Emma's 1st Year

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My Princess You’ve changed me. For the better. Normally I wouldn’t be one to be doing something like this, but the truth is that I’m one of those that always wants to give a gift that means something, and by that I came to this idea to where I can let you know just how in the first year of your life, you’ve changed me. The emotions I felt when these moments were happening. The happiness. The playfulness. Just the reconnection with my inner child that you ended up reawakening in a meaningful way. You know how they say that you never know how much you’ve wanted something until its there? Its exactly how i feel about you. Your mom definitely knew that since whenever she had the opportunity when the conversation had switched to whether she was ready to get pregnant... she would just play with my emotions and end up building up the talk to where she would tell me that she was pregnant, ONLY to have it followed by a JUST KIDDING! You have no idea what kind of face I would make when she would do that to me... maybe later on when you’re able to read this you’ll be able to recognize the face, as looking at you now I like to think that you inherited some of my mannerisms.

My Princess When the time finally came to actually told me, she decided to do it in the most of unceremonious ways. Totally a Stephanie thing to do. She does it ALL. THE. TIME. She woke me up before work, at around 8 A.M. and told me over the phone. I wasn’t even completely awake yet, and since she had toyed with me so much previously, I didn’t even believe her. She hadn’t told your grandmother yet, just in the off chance that it might have been a false alarm, so she wanted to hold off until it was absolutely sure and confirmed. You were planned. You were wanted. You were needed. You were on your way. I remember going crazy for Christmas when you were still in your mom’s belly, trying to find the perfect gift for you. Your first dress, your first pair of shoes, the bows i left to my mom... and by the end of that shopping spree, I think I must’ve ended up buying 10% of the store itself. It was a beautiful waiting period and we all couldn’t wait to meet you. That’s why I wanted to write this to you so in the first couple of pages you could see how beautiful your mom looked and how she showed that belly proudly announcing that you were almost here. I had an idea then just how much you were going to change everything for me. For our family. Even our extended family. But it wasn’t until you were actually here that it hit me how much of an effect you would have on me, and those around you. I hope that with this it gives you an idea in more ways that simple gift could express. I hope you keep this, and when you’re old enough to understand you go back on it and read it proudly and be proud of us, as we are of you. ... and you’re only 1 year old. [Honestly: you were also too young to have either a Hummer or a Pony at 1 year old... so this better do. Besides the fact that your mom would hit me if I did any of the above.] Love, Uncle Sebastian

Hola mi amor chiquito: Comenzare por decirte que te “AMO” mucho, que después de mis hijos eres lo mas bello, precioso y maravilloso que me ha pasado. Te anhele tanto que después de pedirte en las fechas de acción de gracias, en las navidades y cada oportunidad que me brindaban ¡ LEGASTE!

Dios gracias por tan maravilloso regalo. Te amo mi muñequita hermosa. Soy feliz por tan hermosa familia, mis hijos, mi yerno y tu que son lo mas precioso en mi vida. No me cansare de agradecer a Diosito y a ti por estar aqui en este hogar. ¡ TE AMO! -Tita Lia


hia p o S a m Em Mata

Emma Sophia Mata May 10, 2013 at 3:02 p.m. 5 pounds and 2 ounces 18.5 inches

You were planned. You were wanted. You were needed.

You are finally here.

Your Crutch So the day finally came that you were born. I remember that I was making a joke about something that I would try on you later. I sent your mom a text message of a baby, whom the father or probably an extremely funny uncle had ended up marking some eyebrows and funny lips on top of their face. I told her that i was going to do that to you once you were old enough. Her reply? Simply: My water broke. I picked up the phone to make sure that she wasn’t kidding around, and sure enough it seemed like you were too cramped up in your mom’s belly and decided that it was time. You were on your way! Except… you weren’t. They sent your mom back to the house so she could be a little bit more comfortable but I’m sure you were moving all about like crazy because you were back at the hospital in the morning. I packed my bags with every electronic object I owned capable of recording the moment. Made sure that everything had batteries and set out to make sure that I could document what was going on. I honestly thought that it was going to take longer for you to get here, considering you were the first child, but everything went smooth and by 3 PM you were here. My mom and I cried, because I’m sure you’re aware that both of us cry at the sight of anything emotional — and was your birth an emotional moment! That was one of the defining moments in my life, being able to see you in your struggle and what your mom went through to make sure that she would not give up on any push to make sure that you would be here. Then… after a couple of hours, you were in the room with the family and i finally got to hold you and then you did what I used to do all the time with my grandma, with my mom, and finally your uncle — you started trying to grab my finger, wrapping your small hand around it — and in that moment I was complete. You had only been with us a couple of hours but by then you already had made me fall in love with you. You still do it to this day. You hold my hand, and in so doing i like to think that its because its something that makes you feel safe. Let’s see how you feel about that in the future, and see if you continue to do it. I really wish that you never stop. Its a crutch for you to feel safe.

A letter from


A letter from


Emma...... Where and how do I begin to show you and prove to you how much I love you? Ever since I found out I was having a niece I always said “I promise to be the aunt to my niece that I never had and I promise to always be there for her through thick and thin.” Carrying you in my arms for the first time was so surreal and super exciting. You have definitely stolen a piece of my heart and for you my life I’ll give in a heart beat! Though I don’t get the chance to see you and spend as much time as I would love to due to life circumstances just know that you would always have an aunt and a best friend in me and whatever it takes to make you happy I promise to try my hardest to do so. The best creation my brother (your father) has created was you and for that I thank him. I can’t wait to see you grow older driving your parents crazy and seeing you grow into a beautiful young lady! There’s no other title in this world that can replace the title of being your aunt and there’s no amount of money in this world that can change the meaning of being your aunt; for at the end of the day what matters is my love for you and dedication to be there for you when you need me most! Can’t wait to be able to have long conversations with you and spend quality time a niece and aunt share. Never forget that your titi will always love you forever and beyond and that your titi will always be there for you at any given time! As your first birthday arrives I wish nothing but the best and nothing but success in life. Time goes by so fast so always remember to make the best of it for there is no rewinding in life. I love you with every piece of my heart and soul my little princess Emma. Love always and forever, your one and only Titi Michelle!

Mi querida y amada nieta, Emma Sophia Quiero que cuando tu puedas leer esta carta te enteres como tus abuelitos, Miguel y Diris recibieron la tan esperada noticia de que venia al mundo un ser maravilloso que eres tu. Nos dirigíamos al aeropuerto, en la República Dominicana a buscar a tus papas y a tu tía. Luego, todos reunidos en un restaurante, tu papa nos informo que tenia algo muy importante que decirnos. Se puso de pie y dijo: !Vamos a ser papas! Stephanie esta embarazada! Fue tan grande nuestra alegria que empezamos a gritar y a abrazarlos. !Vamos a ser abuelos! Al fin, no lo podíamos creer. Luego de varias semanas nos enteramos que serias tu, la nina preciosa, la princesa mas deseada y querida. Que Dios te colme de Bendiciones; nuestra muñeca adorada. Te amamos por siempre, Tus Abuelos Diris y Miguel

’s arms

mom You loved being in your

Your favorite time of the day, “bath time�

Always in pink...always.

Eres el mejor regalo de tu tita

Visiting Naples

Hola muĂąeca hermosa: Hoy en este dian tan especial te quiero felicitar en tu primer ano de vida donde has llegado a dar mucha felicidad a todos. Cuenta siempre conmigo que siempre estarĂŠ hay para ayudarte y cuidarte cuando me necesites. Tu Prima, Kathy

Eres el ángel que Dios nos mando, muchos queremos tener una como tu. Amor inteligencia y sabiduría solo queremos para ti. Oh cuán hermosa eres, en tu familia siempre te deseamos lo mejor! Irás tras tus sueños y verás que lo lograrás. A y no olvides nunca que debes tener siempre fría la cabeza, caliente el corazón y tendida la mano para dar y recibir lo bueno de la vida. Te ama, tu tía Irene

EMMA SOFIA: Que alegría sentí cuando me dieron la noticia que venias en camino hacer parte de esta familia, sigo siempre de cerca tu crecimiento, me encantan tus ojos que hablan solos y muestran alegría, tus manos rápidas queriendo explorar y conocer todo lo que está a tu paso. Mi princesa hermosa te amo y espero verte continuar siendo el ser más bello llena de salud amor y siempre feliz. Tu tía Olga

Princesa hermosa! Fue lo máximo cuando nos enteramos que venías en camino y que puedo decir de conocerte... Tus ojos expresivos y ese amor que inspiras al verte( así sea en fotos) una bebe dulce, curiosa y muy inteligente. En Colombia eres tan amada que ni las schnauzer que tenemos de mascotas que no les gusta los niños, estaban pendiente de ti y te daban besitos! Fue mágico tenerte aquí. Que sean muchos años más de tenerte en esta gran familia y que seas la niña- adolescenteadulta más feliz del mundo! Con muchísimo amor de tu prima María José :)

“Ya nació Emma!!” Nos dijo Maria José mientras nos mostraba una de tus fotos, con esos ojos hermoooosoooos, en las que muy frecuentemente aparecías con la ropa más preciosa y tierna que una bebe pueda tener! Pero aún más emocionante que eso fue el día que estuvimos en tu casa y te conocimos!!!!. Recordamos esa bebe tranquila y feliz que posaba para las fotos de su tío. Fue conocer una bebe simplemente feliz rodeada de mucho amor! Hoy le damos gracias a Dios por hacerte parte de nuestra vida!! Sabemos que Dios tiene un propósito grande contigo, y que El se va a encargar de guiarte y enseñarte a tomar buenas decisiones. Feliz Cumpleaños! Te amamos, Tus primos Cristian y Mari

Solemn Vow Godparent: A godfather or godmother. — “An individual chosen by the parents to take a vested interest in raising a more complete human being.” Secrets between our family never stay for long. Your mom told me that I was going to be your godfather from before you were even born and the fact that she picked me — surprise, surprise, brought me to tears. While my role as your uncle means that I’ll forever be there, to be your godfather also gives it a special meaning that means I’ll be even more involved in helping to guide you to become a better human being. I went through the journey, and in my teen years it was a hard and turbulent period. So though now you’re only one, as you can see from the beginning its a solemn vow to you to know that i’ll be there for you always, at a moments notice whenever you need me. Whenever you want to talk, get some advice, get an opinion, and to distinguish right from wrong we’ve always been a family to share and guide each other through problems that might arise. Honestly, that makes my job even harder… because that connection of trust is up to you now, its all up to you now. I’m only a bystander. Your mom chose me, but its up to you now to let me be your godfather. Can’t wait!

I was very surprised when I found out I had been picked to be your godmother. It is a big deal to help you with your relationship with God. I am honored to call such a special and beautiful girl my god daughter. I have never been a godmother before but I know Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6. I promise to do my best and lead by example. I cant wait to see the great plans God has for you. Love, Natalia


Train up a child in the way he


should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6.

Tres Generaciones

A Simple Gift Well hello there beautiful.

Now, I have always kind of... overdone it when it comes to giving gifts. I just like to pour my heart and soul from the choice of the

This time of the year has always been very special for me. It’s the

gift, to the wrapping to how I will present it. So of course, you were

one time of the year that everyone tries extra hard to be kind to

no exception.

others, think of someone else other than themselves and most importantly a time to look back and cherish the gifts life gives us.

Honestly, it was just days before Christmas and I could not find a single thing that you either didn’t already have or that would be

It’s not a secret that you have been the greatest gift that any of us

worthy of you. What could I get a baby that she could cherish?

could have asked for. See Emma, while this is not the first time that I have had the opportunity to be an uncle, I have been lucky to

So as if someone up there heard me, I came across a simple gift.

see you grow from those first days in the hospital to your very first

Simple but with a lot of meaning. It was a do-it-yourself ornament


kit that allows you to make an imprint of a child’s hand.

So with that said, I knew that we had to at least try to get you a

It’s not an expensive nor ground breaking gift, but in my heart I

special gift. It wasn’t easy... see, I am in love with a man that likes

knew this was the gift I wanted to get you this year. So that you can

to think too much with his brain. Your uncle wanted a gift that made

one day look back and see those very hands that I’ve held these last

sense, that had purpose that you could enjoy (and him). So that’s

few months.

where your kindle came from.


You know how they say how you shouldn’t tell someone

I had made fun of my mom that she protected you as much

what that they should do or criticize someone for the same

as possible all the time and the reason that you weren’t

reason, because invariably it ends up coming back and

walking before that time was because she wouldn’t let you

biting you in the butt?

roam free. My opinion was that if she did, even if you hurt yourself a little you’d be farther along. I mean… that IS

Yeah. That happens to me all the time.

how we learn, right? We make mistakes, get up, and do them again.

We had planned for a long time that at 10 months we were going to try to take a picture similar to one that

She always rebuked me telling me that she’d rather it not

your grandmother had of your mother at 10 months. Your

be her fault, and at that time i completely understood

uncle and i ended up waking up early and went over to

what she meant. You were crying at the top of your

your mom’s house and started to do the photo-shoot

lungs, and i was so powerless that i started crying myself

in your bedroom. You got all dressed up with pearls by

blaming myself for it to the point that your grandma and

your grandma — which to tell you the truth was absolute

uncle ended up having to console me. That made me feel

overkill, but at least you looked cute — and your uncle

WORSE considering that i was just emotionally bruised,

started taking pictures and pictures and more pictures.

and you were there crying with a REAL bruise underneath your eye. Go help her! Not me! Leave me alone!

Except! They weren’t coming out too well. You didn’t know how to stand completely by yourself and we were

… Then they started laughing at me. That made me feel

making jokes that it would be easier if you could walk or

a little better, helped by the fact that you weren’t crying

at least stand up like your mother was doing at this point

as much anymore. I let out a little laugh, feeling a little

in time. You moved a lot in the crib, so trying to see if we

stupid, and went back to making sure that you were ok.

could get the perfect photo i grabbed you by your legs to give you the support you would need so you could stand

You’re in a family full of drama queens. It happens.

up by yourself and in a moment… since i swear you move faster than The Flash you ended up moving back slightly

I mean, just look at the difference between these two

and then went face down directly into the edge of the crib.

photos! You’re laughing and smiling in one, and the one right after the “incident” you’re wanting to tell the world,

The cry that you let out afterwards was so loud, i started

or probably me, to leave you alone with a glare that i

loosing it. Everyone around you sprung to action and

KNOW you inherited from me.

tried to calm you down. I tried to look at you and saw that

Seeing that makes it all ok.

a little bruise had started to form on the right side of your eye underneath your eyebrow.

Plus, your uncle is a genius with photoshop. So that bruise, NEVER HAPPENED. You only know now because

Grandma told us to take you outside and we did, except

i told you, and you will laugh. Right? Right?! … Right?

you were still crying at the top of your lungs. I kept on following your mom feeling completely powerless and knowing that it was my fault that you were hurt because of me.


Hermosa princesa: Eres un Angel del cielo que alegra mi existir, quisiera tenerte cerca de mi; te deseo por siempre lo mejor para ti, que crezcas muy feliz al lado de tus Padres, Abuela y tios Te deseos un feliz y hermoso Primer año, que el Altisimo te bendiga y proteja te amo. Tu Tia Besos y abrazos de todos tus Tios. Muchas Felicidades

Emma Sophia; Niña preciosa te amo con todo mi corazón, pues eres un pedacito de mi ser; espero que Dios me de mas años de vida para poderte disfrutar, que Dios te bendiga hoy y todos los días de tu vida te felicito en tu primer cumpleaños. Besos y Abrazos tu Bisabuela.

Para el angelito de la Familia… Hoy estamos de fiesta, y le damos gracias a Dios por tu primer año de vida. Solo pido que te lluevan bendiciones del cielo y tu vida este siempre rodeada de mucho amor. Princess!! Te quiero con el alma… me enamore de tus ojos desde el primer día que te conocí. Un besote a la distancia. Tu prima, Pelu.

Gracias a Dios por haber enviado ese pequeño Angelito a alegrar ese bello hogar. Tio Fernando

Emma Sophia: Le damos gracias a Dios por regalarnos a tan bello angel. Fuiste el anhelo de tus padres y pronto te convertiste en el latido del corazón de la madresita y llegastes a nuestras vidas a llenarlas de amor y ternura. Te amo, Tu Tia Vicky

Mi princesa hermosa! Nuestro regalito del cielo, eso eres tu para nuestra familia, una muñeca que llego para alegrarnos la vida. Hoy en tu primer añito de vida te deseo lo mejor del mundo. Que tengas una vida plena y llena de alegrías, repleta de amor y salud, cargada de buenos momentos y recuerdos. Gracias por escogernos como tu familia. Dios te bendiga hoy, mañana y siempre. Te Amo Princesa, Tu Prima Maria Alejandra

Our Princess

Our Model

So this definitely turned out to be a lot more of a book than

I knew the moment that we found out your mom would be having

what we both originally ended up planning.

a baby, that I had to be there to record every possible moment. And what a lovely model I’ve been blessed with.

Each and every single step of the way when we would try to figure out where a picture would go, remembering what was

Yes darling, I had you working since your first days on this

going on in an event, the book would get bigger and bigger.

Earth. Every blurry photo, all those times I begged for your

We wanted to do it right. For you.

attention and you couldn’t be bothered, every “I’ve had it” look you’ve thrown my way to the hours later spent adding and

One year in. One year old. Can we even say one year wiser?

editing photos have made this moment worth it.

Maybe once you can and go back on all of the memories that were made in just your first year of life, it’ll fill in the blanks

I have expressed to your uncle in the past how sad it makes me

that we all lack. All this effort, and putting down the memories

to have a handful of photos of you and I. But the gift in all of this

that we had at that point in time… only to be passed on to you

was being the person to capture all of these special moments.

so you can have a time capsule in time. I know it’s only been one year since that first clicking noise you You see that little picture above? That’s all you needed to do

heard when I captured that moment that you first grabbed your

for that to happen. That’s all that’s really needed, and in one

uncle’s finger but as I worked long hours to finish this book, I

picture it just shows so much emotion, care, and love that

realized just how lucky we are to have you in our lives.

defines our family. There are so many shared memories that I will forever hold close If to have a family, and begin a new generation is to start the

to my heart, ones that I hope to share with you one day. The

legacy of that we wish to pass on, then let this book be the

way you’d look at me when I caught you doing something you

down payment in that legacy. You’re the first piece of that

shouldn’t have. Or laughing at the silly faces I made to cheer

legacy, and i’m sure many more will be added along with either

you up. The small things no one can take from me.

a little brother and sister for you and eventually cousins from our side.

Thank you, I will treasure them forever.

You’re a special little girl.

Up to now, you’ve been a dream. A sweetheart with a lot of

My Princess.

personality and spirit. I pray that you never lose that, but if you

Actually… our Princess.

ever need a reminder of how amazing you are, look to this book.


P.S. A BIG shout out to your grandma for the great photos!

This is only the beginning.


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