Project Well

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P roje ct Well P roje ct Well This was a project I took part in while I was on the leadership team at The River Student Ministeries. Project Well was an effort to raise money to build a well in Nimule, Sudan while at the same time raising awarness on Texas Tech Campus about justice issues in Africa. I was in charge of creating flyers to distribute on campus and organizing the effort to sell bracelets.

PROBLEM: >Nimule , Sudan. Christian Relief Fund has a school there where orphans are feed and taught. >There is also a IDP (Internally Displaced People) camp in Nimule. These people are displaced because of the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) led by Joseph Kony. >There is NO source of Clean Water. OBJECTIVE: >Raise $11,000 to drill a well. This well would be used by the orphans, the IDPs and the town. When the LRA stops one day Nimule will be the pathway back for many people returning to Uganda and would be a source of water for thousands. THE PLAN: >2000 Wristbands to give away with a $5 or more donation. >April 28, meet at 10:00 at the Student center 2406 Broadway. We will send pairs out into the community (ttu campus, Walmart, residential communities, etc.) to sell bands like crazy. >We encouraging students to seek large donations from family, friends, or hometown businesses; and sell as many wristbands as possible in the next 2-3 weeks. RESULTS: >Money was raised within three months of the projects start. >The well has now been completed in Nimule, Sudan



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