Owner Operator LMIA Program |Surrey | Kennedy Immigration Solutions

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Owner Operator LMIA P rogram Surrey, Canada KENNEDY IMMIGRATION SOLUTIONS

What is owner operator LMIA program? For entrepreneurs and business owners, the owner-operator LMIA is the best way to enter Canada. The entrepreneurs who have established business or purchasing a business can apply for a visa through this program. Under this category, it is possible to apply for a work permit to either start-up or purchasing an existing business in Canada.

Requirements for the owner operator program

 1.Own a business in Canada.  2.Sole proprietor or a majority shareholder of the business.  3.Previous management experience and qualifi cations that demonstrate the capability to manage the business.  4.English or French language ability to actively work as a manager in the business.  5.Financial assets to purchase and operate the business.

 6.Demonstrate that the business will lead to job creation or retention or the transfer of skills to Canadian permanent residents / citizens.  7.Hold a position within the business that cannot be dismissed or is answerable to a more senior manager of the company.  8.Provide business plan that details how the business will create /maintain employment of Canadians as well as an outline as to how the business owner/operators employment will be maintained within the company.  9.Active involvement in the business and demonstration that the owner/operator is not making a passive investment.  10.The business must employ at least one Canadian citizen or permanent resident within the fi rst year.

Advantages of the Owner/Operator LMIA 1. The pr oce ssi ng ti me is sh or t 2. Ther e is n o min imu m ne t wor th re qui re men t 3. Ther e is n o min imu m inve st men t amou nt re qu ire d 4. The bu si nes s ca n be est a bli she d any wh er e in Can ad a

Contact Us www.kennedyimmigration. ca +1778-7754957 info@kennedyimmigration .ca

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