2022 LOWA Tree Lighting Ceremony
by Carolyn Brodeur, Assistant General Manager
The Annual Lake of the Woods Tree Lighting Ceremony was held on Friday, Dec. 2. Over 50 people were in attendance to enjoy the festivities. LOWA members cheered Santa as he arrived by golf cart to begin the countdown.
Pick & Sing
pictured include: Ginny Fleming Biggs, Wendy Van Alstyne White, Shayne Meislin, Jim Bregar, James Corsones, Kurt Heinz, Deborah Everett .
With LOW Carolers - Steve McCluskey
The LOWA Grounds Crew, led by LOWA’s head decorating elf Tracy Johnson (Facilities Coordinator), made certain that the tree was decorated with an abundance of twinkling Christmas lights. Ryan Richardson and the Clubhouse staff provided delicious cookies and hot chocolate, as well as Santa’s customized golf cart ride to the event.
LOWA would also like to thank the LOW Players and LOW Pick & Sing for putting the merry in our merriment with their wonderful renditions of popular Christmas carols. The LOW Garden Club also provided beautiful holiday decorations for the Clubhouse.
Special thanks to LOWA Board President Teri Vickery, Clubhouse Committee Representative Janis Riley, John Bayer, and the Bayer family.
Holiday Closures:
LOWA Offices: Dec. 26, Jan. 2 & 16
Member Services: Dec. 24, 31
Clubhouse: Dec. 24-25, Jan. 1-17
Fareways Café: Dec. 24-25
Golf/Pro Shop: Dec. 24-25
Equestrian: Dec. 24-25, Dec. 30-Jan. 2
LOW Trash Compactor: Dec. 24-25, Jan. 1 & 16
LOWA Website Links TEKControl (Visitor Management)
Vol. 20, No. 17 540.972.2237 LOWA.org /LOWAssociation December 16, 2022 The Official Newsletter
President's Letter 2 Board Agenda 2 Association News 2 - 10 General Manager 3 Calendar 7, 8 Holiday Decorating Contest 11 Viewpoints 14 Orange County 17 Classifieds 18 - 19 Employment Opportunities 19 Dec. 16, 17, 18 5 PM Santa Visit on Fire Truck Info: www.LOWFR29.com
Lake of the Woods Association, Inc.
Fri., Dec. 16 Ugly Sweater Karaoke 6:30 PM, Fareways Café Fri., Dec. 23
LOWA Offices & Equestrian Center closed at 12:30 PM
Bar Code Hours: 8:30 AM-noon Maintenance closed at 11 AM Sun., Dec. 25 Merry Christmas! Fri., Dec. 30 LOWA Offices closed at 12:30 PM Bar Code Hours: 8:30 AM-noon Maintenance closed at 11 AM
Sun., Jan. 1 Happy New Year! Sat., Jan. 7 LOWA Regular Board Meeting 10 AM, Community Center, Zoom
Photos by Sharon M Coleman & Judy McWilliams
President’s Letter
Teri Vickery
The Board continues the process of developing the budget for fiscal year 2023-2024. The three-day Budget Hearings in early December were informative and included many challenging conversations. The Finance and Planning Committees are finalizing their recommendations to LOWA Management. The General Manager and his team will evaluate these recommendations and make whatever changes they deem reasonable. The Dec. 14 Board meeting included a discussion and adoption of the Five-Year Capital Plan. I’m writing this before that meeting and will inform you in my next letter about the individual new assets and improvement projects that were approved for next year. Put this date on your calendar – the General Manager will present the draft budget to our membership on Jan. 17, at 7 PM, in the Community Center. This is your opportunity to see all the components that make up the budget that will affect your assessment for next year. We welcome your questions and input. The Board will focus on final changes to the budget at its Feb. 4 meeting, and will approve the budget at the Feb. 15 meeting. As I’ve said before, this is not an easy process, and a lot of hard decisions will still have to be made. But I assure you that the Board and LOWA Management are doing their best to weigh the pros and cons of every option to maintain, preserve, and improve our community.
FiberLync, the Orange County fiber optic broadband (internet) provider has completed laying cable in Section 7 of Lake of the Woods. LOWA recently signed an agreement to allow FiberLync to lay cable in portions of Sections 9 and 10. The work has already started and Fiberlync hopes to complete these sections by the end of January. Members in Section 7 should be receiving postcards or phone calls to see if they want to have FiberLync’s cable connected to their homes. If you now use FiberLync to connect to the internet, please tell us about your experience. I’m sure many of your neighbors would like to know!
The Board, LOWA Management, and various committees and working groups have been hard at work on some of the Board Goals. The Main Gate/ Third Gate Working Group made their presentation and recommendations to the Board at the Dec. 14 meeting. There will be a Town Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 11, at 7 PM, in the Community Center, where a representative of that working group will make a similar presentation to our membership. I encourage you to attend, ask questions, and provide feedback. We intend to have two other Town Halls in January or February. One will be about the project to improve stormwater issues on the 10th Fairway of the golf course and the second will be about wake boats. I will update you on these issues and the Town Halls as I get more information.
We held our annual Christmas tree lighting on Dec. 2. It was a chilly evening, warmed by hot cocoa and cookies. LOW Pick & Sing and the LOW Players played and sang Christmas music, and everyone joined in. It was wonderful to see so many families there to help me welcome Santa to the lake. And don’t forget that Santa will be driving around Lakeview Parkway on a firetruck this weekend (Dec. 16, 17, and 18). Many members have decorated their homes for the holidays. I thoroughly enjoy driving around the neighborhood to see how creative people in our community are! I wish you all a healthy and happy holiday season. I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
Board of Directors, LOWA, Inc. Send email to the Board at: Board@LOWA.org
President: Teri Vickery
Vice Pres.: Rick Rappoport
Treasurer: Walt Diercks
Secretary: Leif Henecke
Directors: Carl Clawson Vassa Olson Bill Kay
General Manager: Phillip Rodenberg (prodenberg@LOWA. org)
Assistant General Manager: Carolyn Brodeur (cbrodeur@LOWA.org)
Director of Facilities: James "Bobby" Jones (jjones@LOWA.org)
Director of Finance: Charlie Maneval (cmaneval@LOWA.org)
Lake of the Woods Association, Inc.
Regular Board of Directors Meeting Agenda (Tentative) January 7, 2023
9 AM, Community Center
2.1 Pledge of Allegiance
2.2 Meeting Notice and Quorum Confirmation
2.3 Approval of Agenda
2.4 Approval of Consent Agenda
A. (2.5) Approval of Minutes: December 14, 2022
B. (5.1B) Committee Changes
C. (7.2) Consideration of Entering Lots for Maintenance and Lot Violation Enforcement
2.5 Approval of Minutes: December 14, 2022
3.1 Ad Hoc Committee on Future Financial Challenges and Funding Sources - Jane Haltmaier, Chair
5.1 Report from Orange County Supervisor – Lee Frame
5.2 Report from Orange County Sheriff – Mark Amos
5.3 Report from Security Chief – Richard Harrell
5.4 Report from LOW Fire and Rescue – Dan Cianci
5.5 Report from Orange County Schools – Jim Hopkins
5.5A Report from Orange County Planning Commissioner Regarding Wilderness Crossing Rezoning Application – J. Bryan Nicol
5.6 Reports of Officers
A. Executive Session Actions
B. Committee Liaison Reports
i. Environmental Control Committee Proposed Amendments to Regulation XVI. C. Committee Changes
5.7 Report of General Manager A. Coronavirus and LOWA B. Lakes Management Report 5.8 Committee Reports
A. Jane Haltmaier – Finance Committee Chair 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS
6.1 Consideration of Adopting Amendments to LOWA’s 2022 Employee COVID – 19 Policy 7. NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Consideration of Approving Amendment #2 to the Contract with Allied Universal Security 7.2 Consideration of Entering Lots for Maintenance and Lot Violation Enforcement 8. DIRECTOR COMMENTS 9. SCHEDULED MEETINGS • Regular Board Meeting,
Editorial Staff
President of the Board General Manager
Communications Manager: Carolyn Brodeur (cbrodeur@LOWA.org)
Communications Assistant: Lisa Naghshineh (lakecurrents@LOWA.org)
Copy Editor
Dan McFarland (dmcfarland@LOWA.org)
Graphics/Layout: Chris Porter (cporter@LOWA.org)
LOWA Communications Department: 540-972-2278
the preceding Friday if Monday is a holiday. All advertising and articles need to be submitted via email to lakecurrents@LOWA.org. The views expressed in guest articles and paid advertisements represent the opinions of authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Lake of the Woods Association, Inc. Call the communications office at 540-9722278 for details about classified and display advertisements which must be prepaid (unless other arrangements are made). POSTMASTER: Send address changes to LOWA, Inc., 102 Lakeview Pkwy, Locust Grove, VA 22508
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 2
Wednesday, January 18, 2023, Community Center, 12:30pm Executive Session, 2:00pm Open Session. • Regular Board Meeting, Saturday,
Community Center, 9 AM Executive Session, 10 AM Open Session. 10. ADJOURNMENT Join Zoom Meeting: Log-in to LOWA.org, go to BoardAgendas, click on Zoom link. Members of record may record any portion of this meeting so long as (1) you first notify the President for an announcement before you begin and (2) you do not interfere with other members or the official recording. (See Administrative Regulation 2016-4.) The Board reserves the right to remove, add and/or relocate agenda items, as necessary. Association News
Currents The official newsletter of the Lake of the Woods Association, Inc. (USPS 872-400) is published bi-weekly for its membership. Nonmembers $20 per year (25 issues). Periodical postage rate paid at Spotsylvania, VA 22553. Visit our web site at: LOWA.org. ITEMS FOR PUBLICATION in the newsletter must be received in the Association office by noon on the Monday after publication for the next publication or by
February 4, 2024,
LOWA Golf Course Recognized for Environmental Excellence
by Frank LaVardera, Director of Environmental Programs for Golf, ACSP
IGM at Lake of the Woods has achieved designation as a “Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary” through the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program (ACSP) for Golf Courses. IGM Regional Manager Tyler Minamyer and Golf Course Superintendent Michael Kuhn completed the effort to obtain sanctuary designation on the property. The course is now one of over 900 courses in the world to hold certification from Audubon International.
“IGM at Lake of the Woods has shown a strong commitment to its environmental program. They are to be commended for their efforts to provide a sanctuary for wildlife on the golf course property,” said Christine Kane, CEO at Audubon International.
LOWA General Manager Phil Rodenberg is proud of this achievement for the course and the community. “It is a pleasure to demonstrate that the golf course exists in concert with nature and not opposed to it,” he said. “The tenets of good environmental stewardship are at the core of our community activities, and this is a clear demonstration of that commitment.”
The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses, endorsed by the United States Golf Association, provides information and guidance to help golf courses preserve and enhance wildlife habitat and protect natural resources. Golf courses from the United States, Africa, Australia, Canada, Central America, Europe, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia have achieved certification in the program.
Lake of the Woods Golf Course was carved into the woods of oaks and pines within this private, planned residential community. It covers approximately 2,600 acres of rolling, wooded terrain and is surrounded by numerous historic sites.
International Golf Maintenance (IGM) is responsible for providing maintenance services to Lake of the Woods.
LOWA’s Five Basic Maintenance Programs
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! This is the time of year LOWA works on the annual budget that determines the assessment for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. Within our overall Operating Budget are the Maintenance Department Budgets, consisting of Environmental Resources, General Maintenance, Roads, and Grounds. These account for over $3 million in expenses.
The programs carried out by the Maintenance Department are essential to the wellbeing of our 55-yearold community. Without a proactive maintenance staff carrying our key maintenance programs, LOWA would quickly fall behind and show the effects of wear and tear.
Our maintenance programs, especially preventative and corrective maintenance, save money for the Association and its members by avoiding hiring outside contractors at a much higher expense.
There are five basic maintenance programs of LOWA:
1. Routine Maintenance. Regular recurring upkeep that must be done to keep our community looking neat and clean. Think of custodians cleaning windows, Grounds crew cutting grass, and Roads crew vacuuming leaves from a roadside ditch.
2. Preventative & Environmental Maintenance. PM, as we call it, helps avoid disruptive breakdowns, prolongs the life of our physical assets, saves energy, and avoids costly repairs. Think of changing a vehicle’s oil, belts, and spark plugs. Changing filters in HVAC units. Converting to LED lights. In 2023, LOWA will use programmable thermostats in the Clubhouse and Woods Center to reduce costs and save energy.
3. Emergency Services Maintenance. Response to unpredictable problems, sometimes caused by severe weather. Think of cutting up a tree that has fallen across the road. Replacing a broken gate arm at the back gate. Fixing a leaking roof. Clearing leaves blocking a roadway culvert.
4. Requested or Corrective Maintenance. We welcome emails and calls from members for requested maintenance. Please let us know if you see something that does not look quite right in the common areas by filling out a Maintenance Inquiry Form on www.LOWA.Org. Find it under the Contact Us tab. You will receive an automatic email reply that we have received it, and you will receive a follow-up email from department staff within two business days about the next step. You can also call 540-972-2211. Corrective Maintenance is when one of our maintenance crew replaces a worn-out stair tread or tightens the screws on a loose door handle.
See General Manager on p. 5
Member Services/ Holcomb Building: 540-9722237. Email: Frontdesk@LOWA.org M-F; 8:30 AM-5 PM; Sat. 9 AM-1 PM
Vehicle Bar Code Hours: (Weather permitting)
Mon, Wed, Fri: 2-4:30 PM
Tues, Thurs, Sat: 10 AM-noon
Clubhouse: 540-972-2221
Office Hours: W-F, 9 AM-5 PM
Dining Room: Wed 5-9 PM; Th-Fri 5-10 PM; Sat 11 AM-10 PM; Sun 1-4 PM Sun Brunch, 10 AM-1 PM Menu: www.LOWA.org/Clubhouse
Communications Office: LakeCurrents@LOWA.org or 540972-2278 WebSupport@LOWA.org or 540755-3107
Community Center: 540-972-9680
ECC Office: 540-972-2211
M-F, 7 AM-3:30 PM
Equestrian Center: 540-9722238
M-F 8:30 AM-5 PM (Appt. required) Sat/Sun 9 AM-5 PM Lessons/Pony Rides by appt.
Fareways Café: 540-972-2216 M, Tu, F, Sat, 8 AM-7 PM W, Th, 8 AM-9 PM Sun: 8 AM-6 PM
*Last order will be taken 1-hour before closing time. Last call for alcohol will be 30 minutes before closing. Menu: www.LOWA.org/Fareways
Fitness Center: 540-412-6016 Daily: 5 AM-11 PM
Golf Pro Shop (Woods Center): Daily 8:30 AM
Reserve a tee time 540-972-2230
Golf Course: 9 AM daily; carts due by 5 PM
Maintenance Office: 540-972-2223; M-F, 7 AM-3:30 PM
9.9 Leaf/Brush Area: Daily: 7 AM-5 PM
Closed Wednesdays
Pickleball: Paul Jacobson, 630-715-5657 Outdoor Courts available 7 AM-11 PM
Security/Front Gate: 540-972-2210 or 540-972-2020
Tennis: Alice Mote 540-424-8004
Courts available 7 AM-11 PM
Trash: LOW Compactor Site 540-672-9600 M, TU, TH, F, 7:30 AM-7 PM Sat 8 AM-5 PM; Sun 9 AM-5 PM Closed Wednesdays & holidays
GFL/County Waste: 540-727-0887 or 540-899-7722
Curbside trash recycling/collection: Wednesdays
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 3 Association News
by Phil Rodenberg, General Manager, ® CMCA, ® AMS, ® PCAM
“We welcome emails and calls from members for requested maintenance. Please let us know if you see something that does not look quite right in the common areas by filling out a Maintenance Inquiry Form on www.LOWA.Org.”
Speed Limit and STOP Signs
by Chief Richard Harrell, LOW Security
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday. I hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful time together. Christmas and the New Year’s holidays are just around the corner, and we want to ensure everyone stays safe now and during the period our families come to visit. Lake of the Woods is a thriving community, growing every day. As you know, LOW makes up one third or more of Orange County and the traffic laws outside the community also apply to inside the community. All officers making the traffic stops are SCOP’s, sworn-in Officers of the Law by the Commonwealth of Virginia. They have the same authority as if you were pulled over by an Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy. They also enforce LOW regulations, which brings us to my next concern and subject, Traffic Signs.
STOP Signs - The law states that you are required to come to a COMPLETE STOP at all STOP signs. That means STOP, not a California roll. We are no longer writing LOW Summons for STOP sign violations. We are writing Virginia Uniform Summons, which go to Orange County District Court. The excuses our SCOP officers most often hear are:
• (The biggest) There wasn’t anyone coming
• I could have sworn I came to a STOP.
• I have never had a summons.
• I haven’t had a summons in years, can’t you give me a Warning?
• I have lived here for X number of years and have never received a summons.
• Don’t you give out Warnings?
We do give out warnings, and all excuses are taken into consideration by the officer making the traffic stop.
SPEED LIMIT SIGNS – (25 mph and 15 mph) There are a total of ten 25 mph speed limit signs on Lakeview Parkway. Turning left onto Lakeview Pkwy there are a total of four from the main gate around the lake back to the main gate. Turning right onto Lakeview Pkwy there are a total of six from main gate around the lake back to the main gate. All the signs state 25 mph or otherwise posted. There are also a few side roads that connect to different streets that indicate 15 mph.
If it is not posted, the speed limit is 25 mph The problem is that many, even members of the community, are not paying attention to the traffic signs. It is vital and imperative that we all pay attention to and heed all Traffic Signs.
A few excuses we hear are:
o I didn’t see the sign. (It is your responsibility to pay attention to the road and all traffic signs.)
o I come this way everyday and never payed attention to the sign. (Again, it is your responsibility to pay attention to all road and traffic signs.)
o I am only going 25 mph. (25 mph in a 15-mph zone could mean life or death to people walking their dogs at all hours, walking to get mail, exercising by running or walking, or riding a bike.)
o I haven’t had a speeding summons in years.
o Don’t you give Warnings?
We do give out warnings, and all excuses are taken into consideration by the officer making the traffic stop.
We also have a Traffic Logix radar speed awareness sign heading south towards the compactor. We have another speed awareness sign coming, so there will soon be two speed awareness signs.
List of 15 mph Roads
Tallwood Trl
Monroe St
Birchside Cir
Happy Creek Rd
Pleasant Grove Rd
Cumberland Cir
Antietam Dr
Seven Pines Dr from Yorktown Blvd to the end of the campground
Riverdale Ln
Skyline Rd
Cornwallis Ave
Plantation Dr
Larkspur Ln
Wilderness Ln
Wilderness Dr from the 400 Blk to the end
Tally Ho Ln
Ramsay Rd
Spotswood Rd
Lake of the Woods Pky
The bottom line is, all Traffic Signs serve a purpose, and are not there to inconvenience anyone. So PLEASE, uphold the law. It could save your life and/or someone else’s.
Looking for that gift that keeps on giving? How about a trial membership at our Fitness Center? Purchase a membership now at half off and your loved one will be able to use the fitness center through April 30th, 2023! Now available for only $71.00 for individual membership, $85.50 for a plus one membership or $115.50 for a family membership. Contact member services today at 540-972-2237.
Historically, LOWA has hosted the Annual Meeting of the Membership on Labor Day Monday. The annual meeting is where we (1) elect the Board of Directors, although most vote by proxy ballot ahead of time, (2) present the Annual Report from the GM, and (3) honor outstanding community volunteers with achievement awards. The Board of Directors is seeking member input on the possibility of changing the date of the meeting. To take the survey online, Scan the QR Code below or go to www.LOWA.org Hard copies are available at Member Services.
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 4
Tuesday, Jan. 17 General Manager Proposed FY 2023-2024 Budget
7 PM, Community Center, Zoom
your calendars for
17 at 7 PM for the GM’s Proposed Budget
to the Membership for the fiscal year that begins May
2023. This is your opportunity to ask the GM and senior staff questions about the budget and annual assessment.
Survey Extended Until Jan. 3:
LOWA Move the Annual Membership Meeting from Labor Day?
5. Scheduled Replacement. At LOWA, we fully fund our replacement reserves and keep to our replacement schedule. The Board of Directors and Management review the Repair & Replacement Reserve Plan on an annual basis. This shows we are planning for the inevitable replacement of items at the end of their useful lives. LOWA’s R&R Reserve Plan is how we manage scheduled replacement. For example, in 2023-2024, LOWA will replace Clubhouse floor coverings, and replace/upgrade the old wooden pole fence along Route 3.
Facilities Director Bobby Jones, Buildings Foreman Daniel Smith, Roads Foreman Louis Gonzalez, Grounds Foreman Paul Gordon, Vehicle Maintenance Foreman Jerry Chatham, Facilities Coordinator Tracy Johnson, and the newest member of the team, Environmental Resources Manager Tom Finsterle, take considerable pride in maintaining the buildings, grounds, roads, parks, dams, and lakes of our beautiful community. As I often say, there should always be a wet paint sign somewhere in our community, showing that the Maintenance Department is always making progress. Director Bobby Jones and his foremen stay organized by using the Annual Maintenance Calendar updated each spring. The department uses work log spreadsheets to track work orders coming in from foremen and members. Completed/inspected items are moved to the completed work log. We hope to upgrade to a new work order software system in 2023 to help manage the workload and help analyze the nature of repairs and time spent. The Weekly Foremen’s Meeting is one of the best ways the department keeps track of what has been accomplished and what is next on the Annual Maintenance Calendar. The Buildings Department uses Inspection Checklists for weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual preventative maintenance schedules.
A trademark of LOWA Maintenance is the extent to which the crew work together on big tasks. Snow removal is an excellent example of how everyone comes together to clear the roads and parking lots of snow.
Introducing Fitness Center Specialist
Jeremy Jefferson
by Kimberley Toone, Community Operations Manager
LOWA would like to welcome Jeremy Jefferson, the newest member of the community operations team. Jeremy serves as our Fitness Center Specialist. You will find him in the center Monday through Friday, 3 PM to 9 PM.
Jeremy has a diverse background, which includes fitness center experience with the YMCA, a background in satellite communications and as a biomedical equipment tech. He is also an Army veteran. Jeremy is originally from Pittsburgh and has traveled all over Europe while in the Army. He has spent time living in Alabama, Georgia, Texas, and Germany. He is a die-hard Steelers fan, and currently lives in Spotsylvania, with his dog Drake.
Welcome Jeremy!
Maintenance Response to Winter Storms: Snow Removal Policies and Procedures
by Bobby Jones, Director of Facilities
The LOWA Maintenance Department wants all members to understand the procedures our crews use to respond to winter storms in an efficient and effective manner. We have already stockpiled salt and readied trucks and equipment. The snow plowing priority list may be of interest to members.
LOWA’s Program of Work:
The objective of the snow and ice removal effort is to provide clear road conditions before, during, and after a winter storm. Above all, motorists should drive responsibly, and understand that LOWA personnel are working around-theclock to improve road conditions. The Maintenance Department uses four trucks at night and six trucks during the day shift. The Director of Facilities places staff on a “12 on 12 off” schedule even before the storm arrives and becomes severe. These shifts are 7 AM-7 PM (day crew) and 7 PM-7 AM (night crew). The shift changeover takes about an hour for refueling, equipment checks, and briefing the new crew on the status of the previous shift’s work. This takes place at the Maintenance Department. During this changeover time, there is no need to call and report that trucks are not on the road. The Maintenance Department requests that residents stay off the roads during a weather emergency and please refrain from “joy riding” in four-wheel drive vehicles.
The snow removal crew follows an established set of priorities for plowing, salting, and sanding. They are as follows:
1. Entrance and exit at main gate.
2. Fire and Rescue entrances.
3. Lakeview Parkway, rear entrance, and Equestrian Center.
4. Secondary (feeder) roads, with emphasis on hills, curves, and intersections. During periods of heavy accumulations of snow, these roads may be kept plowed to a one lane width.
5. Except for an emergency, all other roads, cul-de-sacs, and dead ends will be plowed when the accumulation of snow terminates. Removal will then be done systematically, section by section, until all roads are open.
6. Mailbox stations and trash compactor site.
7. Parking lots. (Parking lots for Association offices and facilities will be cleared prior to opening for business.)
All streets will be cleared to at least one plow width during the storm. Culde-sacs will be plowed in and out, but no cleaning until the storm is over. Deadend streets are not plowed during the hours of darkness unless an emergency exists. This is due to the hazard of backing the plows down the road with multiple driveways at the end; leaving the driver with no place to push the snow.
Once the storm is over, the efforts shift to widening the plowed roads, mail stations, intersections, cul-de-sacs, dead ends, and Clubhouse entrance. During last season’s storms, temperatures were well below freezing. At these temperatures, salt does not melt the snow. Except in a few places, our department chose not to use salt on the roads due to temperature impact. Also, we wanted to use salt only when necessary to protect the environment within LOW. The less salt applied, the less damaging runoff into the lakes.
Member Responsibilities:
Consider waiting to shovel the end of your driveway until the storm is over. There is no way to plow the roads without pushing the snow and ice into members’ driveways. When shoveling your driveway, push the snow at the street edge to the right side of your driveway when facing the street. This will insure minimal throwback from the plow onto the driveway. During the previous year’s snowfall, removal efforts were hindered by a group of four-wheelers out on the roads within LOW. Please stay off the roads except for emergencies. Also, please remember not to park your vehicles on the side of the road. Do not park close to the edge of the road. Parking behind the culvert pipe in your driveway is a good rule of thumb. LOWA is not responsible for reporting or repairing power, telephone, cable, or water/sewer outages. Members will need to contact the appropriate utility company for help with these issues. Below are emergency contact numbers for utility companies serving LOW.
Rappahannock Electric Cooperative: 800-552-3904
Verizon: 800-837-4966
Comcast: 800-934-6489
Rapidan Service Authority (water & sewer): 540-972-2133
Finally, please be polite to our Road Crews. Under severe winter conditions, they do a tremendous job.
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 5
Association News
General Manager from p. 3
Photo by Bobby Jones
The LOWA Roads Crew is ready for snow!
Jeremy Jefferson
Photo by Lynn Ruggeri
Holiday Greetings from the Barn Staff at the Equestrian Center!
(L-R): Bill, Cloud, Sarah, Tre, Barley, Sonia, Bridget, Gunner, Sky, Brittany
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 6 LOW Community
Volunteer Fire & Rescue LOW F&R is sponsoring an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) class starting on January 4, 2023. Limited # of students. Cost: $750.00 (reimbursed if you join LOW Rescue Squad and become certified) Email emtclass@lowfr29.com to register or for more information Paid Advertisements Paid Advertisement
Lake of the Woods
Saturday, January 7 10 AM, LOWA Regular Board Meeting, CC, Zoom
Wednesday, January 11
2 PM, 10th Fairway Information Session, WC 7 PM, Town Hall on the Main Gate/3rd Gate, CC
Tuesday, January 17 7 PM, General Manager Proposed FY 2023-2024 Budget Presentation, CC, Zoom
Wednesday, January 18 2 PM, LOWA Regular Board Meeting, CC, Zoom
Committee Meetings: Meetings are subject to change. Visit www. LOWA.org/Committees or www. LOWA.org/Calendar To join Zoom meeting, go to www.LOWA.org/ CommitteeAgendas, for Zoom link. Member Log-in Required.
Investment/Treasurer: 12/19, 1 PM, CC, Zoom Golf: 12/19, 3 PM, WC Lakes: 12/19, 7 PM, CC Rules: 12/20, 3 PM, CC
LCC Meeting: 12/21, 7:30 PM, CC
LCC Hearing: 12/21, 8 PM, CC Planning: 12/22, 3 PM, CC Communications: 12/28, 3 PM, WC Finance: 1/3, 1 PM, CC Fitness: 1/3, 3 PM, CC External Affairs: 1/3, 4 PM, WC Safety/Security: 1/4, 2:30 PM, CC ECC: 1/5, 9 AM, WC Equestrian: 1/10, 1:30 PM, CC Pools/Community Activities: 1/10, 7 PM, CC Clubhouse: 1/11, 1 PM, CH M&E: 1/11, 3 PM, CC
• Board Meetings: View online at www.LOWA.org/Videos. To join the Zoom meeting, visit www.LOWA.org/ BoardAgendas, for Zoom link. Member
Meeting Facility Key:
CC Community Center
CCCR Community Center
CR Community Center Craft Room
CH Clubhouse
CHGH Clubhouse Great Hall
CHPR Clubhouse President’s Room
EQ Equestrian Center
FW Fareways Cafe
FC Fitness Center
HF Hollyfield Park
LGES Locust Grove Elementary School (Rt. 20)
LLCH Lower Level Clubhouse
MCR Maintenance Conference Room
RR Holcomb Building Reading Room
SB Sweetbriar Park
ULH Upper Level Holcomb
WC Woods Center
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 Calendar
December 16 - 22 8 AM LOWA Regular Board Meeting –December 14 11 AM Orange County Board of Supervisors 1 PM Real Virginia 5 PM LOWA Regular Board Meeting – December 14 December 23 - 29 8 AM LOWA Regular Board Meeting – December 14 11 AM Orange County Board of Supervisors 1 PM Real Virginia 5 PM LOWA Regular Board Meeting – December 14
HOLIDAY CLOSURES LOWA Offices: Dec. 26, Jan. 2 & 16 Member Services: Dec. 24 & 31 Equestrian Ctr: Dec. 24 & 25, Dec. 30 - Jan. 2 Fareways Cafe: Dec. 24 & 25 Clubhouse: Dec. 24 & 25, Jan. 1-17 LOW Trash Compactor: Dec. 24 & 25, Jan. 1 & 16 Golf/Pro Shop: Dec. 24 & 25 Paid Advertisement Paid Advertisements Call Steve for 50% off moving at (540) 395-4696 Serving my lake friends since 2009
Friday, Dec. 16
5 PM Santa Visit on Fire Truck. Info: www.LOWFR29.com
6:30 PM Ugly Sweater Karaoke at Fareways Café: 540-972-2216.
Saturday, Dec. 17
5 PM Santa Visit on Fire Truck. Info: www.LOWFR29.com
Sunday, Dec. 18
5 PM Santa Visit on Fire Truck. Info: www.LOWFR29.com
Friday, Dec. 23
Bar Code Hours: 8:30 AM-noon.
LOWA Offices, Equestrian Center closed at 12:30 PM.
Maintenance closed at 11 AM.
Saturday, Dec. 24
LOWA Member Services, Clubhouse, & Equestrian Center closed.
Fitness Center open but no attendant.
LOW Trash Compactor closed.
Sunday, Dec. 25
Merry Christmas! Clubhouse closed.
LOW Trash Compactor closed.
Monday, Dec. 26
LOWA Offices closed.
Friday, Dec. 30
LOWA Offices closed at 12:30 PM.
Maintenance closed at 11 AM. Equestrian Center closed.
Saturday, Dec. 31
LOWA Member Services closed.
Sunday, Jan. 1
Happy New Year! Clubhouse closed from Jan. 1-17. LOW Trash Compactor closed.
Monday, Jan. 2
LOWA Offices & Equestrian Center closed.
Saturday, Jan. 7
10 AM LOWA Regular Board Meeting (CC), Zoom. Info: 540-972-2214.
Wednesday, Jan. 11
2 PM 10th Fairway Information Session (WC). Info: 540-972-2214.
7 PM Town Hall on the Main Gate/3rd Gate (CC). Info: 540-972-2214.
Monday, Jan. 16
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
LOWA Offices closed.
LOW Trash Compactor closed.
Calendar of Events
SPORTS & EXERCISE (subject to change)
Location Time Day Contact
Aerobics CC 9:15-10 AM M, W, F Linda 540-412-5795
Basketball Seniors 50+ CC 11:30 AM-1:30 PM F Al.goodwyn@gmail.com
Dance Meet Up LLCH 7-9 PM 1st TH FB: DanceMeetUp
Forever Fit $ FC 12:30 PM TU, TH Alison 703-347-5280
Line Dancing LLCH 4-7 PM SU Christine 703-674-7451
Pickleball Lessons CC 10:10-11:45 AM TH Renee 703-405-7687
Praise & Worship Dance LOWC-WC 10 AM-12:30 PM SA, M Sonja 540-972-1734
Seated Standing Fitness $ FC 12:30 PM M Alison 703-347-5280
Senior Softball 50+ HF 9 AM F Barry 540-972-8964
Shape Up $ FC 12:30 PM W Alison 703-347-5280
Square Dancers Club CC 7:30-9:30 PM 2nd/ 4th/5th F Dick 703-298-6254
Stretch and Flex CC 8:30-9:15 AM M, W, F Frances 540-972-5435
Walkers & Joggers Club Varies 9 AM M, W, SA Diane 540-388-2930
Walkers Meetup Group LLCH, p. lot 8 AM M-F Vassaatthelake@gmail.com
Water Fitness (seasonal) CH Pool 9 AM & 10 AM M, W, F Carol 540-972-6739
Afternoon Yoga Flow $ FC 4-5 PM 10:30 AM TU, TH SU Traci 703-229-7077
Yoga Yin $ FC 7-8 PM TU, TH Dawn 516-522-1953
Yoga FC 9:15 AM (varies) SA FB: LOW YogaBonnieBell 540-850-8585
Yoga Chair FC 10:30 AM M Rebekah 540-881-0997
Yoga Gentle $ FC 10:30 AM W Rebekah 540-881-0997
Yoga Flow $ FC 9 AM M, W Rebekah 540-881-0997
Yoga Vinyasa Flow $ FC 7-8 PM W www.risingdawnyogastudio.com
ACTIVITIES, CLUBS, BRIDGE & FUN (subject to change)
Location Time Day Contact
AARP Meeting CH 9:30 AM 3rd M Pierre 540-972-0519
Bridge, Sunday Duplicate WC 7 PM SU Joe 540-972-8052
Bridge, Wed Ladies WC 9 AM-3 PM W Glenda 540-758-8882
Bridge, Friday CC 1-4 PM F Toby 540-972-8251
Bocce Club CC, Rm. 1 7 PM 3rd TH Dirk 540-402-5557 Lowbocce@gmail.com
Book Club, LOW Wilderness Lib 1 PM 2nd W 540-972-9284
Chess Club Kurt 703-401-8592
Childhelp Auxiliary LOWC 10 AM 1st W Karen 540-972-9043
Civic Club Meeting Pat 540-735-7998
Civil War Study Group Charles 540-972-2401
Craft Group LOWC 9:30-11:45 AM TU Debra 540-399-1210
DAR Susannah Chandler CC 1 PM 2nd SA Betty Larson 540-661-7202
Democratic Club CC 1 PM 2nd W Kerry 540-220-8547
Friends of Wildlife (FOWL) CC 7 PM 4th TH Fowloflow.com, 540-395-3205
Fun Bunch 55+ CC 10 AM-1 PM TU John 540-972-5611
Garden Club CH 12:30 PM No Dec. Mtg. 2nd M Jan 540-972-1630
Happy Tails Dog Club
Litter Pick-up in LOW Around LOW 9 AM 3rd SA Jan 540-972-1630
LOW Arts CC 2 PM 1st M Karen 571-213-9486
LOW Hooks & Needles CC 9-11 AM TH Sharon 540-812-5652
LOW Lioness Club Donalda 540-412-2857/Jan 540-755-2696
LOW Lions Club CH 6:30 PM 3rd TH Linda 571-328-9247
LOW Players CC 7 PM 2nd W Dave 540-972-6289
Mahjongg CC 1-4 PM M Debby 540-412-5240
Mothers of Preschoolers LOWC, Founders 9:15 AM 1st /3rd W Kristen, mops@lowchurch.org
Photography Club, LOW CC 7 PM 4th M Jen Heinz 703-508-1104
Pick & Sing FW 6:30 PM 2nd /4thTU FB Groups/lowpickandsing
Pickleball Club Renee 703-405-7687
Quilting Gurus CC 8:30AM12:30PM 4th W Betty 540-972-6807
Republican Club, LOW CC 7 PM 2nd T LOWRepublicanClub.com
Veterans Club LLCH 7 PM 4th TH Mike 571-235-5313
Woodworkers Club CC 7 PM 4th TU Glynn 703-625-3849 Please refer to meeting room location key on previous page
December 16, 2022 8 See You Next Year! Deadline for submissions to the Jan. 13 issue of Lake Currents is Dec. 30. Deadline for submissions to the Jan. 27 issue of Lake Currents is Jan. 13. Advertising Info: Call 540-9722278 or email LakeCurrents@ LOWA.org Media Kit online at LOWA.org Calendar
Lake Currents
Lions Award Teacher Innovative Grants
by Richard Unser, Public Relations Chair
With the support of the LOW Lions Club’s Teacher Innovative Grants program, Orange County educators are able to conduct projects for their students that otherwise wouldn’t happen. Awards were made in this competitive teachers’ grants program at the LOW Lions meeting last month and announced by Renee Honaker, Director of Secondary Education, ESL, and Gifted Education for Orange County Public Schools and Judy Anderson, Director of Primary Education for Orange County Public Schools. The award winners were selected by the LOW Lions Teacher Innovative Grant committee, made up of Charlie Ostlund (Chair), Cathy Hix, Amy Henecke, Jeanne Porter, Beth Ridpath, Jean Schumitz, Ana Smith, Doug Smith, and Dick Unser, all former educators with a total of 296 years of experience.
Players: That’s A Wrap!
by Sandy Frame, LOW Players
As everyone who saw the play, Scrooge the Musical, knows, it was a sell-out. We could not have done this without our community support. A very special thanks go out to our advertisers, our patrons, and our audience. Without that support, the Players would not exist. Another thanks goes out to those who worked so hard to make this happen. Besides our cast, and our great director who worked so diligently to make this a great show, there are so many others that worked hard for this show. There is the back-stage crew who make the changes for each scene, the sound and light crew, the people who build the sets, those who provided pieces for our set, the seamstresses who sewed costumes, and the company that provided some of the rented costumes, plus the volunteers who usher, tend bar, and make sure the show goes on. Without all these people, there would be no show. Thanks to you all. The Players finished this season by leading the singing at the lighting of the Lake’s tree, entertaining at the LOWLinc dinner, and at the Lioness dinner. Now it is time for a break while everyone enjoys the holiday season. Keep an eye out for announcements for auditions for Into the Woods, a musical adaptation of some well- known childhood fables that is our spring show, while Guys and Dolls will be next fall. In the meantime, please enjoy the holidays ahead.
Solos January Schedule
by Pam Nalls, Member
Welcome to 2023!
For this new year, we suggest you join the LOW Solos Club for one of its weekly events. We enjoy gathering to socialize and have a few laughs over a meal. We meet on Wednesdays for brunch or dinner, but also have outings such as picnics, plays, movies, house parties, etc. Our Point of Contact (POC) is Pam Nalls at 540-972-5253 or pnalls@verizon.net. The January schedule, provided by Evelyn Wiltshire, follows:
Wed, Jan 4 – 2 Brothers, Locust Grove. Meet there at 4:30 PM and please RSVP to POC by 11 AM that day.
Wed, Jan 11 - Asian Dynasty (Thai & Chinese food), Harrison Crossing, Fredericksburg. Meet there at noon and please RSVP to POC by noon on Tuesday, Jan 10.
Judges Top Award Grants were awarded to Sharon Mohrmann, Orange Elementary School (project: Let It Go); Catherine Padgett, Locust Grove Primary School (project: Adaptive Classroom Library); and Betsy McGinnis, Orange Elementary School (project: Incorporating Digital Art). Judges Choice Award Grants were awarded to Janice Albright, Locust Grove Primary School (project: Cardio Cardinals); Katherine Hogsten, Prospect Heights Middle School (project: Encore); Kimberly Fletcher, Locust Grove Primary School (project: Cardinals Coding for Success); Matthew Collier, Prospect Heights Middle School (project: Feeling Froggy); Ann Bush, Orange Elementary School (project: Learning Fun w/Math Boards); Rhonda Persinger, Locust Grove Elementary School (project: LGES Environmental Club); Janice Wilson, Unionville Elementary School (project: All Aboard the Arctic Express) and Laura Chambers, Orange County High School (project: Uniforms for Hornet Heroes).
LOW Lions provided funding for the teachers’ projects totaling $8,375. Certificates and checks were handed to the winners by LOW Lions President Ken Buell and Committee Chair Charlie Ostlund. The Lions Nov. 17 dinner meeting allowed members to enjoy sharing dinner with the teachers and their administrators, to hear a brief summary of each teacher’s project, and to show their appreciation for the hard work being done by Orange County educators. It was a wonderful evening for club members and teachers.
Wed, Jan 18 – Mama’s, Locust Grove. Meet there at 4:30 PM and please RSVP to POC by 11 AM that day.
Wed, Jan 25 - Bella Cucina/Italian, Locust Grove. Meet there at 10:30 AM for brunch. Please RSVP to POC by noon on Tuesday, Jan. 24.
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 9 LOW Community Paid Advertisements
Photo Provided
Snapper Jack’s Yard Care, LLP Taking Care of Mother Earth • Winter clean-up, leaves, gutters, etc. • Lot Clean ups • Bulk Debris Haul Away • Trimming - Grass, Shrubs, Trees & Small Tree Removal • Mulch - Bulk Mulch Delivered & Spread • LLP - Limited Liability Partnership, Bonded & Insured • No Job Too Small - Reasonable Rates, Free Estimates snapperjackyardcare@gmail.com 10% Off for Veterans 2nd Generation Strong (540) 907-5800 Billy Jack (540) 287-7143 David Wilkinson
Orange County Teacher Innovative Grant winners.
LOW Community
Fifty vendors participated in the 2022 Christkindlmarkt, and over 500 people visited the Community Center for the event. One of our vendors, “Moo Thru” sold out of many favorite ice cream flavors but had lots of variety for all to enjoy. Many enjoyed not only the ice cream and apple fritter sundaes on-site, but took home pints of ice cream as well. Many of the vendors have already indicated they will be back for our next event, our first ever “Community Craft Show and Yard Sale,” which will be held on June 3, in Sweetbriar Park. Save the date, more information will be available in March about this event, or you can email Communityactivities@lowa.org for more information.
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 10
Photos by Daniela Campfield
LOWA Third Annual Holiday Home Decorating Contest
Lake of the Woods Association has once again partnered with the LOW Garden Club to host our third Annual Holiday Home Decorating contest. The LOW Garden Club provided three separate teams of judges who went around the community over the weekend of Dec. 9-11. This year’s prize gift cards were generously donated by Pitkin’s Ace Hardware Store, Locust Grove.
This year we received 42 entries for the contest. Members can visit www.LOWA.org/HolidayHomes2022 to see the addresses and map of entries which they can view as they drive around the community. Below is the winner and runner up from each category.
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 11 LOW Community
Wacky Tacky 1st Place
Luke Boyle 1340 Lakeview Pkwy
Winter Wonderland 1st Place
Robert Penley 116 Harrison Cir.
Hallmark Holiday 1st Place
Judy Toler and David McCune 1322 Lakeview Pkwy.
Hallmark Holiday 2nd Place Brian Barnes 4521 Lakeview Pkway.
Winter Wonderland 2nd Place Madelyn Chappell 527 Monticello Cir.
Wacky Tacky 2nd place Dale Kadlec 100 Tyler Trl.
pitkinslocustgrovehardware.com 540-972-1906 4408 Germanna Hwy, Locust Grove, VA 22508
LOW Community
AARP: Cures for Winter Doldrums
by Karen Kovarik, Publicity Chairman
As we endure the SAD season where days grow shorter and darker, two highlights brighten our days. First, enjoy the music, both religious and secular, of the holidays, and second, enjoy the festive gatherings of family and friends. This certainly includes AARP’s holiday party on Dec. 19, at 11 AM, at the Community Center. This is a potluck affair; please bring your dish at 11 for set-up. There is no cost to attend, and members may bring a guest.
AARP will be gifting six local charities at the party, but our tradition suffers from the pandemic which has limited our fund-raising abilities.
Food Bank collections will be made; the pantry needs condiments and personal care item donations.
Members might also enjoy a bus trip to the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens or Christmas Town at Busch Gardens; a spot is available for both. Contact Barbara Ehlen, 540-972-7710.
Happy Holidays from the LOW Auxiliary
by Christine Purtell, Member, LOW Childhelp Auxiliary
It’s been a fun-filled couple of weeks at our local Childhelp Village. The annual holiday party was held Dec. 3, and it was a smashing success. Lots of fun, holiday buddies, and a special appearance by Santa made the day a great one for the children. On Dec. 21, several members of the Auxiliary will hook up with volunteers from other civic organizations at the village for a morning of present wrapping. This is one of our members’ favorite activities.
If you are looking to make a last-minute charitable donation in 2022, please consider Childhelp or our LOW Childhelp Auxiliary. Visit our website at https://www.childhelp.org/childhelp-donation/ for more information. Thank you for your support in 2022; we wish you and yours good health and fortune in the new year!
LGA News
by Sheran Marks, LGA Communications
The LGA held their Holiday Party on Friday, Dec. 2, at the Clubhouse. The party was full of Christmas joy, laughter, and fellowship. Hospitality Chair Sue Collie and her committee did an outstanding job! The decorations were beautiful, the food was delicious, and the door prizes were amazing. We even played a fun game about Frosty the Snowman. This was a great way to start our Holiday Season.
Please remember to pay your dues, so that you can be in the Handbook, $25 for LGA Members, and $5 for Golden Girls. You may place your checks, payable to LOW LGA, in the LGA Box in the Pro Shop. If there are any changes or concerns regarding your membership, please contact Deb Newton (540-972-4184) for the 18 Hole Ladies, Mary Ann Birchett (703-915-1171) for the 9 Hole Ladies, and Lisa Halpin (540-972-5903) for the Golden Girls.
The LGA collected $2,040 for the families in need that we are sponsoring this year for Christmas, which included $200 from the MGA. Thank you, MGA, for your generosity. Thank you to Nicki Buell for providing the names of the families.
Thank you to all the LGA Members who work at the Food Pantry. Dottie Lohr also reported an additional $500 was collected at the luncheon for the Food Bank. You may continue to put non-perishable food items in the LGA Closet for the Food Pantry. Dottie Lohr will pick them up and deliver them. Please mark your calendars: Our new season will begin with our Spring Luncheon on Friday, March 31, and our opening day for golf will be Tuesday, April 4. We want to wish everyone a very Happy and Safe Holiday Season!
Classics Book Club
by Donna Wright, Member
Do you already love the classics and want to read more of them? Or have you missed them previously? Classic books are not just those by Jane Austen, Pasternak, Hemingway, and others we read in high school or college. There are dozens of classic book lists, and each list defines classic differently. Many lists of classics encircle the globe and span the centuries through the authors’ nationality, story locale, and dates published. But all books considered classic are thought to have had an impact on politics, story form, cultural understanding, or social change – all while entertaining and enlightening us.
The LOW Classics Book Club meets only six times per year to allow time for longer books and more challenging writing styles. We are a small group, meeting via Zoom or at a venue chosen by the member hosting the book. We meet on the second Thursday at 2 PM in even months.
Coming up on Feb. 9, we will be discussing Moby Dick by Herman Melville. April’s selection is Sons and Lovers by DH Lawrence, and in June we will be taking up The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Previous books have included Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Márquez, and As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner.
If you would like to join us or want more information, please contact Donna Wright at donnavaughnwright@gmail.com. Please join us for interesting discussions and camaraderie. We look forward to meeting you. Happy Reading!
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 12 Paid Advertisements
Paid Advertisements Paid Advertisement
Let us help you create the outdoor space you always dreamed of! Creative Concepts Landscaping, Inc. we specialize in: paver patios & raised patios, retaining walls, paver walkways & driveways, drainage, sodding, landscaping and seasonal work J onpaul G. H ix (540) - 972 - 7024 www.creative-concepts-landscaping.com licensed, insured, German trained Free Consultations www.VassaOlson.com Vassa Olson Realtor Selling Homes since 1991. LOW resident, and LOW Realtor Since 1991 Call Me - LOW HOME INVENTORY! 540.840.9444 vassaatthelake@gmail.com Member of FAAR, VAR, NAR 5479 Germanna Hwy, Locust Grove, VA 22508 LEE’S HANDYMAN SERVICE A CUT ABOVE THE REST PAINTING ~ PRESSURE WASHING PLUMBING ~ ELECTRICAL CARPENTRY ~ NEW ROOFS STAIN AND REPAIR DECKS SNOW REMOVAL JUNK REMOVAL A+ Rating on Angie’s List Over 25 years of references in LOW 540-222-1936 New Number NO JOB TOO SMALL ~ FREE ESTIMATES IN LOW DAILY LEE JENKINS OWNER LICENSED & INSURED
Project Excel Program. Reading and Math volunteers are needed at the Locust Grove Primary and Elementary Schools for the Project Excel program. Apply online at OrangeCounty.gov/286/Project-Excel or call Ginny Biggs at 571-259-8951. Lost or Found Pets in LOW can be posted on facebook.com/ LOWlostandfoundpets
Hearing Aids/Eyeglasses
Recycled: Place used hearing aids and eyeglasses in LOW Lions boxes at the Ferris Building & Holcomb Building.
LOW F&R Phone Directory
The LOW Directory is available for $10, cash or check only, at LOWA Member Services, Holcomb Bldg. Sales benefit LOW Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company.
Cause 4 Paws. We need volunteer foster homes, monetary donations, and donations of the following: Purina Kitten Chow, Purina Cat Chow, Friskies Pate canned food and Fancy Feast Kitten Wet Food. Proceeds benefit feline rescue. Donations may be tax deductible as we are a 501(c)(3) charity. Donations may be mailed to Cause 4 Paws, P.O. Box 301, Locust Grove, VA 22508. Facebook: causefourpaws Locust Grove VA or call LA, 540-485-4181 or Darlene 540-972-8038.
LOW Lioness Book Sale
Used books will be sold on the last Saturday of the month (Feb.Nov.) from 8:30 AM to 1 PM at the Ferris Building. Proceeds go to the Benevolence Fund. Book donations are accepted the day of the sale. No reference or textbooks, please. Info: Ann, 540-972-4338; Sherri, 540412-9854; or Helene, 540-412-0798.
LOW Lions Medical Equipment Loan Program seeks donations of wheelchairs and rollators in working condition to share with neighbors in need. Donate at Velona Building (by compactor) any Saturday from 9 AM-noon. Call 540-388-0110 to schedule a pick-up. If you or a family member needs a walker, shower bench, bedside commode, or other medical equipment, the Lions are here for you!
Lions Furniture Pickup and Yard Sale. The LOW Lions accept donations of furniture and merchandise at the Velona Building (Shoosmith Road, near the trash compactor). Donations accepted Saturdays from 9 AM to noon. To arrange for donation pickup, call Terry at 540-495-0640. The Lions are a 501(c)(3) charity; donations may be tax deductible. The Lion’s Yard Sale at the Velona Building is open every Saturday from 9 AM to noon.
Orange County Humane Society of VA. Our TNVR (trap, neuter, vaccinate, return) feral, free roaming cat program needs canned and dry cat food as well as monetary donations. Food donations may be dropped off at Locust Grove Vet Clinic. Monetary donations are needed for all our programs, including our Pets In Place program for pet dogs and cats in need. Mail donations to: OCHSVA, PO Box 852, Locust Grove, VA 22508, or send through Paypal. Remember when shopping with Amazon, select us as your charity of choice. OCHSVA is a 501(c)3 charity, your donations may be tax deductible. Facebook: Orange County Humane Society VA. Call 540-672-0069, for questions about our TNVR community cat program (that we affectionately call Andi’s Cats), and our Pets In Place program.
Human Services
Alcoholics Anonymous: Meeting every Monday at 7 PM at LOW Church (Rm 210). For other local online AA meetings go to http://d39.wildwoodweb.com/ Meetings.shtml Info: LOW Church 540-972-9060.
Cancer Support Group for Women and their caregivers: Meetings are held at LOW Church. Please contact Suzanne Lentine for meeting dates/time or for more information, 540-972-9060.
Dementia Memory Café: This is a social event where the person with dementia and/or the caregiver(s) are welcome to come discuss issues. Contact Bonnie at 540-547-4824 or bonnired@comcast.net
Divorce Care Support Group Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 PM, at the LOW Church Library. For more information, contact Mike Lemay at 540-972-9060 or email mike@ lowchurch.org
Grief Support Group: Griefshare is a free worldwide Bible-based support group to help you through your grief journey after the loss of a loved one. We meet twice a year for 13-week sessions of videos and discussions at the LOW Church. Info: 540-972-9060 or www. lowchurch.org
Living Water Community Clinic in Locust Grove Town Center (32345 Constitution Hwy, Suite P) offers free medical care, dental care, and prescription assistance to the eligible uninsured in Orange, Spotsylvania, and Culpeper counties. Medical care available on 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Thursdays from 5 to 8 PM. Medical and dental care available on the 2nd Saturday from 9 AM to noon. Call 540-854-5922 for medical appointments. Call 540854-5923 for dental appointments. Volunteers Needed. Info: 540-8545922, Suzanne.
LOWLINC - Non-profit membership service organization dedicated to enabling seniors at the lake to continue living fully and independently in their homes. Volunteer services provided: transportation, light home maintenance, computer assistance, check-in calls, friendly visits, and referrals to screened service providers. Fee-based. Opportunities to volunteer, too. Info: 1-855-LOWLINC or visit lowlinc.org.
LOW Lions/Lioness Wilderness Food Pantry: Located behind Locust Grove Town Center, Route 20. The pantry is open several times a month to provide food to qualified persons/families in Orange County. Please call 888-508-9274 for the schedule of openings and other information about the pantry. LOW Lions rely on Federal food programs, local retail stores, community food drives, and financial donations to feed the hungry in our community. Lions Wilderness Food Pantry, P.O. Box 605, Locust Grove, VA 22508. Info: Nicki, 703-217-5615.
LOW Lions Medical Equipment: Durable medical equipment is available for temporary loan to those with needs. Currently loans are being made by appointment only. Please call 540388-0110.
Orange County Free Clinic: Offers primary medical care and prescription assistance to the uninsured in OC. Medical care available by appointment. 101-C Woodmark Street, Orange. Info: 540-672-0793.
Parkinson’s Support Group meets the second Thursday of each month at The Lake of the Woods Church at 4 PM. Contact Lee Moore at 540-972-0395 with any questions.
Red Cross Blood Drive: From noon to 6 PM, in the Community Center. Usually fourth Tuesday every other month (call to confirm date). You must be generally healthy and 17 or older. Go to www. redcrossblood.org for schedule and more detailed information. Make an appointment online or call 1-800733-2767. Making an appointment saves you time! Walk-ins accepted, on space available basis. Info: Ginny, 540-848-5829 or Carol, 540972-0664.
Seeking Counseling? The LOW Church offers affordable counseling for all persons by appointment. Info: Church, 540-972-9060.
Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services Care-AVan will provide transportation to health care (including picking up prescription medications) and legal appointments for senior citizens (over 60) and persons (over 18) with physical disabilities. Available Mon-Fri. with minimum of 48 hours’ notice. Free Service (donations accepted), Call 540-825-3100 ext. 3358 or 3013.
Vision Impaired Support Group. Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 10 AM, Community Center, Room 1. Sponsored by the LOW Lions. Contact: Gail Sauro, 540-972-1629 or Gail.Sauro@ yahoo.com
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 13 LOW Community
Trust my 25+ years selling Real Estate!! And 20+ years as a LOW resident! JoAnne Lambert Associate Sales Broker 703-969-0216 Virginiahomes@yahoo.com Need to Buy or Sell iN the comiNg year? call JoaNNe to diScuSS your optioNS 5479 Germanna Hwy Locust Grove, VA 22508 Paid Advertisement
Sailing Club Honors Winners
Sailing Club award winners honored include (L-R): sportsmanship award winner Jimmy Lee; Flying Scot Fleet Champion, Club Champion, and Turtle Island Challenge Race winner Dan Kilgore; most improved sailor Gary Close; and Wilderness Cup winner Richard Chitty.
The Lake of the Woods Sailing Club honored the club’s winners for this year at its annual awards luncheon Saturday Dec. 3, at the Clubhouse, presided over by Commodore Dan Kilgore.
Richard Chitty won the Spring Racing Series, with Dan Kilgore in second place, and Gary Close in third.
Dan Kilgore, with Martin Sweet crewing, took first place in the Round Turtle Island Challenge race
Chitty also won the Fall Racing Series, with a tie-breaking victory over Kilgore. Close finished third.
Kilgore was also named Flying Scot Fleet Champion and Club Champion, while Close was honored as most improved sailor for the year.
Chitty was awarded the Wilderness Cup, and Jimmy Lee was chosen by his fellow club members to receive the Bob Scatchard Sportsmanship award.
Club member and newly elected LOWA Director Leif Henecke was the event’s featured speaker, discussing lake issues and recent developments.\
See You Next Year!
Deadline for submissions to the Jan. 13 issue of Lake Currents is Dec. 30.
Deadline for submissions to the Jan. 27 issue of Lake Currents is Jan. 13.
Advertising Info: Call 540-9722278 or email LakeCurrents@ LOWA.org Media Kit online at LOWA.org
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 14 Paid Advertisements Viewpoints
you are buying, selling, or just have questions about the real estate process, I’m here to help. Call or text me
Call me for additional information or to view any properties.
of the
VA (across from the Lake) Kathy Bianco Merritt 540-538-6605 ‘Tis the season to gift yourself with a new home to fall in love with! Wishing you Happy Holidays!
Hwy, Locust Grove,
by Dan McFarland, Race Committee
Photo by Dan McFarland
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 15 Paid Advertisement Paid Advertisements B & D Services Lawn Care & Landscaping More Than Just Grass Mowing - Trimming - Landscaping Brandon Black 540-661-7268 540-854-8939 Bucket Truck Services Planting Fertilizing Seeding/Aerating Lot Clean-Up Tree Removal Gutter Cleaning Mulching Spring & Fall Clean-Up Firewood Snow Removal & So Much More Personal Service Free Estimates & On-Site Service Paid Advertisements LOW Community
The Clubhouse has once again been festooned with an impressive collection of garlands, trees, ribbons, bows, lights, and glitter. The hundreds of decorations came together with the careful, loving hands of the LOW Garden Club, under the supervision of Mary Sims and Jan Davis. Kids may find a fun challenge trying to count all the snowflakes in this winter wonderland! We hope you all enjoy the season. Office: 540.972.1234 C21Otoole@gmail.com Cell: 540.661.6811 RuthanOtoole.com Your trusted Real Estate Resource for Life! 4456 Germanna Hwy Locust Grove, VA Ruthan O’Toole 2nd Generation LOW REALTOR ® Fall/Winter Services • Fertilization • Seasoned Firewood • Aeration • Miscellaneous Clean-up • Snow Removal • Bobcat Services Available Fully Insured, References Upon Request 540-308-8072 Stanley Lawn Care FREE Estimates! S L C Bradie’s Custom Construction Inc. Class A licensed and insured www.bradiescustomconstructioninc.com David Bradie Owner, President custom6@verizon.net P.O. Box 191 Locust Grove, VA 22508 Call: 703-966-9495 Fax: 540-785-4758 • Decks • Additions • Basements • Remodels • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Sunrooms • Insurance Restoration • New Homes • Etc. Free estimates and references available upon request. All phases of construction: The Orange County Office on Youth is looking for volunteers for our Project EXCEL program that works with students in grade K-5 on reading and math skills! We are currently recruiting for Locust Grove Primary and Locust Grove Elementary Schools to visit 2-3 times per week, during designated times to assist in building these crucial skills! If interested, please contact the Office on Youth at (540) 672-5484 ext. 4 or via email at avines@orangecountyva.gov
Photos by Toni Maltagliati
Library during December. The library is located at 6421 Flat Run Road, near the intersection of Flat Run Road and Route 20. The entrance hallway display case is filled with unique small artworks. There is a wide variety of art available for viewing and purchasing including: fused glass, painting, fabric art (silk), jewelry, mixed media, photography, and more. Many of these items would make wonderful holiday gifts for family and friends or for that special person in your life - YOU!
Artwork cannot be priced or sold onsite due to library restrictions. However, LOWArts will send you the artwork listing and pricing by email, if requested, at LOWAatlibrary@comcast.net
If, after viewing at the library or on-line, you would like to purchase one or more artworks, email LOWArts at LOWAatlibrary@comcast.net and we will make arrangements to deliver the artwork to your home if you live in LOW or, if outside of LOW, the Art Library team will meet you at the shopping area near the front entrance to LOW.
To find out more about LOWArts, visit us on Facebook or find us online at www.lakeofthewoodsarts.com. New members are always welcome to join our monthly meetings, on the first Monday of the month at the Community Center. There will not be a January meeting.
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 16 LOW Community Paid Advertisements
If you’re ready to choose club-style living and say goodbye to the responsibilities of home ownership, there’s never been a better time to visit Jubilation by Silver Companies. Tis the season to mingle with fellow members in Fredericksburg’s most vibrant and engaging community, created exclusively for those 55+, the active and carefree lifestyle you crave is within reach! There’s
been a better time to visit Jubilation by Silver Companies. 2200 Carl D Silver Pkwy, Suite 100 | Fredericksburg, VA 22401 To schedule a tour, visit jubilation.com or call 844-255-9830 today! Luxury apartment homes Daily breakfast and weeknight tapas-style dinner Ongoing events and entertainment Concierge services 20,000 square foot clubhouse Four-acre private park with hobby rooms and pickle ball courts Maintenance-free resort lifestyle Heated indoor and outdoor saltwater pools CONTRERAS TREE & LANDSCAPING Tree Removal Stump Grinding Mulching Leaf Removal Yard Work Pruning Gutter Cleaning Lot Clearing Topping Deck Repairs 540-388-8808 240-604-0213 24 Hr. Emergency Service Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Contrerastrees@gmail.com Frijol.ac@gmail.com
LOWArts is having a small artwork exhibit at the Wilderness Branch
Enjoy This Holiday Season at Jubilation
LOWArts at Wilderness Library by Maribeth Logan, LOWArts
Lake Authors Member Wins Literary Award
by Sharon Lyon, Steering Committee Member
The Lake Authors Club is pleased to announce that member Major General Mari K. Eder, has won a prestigious literary award for her book: The Girls Who Stepped Out of Line: Untold Stories of the Women Who Changed the Course of World War I.
At a celebration on Oct. 15, the Library of Virginia awarded Eder with their 19th Annual People’s Choice Award for nonfiction. Her book represents the mostrequested nonfiction title by a Virginia author, or about the commonwealth, published in 2021.
The annual event, held in Richmond, was sponsored by Amazon and Dominion Energy. The Library of Virginia established its annual Literary Awards program to honor Virginia writers, and celebrate their contributions to the literary landscape of our state and nation.
Congratulations Mari K! We support all our members and their literary endeavors, and hope to see many more of these awards in the future for our great writers.
For more information about our club, email us at lakeauthors@gmail.com Follow us on Facebook at Virginia Lake Authors. Happy Holidays from all of us!
Is it Really True?
by Mary Titone, Friends of Wildlife at the Lake
Myths about wild animals abound. For example, it is often said that bird parents will reject their babies if they have been touched by human hands. However, birds don’t have a very strong sense of smell, as well as being very devoted parents, so their little ones are unlikely to be abandoned for that reason.
FOWL (Friends of Wildlife at the Lake) thought it might be interesting to share some common myths and the true facts. Some may surprise you!
MYTH: Mothballs repel snakes.
FACT: No commercial product repels snakes. They are gimmicks. It is illegal to use naphthalene/paradi-chlorobenzene moth pesticides (mothballs) outdoors or for anything other than their intended purpose. They are toxic to humans and pets, as well as being bad for the environment.
MYTH: Cottonmouths/water moccasins live all over Virginia, including Lake of the Woods.
FACT: The northern cottonmouth, or “water moccasin” is only found in the swamps and streams of far southeastern Virginia, as well as an isolated population near the intersection of the James and Appomattox Rivers. One has never been documented elsewhere in the state.
MYTH: Toads give you warts.
FACT: Warts are caused by a virus, and neither toads nor frogs carry that virus.
MYTH: Raccoons, skunks, opossums, and foxes seen in daylight hours have rabies.
FACT: These animals are commonly seen during the day in urban and suburban areas and are usually attracted there by a food source or an easily accessed area to make a den. Additionally, opossums rarely contract rabies due to their core body temperature.
MYTH: Bats are blind.
FACT: Bats can see almost as well as humans, but at night, they use echolocation (echoes from sound waves) to locate meals and places to land.
MYTH: If you see a baby animal with no sign of its parents nearby, you should assume it’s been abandoned and rescue it.
FACT: More than 75% of supposed orphans “rescued” every spring should have been left alone.
If you’d like to know more about FOWL, please visit our website: www.fowloflow.org or follow us on Facebook.
Orange County Supervisor’s Letter
by Lee Frame, District 5 Supervisor
Orange County is the winner of the Virginia Association of Counties 2022 Small County Achievement Award. This award is presented to the best small county (population less than 50,000) in Virginia. This is Orange County’s third such award, and was a result of the EMS Department’s innovative program of carrying lifesaving blood aboard the on-duty response vehicles. There were 100 submissions for these awards and 26 other winners for different subcategories, such as finance and parks.
To promote the best possible outcomes for patients, the Fire & EMS Department undertook an innovative project in 2021 to carry lifesaving “whole blood” units aboard on-duty response vehicles. Whole blood refers to the completeness of the product, as distinct from components such as plasma, platelets, etc. With whole blood, County EMS can provide treatment to trauma patients quickly to help treat blood loss. Orange County was the first to achieve this in our area, and was an overall leader across the Commonwealth of Virginia. Northern Virginia counties can use whole blood, but they arrange to pick up the blood enroute to an accident. The distances to a hospital in a rural county, such as Orange, preclude such a process since time is of the essence in trauma treatment. Accomplishing this goal required extensive training of more than 40 staff members and locating a reliable source for the blood units. Working with the Medical Director, EMS developed new protocols and procedures to promote proper handling and use of whole blood. New specialized equipment had to be procured to allow both preservation and preparation of blood units. As a result of all these efforts, county staff can provide treatment, as quickly as possible, to help prevent one of the leading causes of patient mortality, blood loss. Going further, Orange County is able to support neighboring localities through mutual aid agreements. The Orange County quarterly financial report for the fourth quarter was presented at the last Supervisor meeting. Overall revenues increased by 5.2% over the previous year. Real estate taxes increased by about 2%. Personal property taxes increased by 18.6%, mostly due to the increase in NADA values on vehicles and the increased number of vehicles in the county. This number reflects the private property taxes collected in December 2021. For December 2022, the personal property tax rate was dropped by 14%. Other significant revenue changes include sales and use tax increase of 12.8%, meals tax increase of 13.8%, and a new cigarette tax. Significant expenditure increases included salaries for additional county staff, additional staff, and salary increases for the sheriff’s office, contributions for the regional jail and juvenile center, and the county’s health insurance fund.
If you have questions about county government, or want to let me know your feelings on specific issues, you can contact me at lframe@ orangecountyva.gov
Dance Meet Up Moves
by Ginny Biggs, Member, Dance Meet Up Club
The monthly Dance Meet Up has a new location! Starting Thursday, Jan. 5, our club will be dancing in the Clubhouse Lower Level at 7 PM. Grab your dancing friends, have dinner together, then head downstairs for some dancing fun! DJ Ron plays a little bit of everything from swing, ballroom, line dancing, disco, and the shag! Learn some new moves or practice the ones you already know. I promise you’ll make some new friends and enjoy a fun and social night out.
Be sure to “like” and “join” us at: facebook.com/Dance Meet-Up.
Orange County
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 17
Paid Advertisement
540-972-5229 Home Office 540-273-1099 Cell johnempey1950@gmail.com Full Service Listings Full Service with a personal touch for less! 4.5% John Empey Realtor Professional Photographs, Featured Ad on Realtor.com+++, Extensive Internet postings, Professional Staging Let’s talk! I will work with you to help maximize your home’s appeal & exposure!
Replacement Referrals leading to a signed contract. Is Your Roof 15+ years old or Leaking? Shingles Damaged, Missing, Deteriorating? Moss/Algae Growing? Water Leaks/ Stains? We are GAF Certified Class A Licensed Roofers & Insurance Claims Specialists. All roof systems come with a Non-prorated 50 Year Material & Labor, 10 Year Workmanship, & 25 Year Algae Warranties that are transferable greatly increasing the Value & Sellability of your Home. Check out our Stellar 5 Star Angie’s List Reviews or visit us at AskLukeZello.com. 100% Financing Available! Repairs & Free Inspections. Call 540-406-3589.
1 CALL ABOVE All A+ BBB Rated, Ask Zello Takes Care of It All. A Best of the Burg multiple category Top 5, HomeAdvisor Top Rated & Elite Pro, Home Depot Pro Referral, Class A Licensed & Insured family operated company, 20+ year LOWA residents. Our professional tradesmen love to work and we donate heavily to a home in India that rescues the smallest victims of human trafficking. Protect yourself. Before you hire, verify licensed contractors at www.dpor. va.gov/LicenseLookup. See All of our classifieds & give us a call. Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
25-YEAR NO Clog Guarantee Aluminum Gutter Guard Installation. Ask Zello, 540-460-3589.
30+ YEARS RESIDENT. Animal Care and House Cleaning. Call Linda 540-220-2138.
A&S CLEANING - Residential and Commercial, Quality Service, Free Estimates. Aura 540-287-8871.
A/C & HEATING Installation/ Repair - Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
ABOVE ALL Else, Professional Tree Surgeon, 540-729-3128.
ADDITIONS, ROOF Replacement, Kitchen/Bath Remodel, Deck. Class A Contractor. 540-845-1047. 35 years at LOW.
AIRPORT CONNECTIONS - Shuttle to Dulles, Reagan, Richmond and Charlottesville. Reasonable Prices, Call Didier at 540-661-2377.
ARMITAGE PAINTING –Handyman Service, 540-735-7977.
ASAP ELECTRICAL and Plumbing. Master Electrician/ Plumber with 35 years experience. Competitive rates. LOW resident. Call, email or text Larry today for a free estimate. 540-226-5570. ASAPLarry@aol.com
ASPHALT Paving - Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
BOAT CANVAS and Upholstery. We work hard to keep your boat protected. Certified Marine Canvas Fabrication & Repair, Mobile Service, Custom Boat, Detailing, Boat Hull Cleaning, Pontoon Cleaning. Trident Marine Canvas & Upholstery, 540-205-9509, www. tridentmarinecanvas.com
BOAT COVER Repair & Custom Boat Covers. We would love to create Custom Boat Covers, seat covers, and any Boat upholstery needs including repair. Affordable and High Quality. Call Sam 570449-4540.
BOAT SALES- New & Used Boat Services. Winterization, Shrink Wrapping, Annual Maintenance & Storage Lake of the Woods Marine, Call or Text! 540-972-3740. www. lowmarine.com/ We Buy Boats!
BOBCAT WORK - Lot Clearing, Grading, Gravel Driveway Spreading. Professional Tree Surgeon, 540-729-3128.
BRICK/STONE MasonryPatios, walkways, porches, retaining walls. Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
CALL The BAND of Brothers. Helping homeowners get the job done. No job too small. Give us a call day or night for free estimates. Mark, 540-792-1835. Prompt and courteous calls returned guaranteed.
CAT/DOG CARE - New resident to LOW would love to take care of your pet while you’re at work. Please call/text Betsey at 215-692-2747.
CERAMIC TILE Work - Call George’s Home Improvements 540406-7783.
CERAMIC TILING For Bathrooms, floors, foyers, countertops. Call 540-898-7773 for a free estimate. Ask for Bob Yak. References available upon request.
CHIMNEY REPAIR - Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
CLEANING by BARBARA Harris. Move-in, Move-out, one-time or regular basis. Baths & Kitchens a specialty. 540-672-8069.
CLEANING BY K&K Cleaning - 15 yrs+ experience in LOW. Weekly- Bi- Monthly. Move in-out. Holidays and Special Occasions. Call for details, 561-542-6787.
CLEANING PROFESSIONAL Service. Excellent References. Call Lourdes, 703-795-5184 or KandHCleaningServices@gmail.com
CONCRETE MASONRYDriveways, Patios, Walkways, Hardscaping - Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
CONCRETE PATIOS and stamped concrete patios. 540-8451047. Class A Contractor, LOW resident.
CRAWLSPACE WATER Issues? Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
CULVERT PIPE Replacements540-718-3794.
CULVERT REPLACEMENTAsk Zello, 540-406-3589.
CUSTOM HOUSE Painting. Inside and out. Bob Yak & Sons, 540-898-7773. Free estimates.
DAVE THE MOVER LLC. 20 years experience. Local and distant. 540-229-9999.
DECK STAINING - Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
DECK STAINING - Call George’s Home Improvements 540-406-7783.
DRAINAGE ISSUES? Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
ELECTRICAL ISSUES, Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
ELECTRICIAN (ASAP Electrical and Plumbing) Master Electrician with over 35 years experience. Call, email or text Larry today for your free quote. No job too small. Veteran/LOW resident. 540-2265570. ASAPLarry@aol.com
FALL/WINTER SERVICES: Seasoned Firewood, Aeration, Tree Removal, Fertilization, Bobcat Services, Driveway Restoration, & Miscellaneous Clean-up. Free estimates, Stanley Lawn Care, 540308-8072.
FLOWERS - CHRISTMAS Arrangements. Christmas is just around the corner! Call Two Sisters’ Affordable Floral Arrangements to order your holiday arrangement. Want to send someone a “Hug in a Mug” to brighten their day? Give us a call. We are a Lake of the Woods small business. Checkout our Facebook page: twosistersaffordablefloralarran gements or call 540-920-7278.
FOUNDATION REPAIR - Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
GUTTER CLEANING and Roof Debris Removal. Call Matt at 540-845-6355 for a free estimate, minimum charge $50.
GUTTER CLEANING/Guard Installation - Ask Zello, 540-4063589.
GUTTER SERVICES - Call The Brothers that just do Gutters for all of your gutter service needs; including guards, new installation, cleaning and repairs. Free Estimates. 484-824-4044. We are in the neighborhood!
HANDYMAN - CALL George’s Home Improvements 540-406-7783
HANDYMAN PLUS - LOW resident and Licensed Contractor. Serving LOW over 25 years. I don’t claim to know it all, and I can’t do it all, but what I can do, I do well. To inquire and for a free estimate, call Erich 972-2664.
HANDYMAN SERVICES. Local and Reasonable Prices! 35+ years. Skilled and Experienced. Everything on your “To-Do-List.” Call Raymond at 540-604-1343.
HOME IMPROVEMENTS - Call George’s Home Improvements 540406-7783.
HOME REPAIRS - Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
JOE’S TRENCHING & Stump Grinding. Offering Grading for Shed Preparation. Call for great rates, 804-424-0025. Licensed & Insured. Visit us at JoesTrenching.com or Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/stumpandtrench/.
JUNK REMOVAL - Call George’s Home Improvements 540-406-7783.
JUNK REMOVAL, Clusterducksjunkremoval.com, we are quick, reliable, affordable, and we always show up! Licensed and Insured. Call 571-409-0211.
LAKESCAPES OF VIRGINIA, LLC - Lawns & Gardens. Design, Installation, Maintenance. Professional Tree Removal. Excavations- basements, water lines, lot clearing. Residential, Commercial. Call Carlos Ortiz, 540656-6005 or email: lakescapes.llc@ gmail.com
LANDSCAPINGHARDSCAPING, Retaining Walls, Patios, Walkways. Ask Zello, 540406-3589.
LEAF REMOVAL, French Drain, Culvert Pipe, Wood Fence, Landscaping, Storm Damage Tree Service, Overgrowth Cutback/ Bush Hogging, Gravel Installation, Power Washing, Junk Removal. Call/Text: 540-850-8060. Trinity Home Improvements, LLC. www. trinityhomeimprovementsva.com/.
LEO’S TREE Removal & Landscaping. Reliable and Honest, 571-719-0784.
MEDICAL AIDE Caregiver. Homeward Bound Care, LLC. Nursing Aide/Certified/Insured. Assisted living in your home. Short or long term care, day or night. Can manage all the patients needs. LOW resident. Excellent References. Diane Clauson: 540-388-2930.
MOVING - DAVE THE MOVER LLC. 20 years experience. Local and distant. 540-229-9999.
NBCropp LTD LANDSCAPE and Tree Care/Removal Services. Call for free estimates/consultations, 540-219-4362.
NOTARY LOW- Mobile Local Services- Saturdays and evenings upon request. Beth 540-226-2402.
NOTARY SERVICES – LOW. Onsite, will travel. Sherri Lahay Lasover, 540-412-9854 or 202-288-8564.
PAINTING INTERIOR / Exterior. Call/Text: 540-850-8060. Trinity Home Improvements, LLC. www. trinityhomeimprovementsva.com/.
PAINTING INTERIOR/Exterior - Call George’s Home Improvements 540-406-7783.
PAINTING/STAINING, Interior/ Exterior. Drywall Repairs. Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
PATIOS, WALKWAYS, Retaining Walls - Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
PET-SITTING / DOG Walking. Lisa Ward of “Ward of the Dogs” specializes in Lake of the Woods dogs. Your house or mine. To discuss your pet-sitting needs, call 520-612-5190.
PLUMBER (ASAP Electrical and Plumbing Services) with over 35 years experience. Call, text, or email Larry for all of your plumbing needs. No job too small. Veteran/ LOW resident. 540-226-5570.
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 18
ASAPLarry@aol.com Classifieds
PLUMBING ISSUES - Call George’s Home Improvements 540406-7783.
REPAIRS & NEW ROOFS. Cheaper, Sooner, Better. Any small issues-- before they cause extensive damage. Skylights, Seamless Gutters. 540-656-6005 or lakescapes.llc@gmail.com
ROOFING and REPAIRS - See our first classified ad. Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
ROOFING REPLACEMENT and Repairs, Class A Contractor. 540-845-1047 or Barbara at 240271-3737.
SMALL HAUL. 540-735-7977.
SNAPPER JACK Yard Care, LLP - Complete yard care, mulch, powerwashing, grass trimming and pruning. LOW homeowner. 540-287-7143, David Wilkinson; 540-907-5800, Billy Jack. snapperjackyardcare@gmail.com Fully insured and Free estimates. Veterans 10% off.
SNOW REMOVAL - Professional Tree Surgeon, 540-729-3128.
STAINLESS STEEL Wire Railings, New. 540-845-1047.
TREE & BUSH Trimming Tree Removal Topping Stump Grinding Crown Reduction Lot Clearing Deadwood Removal Crane service 24Hr emergency service Free estimates Please call or text! 571359-9303.
TREE CARE/REMOVAL -Premier Arbor Services LLC, Complete Tree Service. Hardscapes, Yard installation, Stump grinding, Tree trimming. 540718-3794.
TREE REMOVAL, Any size, anywhere. Fully insured. Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
TREE SERVICE - Professional Tree Surgeon, 540-729-3128.
WATER / SEWER LINE replacement and repair. Class A Contractor. 540-845-1047. 35 years at LOW.
WATER LINE Replacement, Ask Zello, 540-406-3589.
WINDOW & DOOR Repairs and Replacement. Class A Contractor. 540-845-1047. 35 years at LOW.
WINDOW & DOOR Replacements by Bob Yak & Sons, 540-898-7773.
FIREWOOD - PROFESSIONAL Tree Surgeon, 540-729-3128.
KEEP YOUR Mind active this winter! Try building some LEGO sets. I am selling my collection. Call me, Erwin, at 540-412-2702.
SEWING MACHINE- Singer 160. 540-412-6007 $100
GOLF – Golf Professional Part-Time. Ensure guest satisfaction, provide golf instruction, implement and coordinate golf events, tournaments, outings, leagues, junior/youth golf camps, teaching clinics and other golf programs designed to improve services to enhance competitive positioning in the marketplace. Requirements include a PGA Level A1 certification or higher. Hours are flexible and compensation is negotiable. Excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal communication skills are required along with social media proficiency. This position will require working evening and weekend hours.
ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: Erosion & Sediment Control Inspector, Full-Time hourly position to provide inspections and enforcement for land disturbing activities. Requirements include: (1) Able to obtain DCR E&S Inspector Certification (2) Minimum 1 year experience in constructions & storm water management, (3) Some college with degree preferred in environmental science or related field; (4) Proficiency in Microsoft Office software (5) Knowledge of GIS programs preferred
MAINTENANCE: Roads Full-Time hourly position. Operate vehicles and equipment as required to maintain and repair streets, patch holes, install/ maintain street signs, cut brush and seasonably remove snow and ice. Must be able to lift 50 lbs., use a variety of hand tools, chain saws and vehicles. Work is performed outdoors in all weather conditions in loud noise level and exposed to fumes, hot liquids, and materials. HS diploma required with one year related experience.
$1,000 SIGN ON BonusVirginia Regional Transit is seeking FT/PT CDL Drivers to operate a passenger service in and around the Culpeper area. Benefits apply. Call Judy at 540-338-1610, ext. 1204, for further information. www.vatransit. org, EOE M/F/D/V.
NOW HIRING Detailers, Laborers, Marine Techs. www. lowmarine.com/ContactUsEmployment
FREE SHOPSMITH Mark 5, Model 510. Operational, Well Maintained. You pick up 540-9729998.
• Custodians Full-time hourly position, responsible for keeping assigned building clean and pleasant for workers and residents. The majority of work is performed in LOW facilities and common areas. Some prior experience is preferred.
• Grounds Full-Time Hourly Positions. Assist in performing general landscaping maintenance tasks for routine and special events. Must have experience in operation of basic grounds care equipment. Positions requires heavy lifting and working in all weather conditions.
CLUBHOUSE. Part-Time positions:
• Servers Excellent customer service skills, enthusiasm, and energy. Work schedule: 4 to 10 PM, Wed. through Sun. along with some holidays. Must be 18 and older. Some restaurant experience preferred.
• Sous/Saute Kitchen Lead to accurately prepare and cook a variety of meats, poultry and seafood as well as vegetables and other food items using various kitchen equipment. Duties include plating and garnishing. Complying with Clubhouse standards for portion sizes, cooking methods and other policies essential. 2 yrs. min. experience.
• Dishwashers. Load, run and unload dishwasher, wash/store all tableware and kitchenware. Maintain adequate level of cleaning supplies.
• Food Expeditor to bring food from the line to the table ensuring proper garnish and food temperature, keep expo station clean and stocked.
FAREWAYS CAFE- Part-Time positions:
• Servers Must be 18 years or older and able to work flexible hours including weekends. Some restaurant experience preferred.
• Line Cooks. Accurately and efficiently prepare hot food products. One year experience is preferred, ability to work flexible hours and a team spirit.
• Busser to remove soiled dishes from dining room to kitchen, sanitize tables, set tables and assist servers when needed.
General applications are always welcome. All Pay Market Competitive. Submit applications and resumes to HR@LOWA.org or fax to 540-972-2243. All positions must be able to pass a criminal background check and have a valid Virginia driver’s license. More information regarding these positions is available in the Human Resources Department. EOE.
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 19
For Sale Classifieds
Lake Currents December 16, 2022 20 Paid Advertisement LOW Community