For more information: Kemper Conseil Publishing Schuifmaat 14 unit GH, Den Haag Netherlands

Title: Mediterranean Resilience: Collapse and Adaptation in Antique Maritime Societies
ISBN: 9781800503694
Author(s): Assaf Yasur-Landau, Gil Gambash and Thomas E. Levy (eds) 01-10-23
Price: £85,00
Publishing company: Equinnox publishing

The aim of this volume is to examine various forms of adaptation adopted by coastal societies in the ancient Mediterranean in response to external pressures they occasionally experienced. The investigation spans the longue dur stretching from the epi-paleolithic to the Medieval period. Special attention is given to the impact of two groups of variables: climate and sea level changes on the one hand, and fluctuations in political circumstances connected with the domination of empires, on the other hand. For adaptation, the volume analyses modes of coastal residence, subsistence, and maritime connectivity, not as a static feature, constant throughout history, but as a process that requires permanent adjustments due to changes in environmental, social and political conditions. Methodologically, various forms of case studies are employed, isolating thematic issues, geographic micro-regions, temporal boundaries, and disciplinary perspectives, ultimately seeking to embrace as wide an array of phenomena as possible in the human experience of collapse and adaptation.
Title: Social Practices in Higher Education: A Knowledge Framework Approach to Linguistic Research and Teaching
ISBN: 9781781797402
Author(s): Tammy Slater (ed) 01-11-23
Price: £75,00
Publishing company: Equinox publishing

This book addresses Mohan’s (1986) concept of a social practice, an educational activity that can be considered as action in a frame of meaning, or a “knowledge framework” (KF). The KF, grounded in systemic functional linguistics, is a heuristic that provides both a theoretical framework for researching the language of social practices and a springboard for organizing lessons that can help teachers bring explicit language development into content teaching. This volume brings together the latest research on using Mohan’s SFLbased theory at institutions of higher learning.
One outcome of this book is to show how a functional approach to language research can be a major tool for research in the experiential tradition of John Dewey who, as a pragmatist, regarded knowledge functionally “as arising from an active adaptation of the human organism to its environment” ( Another outcome is to illustrate the complexity of the role activities play in education.
This is the first book to examine the linguistic demands of the activities that occur in higher education. It provides empirically grounded examples of how Mohan’s work is being implemented in universities worldwide. It thus adds to conversations addressing the use of educational activities to teach and describe disciplinary literacy and the integrated development of language and content.
Kemper Conseil Publishing Schuifmaat 14 unit GH, NL 2495 AM, Den Haag NetherlandsTitle: Sounds Irish, Acts Global: Explaining the Success of Ireland's Popular Music Industry
ISBN: 9781781797808
Author(s): Michael Mary Murphy and Jim Rogers 01-08-23
Price: £24,95
Publishing company: Equinox publishing

Sounds Irish, Acts Global critically examines both the history of Ireland’s popular music industry as well as the current music scene in the country. By placing recent industry developments in the context of that history, the authors present a new way of examining any nation state’s music industry - to understand the industry, the local scene must be examined. This approach highlights the multiple and changing ways by which the local scene prepares artists for both domestic and international success. In Ireland’s case the scene, with its supportive network of friends, families and fans, has developed the artists who then sign with the major transnational music firms.
This book is of interest to business students as well as popular music scholars in addition to non-academic readers.
Title: The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum
ISBN: 9781781798492
Author(s): Fiona Farr and Angela Farrell 01-09-23
Price: £22,95
Publishing company: Equinox publishing

This book focuses on the practice cycle, or practicum, of ELT education programmes. Practice teaching is a key component of all good ELTE programmes, and provides a forum for novice teachers to begin to cross the theory/practice divide in a way which allows them to try out ideas in a classroom setting. This typically happens after a period of theoretical induction and the observation of more experienced teachers, and can often begin in a very scaffolded way through micro- or team- teaching, before moving to more independence. At all stages of this practice-oriented process, reflection is a fundamental and obligatory underlying principle, the integration of which leads to informed decisions on change implementation to improve teaching.
The book begins with a theoretical and research-informed introduction to both Reflective Practice (RP) and the practicum, followed by definitions and typologies. Various tools and sources of evidence to support the RP process during the practicum are investigated, using many data-rich examples from our own and others’ professional contexts over a number of years. These are applied to observation of more experienced teachers and self-observation of one’s own practice as facilitators of informed decisions for change. Finally, the process of RP as a life-long developmental practice is explored.
Title: Thinking with J. Z. Smith: Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion
ISBN: 9781781799840
Author(s): Barbara Krawcowicz (ed) 01-07-23
Price: £26,95
Publishing company: Equinox Publishing

In his bio-bibliographical essay, J.Z. Smith wrote that he was fond of the expression “when the chips are down” in the sense of all being said and done. With his passing in December 2017, the phrase has gained an additional layer of sad finality – the chips are really down. Scholarship is not poker, however, which means that these chips not only can but in fact should be picked up and circulated. Thinking with J. Z. Smith brings together the contributions of scholars who do exactly that by considering theoretical and methodological issues central to J. Z. Smith’s oeuvre in the context of their own research. Through analyses of Smith’s own work as well as applications of his concerns to new situations, historic periods, and regions, the contributors test the adequacy and applicability of Smith’s ideas and thus provide an indirect assessment of his influence and legacy in the field of Religious Studies.
Title: The Beatles in Perspective: A Carnival of Light
ISBN: 9781800502420
Author(s): James McGrath and Peter Mills (eds) 01-09-23
Price: £26,95
Publishing company: Equinox publishing

The Beatles’ lives and work continue to delight fans and influence musicians half a century since their heyday. Yet their contribution to contemporary culture and their relationship to social change remain controversial topics in need of reappraisal. This collection brings together fourteen leading scholars of The Beatles to examine their origins, output and legacy. Interdisciplinary in its approach and international is its outlook, The Beatles in Perspective: A Carnival of Light showcases the latest research by historians, literary critics, musicologists, sociologists, poets and cultural critics bringing new perspectives on The Beatles and their milieu which will interest academics and fans alike.
Title: Word Phonology in a Systemic Functional Linguistic Framework: Phonological Studies in English, German, Welsh and Tera (Nigeria)
ISBN: 9781800503212
Author(s): Paul Tench 01-11-23
Price: £24,95
Publishing company: Equinox Publishing

This book provides an original, full-scale, exploration in applying the principles and practices of Systemic-Functional Linguistics at the level of word phonology in English, German, Welsh and Tera (Nigeria). The relationship between lexicogrammar and word phonology is demonstrated, and the place of word phonology is set within the full range of a hierarchy of phonological expression. The function of phonology is given a new understanding in its relationship to lexicogrammar, and the notion of system is given extensive illustration in the numerous networks that are proposed. The special characteristic features of Systemic Phonology are compared with with the theory and structures of other approaches to phonology. The choice of the four languages is deliberate: English as the most described language in the world; German as a language in the same linguistic family as English; Welsh as another Indo-European language, but from a different linguistic family; and Tera as a language with absolutely no family connection to the others. The principal units of word phonology are the foot and its equivalent in non-stress languages, the syllable, the phoneme and allophone. Allophonic variants are included, since their phonetic realization is determined by the phonology of a language, rather than on purely phonetic criteria.
Kemper Conseil Publishing Schuifmaat 14 unit GH, NL 2495 AM, Den Haag NetherlandsTitle:An Embodied Reading of The Shepherd of Hermas: The Book of Visions and its Role in Moral Formation
ISBN: 9781800503281
Author(s): Angela Kim Harkins 01-07-23
Price: £24,95
Publishing company: Equinox publishing

The Shepherd of Hermas (70-150 CE) is one of the oldest Christian works from a major urban center. While the majority of manuscript evidence of the Shepherd is concentrated in North Africa, the work has longstanding association with the city of Rome. It consists of three major sections: the Book of Visions, the Mandates, and the Similitudes. The Shepherd was enormously popular during the early centuries as a catechetical text used for moral formation. Its manuscript evidence during the early centuries far exceeded that of the Gospels.
This book uses cognitive literary theory, specifically the approach known as enactive reading, to investigate why a work that was exceedingly popular among elite readers in antiquity has failed to receive the same reception by modern scholars. The study focuses on the first section of the Shepherd known as the Book of Visions, which narrates Hermas’s visionary experiences in first-person voice. The book argues that enactive reading can help to generate immersive experiences of Hermas’s visions and explain the success and appeal of the Book of Visions among ancient readers. Cognitive approaches also highlight how modern scholars trained to read apocalypses ‘against the grain’ to search for historical or theological information fail to notice and appreciate the very things that made apocalypses engaging and entertaining to a broad range of ancient readers and hearers.
Kemper Conseil Publishing Schuifmaat 14 unit GH, NL 2495 AM, Den Haag NetherlandsTitle: Teaching Awareness In The Buddhist Tradition: Essays In Honour Of Professor Corrado Pensa
ISBN: 9781800503311
Author(s): Chiara Neri and Francesco Sferra (eds) 01-08-23
Price: £24,95
Publishing company: Equinox Publishing

This book provides important contributions to understanding the teaching of awareness or mindfulness (Pāli sati, Sanskrit smrti) in Buddhism and in related traditions, examined in original ways in a collection of articles that approach this theme from different perspectives: philosophical, philological, exegetic, anthropological, as an aspect of meditative practice, and so on. The volume is dedicated to Corrado Pensa, a well-known Buddhist scholar and practitioner who has had an important role in spreading Buddhist practice in Italy as well as internationally. The main part of this book is based on the scholarly output of his former students who engage in research on various topics concerning Buddhist awareness and other related topics, whereas the last section consists of essays by contemporary meditation teachers offered as tribute to Corrado Pensa through reflections on practical topics such as developing attention in ordinary life, mindful of breathing, and awareness as wisdom. A valuable feature of this book is thus the integration of two aspects of the Buddhist tradition, i.e., theory and practice, the volume thereby appealing to both academics and practitioners.
Kemper Conseil Publishing Schuifmaat 14 unit GH, NL 2495 AM, Den Haag NetherlandsTitle: The Language Dynamic
ISBN: 9781800503342
Author(s): Gerard O’Grady and Tom Bartlett 01-11-23
Price: £24,95
Publishing company: Equinox Publishing

Language is both a socially distributed system, unknowable to any one individual, and an individually embodied biological system. As such it is subject to recursive biological and societal pressures which enable it to function and change. The Language Dynamic identifies a number of mechanisms that enable the meaning potential of language from the phoneme through grammar and discourse and onto ideological systems. These core mechanisms are: (i) articulation and stratality, by which meaningful units combine in context to form higher-order meanings which are greater than the sum of their parts; (ii) redundancy, as the mutually re-enforcing yet unstable relation between strata which allows for creativity and change; (iii) prospection, as the means by which speakers effectively and automatically recycle the syntagmatic patterns that emerge from language as a contextualised system. In providing an integrated account of the interconnections between these core mechanisms, the book allow us to conceptualise the dynamics of language change and growth as at once a motivated and agentless process.
The book, which underpins functional theories of language with concepts from biological and cultural evolution, social semiotics and systems theory, will be relevant to all who are interested in how and why we can mean and what it means for us as humans to be semiotic agents.
Kemper Conseil Publishing Schuifmaat 14 unit GH, NL 2495 AM, Den Haag NetherlandsTitle: Interpretation: A Critical Primer
ISBN: 9781800503373
Author(s): Nathan Eric Dickman 01-10-23
Price: £21,95
Publishing company: Equinox Publishing

This volume examines the nature of interpretation, strategies within interpretation, and negotiations about the adequacy of an interpretation, with special attention paid to possible roles interpretation plays in the academic study of religions. While many people engage in interpretation, it is not clear what interpretation is. Throughout the book, a number of fundamental questions posed throughout the history of hermeneutics (theory of interpretation) are addressed. What is an “interpretation”? What or who determines the meaning of a text? What helps in navigating competitions or conflicts of interpretation? What is the place of interpretation in the academy, relative to explanatory sciences and productive arts? The unique approach taken to interpretation here is based on the fundamental axiom of philosophical hermeneutics—the hermeneutic priority of questioning. Through this, the author makes a case for the critical value of interpretation. The book fills a gap in pedagogical literature on interpretation, where most books focus either on historical developments of hermeneutics, on key modern hermeneutic philosophers, or on specific sacred texts such as in biblical or Quranic hermeneutics. Each chapter of this book refines a conceptual element that combines with others into a theory of interpretation useful for the classroom and in scholarship on hermeneutics.
Title: The Gathering: A Story of the First Buddhist Women
ISBN: 9781800503403
Author(s): Vanessa R. Sasson 01-06-23
Price: £20,00
Publishing company: Equinox Publishing

Sasson’s new book is a retelling of the story of the women’s request for ordination. Inspired by the Therigatha and building on years of research and experience in the field, Sasson follows Vimala, Patachara, Bhadda Kundalakesa, and many others as they walk through the forest to request full access to the tradition.
The Buddha’s response to this request is famously complicated; he eventually accepts women into the Order, but specific and controversial conditions are attached. Sasson invites us to think about who these first Buddhist women might have been, what they might have hoped to achieve, and what these conditions might have meant to them thereafter. By shaping her research into a story, Sasson invites readers to imagine a world that continues to inspire and complicate Buddhist narrative to this day
Title: Extending Research Horizons in Applied Linguistics: Between Interdisciplinarity and Methodological Diversity
ISBN: 9781800503649
Author(s): Hadrian Aleksander Lankiewicz (ed) 01-10-23
Price: £24,95
Publishing company: Equinox publishing

The book is targeted at professional scholars as well as language students who plan their own research in the fuzzy field of applied linguistics, while working on their degree papers, or doing an any academic work related to language study. The uniqueness of the volume consists in its methodological character which is made operational and thus the book may function as a methodological manual. The academically fashionable and catchy word 'interdisciplinarity' is frequently made void in the research perspective. Comprehended as a mark of academic liberalism, standing for anything goes, it is questioned by orthodox minds adhering to the compartmentalization of scientific disciplines. This volume tries to bridge the gap in at least three ways. It offers theoretical justification for crossing disciplinary borders in methodological terms, presents an application of adopted methods or techniques from a different discipline and finally considers research benefits resulting from such an approach. These three elements, around which each chapter is organized, account for the integrationist aspect of interdisciplinarity.The volume includes seven chapters dedicated to a selected methodology incorporating an empirical avenue coming from outside of the linguistic domain, yet it is applied to linguistic issues which are interdisciplinary in their character. They either occupy a contested space between disciplines, or need an interdisciplinary insight, which ultimately imparts a more comprehensive understanding.
Kemper Conseil Publishing Schuifmaat 14 unit GH, NL 2495 AM, Den Haag NetherlandsTitle: Essential Knowledge and Skills for Essay
Writing: A Practical Guide for ESL and EFL Undergraduates
ISBN: 9781800503670
Author(s): Neil Evan Jon Anthony Bowen 01-08-23
Price: £24.95
Publishing company: Equinox Publishing

Designed for intermediate and advanced users of English, this book offers an integrated approach to essay writing by focusing on both the processes and products of writing. It has been developed over many years of teaching and researching written English, in particular, with university students in Thailand. In addition to addressing common issues involving written English which many novice writers face, it covers the basic elements of writing—sentences and paragraphs—and introduces students to descriptive, narrative, expository, and argumentative writing. The book’s content and layout are carefully tailored for student writers, as reflected in color highlighting of important text and images, placement of key information in boxes, and inclusion of plentiful exercises with answer keys. Care has also been taken to avoid formality and unnecessary complexity. Model examples taken from actual students’ essays as well as published texts help to ensure the book’s appeal and educational value to its intended audience of novice writers.
Drawing on the Systemic Functional Linguistics of Michael Halliday and others, each of the five units begins with a form–function orientation. The purpose is to raise students’ awareness of the links between language structures at the micro-level of words, phrases, and clauses, and to introduce them to higher-order rhetorical goals at the macro-level of paragraphs and essays. Students learn to recognize and evaluate texts for key language features (formal knowledge), such as descriptive phrases, figurative language, and various types of transitions. Students then practice putting these elements together to form larger functional units (rhetorical knowledge), focusing on unity, cohesion, and a clear overall purpose. Each unit then focuses on generating ideas and content (subject knowledge) using critical questions, collaborative discussions, and visualization techniques. At strategic points, students are cycled through key reflective practices (process knowledge) as a way to help them complete longer writing tasks. These longer tasks include clear scoring rubrics, which can be used by the student or teacher as a means to gauge progress and provide feedback.
The book will help students acquire essential knowledge alongside transferable and functional skills—both of which can be applied across areas of study and in future writing projects.
Title: Venue Stories: Narratives, Memories, and Histories from Britain’s Independent Music Spaces
ISBN: 9781800503731
Author(s): Robert Edgar, Fraser Mann and Helen Pleasance (eds) 01-11-23
Price: £24,95
Publishing company: Equinox publishing

Venue Stories is an anthology of creative non-fiction that remembers, celebrates and reinvigorates our complex and plural relationship with small and independent music spaces. Written by musicians, promoters, fans and academics who have a shared passion for small music venues and musical cultures in all their splendid variety, this anthology features memoir, essays, life writing, historiography and autoethnography. Each chapter is united by a focus on the personal, the sensory and half-remembered. These are stories that cross disciplinary lines and blur distinctions between creativity, reportage and critical analysis.
Venue Stories pays a visit to the toilet venues, back rooms and ad-hoc club nights that make up so much of our musical landscape. It spends time in small and local venues and asks what they mean in personal and cultural terms. Writers visit celebrated spots, long forgotten spaces and emergent venues. Whatever the lineage, they are independent, original and wonderfully weird. The stories are memories of seismic gigs and life-altering raves. They are mosaic remembrances and recollections; funny, heart-breaking, rage induced and sometimes a combination of all of these things. This is a collection of stories by and for fans, band members, merch sellers, pint pullers, journalists with a freebie, roadies with a backache and sound techs with an earache.
Kemper Conseil Publishing Schuifmaat 14 unit GH, NL 2495 AM, Den Haag NetherlandsTitle: Religions of the World: Questions, Challenges, and New Directions
ISBN: 9781800503762
Author(s): Leslie Dorrough Smith and Steven W. Ramey 01-10-23
Price: £37,50
Publishing company: Equinox publishing

Religions of the World: Questions, Challenges, and New Directions provides a critical introduction to the social, political, and cultural interests that inform how people describe and identify with religion. One of its goals is to provide a sense of methodological transparency that few, if any, other textbooks today offer. The book opens with an Introduction that discusses contemporary methodological concerns in the study of religion, with special focus on the World Religions Paradigm. This is followed by ten chapters, six (6) of which discuss a distinct religion and four (4) of which discuss regional traditions. This organization is intentional and self-conscious, as the authors discuss how these scholarly categories (distinct tradition vs. regional tradition) shape the ways that both insiders and outsiders discuss, practice, and engage religion in their daily lives.
Each chapter introduces four different popular descriptions, or representations, of a particular religion or regional tradition. Following each representation is an analysis of what this representation accomplishes for those who promote it and what (or who) it also leaves out. Following this, a specific case study provides a real-world example of the difficulties in thinking about religion in overly simplistic ways. The text does not attempt to diminish or reconcile the possible contradictions between the different representations so as not to leave the reader with the idea that one representation is more correct or authentic than another, or that all four can be easily stitched together to make a tidy picture. Instead, students take away from each chapter a foundation of knowledge about the practices, issues, and conceptions that are associated with global religious traditions as well as the complexity behind any single representation.
The objective is to make more transparent the human activity of constructing religion as well as the contemporary consequences of these representations, as people use them to legitimize identities and negotiate for social, legal, and economic resources. Thus, throughout the text, students are challenged to interrogate who gets to decide on a particular portrayal of a religious tradition as well as the interests informing those decisions. An Afterword also discusses ways that the skills learned in the text have applicability beyond the study of religious discourses.
Kemper Conseil Publishing Schuifmaat 14 unit GH, NL 2495 AM, Den Haag NetherlandsTitle: Writing the Pandemic: An Instructor's Reflections on a New Era in Education
ISBN: 9781800503434
Author(s): Tom Mulder 01-07-23
Price: £24,95
Publishing company: Equinox publishing

Writing the Pandemic is for first-year college composition teachers and other English and language arts instructors at the postsecondary and secondary levels who have experienced the seismic shifts in writing instruction and education more generally that have been necessitated by the pandemic. These include challenges during the pandemic years in instructional delivery (in-person, hybrid, and remote classes); campus and classroom protocols (masking, distancing, and cleaning); safety (quarantining, isolating, and reporting); and social justice (antiracism, political divides, and implications for education). The author, an award-winning college writing instructor, paints portraits of the pandemic experience that writing teachers and their students will relate to, complemented by students’ stories and photographs, and offers practical learning material for four assignments that can be used in writing courses. He also presents questions for reflection and speculations about the future to stimulate readers’ own thoughts about what has changed, and how much, in the context of the pandemic, and about what writing instruction will look like going forward.
Kemper Conseil Publishing Schuifmaat 14 unit GH, NL 2495 AM, Den Haag NetherlandsTitle: The House We Live In: Virtue, Wisdom, and Pluralism
ISBN: 9781800503465
Author(s): Seth Zuihō Segall
Price: £24,95
Publishing company: Equinox publishing

The values of liberalism, pluralism, and democratic governance are under sustained attack from right-wing Christian fundamentalists, white ethnonationalists, and economic populists. At the same time, liberal democracies are failing at cultivating and transmitting the values, wisdom, and virtues that are the perquisites for individual and collective flourishing. Liberal democracies seem increasingly unable to negotiate diverse visions of the good life rooted in regional, ethnic, racial, religious, generational, and socioeconomic differences. Aspiring autocrats and social media organizations exploit these divisions to enhance their power or profit, resulting in increased tribalization and affective polarization. Solving these problems requires a renewed understanding of human flourishing and the wisdom and virtues that make it possible. The House We Live In explores the commonalities underlying three classical approaches to virtue ethics—Aristotelean, Buddhist, and Confucian—to develop a flourishing-based ethics capable of addressing the problems of liberal democracies. The book examines the moral and intellectual virtues that promote flourishing, the diversity of ways in which we may flourish, and the factors all flourishing lives share. It shows how a flourishing-based ethics can serve as a corrective to the historical Western over-emphasis on individualism at the expense of community. Finally, it addresses problems in domestic and foreign policy and the difficulties in talking to each other across the political divide from a flourishing-based perspective. The book is a reaffirmation of pluralism, the liberal democratic tradition, and the necessity of a pragmatic approach to living together despite seemingly incommensurable differences.