Logistiek+ NR11

Page 178

Tijdschrift voor toegepaste logistiek 2021 nr. 11


Gesing, B. (2017). Sharing Economy Logistics: Rethinking logistics with access over ownership. Troisdorf, Germany: DHL Customers Solutions & Innovation. https://www.dhl.com/ content/dam/downloads/g0/about_us/logistics_insights/DHLTrend_Report_Sharing_ Economy.pdf Haag, A. (2013). Writing a Succesful Business Plan. Workplace Health & Safety, 19-21. Hiloma, O., & Lorentz, H. (2010). Warehousing in Europe- Northern actor perspective. European Transport, 15-33. Robbertz, I. (2017). Sharing Economy: Collaborative Consumption in the world of warehousign. Tilburg: Tilburg Universtiy. Schriek, N. (2021, April 21). Workshop Shared Warehousing. (A. Irajifar, Interviewer) Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2017). Research Methods for Business: A Skill Buidling Approach. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Syncreon. (2021). Markets & Solutions. Retrieved from Syncreon: https://www.syncreon. com/markets-solutions/ The Company Syncreon. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.syncreon.com/the-company van der Eijk, H. (2021, April 21). Workshop Shared Warehousing. (A. Irajifar, Interviewer) Veenstra, A., van der Kuijl, M., Aarts, M., & Schriek, N. (n.d.). Compose: Strategisch Logistiek Samenwerken. Zoetermeer: Evofenedex. Zhang, M., & Xia, Y. (2019). Crowd Logistics Platform’s Informative Support to Logistics Perfromance: Scale Development and Empirical Examination. Sustainability, 451.

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