidates would run together in the November civic election hit the media to mixed reviews— slates and party politics had not been a part of local municipal elections

to date. The FourChange. org group soon materialized as the frontrunner of lobby groups promoting groups of candidates, though an official slate never materialized. • Kelowna Museums celebrated its 75th anniversary with a party in the Laurel Packinghouse. • The Kelowna International Airport’s $50 million expansion was ready to roll and council awarded the first construction contract. • The on-going trail for Neil Snelson revealed he was indecisive when presented with the options to plead guilty or not guilty in the immediate aftermath of his arrest. • UBCO announced a $100-million fundraising target, but noted half the money had already surfaced. • A former operator of the Fintry Queen, an old paddlewheel, was trying to drum up support to bring the tourist attraction back to life. • Commotion Collective snagged motorists’ attention with a protest banner on the pedestrian overpass stating: No j Tar Sands, No Pipelines, See Review A5



Review from A3


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Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A5

2011 IN REVIEW Review from A4 No Tankers. • The fall heat wave set a new record with temperatures as high as 32 degrees Celsius at the end of September. • The Okanagan Symphony Orchestra revealed their fundraising efforts are keeping the small orchestra alive, despite severe government cutbacks and recessionary spending patterns; the directors held a conference to showcase the 2011-12 season’s offerings as well. • Despite the recession, ticket sales for the 31st Annual Fall Okanagan Wine Festival were up. • Adventurer Mark Jennings-Bates launched his Guinness Book of World Records attempt at the longest continuous flight by a paraglider to raise money for the Rally4Life Foundation.


• A jury started deliberating in the trial of Neil Snelson, who was charged with murdering of Jennifer Cusworth in 1993. Three days later, the jury found Snelson guilty of manslaughter in the death of the 18-year-old and sentenced to 15 years in jail. • The annual Canadian Breast Cancer Cancer Foundation’s Kelowna a Run for the Cure raised $339,000. • Bernard Avenue property owners approved a $14-milion city plan to revitalize the city’s main downtown street. • The annual Vital Signs report, rating the Kelowna’s well being, showed residents do okay here, as long as they are not poor. • A group of local businesspeople, calling themselves FourChange. org, targeted four incumbent city councillors who they want replaced with four new councillors in the upcoming Nov. civic election. Four change later announced the quartet it endorsed were Gerry Zimmermann, Colin Basran, Gail Given and Carol Gran. In the election, Zimmermann, Basran and Given were all elected. • A small fire in the Esprit store in Orchard Park Shopping Centre closed it and the Aeropostale store next door for several days. • Kelowna Regional Transit added to it fleet with two new buses to handle increased ridership to UBCO and Okanagan College. • The Okanagan Basin Water Board announced it cut its budget thanks to a greatly improved man-

agement system for sewage facility grants. • CBC Radio launched a new afternoon show for the B.C. southern Interior and North Coast, originating from Kelowna. • Kelowna City Hall decided to phase it’s planned Bernard Avenue revitalization work over three periods, the fall of 2012, and the spring and fall of 2013, to the chagrin of some area merchants. • Kelowna failed in its bid to win the right to host the 2013 Memorial Cup. The bid went to Saskatoon. • A record 41 candidates signed up to run for eight council seats in the November civic election in Kelowna. Six sign up to run for mayor but one dropped out early, leaving incumbent Sharon Shepherd and challengers Walter Gray, Ken Chung and Cal Condy. Another candidate, Kim Ouellette was a no-show for much of the campaign due to health problems. • Mayor Sharon Shepherd and challenger Walter Gray kicked off their respective campaigns, prior to meeting several times in forums prior to the Nov. 19 election, which was narrowly won by Gray. • A local group of protesters, that called itself Occupy Kelowna, rallied in Kerry Park downtown. • The B.C. Cancer Agency’s Cancer Centre for the Southern Interior was renamed Agency’s Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre For the Southern Interior in memory of the late Kelowna-Mission MLA who dies of leukemia in 2010. • Local conservation officers announced a crack down on poachers. • Jim Elliot, president of the Okanagan Tree


LOCAL PARTICIPANTS in a protest movement that

swept across various cities in Canada and the U.S. made a brief appearance at Kelowna City Hall. Fruit Co-operative announced he would not seek another term, saying his successor will have difficult issues to tackle. • The Canadian Federation Of Independent Business ranked Kelowna as the top city in B.C. for entrepreneurs and the 13th ranked city nationally. • Kelowna residents Matt Jackson and Tyler Lockerby received medals of bravery from Canada’s governor general for rescuing four people from a submerged vehicle near Revelstoke in 2009.


• As the election campaign heated up, the two main mayoral candidates, incumbent Sharon Shepherd and challenger Walter Gray clashed at a Chamber of Commerce

forum over what had and hadn’t been done downtown. • The future of the Fintry Queen was thrown into doubt after little interest was shown from any potential buyers for the idle former tourist ship. The city said it wanted it moved by next spring to allow for construction of a new downtown marina. • The trail of Kelowna veteran cop Const. Chris Brinnen, charged with assault relating to a 2010 Valentine’s Day melee downtown, took place. A verdict is expected in February. • Accelerate Okanagan, a not-for-profit organization that supports local start-up companies in the gaming, animation, mobile, web, life sciences and clean energy sectors, received $2.1 million in

funding from the federal and provincial governments. • Kelowna presented its ambitious Downtown Plan to city residents for input. • A group of residents living in Holiday Park Resort, at the north end of Kelowna, demanded better transit service. • Kelowna city council increased the budget for a mural on the side wall of the H2O Aquatic Centre in the Mission to $200,000. • The Sterile Insect Release Program board approved a $3 million budget that board members said would not mean an increase for area taxpayers. • Kelowna council endorsed a plan to enhance culture in the city through 10 goals and 63 strategies over the next five years. • New legislation governing the rules for the non-farm use of agricultural land in B.C. were introduced by the provincial government, rules that will make it harder to have land removed from the Agricultural Land Reserve or build a home on agricultural land. • A plan to spend $7 million to improve Knox Mountain Park over the next 15 years was approved by Kelowna city council. • Tensions rise in the race for Kelowna mayor as the campaign winds down. Shepherd and Gray clash over Gray’s repeated assertion that the city needs to be open for business, prompting Shepherd to retort that it was never closed. • Kelowna City Hall defended itself in light of criticism from the Canadian Federation Of InSee Review A6

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Fundraiser for SPCA

Song in their hearts Three students from Dr. Knox Middle School—Audrey Corbett, Helen Glaser and Eva Thessienwent Christmas carolling on Dec. 22. “When we went to the first house, a man asked us if we were collecting money for something,” says Audrey Corbett. “We said not at that time, but we all got the same idea after that. We decided to continue carolling and started to collect money for the SPCA. After only a few hours we ended up with $73.43.” The students’ vocal fundraising efforts were turned over to the Kelowna branch of the SPCA last week, making Christmas a little brighter for animals looking to be adopted to new homes.


Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News

2011 IN REVIEW Review from A5 dependent Businesses that it is one of the highest sending municipalities in B.C. • The man behind the successful Wendy’s Dreamlift Day, restaurant owner John Titzen, was recognized with an award from the Sunshine Foundation. • Walter Gray defeated incumbent Mayor Sharon Sheperd in a nail biter election that saw him eek outa victory by just 400 votes, or 1.3 per of the total. Those votes, from the advance poll, were the last to be counted on election night. In addition to Gray’s win, only three incumbent councillors were returned, Robert Hobson, Andre Blanleil and Luke Stack. Newcomers Gerry Zimmermann, Mohini Singh, Maxine DeHart, Colin Basran and Gail Given were also elected. Incumbents councillors Charlie Hodge, Michele Rule, Angela Reid-Nagy, Kevin Craig and Graeme James all failed to win reelection. • The Central Okanagan Board of Education also saw changes thanks to voters. While board chairman Rolli Cacchioni

was returned, new Kelonwa newcomers Chris Gorman, Joyce Brinkeroff and former trusttee and baord chairman Murli Pendharkar won seats. The Lake Country seat went to Deb Butler, and the two Westside seats went to Julia Fraser and veteran board ember Moyra Baxter. Jim Edgson was re-elected Okanagn West regional director and Patty Hanson, a former CORD director, was elected Okanagan East director. • Well-known businessman and sports team owner Herb Capozzi died after a battle with cancer. He was 86. • Police investigating the murder of an 18-yearold Armstrong woman, Taylor Van Diest, link her killing to a sexual assault at a Kelowna escort agency six years earlier. The suspect in the Van Diest murder has yet to be found. • Kokanee spawning numbers increased in Okanagan Lake in 2011 according to provincial officials. • The trial of seven men accused of beating a Kelowna father, Dain Phillips, to death in June was moved to Vancouver

because of the size of the case.Two of the accused are members of the Hell’s Angels. • Kelowna’s plans for a major recreation park in Glemore got a boost from the Agricultural Land Commission when it approved the plan to allow land in the Agricultural Land Reserve, at Valley and Longhill Roads to be used for the 10.5 hectare park.


• Despite their labour dispute decision not to include marks on student report cards, local teachers said they would provide marks for Grade 12 students in the district who need them for university applications. • In the last meeting of the outgoing Kelowna city council, Mayor Sharon Shepherd expressed being disheartened by the negative comments during the election campaign vented at the outgoing council. She called the disparaging comments an insult to work her council and city staff did over the last three years. • A proposal to build a new indoor and outdoor farmer’s market at the owner of Spring-


WESTBANK FIRST NATION cultural advisor and language

teacher Delphine Derickson and WFN heritage curator Gayle Liman display a limited edition commemorative blanket that reflects important cultural symbols for the band. field Road and Benvoulin Road in Kelowna received initial approval from council. • Kelowna announced a plan to spend nearly $1 million n a new lakeshore walkway in City Park. • Another group of kids with life-threatening illness headed to Disneyland for the day as part of the Wendy’s Dreamlift. • A report from the Kelowna Joint Water

Committee predicts the cost of bringing all five water purveyors in Kelowna to a level of first meeting health objectives and then filtration and interconnecting the utilities could cost anywhere between $40 million and $361 million. • The province announced it would take until at least the end of January to repair the retaining walls untie the Westside Road overpass, after one them partially collapsed shortly after the overpass opened to traffic. • A new distillery, Okanagan Spirits, opened on Bernard Avenue downtown. • The new Kelowna council is sworn into office and new mayor Walter Gray said some of the city’s committees could be eliminated. He specifically mentions the advisory planning commission. • The chairman of the province’s Agricultural Land Commission spoke out against the possible elimination of the city’s agricultural advisory committee by the new Kelowna council. • Local police wel-

comed the appointment of the first director to head a new B.C. police oversight committee. • A man who dragged another man to his death under this van was sentenced to 6 1/2 years in jail George Young was given credit for time already served awaiting trial so he will be out in just over two years. • The man who crunched the cubers for the city when West Kelowna resident were asked for they wanted to amalgamate with the city, was to look at what the proper level of policing should be for Kelowna. Robert Prosser’s report is to go to city council in late January. • A 21-year-old Kamloops woman died after the car she was driving went off McKinley Road into the reservoir. • The downtown marina gas bar was gutted by a fire investigators deemed suspicious. • City council approved a request from a local Jewish organization to display Kelowna’s first public menorah in Stuart Park as part of the an-

nual Chanukah celebration. The menorah was lit Dec. 21, the second day of Chanukah. • A failed jewelry story heist resulted in police being shot at by the fleeting suspect in Kelowna. The suspect escaped after carjacking a vehicle and ordering the driver to take him, at gun point, to the Westside. • Statistics Canada figures showed Kelowna had the fewest police officers per capita of any of the 33 largest metropolitan areas of the country in 2010. A MacLeans’s magazine study, using the Statistics Canada figures, later placed Kelowna as the ninth most dangerous city in Canada. • The Westbank First Nations opened a heritage repository of art and artifacts to display Native art and historical items. • The Fintry Queen, idle for the last two years, was vandalized inside by squatters police believed had been camped inside the once popular tourist ship and floating restaurant, for days. Damage is estimated at $20,000. • The Kelowna Right To Life Society rolled out anti-abortion messages in advertisements on the sides of Kelowna Regional Transit buses. • An empty houseboat capsized in Sutherland Bay as a result of a wind storm that blew through the area. The case was turned over Transport Canada, which issued an order for the upturned houseboat to be removed by Jan 4. • Local MP Ron Cannan was a conspicuous no-show at a public meting to discuss the federal government’s omnibus bill to get tough on crime. • The provincial government reversed it position and announced it no longer supported the creation of a national park in the south OkanaganSimilkameen area.



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Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A7


Options for welcoming in the start of 2012 New Year from A1 has run for over 40 years. “I think we’ve done it almost every year since we’ve been a club. We just celebrated our 45th (anniversary), so I would say around 42 or 43 years anyways,” said Nanci. The event will be held at Parkinson Recreation Centre, with cocktails being served at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and a dance at 9 p.m. Many 2011 Kelowna New Year’s Eve events are brand new. Nanci said he didn’t know why the Kelowna Canadian Italian Club’s New Year’s party has been so successful. “We (have) food that people are satisfied with, I guess,” said Nanci, with a chuckle. “We’ve had our ups and downs too. Sometimes we have 200, sometimes 150.” The good food will come in the form of a buffet, featuring: roast chicken, olive oil poached tuna, spinach, walnut and ricotta cannelloni, stuffed potatoes and a green salad. The evening’s music will come from The New Vintage Band, and will run until 1 a.m. Nanci said that there are still tickets available. They cost $65 and can be picked up at Mediterranean Market. For those who are still in the giving frame of mind, there is an event that is attempting to combine fun with raising money for a good cause. Countdown for the Cure New Year’s Eve Party is a brand new fundraiser being put on by local residents who are involved with the B.C. Ride to Conquer Cancer. According to organizer Jessica Fipke, the B.C. Ride to Conquer Cancer, which was last held in June 2011, is a two-day, 260 km trek from Vancouver to Seattle. Fipke said that the New Year’s Eve event has nothing to do with the ride; however, funds raised will go to the same good cause.

“This is the first time we’ve ever done this type of event. Me and my co-organizer decided, ‘Let’s do something fun.’ A lot of people don’t know what to do on New Year’s,” said Fipke. The event starts at 8 p.m. and features a live DJ and silent auction. The event costs $50 and all money raised will go to the Ride to Conquer Cancer, which will benefit the B.C. Cancer Foundation. Tickets include one free drink, appetizers and champagne at midnight. The dress code is “cocktail.” Fipke said that they’ve done a fairly good job of getting word out and selling a few tickets; however, she is hoping that there will be a number of last-minute ticket sales. To purchase tickets for the event, visit event/2533030362. Fipke is optimistic that, if successful, this event could turn into an annual occurrence. “We would love to see how this goes and we would like to do more fundraisers throughout the year. We just want to do something different,” said Fipke. Some prefer to get away and escape the busyness of the city. Big White Ski Resort is always a popular venue to do just that. Lowering their minimum night requirements over holidays. Visitors now are only required to stay three nights if they want to stay at Big White on New Year’s Eve. The resort’s Kettle Valley Steak House will feature a five course feast with music provided by Manfred Harter. Party favours and a celebratory glass of champagne will be included in the special evening. The four course meal is $65, or $95 with wine pairing. Visit for more information. There are even Kelowna gatherings for those who aren’t a fan of the classic New Year’s Eve cli-

chés. Lake City Bowl and Billiards is offering a unique alternative for locals who gag at visions of classy attire, glasses of bubbly and midnight kisses. New Year’s Evil will feature heavy metal acts from Alberta and beyond. The Order of Chaos, Reverend Kill, Slagduster and Cast into Ashes will scream guests out of December and into the new year. For more information, e-mail No matter how you plan to spend your New Year’s Eve, there is likely something for everyone in the Kelowna area. Below are a few more options of how to spend the last evening of 2011: • Bonfire Grill at the Cove will host a five course meal, along with champagne at midnight, for $60 per person. The evening will feature jazz musician Ellen Churchill. • Minstrel Cafe and Bar will feature the Poppa Dawg Blues Band while guests indulge in a four course dinner. Champagne will be provided at midnight and a prize will be given out for the best dancer. The cost is $75 per person. • Dinner, dancing and gambling are the themes of Cabana Bar and Grille’s New Year’s Eve party. DJ Phunky Phil will play hits from every era. Tickets for the dinner, dance and casino are $110. After party tickets are $40. • Located within the Prestige Hotel, Avenue is offering a package for $50 per person (based on double occupancy) that includes VIP tickets to Avenue with champagne and appetizers at the countdown, a $5 drink certificate to Avenue, after midnight VIP tickets to Level Nite Club and a hotel room at the Prestige Inn. • A performance by Devon Coyote is what Doc Willoughby’s Downtown Pub is hoping will attract patrons for New Year’s Eve. The cost is $10 to see the oneman band who captivates crowds with his eclectic, foot stomping,

sliding-steel guitar and harmonica driven rhythms. • From 8 p.m. to 4 a.m., Flashbacks Nite Club will be open, offering free cover for their New Year’s Eve event. Entrance will be granted on a first come first serve basis. • The second annual New Year’s Eve Rockstar Karaoke Dance Party is what Packing House Pub has to offer. The event will feature a late night buffet, midnight balloon drop and many great door prizes. Tickets are $15 each or two for $25. • The Knights of Columbus Hall will host an End of the Year Latin Dance on New Year’s Eve. The theme of the event is silver and gold and champagne will be provided to ring in the new year. Guests are encouraged to bring their own drinks and snacks; glasses, napkins and cutlery will be provided. • O’Flannigan’s Pub will feature a New Year’s Eve bash with Colt 45 party favours, a champagne toast and prizes. The cost is $10. • Level Nite Club is promising the most intense New Year’s Eve decor in town at its Electric Zoo event. The club will have DJs, drink specials and champagne at midnight. • Two rooms and six DJs will highlight Sapphire Night Club’s New Year’s Eve event. The cost is $10 and includes party favours. • The first 100 people to get tickets for Habitat’s New Year’s Eve party will only pay $10. After that, it will cost $20 to eat, listen and celebrate while listening to DJs Toddy Rockwell and Rumpus Room. Freaky Fisher will also entertain at the event with slight of hand illusions. • A Kelowna Singles New Year’s Eve Dinner and Dance is being hosted by Rutland Centennial Hall. The event promises live music by Glory Days. Everyone is welcome to attend and tickets are $25 in advance.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News



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The Capital News is a division of Black Press, at 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C. V1X 7K2



KAREN HILL Publisher/Advertising Manager BARRY GERDING Managing Editor ALAN MONK Real Estate Weekly Manager TESSA RINGNESS Production Manager GLENN BEAUDRY Flyer Delivery Manager RACHEL DEKKER Office Manager MAIN SWITCHBOARD 250-763-3212


Don’t forget about the gift of time


he data lines to credit card companies are humming to the tune of more than $28 billion in Canadian retail sales in December. Shoppers wearied from all that pre- and post-Christmas spending fill the food courts and benches. But in our frantic pursuit of Christmas gifts and Boxing Week bargains, it is easy to overlook something that won’t strain the budget—our time.

Each of us has an annual time account of 8,760 hours. That’s more than half a million minutes. While a certain amount of that time must be allotted to sleeping, eating and earning a living, there’s still plenty to spare. Time to spend with family and friends. Time to help out in the community, volunteering with organizations that bring comfort and assistance to those in need or

less fortunate. Time to lend a hand on the sidelines and benches of kids sports teams, teaching young people valuable lessons of camaraderie and sportsmanship. Time to lead a troop of scouts or girl guides. Time to cook a meal or weed the garden for a lonely senior. Time to give a shelter dog a respite from its cage with a noon hour walk or to help the staff with cleaning and feeding the

animals. Time to make the world a cleaner place by helping to clean a ravine or count salmon swimming upstream to spawn. Time to open a door for someone whose arms are laden with parcels. The gift of time is, well, timeless. It doesn’t require batteries or complicated instructions. Perhaps we can all keep that thought in the forefront as we enjoy the holiday season.

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Member of the British Columbia Press Council

Choose not to sit quietly on the sidelines in the year ahead


s the final week of 2011 winds down to a close, the happy celebratory mood that comes with Christmas, and for the fortunate ones a holiday away from work, will likely shift with the arrival of 2012. The reality of January tends to strike fast, and with it comes both uncertainty and optimism about what lies ahead depending on your perspective point of view in these changing economic times. A lot of that has to do with staying out of the way of ourselves, moving forward with what makes com-

mon sense in matters of our economy, governance and social values, while not allowing one aspect in our diversified array of opinions to dominate the conBarry versation. That’s how a deGerding mocracy is supposed to function, but too often of late, despite our supposed high level of education and social media exposure to information, we allow ourselves to be the uninformed being led by others trying to fill a decision influencing vacuum that should not exist. That’s why the HST rebellion in B.C. was such a breath of fresh air, that people stood up and said we will


decide what is and is and is not good for us. For as MLA Ben Stewart put it so aptly in his MLA Report column in today’s Capital News (A23), politicians are here to serve those who elected them. So in that context, making predictions about the months ahead in our world of governance is an unknown. In Kelowna, we are led to expect our city’s economic fortunes will fare better in 2012, as Mayor Walter Gray heads up a new council which wants to change its identity from ”do nothing” to ”do everything.” Streamlining bureaucratic red tape will likely be its main objective in the year ahead, while we continue to evolve into a university town for the UBCO campus, a philosophy that

nobody seems interested in adopting as the city’s long-term chance for stable economic sustenance and opportunity. In West Kelowna, the flood of brand name stores into the district and Westbank First Nations lands will continue, but on a reduced scale from the previous two years. As such, the need for West Kelownians to come into their neighbouring city will continue to dwindle. We can probably expect more chaos out of Victoria as Premier Christy Clark struggles to hold her cabinet together, deal with a wavering economy coupled with rising health care costs, and the loss of HST revenue. At the federal level, Prime Min-

ister Stephen Harper will continue to operate his government under the radar of public interest, as the federal NDP’s attention will be diverted to electing a new leader while the Liberals keep looking for a reason to exist. However, take note that when you stop paying attention to elected politicians, that is when they become the most dangerous. So make a promise to yourself to get involved in what’s going on around you. A lot goes on over a year in the life of your community, and the more people who get involved in those events over the next 12 months, the better off we all will be. Barry Gerding is the managing editor of the Capital News.

Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A9


Chronic pain sufferers desperate for treatment To the editor: Most residents of the Okanagan are unaware that we have two months to appeal to Interior Health to provide funding for the pain clinic at Kelowna General Hospital. Chronic pain impacts every aspect of the affected person’s life, as well as that of his/her family. Every one of us is simply one traffic accident or other mishap away from needing this pain clinic. Living with 24-hour pain that cannot be controlled is unbelievably difficult, and the pain clinic and its dedicated doctors do an excellent job of reducing it to a bearable level, thus returning

many people to a productive, more normal life. However, we recently lost a wonderful pain management specialist, Dr. Karl Muendel, to Nanaimo because Interior Health would not provide the necessary funding for a C-arm machine ($230,000) and staff that would allow him to do the work for which he is trained. He was raised here and wanted to stay, but Nanaimo offered him the support that IH would not. If IH does not provide funding for one nurse within two months, the remaining doctors will not be able to continue to maintain the KGH pain

clinic. At present, they are even using a treatment machine that they themselves purchased. They simply cannot continue their lifesaving work without support. What they need, and are requesting, right now is just one nurse; however, they estimate that it would only cost about $300,000 per year to fully fund this clinic (this includes providing a radiologist) and continue treating hundreds of desperate patients. If this is provided within the next 6 months, it is probable that Dr. Muendel will return. This amount is tiny compared to what is spent on cancer and heart

treatments for a patient, whether or not they can survive, but those diseases have a higher profile. As a two-time cancer survivor who is very grateful for the treatment I received, I certainly am not advocating reducing funding in those areas; I simply want to make people aware that what is spent on one cancer or heart patient could provide pain relief for hundreds in the pain clinic. IH is focusing on the new heart facility, of which it is justifiably proud, but it should not be at the expense of those living with unbearable pain. The sad fact is that without treatment, many who

can no longer tolerate horrific, unrelenting pain resort to suicide. Sending a letter, or even a note, of support for the pain clinic can change or save many lives, and may well be the most important thing you have ever done. Please let your support be known to susan. and send copies to: norm.letnick.mla@ Sharron Moraes, Kelowna


Residents keep assessment authority honest To the editor: In 2010 the West Kelowna Residents’ Association formed a committee to look at West Kelowna property assessments. Initial analysis indicated that the assessments at the neighbourhood level had significant anomalies; namely some assessments seemed neither fair nor consistent. Similar anomalies were also found to exist in the 2011 assessments. The objective throughout our review was to encourage BC Assessment Authority (BCA) to take corrective actions as deemed appropriate in the pursuit of fairness and consistency for future releases and hopefully by 2012. The association submitted analytical information on neighbourhoods, specific cases and lakefront properties to our MLA Ben Stewart who arranged with the Kelowna office of BCA to analyze the findings. He then coordinated two review meetings hosted by the

Kelowna office of BCA in June and October, 2011. Further, Mr. Stewart invited West Kelowna’s chief financial officer to be included at these meetings as property taxes are based on assessed values. At the June meeting BCA officials presented a comprehensive report. They demonstrated that the results in question were within the mass appraisal statistical measures of quality they use, a standard more demanding than accepted international requirements. This position recognizes the operating system in use, resources and a fluctuating market. BCA identifies three key measures that apply to this industry including: • Assessment to Sales Ratio (ASR) • Coefficient of Dispersion (COD) • Price Related Differential (PRD) Three conclusions from the BCA report were: 1) BCA focused on the

change between 2010 and 2011 roll value shifts; 2) Outliers (our anomalies) identified and value shift rational noted; and 3) Majority of outliers (71 per cent) fall within +/- 2.5 per cent of median. At the October meeting BCA demonstrated once more that the quality of the mass appraisals met standards. We had calculated that if the lakefront land component is assessed on area (lot size) there was a discrepancy up to a multiplier of more than two. This was clarified. BCA determines lakefront property assessment based on its lakeshore frontage, not area, and on that basis the results were indeed consistent. We learned that the assessed values of older lakefront buildings (improvements) are significantly reduced not only in West Kelowna but throughout BC. Effectively the middle class ratepayers are subsidizing the multimillionaire lakefront owners.

Put locals to work first To the editor: I read with very much agreement the letter of Steve Pierson in regards to Premier Christy Clark’s idea of recruiting foreign workers to B.C. Sure we need people, but what is wrong with the ones we’ve already got? They complain about the costs of education, new schools, striking teachers, etc., but the job of educat-

ing our own workers has gone out the window. We have very talented people here that would like nothing better than apply those talents here, not elsewhere, but they end up going away because the government has filled their jobs with imports. Imported articles are expensive, and we have our “home grown” ones

here already. So what’s wrong? They say “buy B.C.” and I think that Christy Clark better start doing that very thing, and that applies to all the rest too. Our friends south of the border have been steadfast in their statement “made in USA, so what’s wrong with “Made in Canada?” Ron Barnard, West Kelowna

Go figure. We suggest that the majority of B.C. property buyers buy a “house” and by that standard might expect the same assessment rules to apply to lakefront “houses.” Be fair and consistent.


BCA indicated that we had 29 per cent outliers in our June 2011 submission (almost one-inthree). Our conclusion is that it is incumbent upon each individual property owner to note the assessed value of their property, collect information at the neighbourhood level, and if dissatisfied with the measure of fairness and consistency, appeal his/ her assessment. Here are three ways for property owners to gather assessment information: The West Kelowna website now has detailed information on assessed values (5 years), property lines and satellite photo-

graphs of the property. Start from the home page (HYPERLINK “http:// districtofwestkelowna. ca/” and click on “Map” (top right hand corner); BCA will publish assessment values by neighbourhood early in January 2012; and The West Kelowna Residents’ Association is providing a hands-on workshop on Wednesday evening, Feb. 15, from 7 to 8 p.m. The location is our Westbank Library coordinated through the Friends of the Library. Overall, the association is satisfied with the responses from MLA Ben Stewart and BCA staff. The intent is to monitor the 2012 assessment for anomalies and keep our membership informed. S. Carl Zanon, assessment committee, West Kelowna Residents’ Association,

Express yourself We welcome letters that comment in a timely manner about stories and editorials published in the Capital News. Letters under 200 words will be given priority in considering them for publication. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. Letters sent directly to reporters may be treated as letters to the editor. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer. Names will be withheld at the editor’s discretion, only under exceptional circumstances. E-mail letters to, fax to 763-8469 or mail to The Editor, Capital News, 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C., V1X 7K2.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News



2011 JULY

The Capital News Sports Department completes its two-part series looking back at the past 12 months of wins and losses, achievements and disappointments involving Central Okanagan athletes. Today, part two of the series is a look back from July through December.

• Kelowna’s Aaron Stroda sets a new Canadian record in the discus for 15-year-old athletes at the 27th annual Jack Brow Meet. Later in the month, Stroda wins four medals and sets a record at the B.C. Youth Track and Field championships. • Two members of the Kelowna Jays, Jared Johnson and Cory Wood, are chosen to play with Canada at the World Baseball Challenge in Prince George. • The Grizzlies softball team, featuring nine players from Kelowna win a silver medal at the World Special Olympic Summer Games in Greece. • Kelowna product Cody Beach signs a pro contract with the NHL’s St. Louis Blues. • Dragon in the Drink takes first place at the Kelowna Dragon Boast Festival. • Megan Osland sets a course record at Eaglepoint in Kamloops during the B.C. junior girls golf championship. Osland finished fourth overall. • Matt Palahniuk wins the 60th Ogopogo men’s golf tournament at the Kelowna Golf and Country Club. • Kelowna’s Scott Frandsen and partner Dave Calder win

bronze in men’s pairs at the World Rowing Championships in Swizterland. • Kelowna swimmer Kierra Smith sets a B.C. record in the 200 metre breaststroke and wins four gold medals at the provincial AAA long course championships. Smith later wins a silver medal in the 100 breaststroke at the senior nationals in Quebec. • More than 1,200 riders compete in the inaugural RBC KelowKierra Smith na GranFondo, with Chris McNeill taking to spot in the 115-kilometre cycling race. • David Dimitrov wins the 2011 editition of the Interior Savings Across the Lake Swim. • Keefer Joyce wins two gold medals in he 100 and 200 metres at the B.C. Youth Track and Field championships. • Kelowna’s Melanie Bos is the top Canadian and finished

eighth among all women at the International Association of Ultra Runners World Championships in Ireland. • Former Rockets coach Jeff Truitt is named an assistant coach with the American Hockey League’s Texas Stars. • The Okanagan Athletics qualify for the B.C. Premier Baseball League playoffs for the first time in the team’s eight-year history. The A’s lose in the first round of the playoffs to Nanaimo. • The Thompson Okanagan FC U15 girls win the Northwest Division of the Super Y League to earn a spot at the North American finals. • Kelowna product Josh Gorges signs a new one-year contract with the NHL’s Montreal Canadiens. • The Okanagan Challenge win the Pacific Coast Soccer League men’s title with a 3-2 victory over Khalsa Sporting Club. • Darren Yopyk resigns as head coach and GM of the Westside Warriors to accept a pro scouting position. • The Kelowna Rockets are named the host team for the NHL/ CHL Top Prospects Game in February 2012. • The BCHL’s Westside Warriors hire Rylan Ferster as their See Review A11

Owls, Knights strike provincial gold Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER

Kelowna’s volleyball community had not one, but two big reasons to celebrate in 2011. Both the Kelowna Owls and Kelowna Christian Knights won their respective B.C. titles to firmly establish the Okanagan as a force to be reckoned with in girls high school volleyball. The KSS Owls made history with their first ever win at the AAAA level with four-set victory over Riverside Secondary in the gold medal final in North Vancouver. Owls’ head coach Tony So-

daro said his team wasn’t about to be denied. “You could see the gold medal in their eyes, these 16- and 17-year-old athletes were absolutely dialed in,” said Sodaro. “You talk about being in the zone and that describes how the girls were all weekend. They were the hardest working team, it was a real war, but they were having fun doing it, too. That was a big key to their success…they had fun playing for each other.” Ranked No. 1 for much of the season, the Owls also won the UBC, UBC Okanagan and Best of the West tournaments. Due to a rash of injuries, KSS

stumbled late in the year, but regrouped at provincials when it mattered most. “This means the world to us,” said Owls captain and provincial MVP Kaitlyn Given. “We’ve been talking about this all season and nothing less than gold was going to be good enough. Every single player pulled together and made this happen.”


The Kelowna Christian Knights became the first ever girls sports team in school history to win a B.C. title as they earned gold at the provincial A finals in Prince George. The Knights

took down No. 1 seed High Road Academy in straight sets the final, 25-15, 25-15, 25-20. “When we started the season, we saw how good the girls were and said ‘Hey maybe we can do this,’” said coach Rob Smith, whose Knights won silver in 2010. “You’d think the fact that no girls team had ever won may have put pressure on them, but we thought ‘Why avoid the elephant in the room?’ The girls didn’t shy away from the challenge, they wanted it from the start and went out and got it. It was amazing to see.” The Immaculata Mustangs won bronze.


THE KSS OWLS celebrate after winning the 2011

B.C. girls AAA high school volleyball championship in North Vancouver.


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Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A11


Inaba wins women’s KGCC invitational Heat teams enter Canada West Review from A10 new coach and GM. • The Kelowna bantam B Heat win a bronze medal at the Softball B.C. championship in North Delta. • The Kelowna Jays win the B.C. junior men’s baseball championship. • The Kelowna Raiders win the Thompson Okanagan Junior Lacrosse League title three games to one over the Kamloops Venom. Two weeks later, the Raiders win silver at the provincial B championship in Kamloops. • Okanagan FC wins the Pacific Coast League men’s reserve title in Penticton with a 3-1 win over West Van. • Kelowna mountain bike racer Jennifer Schultz wins the seven-stage B.C. Bike Race Whistler. • The Kelowna United U16 girls win gold at the B.C. Soccer Provincial B Cup.


• West Kelowna’s Danny Watkins signs his first NFL contract with the Philadelphia Eagles. • Kelowna Jays post a 1-2 record at the Canadian senior men’s baseball championship. • Okanagan Rockets manager David Michaud

is chosen as the assistant director of operations for Team Pacific for the World Under 17 Challenge in Windsor, Ont. • Kelowna MMA fighter Rory MacDonald knocks out veteran Mike Pyle in UFC 133 in Philadelphia to push his pro record to 12-1. • Okanagan Gymnastics Centre’s Luke Friesen qualifies for the world trampoline championships after winning a bronze in double-mini at a Canada Cup event in Alberta. • Aaron Stroda and Keely Watts-Watling win gold medals at the Canadian midget and youth track and field championships in Ottawa. • Team Kelowna athletes compete at the 2011 International Children’s Games in Scotland. • Kelowna’s Josh Zakala wins the open water 5 km swim at the Canadian age group swimming championships in Montreal • Swimmer Kierra Smith wins eight medals, including seven gold, at the Western Canada Summer Games in Kamloops. • The B.C. senior men’s rugby teams wins the Canadian championship in Kelowna with a 31-29 win over the Prairie Wolfpack/. • Kelowna Rockets

Kyla Inaba forward Colton Sissons attends the NHL’s Research, Development and Orientation Camp in Toronto. • Kelowna’s Ally Lumsden earns a softball scholarship at the University of Lindenwood in Illinois. • Kelowna wheelchair tennis player Patrick Ryan wins three gold medals at the Western Canada Summer Games in Kamloops. • Ken Boe wins his age group (50-54) at the Subaru Sooke International Triathlon. • Simon Whitfield wins the Apple Triathlon in Kelowna fort the 10th time in his career, while Sarah-Anne Brault of Winnipeg won the women’s title for the first time, upsetting No. 3 world ranked triathlete, Paula Findlay. • Kelowna’s Kyla Inaba wins the Kelowna Ladies Invitational golf title at the Kelowna Golf

and Country Club. • Kelowna’s Abi Raye, Dani Hennig and Natalie Sourisseau are named to Canada’s roster in women’s field hockey for the Pan American Games in Mexico. • The KTown Kleenup wins the B.C. women’s slo-pitch masters title for the second year in a row. • The Peacock Sheridan Pink Panthers win the Kelowna Women’s Soccer League Premier Division title with a 5-2 win over Boston Pizza. • Kelowna’s Chris Young wins the men’s 18 to 24 age class at Ironman Canada in Penticton, while Kelowna’s Sandra MacNaughton of Kelowna was third in the women’s 55 to 59 class. • The Okanagan Sun relieves Tony Linsday of his duties as the team’s offensive coordinator and replaces him with former Sun head coach Jay Christensen.


• Former Kelowna Rockets defencemen Shea Weber and Duncan Keith are inducted into the B.C. Sports Hall of Fame in recognition of their contributions to Team Canada’s gold medal win at the 2010 Winter Olympics. See Review A12


Kelowna North & Glenmore #KC01004100 – 47 Papers Flintoft Ave, Guy St, Manhattan Dr.

#KC01004602 – 76 Papers Cawston Ave.1000 to 1099, Clement Ave.1000 to 1099, Coronation Ave.1000 to 1099, Fuller Ave.1000 to 1099, Wilson Ave.1000 to 1099, Graham St.1265 to 1320, Gordon Dr.1167 to 1388 #KC01005600 – 89 Papers Bernard Ave.700 to 1099 Odd Side Only , Ethel St.1500 to 1699, Gordon Dr.1500 to 1699, Lawrence Ave.700 to 1099, Leon Ave.700 to 1099 #KC04005200 – 71 Papers Athans Crt, Elm St, Leaside Ave.1576 to 1614, Bernard Ave.1410 to 1640 Even Side Only #KC04000306 – 48 Papers Caliburn Crt,Comus Pl, Merlin Crt , Wizard Crt, Magic Dr.137 to 240

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#KC08002810 – 67 Papers Allison Pl,Aubrey Rd, Bazett Ave, Holmes Rd, Kelly Dr, Perley Rd, Willis Rd, Sunnyside Rd.3333 to 3356

Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER

One era ended and a new one began for the UBC Okanagan athletic department in 2011. After bidding farewell to the B.C. Colleges Athletics Association in the spring, four Heat teams graduated to Canadian Interuniversity Sport in the fall for the start of the 2011-12 season. On Oct. 28 at the Kelowna campus gym, both Heat volleyball squads made history as they played the school’s first ever Canada West matches against the University of Winnipeg. It was triumphant weekend for the UBCO men who beat the Wesmen in both matches, while the women earned a split on an emotional night in front of the boisterous hometown fans. “I think that (home crowd) was huge for us,” said Heat men’s coach Greg Poitras. “We’ve got a lot of things that are sort of going against us with

being a new team, being a former college team. We needed more support and that was a huge factor in trying to get the Wesmen rattled on the service line.” UBC Okanagan’s director of athletics Rob Johnson said to see Heat teams finally on the floor for CIS action was the reward for years and years of hard work by so many connected to the varsity athletics department. “It’s very, very exciting,” said an emotional Johnson. “A lot of people in the community and at the university have worked very hard to make this happen. Now that it’s finally here, to see the crowd we have, the cheering, the atmosphere in here, it’s amazing.” The Heat basketball teams made history first Canada West matches Nov. 11 in Lethbridge. The UBC Okanagan teams both recorded their first ever CIS wins Nov. 28 and 29 at home as the men defeated Regina, while the women topped



Okanagan volleyball and basketball teams all made their CIS debuts in 2011. the University of Brandon.

Happy Holidays from the Staff + Management of the

#KC08003211 – 34 Papers Joyce Rd, Lynden Rd ,Michael Dr, Paula Rd, #KC08003212 – 42 Papers Trevor Dr.1133 to 1207 ,Guidi Rd, Avondale Pl. #KC08003310 – 35 Papers Colleen Rd,Concord Rd,Thomas Rd,Hudson Rd.1000 to 1299 #KC09006510 – 60 Papers Sundance Crt, Sundance Dr. #KC09006610 – 61 Papers Ridgerock Pl,Ridgerock Way, Sagebrush Crt, Sunset Pl, Shannon Way 2057 to 2180 #KC09006812 – 48 Papers Alexandria Way,Mountain Hollow Lane, Paramount Dr. #KC10004114 – 55 Papers Braeburn Crt, Ridge Blvd. #KC10005010 – 40 Papers • Boucherie Rd.2095 Only #KC10010110 – 50 Papers Glen Abbey Crt,Glen Abbey Pl, Walnut Glen Dr, Glenrosa Rd.2938 to 2958 Even Side Only #KC10007210 – 40 Papers Glen Crt,Glenmount Crt, Glenway Crt, Glenway Rd.3849 to 3882, Lower Glenrosa Rd.2805 to 2835 Odd Side Only #KC10007310 – 40 Papers Glenford Rd,Glenview Rd, Woodell Rd, Lower Glenrosa Rd.2841 to 2869 Odd Side Only #KC10007410 – 34 Papers Lower Glenrosa Rd.2816 to 2888 Even Side Only, Webber Rd.3591 to 3723 #KC10007510 – 76 Papers Glenway Rd.3701 to 3806,Lower Glenrosa Rd.2746 to 2758, Pleasantview Rd, Salloum Rd.

Our office will be CLOSED Monday, January 2nd to allow our staff time with their families through the holidays. Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2012.

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For information, contact our circulation department ~ 250-763-7575


Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News


Turner wins national title National award for Sun’s Doege Kelowna’s James Turner established himself as one of Canada’s finest up-and-coming track and field athletes in 2011 with his most significant performance yet. The 17-year-old established a personal best of 6,597 points in July in Winnipeg to win the gold medal in the Canadian junior decathlon on his first try. Turner, the Canadian Legion octathlon champion in 2010, won five of the 10 events in the decathlon—100 metres, long jump, shot put, 400 metres and javelin—to edge out Ontario’s Matheson West

James Turner by 60 points for the gold medal. Turner’s win didn’t come without some nervous moments. In the eighth of 10 events, the Okanagan Athletics Club failed on his first two attempts in the pole vault at 2.60 metres. One more miss and

Turner could forget about the podium entirely, let alone a trip to the Pan Ams. “I’ve never felt that much pressure in my life,” said Turner, who only began training for the pole vault this year. “If I miss a third time, I’m pretty much done. When I made it on my third, it was huge relief. Only making one jump was a disappointment, but in the big picture, it was just what I needed.” The Canadian title qualified Turner for the Pan Am Junior Games in Florida where he finished in fifth place.

Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER

Okanagan Sun head coach Jason Casey can’t remember seeing a more dominant performance by a defensive player during the course of a football season. Defensive lineman Steven Doege made a habit of terrorizing opposing quarterbacks in 2011 on the way to leading the country with 11 sacks. The 20-year-old Rutland grad also recorded 31 tackles and 14 assists to compliment his three forced fumbles and two fumble recoveries.

For his exploits, the 6-foot-2 230-pound Doege was named the Canadian Junior Football League’s defensive player of the year and was named an all-Canadian. “He is a one man wrecking-crew, both against the run and the pass,” said Casey. “As a defensive end, he is extremely fast and physical. Not only can he blow by an offensive tackle with his speed and quick hands, but he can use his strength to simply put you on your ass with his powerful bullrush. “Steven is one of the most complete football


OKANAGAN SUN lineman Steven Doege was the CJFL’s defensive player of the year for 2011. players I have ever had the honour of being around.” Doege was also the BCFC’s most outstanding defensive player, the most

outstanding lineman, a conference all-star, and the Sun’s MVP. He is also the BCFC’s all-time sack leader with 31.5.

Challenge win PCSL crown

Lions roar to championship

The underdog role suited the Okanagan Challenge just fine in 2011. After going a combined 0-4 against the Vancouver Thunderbirds and Khalsa Sporting Club during the regular season, the Challenge got down to business when it counted most at the Pacific Coast Soccer League championship in Penticton. Okanagan defeated Vancouver 3-1 in the semis, then edged past Khalsa 5-4 ijn a shootout in the championship final for the Challenge’s second PCSL title in three years. “I think the guys deserved to be there and they deserved to win,” said first-year head coach Kelly Wolverton. “I think the guys are very worthy of being the best team in this league.” In a season of ups and downs, it all came together at the opportune time for rookie head Wolverton and his squad. The Challenge played much of the season undermanned, due to injuries and other commitments, but still managed a 5-5-2 record and the fourth and final playoff spot. “There were a lot of obstacles,” said Challenge manager Josh Leins. “The guys put a lot of work into this and were rewarded for it.” On the same weekend, Okanagan FC captured the Pacific Coast League men’s reserve title in Penticton with a 3-1 win over West Van.

In local minor football, 2011 may well be remembered as the Year of the Lion. To be more precise, it was the Kelowna Lions who went undefeated to capture the B.C. junior bantam football championship. As they did to their opponents all season, the Lions dominated the Meadow Ridge Knights in the B.C. final in Langley, winning handily 44-6. “We have told the young men all year that this group had a chance to achieve something special,” said Lions head coach Arden Knoll. “Opportunities to win a provincial championships may never come along again in their lifetime as part of a team. Leave everything on the field, play every down with speed


KELOWNA Skating Club’s Julianne De-

laurier won the national champ in pre-novice women’s title at the Skate Canada Challenge.

and with all the energy you have. “They all played with heart, excellence and dedication,” he added. “ Every player committed to the team and performed their role on the team without complaint throughout the whole year.” Knoll credited the rest of the Lions’ coaching staff and the team’s conditioning as other key elements in the championship win. The Lions finished 2011 with a 12-0 regular season and playoff record, scoring 591 points and allowing just 89. In the peewee division, the Kelowna Lions won the Southern Interior Conference championship, before losing to the Abbotsford Lions in the semis.

Keefer helps team to Youth Commonwealth Games bronze Review from A11 • The Kelowna United U13 boys win the Langley Labour Day weekend soccer tournament. • The B.C. Colleges Athletics Association changes its name to the Pacific Western Athletics Association (PACWEST). • Keefer Joyce helps Canada run to a bronze medal in the 4 by 100 relay at the 2011 Youth Commonwealth Games on the Isle of Man. • Izaak Berglund is named captain of the BCHL’s Westside Warriors. • Kelowna soccer product Rob Friend is loaned to Eintracht Frankfurt by Hertha Berlin for the 2011-12 Bundesliga 2 season in Germany. • West Kelowna’s Julia Ransom wins a silver medal at the North American Summer Biathlon Championships in Canmore. • In a swap of defencemen, the Kelowna Rockets acquire Myles Bell from the Regina Pats for Colton Jobke and two draft picks. • The KSS Owls girls volleyball team wins the UBC high school tournament in Vancouver, while the Owls boys win the Pen Hi tournament.


• The Liquid Lightning of West Kelowna is named the Swim B.C. club of the year, while Lighnting coach Emil Dmitrov wins the B.C. Junior Coach of the Year award. • Calgary’s James Curran wins the 2011 BMO Okanagan Marathon. Fruitvale’s Heather Johnson won the women’s race, while West Kelowna’s Stacey Carrigan took third. • The Okanagan Sun are eliminated from the

B.C. Football Conference playoffs with a 3129 home field loss in the semifinal to the Langley Rams. • Kelowna’s Jesse Keca wins a bronze medal at the Oktoberfest speed skating competition in Calgary, while Chris Neykov sets several PBs. • The KSS Owls win the UBC Okanagan and Best of the West senior girls volleyball tournaments. • Kelowna Skating Club’s Jayda Jurome wins the gold medal in the novice women’s event at the Sask Skate Invitational. • The Thompson Okanagan U18 boys soccer team wins the Addidas/Whitecaps soccer tournament in Vancouver. • Former Olympic champion Kyle Shewfelt travels to Kelowna to help the Okanagan Gymnastics Centre celebrate its 30th anniversary. • The UBC Okanagan Heat women’s soccer teams wins a silver medal at the BCCAA soccer championships in Kelowna, while the Heat men win their first bronze medal. • Kelowna soccer product Carson Gill leads the SFU Clan to the No. 1 ranking in NCAA Div. 2 soccer. • The KSS Owls clinch top spot in the Okanagan AAA Conference of B.C. high school football. • The Kelowna Christian Knights win their first ever Okanagan A boys soccer title with a 4-2 victory over St. Ann’s Academy. • Kelowna field hockey products Abi Raye, Dani Hennig, Natalie Sourisseau and the Canadian women’s field hockey team finish fourth at the Pan American Games in Mexico. • Okanagan Sun lineman Steven Doego is named the BCFC’s defensive player of the

year and an all-star, while teammates Dan Turek, Sam Looysen, Brennan Van Nistelrooy, and Drew Digout were also all-star selections. • The UBC Okanagan men’s and women’s volleyball teams make their CIS debuts at home to the University of Winnipeg.


• Forward Brett Bulmer is reassigned to the Western Hockey League’s Kelowna Rockets after playing nine games with the NHL’s Minnesota Wild. • The Kelowna Owls win their 10th consecutive Okanagan AAA girls field hockey title with a 1-0 win over South Kamloops. • Rockets Colton Sissons, Zach Franko and Brett Bulmer play for Team WHL in Subway Super Series against Russia, while Ryan Huska serves on the coaching staff. • KSS Owls quarterback Sam Davies is named the offensive player of the year in the Okanagan AAA Conference of high school football. • Lawrence Nagy (builder), Eric Tasker (builder), Joan Campbell (pioneer), Dan Bertoia (athlete) and Aundrea Bertoia (athlete) are inducted into the Central Okanagan Sports Hall of Fame. • After snow on the CNC field in Kelowna forces relocation of the game, the KSS Owls lose 50-0 to W.J. Mouat in the B.C. high school football quarterfinals in Abbotsford. • Kelowna’s Chantal McFetridge helps the Queen’s Golden Gaels capture the CIS women’s soccer championship in Montreal. • Kelowna Western Bus Lines Rockets win the midget tier 1 division at the Wickenheiser

International Women’s Hockey Festival. • The Mt. Boucherie Bears post a 9-0 record to win the Okanagan AAA junior varsity football title. • The UBC Okanagan Heat basketball teams get their first ever Canada West victories with the men beating Regina and the women defeating Brandon. • The host Kelowna Skating Club captured 10 out of a possible 16 medals at the B.C. and Yukon Sectional Championships at CNC.


• Kelowna’s Kelsey Serwa wins the first two World Cup ski cross races of the season in San Candido, Italy. • Kelowna hosts the largest ever B.C. high school boys volleyball tournament with 48 teams in three divisions. The KCS Knights win bronze in the A category. • Okanagan Gymnastics Centre’s Emma Tucker wins a silver medal in double mini at the World Age Group Trampoline Championships in Birmingham, England. • Kelowna Skating Club member Julianne Delaurier wins gold in the pre-novice division at the Regina at the 2012 Skate Canada Challenge. Jayda Jurome won the novice women’s event, while Cailey England was second. • The Kelowna Crows finish second at the B.C. U19 rugby championship, losing to Bayside in the final. • Kelowna Rockets forward Brett Bulmer is cut from Canada’s roster for the world junior hockey championship in Alberta. Rockets coach Ryan Huska and athletic therapist Jeff Thorburn work behind the Canadian bench.

Wise customers read the fine print: •, *, ±, ‡, § The Best Present Ever Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating dealers on or after December 1, 2011. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. See participating dealers for complete details and conditions. •$34,498 Purchase Price applies to 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo (26E) only and includes $3,000 Consumer Cash and $500 Holiday Bonus Cash Discounts. Pricing includes freight ($1,400) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and applicable taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. See participating dealers for complete details. *Consumer Cash Discounts are offered on select new 2011/2012 vehicles and are manufacturer-to-dealer incentives, which are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. Amounts vary by vehicle. See your dealer for complete details. ±The $500 Holiday Bonus Cash offer includes applicable taxes and is available on the retail purchase/lease of the following eligible vehicles between December 1, 2011 and January 3, 2012 at participating dealers: any new 2011/2012 Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram or FIAT model excluding only the following: Chrysler 200 LX, Dodge Journey Canada Value Package/SE Plus (22F & 22G), Grand Caravan Canada Value Package, Grand Caravan Cargo Van (C/V), Avenger SE/Canada Value Package, Caliber SE, Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8, Wrangler Sport, Compass Sport 4x2 & 4x4 (base 24D, 25D, 26D & 2BD), Patriot Sport 4x2 & 4x4 (base 24D, 25D, 26D, 2BD & 28D), Ram Cargo Van (C/V), 1500 Reg Cab 4x2 & 4x4, and Cab & Chassis 4x2 & 4x4 models. $500 Bonus Cash will be deducted from the negotiated purchase price after taxes or may be used, at customer’s option, to reduce their first monthly payment or towards the purchase of Mopar accessories or service packages. Some conditions apply. See your dealer for complete details. ‡4.99% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on the new 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee (26E) model to qualified customers on approved credit through Royal Bank of Canada and Scotiabank. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. See your dealer for complete details. Example: 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee (26E) with a Purchase Price of $34,498 (including applicable Consumer Cash and Holiday Bonus Cash Discounts) financed at 4.99% over 96 months with $0 down payment equals 208 bi-weekly payments of $201 with a cost of borrowing of $7,374 and a total obligation of $41,872. Pricing includes freight ($1,400) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. §2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland shown. Price: $48,885. Pricing includes $3,000 Consumer Cash and $500 Holiday Bonus Cash discounts and freight ($1,400) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and applicable taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. zBased on Ward’s 2011 Middle Sport Utility Vehicle segmentation. ¤Based on 2011 EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide ratings published by Natural Resources Canada. Transport Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications LLC, used under licence. ®SIRIUS and the dog logo are registered trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc. ®Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC.

Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011



2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland shown.§








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Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News




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Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A15



Utopian or dystopian–what’s your interpretation of Kalnin?


n the complex and intriguing mural he has created for the Kelowna Art Gallery’s satellite space at the airport, titled Pulse, Oyama-based artist Jim Kalnin has addressed notions about which he feels deep concern. Since retiring from teaching art at UBCO in 2009, Kalnin has had more time to travel, go hiking and camping in the Okanagan, and read and think, as well as work on his painting and drawing. From all this he has gained a heightened awareness of humanity’s life on this single planet upon which we all exist. He wished to address this, along with the theme of


Liz Wylie travel, as the work is installed in the well-wishing area of the departures section of the Kelowna International Airport. Visitors will see a 16-foot-long work created with mixed media on sheets of paper that have been installed in a grid, so that the whole work reads like a gigantic whole. Against a yellow sky, an almost visionary pan-


JIM KALNIN, PULSE, 16-feet-long mixed media on paper, installed at the Kelow-

na Art Gallery’s exhibition space at the Kelowna International Airport departures area. orama unfolds: Buildings, some of them fantastical; trees and water; and in one area a pouring deluge of white water. The odd human figure has been inserted, including one pad-

dling a canoe in water in front of some skyscrapers. The whole scene has a post-apocalyptic feeling to it, but it is impossible to know for certain whether Kalnin’s vision

is a utopian one or dystopian. Both the power and the vulnerability of nature are depicted, and we as humans must learn to deal with both these aspects if our planet is going to sur-

vive and continue to sustain life. Kalnin uses colour to good effect. Hot colours such as red, orange and yellow, denote areas of intense light or even the impression of fires burning out of control. Cooler colours, particularly blue, are used for the peaceful, calm areas of the composition. The tonal range of the piece is extreme: from the darkest depths of the shadows of tall buildings, for example, to the bright white of the unleashed flood water that gushes from the left of the centre into the central section of the scene. It is impossible to take in the whole work with one look as it is so long

and the elements so varied. Instead we tend to read it from left to right as a narrative that is unfolding. This is also the direction in which departing passengers at the airport move to go through security. The left to right movement could also give viewers the impression of a journey being taken, forming a parallel to their own imminent trip on an airplane. What does it mean to travel from place to place; can we allow the experience to sensitize us to the earth’s smallness, and our own responsibility for its care? Kalnin is originalSee Kylie A16



Great appies for New Year’s entertaining I

Your donation helps meet needs

hope you all have enjoyed a fabulous Christmas and are continuing making merry this week as we prepare for the arrival of 2012. If you are planning to ring in the New Year at home, I have some delicious ideas this week on what to serve your guests. Start with a toast to the New Year: “May your hearts be full of love, your glasses full of Okanagan wine and your tables full of good friends and fabulous local food. Cheers to 2012.”


Dawn Wilkinson CONTRIBUTOR


Jennifer Schell I searched high and low for these tasty little gems and finally found them at Illichmann’s Meats, Sausages & Gourmet Foods on Gordon Drive in their deli. These sweet and spicy little pickled peppers are the perfect size to See Schell A18


PEPPADEWS are sweet, spicy little pickled peppers great for stuffing as a NewYear’s appetizer.

It is year end, and the bulk of last minute donations to charities will happen today and tomorrow, with online giving being the most cost effective and ‘greenest’ way to give. According to the Fraser Institute’s 2011 Generosity Index, people living in Manitoba are the most generous among Canadian givers. Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island tied for second place and Quebec ranked last among the provinces and territories. Check out the report to learn where B.C. falls on the list. ( When reviewing the average dollar amount given, Albertans topped the list at $2,112. People living in Nunavut ranked second at $1,721 and Brit-

ish Columbians pulled the bronze medal with $1,685. We are also reminded this week that charities are being stretched to do more with less during these tough economic times and they definitely do need and appreciate your financial gift. Imagine Canada just released its Sector Monitor that tracks charities across our nation in terms of their ability to achieve their missions. Key findings are based on information collected between Nov. 3 and Dec. 2, 2011. This is amazingly current data. One out of seven charities continues experiencing high levels of organizational stress. About 50 per cent of charities reported increases in de-

mand for products and services. Charities were less likely to report increases in income and were more likely to report that costs of doing business have increased. Paid staff and volunteering levels have remained the same year over year for about 67 per cent of charities. Your generous financial donations and gifts of volunteer time are the resources necessary to enable charities to serve their clients and meet needs in our community. It is your choice. You can give directly to a specific charity or you can give to charities through the Central Okanagan Foundation or the United Way. Dawn Wilkinson is the coordinator for the Community Information and Volunteer Centre.


Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News


Jamaican music flavours Kreesha Turner’s music KREESHA TURNER; TROPIC/ ELECTRIC [EMI]

This is the second album from Kreesha Turner who calls Edmonton home. However, Turner spent a year in her father’s native Jamaica singing in

church and absorbing island music in her midteens and that experience has flavoured her music ever since. Turner has won a couple of local singing contests in Alberta

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Bruce Mitchell which led to her indie EP that enjoyed a hit but this new major label release is bound to really grow her career. Tuner has enjoyed a hit with the sultry techno pop hit I Could Stay, while other songs on this album such as the cluboriented Love Again and R&B original Wherever You Are, promise to get some air time too. Turner has attracted high profile producers for this disc with the capable help of The Wizard, Shawn Desman, Greg Organ and Bei Maejor who have made for a uniformly strong album of club music, techno pop and elctro R&B. Turner even experiments with a little dub music from her childhood experiences with the handsome I Feel My Darling, a duet with Courtney John, and I would not mind hearing some more dub style next time out. Tropic/Electric is a fine showing, making Kreesha Turner a talent to watch. B-

Wynton Marsalis is almost insanely productive. In 1999 he released a whopping eight albums and his back catalogue just seems to keep growing at a tremendous rate. Luckily for him he has a dedicated recording label that strongly supports him—so much so that they hired special assistants to help Marsalis when he is in a particularly creative frame of mind so that he can document all the music that is happening in is head. Anyway, Marsalis has just turned 50 years old and to celebrate, Columbia records has asked him to assemble a oneCD collection of favourites which resulted in this very eclectic and generous 14-track collection. The record features mostly Marsalis originals along with a couple of tracks each from the ven-


This heavy metal band from Atlanta has started to see its fortunes rise with The Hunter, their fourth studio album in a decade. This is their highest charting disc to date. They also scored a coveted spot on a late night talk show (Letter-

man, I think) and for the first time ever, they have scored a rock hit with Curl of The Burl and the frank lyric “I killed a man because he killed my goat”—lyrics aren’t as important to metal heads as the cathartic blast of noise. Hence, Mastodon try a little metal screamo on Blasteroid, some speed thrash on Spectrelight and some surprising orchestral metal on the progressive-styled Creature Lives. The title track is a monster/epic ballad but the killer track for me was the closing song The Sparrow that recalled a little Pink Floyd with its space rock and comfortably numb sensibilities. Mastodon also easily has the hardest working drummer in all of metal with stick man Brann Drailor who approaches his brand of metal syncopation with the ear of a jazz player which is also the main reason that the group has always had such a large cult following. That seems to be changing now with a charting album, TV exposure and a hit single. Metal head bangers will rejoice.

Kalnin has nurtured many aspiring artists Wylie from A15 ly from Manitoba and came to B.C. as a young child with his family. He has lived and travelled in other provinces, eventually settling in the Oka-

3003 Pandosy Street Kelowna, BC (250) 717-3247


erable vaults of Thelonious Monk and Jelly Roll Morton. Marsalis can be found here with a small combo as on the breezy Awakening that features a gorgeous flute solo as well as in large swinging orchestras as on the jazz extrvaganza Northbound-Southbound that features a huge ensemble. Marsalis’ trumpet is not always at the forefront here as he features himself as a composer where you might want to check out the string quartet performing rag style on Rampart St. Row Rag. My fave pick here has vintage New Orleans references on The Pearls that offers both tuba and banjo in the mix. Wynton Marsalis has a very large back catalogue for someone only aged 50 and this compilation is a superb place to start. B

nagan in about 1980. He was a fixture for many years teaching at Okanagan College before the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus opened in Kelowna in 2005.

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Kalnin was a supportive and inspiring instructor for many people here who have gone on to be artists themselves. We are appreciative of his sensitive response to the Kelowna Art Gallery’s six-

month-long commission for the airport space. It is worth a visit. Pulse will be on view until May 7. Liz Wylie is the curator at the Kelowna Art Gallery. 250-762-2226


What’s coming in 2012


hen everyone else is doing year in review columns, I get to do a preview of the 2012 movies.


Rick Davis This week’s column covers the first half of the year and while this is not a complete list, it highlights what to expect over the next six months. January starts with the re-release of Beauty and the Beast, the first of many 3D re-issues this year; Mark Wahlberg stars in the actionthriller Contraband; the funny and inspirational Joyful Noise stars Queen Latifah and Dolly Parton; Steven Soderbergh directs the thriller Haywire; George Lucas produces Red Tails; Kate Beckinsale returns as Selene in Underworld Awakening; Liam Neeson stars in The Grey; and Katherine Heigl stars in the action-comedy One for the Money. February starts on an inspirational note with Drew Barrymore in a true story of trapped grey whales in Big Miracle; Dwayne Johnson See Davis A17

Jars of Clay

National Ballet of Cuba

Tuesday, January 24

Saturday, January 28

Saturday/Sunday, February 11/12

Shout It Out World Tour Mmmbop, the brothers are back on tour and hotter than ever!

Returning for the first time in 5 years, this Grammy Award winning gospel rock band promises a night of music you won’t soon forget.

The Magic of Dance Tour The World’s Premiere Ballet Company under the direction of Alicia Alonso.

g Cominn Soo to the

For more information visit Tickets for all events available at, by phone at 250 762-5050 or in person at the Prospera Place Box Office on Water Street.

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Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A17


Dec. 30-Jan.5

Movies coming up

Canada’s best sellers Michael Neill’s list of best selling books are compiled from sales at independent bookstores across Canada. HARDCOVER FICTION

1 Death Comes to Pemberley P.D. James $32 2 The Cat’s Table Michael Ondaatje $32 3 The Scottish Prisoner Diana Gabaldon $32.95


1 Steve Jobs Walter Isaacson $36.99 2 History of Metropolitan Vancouver Chuck Davis $49.95


Michael Neill



(left) and Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, The Avengers is one of the most anticipated films of 2012. Lopez star in the comedy What to Expect When You’re Expecting; The Milton Bradley game Battleship gets a big budget sci-fi makeover; and J & K are back in Men in Black 3. June has the annual Disney-Pixar release called Brave, but it has some pretty strong competition with DreamWorks’ Madagascar 3; based on the Broadway musical, Rock of Ages features an all-star cast; Kristen Stewart and Char-


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1 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: Movie Tie-In Stieg Larsson $18 2 Something Fierce C Aguirre $21 3 In Still of Night Ann Rule $9.99 4 Fortune Cookie B Courtenay $34.95 5 Fatal Error J.A. Jance $9.99 6 Mystery in Venice Geronimo Stilton $7.99 7 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: 15th Edition R Sharma $11.99

lize Theron star in another Grimm makeover called Snow White and the Huntsman; director Ridley Scott returns to science fiction with Prometheus; and Channing Tatum is joined by Dwayne Johnson and Bruce Willis in G.I. Joe: Retaliation. Next week I will unveil what to expect in the second half of 2012. Rick Davis is the manager of the Capitol Theatre in West Kelowna.


Save time, save money.

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Paramount Landmark Please note that we are closed for late evening shows (shows starting after 9 pm) on December 31st. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 4 PG 6:50 & 9:40 (No 9:40 show Dec 31); Fri-Mon Matinees 12:50 & 3:40 SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 PG 7:00 & 9:40 (No 9:40 show Dec 31); Fri-Mon Matinees 1:00 & 3:40 WAR HORSE PG Fri-Mon 6:45 & 9:50 (No 9:50 show Dec 31); Tues-Thurs 7:30 only; Fri-Mon Matinees 12:30 & 3:30 Join us New Year’s Eve for our early evening shows!!! $6 admission & FREE popcorn!! Lots of prizes to be won!! Special prizes for Mission Impossible 4 at 6:50 pm. Visit for details.

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These showtimes are for Friday Dec. 30th to Thursday January 5th We are open for matinees Friday to Monday We are not open for the last evening shows on Saturday Decebmer 31st.


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Expires December 31,2011

*PLEASE NOTE: We are closed for late evening shows (shows starting after 9:00 pm) on Saturday, December 31 (New Year’s Eve)

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THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN 3D (PG) [2:02] 6:55 & 9:45; Daily Matinees 12:15 & 3:00 GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (18A) [2:47] 6:45 & 10:15; Daily Matinees 11:45 & 3:15 ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS (G) [1:43] 7:05 & 9:35; Daily Matinees 12:00, 2:15 & 4:30 (On Christmas Day, 4:00 Matinee only) HUGO (G) [2:20] Daily Matinees 12:30 & 3:30 NEW YEAR’S EVE (PG) [2:13] 7:30 & 10:30 THE DARKEST HOUR 3D (PG) [1:45] 7:20 & 9:55; Daily Matinees 12:45 & 3:45

OCRTP 22212

stars in the sequel Journey 2: The Mysterious Island; Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds star in Safe House; The Vow will be a tearjerker starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum; Nicolas Cage returns as Johnny Blaze in Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance; Reese Witherspoon and Chris Pine star in the action-comedy This Means War; Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston star in the comedy Wanderlust; and Star Wars: Episode 1—The Phantom Menace gets a 3D re-release. In March, the creators of Despicable Me brings us Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax; the Brothers Grimm get a makeover with the action-thriller Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters; Eddie Murphy stars in A Thousand Words; 21 Jump Street jumps to

the big screen with Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum; and two popular book series get the big-screen treatment: John Carter is based upon Edgar Rice Burrough’s classic A Princess of Mars and The Hunger Games is based upon Suzanne Collins’ best-selling novel of the same name. In April, the American Pie cast returns for American Reunion; The Farrelly Brothers remake The Three Stooges; Zac Efron stars in the romantic drama The Lucky One; Jason Segel writes and stars in The FiveYear Engagement; and Titanic gets a 3D release. May gets a blockbuster start with Marvel’s The Avengers; Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are together again with Dark Shadows; Sacha Baron Cohen is sure to cause controversy with the comedy The Dictator; Cameron Diaz and Jennifer


Davis from A16

SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS PG 7:05 & 9:50*; Fri-Mon Matinees 1:05 & 3:50 NO PASSES ACCEPTED: Gift Certificates are Always Welcome ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS: CHIP-WRECKED G 7:25 & 9:30*; Fri-Mon Matinees 1:25 & 3:30 NO PASSES ACCEPTED: Gift Certificates are Always Welcome THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN 3D PG 7:15 & 9:40*; Fri-Mon Matinees 1:15 & 3:40 -3D PRICING IS IN EFFECTTHE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO 18A Friday 6:45 & 10; Saturday 6:45 only; Sun-Thurs 7:30 only; Fri-Mon Matinees 1:30 only UNDER 18 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT: PHOTO ID REQUIRED MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL 6:55 & 9:40*; Fri-Mon Matinees 12:55 & 3:40 Join us for our New Year’s Eve Movie Celebration! All of our early evening shows are just $6.00 (plus surcharge for 3D movies). Plus free popcorn and prizes to be won!


Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News


New Year appies Schell from A15

DAYS of CARING Thank You

to the employees and their families from BMO Nesbitt Burns for helping to sort donations and pack hampers at the Kelowna Community Food Bank this holiday season. Sharing your time made it possible for people struggling with poverty to receive nutritious food. To find out how you can help the Kelowna Community Food Bank, please visit their website at

pop into your mouth and they make for a gorgeous presentation with their vibrant, festive red colouring. They are delicious stuffed with cheese—try goat cheese, mini bocconcini mozzarella balls or jazz them up even more by adding green olive tapenade. Tapenade is a cinch to make at home—just throw the following ingredients into a food processor and whizz. Tapenade is also great served on crackers or crostini.


1 cup pitted green olives, drained well 1 tbsp capers, drained 1 garlic clove, minced 2 tsp fresh lemon juice or to taste 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Throw all into processor and whizz into paste.

If stuffing peppadews: fill each peppadew half way with tapenade and top with a bocconcini mini ball or cube of goat cheese. Sprinkle with chopped fresh basil.


While in Spain, we truly fell in love with the world of tapas. So many delightful tastes presented at the end of a skewer or toothpick. The look is very inviting and easy to serve and there are a million different treats that you can serve this way. Try layering your favourite flavours, like a cooked prawn topped with a slice of chorizo sausage, basil leaf and semi dried tomato. The Olive Oil Merchant has amazing semidried tomatoes from Italy that make everything they touch taste incredible. I make sure that I always have a jar in my pantry along with their ol-


GOAT CHEESEBALLS are simple to assemble and festive colours make them a hit. ives, artichoke hearts and of course their fabulous olive oils. Order online from Cut open a tube of local goat cheese. Slice into rounds and then roll into large marble size balls. Chop up some walnuts or pistachios; roll balls in

nuts to cover. Top each ball with a basil leaf and semi dried tomato and then skewer with a pick. Delish.


If you are into fishing, I would highly suggest investing in a smoker. I use my dad’s and this amazing contraption will transform your fish into stunning smoked fish that is delicious on its own, or easily made into a rich paté. Make a big batch to put into cute mason jars and give as hostess gifts. Combine one cup of smoked salmon with half a cup of cream cheese, zest of one lemon and two tablespoons of chopped dill in your food processor. Whizz until smooth and serve with crackers.


If your non-profit organization has a project, or your organization is interested in volunteering for a Day of Caring, please ccontact onta Avril Paice at 250.860.2356

or or email em

IN PARTNERSHIP WITH Of the C Central entral a and nd South Okanagan Similkameen

These retro hors d’ouvres never go out of style. The originals, also known as devils on horseback (sorry, no clue where that name came from), were usually stuffed with chutney and wrapped in bacon. My version uses prosciutto, which is much less greasy and tidy looking. Easy peasy: Empty a tube of goat cheese, Boursin cheese or blue cheese into a zip loc and squish down to one corner. Snip off the end for a pastry bag effect. Pit the dates, insert bag end into date and pipe it full of cheese. You can also insert a blanched almond at this point if you would like. Wrap neatly with a strip of prosciutto (I prefer the original from Parma available at Valaroso Foods), skewer tapa style. Broil on low for three to four minutes in the oven until the prosciutto has crisped, cool briefly and serve. Jennifer Schell is editor of B.C. Wine Trails.

Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A19

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Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News

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This Near New Peachland Beauty has gorgeous finishing and inspiring lakeviews that stretch from Upper Mission to Naramata. Don’t miss out on this Eagles View home at only $379,000 including high quality furnishings.

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2160 sqft 3 bed & den, 3 bath grade level entry. Home has complete finished basement with slate foyer, recreation room, laundry, den/ bedroom & full finished bathroom with heated slate floor. The upper level has 3 additional bedrooms, ensuite & full bath. Kitchen with sliders to back, open to dining room with sliders to deck with panoramic lake view. Living room is vaulted & gas fireplace. $100K in landscaping. MLS®10035815. Contact Eric Steinbach for more information & photos 250-718-8677


One of the final lots left in this area! Close to all amenities, wineries, golfing, beach, parks, shopping & more. Very prestigious area, quiet, with lake views. GST/HST has been paid, build your dream home or owner will also build to suite. MLS®0032731




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SHANNON LAKE 5 BEDROOM home with spectacular lake & mountain views. 3 bedrooms up & spacious 2 bedroom legal suite down. Modernized sunshine filled kitchen with maple cabinets new fridge and dishwasher. Expansive terraces and brick patios with fully fenced landscaped yard. Comfort features include high efficiency furnace, humidifier, water softener, AC, underground irrigation and built in vacumn. RV parking, and ready for quick possession!



Bring the Kids! 4 bedroom plus den, 3 bathroom, beautiful lake view, huge fenced yard, double garage, RV parking and hot tub, Close to schools and shopping. MLS®10036704.




Priced below replacement cost! Own this home for less than $178,900 INCLUDING net H.S.T. The finishing and street appeal of this home are amazing. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, complete with hardwood floors, tile counters, stainless appliances, dual vanity in en-suite, the list goes on. This is a stunning home on a concrete foundation. Stamped concrete sidewalk and patio. Don’t miss this opportunity MLS®10033244


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West Kelowna Estates presents a unique offering in this 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom rancher with walk-out basement PLUS above garage 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom self contained legal suite. Granite, Hardwood, 3 Fireplaces, Oversize Double Garage are just a few of the endless features of this home. MLS®10034973


250-215-4784 00

,0 99



Vaulted ceilings, soaring windows and open floor plan take your breath away when you enter this unique 3 bed, 2 bath log home. French doors lead to a massive deck from the Master Suite Loft revealing panoramic views of the lake & mountains from Kelowna to Naramata. Private, tranquil setting on 1/2 acre backing onto organic vineyard! MLS@10039030




,9 89

$3 To all of my valued clients, I wish a Very Happy Holiday & a Most Prosperous NewYear! All the best, Tracey




•4 bedroom and den •3 bathrooms •Covered deck with lake view •Walk to schools •“Craftsman” Deluxe New Kitchen •New windows/roof/HWT







,9 69




Happy New Year to all my past, present and future clients. KEVIN PHILIPPOT


Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A21



Photos develop donation for SPCA


Show a little gratitude and it always comes back


or me, the Christmas time of the year is always a time for reflection as an entrepreneur advocate, a father, and as a grateful member of our Okanagan community. It seems clear to me that it’s always the right time to live life from a place of gratitude. One of the simplest, yet often overlooked contributors I have discovered and sometimes overlooked to create a positive culture in my entrepreneurial world is the expression of appreciation. Taking the time to say a simple “ thank you” cost nothing but resonates powerful positive intention throughout any organization, any company and in everyday living. Expressing gratitude is a fundamental quality of conscious leadership. Gratitude for the contribution of others in our entrepreneurial journey is yet another facet of empathy. It reflects to me our leadership consciousness of natural human desire to be validated and appreciated. Even the most stressful of times in challenging situations and environments may be relaxed through the expression gratitude. John Maxwell, an international leadership author and speaker, says the power of expression of gratitude helps to light the candle in the lives of those around us our daily lives. Gratitude, as commonly defined, is a state of being, an emotion. In any given moment, you feel it or you don’t. So is fulfillment available only to those who are naturally disposed toward feeling grateful, as happiness is available to those who are naturally disposed toward feeling happy? Not fair and not true, I suggest. We can’t force ourselves to feel gratitude, but we can force ourselves to practice gratitude. And practicing gratitude does lead to feeling grateful. We might express such gratitude to honour that one person who


Joel Young changed our life. Give them the thanks they deserve through a unique exercise in gratitude and magnify that thank you in a way that will inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs coming our way in our beloved Okanagan. This is an opportunity for you and I to recognize a entrepreneurial hero in our life through a powerful gesture that he or she will cherish forever. By writing a letter of gratitude to such a person/s and then sharing it with them, you can change their life and your own. Frankly, no email or phone call can equal the sincerity of meeting in person. This act of gratitude will greatly move the person/s you seek to thank, but it will also benefit you. This seemingly selfless act will give each of you an enormous sense of the gifts you have been given. Nurturing a strong sense of gratitude allows us to see the good in oth-

ers and enables us to recognize and seize entrepreneurial opportunities when they arise. I would like to conclude this treatise on entrepreneurial gratitude with a few expressions of my own please. First, I am thankful for my inspirers, men and women who never cease to amaze me with their inner strength and caring; their steadfast commitment to personal growth, their dedication to fostering growth in others through their own experiences; and their ability to meaningfully connect with those around them gives me immeasurable strength. Such people are a priceless gift to me in my roller coaster ride though life. I am thankful for the larger entrepreneurial community of the Okanagan, a community filled with people who see opportunities in place of obstacles, who take ownership of their actions, who are on a never-ending quest of learning and selfimprovement and who are committed to making our world a better place—one venture at a time. They give tirelessly to others, they get back up when they stumble, and unquestionably, they are

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For the last two years, students in the veterinary hospital assistant program offered by the Centre for the Arts and Technology in Kelowna, have organized a Pet Photo Shoot on campus to raise funds to donate to the school’s Student Emergency Fund and the Kelowna SPCA. This year, the photo shoot took place on Dec. 8, and photos were taken by current students in the digital photography program. People were asked to donate a minimum of $15 for their photo session with their pets, and the event was successful in raising $500, with $400 of that going to the Kelowna SPCA. Veterinary hospital assistant students Anita Neeham, Kathryn Koenders and Kayla Murray visited the Kelowna SPCA animal shelter on Dec. 19 to present the cheque. “We are always amazingly shocked at the generosity of the local community,” said Jamie Armor, assistant manager of the Kelowna SPCA animal shelter. “We are proud to be associated with the Centre for Arts and Technology, and hope to continue



Kathryn Koenders and Kayla Murray, in the veterinary hospital assistant program, present a $400 donation to the Kelowna SPCA, accepted by assistant branch manager Jamie Armor. our involvement with the school. “We hope that this donation will show others that giving to the SPCA can make such an impact, one person can make a difference in an animal’s life,” added Anita Needham. The Centre for Arts

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See Young A22

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Advertising Sales Consultant The award winning Capital News has an opportunity for an Advertising Sales Consultant that is a result-oriented individual who enjoys working independently. Candidates for this position will possess the ability to develop new business and create strong marketing programs for our print and online publications. The winning candidate will be a team player that is organized, competitive and able to work along side a very strong team. You have built your career on relationships and understand the importance of consulting with clients about their objectives and developing solutions that help them achieve their goals. You are creative, organized and thrive in a competitive market. Our environment is fastpaced and no two days are the same. A valid drivers license and a vehicle in good working condition is required for this position.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News



Be thankful for ability to give back

Some important aspects of estate planning

Young from A21 the engine of economic growth and recovery in our region and our Canada. I am thankful for the ability to give back. I am thankful to all the organizations, and fellow entrepreneurs and the plethora of wonderful colleagues and associates that have recognized my value, and provide me the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences with others. My successes and failures provide lessons that will help others in their entrepreneurial journeys and professional growth and self-discovery. Helping others succeed is truly my passion, and the gift of sharing is one that I will forever appreciate and cherish. And finally, thank-you to all of my dear readers for your loyalty and support as I strive to contribute to the building of an Okanagan entrepreneurial culture. My purpose in this contributory goal in building a successful culture is to help others create a “culture of greatness� in their own lives, personally and professionally, and to assist our leaders build extraordinary cultures to attract and keep extraordinary people in our midst. I would not be able to carry out this vision and mission without the loyalty and support of those of you who believe in me. I wish everyone the completion of a wonderful holiday season. Joel Young is an entrepreneurial leadership coach, consultant and educator and founder, Okanagan Valley Entrepreneurs Society.


hat do they mean by “an estate?� According to the dictionary, an estate is the property or everything that you own. So what happens on death is that the decedent’s property is transferred to an estate until all the taxes have been paid and the requirements of the will have been fulfilled. Another name for this is a trust, as a testamentary trust is created upon death. There can be significant taxes when someone dies, so it is advisable for people who have assets to at least have a will and do some estate planning to minimize taxes upon death, or perhaps increase the taxes on death so that the taxes to the beneficiaries may be minimized. There are several other reasons to estate plan such as reducing probate taxes, protect the assets from creditors and to simply organize the affairs before death.



Gabriele Banka Whatever the reason, to create an effective estate plan, an estate planning team is required. The team consists of an accountant, a lawyer, a tax advisor, an insurance advisor, an investment advisor or financial planner, a banker and possibly even a certified business valuator. The estate also needs an executor or executrix, who has the responsibility to distribute the assets and file the various tax returns once the owner of the estate is deceased. One member of the team should be the estate planner, who’s responsibility will be to determine where the client is today, to reorganize the present into a better struc-


ture and to provide a plan and procedure to implement goals set for the future. This person could also become the executor or executrix due to their knowledge of the decedent’s affairs. There are usually five steps in the estate planning process: 1. Gather information. List the assets that are owned currently or may be owned in the future either by way of purchase or by inheritance. Additional items to note on the list are the estimated current fair market value, the original cost, or adjusted cost, when and how the asset was acquired, any annual net income generated by the asset, if the asset is likely to appreciate in value and an estimate of how much, and finally, if shares are owned, the paid up capital value of the shares. List any present, future or possible creditors that may have claims


against the assets that may stall the transfer of the assets to beneficiaries. List the names, locations, ages, incomes, net worth, lifestyle, marital status, SINs, children of all heirs. 2. Goal setting and preliminary planning. Document realistic achievable goals that are fairly specific and balance any conflicting goals of the plan. 3. Identify potential obstacles and risks to the plan. Items such as creditors, marital separation, taxation, possibility of contesting will, are

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minor children involved, or are there any health issues that may lead to incapacity 4. Plan implementation. Depending on the complexity of the estate, the plan may have several implementation dates and phases. It is important that there is also a ‘back door’ to unwind the plan if things do not work out. There should be legal documentation for each phase. This documentation should indicate the location of the assets, financial records and the will. If any changes are made to the plan, the will must also be updated. If the person has a small business, it is very important that the person also have a will because upon death, all bank accounts will be frozen. 5. Ongoing monitoring and fine tuning. The estate plan should be reviewed on a yearly basis to determine if the goals are still being met and in the case of any changes to the income tax act or other acts that might affect the plan. The mechanics of the tax returns required when a person dies is quite complex. There is firstly the terminal return, the rights and things return (optional), and the business return (optional). If there is the requirement for probate or other issues with the estate, the estate’s assets will need to be transferred into a trust and a trust return will need to be prepared every year until the trust is dissolved which is what happens when the assets are distributed to the beneficiaries. If the trust was created upon death or through the terms of a will individual tax rates apply. There are a number of tax elections that can be made upon death that need to be taken into consideration when filing the final tax returns. Finally, when all taxes have been paid and all assets have been distributed, the executor or executrix of an estate can file for a clearance certificate, on both the individual and the estate. Gabriele Banka is a Certified General Accountant, owner of Banka & Company Inc. 250-763-4528

Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A23


Portable electronic device ban welcomed


he National Traffic Safety Board in the United States issued a press release Dec. 13, 2011, calling for an outright ban on the use of portable electronic devices by drivers. Not just a ban on handheld devices, but an outright ban on the use of all portable electronic devices—even hands-free. The call for an outright ban arose from yet another series of deaths and injuries arising from drivers distracted by cell phones. The chairperson of the National Traffic Safety Board said: “The data is clear; the time to act is now. How many more lives will be lost before we, as a society, change our attitudes about the deadliness of distractions?” In British Columbia, hand held cell phone use was banned in January 2010. In my Jan. 24, 2010, column, I quoted from a summary of research findings from the motor vehicle branch in this province: “Evidence also concludes that there is no difference between the level of driver distraction associated with hands-free and hand-held cell phone use.” I posed the rhetorical question of when will we take the other step forward and prohibit wireless chatting while driving altogether. It’s not having only one hand on the steering wheel that causes crashes. It’s being distracted by the conversation. Interestingly, studies have shown that conversations between driver and passenger are not as distracting. Banning hand-helds did nothing for us except stimulate the cell phone industry. I wonder how many millions of dollars have been wasted on cell phone pe-


Elected officials work for you

ripherals as a result of the hand-held ban. Aside from the horrendous cost to British Columbians, I would argue that instead of making our roads safer, banPaul ning hand-helds actually Hergott made our roads less safe. Before, concerned British Columbians would have limited or completely avoided their cell phone use, conscious of the dangers of distraction. The truly safety conscious drove with their cell phone in the trunk. With the hand-held ban, British Columbians were sent the message that hands-free cellphone use was safe, that the problem was with the hand-held, not with the conversation. Cell phone use by drivers has more likely increased, rather than decreased. We have seen what effective legislation can do to stop crashes and save lives. The new impaired driving legislation in B.C. has been brilliantly effective. Have you seen the statistics? There has been an astoundingly beautiful reduction in alcohol related crashes. Yes, there is more work to be done, but it is a fabulous start. Let’s heed the results of the research done by our own superintendent of motor vehicles. Let’s notice the calls to action in other parts of the world. Let’s reduce crashes and save lives with another bold legislative move and ban the use of all portable electronic devices by drivers. Until the political will builds to the point that effective legislation is finally passed, how about be proactive. Use this time of resolutions to resolve to pop your cell phone into the trunk in 2012. One crash is too many. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.



or many people, the start of a new year is a time to reflect on what did and did not go well in the previous 12 months, as with New Year’s resolutions comes the chance to start anew. You might call it a period of assessment. But for property owners, New Year’s assessment means something rather more literal. Some time ago, I was approached by the West Kelowna Residents’ Association about concerns they had with their assessed property values and the organization that does this, the B.C. Assessment. The WKRA studied the assessment of properties over a two year period and believed the assessments were not consistent within their neighbourhood. BCA has a national and even international reputation as one of the most-respected property assessment bureaus in North America. I asked WKRA for more details, and received a comprehensive package, which included analytical information on neighbourhoods, specific cases and lakefront properties. WKRA established a committee in 2010 to look at property assessments in the District of West Kel-

Angels duo beat up local cop Kathy Michaels STAFF REPORTER

Two men involved with the Hells Angels dished up their own variety of holiday spirit Tuesday, by allegedly assaulting a Kelowna Mountie. The melee started shortly after 2 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 27, when Kelowna RCMP’s downtown enforcement unit came upon a fight in front of Sapphire nightclub on Leon Avenue. “When (RCMP) members moved in to make an arrest of the

main aggressor, one of the officers was jumped from behind, put into a head lock and punched in the face several times by a second male,” said Sgt. Ann Morrison. Both men were arrested and taken into custody where their gang affiliations became clear. Pedro Amestica, 39, is from Kelowna and has been charged with assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. “He does not have a criminal record and is a known associate of the Hells Angels Mission city chapter,” said Morrison. The second man, Thomas Volk-

er, 37, is from Mission and has been charged with assaulting a police officer. “He has a criminal record and is a member of the Hells Angels Mission City Chapter,” she said. Both men have been released and are set to appear in provincial court in Kelowna next month. There were five men involved in the tussle, and Morrison said it’s unclear as of yet if the fight had anything to do with gang business. As for the officer, he suffered minor injury to his face and head but did not require medical attention.

Potential ahead for unsettled spring Warm from A1 them to ripen before cold weather hit. November marked the start of wintery weather, but it was short-lived, and December has been mild and extremely dry. In fact, normally there 36 centimetres of snow

in December, and there’s been only about seven centimetres this year. Temperatures were also slightly above normal, and over the past 365 days, temperatures have averaged out to normal, reports Lundquist. A dry fall is also evident in the level of Oka-

nagan Lake, which is 15 centimetres below normal for this time of year. Fellow meteorologist David Jones, with Environment Canada, says the forecast is for continued warmer than normal temperatures for the next couple of days, but Sunday it’s expected to

chill down a bit. Daytime temperatures, though, are expected to continue above freezing. Normals for this time of year are lows of -5 C and highs of -1 C.

Ben Stewart owna to do this work. I’m not an expert on property assessment, so I approached BCA’s office in Kelowna and asked them to prepare an analysis and response to WKRA’s study. But because WKRA were concerned about fairness, I didn’t want BCA to simply respond; it would be much better to meet face-to-face. BCA agreed, and hosted two meetings in June and November with myself, the WKRA, and the District of West Kelowna. The BCA described— in full detail—the process used to assess properties,

not just in West Kelowna, but across the province. It’s amazingly indepth, and I won’t go into significant detail here; if you’re interested, BCA’s website is very informative. While they did not agree with all the BCA’s findings, the WKRA members accepted the statistical standards used are in fact more demanding than accepted international requirements. They were “satisfied” with the responses from the BCA and myself— and I’m sure are anxiously awaiting their 2012 assessments, coming in January. BCA and WKRA will continue this cooperative working relationship in 2012 should there be any concerns. Of course, if you don’t own a home or even live in West Kelowna, you might ask yourself why this affects or should interest you. Perhaps it doesn’t. But this story is a nice capsule of the role elected

officials can play. From town and city councillors and mayors, to MLAs, and your Members of Parliament in Ottawa, it’s important to remember these people were elected to help and serve their constituents. Please don’t be shy or hesitant about reaching out to them, including myself. Most MLAs and MPs host open houses, and even if you can’t make it, they have staff to guide you along the way. No matter where you live, I wish you nothing but the best this holiday season. Ben Stewart is the Liberal MLA for Westside-Kelowna.

Telling your story most accurately: Capital News

care about your carrier

Especially during the winter months when it’s icy, cold, snowy and dark outside, think about the carrier who’s walking the streets to deliver your Capital News.. Please take the time to clear a path to your door, and leave on an outside light to enable your carrier to safely accomplish their task.



Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News

Your community. Your classifieds.





Information CLASSIFIED POLICIES Error Policy While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.


It is agreed by any display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.



FUNERAL CELEBRANT Creating personalized ceremonies, tributes, life celebrations. Certified. Linda (250)717-5950

Check out our ongoing specials


Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.

Personals DATING SERVICE. LongTerm/Short-Term Relationships, Free to Try!!! 1-877297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call: #4011 or 1888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call: 1-866-311-9640 or #4010. Meet Local Single Ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+). Retired gentleman seeks lady friend (50-60 yrs) for long term relationship. Please reply to Box # 8 c/o The Morning Star, 4407-25th Ave, Vernon, BC, V1T 1P5.


Lost & Found

Canadian Contest- Cancun, All Expenses Paid Holiday for Two. 24 hr 1-877-260-2221

LOST: One red hearing aid, Dec. 15 on Gellatly Rd. 250707-1312





Lost & Found

Childcare Available

LOST: Gold, pinky ring with initials E.M.J. Walmart or Staples, sentimental value, belonged to my deceased mother, Please Call 250-762-9592.

HUNNY’S HOUSE Licensed Daycare, 12 full time spaces available, $650/mo 3-5yr olds. Bonuses available

Nick passed away quietly in Lethbridge, Alberta in his 87th year. Service will be held in the community hall at Beaverdell, BC. January 11th, 2012 from 1-3 pm. Refreshments will follow in Nicks honor. All are welcome.




Business Opportunities GET paid every time the phone rings. 250-980-3302 & listen to the voice message.

PITTMAN - ANITA We are going to miss you Mom, but we know you’ve missed dad, your dancing partner these past four months. And we know you’ve missed you son Roger for the last 39 years. You and dad have left behind a wonderful legacy. Rogers’s wife Lynn (since remarried), Roger’s son Stephen Zaharia, wife Sylvie, their daughter Chloe, Son David, wife Penny, their daughter Amy Takekawa, husband Akira, their son Masato, their daughter Jessica and , and son JP (James Peter). Daughter Karen Berard and her husband Lee and their sons Jason and Cody. Mom was born in St. Boniface, a suburb of Winnipeg, Manitoba, 91 years ago. She was one of six children. All but one, her brother who is still living in Winnipeg, have predeceased her. Mom moved to the Okanagan when she was 19 years old. She met the love of her life shortly thereafter and married him in 1943. After the war in 1947 they moved to Kelowna and resided in the same house for 50 years. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot when the city tore down out home. Your priority in life was providing a warm and loving home for your family. You were our energizer bunny, always ready to do something. A trip somewhere, shopping and lunch, or a game of bridge or bowling. I know you’ve been missed these last few years by the girls in your bridge club, as well as your bowling team. A Graveside Service will take place at Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Dry Valley Road on Friday, December 30th, 2011 at 11:00 AM, followed by a Memorial Mass at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 839 Sutherland Ave at 1:00 PM. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Kidney Foundation in memory of Anita. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, clicking on stories and typing in Anita Pittman. Arrangements entrusted with First Memorial Funeral Services, Kelowna. 250-762-2299

Happy 100th Birthday to Emma Kirschner! All the family of Emma Kirschner wishes her a truly wonderful Birthday on Dec. 31st, 2011.



WESTGATE, VIOLET BEATRICE Violet Beatrice – Born on March 7, 1921 Passed away on December 23, 2011 in Kelowna. Survived by her loving family: son, Daryl (Gail); daughters, Darba and Dwli (James); six grandchildren, thirteen great grandchildren; sisters, Dolores and Pat (Bob) as well as all of her extended family. A service will be held in the summer. In lieu of flowers, donations to the B.C. Children’s Hospital, 4480 Oak Street, B321 Vancouver, B.C. V6H3V4. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting

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Childcare Available AT TIGGER & ME Too Daycare: Spots available for 21/2 5 year olds. Pre School: 3-5 year olds. Rutland Area. Call 250-878-8444


STRAND, RALPH ELMO Ralph Elmo Strand, age 93, of Kelowna BC, passed away gently on December 23, 2011. Ralph was born to the late Nils and Anna Strand, January 20, 1918 in the Alpine District of Manitoba, the third of six children. He was predeceased by his wife, Madeleine (Allard) in 1984, son Ralph in 1969, son David in 1974 and sons-in-law, Ron Sclater (1979) and Mikko Sibakow (2009). He was also predeceased by his brothers Leonard, Arnold, Glen and sisters Irma and Irene. He is survived by four daughters, Marlene Boback (Ernie) of Kelowna BC, Phyllis Willox (Bill) of Brandon MB, Bernice Sibakow of The Pas MB and Vera Clark of Kelowna BC. Also surviving are nine grandchildren, Michael Boback (Corrine), Robert Boback (Tammy), Susan Stewart (Dave), Michelle Boback Toufexis (Elias), Angie Willox, Sarah Stewart, Bryan Willox, Mikael Sibakow (Brandy), Lindsay Sibakov, and seven great grandchildren, Makayla Boback, Ethan Boback, Bailey Sibakow, Samuel Stewart, Lincoln Boback, Madeleine Boback, and Isabella Toufexis. A service will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, December 30, 2011 at Springfield Funeral Home Chapel, Kelowna BC. To accommodate family and friends in The Pas, Manitoba, a service will take place Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 1:00 pm at Hemauer Funeral Home. Interment at Lakeside Cemetery, The Pas, Manitoba. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Canadian Lung Association. Condolences and extended obituary may be viewed by visiting 250-860-7077

(1956 – 2011) Passed away suddenly at Kelowna General Hospital after a courageous and lengthy battle with her illness. Marcela will be forever and lovingly missed by her husband Ivan Kurnik and children Jessica, Jenny and Mike. A Memorial Mass will be held on Friday, December 30 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 2547 Hebert Road, West Kelowna at 11:00 a.m. Messages of condolence may be sent to the family by visiting

PENNER, HELEN Helen Penner went to be with her Lord on Sunday, December 25th, 2011 at the age of 93 years of age. She is survived by her loving family; two daughters, Mary Schroeder of Calgary, AB, Ruth (Mervin) Neufeld of West Kelowna, BC; two sons, David (Rita) of Sherwood Park, AB, Edwin (Peggy) of Belize, daughter-in-law Phyllis of Swift Current, SK, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Sadly predeceased by her husband Frank and son Dennis. A time of visitation will be held at 2:00 pm on Friday, December 30, 2011, at Springfield Funeral Home, for those wishing to pay their last respects. Interment will take place at 2:45 pm at Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery. Memorial Service will follow at 4:00 pm at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to The Huntington Society of Canada: 13 Water Street North, PO 1269, Cambridge, ON, N1R 7G6 in Helen’s memory would be appreciated. Condolences may be sent to the family by, 250-860-7077.

HLADY: ANN (NEE TYMCHUK) Born January 14, 1917, Ann passed away peacefully on December 24, 2011 at the age of 94. Beloved wife of the late Michael Hlady, loving mother of Alvin (Sharon), Audrey (Bernard Rousseau), Ruby (the late Tim Theilmann) and Debbi (John Milligan), grandmother to Mark, Susan, Chantal, Angelina, Kathryn and Alan, great-grandmother to Ben, Gavin, Ian, Isabel and Carmen, dear sister of Ella (Hlady). She will be greatly missed by all. She was predeceased by brothers Mike, Peter and Steve and sisters Nellie, Irene and Stella. Ann was born and raised in Brokenhead, Manitoba and moved to the Okanagan in 1960, first to Peachland and then in 1968 to Kelowna. A lover of nature, she could often be found in her garden. Baba provided home-made meals to all who came to visit, and the last year of her life was no exception. Whether she was known as Mom, Baba, Grandma, Great-Grandma or Ann, she will be remembered fondly by family and friends for her devotion, caring, patience and kindness. The family wishes to thank the staff of The Good Samaritan Society at Mountainview Village Assisted Living for their caring attitude towards our mother. Prayers will be held at the Chapel of First Memorial Funeral Services, 1211 Sutherland Ave on Monday, January 2, 2012 at 7:00 pm. A Funeral Mass will be held at the Dormition of the Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Parish, 1091 Coronation Avenue, Kelowna on Tuesday, January 3 at 10:00 am. Interment will follow in the Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted with First Memorial Funeral Services, Kelowna. 250-762-2299

Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011

Career Opportunities A25

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

From here. To career. The Shortest Path To Your Business Career Train today for: • Accounting & Payroll Administrator • Graphic Design • Business Administration / E-Commerce Mgt and more.... Also available: • Practical Nursing • Addictions & Community Support Worker





Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities

Career Opportunities

BE YOUR Own boss with Great Canadian Dollar Store. Franchise opportunities now available. Call today for details 1-877-388-0123 ext. 229 or visit our website:

‘BUSINESS LOANS’ Can’t get the attention of your banker? For a new start up or expansion loans, contact Community Futures Developement Corp. Dave Scott, Loan Manager, 250-868-2132 ext 227


HOME BASED BUSINESS Canadians earn your groceries Free. 24 hr. 1-877-260-2221

ITALIAN Restaurant for sale in Westbank. For info Phone After 8 PM Call 250-768-7983

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

DON’T JUST Visit, Live it! Agricultural placements in Europe, UK, Australia or New Zealand. Wide range of jobs (4-12 months) awaiting experienced individuals ages 18-30. AgriVenture arranges everything. Booking now for spring departures. 1-888-598-4415. Canadian farmers looking for an extra hand in their busy season are also invited to apply for an international trainee.

to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or GIFT BASKET FRANCHISE Looking for sales oriented partner in Kelowna. Ideal home based business opportunity. Call 778-753-4500

• AIR BRAKE COURSE EVERY WEEKEND • Class 1, 2, 3, 4 Driver Training Courses • Bobcat + Forklift Training • Custom Designed Courses • Personal & Coporate Driving Evaluations

Serving Kelowna, Penticton & Vernon





Education/Trade Schools



We’re taking your education to the next level!





Starting Sept 2011, you will receive an iPad when you begin classes at Vancouver Career College. All iPads will come with e-books and educational apps, providing you with a more interactive learning experience!


Step into the career you’ve been dreaming of. Call today!




Maintenance Supervisor / Planner

TOLKO INDUSTRIES LTD. Is currently seeking a Maintenance Supervisor / Planner to join our team in ARMSTRONG, BC. Tolko is a forest products company with marketing, resource management and manufacturing operations throughout Western Canada. We are an equal opportunity employer offering excellent pension and flex benefit programs. The Maintenance Planner is responsible for the planning and optimization of all maintenance assets including the full utilization of a computerized maintenance management system. The focus of the position is safety, quality, production and continuous uptime opportunities. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Tolko offers: · Competitive salary · A company that believes in a sustainable environment · Development opportunities · Wellness Program · Dynamic and challenging environment · Stable employment Strong values of Safety, Respect, Progressiveness, Open Communication, Integrity and Profit guide us at Tolko. QUALIFICATIONS: · Five years’ experience working in a production / industrial environment. Three years supervisory related work experience in a production/industrial environment · Experience in the use of computerized maintenance systems, preferably JD Edwards. Sound understanding of preventive and predictive maintenance practices. · Major maintenance outage /turn-around planning experience. · Good understanding of forestry industry operations and equipment is an asset. READY TO APPLY YOURSELF? If you are interested in exploring this opportunity and being part of our community please visit our website at: and submit your resume by January 13, 2012 or Fax: 250-546-2240


Call our Kelowna Campus:


Become a Psychiatric Nurse in your own community There is an urgent need for more Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN), particularly outside the urban areas of the province. And with the workforce aging – the average age of a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in BC is 47 years – the number of retirees from the profession is exceeding the number of graduates. Entry-level earnings start at $30.79/hour to $40.42/hour. Train Locally – The only program of its kind in BC, students can learn within their local communities via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements, and some regional classroom delivery. This 23 month program is accredited by the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of BC (CRPNBC). Government student loans, Employment & Labour Market Services (ELMS), band funding & other financing options available to qualified applicants.

Toll Free:



Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News








Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Holistic Health


All CDL Drivers wanted: Excellent mileage pay + bonuses. Require valid passport. Deliver new & used vehicles long haul in U.S. & Canada. Piggyback training available. Toll-Free 1-855-781-3787.

Class 1 Drivers to haul dry vans Western Canada & US. Only drivers with 2 years exp. & US border crossing capability. Local Drivers also required. Dedicated tractors, paid drops, direct deposit. No phone calls Fax 250-546-0600


Become a Psychiatric Nurse - train locally via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements and some regional classroom delivery. Wages start at $30.79/hr to $40.42/hr. This 23 month program is recognized by the CRPNBC. Gov’t funding may be available. Toll-free 1-87-STENBERG


CASE Studies needed. Our students are ready for : Manicure, $20, Pedicure, $20, Reflexology, $29. Massage $29. Hypnosis, $45. 250-868-3114

WENINGER CONST. Family company commited to Kelowna & Big White. 250-765-6898

Advertising Sales Consultant The award winning Capital News has an opportunity for an Advertising Sales Consultant that is a result-oriented individual who enjoys working independently. Candidates for this position will possess the ability to develop new business and create strong marketing programs for our print and online publications. The winning candidate will be a team player that is organized, competitive and able to work along side a very strong team. You have built your career on relationships and understand the importance of consulting with clients about their objectives and developing solutions that help them achieve their goals. You are creative, organized and thrive in a competitive market. Our environment is fastpaced and no two days are the same. A valid drivers license and a vehicle in good working condition is required for this position. The Capital News is delivered every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to over 50,000 homes in the Central Okanagan. We are a part of the Black Press family, Canada’s largest independent newspaper group with over 150 community, daily and urban papers located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, Hawaii and Ohio. Reply in confidence with resume by December 31, 2011 attention:

Farm Workers VOLCANIC Hills Estate Winery and TBA Farm Ltd.,Needs workers 5-6 d/pr/wk 40 -50 hrs pr/wk $10.25 pr/hr Feb15Dec30 2012. Apple thinning picking cherry picking & work in vineyard - tying sukering, green pruning, new planting, picking. We also need workers to help in Wine cellar. Submit Resume by fax 778-755-5595 or by mail: 3030 Elliott Rd. Westbank V4T1M2. 250-7685768

Help Wanted

Landmark Technology Centre 110-1632 Dickson Ave., Kelowna BC

Unemployed with a business idea? The Self Employment Program financial assistance is available to eligible individuals who want to start or purchase a business in which they have had no prior ownership. Two hour information sessions are held every Friday at 10 am at Community Futures.

Call 250-868-2132 to reserve a space

Karen Hill 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 Fax: 250-862-5275 Email: No phone calls please.

Funded in whole or part through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Development Agreement.

Comfort Gas Service Inc. (CGSI) (Plumbing, Heating & A/C) WANTED! Journeyman HVAC Technician Or Experienced HVAC Technician. Email resume to & Call (250)-868-7105

Intermediate Accounting Position Westwinn Group, the leading all welded aluminum sport¿shing boat manufacturer located in Vernon, BC. We build a full range of boating products and services that deliver fun, excitement and reward to the millions of anglers around the globe. and www.king¿ Position Overview Reporting to the Chief Operations Of¿cer, this position is responsible for ¿nancial statement preparation including processing of journal entries, regulatory ¿lings, variance investigation, cost accounting and reconciliations in a highly regulated manufacturing environment. You will be part of a dynamic, hands-on team with a willingness to roll up your sleeves to get the job done. You will be motivated to grow in your role and broaden your experience skill set. Accounting Responsibilities: • Financial statement preparation, consolidation and variance analysis for multiple companies • Cost accounting for manufactured products • Various GL account reconciliations • Preparation and processing of journal entries • Maintain the capital asset schedules • Support COO with budget and year end preparations Requirements: • Completion of or completing a College/University program in Accounting. • Ability to identify process improvements and opportunities for streamlining • Strong MS Of¿ce skills • Positive attitude with excellent interpersonal & communication skills • Strong organizational skills with ability to meet deadlines • Cost accounting and ERP experience in manufacturing considered an asset This position is eligible for the Service Canada Youth Employment Strategy – Career-Focus. Visit career/shtml for speci¿c criteria. Apply to: on or before January 5, 2012.



Assembly sales, customer service & management trainee positions available within our Kelowna office. Must be 18+ years of age. No experience required as we provide full training. Call 250-860-3590 or send resume to

////////// $2500+/MO.! Men & Women 18+yrs. needed to fill F/T positions in our Kelowna office. We provide full training. Call 250-860-9480, email: or text 250-8990981 Alberta earthmoving company requires a Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic. You will work in a modern shop and also have mechanics truck for field work. The job is at Edson, Alberta. We require that you have experience on Cat crawlers and or Deere excavators. Call Lloyd at (780)723-5051. CA$H for LBS! Resolve now for FREE program! Details:


While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

GENERAL VINEYARD LABOURERS Gray Monk Cellars Ltd is seeking temporary vineyard labourers in Lake Country and surrounding area, to start work February 13th, 2012. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties incl. picking, processing, grounds and vineyard maint. Starting wage $9.50/hr. approx. 40-50 hrs/wk. Please fax resume to: 766-3390 or email We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.

Holbrook Dyson Logging Ltd Has vacancies in the following job: 1)Heavy Duty Mechanic. Details can be seen at Fax resume to 250-287-9259 ORCHARD Workers, thinning, picking, pruning. $10.25/hr. or piece rate up to 60hrs/wk 6 days/wk. April 1 - Oct 31. Apply by fax, 250-765-3002

is hiring on behalf of Baker Hughes Baker Hughes Alberta based oilfield services company is currently hiring;

Financial Services


ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call 250-979-4357 to set up your FREE consultation in Kelowna Donna Mihalcheon CA,CIRP BDO Canada Limited Trustee in Bankruptcy, #200 -1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna, BC. V1Y 9X1 M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Class 1 or 3 License required.


HD MECHANICS 3rd or 4th apprentice or Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanics with their Red Seal and CVIP License to work in Red Deer & Hinton. Please call 250-718-3330 or Fax: 1-888-679-0759 For more information or send your resume & current drivers abstract to: Live-in Caregiver required for 84 year old male, 80% blind with medical conditions. Duties include making meals, housecleaning & laundry. Valid driver’s license is required to drive to appointments, shopping, etc. Please reply to J.R. Braun, 2434 Oliver Ranch Rd. OK Falls BC V0H 1R2 VINEYARD LABOURERS Intrigue Wines Ltd is seeking seasonal vineyard labourers in Lake Country to start work February 20, 2012. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include grounds & vineyard maintenance, operation of farm & vineyard equipment. Starting wage $9.50/hr, approx 40-50hrs/wk. Please fax resume to 250-766-2834 or email

We thank all applicants in advnce but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.

Services Mind Body Spirit #1 for a reason. Paradise Massage. Where men come to relax. 778-477-5050 Kelowna AFFORDABLE, Excellent F/B Massage & NIR Sauna. Thank you! Linda 250-862-3929. ASIAN Ladie’s Massage. Lovely, Peaceful Setting, Men and women welcome $60/hr. Call (250)-317-3575 BLISS Massage 4 your every need. 10 yrs exp. men only . Call 4 appt. 250-215-7755 THAI Massage. Totally relax & energize your body & mind. Call 250-801-7188

Help Wanted

Countertops REFACE Countertops. 1/2 the Cost of Replacing. Granite & Corian Designs. 470-2235.

Drywall Quality Taping & Ceiling Texture Small - Med. jobs. 23yrs Exp. Call Jeff 250-869-9583



A&S ELECTRIC. Resid/Comm Wiring. New constr, renov. & service changes. lic’d & bonded. Steve 864-2099 (cont #90929) JRS ELECTRIC: Licns’d, bnded & insr’d. From new builds & renos to service calls. Russ 250-801-7178 (cont:98365)

Get a Title Loan against your Vehicle and keep driving it!! No Job/Credit? NO PROBLEM!!

Floor Refinishing/ Installations

(327-8729) Visit us at: 209-1767 Harvey Ave Kelowna

NEW LIFE RENOVATIONS. 15 Years Renovation Experience, Work Ethic & Respect second to non. Permits pulled & all jobs completed on time. Call Spencer @ 778-214-9000


PAWN SHOP Online: get cash fast! Sell or get a loan for your watch, jewelry, gold, diamonds, art or collectibles from home! Toll-Free: 1-888435-7870

Business/Office Service OFFICE Assistant Services. Experience with Office 2007. Willing to do letter and report writing, transcription, managing a website, business math and more. Please call 250801-7825.

Cleaning Services BEST Quality Cleaning Reliable, bonded, ins’d. Comm, Strata,Rest/ Med./Dental/Offices Move in/out 250-868-7224 Exp. Cleaners Clean Everything, Big White, Office evenings,B $20/hr. 250-765-8880

Computer Services 12/7 A MOBILE COMPUTER TECH.Certified computer technician, virus removal, repairs, upgrades. Let me come to you. (250)-717-6520. 12/7 In-Home Repairs. New Systems/Upgrades. 20+yrs Prof. Service. Peter 215-4137

Concrete & Placing For all your concrete services Cold weather concreting, repairs & Poxy coatings. Call now for a free estimate Check out our website Free Estimates. Government Certified. 250-451-6944

Garage Door Services GARAGE Doors- install, service, repair all makes of doors & openers. 250-878-2911

Handypersons NEED a hand inside or out from painting to yard work. 250-215-1712, 250-768-5032

Heat, Air, Refrig. SOMMERFELD Heating. Replace/install AC’s, heat pumps fireplaces etc. Lic’d. 215-6767

Home Improvements OLD SCHOOL Construction. Interior renovation specialist. Done right the first time. Lic & ins. Sen. discount. Cory Doell 250-862-7094

Home Repairs High Caliber Construction. All home & office reno’s. No job too big or small. 250-864-0771 LARRY’S Handyman & Reno Serv., Lg. & Sm. jobs, Graffitti Removal etc., 250-718-8879

Machining & Metal Work GET BENT Metal Fab, fences, gates, railings, security bars,

Moving & Storage

KSK Framing & Foundations. Quality workmanship at reas rates. Free est 250-979-8948

#1 Family Movers. Moving & Deliveries. $49/hr+up. Guaranteed best rate. (778)-363-0127 AAA Best Rates Moving $59+. FLAT Rates long dist. Weekly trips BC/AB. 250-861-3400

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


T-Bone’s is now hiring for a

Front Counter Supervisor

T-Bone’s Front Counter Store Supervisors are responsible for the supervision of staff working in a fast paced, customer focused retail front counter area while maintaining a fun, positive team atmosphere. Additionally, they are responsible for providing an exceptional shopping experience for our customers. Responsibilities: • Develops, maintains and supervises front counter customer service staff • Ensures customer satisfaction, dealing with any issues or concerns • Responsible for effective execution of all front counter operations • Schedules the staff ensuring efficient and productive use of labour • Promotes daily sales and supports suggestive selling opportunities • Ensures a clean and safe work environment while meeting industry and T-Bone’s standards • Ensures all marketing initiatives and signage are in place Requirements: • High School Diploma • Previous management and hiring experience • 3 years customer service experience • Cash handling experience • Excellent customer service skills • Strong time management and organizational skills Please appl apply ly wi with ith a resume • Ability to work and lead in a team environment • Full-time availability required and references to

Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A27




Pets & Livestock

Pets & Livestock

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Moving & Storage

Painting & Decorating


Feed & Hay


$100 & Under

Free Items

KELOWNA DECK & RAIL. Vinyl, Mod. Flooring, Alum., GlassTopless/Picket878-2483.

HAY FOR SALE; Grass or Grass Alfalfa mix, Round bales $70 each, approx. 800lbs. Large square bales, 3x3x8, $160/ton. Delivery avail. on larger orders. 250838-6630

PULLETS, 16 week old pullets, ready for laying. We did all the work, now you enjoy. Sex-alink large brown egg layers for $10/ea, $8.50 if over 12 chickens purchased. 250-549-5060

OLDER Model Maytag Dishwasher. Black front. Works great $100 250-763-6458

Merchandise for Sale

Computer System, Windows Internet ready Excellent Cond. $200. 250-869-2363 Kelowna

Camera Equipment

$300 & Under

OLYMPUS Digital E 500 Camera 40-150 mm f3.5 - 4.5 Telephoto Lens. Lrg & small carrying cases, still brand new never used, paid $800 asking $500 Cash Firm. Have receipt. Call Bill (250)769-4765

Computer Laptop, Windows, Wireless, Excellent Condition, $300. 250-869-2363 Kelowna

DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, also Fifth Wheel moving. 250-2150147 or 250-766-1282

FAMILY Movers. Moving? Anything, anywhere. Local and long distance trips. Packing service available, weekly trips to Vancouver, Alberta, full and partial loads. Cheapest rates in the valley. Free Estimates, 250-493-2687 NORTH END Moving Service Local/Long Distance. Free Estimates 250-470-9498

DALE’S PAINTING Service. Painting Kelowna a better place since 1982. 862-9333

Plumbing BAYSIDE Plumbing & Gas Fitting Service. Qualified, reliable & Bonded. 250-317-2279 DREGER MECH. Plumbing, Gasfitting, comm/res & reno, ins’d, 24hr. Call 250-575-5878.

Rubbish Removal

Painting & Decorating

#1 AAA Junk Removal. Anything,Anytime,Anywhere! Construction/Appls. 250-469-3275

CALL COR’S PAINTING. On time, on budget. Neat & tidy. Focus on repaints. Lic & ins. Senior discount. Cory Doell 250-768-8439

Snowclearing SNOW Removal, sanding, comm.lots/acreage.Tremblay’s Excavating. 250-979-8033

Tiling TILE Setter. Artistic Ceramics. Custom tile setting. Call 250870-1009

Tree Services NOW is the best time to prune or remove fruit trees or elms, Blue Jay Lawn Care 575-4574

Pets & Livestock

Feed & Hay 800 lb round bales: this years grass hay $50./bale, last years grass hay $25./bale. Shavings & Sawdust available 250-804-6720

*HAY-SALES-GUARANTEED Quality Grass, Alfalfa, Mixed square bales, round bales & Silage bales. Delivery avail. (250)804-6081,(250)833-6763.

Pets Cocker spaniel puppies, black/white, born Oct. 31, $450. 250-499-5397 Email: FREE Dog to a good home. Cane Corso Mix. 4yrs old. Some issues. Call for details 250-869-7245

$100 & Under 6 year old kenmore washer. $100 (250)765-1633

$200 & Under

Firearms Boxing Week Sale TuesdayFriday at Weber & Markin Gunsmiths. The Best Little Gun Shop Around, 4-1691 Powick Road Kelowna 250762-7575 Tues-Sat 10-6

FREE All white toilet, sink & tub., comes with cabinet and most fittings & accessories. From a bathroom reno. Take all or nothing! Call 765-1541 FREE Dog to a good home. Cane Corso Mix. 4yrs old. Some issues. Call for details 250-869-7245 FREE for the taking..old but very functional double size sofa-bed. Call after 6pm, 250765-2600 FREE: Fridge, table & freezer. Call 250-768-4974 You pick up FREE Pick-up of used bicycles that you no longer want. Ok if need repair 604-800-2104 FREE P/U- Appliances, Rads, Batteries, Old machinery, vehicles. Harley 778-821-1317 FREE Stove, Washer & Dryer. All white appliances, You pick up. Call (250)768-4974

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Merchandise for Sale

Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News

Real Estate







Apt/Condos for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent APARTMENTS FOR RENT in Granada Gardens for Nov & beyond, ranging from $800-$850/mo 250-766-4528, 250-718-0881

Auto Accessories/Parts


Shared Accommodation

Cars - Domestic

55+ clean, bright top flr condo. Cov’d parking, 6appls, extra storage. $185,900. MLS Charlene Bertrand, Coldwell Banker, 250-870-1870 MISSION Top Floor Condo - 1 bdrm, 1 bath, 866 sq ft, condo located in a well managed 50+ bldg. Beautiful unit. Close to all amenities. Price: $148,000.00. Call (250) 8616882. Rutland 2BD, 2bth, spacious top flr, 5appls, extra storage, secure prking, quiet convenient location. $186,500. MLS Charlene Bertrand, Coldwell Banker, 250-870-1870

787 Harvey Ave. 2bdrm, 1bath walk to amenities NS. NP. $800. (250)-863-0285

ICEPRO Winter tires, 275/ 65/R18. $750. Call 250-3174815

AVAIL immed. 1bd $460 utils incl. Downtown Hospital Area, Bus Route, 778-478-1316 FURNISHED big room downtown by bus. Working person or student. $450 monthly $200 deposit call 250 861-6104 OC-UBCO-CATO Profl, $400 utils, int, cbl, +DD. NS, Cntrl, immed / Mar 1. 250-860-7108 ROOMMATE wanted from $450. 250-860-8106, 250-7183968

LYLE’S TOWING Free removal of unwanted vehicles. Pay up to $1000 for good vehicles. Lots of used parts for sale. 765-8537

FIREWOOD. Fir $185/crd, Jack Pine $150/cd, Ponderosa, $125. Jim, 250-762-5469 SEASONED Fir & Pine, split & delivered. Call 250-7685081

Furniture MERRY CHRISTMAS 25% OFF STOREWIDE SALE HOME FURNISHINGS & COLLECTABLES Now until New Years Eve! 3292 Hwy 97N, Kelowna (1.5 Kms North of McCurdy) 11-5 Tues-Sat (250)-807-7775 OVER Stocked! Big Sale on all Pre-Owned Office Furniture! Large selection of Real Wood Executive Desks & Storage units! Chairs starting at $39.00@Newer Metal Filing Cabinets - 2, 3, & 4 Dr. priced to sell! Visit our Showroom at Total Office Business Furnishings, 420 Banks Rd. Kelowna 250-717-1626

Heavy Duty Machinery

Houses For Sale ******* Where smart sellers meet smart buyers! View Thompson Okanagan properties for sale.// Selling? No Commission. (250) 545-2383 or 1-877-291-7576

Mobile Homes & Parks

Misc. for Sale

Down payment holding you back from moving into a brand new home? We’ll consider anything of market value on trade for the down payment on 64A McCulloch Heights.S.E. Kelowna. About 15 mins from Orchard Park. $189,900 Tax included. Call Accent Homes 250-769-6614

CLASSIFIED POLICIES Error Policy While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion. FAST RELIEF the First Night!! Restless Leg Syndrome and Leg Cramps Gone. Sleep Soundly, Safe with Medication, Proven Results. 1-800-7658660. *FIREWORKS FOR SALE!* At Duck Lake Race Trac Gas Winfield Hwy 97N 12-7 pm Dec 26- Dec 31 STEEL BUILDINGS End of season deals! Overstock must go - make an offer! Free delivery to most areas. Call to check inventory and free brochure 1-800-668-5111 ext 170

Misc. Wanted PRIVATE Buyer looking for old coin collections, mint sets & hoards of coins, specialty coins, loose, sets, etc. 250864-3521 WE will Pay 6.5x for silver coins. Can., US. Also buying gold. 778-932-2316

Sporting Goods Boxing Week Sale TuesdayFriday at Weber & Markin Gunsmiths. The Best Little Gun Shop Around, 4-1691 Powick Road Kelowna 250762-7575 Tues-Sat 10-6

Stereo / DVD / TV TV Stand $30 & 2 TV’s $10 each. Call 250-764-6135

2bdrm reno’d, 4 appls, NS. NP. working couple pref’d $1000 + utils. Ref’s req’d. Avail Jan.1 after 6pm 861-1059 2bdrms w/d, yard, 2prking spots. Reno’d. Beautiful area. $900 + utils. Avail Jan. 1 (250)470-0000 3BD, 2bth, 5appl, skylights, carport, near hospital, college, lake, bus & Mission Mall. NS, NP. $1300+utils, ref’s. 250826-7501, 250-763-5225 Available Immediately 4 plex unit 2bdrm + den 1.5 bath st ,fr, Quiet area 610 Katherine Rd near Westside Rd $1000/mo + utils. 250-7690109, 250-878-9970

Modular Homes OKANAGAN Villa. Adult Park, 55 and over. No pets, 1bdrm, $875/mo. Call 250-765-1758

Homes for Rent

Will pay cash for oversized scrap steel, cats, yarders, saw mill equipment, farm equipment, etc. All insurance in place to work on your property. 250-260-0217

4ft BIRD HOUSES, Tall old barn wood and vintage decorations, some from old mining ghost towns. Prices vary $75-$135, (250)542-0364 CAN’T GET up your stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help! No obligation consultation. Comprehensive warranty. Can be installed in less than 1 hour. Call now 1-866-981-6591.

Duplex / 4 Plex

Free washer /dryer. Factory outlet featuring Can-Am Palm Harbor Homes. Singles starting at $54,500 + Tax. 1500 sq ft. 3bed, 2bath Double section $109,500 + Tax. Includes shipping & handling within Lower B.C. Regions.Show Homes at: 1680 Ross Rd. West Kelowna. Accent Homes 250-769-6614 promo code 31/12/11 VERY CLEAN 2bdrm, 1bath home RV parking, large cul de sac lot in Adult section. $79,900.00 No Tax. Accent Homes (250)-769-6614

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1BDRM apt. for rent. Avail Now. secure building, close to all amenities, $650+ utilities. (250)-861-4700 2BD Condo, 1200sq’, 2car cov’d garage at door, storage. Small pets ok. WD. Chantel Pl. $1075. 250-575-4484 2BDRM 2bth Ground Floor Access with Small Outdoor Patio. 55+ building NP, NS, no children. $890/mo. Bertram and Bernard. Live-in manager Contact Gord (250)860-4056 BROCKTON MANOR. 1 & 2 bedrooms. The large, bright units are a short walk to downtown, hospital, beach & shopping. Transit is right outside the door. Please call us at 250-860-5220 CONDO copper sky new 1 bd lakeview, 6 appl, ac, sec park/storg, pool, tennis gym etc non smoker/pets. 250-7690530 FAIRLANE CRT. 2 & 3 bdrms, heat & hot water incl. Located on Lawrence near Gordon, close to downtown & Capri shopping mall. Please call 250-860-4836 MILL CREEK ESTATES. Various floor plans avail. 1, 2 & 3 bdrms within walking distance of the Parkinson rec center, Apple Bowl, Kelowna Golf & Country Club & Spall Plaza. 250-860-4836. Two Bedroom downtown. Everything is new. Close to lake & bus. $900 Call 778753-3656 or 778-214-0087 WILLOW PARK MANOR. Aurora and Hollywood. 1 & 2 bdrms. Steps away from Willow Park shopping center, transit & the other shops of Rutland. Direct bus route to UBCO. 12-15mins. 250-7633654

2BD. Upper, $1100 2BD Lower $1000 or All $2000 ac, gas f/p up, 2-car grge, shared heat, Avail now, 250-868-7360 3 bed 2 bath that is close to schools. $1300 + util Pet neg 250-300-7377 for an appt 4BD house, 2bth, Lake Country, $1500. Call 778-483-1247 or 250-863-1102 5Bdrm /bsmt inlaw suite in 1/2 Duplex 2200 sqft.,close to bus hosp lake Lrg yard garden space, $1900 (250)868-9059 or text (250)-863-5164 Beautiful new 4bdrm home, great location in Lake Country. f/p, ensuite bath, a/c. Rent includes utilities, n/s, n/p, $1675. Call anytime. (250)550-4096

CLASSIFIED POLICIES Error Policy While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.

Suites, Lower 1BD, avail now. Rutland. Near schools/shops. $650 incl utils. NP. bus route. 250-863-1302. 1BD suite. Up. Mission, bright, quiet, priv entry, laundry,$800 share utils. Pets negot. (250)764-9798 no calls after 9 2BD bsmt suite avail. Rutland area. $800 incl utils. Nov. 1st. NS, NP. Call 250-864-7404 2BD. Lg., KLO & Gordon, ns, np, nprty’s, $ incl. utils. Cls. to bus rte. 250-763-1275 2 BDRM Suite avail. for rent in Mission. Near school & bus. NP, NS. $900 250-317-3462 360 Wallace Rd. 1bd grnd-lvl bsmt suite, $625 incl utils. Avail immed. 604-758-2206 BRIGHT 2bd, Capri area, gas FP, own lndry, utils incl, cats ok. NS. 250-869-7144 BRIGHT w/o basement suite in peachland, close to lake, 2bd + den, new kitchen, good soundproofing, 5 appl, $850/mo. + 1/2 utils. NS,small pets only. Call (250)878-2193 WEST Kelowna, Avail Jan 1st, large, bright, above ground bachelor suite. Near bus, prefer single, working female. No pets, $600 + DD, utils incl. Share lndry. 769-7286

Suites, Upper 1BDRM Suite. Shared W/D. L.Mission. $750/mo + utils. Avail. Immed. 250-215-1562 3 bedrm 2 ba Upper floor of house. Separate laundry, util., and entrance. Large yard and full attached garage. Rutland area close to schools and YMCA. 1350/month + utilities. NP NS Avail Jan 1st or ASAP.. Contact Don at 250 764 8305. 789 Harvey Ave. 3bdrm, 2bath walk to amenities NS. NP. $1350. (250)-863-0285 PEACHLAND. Close to lake, spectacular views, 3bdrm, upper level, NS, pets ok. See pics on Castanet. $1050/mo. plus 1/2 utilities. 250-878-2193 Vernon: EastHill, modern reno’d 3bdrm, 6 appl, ac, cat ok, $1100. all inclusive. avail. Jan 1/15 or Feb 1. Damage Deposit not necessary in 1st month. 250-938-1889 aft 6pm

Fruit & Vegetables


Auto Financing

Error Policy While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.

Scrap Car Removal 1AA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Min $60 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 250-899-0460 SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equipment. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288

SCRAP Car Removal, $100 cash paid for unwanted vehicles. 7 days a week. Call Paul Haul (250)808-9593 DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals


Cars - Domestic 2003 Monte Carlo 3400 V6100,000kms, some SS equip, snows on wheels, $6000 Firm. 250-860-0521 2007 Pontiac Wave, blue, auto, 59,000 kls, exc. cond., sunroof, fully loaded, theft immob, asking $9000 obo, no dealer fees, phone 250-545-7594


Trucks & Vans 2006 Ford E-450 with ambulance body, diesel, all emergency equipment, very clean, recent inspection $24,900obo 250-546-0994

Adult Adult Entertainment If you have the Desire, I have the Fire. Avail. for the Holiday Season. 7 days 10am-10pm Mama Mia.(250)-317-8043


24/7 through the season. GARDEN OF EDEN Wishes you all Happy Holidays. New Girls weekly. Best rates in town. Debit and Credit Okay. 250-868-9439 A BRUNETTE BEAUTY, 36C-28- 35, Long Hair, 26 yrs, 5’5. 127lbs. Clean & Discreet. Ph# 250-681-8369 AN Open Minded Mature Sexy Busty Blonde, Ready To PLEASE YOU! GFE. Independant. 250-808-9673 BABELICIOUS BRUNETTE Sensual, Massage, Lingerie, GFE, Playful & Professional. Upscale In/Out. 250-300-0036 BEACH BUNNIES New First Class Spa #32-2789 Hwy 97 Blue Heights 250-448-8854 We only hire the very best ENJOY a sensual, discreet, tryst with a sexy, beauty in/out Lydia 250-448-2894 MALE 4 Male Erotic Massage $95, waxing, intimate grooming & skin care for the face & back. Winfield, 9-9 Daily 250-766-2048 SEXY, 42 DDD, 28/32 brown eyed brunette. Sexy & Sweet, Discreet. Enjoys couples & dom, GFE. Kelly 765-1098. SEXY Hot Asian Girl. old, 110lbs 5’4”, 34C Friendly, lovely girl. Erotic massage. No In/Out. (250)-878-1250

22yrs 25/36. Pretty. rush.

Sweet Corey. Tis the season for hot body massage & fun. private/discreet (250)870-8710 THE DOLLHOUSE. Kelowna’s erotic hot spot! (250)448-4305




1*ALYSSA* 35yr old Mens Mag Model. Open Minded. 24/7. GFE. 250-826-8615

The link to your community

Sporting Goods

Sporting Goods


1 col x 2” size with or without picture for 3 insertions

2011 Norco CRR - SL, M, SRAM Red complete group 53/39, Ritchey Bars and Stem, Mavic Elite wheel $3600.

Call your classified representative today!

2009 Norco Diabolique II TT Bike, M, Vision Bars, Carbon Seatpost, forks, DuraAce 7800 brakes, shifters, derailleurs, FSA NeoPro Crank 54/42 - $3200 (no wheels)


DROWNING IN THE RENTAL POOL? If you can make monthly mortgage payments but don’t have a down payment, you may be eligible for a $45K non-repayable grant to put down on a brand new home-no strings attached! Contact us about the Project Build II Attainable Housing program today! Gino 250.317.2707 or

UPPER Mission Lakeview. Lovely 3bd, 3bath, + fully finished bsmnt. Pets OK, Avail Jan.1, $2050. 778-577-5007

SCRAP Car Removal. $100 cash paid for unwanted vehicles. 7 days/week Call Paul Haul (250)808-9593


Fresh From the Fields “Local Produce at Your Doorstep”

2005 Cervelo P3K TT Frame only - 51cm, Carbon Fork and Seatpost - $200 Contact 250-462-4441 or


To place an the Kelowna Capital News


NEWLY reno’d office space, w/lake view. 700sq.ft. $800 + T.N. 250-768-9083 Westbank

Room & Board FURNISHED Large Living Space, Priv. Ent., Shared Full Kitchen, Bth & Lndry, utils. incl. NS $800 (250)718-7455

Rooms for Rent #1 Accesible address. DT area, furn’d, cable, w/d,, quiet, avail immed. 862-9223 #1 Available, Furn’d. Quiet DT area,Int,Cbl/Utils. WD. Wrking/ stdnt/senior $400+ 861-5757 ROOM for rent. High speed int, all utils incl. $500. Call 250-862-4624

SPARTAN and Red Delicious Apples for Sale & Free Run Farm Eggs. Call 768-2269 Gala, Ambrosia, Granny Smith, & Fuji Apples


1980 BYRNS Rd, 250-862-4997. Open Tues-Sat, 9am-4pm, LAST DAY SAT DEC 31

Do you want your ad to stand out from the rest? Pick from our great selection of December Toppers for your ad! Only $1/issue! Call a Classified Representative TODAY at 250-763-7114 or email

Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A29



• Mount Boucherie Secondary School principal John Simonson was named one of the top 32 principals in Canada. Simonson was acknowledged for improving opportunities for aboriginal students at his previous school: Const. Neil Bruce Middle School. • Crystal Mountain Resort general manager, Mike Morin, said that business had already been much better on the ski hill than it was the previous season. “Last year, the Olympics really hurt us,” said Morin. • Jamie Naka, a Mount Boucherie Secondary graduate and training opera singer, returned to Kelowna to preform art songs, English pieces and a few Canadian contemporary songs. • Talks moved forward for an additional community garden on the Westside; demand was high with waiting lists for spots in all the other Central Okanagan gardens. • Assessed values climbed for Westside residential and commercial properties but the Westbank town centre core took a hit, according to the B.C. Assessment Authority. •A national cancer study kicked off in West Kelowna. The B.C. Generations Project’s goal was to gather information on cancer and other illnesses from B.C. residents. A West Kelowna clinic gave residents the chance to contribute information and biological samples to the research effort. • Kelowna conservation officer Ed Seitz made use of his days roping cattle to save the life of a young buck trapped in the deep end of an empty swimming pool in West Kelowna. Seitz lassoed the deer so a tranquilizer could be safely administered. • Lavern Panich, a Westside music teacher, was recognized by the Lions Club for his long record of work in the community. Panich beat out close to 200 nominees to earn the Westside Citizen of the Year award. • West Kelowna council asked for a face-to-face meet


Looking back at a year that is about to become history for the District of West Kelowna

TWO STORIES that left a major impact on West Kelowna this past year were the collapse of the new interchange overpass on Highway 97 and the re-election of district mayor incumbent Doug Findlater in the civic election. CAPITAL NEWS FILES

ing with the Central Okanagan Board of Education to explain the district’s resistance to funding school land purchases through a charge on Westside developers. • District of West Kelowna council granted an appeal for a six month extension on the bylaw amendment required for a beach resort project proposed for West Bay Road. • A bench was installed on the Peachland waterfront in memory of Ashlee Hyatt, the 16-year-old who lost her life in June, 2010. • West Kelowna opted to not enter into the running to have a correctional centre built in the area. • yahoooDistrict council decided not to complete the entire recreational corridor at

Gellatly Bay in 2011. Coun. David Knowles argued that the district should bite the bullet and complete the project. “It has become quite a destination,” said Knowles. •West Kelowna council decided to move forward with a

provisional tax increase of just over four per cent in its 2011 budget. •West Kelowna agreed to provide $5,000 in financial support to the Okanagan Symphony Orchestra in exchange for OSO services and

programs for West Kelowna schools. • Several community groups walked away with less than they asked for in cash gifts as West Kelowna council looked at grants-in-aid during the 2011 budget process. • A West Kelowna man arrested in October, 2010, in connection to an alleged attempt to import cocaine into Canada in a fruit grinding machine, was granted bail. •A small chunk of funding allowed crews to get started removing some of the forest fire fuels on the Westside. The first areas to be treated were: Black Canyon Park, Rock Ridge Park, Casa Palmero Park, Falkner Creek Park, Shannon Highlands Park and Horizon Park. • Getting rid of the divided highway in West Kelowna came in at the top of the list for Westside capital projects that required provincial backing. • West Kelowna council voted to work with the Central Okanagan Garden Society on a new community garden at the northern end of Shannon Woods Park.


• Westside-Kelowna MLA Ben Stewart requested input from constituents about the

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issues affecting residents on the Westside. “It’s really getting things prioritized in our area, so when it comes to issues around capital, we know clearly what we want,” said Stewart. • West Kelowna became more welcoming to the world with the addition of a part-time extension of immigrant services through Kelowna Community Resources. The agency rented a room in the West Kelowna Visitor’s Centre with services available every Tuesday morning. • A homeowner’s association in West Kelowna asked the B.C. Assessment Authority to justify what it said seems to be an increasingly random method of property valuation. “We feel they’re failing,” said West Kelowna Residents’ Association director, Carl Zanon. • Copper wiring was stolen from West Kelowna streetlights at a great cost to the district and its taxpayers. According to police, thefts resulted in $20,000 worth of damage to the streetlights. • District of West Kelowna council rejected an invitation to participate in a plan by the regional waste reduction office to keep electronic tabs on residents’ waste disposal patterns and take photos of bin contents. • West Kelowna council nixed a pay raise for itself and remained at the 2010 levels of remuneration. With no increase, West Kelowna council salaries remained at $60,853 for the mayor and $20,501 for councillors. • A counteroffer was made by the District of West Kelowna on the Whitworth land exchange proposal that remained unsettled after more than a year. Council passed a motion to offer an exchange of the Whitworth Road and 4129 Gellatly Rd. properties, with an added contribution of $300,000 and a 12-foot-wide right of way down to the lake. • The former Best Western Wine Country Hotel and See Review A30

Boxes & Supplies Available


Thursday, December 29, 2011 Capital News

2011 WESTSIDE REVIEW Review from A29 Suites was rebranded as the Best Western Plus Wine Country Hotel and Suites. The name change came after the hotel earned the Best Western Plus designation from the chain’s head office. • West Kelowna council opted to fence off the aging CNR wharf from divers. Council also decided that moving the existing diving platform at Gellatly Bay would not make the popular swimming area any safer. • District council set its priorities for the coming year. They included: Economic development, community enhancement, infrastructure works, water system and targeted road improvements. • A quantity of wild meat and sausages valued at $500 was stolen from the West Kelowna Food Bank. • Erika Nairismagi, a student at Mount Boucherie Secondary School, was named the recipient of the 2011 Global Citizen Week Kelowna youth citizen of the year award. Nairismagi received $1,000 towards her ongoing education. • Tourism initiatives promoting the Westside

continued, but the organizing committee formerly run under the auspices of the Westbank and District Chamber of Commerce was directed to start reporting directly to local governments beginning in April. • A Westbank Shopping Centre went up for sale. The portion for sale was listed at 73,910squarefeet, was 99 per cent leased and included tenants such as White Spot, Wendy’s, TD Canada Trust, Starbucks, Landmark Cinemas, Tim Horton’s, Blockbuster Video, Lammle’s Liquor Depot, The Source, Westbank Shoes and Wok Box.


• Regan Toker, a businessman and father of two, was killed in the collapse of a warehouse loft off Kyle Road. The 36year-old warehouse and sales manager was beneath a wooden storage structure inside the Collins-Toker Agencies Ltd. building when it collapsed, bringing down a heavy load of materials stockpiled there. • The Interior Health Authority awarded Glenrosa Middle School teacher Mary Anna Cimbaro

a small grant to purchase composters for the school garden, which were used as part of the Grade 7, 8 and 9 food security coursework. • Peachland’s waterfront was nominated as one of the Great Places in Canada: An online competition hosted by the Canadian Institute of Planners that got people across the country to vote for their favourite places. • West Kelowna council sought public opinion to help create a plan that would balance development, recreation and ecology for the future of the district’s waterfront. • Following a meeting between West Kelowna and Interior Health Authority officials, it was revealed that an urgent care centre, which would have provided health care services such as day surgery, was not likely to be built anytime soon. • Claire Sokoloski, a local district commissioner for Girl Guides, was named West Kelowna’s 2011 Citizen of the Year. • The federal government announced it would grant Westbank First Nation $102,000 over the next two years to help improve living conditions for band members living

on two Westside reserves. • West Kelowna council gave the green light to consumption-based billing for water utility customers in West Kelowna Estates, the Pritchard area and in the former Lakeview Irrigation District where users were previously paying a flat rate for water. • Only 12 residents showed up to talk with the mayor, councillors and municipal staff about the 2011 municipal budget and answer five questions aimed at garnering public response. • West Kelowna council rejected a request from the Westbank and District Chamber of Commerce to have a councillor sit on its board. “We should remain objective, and sitting on the bord would make that difficult,” said Coun. Bryden Winsby. • District of West Kelowna council was applauded after it was determined that the new West Kelowna RCMP building was constructed successfully, under budget.


• Anthony von Mandl explained his desire for expanding Mission Hill Estate Winery to members of the West Kelowna Residents Association. He said he wants to attract the kind of visitor who is “re-

cession proof.” • Two doctors, who perform Liberation and stem cell treatments overseas, came to West Kelowna to discuss their findings. The Multiple Sclerosis Society of West Kelowna and the Reformed MS Society of Canada brought the information session to the Emmanuel Church. • The Central Okanagan Regional District investigated the possibility of giving Westbank First Nation a vote. In 2007, WFN was given an invitation to sit at the CORD table as a non-voting member. • The Central Okanagan Regional District worked to remove pine beetle infested pine trees in West Kelowna. Stacey Harding, parks supervisor for the DWK, said that they had completed 19 pine beetle removal projects in parks and district-owned land so far in 2011. • Ground was broken on the Okanagan Lake Shopping Centre, a small outdoor mall that would be located just south of the Westbank First Nation office building. The facility was said to include a multi-screen movie theatre and several retail outlets. • Dan Albas stepped up his federal election

campaign as the Conservative Party representative in Okanagan-Coquihalla. • Summerland NDP candidate David Finnis said he is very familiar with the Westside. While on the federal election campaign trail, he said, “The advantage I bring is that I live in one part of the riding, but I have worked in (the Westside) for 11 years.” • Westbank First Nation and the Okanagan Regional Library board signed an agreement that provided a library service to the total on-reserve population. • West Kelowna’s desire to cut three underutiliized bus routes in order to add Bus Rapid Transit to the system hit a procedural roadblock. Despite ordering municipal staff at a meeting in March to prepare a communications plan based on the recommended “route rationalization” that would see buses serving the Smith Creek, Bear Creek and Horizon neighbourhoods axed, council seemed to have second thoughts. In the end council opted to have staff identify the next steps to implement changes to the transit system. • Coun. Bryden Winsby questioned the traffic issues that would come with Mission Hill Family

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Estate Winery’s expansion. “I agree it’s a wonderful facility, but I am still concerned about traffic,” said Winsby. • West Kelowna used the Southern Interior Local Government Association to support a call for a registry for scrap metal dealers in a bid to stop copper wire theieves. • Water-parched residents of Upper Glenrosa were offered some relief by the District of West Kelowna in the form of a bulk water dispensing system. • The race for the Okanagan-Coquihalla seat in the Federal Election grew by one when a sixth candidate, Dr. Dietrich Wittel, announced he would run as an independent on a platform he said supports healthy, educated people, who are more productive and require less medical intervention. • Although its construction wouldn’t be happening anytime soon, the land earmarked for a new West Kelowna health centre was finally rezoned to allow it to be built one day.


• Mayor Doug Findlater said taxpayers were on the hook for another $42,000 as a contribution to more than $227,000 paid by the Central Okanagan School District to build a path for students to get safely to Mount Boucherie Secondary School during construction to Royal LePage Place. • The Bear Creek Park boat launch was closed by the Regional District of the Central Okanagan. The launch had been in trouble for some time as silt and sediment, along with low water levels, forced the district to act immediately. • The body of a driver, believed to be in his 60s, whose Cadillac careened into the lake after allegedly sideswiping another car on Westside Road, was recovered. • Dan Albas was elected MP of the OkanaganCoquihalla region. Albas earned 53.6 per cent of the total votes and joined Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s 167-seat Conservative Party majority government. • West Kelowna council killed a controversial proposed land swap that would have seen the district give up a small strip of waterfront land at the intersection of Whitworth Road and George Court in return for a larger property to expand Marina Park and $300,000. See Review A31

Capital News Thursday, December 29, 2011 A31

2011 WESTSIDE REVIEW Review from A30 • Mayor Doug Findlater announced that he would seek a second term as the mayor of West Kelowna. • Martha Jenkins, described by one of her nominators as “an indefatigable worker for her community,” was presented with the community’s top honour—the Citizen of the Year award— at the recent annual Spirit of Peachland Awards ceremony. • With the Westbank and District Chamber of Commerce announcing that it would close the Westbank Tourism Visitor Centre, the municipality struck a deal with the local museum society to operate a visitor centre out of the museum for the spring and summer. • A group of West Kelowna teenagers requested that DWK council pay more attention to the needs of youth in the community. Student Voice, a group of Mount Boucherie Secondary

leadership students, told council that they wanted to see a police liaison program at their school, an annual Westside youth forum to provide input regarding issues and assistance to local businesses that want to open facilities where young people can congregate. • West Kelowna council decided to postpone any decision to accelerate its proposed multi-million road rehabilitation program until the following year. The program, which could see the district repave 200 km of road faster than would usually be the case, could cost West Kelowna as much as $48 million. • A group of West Kelowna residents asked the municipality to force private property owners in their area to clean up land the residents feel presents a potential forest fire hazard to their homes. But the request by residents of Huntsville Green, a strata development off Horizon Drive, did not find much support from council.

• Gordon Minaker, a student at Mount Boucherie Secondary School, won a total of $2,300 in scholarship and bursary awards for his presentation about cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the highest level science fair in Canada.


• A Peachland fireworks display celebrated the life of Ashlee Hyatt, who was murdered in June, 2010. • Construction on the Westside Road overpass caused rush hour traffic back-ups on the William R. Bennett Bridge. • Students of Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary School in West Kelowna showed their support for the Vancouver Canucks’ drive for the Stanley Cup by sporting jerseys and team colours. • The sensitive environmental area of Bald Range on the Westside was closed to dirt bikers and ATV riders. They were fenced off Bald Range to protect the


grassland area. • West Kelowna was accused of discriminating against a resident who is disabled. Glenn Olien, whose partner Linda Forner required a large recreational vehicle for her living accommodation, said the municipality has a duty to reasonably accommodate people with disabilities, and as a result, should allow a “relaxation” of its bylaws to allow the RV to be connected to their existing property’s sewer and electrical systems. • The official start of construction began on the West Kelowna spray park. The Westbank Rotary Club raised $249,000 to make the project happen. • Gloria Taylor, 63, who was diagnosed with ALS—popularly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease— 18 months ago, joined a lawsuit aimed at giving Canadians the right to physician-assisted suicide. “I will die with dignity,” vowed Taylor. • Quails’ Gate winery’s Pinot Gris won

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double gold at the prestigious San Francisco International Wine Compe-

tition. Watch for the second half of the wrap on 2011

for the Westside in the Dec. 30 edition of the Capital News.

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