Teaching Your Child to Be Resilient: Strategies for Building Emotional Strength

Scientific research has proven that children are born with more resilience. It is the evolving years in a child’s life, which shape his or her magnitude of resilience in the future. Parents need to be more compassionate towards their children’s problems, especially during their growing period when they need most of the attention and mental support.

Children go through an undulating emotional journey while growing up. It is during these times; they need most of the emotional support. If they are not encouraged to be in their skin during this time by their parents and the ambiance they dwell in, they can grow up to be emotionally vulnerable and have meek personalities. Schools also play an important role in shaping a child’s emotional strength. If you are from Ahmedabad and looking for the perfect school to shape your child’s future, you can check the top 10 CBSE Schools in Ahmedabad.
Here are some of the ways, you can ensure that your child evolves as one with a strong personality
1. Listen to your children – Lend a patient ear to all your children’s problems and the challenges they face. A child is emotionally transparent and all they need is a bit of attention from you, so for healthy parenting, listen to their stories, and their emotional journey throughout the day. To err is to be human, as they call it, children do not know to segregate rights and wrongs from their daily actions. As a parent, you must validate their emotions and connect with their stories with a non-judgemental approach.
2. Answer to their curiosities – Children are curious. Daily they are learning a new way to cope with the world. In this process, they are always curious about everything happening around them. As a parent, it should be your call to discuss with them all of the details and explain their curiosities. Healthy parenting calls for no shying away from answering the questions raised by their children.
3. Choosing the right School - A lenient schooling with smart parenting adds brownie points to your child’s development of resilience. School is known to be a child’s second home; therefore, it is extremely important to check on a child’s actions in school. The ambiance in the school influences a child’s character development. Every child needs special love, care, and attention. Rather than being strict and restricting every action of your kid, let them be or exert control with proper reasoning so that they are aware of the consequences of doing it the next time. If you are from Ahmedabad and wish to enrol your child in a good school, here is a list of CBSE Schools in Ahmedabad.
4. Validate their emotions – While growing up, children go through tonnes and tonnes of emotional ups and downs. As parents., it is one’s duty to validate those emotional imbalances and not to shut them just by departmentalizing them as minor inconveniences. Validate their ideas and every little detail they shared with you. All they want is a patient ear to listen to all of their little things. It will help them develop the confidence of speaking their point of view in front of others. They will speak their mind without needing validation from others if as parents you listen to their banters.
5. Let them dream – Do not try to trim their wings. Each child is born with wings. Let them be who they are. Support their little dreams, if need be, and convince them to change the loopholes which you have figured out from their plans. But do not discard their overall idea. If they feel less confident with themselves, as parents, just make them understand that you will be there for them no matter what.
Every child is born unique. Schooling and parenting should keep in mind this fact before tutoring them. Each of them needs a different sort of care. If they are constantly being told to behave in a particular way, it will shatter their confidence in themselves and they will grow into someone vulnerable. Top CBSE Schools in Ahmedabad make sure that your child grows into a person with resilience and confidence. Never try to restrict the actions of their little joys if that is harming nobody.
Let them dream. Let the roses bloom uniquely in different environments.