Icebreakers - Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt

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Icebreakers: Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt

Description This is the traditional scavenger hunt where participants are given a list of items to retrieve and bring back within a designated time limit. The Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt consists of a list of the Valentine’s Day related objects and some rules. Variations may allow photos of an object to replace the actual object or creative substitutions. The rules may forbid the purchase of items or restrict the participants from going to their own homes or malls to collect items. Various points are assigned to the objects based upon the difficulty necessary to obtain them.

Resources Valentine’s Day List for each team.

Preparation Make a photocopy of your list of items and rules for each team. Set a time for groups to be back then send them off to collect the items. Assign one adult as camera man / sponsor to be attached to each team.

Protecting Participants 1.

Don’t let any youth drive – put adults in charge and don’t allow horseplay on the roads like “Chinese fire drills”. Make sure everyone wears seat-belts or take major points away if they are caught on film without them on. You could also conduct the scavenger hunt on foot. You don’t want a participant killed while speeding during your scavenger hunts.




Participants must obey all laws and instructions from sponsors Limit the play area and place people at strategic locations if needed to ensure the safety of participants. Make sure each group has a mobile phone and contact numbers for emergency.

Sample Rules • • •

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Only one object will be counted for each item on the list. 500 points off for each minute after the deadline you are late. Words written on paper or drawings will not be counted if used instead of a place or object. Be respectful in everything you do. Stay with your sponsor at all times and obey him/ her. No collaborating with other teams. Winners will be announced after the items are tabulated.

What to do 1. Divide everyone into two or more groups and give them a time limit with which to find the items on the list. 2. The first group that returns with the all the items or the most items on the list within the limited time wins.

Suggested Valentine’s Day Items Heart shaped balloon, Chocolate Candies, Chocolate Kiss, Red Ribbon, Red Rose, Red Carnation, Italian Dinner Menu, Cupid, Valentine’s Day Card, Something with the words “Be Mine” written on it, Candle, Calendar with Valentine’s Day on it, Red Arrow, Heart pendant, love letter written more than a year ago, Lovebird, Passion fruit, Poetry on love, Sweetheart cup, DVD movie where some is serenaded, CD with a Love Song, Red and white Stuffed Animal, Honey, Valentine’s Day Candy Heart, matching rings, wedding invitation, Wine bottle, Red Dress, Something made from lace

Holiday Collection Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays. Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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