2 minute read

Site remediation

Keltbray specialises in the onsite remediation of contaminated ground, water, and soils, utilising both in situ and ex situ techniques. Offering a range of treatment solutions, our priority is to deliver compliant and sustainably remediated sites with full regulatory approval, suitable for end-use requirements.

– To safely and sustainably deliver pragmatic, robust, and cost effective solutions for our customers across a broad range of sectors throughout the UK – To treat all stakeholders with respect, prioritising the well-being of our people, project, and customer teams, and the communities we work in

Our detailed understanding of contaminated land and the effectiveness of our remedial solutions enables the most complex and technically challenging projects to be delivered to our customers’ and regulatory authority’s specification. At Keltbray, we are solutions driven and always adopt the best value-based engineering strategies, utilising innovative thinking and modern methods of delivery. We do not have affiliations with any particular technique or technology, which allows us to be flexible and tailor all our solutions to meet the specific needs of the project conditions. Keltbray has more than 40 highly qualified industry specialists, with a collective technical knowledge base in environmental and chemical consultancy to rival any UK competitor. Our people have a wealth of experience working in a number of different environments, including gas works, rail, petrochemical, industrial, and challenging inner city sites. We operate our own Soil Treatment Facility (STF) and Materials Transfer Station under a Mobile Treatment Permit (MTP). As holders of an MTP, we can utilise a wide range of techniques to ensure we deliver the most effective solution. Depending on the Contaminant of Concern (CoC), standalone or bespoke treatment solutions can be designed and built in house.


– General Materials Management – Bioremediation - in situ and ex situ (windows, biopiles, in-vessel bioreactors) – Chemical treatment (including oxidation, dehalogenation) – Water treatment – Asbestos in soils – Soil vapour extraction (including steam injection) – Soil washing – Off-site soil treatment – Stabilisation and Solidification – Thermal treatment (including thermal desorption and steam injection) – Treatment plant for complex sorting – Air sparging – Biosparging and bioventing

We can deploy our MTP on any site where there is a requirement for treatment, subject to the EA being satisfied that the activities have considered the impact on the surrounding environment. During our works, we maintain regular on-going dialogue with the EA to help ensure compliance during all stages of the project lifecycle. We draw on our broad range of specialist services across the Keltbray Group, enabling a holistic project view with complementary divisional capabilities to manage multiple work packages for our customers. This allows sequencing and productivity efficiencies to deliver a more advantageous programme and drive commercial savings through value engineering. Keltbray is well placed to meet any associated challenge along the way, as a forward-thinking company. This mentality and core capability sets Keltbray apart from the competition, managing all aspects of the development process from initial design to onsite delivery, practical completion including regulatory sign-off and handover to follow-on contractors.

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