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Member Profile

Chamber Insight

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Name: Kevin Blair Company: Atmos VR Ltd Job Title: Managing director

What does your company do?

Atmos VR Ltd is a virtual, augmented and extended reality technologies company, providing corporate bespoke solutions. This summer, we’re opening In a Box, In a Box, In a Box –a sociallydistanced, multi-player, arenascale, free-roaming, 4D, VR game experience in Digbeth.

How did it all start?

I had my first experience with VR while serving in the Royal Air Force. Later, while running my own events business, Pokemon Go AR became popular. It seemed obvious that Virtual Reality would be a great entertainment technology. The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation.

What’s your greatest achievement so far?

My son is my greatest achievement. Business-wise, and with the help of my fellow director, securing £1m funding for a public entertainment business in the middle of a pandemic is something I’m really proud of.

What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken – and did it work out?

I came up with the idea of running a public golf show, based at the NEC in 2006 and although it was great, it was a very stressful learning experience.

What keeps you awake at night?

Opening a public entertainment experience in a pandemic. Will the Government bring in another lockdown and will we have to delay our opening?

If you could turn the clock back, what would you do differently?

Nothing, I’m a firm believer in being where you should be at the present time, because of past decisions. There’s no such thing as a mistake; every stumbling block is simply a life lesson – an opportunity to learn and grow.

What has surprised you most in your job?

The patience of my wife, which I do test sometimes, it’s like an unbreakable elastic.

What advice would you give to someone starting out?

That’s a good question. Make sure that you’re solving a problem. Persevere and don’t doubt yourself. But, at the same time don’t be too arrogant to listen to those with more experience than yourself. You can always keep learning.

Which business do you most admire?

Space X –I’m a massive Elon Musk fan and love what they are doing with Starship.

What exciting projects is your business working on?

We’re opening In a Box, In a Box, In a Box –an arena scale fully immersive 4D free roaming Virtual Reality Experience in Digbeth this summer, there is nothing like it in the world, literally.

What made you join Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and how are you making use of your membership?

You can’t succeed in anything without support. The Chamber offers multiple opportunities to expand connections and share in the successes and learnings from other members. Birmingham has a thriving tech community and a brilliant social one too, I couldn’t imagine being based anywhere else. We’re offering Chamber members early bird group deals for their people to enjoy the experience at favourable rates. A great way to team bond in person, while staying socially-distanced, so I'd urge them to get in touch with me so we can work something out.

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