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Building a way out of recession

ADerby construction firm has released a report describing how the UK could build its way out of a looming post-Covid recession and save billions of pounds for the taxpayer.
Hodgkinson Builders has produced its first Annual Social Housing Report in conjunction with support and research from the University of Derby.
The 96-page white paper paints a “warts-and-all” picture of the current state of the construction industry, including the deep-seated problems caused by skills shortages and poor construction methods –but its main focus is to highlight the crisis surrounding a lack of social housing.
Managing Director Ian Hodgkinson is urging businesses and governments to use smarter, more sustainable methods to build much-needed social housing quickly – and in doing so will reap rewards for society as a whole.
He said: “Never has there been a better time to improve housing and social housing in the UK. Faced with the economic challenges caused by the current pandemic, this is an area that could drive our economy in the right direction and give us a chance to build our way out of a crisis.
“Although this report was written during the pandemic, it’s something that I’ve been meaning to do for a long time. But now, the conclusions it draws are even more poignant than they were beforehand.”
The report explains that every affordable home built in the UK generates an additional £108,000 for the economy, due to the creation of jobs and boost to businesses in that area.
It also details why improving the housing stock for people on low

incomes will cut billions in unnecessary expenditure from the NHS bill.
Ian added: “Investment in social and affordable housing has profound benefits for the economy, for people’s health and wellbeing, and for the adhesion of local communities.
“I hope this white paper helps to sort out the facts from the myths in such a way that we can finally achieve the goal of providing every person with a solid roof over their head.”
Ian Hodgkinson, Managing Director at Hodgkinson Budilders
Shopping outlet sets out green pledges
As retail reopened across England, a Doncaster shopping outlet is making sure that the environment is high on its agenda by making a number of green pledges for 2021.
The management team at Lakeside Village shopping outlet are keen to hold themselves to account by setting out their plans and promising to review their achievements at the end of the year.
Before the pandemic forced retail closures, recycling at the centre stood at 77% and the team are pledging to work to improve this figure during 2021.
Di Rodgers, Centre Manager at Lakeside Village, said: “The past year has been very difficult for the retail sector and we are all looking forward to safely reopening stores and welcoming customers back to the centre.
“We have always worked to ensure that we find ways to improve our environmental impact and while we are really proud of our achievements in this area, we know that we can all do more.
“Last year we had a number of plans that unfortunately weren’t able to happen, but we did manage to arrange a litter pick around the Lakeside area with key partners including McDonalds and Business Doncaster, who were extremely supportive.
“This year we want to build on this with more proactive activities and a further increase in our recycling rates.”
In 2019 some 219 tonnes of waste were recycled from the centre including cardboard, soft plastic, coat hangers, glass, metal and paper.
The centre management also works with its retailers and food outlets to make sure that any food waste is recycled and sent off to be turned into renewable energy and nutrient rich bio fertiliser for local farmers. The onsite Gregg’s donates leftover food to a local homeless shelter on a weekly basis.
In 2021 Lakeside is pledging to: • Increase the overall Lakeside recycling rate to 80% • Offer recycling opportunities to customers for clothes, coffee cups, batteries and printer cartridges • Arrange quarterly litter picks with local businesses.
“We will review our progress on these pledges quarterly and explore further ways that we can improve the environment in which we work and the surrounding area.
Di added: “As we prepare to fully reopen the centre, we want to make sure that we do so in the best possible way making shopping a safe activity for customers but also encouraging people to think about positive changes that they can make to the way in which they work and the environment around them.
“We’re hoping to see other businesses in the area pledge to do more this year and we’re more than happy to talk to our neighbouring businesses to see what we can achieve together.”

innovation through

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