Mind Your Thoughts

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Mind Your Thoughts

We access information mainly through our three senses: see (visual), hear (auditory) and feel (kinesthetic). The different ways that we represent or store information in our mind are called representational systems. We use all of the representational systems and often have a preferred system. When learning something new, some of us may prefer to see it performed, others like to hear how to do it and others choose to get a feel of it.

The Visual or seeing sense; “The idea looks good” The Auditory or hearing sense; “The idea sounds good” The Kinesthetic or touch and feeling sense; “The idea feels good” People rely on these senses to different degrees.

Some memories are stored as visual images, others more of sound images. If you subconsciously prefer the visual sense you may be drawn towards visual work, if you are sound focused then you may be fascinated more by music or language or perhaps you prefer touch and feeling, and so favor physical pursuits, such as sport or working with your hands. The preferred system is the reason of our learning differences. The ‘visuals’ want visual props when learning. Auditory learners need to hear information to take it in. Kinesthetic learners like to try out what they are learning through exercises and role play. VISUAL WORDS – bright, clear, colorful, dim, focus, illusion, illustrate, Look, perspective, picture , see, shine, sparkling , vivid, watch. AUDITORY WORDS – ask, audible, buzz, deaf, earful, hear, noise, pitch, rings a bell, silent, tune, KINESTHETIC WORDS – cold, concrete, feel, get in touch with, hard, hit, handle, hothead, soft, seize, solid pressure, tickle.

People give away their preferred sense through the words they choose. If you communicate with their preferred words, they will relate to you better. It helps to build a good rapport which in turn helps to improve your relationship and communication. This can be achieved by applying your mind to your thoughts and using the right words in your communication. Murli Menon the ZeNLP coach and author of ‘learning through stories’ shared a few interesting researched data. In India visual and auditory, in equal proportion constitutes 70% and the rest 30% are kinesthetic. These ratios are different for different countries, Americans are predominantly visual, the French auditory and Russians kinesthetic.

Would you like to know which system is prominent in your personality? It can help you to know what influences your decision making, inter personal communication, which methods helps you to learn and so on. Check out your preferred system of learning at http://www.tips4ceos.com/mind/map.php GET IN TOUCH WITH US FOR HR SOLUTIONS, HR PROJECTS, HR PROFESSIONALS, HR OUTSOURCING & ANTI SEXUAL HARASSMENT PROTECTION AT WOMEN'S WORK PLACE IN INDIA! Email: info@kelphr.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gokelp

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