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LOWA Lake Currents
from LOWA, Lake of the Woods, Lake Currents - shared w/ you by Kendra Seekins, your local Realtor eXpert
by Kendra's
The Official Newsletter of the Lake of the Woods Association, Inc.
Vol. 19, No. 20 540.972.2237 LOWA.org /LOWAssociation
February 11, 2022 Clubhouse Ready for Your Return
by Nancy King, Chair, Clubhouse Committee
A new year has started! With the new year come changes, improvements, and renewed hopes for success. While the Clubhouse was closed for most of January, Manager Ryan Richardson was able to check some items off the todo list. So, as you return to your Clubhouse, look for: a freshly painted front door; cleaned and waxed Member’s Lounge and Great Hall floors; painted hallways; steam-cleaned carpets throughout; new energy-efficient recessed lights throughout; replaced and upgraded transformers; and serviced appliances. All these efforts will result in a more efficient food service operation and create a better atmosphere for our members.
We also have some notable changes to our Clubhouse team. Long-time Assistant Manager Eric Fieber has headed south and relocated to Florida. We wish him well in his new endeavors. George, also Assistant Manager, has moved on to other adventures. Ryan is on his own right now, but is actively looking for our new team stars.
It is a new year, but winter is still here, as Mother Nature consistently reminds us. So, when cabin fever strikes and you want to put up the closed sign in your kitchen at home, make sure to put YOUR Clubhouse on the calendar. Ryan is gearing up for outstanding events in 2022. The first stop is the LOW Lioness Mardi Gras Dinner Dance scheduled for March 5, featuring Reunion Band and a special menu. Also in March, look for bigger and better Section Parties to get to know your neighbors on the second Wednesday of each month. Then, in April, check out the Grand Re-Opening of the Deck for the summer season. No date yet, but watch for details in Lake Currents, flyers, social media, and email blasts.
See Love Notes
on page 8
President's Letter
2 Agenda 2 Association News 2 - 11 General Manager 3 Board Minutes 3 Calendar 6, 7 Viewpoints 12 Orange County 13 Classifieds 14 - 15 Employment Opportunities 15 Monday, Feb. 14
Valentine’s Day
Wednesday, Feb. 16 LOWA Regular Board Meeting 2 PM, Community Center, Zoom
Monday, Feb. 21 Presidents’ Day LOWA Offices Closed LOW Trash Compactor Closed
Wednesday, March 9 LOWA Regular Board Meeting 2 PM, Community Center, Zoom
LOWA Website Links TEKControl (Visitor Management) LOWA.ORG/TEKCONTROL