Summer Youth Camp - Order in Chaos The group must line themselves up in numeric order without talking or peeking.
Order in Chaos Group Size: 8 or more Time: 30 minutes. Applications: Bridging Gaps, Communication, ActivePassive roles, group dynamics.
Materials 1. One number for each participant. Do not give the participants consecutive numbers. Skip around a little. Do not have a pattern. For example 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11,14,17,19,20. You must always have a ‘1’ and the number that represents the number of participants in the activity. 2. One blindfold for each participant. (Optional)
Instructions 1. Create a clear space in a large area. Ensure that any dangerous objects or corners are shielded by someone so that people do not accidentally bump into them and injure themselves. 2. Give each participant a number written on a small piece of paper. They are not to share the number with anyone and are to put it away so that it cannot be seen. 3. Blindfold each participant or have them keep their eyes tightly shut. 4. Ask for questions. Ready, set, go
Objective The group must line themselves up in numeric order without talking or peeking. 1. After some time, tell the group that there are some missing numbers. 2. When the group believes they are in order ask them to call out their numbers as you go down the row and tap them on their shoulders. If they are correct then congratulate them. If they are incorrect ask them if they think they can fix it and allow them time to do so. www.CreativeScavengerHunts.com
Debrief 1. What happened? 2. What communication strategies were used? 3. What difficulties did you face? 4. How did you overcome the difficulties? 5. How did you feel when you discovered some numbers were missing? 6. How did you change your strategy in light of this new information? 7. What does this game mean to you?
Facilitator Notes 1. People will find creative ways to communicate, but will become frustrated as the communication is less than perfect. 2. Additional frustration will occur when participants are unable to find the missing numbers. Some will give up. Some will find a place and then help sift others to the left or right depending on whether they are greater or lesser than the number they have.
3. Some will stand around waiting for someone else to help them find their place. 4. Some will take a leadership role and help others find their place. 5. Some will only be interested in finding the exact number to their left and right.
KEY APPLICATION: Bridging the Gaps What do you do when faced with a gap in real life? When a task is left undone? When a person fails to do his/her part? When a vital piece of information is missing? There are two common responses: People will either step up or step back. They will step up and take responsibility to get the job done or they will step back and wait for someone else to do the job or until all the pieces are in place.
Business When you are not given all the information you need to complete your job, how do you respond? When a series of jobs are related and someone fails to do his/her part? Are there times in business or in the workplace when you have to learn new ways to communicate? When there are gaps in communication? What lessons can this game teach us for dealing with these situations?
Personal What do you do when your goals, objectives, dreams are not yet achievable because some piece of the puzzle is missing? When all the pieces don’t line up yet? Do you wait for something to happen or do you bridge the gaps? How do we know when to wait on God to position things and when to take action even if everything is not in place? How do you find your place in life? How do you become sure of your place in life?
Spiritual What is your response when your spiritual direction is unclear? When God’s plan for your life seems to be missing critical pieces? Do you wait or do you respond to the limited knowledge you have been given? Do you believe God has a place for each of us in the body of Christ? How can you be sure of your place in life? How can you help others find their place?
Relationships Are there times in relationships when you have to learn new ways to communicate? Are there gaps in communication? How do we overcome these gaps? Do you passively step back and wait for the other person to bridge the gaps or do you step up and take a proactive role to bridge them? What lessons can this game teach us for dealing with relationships?
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