Pins Pins and More Pins, by Kenon McKissack

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Pins Pins Pins & re o M

by Kenon McKissack

What Are Lapel Pins?

A lapel pin is a small pin worn on clothi ng, o lapel of a jacke ften worn on the t. frequently used Lapel pins are as symbols of achievement an d belonging in different organizations. Lapel pins from o often collected rganizations are non-members by members and ali pin collecting h ke. In recent years, as also become a popular hobby .


I collect lapel pins. I’ve

a team or a brand I endorse.

some pretty awesome places

been collecting for almost

I collect pins from small town

that would have remained

ten years now. I currently

thrift shops and boutiques, like

hidden to me otherwise.

own a collection of over 50

the Belmont Army Surplus. The

pins. My collection would

rarer the better for me. Most

be even bigger, if friends and

times I find the best pins in

family didn’t “borrow” any.

shops I probably wouldn’t ever

I started to collect them my junior year of high school when I decided to sport them on my clothing as a way to stand out of the crowd more. I’ve always preferred a personalized

enter for any other reason. I think that’s one of the biggest reasons I’ve been drawn to pins. Often times they’ve taken me out of my comfort zone

I plan on collecting pins for as long as I’m alive, and then passing them on to my children. I’ll try to make it so my collection will portray my life experience better than I can in the case I lose my mind to old age.

and helped me stumble across

touch to my look. Pins were the perfect way to accomplish that on my tight budget. The first pin I ever owned was from the ’69 Woodstock concert, I wound up selling it after a while to collect newer different pins. I like rare, expressive pins. Most of the pins I own reflect things that I believe in, or enjoy. They either say things I would say, but shouldn’t say out loud, or portray something like 33

l ape l , lly ica e been he r o t t v His ns ha with he i p iated nd t s. a ic oc ass ilitary f polit m ld o r wo

A BRIEF HISTORY Chinese fired enamelware is among the most recognizable of all enameled designs. The Chinese advanced enameling techniques and then used them to create stunning pins. In the early twenty-first century, pairs of large, worked-silver clasps are used by women of nomadic groups in North Africa.

The fibula is used to fasten garments with a simple pin spring, and catch plate mechanism, during the classical period. The structural design of a fibula resembles that of a modern safety pin!

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k began unique loo to form s n a i t its ire gyp ago, E he lapel pin g together w s r a e y es t rin 3,800 hat giv were solde ree pieces. t g n i l s ename B.C., artist orative filig 0 ec 0 d 8 1




Boutonnières, a floral decoration worn by men, were worn before lapel pins became popular.


Lapel pins as we know them today likely come from the decorative enameled objects found in both ancient and modern societies. Lapel pins can be ornamental or can indicate a wearer’s affiliation with an organization or cause.


Did You Know In the USSR and the Pe ople’s R epub lic of C hina, the prom inent lapel pins w it h port raits of Lenin and Mao Z edong, resp ec tively, were wor n by yout h as wel l as by C omm unist part y membe rs or pe ople w ho felt like show ing thei r of fici al polit ic al cr edo


Pins come in all shapes and sizes.There are all kinds of pins for everyone all ages Pins have become global symbols of party

affiliation, group membership, and fan loyalty.


sR Pin


There's no such thing as too many pins. Here I am with over 1000 lapel pins

Durin World g the first W awarde ar, they were d merit a as symbols o f nd service distinguished , oft ribbon en adding a or dan ornam gling ent. 7


came in a set with a white and silver rose. It is one of my newest additions. I like this pin because it is elegant. I wear it on special occasions that require me to dress up.

Kennedy-King Achievement:

I like this pin because it was given to me by close friend. It's a symbol for academic achievement from the institution I currently attend. It reminds me where I started and how far I've come.

Oh S**t: What’s not to love

about this pin? Whenever anyone notices me wearing it they usually have to read it aloud.


Vintage pins on display. You don’t have to be a collector to enjoy pins. Stop in a shop and pick some up.


Eve r y o


ne l o v

e s pin


Lost Eras 1511 Howard St, (773) 764-7400

The Exchange 1524 N Milwaukee Ave (773) 252-9570

Belmont Army Surplus 855 W Belmont Ave (773) 549-1038

◉ Whenever I'm in the beautiful city of Chicago, I always check out these groovy shops for the coolest pins.

Silver Room 1506 E 53rd St (773) 947-0024


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