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Rystad Analytics

Conducted by Craig Jamieson and Oddmund Føre @ Rystad Energy

Service Market DriversGreenfield project sanctioning

Rystad offer global and regional tools tailored specifically for in-depth analysis of the upstream, oilfield service, energy markets and renewable energy industry.

The consistency of data is a result of our systematic research by combining publicly available information and Rystad Energy’s estimates and models. Our analysts gather data from company reports, investor presentations and press releases, governmental sources, as well as public institutions such as IEA, OPEC, USGS, and NPD.

Offshore Rig Market AnalysisFleet current stats

Database version: Rystad Energy Databases March 2021 (February 2021 Review)

Offshore Rig Market AnalysisGlobal overview of current status

Offshore Rig Market AnalysisUtilisation

As the sector continues to digitise operations on a project and company basis, this high-level monthly data aims to provide key information in context from an industrywide perspective and demonstrate the technology available for those seeking deeper insights to enhance strategic planning and development.

Offshore Rig Market AnalysisContract backlog

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