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Law firm invests in its post-Covid recovery
An innovative Buckinghamshire business, which provides visual content solutions to help boost their customer’s online presence, has won a prestigious award.
360 Visual Media scooped the joint gong from LARAC - the leading voice for local authorities on recycling, waste and resource management - for Best New Idea, alongside Buckinghamshire County Council.
The collaboration involved the production of Google Street View and bespoke virtual tours, mapping the local authority’s nine local Household Recycling Centres. 360 Visual Media further raised the online profile by optimising and managing the nine Google My Business Listings for each site, adding key elements such as live messaging and product information.
BCC saw 60% more searches for their sites between May and July this year compared to the previous year.
Visit: www.360visualmedia. co.uk/virtual-tourphotographer
Leading law firm Howes Percival has announced a series of new investments in IT, its people and skills development, as it positions itself for the post Covid19 recovery.
The firm, which has reported a good pipeline of transactions during the pandemic and has expanded its Employment Law team, is keen to build on new ways of working in recent months and further improve its service for clients.
The investments include a new client relationship management platform and client feedback programme, as well as enhancements to the firm's learning framework and 12 senior promotions.
Howes Percival's chairman, Geraint Davies (pictured), commented: “We were in a strong position before the pandemic, having made a series of investments in our IT to enable more collaboration and different ways of working. As a result, we were able to adapt to remote working almost immediately.
“The way we all work has changed, relationships with clients have changed, and professional services firms can't simply revert to how it used to be after all this.
“We need to continue to embrace new ways of working and look for further improvements and innovation. We also need to be able to develop as individuals and teams and bring new skills and ways of working smarter and closer with clients. The two things together - fantastic technology and amazing, talented
CAN'T SIMPLY people - that's very much how I see REVERT TO HOW Howes Percival.
IT USED TO BE “The technology available now is AFTER ALL THIS’ incredible. There are elements of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in some of the tools we are using, and we are really excited by the opportunities this presents. I think the image of law firms being quaintly old fashioned, is long gone. Or it certainly is at Howes Percival.”
Visit: www.howespercival.com/careers