Do You Know The Secret? Just about everyone is familiar with Oprah Winfrey -- multi-billionaire and one of the most generous people in America. Oprah has featured The Secret on her show on two different occasions. She also says that she has been employing the principles behind The Secret all her life unknowingly. Perhaps that is why her dreams have seemed to come true without struggle. Co-creator of the renowned Chicken Soup for the Soul series, teacher, life coach and motivational speaker, Jack Canfield, has stated that he achieved his enviable place in life only because he knew and practiced the principles in The Secret. Other celebrities and show hosts have devoted time on their television shows to The Secret, including Ellen DeGeneres, Larry King, The Today Show, and Nightline. One former surfer and panhandler who dropped out of school at 14 because of severe dyslexia, John Demartini, learned later in life about the principles behind The Secret. He then went back to school and graduated magna cum laude with a doctorate degree. All around the globe, seminars are being held to standing-room-only audiences to communicate the principles of The Secret so that people can learn how to change their lives in positive ways. The Secret is truly a phenomenon which many find life-altering. Not only in the U.S., but all around the world, people are changing their lives because of their exposure to The Secret. Both the book and DVD have earned their positions on the top of all the best seller lists and over a million copies have been sold. Author Rhonda Byrne explained, in an interview with USA Today, that she had learned the ancient secret to obtaining everything you desired through her study of philosophical and religious texts. The tagline for the DVD of The Secret pretty much says it all when it says that The Secret "has traveled through centuries to reach you". Byrne's ideas were developed from ideas of great thinkers, scientists, creators, philosophers, writers and artists. It is probably that many of the famous of past times knew the universal laws explained in The Secret -figures such as Einstein, Beethoven, and DaVinci, Abraham Lincoln and Sir Isaac Newton. To use and benefit from the principles in The Secret, you do not have be a member of any group or religion. The Secret is for everyone, no matter their beliefs, level of education, circumstances in life, or their IQ. In truth, the author mastered The Secret when she was, herself, going through a very hard time. It helped her gain control of her life and turn it around and, today, she wants to share The Secret with as many others as possible. Don't you want to be one of those which learn The Secret? There are many people convinced that The Secret work and have read the book and watched the DVD over and over again. They do this because they discover another secret and learn something new each time. Often, people who were skeptics but decided it wouldn't hurt them to give The Secret a try have been amazed at the results in business growth and in improved health and relationships.
So what does The Secret mean for you, personally? That really depends on what you want in life. You could find yourself set on the path to quick prosperity with several income streams which will take you to financial freedom and thinking like the wealthy. You can find solutions to your debt by attracting wealth and success to yourself just as other have once they learned about the power of The Secret. You can enjoy health, satisfying relationships and overflowing success by using the principles of The Secret. With action and intentions, you can do anything you want, regardless of who you are or where you are right now, or eve what you believe about the universe and how it works. You see, if you adjust your thinking processes, life will adjust accordingly. Won't you make the decision to use your free will and determination to make positive changes in your life, enabling you to realize your dreams? Perhaps you are concerned you can't let go of old habits and thoughts. Those old habits will just serve to place you back in the same ruts you want to escape. Those who have used The Secret to gain emotional, physical, and financial freedom have tools, strategies, and tips which will help you implement the philosophies in The Secret to alter your thinking and positively change your life. No matter what you situation is right now -financially, physically, or emotionally -- The Secret can show you ways to improve your circumstances greatly. Will you explore the possibilities in your personal and business life? Will you seek those goals you never thought you could reach? You can gain not only overflowing wealth, but real happiness, joy, and inner peace. One principle of The Secret is that you must always be open to opportunities. Maybe that is the reason you have read this so far? This is an opportunity for you. You can, like millions, learn quickly to use the principles and concepts in The Secret to build success and security by starting your own successful home-based business. Using personal empowerment, anything can be accomplished. The Secret will show you how to build unlimited wealth and soon you will find you'll have replaced negativity and resentments with gratitude that you have learned a different, and much better, way of thinking and acting. You'll think back and find that you are a whole new person, wondering what ever happened to that negative, self-defeating person you once were. Start small if you want and keep you current job. You probably have the tools you need to start your success home business already -- a phone, a computer, and the internet. As you implement the philosophies of The Secret, your business will grow with unexpected speed that you may soon find yourself leaving your current job to devote yourself to building wealth, enjoying time with family and building positive relationships with successful, positive people like yourself.
This is all true; it really can happen for you. Now is the right time. Here is the right opportunity. All you have to do is take the first small step and allow me to show you how you can tap into the universal laws to help you reach your amazing potential.