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Abolhasani, Ali Akbar....................... 6 Aharony, Amnon ............................ 17 Ahrenkiel Richard K....................... 15 Ahrenkiel S Phillip.......................... 15 Alert Ricard...................................... 8 Alladi Krishnaswami ...................... 23 Allori Valia...................................... 11 Aslamazov Lev G .......................... 22 Asorey Manuel............................... 30 Baaquie Belal Ehsan ..................... 26 Babusci Danilo............................... 11 Ball Justin ...................................... 21 Bardhan Bhaskar Roy ................... 30 Barkana Rennan.............................. 7 Bartalini Paolo ............................... 28 Bauernfeind Thomas ..................... 18 Bazso Akos...................................... 5 Beech Martin ................................. 21 Belgiorno Francesco D.................... 7 Belkic Dzevad.................................. 8 Belyakov Sergei............................. 22 Bender Carl M ............................... 12 Benenti Giuliano ............................ 30 Bernstein Jeremy........................... 21 Bigi Ikaros I.................................... 26 Blechman Andrew E ...................... 10 Boehme Christoph ......................... 19 Boehmer Christian G ....................... 7 Bray Igor .......................................... 8 Brink Lars ................................ 16, 33 Broglia Ricardo Americo ................ 27 Burrows David N.............................. 5 Cacciatori Sergio L .......................... 7 Casademunt Jaume ........................ 8 Casati Giulio .................................. 30 Chan Joseph M ............................. 23 Chan Laurence K........................... 23 Chang Lee..................................... 31 Chao Alexander Wu....................... 27 Chaudhuri Gargi ............................ 27 Chechetkin Valery Mihailovich ....... 10 Chen Bryan Gin-ge ........................ 28 Chen Reuven................................. 25 Chervon Sergei................................ 5 Chong Daoyang............................. 20 Chou Weiren.................................. 27 Cloud Michael J ............................... 9 Coleman Diana.............................. 23 Consoli Maurizio............................ 34 Creutz Michael............................... 29 Cunsolo Alessandro....................... 14 Das Ashok ..................................... 28 Dasgupta Subal ............................. 27 Dattoli Giuseppe ............................ 11 De Fontaine Didier......................... 35 De Luca Roberto ........................... 14 De Melo Carlos A R Sa.................. 17 Delbourgo Robert .................... 11, 12 Denegri Daniel ............................... 26 Denegri Daniel............................... 26 Deng Weihua ................................. 36 Di Bartolo Baldassare.................... 18 Dittrich Thomas ............................. 15 Dittus Fridolin................................. 28 Donahue Michael........................... 18 Dorey Patrick E.............................. 12 Dunning Tania Clare...................... 12 Dunningham Jacob........................ 32 Durkan Colm.................................. 21 Dutta Niloy K.................................... 4 Eggl Siegfried .................................. 5 Eldridge J J...................................... 6 El-nadi Lotfia M.............................. 23 Entin-wohlman Ora ........................ 17 Ercolessi Elisa ............................... 30 Eremeyev Victor A ........................... 9 Ernenwein Jean-pierre .................... 6 Faccio Daniele................................. 7 Fan Jiangdi .................................... 16 Faraoni Valerio .............................. 21 Fazio Giovanni G............................. 7

Author Page

Fegan David .................................... 5 Fengler Steffen .............................. 15 Fimin Nikolay Nikolaevich.............. 10 Firouzjahi Hassan............................ 6 Fisher Elizabeth M......................... 20 Fomin Igor ....................................... 5 Forbes Patricia .............................. 25 Ford Kenneth W ............................ 23 Forte Stefano................................. 19 Fring Andreas .......................... 12, 26 Fronsdal Christian ......................... 35 Funaro Daniele ................................ 8 Futamase T oshifumi ...................... 33 Gambini Rodolfo............................ 33 Gao Wenli...................................... 24 Gaunt Jonathan Richard................ 28 Ge Mo-lin ................................. 16, 31 Ghosal Bikash ................................. 4 Gillet Jean-michel .......................... 31 Gong Qihuang ............................... 25 Gorbunov Dmitry S.......................... 4 Gordon Richard ............................. 22 Gottvald Ales ................................. 23 Grasso Alberto................................. 4 Grecksch Wilfried .......................... 10 Griffiths David ................................ 28 Gromov Nikolai A........................... 27 Grote Hartmut.................................. 6 Gu Xiao-yan................................... 12 Gunn Mike ..................................... 16 Guyot Claude................................. 26 Hadsell Angela T ........................... 23 Han Rushan............................. 15, 16 Han Yongjian ................................... 8 Hanslmeier Arnold ........................... 6 Hao Bailin ...................................... 36 Hardy Yorick .................................. 32 Harrison Walter A........................... 22 Hasegawa Shuji............................. 24 He Yang-hui................................... 16 Hendry Archibald W....................... 20 Hernquist Lars ................................. 7 Herrmann Richard ......................... 13 Hill Brian ........................................ 28 Hoecker Andreas........................... 26 Hook Daniel W............................... 12 Horsthemke Werner ...................... 36 Hoser Andreas............................... 16 Hsu Jong-ping ............................... 11 Hsu Leonardo................................ 11 Hwang Pauchy W-y....................... 32 Ing Todd S ..................................... 23 Iomin Alexander ............................. 36 Isozaki Hiroshi ............................... 18 Jaiswal Manu................................. 31 Jaroszkiewicz George ................... 20 Jenni Peter .................................... 28 Jin Li .............................................. 14 Jones Hugh F ................................ 12 Jose Jorge V.................................. 16 Judge Steven................................. 20 Kadyrov Alisher................................ 8 Kaiser David ............................ 23, 28 Kastner Ruth E .............................. 21 Kim Jihn E ....................................... 7 Kim Young Suh.............................. 34 Kobler Ulrich .................................. 16 Kolomietz V M ............................... 26 Kono Junichiro............................... 15 Kornyshev Alexei A........................ 20 Kosterlitz John Michael.................. 16 Koyama Kazuya ............................ 11 Krausz Ferenc ............................... 25 Kress Katharina............................. 25 Krishnan Viswanathan Venkata (krish)............................................... 9 Kruger Tjaart.................................. 25 Kuo Spencer P ................................ 9 Kuzhel Sergii ................................. 12 Kuznetsov Andrej........................... 14 Kwek Leong-chuan ........................ 19 Lai Choy Heng............................... 19

Author Page

Lakhtakia Akhlesh.......................... 18 Lang Kenneth R............................... 7 Laskin Nick .................................... 31 Latif Muhammad .............................. 5 Lau Keith Kwong Hung.................. 23 Lavine James P ............................. 30 Lebedev Leonid P............................ 9 Lee Choonkyu ................................. 9 Lee Dominic J O’ ........................... 20 Lee G Pondrom ............................. 23 Lee Hee J ...................................... 18 Lee Shyh-yuan .............................. 28 Leinaas Jon Magne ....................... 12 Levai Geza .................................... 12 Levy Aharon................................... 29 Li Baojiu......................................... 11 Licciardi Silvia ................................ 11 Lim Swee Cheng ........................... 19 Lim Yung Kuo ................................ 19 Ling Chi-chung Francis.................. 14 Lisei Hannelore.............................. 10 Loeb Abraham ................................. 7 Lucas Richard................................ 20 Ma Yong-liang................................ 29 Ma Zhong-qi .................................. 12 Mackay Tom G ............................... 18 Malkan Matthew A ........................... 4 Mallik Swagata .............................. 27 Mancini Stefano............................. 30 Marinov G Yordan .......................... 14 Markel Vadim A .............................. 18 Markov Ivan Vesselinov................. 23 Marsh Adam .................................. 22 Mckee Christopher .......................... 7 Mendez Vicenc.............................. 36 Miller Joel S................................... 19 Min Hyunsoo.................................... 9 Mohrhoff Ulrich .............................. 31 Moore Anna ..................................... 5 Moretti Valter ................................. 30 Mukhanov Slava ............................ 33 Nagamine Kentaro........................... 7 Nakamura Hiroki ............................ 35 Naruko Atsushi ................................ 6 Ni Wei-Tou ..................................... 34 Niemi Antti ..................................... 11 Noz Marilyn E ................................ 34 Ong Rene A..................................... 6 Ou Zheyu Jeff................................ 25 Overduin James M ........................ 34 Pagonis Vasilis .............................. 25 Pallavicini Marco............................ 26 Papastavridis John G ...................... 9 Parisi Jason ................................... 21 Peletier Mark A .............................. 36 Perez De Los Heros Carlos........... 27 Petrini Michela............................... 13 Petrov Alexander G ....................... 14 Phua Kok Khoo.................. 11, 16, 33 Pilat-lohinger Elke............................ 5 Pluchino Alessandro...................... 34 Polyakov Dimitri............................. 12 Pradisi Gianfranco......................... 13 Profumo Stefano.............................. 7 Pullin Jorge.................................... 33 Rabinovici Eliezer.......................... 33 Rausch De Traubenberg Michel ...................................... 12, 27 Recami Erasmo............................. 23 Reitze David .................................... 6 Reynolds Robert C .......................... 4 Rho Mannque................................ 29 Ricardo Bernard ............................ 24 Ricciardi Giulia............................... 26 Ridolfi Giovanni ............................. 29 Roduner Emil ................................. 25 Roos Lydia..................................... 26 Rossini Davide............................... 30 Rubakov Valery A ............................ 4 Sabia Elio ...................................... 11 Sadovskii Michael V ...................... 14 Sanchez-ron Jose M...................... 33



Sasaki Misao ................................... 6 Saulson Peter R .............................. 6 Saxena G M..................................... 4 Schleicher Dominik.......................... 5 Schwarz Albert............................... 26 Seckbach Joseph .......................... 22 Shemetov Dmitry........................... 26 Shevchenko Sergey N................... 30 Shifman Misha ......................... 23, 28 Shlomo Shalom ............................. 26 Simoni Francesco .......................... 17 Slawinski Michael A....................... 10 Sohn Richard................................. 28 Sozer Yilmaz.................................. 18 Steeb Willi-hans....................... 13, 32 Steur Erik....................................... 36 Stishov Sergei M ........................... 16 Strini Giuliano ................................ 30 Strursberg R Campoamor ............. 12 Svozil Karl...................................... 11 Tan Arjun.......................................... 4 Tang Hon-lok ................................. 23 Tateo Roberto ................................ 12 T ennyson Jonathan ......................... 6 The Committee Of Japan Physics Olympiad ....................................... 24 The Ctao Consortium ..................... 6 Theodorakopoulos Nikos................. 9 Thompson Richard C..................... 20 Ting Yuan-sen................................ 28 Tomboulis Terry ............................. 11 Tout Christopher Adam.................... 6 Tsujikawa Shinji ............................... 7 Tsukerman Igor.............................. 18 Turok Neil ...................................... 26 Valenzuela Mauricio ...................... 27 Van Santen Rutger A..................... 36 Vardeny Zeev Valy ......................... 19 Varlamov Andrey ........................... 22 Vasconcellos Cesar Augusto Zen.. 33 Vedral Vlatko ................................. 32 Velichko Oleg................................. 15 Verma Mahendra Kumar ............... 10 Walecka John Dirk......................... 18 Wali Kameshwar C ........................ 23 Wang Anzhong .............................. 33 Wang Jinhui................................... 24 Wang Ke-lin ................................... 19 Wang Sihui .................................... 24 Weedbrook Christian ..................... 30 Wei Yi .............................................. 8 Weisman R Bruce.......................... 15 Wesson Paul S .............................. 34 Winter Andreas.............................. 30 Wohlgenannt Markus..................... 19 Wolszczan Alexander ...................... 5 Wong Ke-lin ................................... 19 Woolfson Michael Mark ................... 5 Wright Aaron Sidney...................... 23 Wu Guozhen.................................. 36 Xiao Yun-feng ................................ 25 Yang Chen Ning ............................ 16 Y ang Lan ....................................... 25 Yeh Yin ............................................ 9 Yurov Artyom ................................... 5 Yurov Valerian ................................. 5 Zaffaroni Alberto ............................ 13 Zhang Han ..................................... 14 Zhang Wei ................................. 8, 17 Zhang Xiang .................................... 4 Zhang Zhijiang............................... 36 Zheng Wei-mou ............................. 36 Zheng Yongling .............................. 24 Zhou Luwei .................................... 15 Zhou Shengqiang .......................... 14 Zou Chang-ling.............................. 25 Zou Shichang ................................ 20 Zuckerman Benjamin M................... 4

International Journal of Modern Physics A (IJMPA) Print / Online ISSN: 0217-751X / 1793-656X

Started in 1986, IJMPA has gained international repute as a high-quality scientific journal. It consists of important review articles and original papers covering the latest research developments in Particles and Fields, and selected topics intersecting with Gravitation and Cosmology. The journal also features articles of long-standing value and importance which can be vital to research into new unexplored areas.

Managing Editors

I ANTONIADIS (Univ. of Bern, Switzerland and Sorbonne Univ., France) L BRINK (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) V A RUBAKOV (Inst. for Nucl. Res. of the Russian Acad. of Sci., Russia) P SPHICAS (CERN, Switzerland & Univ. of Athens, Greece) I TSUTSUI (KEK, Japan)

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International Journal of Modern Physics B (IJMPB) Print / Online ISSN: 0217-9792 / 1793-6578

Launched in 1987, the International Journal of Modern Physics B covers the most important aspects and the latest developments in Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, as well as Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. A strong emphasis is placed on topics of current interest, such as cold atoms and molecules, new topological materials and phases, and novel low dimensional materials. One unique feature of this journal is its review section which contains articles with permanent research value besides the state-of-the-art research work in the relevant subject areas.

Managing Editors

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Modern Physics Letters A (MPLA)

Print / Online ISSN: 0217-7323 / 1793-6632

This letters journal, launched in 1986, consists of research papers covering current research developments in Gravitation, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics, Particles and Fields, Accelerator physics, and Quantum Information. A Brief Review section has also been initiated with the purpose of publishing short reports on the latest experimental findings and urgent new theoretical developments..

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Modern Physics Letters B (MPLB)

Print / Online ISSN: 0217-9849 / 1793-6640

MPLB opens a channel for the fast circulation of important and useful research findings in Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, as well as Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. A strong emphasis is placed on topics of current interest, such as cold atoms and molecules, new topological materials and phases, and novel low-dimensional materials. The journal also contains a Brief Reviews section with the purpose of publishing short reports on the latest experimental findings and urgent new theoretical developments.

Managing Editors

RONGJIA TAO (Temple University, USA) YU PENG WANG (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

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International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) Print / Online ISSN: 0129-1831 / 1793-6586

The scope of this journal covers Computational Physics, Physical Computation and related subjects. IJMPC aims at publishing both review and research articles on the use of computers to advance knowledge in physical sciences and the use of physical analogies in computation.

Managing Editors

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International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD)

Print / Online ISSN: 0218-2718 / 1793-6594

Impact Factor

2.004 Gravitation, astrophysics and cosmology are exciting and rapidly advancing fields of research. This journal aims to accommodate and promote this expansion of information and ideas and it features research papers and reviews on theoretical, observational and experimental findings in these fields. Among the topics covered are general relativity, quantum gravity, gravitational experiments, quantum cosmology, observational cosmology, particle cosmology, large scale structure, high energy astrophysics, compact objects, cosmic particles and radiation.

Honorary Advisor

Abhay Ashtekar (Institute for Gravitation and Cosmos, Penn State, USA)

Managing Editors

Pisin Chen (National Taiwan University) Ruth Gregory (Durham University, UK) Konstantinos Kokkotas (Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen, Germany and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) Jorge Pullin (Louisiana State University, USA) Misao Sasaki (University of Tokyo, Japan)

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Print / Online ISSN: 0218-3013 / 1793-6608

Impact Factor

1.386 This journal covers the topics on experimental and theoretical nuclear physics, and its applications and interface with astrophysics and particle physics. The journal publishes research articles as well as review articles on topics of current interest.

Managing Editors

Dmitri E Kharzeev (Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA) Thomas T. S. Kuo (Stony Brook University, USA) Jie Meng (Peking University, China) Xin-Nian Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)

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Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation (JAI) Print / Online ISSN: 2251-1717/ 2251-1725

The Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation (JAI) publishes papers describing instruments and components being proposed, developed, under construction and in use. The journal also publishes papers that describe facility operations, lessons learned in design, construction, and operation, algorithms and their implementations, and techniques, including calibration, that are fundamental elements of instrumentation.


Giovanni G. Fazio (Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA)

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International Journal of Quantum Information (IJQI) Print / Online ISSN: 0219-7499 / 1793-6918

The IJQI provides a forum for the interdisciplinary field of Quantum Information Science. • Quantum Cryptography • Quantum Computation • Quantum Communication • Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics

Managing Editors

Berthold-Georg Englert (National University of Singapore) Marco Genovese (INRIM, Italy) Daniel Greenberger (City College of New York, USA) Guang-Can Guo (University of Science and Technology of China)

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Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials (JNOPM)

Print / Online ISSN: 0218-8635 / 1793-6624

This journal is devoted to the rapidly advancing research and development in the field of nonlinear interactions of light

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Iam-Choon Khoo (Penn State University, USA)

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The Physics Educator (TPE)

Print / Online ISSN: 2661-3395 / 2661-3409 New


The Physics Educator is an international peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by World Scientific and the Institute of Physics Singapore. The focus of the journal is the teaching and learning of physics and related topics at the secondary school, high school, junior college and the introductory undergraduate level. Articles related to the history and philosophy of physics as well as the design of the physics curriculum may also be submitted.


Bernard Tan (National University of Singapore)

Managing Editor

Kwek Leong Chuan (National University of Singapore)

To find out more, visit our website at www.worldscientific.com/tpe

Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics (JMMP) Print / Online ISSN: 2424-9130 / 2424-9149

Aims & Scope

The journal provides a forum to disseminate fundamental researches and developments in nanomechanics and micromechanics of materials. It focuses on theoretical developments, experimental innovations, and computational and simulation methods in the field of nanoscale and nanostructured materials, composite materials, defect mechanics and physics, and discovery of novel advanced materials, with emphasis on mechanics and physics of microstructures, characterization and modeling, and material design and material manufacture processing, and interrelation/coloration between material micro- and nanostructure with macroscale functions.


Shaofan Li (University of California-Berkeley, USA)


Sergey V. Dmitriev (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) Leon M. Keer (Northwestern University, USA) Kun Zhou (Nanyang Technology University, Singapore)

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International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series (IJMPCS) Online ISSN: 2010-1945

Open Access

Aims & Scope

The journal aims to publish proceedings of workshops, seminars and conferences in the field of physics and related sciences. IJMPCS will be an open access journal, making conference papers available to researchers worldwide, reaching the widest possible readership in academia and industry.

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Print / Online ISSN: 1793-0480 / 1793-7035

Open Access

Aims & Scope

Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open access interdisciplinary physical science journal. It publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of physical sciences including: • biomedical and biophysical sciences • pure and applied physics • materials science, nanoscience and chemical sciences • other interdisciplinary physical sciences for example socio-econo physics, geophysics, etc.

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Biophysical Reviews and Letters (BRL)

Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences (RAPS) Print / Online ISSN: 2424-9424 / 2529-752X

Aims & Scope

The BRL is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers, review articles, brief communications and educational reviews in the field of experimental and theoretical Biophysics. It covers the whole area of Bionanosciences as well as physical aspects of Structural and Molecular Cell Biology, Computational Biophysics, Bioinformatics, fundamental issues related to the Life Sciences, interdisciplinary Biological Physics utilizing methods from physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer sciences to resolve issues and challenges in biological science.

Managing Editors

Hans G. L. Coster (University of Sydney, Australia) Ophir Flomenbom (Flomenbom-BPS Ltd, Israel) P. C. Huang (Johns Hopkins University, USA) Zongchao Jia (Queen’s University, Canada) Xiang-Yang Liu (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Zhongcan Ouyang (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)


ISSN (print): 2661-3395 | ISSN (online): 2661-3409

Can teaching physics be fun and engaging? Find out at www.worldscientific.com/tpe

Editor-in-Chief Bernard Tan (National University of Singapore)

Managing Editor Kwek Leong Chuan (National University of Singapore)

New Journal

About the Journal

The Physics Educator is an international peerreviewed journal published quarterly by World Scientific and the Institute of Physics, Singapore. The journal focuses on the teaching and learning of physics and related topics at the secondary school, high school, junior college and introductory undergraduate level. Articles related to the history and philosophy of physics as well as the design of the physics curriculum may also be submitted.

The journal aims to:

• Enhance teaching of physics in classrooms • Enhance teaching in laboratories through new approaches • Provide a lively forum for discussions on educational and curriculum developments • Develop strategies for teaching, classroom management and other relevant topics

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