Kemala Holiday Gift Guide 2015

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Email with the following details:

Hamper type

Delivery address and phone number

Text for notecard (optional)

2. You will receive confirmation in 24 hours with total cost and payment instructions.

3. Kindly settle payment within 2 working days and send confirmation via email.

4. Delivery will be made starting 10 December until 15 December 2015.

5. Each hamper will be carefully wrapped in hard boxes with ribbons and individually-illustrated notecards.

6. Pre-order closes 9 December 2015.

The Tea Lover 1 handwoven bamboo tea strainer. 1 teak serving board 24x14x1.5 cm. 1 linen tea towel 50x70 cm. 1 Banyuripan homemade strawberry jam. 1 Surely/ Someday Kitchen earl grey cookies IDR375,000

The Couple 2 teak tubes. 2 marble coasters 16x16 cm in grey and cream. 1 linen tea towel 50x70 cm in salmon/yellow IDR 400,000

The Tableware Enthusiast #1 1 set (2 pieces) thick canvas placemats 40x30 cm. 1 Octagonal Teak Trivet. 1 set (2 pieces) Clover Teak Coasters. IDR 450,000

The Tableware Enthusiast #2 1 set (2 pieces) thick canvas placemats 40x30 cm. 1 Octagonal Teak Trivet. 1 set (2 pieces) Clover Teak Coasters. IDR 450,000

The Classic Chic 1 handstamped batik table runner 150x33 cm (choice between Paper Crane or Aqua Tetris). 2 Figure Eight teak trays IDR 550,000

Paper Crane

Aqua Tetris


B The Duo 2 teak serving boards 24x14x1.5 cm (choice of A or B). 2 marble coasters 16x16 cm in grey and cream. 2 linen tea towels 50x70 cm IDR 600,000

The Foodie #1 1 Monochrome Prisms thick canvas table runner 150x30 cm. 1 teak tray diameter 20 cm. 1 book titled “Food Rules� by Michael Pollan. 1 homemade Banyuripan strawberry jam. 1 Surely/Someday Kitchen earl grey cookies IDR650,000

The Foodie #2 1 Monochrome Prisms thick canvas table runner 150x30 cm. 2 teak plates diameter 20 cm. 1 book “Food Rules” by Michael Pollan IDR 750,000


It’s not food if it arrived through the window of your car. The whiter the bread, the sooner you’ll be dead. Don’t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn’t recognise as food.

-Food Rules by Michael Pollan

Eat food, mostly plants, not too much.

These are the three main topics in Michael Pollan’s engaging book Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual. It lays out 64 “food rules� to help readers move away from an unhealthy “Western diet� heavy on processed foods to a more traditional diet focused on natural and whole foods. Each of the rules are followed by short explanations (mostly half a page or less, and sometimes none at all!) and are based on Pollan’s intensive research elaborated in his first book In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. However, unlike its predecessor, Food Rules is delivered in a simple, easily-digestible language and also mentions traditional proverbs and sayings that have been passed on from generation to generation.

A highly recommend read for anyone looking for insights or is eager to shift to healthier eating habits but cannot be bothered to read complicated books on nutritional science containing words that we don’t understand such as “adenosine triphosphateâ€?, “bioflavonoidsâ€?, “polysaccharidesâ€? and the likes đ&#x;˜Š đ&#x;˜Š đ&#x;˜Š

The Cook 1 Monochrome Prisms thick canvas table runner 150x30 cm. 1 linen apron. 1 set teak salad spoon and fork. 1 book titled “Food Rules� by Michael Pollan IDR 750,000 +6281299068272

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