Christian Icebreakers Thanksgiving Boggle Can you make the most words using the letters in the word Thanksgiving? www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
Resources • Timer • paper and pen for each participant
Game Play Participants are to create as many little words as possible before the timer runs out using only the letters in the word “Thanksgiving�.
Whoever gets the most words wins!
Partial Wordlist ag, agin, aging, against, agist, ah, aah, ahi, ai, ain, ayin, ait, akin, an, angst, ani, ankh, ant, anti, as, ash, ask, asking, at, gain, gaining, gainst, gait, gan, gas, gash, gaskin, gast, gat, gating, ghast, ghat, ghi, giant, gin, gink, gist, git, gnash, gnashing, gnat, ha, hag, haik, haint, hang, hanging, hank, hant, has, hast, hasting, hat, hating, having, hi, hin, hint, his, hisn, hist, hit, ikat, in, ink, inn, is, it, its, ka, kain, kas, kat, khan, khat, khi, ki, kiang, kin, kina, king, kist, kit, kith, kiva, knight, knish, knit, kvas, na, nag, nah, nigh, night, nit, nth, sag, sain, saint, saith, saki, sang, sangh, sank, sat, sati, satin, sating,
savin, saving, sh, sha, shag, shaking, shank, shanty, shaving, shin, shining, shiv, shiva, shtik, si, sigh, sight, sighting, sign, signing, signa, sika, sin, sing, singing, sinh, sink, sinking, sit, sith, ska, skag, skat, skating, ski, skiing, skin, skint, skit, snag, snath, snit, stag, staging, staig, stain, staining, stang, stank, sting, stinging, stink, stinking, ta, tag, tain, takin, taking, tan, tang, tank, task, tasking, tav, than, thank, thanking, thin, thing, think, thinking, this, ti, tin, ting, tsk, vagi, vain, van, vang, vanish, vanishing, vas, vast, vast, vat, via, vig, viga, vina, vis, visa, vista, vita
Variation Only allow words for which the participants know the meaning.
Holiday Collection Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays. Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.
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