Global Wind Turbine Market Report

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November 2017

Global Wind Turbine Market Outlook to 2021

Global Wind Turbine Market Report

The report titled “Global Wind Turbine Market by Type (Onshore, Offshore), by Services and Installation Revenue, Regions, Installed Capacity – Outlook to 2021” provides a comprehensive analysis of Global Wind turbine market. The report focuses on overall market size by cumulative and new installed capacity, market size by revenue, segmentation on the basis of type of installation (onshore and offshore) and on the basis of region. Value chain analysis along with the business model of developing the wind farm provides some key input on the practices adopted in wind turbine market. The report also covers detailed snapshot on major countries in the wind turbine market including growth drivers, market size, issues and challenges, market share and future outlook. The report further includes market projection for future and analyst recommendations highlighting the major opportunities and cautions in the global arena. Market Size By Revenue: In terms of revenue generated from sale of new wind turbines, the market registered constant increase in revenue from USD ~ billion in 2011 to USD ~ billion in 2015. It registered a decline in 2016 and managed to generate revenue of USD ~ billion from sale of offshore and onshore wind turbines.

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November 2017

Global Wind Turbine Market Outlook to 2021

By Services: Operation and maintenance is the key for continuous functioning of the wind turbines. In 2011 services market was estimated at USD ~ billion which increased to ~ billion in 2016. OEMs are the biggest service provider and also charge premium to ISPs and in-house maintenance. Europe was the largest market for wind turbine services industry. Global Wind Turbine Market Segmentation By Region: In 2016, Asia was the largest market in the global wind turbine sales. Majority of the contribution in Asian wind turbine market in Asia is made by China. In 2016, it added ~% of the total installation in the region. Europe slides to the second position on the basis of wind turbine market by cumulative installed capacity. North America contributed ~ GW of the new capacity added in 2016. Its total cumulative capacity was reported at ~ GW (~%) making it the third largest region for wind turbines. Contribution from Latin America (~%), Pacific region (~%) and Middle East and Africa (~%) was very low but has very large future potential demand. By Type: Onshore wind turbine installation contributed ~% of the total cumulative installed capacity in 2016. Total cumulative installed capacity at the end of 2016 was reported at ~ GW. In 2016, ~ GW (capacity) of new wind turbines was installed across different countries. China lead the market on the basis of new wind turbines added as well as cumulative wind turbine capacity added. Offshore wind turbines contributed only ~% of the total cumulative installed capacity. Europe leads the market in offshore wind turbine market with total installed capacity of ~ GW. On the basis of new capacity added it contributed ~% in 2016. Snapshot on Global Offshore Wind Turbine Market Europe leads the market in offshore wind turbine market with total installed capacity of ~ GW. United Kingdom has installed highest offshore wind turbine capacity with cumulative installed capacity of ~ GW. It has installed ~ wind turbines on its shores. Germany was the second largest country on the basis of cumulative installed capacity largest market on the basis of new offshore wind turbine installations in 2016. Overall, ~ offshore wind turbines are grid connected with a total capacity of ~ MW. China has emerged as the new country which has enhanced its focus on developing offshore wind turbine projects. Its offshore wind turbine installed capacity increased to ~ MW by adding ~MW in 2016. Till 2016, major development in offshore wind segment was concentrated in European countries. Among the top seven countries China was the only non European country. Snapshot on Major Countries in Wind Turbine Market India

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November 2017

Global Wind Turbine Market Outlook to 2021

Demand for wind turbine was highest in Tamil Nadu which leads the market in India with total installed capacity of ~MW Rajasthan (~MW), Gujarat (~MW) and Maharashtra (~MW) were other prominent states in terms of total installed capacity. Market Size on the basis of new turbine sales was estimated at USD ~ billion in 2016. Services are estimated to generate USD ~ million in India. In terms of original equipment manufacturers by total cumulative installed capacity Suzlon lead the market with ~% share. It is followed by Windworld (~%), Gamesa (~%), Vestas (~%), Regen (~%) and Others (~%). GST on wind turbine is set at 5% and engineering services related to wind turbine will attract 18% GST. China China is the largest user of wind turbines in the world constituting more than one third of the total cumulative installed capacity in 2016. Market Size on the basis of new turbine sales was estimated at USD ~ billion in 2016. Price of wind turbine was among the lowest in China. Services were estimated to generate USD ~ million. Even though it has the largest fleet of wind turbine its services revenue was not that high when compared to compared to the US and Germany. Market for wind turbines in China is dominated by domestic companies. An estimated more than ~% of the wind turbine demand in 2016 was met by these companies. Gold wind was the market leader with ~% (~ MW) market share. Based on Ken research estimates the market for wind turbines in China may reach cumulative installed capacity of ~ GW by the end of 2021 registering a five year CAGR of ~%. Germany Enercon was the leading player in German wind turbine market with share of ~% of the total cumulative installed capacity. Vestas was the second major contributor with ~% market share, Nordex contributed ~% and GE contributed ~% of the total cumulative installed capacity. The market is expected to register a positive growth and will increase from ~ in 2016 to ~ MW in 2021 registering a five year CAGR of ~%. USA USA was the second largest market for Wind energy in 2016 with total cumulative installed capacity of ~ GW. A total of ~ wind turbines were installed at the end of 2016. Revenue from sale of onshore wind turbines generated USD ~ billion. Offshore wind turbines made their first contribution to the revenue in 2016. Aging turbines was the key factor for high O&M cost even though majority of the O&M is done by ISPs. It was estimated at USD ~ billion in 2016.

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November 2017

Global Wind Turbine Market Outlook to 2021

In terms of total cumulative installed capacity GE was market leader with ~% (~ MW) market share. It was followed by Vestas (~%, ~ MW), Siemens (~%, ~ MW), Gamesa (~%, ~ MW), Mitsubishi (~%, ~ MW), Suzlon (~%, ~MW) and others (~%, ~ MW). The market for wind energy in future will be largely driven by falling cost of generation of power from wind sources. It is expected that market for wind turbine will increase from ~ GW in 2017 to ~ GW in 2021 on the basis of cumulative installed capacity. Brazil In 2016, revenue from sale of wind turbines was estimated at USD ~ billion. Entire contribution was from sale of onshore wind turbines. Services revenue was estimated at ~ million with majority share of OEMs. Market for wind turbines increased from ~ GW in 2011 to ~ GW in 2016 registering a five year CAGR of ~%. Market for wind turbine in Brazil was largely dominated by GE which has supplied over ~ wind turbines by the end of 2016. GE had market share of ~% by cumulative installed capacity followed by Gamesa (~%) which has supplied approximately ~ wind turbines of ~ MW capacity each. Wind energy segment in Brazil is expected to increase from an estimated ~ GW in 2017 to ~ GW in 2021 registering a constant positive growth.

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November 2017

Global Wind Turbine Market Outlook to 2021

Future Outlook to Global Wind Turbine Market Asia is expected to remain largest contributor in the global wind turbine market both in terms of cumulative and new installed capacity. It is expected that cumulative installed capacity in Asia may cross ~ GW in 2021 adding more than ~ GW during the forecasted period (2017-2021). It is estimated that cumulative installed capacity in Europe will be ~ GW registering a five year CAGR of ~% (2016-2021). Development of offshore wind energy will play a very small but important role in overall wind energy market in the region. In North America, the US will continue its dominance with significant expected contribution coming from Mexico and Canada. Latin America, Pacific, and Middle East and Africa are expected to add the comparatively lesser capacity but growth rate will be much higher as many countries in the region have very low or no wind turbine capacity. Growth in Pacific region is expected to be slow compared to other two regions. By Revenue: It is expected that unit cost of wind turbine per MW will register a continuous decline in future as technology improves and better efficiency and height is achieved. It is expected that USD ~ billion will be investment in 2021 for addition of new turbines. Post 2016, revenue generated from sale of wind turbine will register positive growth rate except in 2018 when it is expected that market will decline slightly by ~%. This may be caused due to decline in demand from China and falling prices of wind turbine per MW. By Service Revenue: Revenue from services is expected to increase from USD ~ billion in 2017 to USD ~ billion in 2021. Europe will lose its dominance in the global services market by 2021. Aging turbines, rise of offshore wind turbine sector, focus on efficiency and maximum utilization will drive the growth in future. Role of in house maintenance will decline and ISPs are expected to partner with OEMs for better performance over the period of operation of turbine. In 2021, it is expected that more than 800 GW will be under O&M contracts including 35 GW in offshore wind turbine category. Key Topics Covered in the Report  Global Wind Turbine Market Introduction  Global Wind Turbine Market Size by Cumulative and New Installed Capacity and by Revenue, 2011-2016  Global Wind Turbine Market Size by Services Revenue, 2011-2016.  Value Chain in Global Wind Market  Type of Business Model in Global Wind Turbine Market  Global Wind Turbine Market Segmentation by Type and Region, 2016  Snap shot on Global Offshore Wind Turbine Market

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November 2017 

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Global Wind Turbine Market Outlook to 2021

Snapshot on Major Countries (India, China, USA, Germany, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Turkey and Japan) Including Market Size, Market Share, Issues and Challenges, Trends and Developments, Future Outlook and Others. Competitive Landscape of Major Players in Global Wind Turbine Market Future Outlook to Global Wind Turbine Market by Cumulative and new Installed capacity, By Region, By Type and by Revenue and by Services Revenue.

For more information on the research report, refer to below link: Contact Us: Ken Research Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications ankur [@] +91-9015378249

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