Qualities that you should look for in a Scrub Nurse
Scrub Nurse is the one who prepares the operating room for the patient sets up the tools in the operating room and see to it that the field is sterile Scrub nurse assist the surgical team by donning sterile masks gloves and gowns as well as help the physician by passing instruments during surgery However if you are looking for scrub nurse then I would like to suggest you few qualities that will help you in finding the right scrub nurse The nurse should be a good learner She should be active and keen about learning new things that prevail in the operating theatre which ultimately help in improving her overall performance She should be able to face challenges She should be passive and able to deal or tackle any type of problem that prevails in the operation theatre instantly
She should be a team player who co operate efficiently with the doctor and her entire team For more information and details log on to https www kemprecruitment com au for candidates