Happy From Home
quarantine that lasts over a year can be draining, but I’m sure people know that already. It does the mind well to switch it up. It’s not smart to physically change your environment in a pandemic. That’s the point of quarantine, to keep the risk of COVID-19 low by isolating yourself. It’s true that location has a lot of impact on environmental wellbeing, but there are ways to make your space feel fresh without going anywhere. First things first: how do you decide how to change your environment? According to Medium, it’s best to determine how you want to feel in that space. It’s your environment, you have complete freedom decorating it. If you see some trinket you think is cute, or it boosts your serotonin for unknown reasons, just buy it. Put it in your room. If it makes you happy it will be worth it. Art creates an emotional response, says medium.com and interior design elements have that same effect. Only indulge in decor or art that makes you feel positive, otherwise your room will only be a place to sleep.