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Duo’s initiative aims to shake up coaching sector
A dynamic coaching community has been launched in Leicestershire that aims to shake up the sector.
The Insight Centre is the brainchild of business coach Amanda Daly, who has joined forces with Dr Alex Morgan, and is a new concept in coaching for top business executives looking to develop themselves as much as their organisation.
Amanda, who owns The Turnaround CEO consultancy, said: “At the Insight Centre, we do not believe in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to coaching. We are disrupting the profession we love for the benefit of our clients.
“For too long, the coaching industry has relied on you, the client, committing to a long-term relationship with just one coach. We do not believe this always gets the best results.”
The Insight Centre is a community of coaches with the aim of offering business members flexible access to a trusted coaches, consultants and therapists that can offer valuable coaching and advice.
Dr Morgan said it could support in everything from leadership and financial coaching through to assisting with presentations and management challenges.
“We don’t feel it is realistic, or in fact ethical, for one coach to guide you through every imaginable scenario,” she added. “So we have created a way to access different coaches with different expertise, providing a range of growth experiences right for you at just the right time.”