Icebreakers - What's in the Christmas Stocking

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Icebreakers: What's in the Christmas Stocking? Can you identify common Christmas objects by touch?

Materials Stocking with Christmas objects inside

Game Preparation • Take a new pair of very warm, thick socks or a thick Christmas Stocking. • Place objects you use or see around Christmas time, into the socks/stockings. • More than one sock/stocking allows the game to go faster, but make sure you put identical things in each stocking.

• Use things like holly, scotch tape, ornaments, pine cone, etc. (See the Christmas Bingo game if you need other ideas for objects) • Make sure you put about 20 to 25 different objects inside. • Tie a ribbon or rope around the opening to make sure nobody peeks.

Game Play • Give everyone a piece of paper and pass the socks/stockings around and tell participants how many objects there are inside. • Have them write down all they can feel. • The person who correctly guesses the most objects is the winner. • You might choose to award the stocking to the winner.

Christmas Collection Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season. Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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