Why you should work for nursing agencies?
Agency nursing is very popular wherein the nurse is an employee of the agency and the agency sends the nurse out to various locations to practice Agency nurses may work part
time or full
time as per their convenience Nursing agencies provide
various benefits to the nurses working in their agency some of them are as follows 1. The main benefit of agency nursing is that earning potential and flexibility is very high Salary of agency nurses is often higher than salaried or permanent staff 2. Agency nurses are free to set their own schedules They can work anywhere from the odd shift here and there to the equivalent of full
time hours Nurse
can schedule their work in advance or can pick up shifts on short notice They can also cancel their schedule on short notice
3. Some agencies offer benefits such as medical insurance retirement plans and continuing education to the nurses working in their agency For more information and details log on to https www kemprecruitment com au