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Pneumatic Fitted Playground for Heightened Spirit
Site: Coram’s Fields, London, UK BARC0097 - Tutors: Dan Wilkinson, Ifi Liangi
September 2019
Individual Work

In The Bible, it is said that the moment that the forbidden fruit had left its stem, Adam and Eve would forever descend into human flesh. I was inspired by Peter Paul Rubens’ The Fall of Man to take interest in our desire to return to a state of spirituality.

In effort to undo the action of Adam and Eve, I injected helium into inflatables to return the Forbidden Fruit back onto its branch. With time reversed, the Garden of Eden returns to its original form.

As the bible describes, Eden has no substance and Adam and Eve are spiritual beings without physical presence. This inspired the objective to bring about spirituality through the reduction of physical weight.
The Inflatable Moment’s lightweight structures inform the reduction of physical effort through the use of pneumatics.

Fitting Pneumatics To The Body

A machine that would reduce the effort of pumping through the use of a trigger mechanism. Through lessening physical effort, we can focus more on our spirit.

Informed by the Bible, the rib is the beginning of our physical form. It allows you to control the amount of airflow to pneumatics attached to each body-part. This gives you control of how much weight to reduce depending on your weight and activity.