Ms.W.'s Class Magazine

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I Wonder… Ms. Wilhelm’s Class Magazine 2016


Table of Contents Tabor Birkholz……………………………………....3 Beka Terwilliger…………………………………….4 Teya Fukuhara……………………………………...6 Kevin Anderson…………………………………….9 Chris Carr…………………………………………...11 Jack Dimig…………………………………………..17 Maddie Dawson…………………………………...19 Daniel Gorder……………………………………...21 Lasya Gudur………………………………………..24 Jane Griffin………………………………………...27 Matthew Greene…………………………………..39 Tilly Kretzchsmar………………………………...41 Reese Laib……………………………………….....43 Jovan Land………………………………………….47 Avery Lang…………………………………………..50 Dean Lauffer………………………………………..53 Mayra Dovald­Marisoller………………………55 Berkeley McKinnon………………………………57 Sydney Rutherford……………………………….61 Alex Shepherd……………………………………..63 Jackson Smith……………………………………..66 Jaxson Schmeling………………………………..69 Sean Sullivan……………………………………….71 Max Tilghman……………………………………...74 Mariah Schmeling………………………………..76 Ava Weinman……………………………………...80 Nathan Walter……………………………………..83 Lauren Sabato……………………………………...87


The History of Football Tabor You are sitting on the couch,there is thirty seconds left in the game,Touchdown!! the Seahawks won the game! Then you sart wondoring about the history of football like when was it made or who made it. If you are one of people I got the Info. Football is a great sport and the history of football is great too. There have been many things that happened lately like us hearing that Joe Montana is alive and the broncos entering the super bowl with the panthers.

The Best of the Best Joe Montana, number 16, is “ the best quarterback in NFL history,” says the website Bracketology. he has won four superbowls, which is more than most football teams have won. People say and think that Joe Montana died on August 26, 2013 from a single car car crash. If you watched Super Bowl 50 Joe Montana was on the San Francisco 49ers from 1979 to 1994 and lead them to a victory in the super bowls, 1956,1979,1989,1990.

The Inventor The Inventor of this great sport is the one and only Walter Camp. He was born on August seventh 1859.He was born in Princeton, New Jersey and that was where football was invented too. Wow, people can be amazing.Sadly the day came where he had to pass away . He died on march 14, 1969

It all Began The first super bowl was on January 15, 1967. It was big because it was the first game to see who is the best in the league . The two teams that were in the first super bowl were the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs. The Green Bay Packers had a sweet victory,35­10. 3

Why is Space Black? Final By Beka Have you ever wondered why space is black? According to some research and very advanced technology, space might not even be black!

Scattering effect To answer the question of why space is black, you first have to answer the question of why the sky is blue. The sky is blue because the rays of light from the sun hit water molecules in the air and the light is scattered. This allows us to see the colors of our Earth and makes our atmosphere appare blue. Since there is nothing in space for light from the sun to scatter off of, light travels in a straight line. Since the universe is so large, the light stretches out across the universe and is impossible for us to see, which causes space to appear black.

If there are so many stars, wouldn’t space light up? This is the harder question to answer. If the universe was infinitely old and infinitely large, then everywhere we look in space we would see a star. The universe is not infinite though, it is only about 15 million years old, so there are not as many stars as there would be if the universe was infinitely old and infinitely large. This means that the light from all these stars is still not enough to light up the entire universe. Also, the light from the stars is moving away from Earth. As light moves away, it gets longer, then turns like some sort of a red color. Eventually the light from the star will disappear altogether. This is called the Doppler effect. 4

Did You Know? A current theory scientists have is that the universe is expanding away from the Earth, so the star’s light must move away with the universe​ . Scientist are using developed technology that can see some of the light in space. By using this technology, they can see some colors in space that are hidden to our eyes. Who knows? Space might really be colorful! Since the moon has no atmosphere, the sky there would appear black both day and night. Now you know why space appears to be black. Who knows, someday somebody may really find the true colors of space, it could even be you!

Bibliography "Why Is Space Black?" ​ Why Is Space Black? ​ NASA, n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.

"Why Is Space Black?" ​ Why Is Space Black? ​ N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2016. Why Is Space Black? ­ Tellmewhyfacts." ​ Tellmewhyfacts.​ N.p., 12 June 2014. Web. 27 Jan. 2016. "Google Answers: Why Is the Sky Black at Night?" ​ Google Answers: Why Is the Sky Black at Night?​ N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2016. Images <​ http://science­­01.jpg​ > <​​ >­moon­juarez­mexico.jpg​ >


The Denver Zoo by Teya Do you want to know everything about our Denver Zoo? Well, you’ve came to the right place!

The Denver Zoo Why do we need it?

Like most zoos, it has the same goal: to educate, take in/ save the animals, make their home a better place, share their love, and make the world a better place. Most of this can’t be done without zookeepers​ . There are many jobs that a zookeeper has to do including feeding the animals, taking care of them, and ​ educating​ people about why animals are so important and why we should help.

You are saving the environment!!

Do you ever wonder what you could do to help our zoo? Well, there are many different ​ options​ , here are a few... The Denver Zoo helps you to ​ recycle​ , like put food, Diapers, and plastic bottles in the green bin, and put Metal, juice pouches, and glass in the black bin. See, Easy! another thing that you can do is to volunteer, make donations​ , learn all you can, you can even​ adopt​ an animal!

The Denver Zoo is helping too!!

You might have heard that the zoo is turning elephant poo into energy? Well that’s not true at all! But the zoo recycles water and conserves its energy to us less than most zoos do. Now that’s good! Just keep up the good work and we’ll be making the world a better place! 6

Map of the Denver zoo

Animals in the denver zoo

There are four types of animals, here are a few examples: Mammals: Tiger Elephant Lion Bears Red Panda And many more!! Reptiles: Komodo Dragons Alligator/Crocodile Snakes Frogs Lizard And many more!! Fish: Blind Cave Fish Clown fish Seahorses Lionfish Angel fish many more!!


Fun Fact

About 160,000 visitors visit the denver zoo each year.

Did you know

That there are about 4,125 animals in the zoo now!

Wild keywords

Zookeeper­ A animal attendant employed at a zoo. Educate­ In this case, to give instruction or help socially , teach. Option­ Thing that may be chosen Plaster­ Cover Exhibit­ Public display Phases­ Stage or process in a change Adopt­ To take in Recycle­ Reuse something Donations­ To make a donation


"Animals | Denver Zoo." ​ Animals | Denver Zoo​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2016. "Google." ​ Google​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2016. "Google Images." ​ Google Images​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.

"Save The World | Denver Zoo." ​ Save The World | Denver Zoo.​ N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.


Why do we see ​ C​ o​ l​ o​ r​ ?

When light hits an object, the object absorbs some of the light and reflects the rest. Whatever ​ wavelengths​ are reflected varies with the properties of the shape. A ripe banana reflects ​ wavelengths​ of about 570 to 580 ​ nanometers​ . These are the ​ wavelengths​ for the color ​ yellow. ¨Roses are red and violets are blue, but we only know that thanks to specialized cells in our eyes called cones.¨ says Stephanie Pappas, author of How do we see Color.

What are the Wavelengths for different colors? Ultra Violet​ = ~ 380­ 0NM Violet​ = ~ 400NM Indigo​ = ~ 445NM Blue​ = ~ 475NM Green​ = ~ 510NM Yellow​ = ~ 570NM Orange​ = ~ 610NM Red​ = ~ 650NM Infrared​ = ~ 670­ 1001NM

Why do we see light? 9

Your eye has many parts, two of these are rods and cones. These parts help you see in light and in dark. Your cones are used to see in light and your rods are used to see in dark. Some animals have more advanced eyes that allow them to see even better than we can. Without your rods and cones you would not be able to see. These are not the only parts of you eye. Other parts help you see color and send what you see to your brain. Your eye is an amazing feature that most people are grateful to have.


Wavelength​ ­ ​ The distance between two successive points in a wave Nanometers​ ­ ​ ( NM ) One billionth of a meter Ultra Violet​ ­ ​ Anything that's wavelengths are ¨too short to see¨ or ¨Bluer than blue.¨ The naked human eye cannot see this color. Infrared​ ­ ​ Anything that's wavelengths are ¨too long to see¨ or ¨Redder than red.¨ The naked human eye cannot see this color

Bibliography Pappas, By Stephanie. "How Do We See Color?" ​ LiveScience.​ TechMedia Network, 29 Apr. 2010. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.­why­do­we­see­in­color.html "What Wavelength Goes With a Color?" ​ What Wavelength Goes With a Color?​ N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. http://science­



By Chris

X­15 Google says that the SR­71 blackbird (made in the 60’s by lockheed) is the fastest plane in the world with a speed of 2,200 mph. However, there is an error. The X­15 is the fastest plane ever. With a speed of mach 6.72 (mach is speed of sound), the X­15’s reputation as the fastest plane ever, was ignored by Google. Although you can search about it on Google, it says nothing about its reputation. The X­15 has a interesting history. As a fellow rocket engine, like the Cold­War era Bell X­1, it is (you guessed it), a rocket powered plane. The X­15 is an amazing plane and a great subject to talk about. From Nasa “The X­15 was an airplane of accelerations. When an X­15 pilot looks back on his X­15 flights, it is the accelerations he remembers.”

Bell X­1

WW2 Aircraft



WW2 started with Hitler’s urge to gain more land (or in some opinions, his urge to start a war). From there, although this is not the complete list, he attacked Poland, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, and the most important, France. France was the biggest and closest to Britain, therefore the most important. Britain (Hitler’s most desired target) was only able to stay out of the war for a limited amount of time. Once France had fallen, they entered the war. After battles on land and sea, dogfights and bombing runs, and the battle, or rather the evacuation of Dunkirk occurred, larger battles started. Some of these involved aircraft and some not. In 1942, The Battle of Britan began. The Battle of Britain was perhaps the biggest, longest air battle ever fought. The land of England survived everything the Luftwaffe had in the end. The RAF (Royal Air Force) fought of the bombers and fighters. The AA (Anti Aircraft) guns shot them down just the same. England had been hit, But not hard enough. This was the first major air battle in WW2. Through the years, there were many more air battles. Some almost completely fought by planes. The two major American air battles both involved the Japanese navy. The first one is perhaps the best surprise attack ever. Pearl Harbor. As we all know this is the single event that caused America to enter the war. The Japanese navy planned a incredibly large sneak attack on the airbase in Hawaii. They found the perfect distance to get their aircraft carriers. The reason why they need aircraft carriers is because planes can only go a certain distance before they run out of fuel. This is called “range.” When the aircraft carriers arrived at the position, they launched the first wave of the attack. The planes 1 2


in the battle were the Japanese Mitsubishi A6M 3“Zeros.” With a speed of 332 mph, the Zero is a great fighter plane. The Americans unfortunately, were unprepared. When the planes came, most couldn’t see the “rising sun” of the Japanese navy. They thought they were their own fighters. Even when the bombs and torpedoes dropped, most were still confused. After the battle was over, over 2,400 American lives were lost, while only 29 Japanese planes were shot down. Yes, that was a bad day in American history. But, the enemy made a large mistake. Their intentional target was not the battleships like the USS Arizona. It was the aircraft carriers(a large ship with a flat deck to hold and launch aircraft. The aircraft carrier became the most important thing in the war because of needed attacks on the enemy. The planes can not usually do this by themselves, because they don’t have a long enough range. So naturally, the Japanese wanted the target destroyed to buy them time to get a larger army. Later in the war, one of the most famous bombing runs ever was started. It was the Doolittle Raid. There were no carrier based bombers then, but the Americans needed to bomb Japan. Although the bombing didn’t do much damage, it inspired many people and made the Japanese afraid. The second major American air battle was the Battle of Midway. Midway was a small island in the Pacific. It was a battle that the Japanese thought they could win. They thought that the second sneak attack would slip past the Americans. But, they were wrong. They were less careful. Earlier in the war, soon before Pearl Harbor, Admiral Yamamoto said to another, “I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant.” He refers to America as “the giant”. He was right. The Americans fought hard in the air, sea, and land during the war. Some battles, the Japanese stood no chance. This was

one of those battles. The carriers and 3



never saw the other, but the pilots did. ​ Japan lost four carriers, a cruiser, 292 aircrafts, and suffered 2,500 casualties. The U.S. lost Yorktown, the destroyer USS Hammann, 145 aircrafts, and suffered 307 casualties.​ So, it is obvious that America won that round. There were many more air battles in WW2, but I think these were the highlights.

Present Day Aircraft Although many planes are now military drones (aircraft controlled from a distance), all planes have an experienced pilot. Wars are just as dangerous from a distance. Planes may just be one part of the military, but they are a much larger piece of the world. Whether it’s military craft or not, armed or unarmed, made for a mission or made for a trip, planes are something that have made the world better. A passenger plane could fly over house. Or maybe perhaps it was a B­3 bomber. Every day planes are getting more powerful, more lethal, and more complex. But let us not forget what started it all. The Wright brothers and the “Flyer” in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, 1903 Dec 17.

The Atomic Bomb (Enola Gay)


On August 6, 1945, 8:16 AM, the world changed forever. An American B­29 bomber called “The Enola Gay” flew over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The infamous atomic bomb called Little Boy, was dropped that day. Over 80,000 people died instantly. 60,000 died over the course of the rest of the year. It was not the only bomb though. Another bomb called Fat Man was dropped on Nagasaki. The atomic bomb is easily the most horrific 4


weapon used yet, but a hydrogen bomb is on the way. The people who lived under the Japanese Empire understand the reason why the bomb was dropped. The only ways to end the war were either that, or an invasion of Japan. The best decision was made. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks that it was best. My grandpa told me a story about The Enola Gay. When put on display, a few Japanese teeangers threw eggs at the famous B­29 bomber. It was not there fight. It was never their fight. And yet they battled against what could not be changed. ​ Conclusion

​ All aircraft are linked together. They may not all be combat craft. They

may not be for luxury. But all aircraft have something amazing inside. The pilot. The plane is always expendable, but the pilot is more important than any thousand­dollar machinery. We use aircraft for all sorts of thing right now. But let us not forget, the plane that started it all­ The Wright Brother's plane in Kitty Hawk, North carolina 1903.

Bibliography "World War II Aircraft." ​ ­ Engineering and Technology History Wiki.​ N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.­fastest­military­airplanes.html 15

Chow, By Denise. "Supersonic! The 10 Fastest Military Airplanes." LiveScience​ . TechMedia Network, 20 Sept. 2013. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.­breaking­the­sound­barrier.html "Breaking the Sound Barrier | The Greatest Moments in Flight." ​​ N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016. "Battles Involving England ­ Second World War." ​ Battles Involving England ­ Second World War.​ N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.­2017173/Pearl­Harbor­pilot­skull­be long­downed­Japonese­pilot­1941.html Reporter, Daily Mail. "Human Skull Found at the Bottom of Pearl Harbor May Be Japanese Pilot Shot down during 1941 Surprise Attack." ​ Mail Online​ . Associated Newspapers, n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016. Google images "Google Images." ​ Google Images.​ N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016. "American Bomber Drops Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima." ​​ . A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.​ <​ http://img0­d30f7ii.jpg​ > <​­472661.jpg​ > <​​ > <​­Gay­bomber.jpg​ > tp://​ >


Chocolate Labs By Maddie

Have you ever wanted a dog? Well how about a chocolate lab? I am going to tell you some facts about these wonderful dogs called chocolate labs.

How they got their name? “Once called the ‘Lesser Newfoundland’ and later the ‘St. John’s Water Dog,’ the early Labrador retriever was a short­coated sporting dog considered primarily to be black in color.” By Jo Chester. ​ The chocolate lab have had many different names that are fun names to learn. The first name the dog had was the “lesser newfoundland,” it was introduced by settlers over the land. The second name the chocolate lab was given was “St. John's water dog” because it was subscribed the best shooting dog with many more talents. Then as we all call them now, the chocolate lab.

What they eat? Mostly the chocolate lab will eat anything but if you are the owner you should always watch what your dog eats because it could be toxic and not good for them to eat. Some of the food that they enjoy are meats such as beef, chicken, and turkey. They also like fruits like apples, bananas, and cranberries.

Size The size of a chocolate lab is pretty big for a dog, but definitely the great dane would be bigger; however, I’m not here to tell you about the great dane, I’m here to tell you about the chocolate lab. The average male adult is about 22­24 inches and the female also happens to be the same size 17

too. They should weigh about 55­70 pounds. As you should know, size is important because you want to know if you need to put your dog on a diet or if your dog needs to eat more.

Fun Facts Did you know: The chocolate lab was once called a chocolate lab? Did you know: The color of the chocolate lab is considered the most beautiful color out of the three? Did you know: They have earned the top spot out of the three colors? All in all, I hope this has persuaded you to get a chocolate lab. Chester, Jo. "The History of Chocolate Labradors." ​ Pets​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.­breed­information/chocolate­labrador­retriever/


D​ r​ e​ a​ m​ i​ n​ g

Have you ever dreamt that you were ​ f​ a​ l​ li​ n​ g and ​ f​ a​ l​ l​ in ​​ g…​ then you wake up and say, “Where am I?” If you didn’t know, that’s called dreaming and it’s more interesting than you think.

What Do Dreams Do? Dreams help your brain sort and collect thoughts in the background. During the day your brain collects millions of thoughts and when you’re dreaming it puts away the bad info and keeps the good info. According to Why Do We Dream from How Stuff Works, “​ Some are minor sensory details like the color of a passing car, while others are far more complex, like the big presentation you're putting together for your job.”​ ​ Scientists also think dreams are tied to memories so sometimes you dream about when you were little or what happened just the day before. Did you know that the more you learn the longer your dreams are? Scientists have done a study that shows people who took a language course had longer dreams than ones who didn’t. Dreams also reflect your emotions, which is why you act the same in your dreams as you do in real life and also solve your everyday problems by dreaming about the problem and making a solution so you can do it in real life.

What are the four stages of sleep? There are four stages of sleep and are very important for you to know so hush up and listen. The first stage of sleep is the lightest stage of sleep and you can be wakened very easily. The 19

second stage is the third deepest sleep when you are likely to start snoring, it is also the sleepwalking stage. Then there is the third and fourth stages, which is where you snore and are approaching to the start of dreaming. The stage where you dream is REM sleep (rapid eye movement). REM sleep is the most physically active time of the whole day including at night. Also, it is the stage where you have the slowest brain waves. Dreams are made of random thought inputs, that’s why some guy or something random might come into your dream.

Bibliography "Why Do We Dream." ​ HowStuffWorks​ ., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.​­the­mind/human­brain/why­do­we­dre am.htm "How Do We Dream?" ​ WhySci​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.​ http://why­


Blobfish By Daniel Did you know that there is a fish called a blobfish? These blobfish might look very ugly, and well they are. Blobfish look so weird on land because of the pressure down at the bottom of the sea is very high. But, when the fish gets up in this lower pressure, it usually dies from low pressure. When fishermen put their nets down and the helpless blobfish get caught in the fishing net, and when the fishing net starts to move up to the surface, due to the shift in high pressure the blobfish normally dies. If they somehow survive it will look like a blob when it's on land not in the water. Blobfish also look like a blob on land because it doesn’t have a skeletal system or bones to support its body. They can never stop themselves from getting caught. They are most always caught.

Population Problems and way of Life Blobfish have been getting caught in a net . When they come up on the surface they normally die. So the blobfish is very endangered and almost extinct, so if they keep getting caught in nets they they will die and they will be extinct. The blobfish has no plants to sleep in or to lay its eggs in, if its a female blobfish. So it wanders around the bottom of the sea looking for food and looking for a mate. The female blobfish can lay thousands of eggs when it lays the eggs, but this fish usually nests 9,000 eggs.

Interesting Facts 21

Did you know that this helpless fish doesn’t bite because it doesn’t have teeth or bones so it can’t defend itself? Did you know that they live only in Australia and New Zealand and nowhere else in the world? Did you know that us humans are the blobfish’s main predator? They don’t have a real predator because it has poison in its skin and we don’t try to kill them they get caught inside of our nets, we don’t try to kill them. Did you know that blobfish are poisonous so the blobfish won’t get attacked by any sea creatures when it's on the bottom of the sea? Did you know that t​ he blobfish is not just made out ​ of fat, it is actually ​ just has a lot of skin? This ugly fish was crowned the ugliest living animal in the world. The blobfish is in the Psychrolutidae family of animal. This animal is usually always made out of fat skin and organs that make it a pinkish color. Its eyes bulge out and are black, and its lips are usually pink. According to IP Factly, “90% of its body is made out of water.”

World Location and diet Blobfish as we all know it are going extinct. They have moved locations and are now only living in Australia and New Zealand. The blobfishes diet is crabs, ​ sea urchins, sea pens, and shellfish. The blobfish doesn’t have any teeth so it is surprising that it eats these sea creatures. Their favorite food to eat of all, or a treat to them, is sea urchins. They look like a little shell in the water. Clearly the blobfish is a pretty cool animal in the oceans of the world.

Citations "Blobfish ­ 10 Facts about the Kings and Queens of Ugly." ​ Fun Facts You Need to Know​ . N.p., 16 Nov. 2015. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. 22

"14 Blobfish Facts for Kids | Navajo Code Talkers." ​ Navajo Code Talkers.​ N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2016. GOOGLE Species, Strange. "Blobfish." ​ Blobfish.​ N.p., 2010. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.


Black Holes Lasya G. Most people think black holes are just big black circles that are shaped like funnels, actually some are quite the opposite. So, you’re probably asking yourself, “then what is a black hole?” Well, a black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong and intense that not even light can get out. Anything and everything that goes in disappears. The gravity is so strong because a large amount of matter is squeezed into a small space. This can happen once a star dies. Black holes are invisible, and cannot be seen by humans. According to Heather R. Smith, a research ally who studies lunar and martian analogs, “Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes.”

Inside a black hole You would near a black hole very slowly. Once you approach a black hole, it would suck all of the light out of you until you fade away. In other words, a person watching you would think that you had disappeared. Then again, you would feel normal. After several hours, you would be spaghettified (stretched apart). This is where it starts to hurt. Your molecules would slowly be ripped apart.

Layers of a black hole Outer Event Horizon The outer event horizon is the outermost part of the black hole. It has gravity, but not as much gravity as the other parts of any black hole. Therefore, you can still escape at this point. 24

Inner Event Horizon The inner event horizon is when the approach slows down. This part of a black hole includes very strong gravity, even stronger than the outer event horizon, or even the Sun. As a result, you cannot escape. Also, things that are around this area act much differently than they normally do. Singularity The Singularity is generally considered the actual black hole, which is not true. The black hole consists of the outer and inner event horizon and the Singularity. Anyway, the Singularity is where you would get spaghettified. At this point this point there is definitely no chance of escape.

Types of black holes Stellar Stellar black holes may be small, but they are very deadly. These kinds of black holes are some of the most common in our galaxy. They are made by large stars collapsing. Supermassive Supermassive black holes are a billion times the size of our Sun. These black holes are in the middle of every single galaxy. Scientist are not exactly sure about how these monsterous black holes were formed, but they predict that it might be the result of thousands of smaller black holes joining together. Intermediate Intermediate black holes were recently discovered. They are formed by star clusters colliding which causes a chain reaction. They have the power and capacity that is right between Stellar black holes and Supermassive black holes. 25

I hope you can see why some of the things you probably thought you knew about black holes were the opposite. Now you know the different types of black holes, the layers of a black hole, and what it would be like inside a black hole. Keep looking around in space!


Dogs and their Evolution By: Jane G. Did you know that dogs have been companions to humans since the Stone Age? Did you know that wolves tamed themselves to become dogs? Did you know that the species of dogs began in dumps? Read on to learn more about dogs and how they evolved from wolves dogs.

Dog Basics: Introduction Dogs were domesticated 1300 centuries ago. Over centuries, wolves became the dog, while other wolves stayed themselves. How can you tell if dogs and wolves are related? Well, things dogs do by instinct wolves also do and did by instinct. Dogs share the most characteristics with the wolf than any other animal species. Dogs can be trained to guide the blind, shake hands, jump through hoops, sniff out illegal drugs, and track criminals.

Unique Appearances Dogs come in many varieties of color, shape, and size. Some dogs have unique markings, spots, or even stripes, while others have coats of one solid color. People have created a lot of dog breeds, such as Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Chihuahuas. Dog breeds and mixed breeds (a.k.a. mutts) have different traits and abilities. This can make them better or worse at different tasks.

Dog Values Today, the most important value to a dog is to be a well­behaved family member. Earlier though, not a lot of dogs were kept as pets. A lot of


dogs helped people herd livestock (sheep, cows, etc.), hunt animals, guard houses, guard businesses, pull sleds, and pull carts.

Dog, Wolf, and Human Families Wolf and dog families are quite similar to human families. In wolf packs and human families, parents make and enforce the rules. Dogs and wolves are pack animals that really like to live in a group, or pack. Dogs consider their ‘pack’ to be their owners’ families and owners’ pets. Dogs don’t like being left alone because they are social animals. Most dogs need family and friends around to feel safe, happy, and comforted. That’s why a lot of dogs don’t have the best behavior when their owners aren’t around. Fear and boredom cause destructive behavior, such as chewing the couch, scratching at the door, and barking nonstop.

‘Sniff’ Smell?

What’s ​


A dog’s sense of smell is the most important sense it has. A dog’s sense of smell is more than a thousand times better than a human’s! Dogs also use their noses much more than we do. We think of things by sight, but dogs probably think of things by its smell. Wolves smell to find their prey. Some wolves try to smell danger: other wolves, or hunters. Wolves judge the health and mood of other wolves by smell. Dogs are fantastic at smelling things we can’t smell. Dogs are so great at smelling things that they are given smelling jobs. Police dogs use their noses to find illegal drugs and chase criminals. Some other dogs use their noses to sniff out illegal items in suitcases at airports. 28

‘Creeaak!’​ What’s that sound?!

Dogs and wolves hear way better than humans do. Humans can’t hear dog whistles, but dogs and wolves can. That’s because they can hear very quiet sounds and wider range of musical notes than we do. Wolves have pointy ears, but dogs have a wide variety of ear shapes. It doesn’t matter the ear shape the dog has, dogs still hear a lot better than humans. Wolf and dog ears can change shape and position. This is very important for dog communication. Here are some ways that you can tell what your dog means: by his ears! If your dog has perky ears, that means that your dog is paying attention to something/someone. Scrunched­up ears, (especially on dogs with flimsy ears), mean your dog is worried or fearful. Flattened ears most of the time mean a warning that your dog is feeling aggression. Softly flattened ears can also mean a friendly sign, that your dog is trying to please you, its owner, or its leader. You should watch your dog’s ears to learn important parts of dog language.

See it like a Dog Wolves and dogs don’t see colors as well as humans. They have trouble telling the difference between red, orange, green, and yellow. For example, a red bug on a yellow toy might be almost invisible to dogs. Despite the fact that dogs are colorblind, dogs are excellent at detecting the slightest motion with their sight. This is an important skill for hunters, or predators. Some dogs have better eyesight than others. A few dogs have better eyesight than others. Certain dogs, (especially the ones with long noses), prefer to hunt with their eyes instead of their noses. Dogs probably use both eyesight and smell to hunt. Some dogs though, prefer one over the other.

Built to Bite Wolves have sharp teeth, strong jaws, and thick neck muscles to kill prey for their food. When their hunt is successful, wolves use their teeth to tear through thick skin and hide to get to the meat. Dogs don’t need to hunt 29

for their food, but dogs still have about the same tools for hunting as wolves. Some dogs bite as hard or even harder than wolves. Even though dogs can be quite cute and/or little, they might still be dangerous. All dogs need to be trained, and they really need to learn that biting is prohibited.

Fighting is Fun! Wolves fight with each other to have fun. Dogs also like to fight to have fun, or ‘play fight’. Play fighting includes a lot of noise and action. Play fighting helps wolves keep their fighting and hunting skills the best they can be. Play fighting also relieves tension, and is a lot of fun to dogs and wolves. Wolf and dog puppies play fight for learning social skills. If they bite their siblings a little bit too hard, nobody wants to play with them. Wolf and dog puppies quickly learn to fight without causing injuries, pain, or hurting the others. Dogs need to learn people can’t fight like them. A gentle nip to a puppy can really hurt humans. Puppies need to be trained and taught that hurting people really isn’t okay.

Chase! Even dogs don’t hunt for their food, but they still like to play games, like chasing you. Even though dogs don’t need to hunt for their food, they still have hunting instincts like wolves. That’s why many dogs like to chase small animals. Having your dog chase you is a fantastic idea for a game. It’s okay to have your own dog chase you, because it knows not to hurt you. It’s not okay to run or move quickly near other dogs you don’t know well, because it could ‘spark’ a wolf hunting instinct targeting you, and you most likely will get hurt.

Dinner Time! Most dogs think that food is super important, which can make their meals stressful. Dogs worry that, like wolves, they need to fight to protect their food from being stolen by others. If you have more than one dog, feeding them in separate rooms may help. 30

Overweight Dogs Most owners of dogs overfeed their dogs, and they don’t realize that their dogs are getting overweight. Many dogs eat too much whenever they can. They seem so elated when they receive treats from you that it’s hard to resist. Dogs are very smart beggars. They learn quickly that expressions that are cute or tricks get them treats. But don’t be tempted to give your dog a treat if it barks or scratches to get it. This will teach them that bad behavior earns them treats, instead of good behavior. It is very important that you keep your dog in shape. Overweight dogs can get crippled, sick (easily), and may die early.

Growls, Yowls, Barks and Howls Wolves love to howl (‘wolf singing’). Beagles and bloodhounds love to howl, too. Wolves only bark as a warning about trespassers on their territory. Dogs bark a lot though, and the most common dog noise is also probably a bark. Dogs bark to warn about strangers. They also bark when they’re playing, bark when they want your attention, and some dogs even bark when they’re bored. Dogs and wolves growl as a warning to other animals. You should take growls seriously. Growling is a way that your dog warns you that it’s thinking about biting or being aggressive. Dogs sometimes growl because they are feeling scared, feeling threatened, or feels like it needs to protect its home.

Communication Dogs and wolves speak with barks and body language. When your dog bows, it’s inviting you or another dog to play. When your dog tucks its tail between its legs, arches its back, and lowers its head, that means your dog is afraid. You shouldn’t follow your dog when it’s afraid, because it might think that you are trying to chase or corner it, and it may bite you because of its instincts and fear. When your dog rolls over, that means that it knows you are in charge or that you are the boss. When playing, it means that 31

your dog gives up. If your dog is happily wagging its tail, that of course means it’s happy. Happy wagging is easy to read on many dogs and wolves. A stiff tail means that your dog is ready to fight. For wolves, putting its head over another wolves’ shoulders means that it is the boss of the other wolf. If the other wolf understands, it answers by tucking in its tail, arching its back, and softly tucking its ears back. Dogs do the same thing. The dog who is boss puts its head over the other dog. The ‘boss dog’ lifts its tail high, walks tall, and is very stiff. The other dog agrees about the same way as the wolf who is not boss does.

Goosebumps If your dog raises the hair on its back and neck, that means that it is ready to fight (because it’s either really tough or really scared). If your dog bares its teeth, that’s an even more forceful way to tell the other dog the same thing as when it raises its hair. If a dog does either or both of these things near you, you should look away from the dog, not move, and wait for adult help. You should never run away from a dog like this. When an adult wolf growls at a puppy but doesn’t have raised hair (raised hair on dogs and wolves is called ‘hackles’) it’s just scolding the puppy, but they are not going to get into a fight. How your dog looks at you can tell you many things about their mood or behavior. A hard, intense stare means that the dog is challenging you (you should probably go play with another friendlier dog!) Your dog probably looks at you in a friendly way when it wants a treat or is waiting for orders, or commands. You don’t have to leave this one alone!

Why does your dog lick you? Are you prepared to be grossed out? When your dog licks you, it could actually want you to throw up. When wolf pups start eating food other than its mother’s milk, adult wolves in the pack help feed the pups by throwing up some of their meals for the pups to eat. This is an important part of a wolf pup’s diet. As the pups get older, some of them will lick the face of another wolf to show respect and avoid punishment. How they avoid 32

punishment is because they will look more puppy­like and less threatening. Dogs are the same as wolves in the respect part of this. Puppies lick the faces of adult dogs and humans probably not because they are hungry, but actually recognizing that we are in charge.

Chew Chew! Dogs don’t chew on things because they are mad at you. Wolves chew on antlers because there is nutritional value in it, that’s the way wolves brush teeth, it’s fun, and it tastes good to them. Dogs chew on things similar to antlers for these reasons, too. When dogs are left alone, they become scared or bored. Chewing on things can be comforting and entertaining. If the thing that they are chewing on smells like you, it’s more comforting. Here’s a funny quote from ​ Is My Dog a Wolf? : ​ “So when he (your dog) eats your homework, it really means he misses having you around­­but don’t try explaining that to your teacher.”

Toy Time! If you look at what wolves do, that explains why dogs like squeaky toys. Wolves target the weak, old, injured, young, and/or sick. Squeaky toys sound like injured animals. In a dog, this may trigger wolf­like hunting instincts. Many dogs rip apart stuffed toys, like a wolf would to a rabbit or bird. Some dogs like to shake heads back and forth really quickly when playing with their toys. If toys were animals, shaking them would break their necks and kill them. Dogs like golden and labrador retrievers usually are great at playing fetch. Over many generations bird hunters chose dogs willing to run and retrieve dead birds after they had been shot. Golden and labrador retrievers met these traits, so hunters chose them.

Tuggin’ Terrier Dogs love to play tug­of­war. Wolves played tug­of­war to tear off large chunks of meat from the bone, and this is why wolves can eat quickly. Later these skills are used to bring remaining pieces of meat to hiding 33

places that are safe. When dogs play tug­of­war, make sure that they don’t grab the toy from your hand, because you could get bitten. Give the toy to the dog with a command such as “gentle.” If the dog is not gentle when it takes the toy, drop the toy and walk away. Your dog soon will learn that fun ends if it gets a little bit naughty.

Diggin’ Dog Digging helps wolves survive,. Wolves dig holes to hide their leftovers for a snack for later. Some wolves dig holes to catch small animals that live underground such as moles and mice. Sometimes wolves make a cold hole to sit or lie down in during the summer to cool down. Sometimes they dig a warm cave for the winter. Adult wolves dig dens underground for their puppies, to provide safety and shelter. Dogs dig just for fun. Dogs sometimes can dig for some of the same reasons, but one big reason why dogs like to dig is because freshly dug dirt has many different kinds of smells that are interesting to the dog. Both dogs and wolves like to use their noses to smell things.

House Rules A wolf and dog’s biggest difference in species is rules, and their willingness to do it. Wolf rules are to care for the cubs, rest, and hunt. Dogs must live by our rules almost everywhere, but they are almost always willing to follow them. Although human household rules vary, the most common are: don’t eat from the trash, don’t chew on the furniture, no eating homework, don’t nip fingers when given a treat, don’t jump out of the bathtub before bathtime is done, and don’t drive the family go­kart. Dogs have many wolf instincts, and that makes wolves and dogs related. Dogs still have unique traits that wolves don’t have, and they are great family dogs/members.

Dog Family 34

Some dogs look a lot like wolves, while others don’t look related at all. Since dogs can crossbreed with wolves, they are related to them. Dogs can also crossbreed with jackals, coyotes, dingoes, African wild dogs, and some kinds of foxes. This means that dogs are also related to those other species. Dogs are direct descendants of the wolf, but the wolf is related to jackals, coyotes, dingoes, African wild dogs, and some kinds of foxes. That still makes dogs related to those species, though.

Dog Domestication Stanley Coren, author of the book ​ Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?​ , states, “Some people say that the first dog was a young wolf cub that a prehistoric man tamed and kept as a pet. Others believe that dogs tamed themselves.” “Prehistoric men were good hunters but messy housekeepers. After they killed and ate animals, they tossed the bones and scraps in heaps near the edge of their village. Some wolves got an idea: “With all those good bones and stuff lying around, why bother hunting?” Instead, they stayed around the village. The villagers were happy that the wolves ate the garbage ­­ that kept down the smell and the bugs. And there was a bonus: the wolves barked when a dangerous animal or a stranger came close, so the village was safer. Since the friendliest animals were allowed right into the village and got the best food and care, some dogs probably decided that it was better to be tame. The people just rewarded them for being tame and good dogs instead of wild animals.” (from ​ Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?​ )

Pointing Some hunting dogs look at an animal’s hiding place and freeze when it smells an animal. Sometimes they stop very quickly and one of their front legs is frozen in midair. This position is called pointing. Dogs that point are called pointers, but some setters point too. Pointing is a behavior of 35

wolves when they spot prey. When a wolf spots its prey it can’t make a sound or bark to the pack. Even though that would let the wolves know that they found something, their prey would run away. Because of this, instead of making a sound, the wolves point. Pointing tells the other wolves that the wolf pointing found something in the direction that it’s pointing. Since dogs do this too, humans make good use of the instinct. Pointers and setters tell their owners where small animals that their owner might be looking for are hiding, but they do it silently so their target won’t be scared away. Smart, right?

Herding Herding comes from the hunting instincts from wolves. Wolves encircle a herd of deer or wild sheep to keep them together. Then the wolves guide the herd to a spot where it will be trickier for the herd to run away while they attack. A herding dog is a dog that herds livestock (like sheep, goats, cows, etc.) to certain places. Herding dogs do the same thing as wolves, except they don’t finish by killing and devouring the herd. One herding dog is doing the same job and amount of work that a whole pack of wolves would do.

How Long have Dogs been with Humans? Dogs have been with humans since the Stone Age. Cave paintings, statues and tools show dogs helped their masters hunt and guard. Today dogs are used for rescues, sniffing out illegal items, herding, hunting, and helping people with impaired hearing or vision. Dogs can also perform in dog races, shows circuses, and competitions. Dogs usually are mainly for companionship and friendship. Dog bones and fossils were found with human bones and fossils from about 14000 years ago. That means that dogs have lived with people for a very long time, while cats have only lived with people for about 7000 years.


Dogs are clearly related to wolves. We know this because dogs can crossbreed with wolves and they have many instincts that wolves have. Dogs also are a little bit unique from wolves, such as they look different and they tweak some instincts. Dogs are also really great companions to humans, and they have lived with humans for 14000 years! If you want to remember how dog and human companionship started, just remember this: it started in a dump.

Citations:­photography Dogs ­ From Wolf to Woof By: Anonymous "Dogs ­ From Wolf to Woof ­ Photo Gallery ­ National Geographic Magazine."​ Dogs ­ From Wolf to Woof ­ Photo Gallery ­ National Geographic Magazine​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Is My Dog a Wolf? By: Jenni Bidner Bidner, Jenni. ​ Is My Dog a Wolf?: How Your Pet Compares to Its Wild Cousin​ . New York: Lark, 2006. Print. Why do Dogs have Wet Noses? By: Stanley Coren Coren, Stanley. ​ Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?​ Toronto: Kids Can, 2006. Print. Nature’s Children: Pet Dogs By: Frank Puccio Puccio, Frank. ​ Pet Dogs.​ Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational, 1997. Print. The Beauty of Dogs 37

By Kenneth Bailey Bailey, Kenneth. ​ The Beauty of Dogs​ . London: Ward Lock, 1972. Print. Picture of Person Next to Dog:­scien ce/t/dogs­not­chimps­most­humans/


Stephen​ Curry ​ By Matthew

SWISH!!! That is the sound a basketball makes as Stephen Curry makes a basket. Stephen Curry is a really interesting basketball player with a wonderful family and an amazing career.

His Family Stephen Curry was born on March 14, 1988, in Akron, Ohio, but he mainly grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina. His dad, Dell Curry, played in the NBA too and was really good. Stephen learned how to play basketball by watching and practicing with his father. His mom, Sonya, was a volleyball star in college. Stephen’s brother, Seth Curry, played on Duke’s basketball team and now plays for the Sacramento Kings. He is also a really good basketball player. Stephen’s sister, Sydel, followed in his mom’s footsteps and played volleyball in college. In July 2011, Stephen Curry married his college sweetheart, Ayesha. Their first daughter, Riley, was born a year later and attends many of his games. Their second daughter, Ryan, was born in 2015.

His Career Stephen Curry was drafted in 2009, in the first round as the 7th pick by the Golden State Warriors from Davidson College. Stephen wears the #30 jersey for the Golden State Warriors. At 6’3” he is currently averaging 30 points a game in the 2015­2016 season. His salary is $11,370,789. In 2015, Stephen led the Golden State Warriors to their first NBA championship in 40 years. He was on the All Star basketball team for 2015­2016 season. Stephen Curry has played in the NBA for 6 years. “Make sure you live in the 39

moment and work your butt off every single day, and I hope I inspire people all around the world to just be themselves, and be humble, and grateful for all the blessing in your life. I’m truly proud to be the MVP.”

Conclusion​ Stephen Curry is a really fun person to learn about.

Stephen Curry has become one of pro basketball’s top players with his stellar shooting skills. His beautiful wife and two daughters lead his cheering section on and off the court.

Bibliography ​​ . A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016 "Stephen Curry ­ G for the Golden State Warriors." ​ Stephen Curry​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26


​ Yorkie Teacups According to the Nest, “the best things come in small packages.” Did you know that in the Wizard of Oz, the dog (Toto) was illustrated as a yorkie, but in the film the dog was Cairn Terrier?

How Small Are Yorkie Teacups? Yorkie Teacups are in the top ten of the smallest dogs in the world. The these dogs are so small because when they are born, they only weigh 2.5 to 5.5 oz and at full grown they weigh 2.5 to 5.5 oz. They are so small they fit into teacups, but as they get older, they can grow out. And these dogs are sometimes considered unusually small.

How good is there Health? These small dogs may have many problems with their health, such as birth defects, teething problems, and much more. You also have to be careful of how small they are because if you are just walking and don't see the dog, you could step on the tiny dog and you and injure the dog, which may even result in death. The same goes with Yorkies falling off furniture, being hurt by a bigger dog, or even being hurt by children. Because these dogs are so small, there bones are frail and they do not have much fat. If you have children, make sure that they are careful with the dog.

What is the right way to feed these tiny dogs?

If you have this breed of dog, you need to know that you can’t overfeed these tiny dogs because they can't store fat like bigger dogs and with this certain dog they can get sick because they don't have a big stomach so if you overfeed them they will have to go to the bathroom. They also have a very small bladder, so be warned that they will have to go to the bathroom. On those cold days they with have to have a place to go to the bathroom inside because although they may like the snow, they may also get lost in the snow. 41

What is the background of Yorkie Teacups?

Yorkies used to hunt rats even though rats were less than half the size of them. This is why yorkies love the squeaky sound of play toys and are always on alert. At one time they were called “ratters” because they were always hunting rats. There was also a dog named smokey and she was a war hero. Smokey was found in a fox hole by an American soldier, and during the war, he took her around and she entertained the soldiers. She was also a therapy dog.

How do Yorkies look?

Yorkies have human like hair, unlike most dog who have fur. These dogs also have a single layer of hair, which results in them being hypoallergenic (doesn't sheed). This is similar to human hair, when you wash or brush it and a little hair comes out. They also have black and blond hair, and on their back, there is a hint of gray. These breeds usually can’t have babies because they are too little, so some female yorkies have to get c­sections to prevent having puppies. Most ways these yorkie teacups are born is from a bigger yorkie that can give birth to mostly yorkies, and one of two yorkie teacups. There are so many cool facts about yorkie teacups, such as they are in the top ten of smallest dogs in the world, and they weigh about 4.5 lbs. Although they may be small, they are have a whole lot of heart and personality. I hope you think about purchasing one of these tiny dogs.

​ Bibliography

About Teacup Yorkies." ​ Pets​ . By Adrienne Farricelli, Demand Media Google, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Mary. "30 Interesting Yorkie Facts ­" ​​ ., 22 June 2014. Web. 29 Jan. 2016 Google Images


W​ a​ l​ t​ D​ ​ i​ s​ n​ e​ y


Walt Disney is an amazing character who created dreams. His own dreams as a matter of fact.

Walt as a Youngling Walter Disney (Walt Disney) was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. He was born 4th out of 5 children. For four years in Chicago he grew up in a house that his father built. When he was four in 1905, he moved to a farm with his whole family and then shortly after sold the farm and moved to the big city of Kansas. He worked for his dad for six years as a newspaper boy. His mother encouraged him to be more creative and that’s how he became a legend.

Teenage Walt During World War 1, Walt faked his age to join the Red Cross Army. His mother even forged a legal document to change Walt’s age. While in the army, he fought in Paris. Once he left the army, he created educational films for federal agencies. And that’s where the magic began. Walt was addicted to trains, his father too. So him and his father worked on train tracks and trains themselves. Walt had been to an amusement park before and had dreamed of creating a low key amusement park. 43

Walt’s Early 20s Walt moved back to Chicago, Illinois and went to college. He met a man named Ub Iwerks and they ran a company together. While in the company together they went bankrupt, but went to Hollywood and created films called “Alice Comedies.” In 1927, the “Alice Comedies” were unsuccessful, but Walt then created Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. But unluckily, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit’s rights were stolen from Walt. Walt was sad and he decided to go home. While he was on a train on the way home, Walt was doodling and created Mickey Mouse. Films for Mickey Mouse were created in Hollywood.. The first two came out, but were disliked. So Walt decided to add sound to the third one and it was a huge hit. Mickey’s voice was played by Walt. Walt created more and more films for Mickey and finally Walt added Mickey’s friends to the show. Mickey’s friends were named Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, and Pluto. In fact, Mickey Mouse’s Clubhouse, (as it’s called now), is still being created. Walt then released Bumby, Pinocchio, and Bambi. The cool thing is everything Walt created was original. Walt’s best masterpiece was Mary Poppins. Walt received 59 nominations and 22 Oscar awards.

Disneyland Magic Walt only planned for a low­scale amusement park, but plans led to a 25,000 acre amusement park. Today attractions are still popping up everywhere. But let’s go back to when it was still being made. It started being built in 1954 when Walt was 53. Walt visited the park everyday. One day before opening, most things were still 44

unfinished. That night everyone got prepped to be working all night. Walt even helped paint one attraction. The day of opening prices were low. It was 50 cents for an adult and 25 cents for children to enter the park. It was also an extra 25­50 cents to get on a ride. In 2 years of opening, over 10 million people visited.

Walt’s Last Days Walt was rushed to the hospital on November 15, 20 1966 because of lung cancer. A month later, unfortunately, Walt died on December 15, 1966 at age 65. Walt died because he was a long time smoker (and I thought he was supposed to set a good example for kids). Walt’s ashes were spread at Forest Lawn Cemetery, California. Although Walt is dead, many children still look up to all the amazing things he has created. And even though Walt has died, Walt’s family still creates attractions. Ridley Pearson, a man inspired by Walt, created a seven book series called ​ Kingdom Keepers.

Citations 45​ "Biography." ​ IMDb​ ., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. y​ Nix, Elizabeth. "7 Things You May Not Know About Walt Disney." ​​ . A&E Television Networks, 24 Feb. 2015. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. 992621/​ Schane, Dominic. "Ask Will: Walt Disney's Last Words Were ... What?" Desert Sun​ . Will Torren, 20 Sept. 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.​ "Kingdom Keepers I: Disney After Dark - Ridley Pearson." R ​idley Pearson​ . Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Itunes, 2005. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. phy-36926237​ ​​ ​ . A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. n-swampland​ "Walt Disney World Video." ​ ​​ . A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.​​ Rothman, Lily. ​ "See Video of Walt Disney Preparing for Disneyland's Opening." T​ ime​ . Time, a.n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.​​ "Walt ​ Disney Biography Part 1 - TeacherTube." ​ TeacherTube​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2016. lt-disney-up-for-auction-in-new-york/​ ​ Celestino, Mike. "PHOTOS: Illustrated Scrapbook from a Teenage Walt Disney up for Auction in New York." I​ nside the Magic​ . N.p., 05 Nov. 2015. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.



by Jovan

How rare is gold​ ?

“Gold is so rare that all of it from history could fit in a box 20 meters in length!” Gold is rare because it’s a relatively hefty atom, consisting of 79 protons and 118 neutrons. Compared to other metals, gold is less chemically reactive. Gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity.

How much does gold cost? Gold costs $1000 per ounce, and per ounce of gold costs $1121.0o. All the gold in history until 2016 would cost $1.89 trillion dollars.

How much gold is there in the world? As of 2009, it has been estimated that humans mined 160,00o pieces of gold. Over the last 100 years, South Africa has been the biggest gold producer. China and Ghana witnessed population growth for gold. Indonesia is the 9th biggest gold producer in the world. They have made 100,000 kilograms of gold. The United States of America is the third biggest gold producer in the world. They have made 237,000 kilograms of gold. The biggest gold producer is China they have made 355,000 kilograms of gold. Patek Philippe super complication pocket watch. This item costs $11 million. 47

Why is Gold so heavy? Gold weighs about 31.1034768 grams brick per brick. Gold is so heavy because it is dense and each of its atoms are really heavy. Gold in atomic weight weighs 196.966569 g x mol­1. Gold is sure an amazing valuable and worth a lot and I hope you Know a lot about gold and its amazing facts after reading my article

Bibliography­gold­silver­how­rare­is­gold­.aspx ?contributor=Mike+Hewitt&article=1429238866G10020&redirect=False­price­per­ounce/­10pgold­producing­countries­in­the­world/­heavy­are­gold­bricks/




5 6

<​­content/uploads/2016/01/gold3.jpg​ > <​­content/uploads/2013/11/gold.jpg​ >


Horses By Avery

​ You hop on a horse, worried about what comes next, then you realize how great these creatures really are. You look more into them and then you realize “I truly love these animals.”


​ ​

Interesting Facts Horses use their eyes, ears, and facial expressions to tell their feelings. Horses don’t run, they canter, trot, or gallop. They do this by switching their leg movements, called switching their gates. When they canter they have two feet on the ground. When they gallop they don’t have any feet on the ground. Trotting they have three feet on the ground.

More than 50 million years ago, a dog­like creature about a foot high was found eating fruit and leaves. It was found in a forest in North America. This creature had a hoof at the end of it’s foot, instead of a paw. Scientist found this creature's bones more than a century ago and they decided to name the creature ​ Echiopsis ​ , or known as Dawn Horse. More of these horse like animals went extinct about the same time as the mammoth. Horses all over the world were dying, because horses were being hunted, People now say that the horses were brought by the explorers on their journey


​ In this picture the horses is trotting

to the new world in the 1500’s and have been there ever since. They were introduced to the Native Americans. The Native American then used them to travel, this made the natives travel easier. Some used them to hunt buffalo, they would use bows or spears on horseback. Then people rode carriages and buggies, that was around the 1900’s. The horses were being sold and bought because the people used them to get a lot of money. Horses were later taken into war. “When war began in 1914 the British army possessed a mere ​ 25,000 horses​ .” Taken from the website “ History of Horses during WW1” They wanted the horses to take guns, explosives, armor, and carry the wounded people. They wanted to have half a million horses to take to the war. The government took the horses from the farmers, or anyone who had one. During this time many horses were killed, or injured. Most of the horses that survived were sold to the butchers. ​ As you now know horses have

been used a lot of different ways in many years. Now people use them differently than before, hopefully 51

you will soon ride a horse again and now a lot about them.


"Horse." ​ Amazing Facts about Horses | OneKind​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2016. "History of Horses during WWI." ​ HISTORY​ . N.p., 25 June 2013. Web. 09 Feb. 2016. "About." ​ PBS​ . PBS, 14 Nov. 1999. Web. 09 Feb. 2016.


Nasa Have you ever wondered what does Nasa do?

History of Nasa

“Nasa was created in October 1958 by Dwight D Eisenhower.” Nasa was created to provide help in order to create space crafts to go outside the Earth’s atmosphere and for other things to. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 and a technology gap crisis became part of the cold war. The first project that Nasa did was called project Mercury. It was to make sure that humans could survive in space flight .

Planets Explored

Nasa discovered an Earth­like planet that is Orbiting a Star. It is called Kepler 452b. Nasa found the planet while on the kepler mission orbiting in a habitable zone around a Sun like zone. They found a new planet and they named it Diamond planet. This planet is like a engagement ring on a giant. Scientists in August found a distant planet that is a Diamond. I don’t mean that the surface is a Diamond we literally mean that the Planet is a Diamond. Almost the whole entire planet is Diamond. Now do you know a little bit about Nasa and what they were made for. 53​ Don’t Know?­discovers­earth­planet/​ Tessa Bernesen​ Evan Hoovler

Citations "NASA History." ​ NASA History​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016 "NASA Discovers New Earth­Like Planet." ​ Time​ . Time, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. 9 Real­life Planets so Outrageous You'd Swear They Were Sci­fi." ​ Blastr​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016


Siamese Cats By: Mayra

Introduction Have you ever heard that Siameses exist in more than one breed? You may not know much about Siamese cats, but this article is here to teach you about the siamese breeds: Seal Point Siamese, Lynx Point Siamese, Red Point Siamese, Blue Point Siamese, Lilac Point Siamese, Tortie Point Siamese, and Chocolate Point Siamese.

Siamese Breeds There are 7 siamese breeds. The Seal Point Siamese is the Siamese you usually imagine when you think of siameses. Then, the Lynx Point Siamese is a mix between a Seal Point Siamese and a Tabby. For it to be a Lynx Point Siamese, faces should have well­defined stripes around the eyes, nose and cheeks, spotted whisker pads and an 'M'­shaped marking on the forehead. A chocolate Point Siamese has cream fur and chocolate highlights. Seal and Chocolate Point Siamese look very alike! The Blue Point Siamese is related to the Seal Point Siamese as a Paler version of the darker, brownish­black Seal Point Siamese. Lilac Points have Russian Blue cat lines in there genes. Lilac Points are very pale, with pinkish­toned, light grey ears, tail, and paws. They are the palest out of the four major breed colors, which are Seal, Chocolate, Blue, and Lilac. A Red Point Siamese has a warm, creamy white coat, brilliant intense blue eyes, bright reddish­gold points and paw pads, noses, and eye rims are pink. Last, the Tortie Point Siamese. You must be wondering, “well, where did a Tortie Point Siamese come from?” It has genes from Seal, Blue, Chocolate, and Lilac Points. 55

A Siamese Attitude Siameses love to play. It is the best thing they like to do. They are also very talkative, so don’t get one if you want a nice, quiet home. They need a lot of attention. Siamese cats don’t need a specific food. And Siameses are very interesting to learn about.



By: Berkeley McKinnon ​ Picture that you are on a picnic with

your boyfriend. He goes down on his knees and pulls out a diamond ring. Have you ever wondered how those diamonds are formed?

Interesting Fact According to Brilliant Earth, “The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that diamonds were tears cried by the gods or splinters from falling stars, and Romans believed that Cupid’s arrows were tipped with diamonds (perhaps the earliest association between diamonds and romantic love).”

Formation of Diamonds Diamonds can only be scratched by other diamonds. Isn’t that weird? Diamonds are formed when pure carbon is crystallized under a lot of pressure and heat in the earth. Diamonds are formed about 100 miles below the surface of the upper mantle. We cannot go into the earth’s mantle to see how how hot it is, but we know it must be very scalding. The combination of temperature and high pressure is what you need to grow a diamond. Many are mined in Kimberley, an area of South America. Diamonds are usually found in Kimberlite rock. Diamonds are very hard to crush because they are the hardest known natural material. Carbon­containing minerals provide the carbon source, and the growth occurs over 57

Interesting Fact

The word “diamond” originally came from the greek word “adamas,”

periods from 1 billion to 3.3 billion years.

History of Diamonds In India in the 1700’s, they were panning for gold at local rivers when they discovered diamonds. In the 1800’s, Europeans and people on America found diamonds too. People were starting to find diamonds in more places rather than just in India. In the early 1900’s, they started to find diamonds that were about 3 million ​ carats​ . In the later 1900’s, they started to find diamonds that were really big (100 million carats​ ). Since then, scientists have started to find more about diamonds are their history.

Steps to Make a Diamond Ring When you make a diamond ring, there are some steps to doing it. One of the first things you do is turn the metal to fit the diamond. Then the ​ claws are made for the design of the ​ shank​ . Next the ​ claws are attached to the shank. Next metal is filed and shaped. The claws are then polished and will be shaped to fit the diamond. Last,


which means invincible or indestructible.

a final polish is put on the ring to make it perfect and shiny. Diamonds are now found all over the world. They form under heat and pressure, have become more popular over time, and through a lengthy process, can become a beautiful ring. Don’t you know, diamonds are a girls best friend?

Glossary Claws: ​ The part of the ring that holds the diamond Shank: ​ The band of the ring Carat: ​ A unit of weight for precious stones


Mosher, By Dave. "How Are Diamonds Made?" ​ LiveScience​ . TechMedia Network, 13 Nov. 2012. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. 59

Gian, Paul. "Discover How Diamonds Are Formed In Nature." ​ Discover How Are Diamonds Formed In Nature​ ., 2015. Web. 01 Feb. 2016. Perron, Celeste. "15 Amazing Facts about Diamonds | Brilliant Earth."​ Brilliant Earth Blog 15 Amazing Facts about Diamonds Comments​ . BRILLIANT EARTH, LLC, 18 Jan. 2016. Web. 01 Feb. 2016. "Diamond History and Lore." ​ Diamond History and Lore​ . Gemological Institute of America Inc., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.


By Sydney Why are there so many facts about Disney? There are very many false facts about Disney, but the true facts are so interesting and surprising, some might even scare you. Here you will see the true and only true facts of Disney.

Movie facts 1. Wallie was named after Walt Disney. 2. Sully from Monsters Inc took 12 hours to make one outline frame for about 1 second of the movie. 3. Mickey Mouse was the first non­human to get a star on the hollywood walk of fame. 4. Actress Amy Adams dress in the movie Enchanted weighed a whopping 45 pounds! 5. Prince Charming was never named and we will never know his name, or will we? 6. Boo from Monsters Inc real name is Mary.It can be seen on a picturemThat on her wall. 61

Park Facts 1. The Walt Disney Resort in Florida is as big as San Francisco. 2. DisneyLand was going to have a land of OZ but it was never constructed. 3. If you hate large crowds, go to the parks in January because most kids are in school and some people think it is too cold to go. 4. Doritos were invented in Disneyland. 5. There are underground tunnels in Walt Disney World Florida. 6. There are so called basket ball courts in the Matter Horne ride ,but are used for storage. Well now you know some Disney facts that you didn’t know so remember these facts if you EVER go to any Disney parks.

Citation "90 Facts You Didn't Know about Disney." N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2016. <​­disney­facts/​ >. "40 Strange Facts You Probably Don't Know About Disney Theme Parks." ​ LifeBuzz​ . N.p., 13 Oct. 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2016. <​­facts/​ >.


Kangaroos By: Alex Boing! Boing! What is that mysterious hopping animal you see? It’s a kangaroo. Kangaroos are marsupials, meaning they have a pouch to carry the young inside. You are about to learn all about that leaping animal, the kangaroo!!

Species of Kangaroos There are many different species of kangaroos. The main types are red, eastern gray, western gray, and tree kangaroos. The gray kangaroo can run about 35 mph short distances. Ranging at about 6ft tall, it is the heaviest of all kangaroos. The eastern gray kangaroo lives on the eastern coast of Australia and other islands. The Western Gray kangaroo lives on the western coast. The red kangaroo is about 7 ft tall and about 200lbs. The males are red, while the females are bluish­gray. The females nickname is “blue fliers.” In some cases the color is the opposite of males and females. They usually live in grasslands and inland plains. During the mating season, the male creates a red substance in his throat which he rubs on his back. The redder color is supposed to impress females. Last but not least, the tree kangaroo. This kangaroo is much different from the others as its hind legs are smaller. It is the only kangaroo to move each of its hind legs at a different time as it uses them to crawl on tree branches to retrieve vegetation to eat. The tree kangaroo can jump about 20 feet high


and about 50 feet downward!! It spends most of the time in the trees eating food.

Kangaroo Behavior The kangaroos are most active at night and rest in the morning under bushes. Have you ever wondered how a kangaroo hops so far? Well, “inside each leg is a tendon, like a large elastic band, which attaches the powerful leg muscle to the bone. When the kangaroo lands its legs bend, stretching the tendon tight and causing the muscle to contract.” writes photographer Bill Ivy the author of Our World Wildlife: Kangaroos, “On its next jump the leg muscle stretches and the tendon snaps back to it original size. This propels the kangaroo forward.” The kangaroos scientific name is ​ Macropodidae​ , which means “big foot. The kangaroo’s foot is actually about 3 feet long! That is ½ the height size of 6 ft tall L.A Clippers NBA Basketball player Chris Paul! Kangaroos live in mobs. These groups range from about 10­20 members. Kangaroos are usually calm creatures, until two different males are captivated by the same female or the “old man” (the leader of the mob) is challenged by another male kangaroo. The way the kangaroos solve this is a kickboxing match! In the beginning, the two males strut around each other and wait for an opening. While standing on their back legs they punch each other lightly. As the match progresses, they might lean on their tails and kick the other! Sometimes a kangaroo can get tossed up in the air by the other challenger! The only way of mobility is hopping or crawling on all fours. A kangaroo diet mainly consists of plants such as flowers, leaves, ferns, and moss. They discover these foods in forests, woodlands, and plains, where they live. Sometimes they eat insects. Though the kangaroo is very alert even in its sleep, it still is sometimes predated by human­caused


vanishing habitat and pythons. The younger kangaroos are sometimes killed by dingoes, foxes, and eagles. You’ve learned all about the kangaroo from the species to its amazing behavior! Next time you are in Australia look for the hopping kangaroo!

Bibliography "Basic Facts About Kangaroos." ​ Defenders of Wildlife​ . N.p., 06 Apr. 2012. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. "Grey Kangaroo." ​ Grey Kangaroo​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. "Eastern Gray Kangaroos, Eastern Gray Kangaroo Pictures, Eastern Gray Kangaroo Facts ­ National Geographic." ​ National Geographic​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Bradford, By Alina. "Kangaroo Facts." ​ LiveScience​ . TechMediaNetwork, 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. "Kangaroo." National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Kangaroo Jumping​ . Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Eastern Gray Kangaroo Bounding​ . Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Tree Kangaroo​ . Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2016. Wild Dog​ . Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.


The History of dogs By Jackson Smith The first type of dog that was purposely fed was the wolf. There are thirty seven types of wolves. This is where dogs began.

A dog by a man's side There are hundreds of different types of dogs around the world. Some dogs are restricted to a small area. Many dogs traveled with man on his various journeys, but only some dogs were equipped to do it through the tough terrain. Now and a days, dogs are more likely to be left at home instead of being on a trip with their family. Some dogs were used to track animals and they still do it today. The greatest number of different types of hounds were developed in France. Pharaoh dogs are really fast so they have been trained to hunt bunnies.

Dog Breeds Golden Retriever Golden Retrievers come in many shades of gold. They usually have their final color at one year old. To know what color they will be, you can look at their ears. Golden Retriever male dogs have a more intriguing head shape. Golden retrievers live up to 10 to 13 years. 66

German Shepherd They have medium hair on their body. They are usually used as police dogs or military dogs. They will need a long walk and jog for their exercise. If you want a brave and intelligent dog this is perfect for you. They live 9 to 13 years. They were originally used for herding sheep.

Australian Shepherd They were originally used as a farm dog. They have medium size hair. They are used today as a companion dog. They need a long walk and a jog each day. They are a medium size breed. They live up to 13 ­ 15 years old.

ST. Bernard They live up to 8­10 years. They need a long walk every day. They were originally used as guard dogs. Today they are used as a companion dog. Ther hair could be long or short and they do shed. They get really big.


Bibliography <​­pictures/Australian­Shepherd­2.jpg​ > <​​ > <​­golden­retriever­face.jpg​ > <​­content/uploads/2014/05/golden­retriever­information­names.jpg​ > <​​ > http://www.all­about­­about­golden­retrievers.html­shepherd­dog­retriever­bernard­shepherd



Did you know the Giraffe has a 6 foot tall leg and has a tongue of 53cm? Keep on reading and you will find out more interesting facts about the giraffe!

Giraffes are the tallest mammal The Giraffe is about 14­19ft tall and could look out a two story window on flat foot. Its neck is 1.8 meters thick and could breeze through tall leaves on trees. When they sleep, their neck stretches to the back of the rump. They have a sleep cycle called the REM (Rapid eye movement), but that is about a six minute nap. Another Giraffe is keeping lookout when the other sleeps, then switches off. The neck weighs 600 pounds of the 1,750 to 2,800 pound animal. They have front legs that are 1.8 meter long, with two back legs a little shorter.They have a heart that's two feet long and lungs can hold 12 gallons on air. Babies are born 6 feet tall and grow an inch a day.

Giraffes spend most of their life standing Giraffes give birth and sleep standing. They can stand for one half an hour straight without sitting down. Giraffes only spend 5 minutes laying down! They are usually roaming around looking for some nice leaves to munch on. They can run 35 miles per hour and cruise comfortably at 10 miles per hour.

Giraffling facts Young giraffes gather in nursery groups till they are 5 months old. No 2 giraffes have the same spot pattern. Research shows, “The name Giraffe​ ​ Camelopardalis m ​eans the one who walks quickly and a camel spotted like a leopard.” They live about 25 years and their neck has the 69

same vertebrae bones as the human neck. “The hair that makes up the Giraffe’s tail is 10 times thicker than a strand of human hair.” When a giraffe is drinking it is the most dangerous time because they might get attacked. When a giraffe stands in front of a bush or tree its spots blend in with the sunlight. “They have blush tongues, which are tough and covered in bristly hair to help them eat thorny Acacia trees.” Now you know the Giraffe is the tallest animal, spend most of their life standing, and Giraffling facts.

Bibliography "Giraffe." ​ Amazing Facts about Giraffes | OneKind​ . OneKind, 2010. Web. 21 Jan. 2016 "Giraffes, Giraffe Pictures, Giraffe Facts ­ National Geographic." ​ National Geographic​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016

"Giraffe | AWF." ​ African Wildlife Foundation​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.

"Mammals | Giraffe." ​ Giraffe​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. "Giraffe Facts ­ African, Habitat, Neck, Tongue, Interesting Information."​ Giraffe Facts ­ African, Habitat, Neck, Tongue, Interesting Information​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2016. Google images: ​ <h ​ttps://­2wDE/maxresdefault.jpg


America’s most popular breed Did you know the labrador retriever has won the contest to decide what dog is most popular for 22 years straight, they originated on the nearby island of Newfoundland.

LAB JOBS The lab could be a Fisherman's helper because it could catch fish, a R​ etriever for hunters​ , an assistance dog to the handicapped people because the lab is super smart, a show competitor with such define beauty, or a search and rescue dog.

Coat and color The labs fur is short and straight. The soft coat provides protection from cold weather and water. The coat colors are black, yellow, and chocolate. Black dogs are black, yellow labs are from light red to light cream, and chocolate labs can vary from light to dark brown.

INTERESTING FACTS “Too much confinement and not enough exercise can lead to rambunctiousness and destructive chewing.”


, quoted by Michele watson. Labrador Retrievers are very hardworking, loyal, and friendly dogs. They were bred as hunting dogs, but they also make nice working dogs or family pets. Some main features of the lab are there broadheads, powerful jaws, and floppy ears. Did you know labs normally weigh 55 to 80 lbs (25 to 36kg)? The labs tail is thick at the base and sharpens to a point, it is called an otter tail. The labs feet and legs are strong and muscular. Their webbed feet make them good swimmers. If you want a dog who... ● Is large and bouncy, with a very happy attitude toward life ● Has a short coat that can be easily taken care of ● Has a cheerful and tail­wagging nature ● Loves exercise and athletic activities ● Is super calm and dependable with everyone ● Is very peaceful with other animals ● It’s easy to please and is very quick at training ...than the lab is the dog for you! 72

WEBSITES "Labrador Retreiver." National Labrador Retriever Club, Inc., n.d.Web­breeds/​ labrador​ ­​ retriever Scheunemann, Pam, and Bob Doucet. ​ Lovely Labrador Retrievers​ . Edina, MN: ABDO Pub., 2009. Print. MacAulay, Kelley, Bobbie Kalman, and Marc Crabtree. ​ Labrador Retrievers​ . New York: Crabtree Pub., 2007. Print.


Gravity By: Max Tilghman

No one knows what gravity is but we know how it works in the universe. Gravity is a force that attracts 2 masses. All objects are affected by gravity. We can observe the effects of gravity when we pour cereal into a bowl. It falls into the bowl instead of just floating around. Pluto has the least gravity. In fact the bigger the planet the better gravitational pull. Have you ever wondered what it would be like without gravity? It would not be pleasant. You would not just be floating around, The atmosphere would start to come apart, we would die. Water would float up and the trees would die, so we would have no oxygen causing us to die.

The discoverer Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity in 1666. He wrote theories on gravity. He lived from 1642 to 1727. He was born in England and “​ He was a man of many talents including: astronomy, mathematics, physics, and alchemy.”

Gravity Facts Gravity holds all of the planets in orbit of the sun. Moons orbit planets because they do not have enough gravity to be their own planet.

“​ Newton's laws discusses how gravity keeps the Solar System together.” ​ All objects with ​ mass are affected by gravity. We would definitely not be able to survive without gravity.


Bibliography Coffey, Jerry. "Who Discovered Gravity? ­ Universe Today." ​ Universe Today​ . N.p., 03 Feb. 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2016. "Gravity Facts and Information for Kids | KidsKonnect." ​ KidsKonnect​ . N.p., 20 Dec. 2007. Web. 28 Jan. 2016.


P​ H​ O​ N​ E​ S​ :)

by: Mariah Schmeling Research shows “Phones have changed dramatically since Alexander Graham Bell spoke the first words into a telephone on March 10, 1876,” says Ben Zigterman, writer of BGR. Most adults spend 8 hours and 45 minutes on media devices, texting, calling, e­mailing, and on social media. We usually don’t think about how we can hear the other person while calling, or how much phones have changed when asking Siri what the weather is.

How Do Phones Transmit Sound? When you speak into a phone, your voice is turned into an electrical signal inside the phone using phone bars. Then, your digitalized voice is converted and transmitted into radio waves, and travels to the nearest cellular network/cell tower. The radio waves are then absorbed and reflected by objects in between the tower and transferred to sound by the other phone. A phone is like a smarter and more sophisticated walkie­talkie, or like a portable computer. Inside each phone is a radio antenna, which helps transmit and receive voice using electricity, magnetic energy, and wireless energy, or otherwise known as wi­fi. Every phone uses their antennas to interact with other phones and the internet. Also, the two­way communication signal’s strength depends on the phone’s bars. To save energy, phones vary transmission strength, using only its’ strong signal to connect with cell towers. This usually happens when you aren’t using your phone often. Even though this seems like it would take a long time, the process of voice transmission only takes about a second. 76

​ Phone History The first launched and used telephone was a directional transmission device (used to only call/hear voice). This was used by Alexander Graham Bell, on March 10, 1876. From then on, because of phones, the world, our culture, and how we communicate has been changing dramatically over time. The next most popular telephone was the candlestick phone, used in the 1890s to 1930s. This was a two­pieces phone with the mouth to talk into, and the receiver, which was placed by the ear to hear. This quickly died out in the 30s when the new rotary phone was invented. Rotarys were used by rotating the dial to the wanted number, then releasing dial, continuing this process until the number was completed. Even though this was a successful phone, it had limited interaction, and took long to dial/call. The first answering machine was invented in 1935, but started to be popular in the 1960s. Answering machines replaced many tape recorders, allowing people to leave messages if the person they were trying to call was unavailable. In the past ten years, most people just use their phone voicemail (a mini answering machine inside the phone.) Decades after the rotary, the first push button phone, the bell push button, was launched on ​ November 18, 1963​ , replacing the rotary. This was used by using a keypad to dial, with the separate speaker attached. Then, on April 3, 1973, the first portable phone or cordless phone was invented and began to be popular in the 1980s. This was the first phone that wasn’t physically attached to a mini base station, saving hundreds of people from walking across the house to reach the phone. These early phones were considered “car phones,” which were just for talking and much larger than our phones today. In 1983, the first pocket phone was invented, changing dramatically in size. The first flip phone was invented in 1996, the motorola starTAC. This was also the first successful consumer phone and sold over 60 77

million. The most common phone today, the IPhone, started on June 29, 2007. This was the first and most common smartphone/touch­screen, and the first phone that was used for more than just calling. From then on, millions of people have been using IPhones, and the IPhone has been changing ever since, getting better, smarter, and more popular. Phones today are replacing many cameras, video cameras, maps, and much more. They are also being used as a multimedia tool, and are becoming a “cultural pop symbol.”

Interesting Facts: Did you know….. 6 out of 7 billion people in the world have phones. The most popular phone companies and phone brands today are Verizon Wireless, T­Mobile, Sprint, AT&T, Samsung, and Apple. Apple has sold over 700 million phones to people all around the world. From 2008­2015, over 1923.4 million phones have been sold across the globe. From March 10, 1876, to 2016, hundreds of phones have been either tested, invented, or launched, and billions of people around the globe are using their phones every day. Phones are being used in many ways from texting, Google, Google Maps, Siri, games, calendars, and so much more to just plain old calling. Look around you. How many people do you know or see using their phone?

Bibliography "How Do Mobile Phones Work?| Explore |" ​ How Do Mobile Phones Work?| Explore |​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016 ​­questions.asp?id=82 Engel, Joshua. "How Do Phones Transfer Your Voice to Another Phone?" ​ ­ Quora​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.­do­phones­transfer­your­voice­to­another­phone Wang, Rong. "How Do Cell Phones Work?" ​ Pong: Making the Case for Cell Phone Radiation Protection​ . N.p., 20 Dec. 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. ​­phones­work/ Zigterman, Ben. "How We Stopped Communicating like Animals: 15 Ways Phones Have Evolved." ​ BGR​ . N.p., 13 Dec. 2013. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. ​­timeline­a­brief­history­of­the­phone/


"The History and Evolution of Cell Phones." ​ The Art Institutes Blog​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. ://­history­and­evolution­of­cell­phones Wang, Yue. "More People Have Cell Phones Than Toilets, U.N. Study Shows |" ​ NewsFeed More People Have Cell Phones Than Toilets UN Study Shows Comments​ . Time Inc., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.​­people­have­cell­phones­than­toilets­u­n­study­shows/ Leggett, Jonathan. "History of Mobile Phones | What Was the First Mobile Phone?" ​ USwitch Mobile Phone Deals​ . USwitch Limited, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. ​­of­mobile­phones/ Costello, Sam. "How Many IPhones Have Been Sold Worldwide?" ​ Tech​ ., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.​­many­iphones­sold.htm Lee, Adrian. "40 Years of the Mobile Phone: Top 20 Facts." ​ Express​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.­style/science­technology/388974/40­years­of­the­mobile­phone­Top­20­facts MailOnline, Madlen Davies for. "Average Person Now Spends More Time on Their Phone and Laptop than SLEEPING, Study Claims." ​ Mail Online​ . Associated Newspapers, 11 Mar. 2015. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.­2989952/How­technology­taking­lives­spend­time­phones­laptops­SLEEPI NG.html Stieren, Carl. "November 18, 1963 – Push Button Telephone." ​ It Happened in the 60s RSS​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.­18­1963­introduction­of­the­push­button­telephone/ "The FCC Kids Zone ­ History of Answering Machines." ​ The FCC Kids Zone ­ History of Answering Machines​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.​

Hiskey, Daven. "15 Fascinating Cell Phone Related Facts You Probably Didn't Know." ​ Today I Found Out​ . N.p., 30 Sept. 2014. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.­fascinating­cell­phone­related­facts­probably­didnt­know/

Google Images


What is a Black Hole What is a Black Hole? A region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape it. Black holes come in regions of sizes, but there are three main types of black holes called stellar, supermassive, and miniature. The black hole’s ​ mass​ and size determines what type of a black hole it is.

Will the Sun Turn Into as Black Hole? The sun does not have enough​ mass ​ to turn into a black hole. In billions of years when the sun dies it will turn into a ​ giant red star​ . Only stars with large ​ masses​ can become black holes. Our sun for example doesn’t have a lot of ​ mass ​ to turn into a black hole.


Can Light Escape? Newton (scientist who discovered gravity) thought that only objects with ​ mass​ could produce a gravitational force on each other. Applying Newton’s theory of gravity, one would conclude that since light has no mass​ , the force of gravity can’t really affect it. Although the light can bend. Let’s say there is a star behind a giant planet. We see the star next to the giant planet instead of behind.

Is a Black Hole a Ginormous Cosmic Vacuum Cleaner 80

The answer is not really. To understand this, consider why the force of gravity is so strong when it’s close to a black hole. The gravity of a black hole isn’t that special. It doesn’t attract matter at large distances differently than any other object does. All objects can attract any type of matter at large distances.

Did You Know ​ black holes are spheres? Did You Know ​ that you can’t see a black hole even if you are in space? Did You Know ​ a common type of a black hole is produced by some dying stars? Did You Know ​ when black holes were first hypothesized they were called “invisible stars”? Did You Know ​ a black hole can be found by observing the stars and gas? around it Did You Know ​ our Milky Way most likely has a black hole?

Glossary Mass​ : the measurement for the amount of matter in an object Red Giant Star:​ A star that is larger than the sun and red because it has low temperature White Dwarf Star:​ A small star, about the size of the earth, one of the last stages in a star’s life

FUN FACTS 1. A clock runs really slow when it is near a black hole 81

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Black holes can be infinitely big The closest black hole to earth is 1,600 light years away The gravitational pull of a black hole can slow down time Some think every black hole has a universe inside Scientists think there are white holes It is possible that one black hole can “kick” another black hole out of the galaxy 8. Black holes can produce material at nearly the speed of light 9. Black holes are the densest objects in the universe 10. Stars collapse in on themselves after death and black holes will form from them


Dunbar, Brian. "What Is a Black Hole?" ​ NASA​ . NASA, 30 Sept. 2008. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Howell, Elizabeth. "10 Amazing Facts About Black Holes ­ Universe Today."​ Universe Today.​ N.p., 22 Jan. 2015. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.


​ How​ Coins Are Made

By Nathan Have you ever thought how coins are made? Or have you thought about learning cool facts about coins? If so, you're reading the perfect article to learn about amazing information about how coins are made and cool facts about them too. So let’s get started.

The Process of Coins First, ​ the U.S. Mint uses strips of metal about 13 inches wide and 1,500 feet long. After that, the strips of metal go through a machine that makes the coin in its form. The machine is called a blanking press. These coins can be made into quarters, dimes, nickels, half dollars, and one dollar coins. Now the coins go through one of the most important processes called annealing. In this process the coins are heated up around 1500 ​ degrees​ so it can be soften to work easier with. Then, the coins get there rims raised and this part is called proto­rim. After that soon enough you get the coins get their face look on it also known as getten it anived on. 800 coins can be anviled every minute! After so there are a bunch of workers ​ inspecting​ , counting, and bagging the coins. Soon they get shipped to Federal Reserve Banks. Federal Reserve Banks are Federal Reserve Bank is a regional bank of the Federal Reserve System.


Fact about Coins Ever wonder what coins are made of? well read this and you can find out. According to Anson, Ashby, and, others from the website AZO Materials,“​ copper​ , ​ nicke​ l and ​ zinc ​ are used to make ordinary coins.” Pennies were made from copper but, when they were being made in war time, the pennies were also made from steel mixed with zinc. Want to know all the coins in America and their price? Be ready to read and find out the facts. Pennies are 1 cent Nickels are 5 cents Dimes are 10 cents Quarters are 25 cents Half dollars are 50 cents One dollar coins are 100 cents or 1$

In conclusion, that is how coins are made and some very interesting facts about coins too. Hopefully, you learned some new things about coins, and learned a couple new words. If you enjoyed learning about coins, maybe you would also like to know about other country’s coins, it would be pretty cool right?

Dictionary Nickel­ a silvery­white metal or a 5 cent coin 84

Zinc­ a silvery­white metal Degrees­ a temperature Inspecting­ look at something or someone very carefully Copper­ a red­brown metal

Glossary annealing­ How Coins Are Made anived­ How Coins Are Made

Biography URL:​­currency­coins.html "US Currency Coins, Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter, Dollar, Half Dollar." US Currency Coins, Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter, Dollar, Half Dollar​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.

What Metals and Materials Are Used in US Coins and Banknotes?" ​ What Metals and Materials Are Used in US Coins and Banknotes?​ N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2016. URL:​ URL:​ "How Coins Are Made." ​ How Coins Are Made​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2016. Picture Links: 85

From Google Pictures­junk­bag­coins.jpg


Golden Retrievers by: Lauren S.

Have you ever thought about getting a dog, maybe a golden retriever? The golden retriever is one of the most playful and happy dogs. They are loving and loyal, and energetic!

Where and How Golden Retrievers Were Made The golden retriever was developed in britain by Lord Tweedmouth in the 19th century. The golden retriever became very popular in the British integrity. This dog was designed to be a hunting dog. When the golden retriever was made, it was not designed to be a watchdog. The golden retriever is not a very mean dog. It was developed to bark at strangers to say hello. The golden retriever is one of the world’s most popular dogs.

What the Golden Retriever Looks Like The golden retriever is a large dog with a broad head and floppy ears. The dog’s tail is otter­like. This dog comes in several shades of gold. Their fur is medium to long and very wavy. The golden has feathers on the underbody, legs, feet, ears, and tail. Golden retrievers shed a lot of hair, so they will be keeping you very busy. 87

What a Golden Weighs A male golden retriever is about 23 or 24 inches tall. A male can weigh up to 65 to 75 pounds. A female golden retriever is about 21.5 or 22.5 inches tall. A female can weigh about 55 to 65 pounds. But these golden retrievers can weigh more than 55, 65, or 75, pounds!

A Golden Retrievers Personality A golden retriever is known for it’s great hunting, retrieving, and companion. This dog is great in both water and land retrieval of toys, and drugs. The golden retriever is a fantastic search and rescue dog. A golden has a very high or moderate activity level. Research states that “the golden retriever is a very loving, loyal, and a great family dog.” says ​ This dog loves playing with children and is great with other dogs. This kind of dog needs and asks for a lot of attention. This dog needs daily exercise and has a tolerant attitude. The golden retriever is great at tracking or sniffing out drugs and is great at dog sports. The golden is a very smart type of dog. This dog is a very hard working dog. Now that you have learned about the golden retriever, how loving and loyal, smart, happy, playful, and energetic, they are. Don’t you want a dog right now?

Bibliography ­ "History of the Golden Retriever." ​ History of the Golden Retriever​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 88

2016.​ html ­ "Golden Retriever | Breed History, Information and Pictures ­ Pet360 Pet Parenting Simplified." ​ Pet360.​ N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.​­about­golden ­retrievers/wkfrWoumJUWyw4YPuG7O1Q?intcid=​ Link art ­ ​­content/uploads2/2015/10/golden­retriever5.jpg​ > ­ ​ <​­content/uploads/2014/05/golden­retriever­information­names.jpg​ > ­ <​­content/uploads/2014/12/golden­retriever.jpg​ > ­ <​­golden­retriever­istock­600.jpg​ > ­ <​­love/family.jpg​ >


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