Sermons For Youth - Bait!
Materials Fishing Lures (no hooks for safety’s sake.), Fishing pole or net, other fishing gear, tackle box, etc.
Activity • Does anyone know how to use this equipment? • Has anyone here ever been fishing? • Has anyone ever caught a fish? • This is a fishing pole, and you cast the line out in the water and hope to catch some fish.
(Do this if you have room but remove the hook from your lure to avoid catching some poor fellow’s toupee.) Display and describe important equipment used in fishing such as fishing rods, fishing line, waders, floats, weights, and hooks.
But the most important thing is missing – a fishing pole and fishing line by itself won’t catch fish. You need bait!
Select some common fishing lures and explain how each is used. 1. Some lures sink to the bottom where catfish and bottom dwelling fish can be found. 2. Others such as a fly float on the surface. 3. Some move through the water and have spinning parts and reflectors to attract the fish.
4. Some look like worms while others look like shrimp or other live creatures the fish like to eat. 5. Some people may not use lures but instead use live bait.
Application Read Matthew 4:17-22 1. How is telling others about Jesus similar to fishing? 2. Fishing lures are created to be attractive to fish. How can you make the good news about Jesus attractive to your friends?
Jesus was sending His disciples out to fish for men, rather than fish. Jesus wants each of us to go fishing with Him every day of our lives. We are to fish for people to bring to the Lord. We are to tell them how Jesus loves them so much that He died on the cross to forgive their sins. We must tell people how they can invite Jesus into their hearts to become their Savior. That way, we become fishers of men.
Extra As closing gesture, give each kid a fishing lure (in which the hooks have been removed for safety) and tape them to a card with a key phrase from the passage.
Food for Thought Is a person a fisherman if year after year he never catches fish? Is a person a true disciple of Jesus Christ if he never wins a soul for Christ? Jesus never suggests that the world should come to the church but he commands the church to go into the world to witness. Jesus has given us the example – he goes to the people, he never waits for the people to come to Him. www.CreativeSermonIdeas.com
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