4 minute read
Linking in with the right connections

There's a glimmer of hope
on the horizon that business relationships may return to a more face-to-face presence in the coming months, but many of us have turned to more digital means to continue networking.
Most network groups have turned to the likes of Zoom and Microsoft Teams to host virtual conversations. Where this is organised and hosted properly, the same outcomes can be achieved (well, without the stale coffee and Danish pastry).
Even if you don't attend a formal networking session, LinkedIn offers a great opportunity to expand your network of connections and generate leads for your business.
Unsurprisingly, user growth on LinkedIn has grown during 2020, with more than 772 million monthly active users now on the platform.
Many companies ask me about LinkedIn company pages, and whether they are worth it. They potentially are, but the real power of LinkedIn is the personal profile that you, as an individual, build.
Consider it a virtual representation of you when networking: what are they seeing when they first meet you? How do we give a potential connection the best version of ourselves?

Profile picture: Does it look like you in 2021? We've all aged in the last 12 months so upload a more recent photo that represents what you look like today. It should also represent how you wish to be seen. If that's in your holiday swimwear then that's no problem, otherwise perhaps keep it professional or neutral.
Cover photo: There's nothing that says you're not very active on LinkedIn than the default cover photo, grey and dull. This is a prime piece of real estate on your profile and should contain something that reflects you, your business or your personality. There are lots of options here, so don't waste the space.
Headline: Arguably one of the key parts of a profile. Searchable and displayed in results, so one of the first pieces of information anyone will see about you. How can you demonstrate the value you'll bring to the relationship in a couple of sentences?
Linking in with the right connections, whether you are virtual or not
LinkedIn is the social media platform of choice for professionals, but not everyone knows how to make the most of it. The Chamber’s social media expert and Digital Growth Programme consultant Paul Ince (pictured) gives his advice for how to make connections online.
Just like managing your website for search engines, your LinkedIn profile needs to convince someone to click the link in the search results.
What's compelling about you when you come up? The first call to action you need someone to take is to click your name to look at you. Only then will you have the chance to impress someone with the rest of your profile.
Today, there are multiple areas in which you can demonstrate that are a perfect fit for a relationship with your potential new connection. Your experience will show your credibility.
Your skills and recommendations will prove you're worth it. Also consider adding any publications you've featured in, volunteering roles and certifications.
To show you're not just a pretty face, but have some clout in your sector, your activity within the platform indicates to others that you have the knowledge to comment on your industry, and you can bring expertise to your relationship.
The most successful users take time to put their thoughts into a post or direct connections to a useful article, while adding their own commentary – this is also a good way to share posts from a company page too.
Finally, it's worth keeping your eye on new features on LinkedIn to see how you can use them.
Stories and LinkedIn Live are two features that still are less heavily used and, therefore, less crowded –helping you to be seen.
LinkedIn is currently promoting any events created on its platform to users who it thinks should attend. It’s also sending emails to potential attendees, taking some of the leg work out of promoting an event.
Thanks to the investment by owner Microsoft, you can be sure LinkedIn's development will continue and make it a must-use platform, whether business returns to normal or not.
Paul will lead an action planning workshop about Boosting your LinkedIn Business Account on Wednesday 14 April from 9.30am to 12.30pm. To register, visit www.leics-digital.co.uk/events
Need digital support? Businesses can access fully-funded support via two digital programmes managed by the Chamber, the Digital Upscaler and Digital Growth Programme.
Digital Upscaler, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), aims to provide high-growth businesses across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire with the knowledge, investment and capacity to scale up through embracing new technologies. Visit www.emc-dnl.co.uk/digitalupscaler
The Digital Growth Programme is designed to help SMEs located in Leicester and Leicestershire to improve productivity and growth using digital technology via themed action planning workshops, grants and digital advice. It is part-funded by the Chamber, ERDF and Leicestershire County Council. Visit www.leics-digital.co.uk
Businesses based in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire can access similar support by visiting www.d2n2growthhub.co.uk