Youth Camp Sleepy Hollow
Introduction Can you play the wacky game without losing your head? Game Description How quickly can you pass the hat around the circle? While you may not lose your head playing this game, the head to head play is wild and fun!
Game Materials 1 hat for each team — Use cowboy hats for a western theme, baseball hats for a sports theme, etc., or simply find two of the wackiest hats you can. Game Preparation None
Game Play 1. Divide the group into two evenly numbered circles all holding hands. 2. Place a hat on the head of one player in each circle. 3. The objective is to pass the hat round the circle from head to head without releasing your hands. 4. The team which passes the hat round the circle first wins the game.
Variations For a more difficult variation, play it with only right hands, or do not allow the use of hands at all! For Halloween or a fall festival, use your favorite mask or hat from a costume!
Camp Curriculum - Whale of a Tale Bible Studies based on the book of Jonah Only. This youth camp curriculum was designed to teach the basic truths of obedience in addition to evangelism in the context of a Biblical character. The advantage of going through a book and looking at one man's story is that we see not only the teaching but the example. It becomes much more real! -> Tell me about “Whale of a Tale�
Creative Youth Ideas Camp Bible Study Series “Who Do You Say that I AM?” Jesus asked the disciples, "Who do others say that I am?" It was easy to answer because it required no conviction, no commitment, and no risk. But then he follows that question with another, "Who do YOU say that I am?" -> Tell me about “Who Do You Say that I AM?”
Creative Youth Ideas Youth Camp Bible Study Series “Fruit Of the Spirit” Live the Fruitful, Abundant Life Jesus Promised. Great for youth camps or weekly Youth Bible Study. There are 7 Primary Bible study Sessions in the series. -> Tell me about “Fruit Of the Spirit”
Camp Curriculum - The Great Adventure "The Great Adventure" is western themed Bible study series loosely based around the song of the same name by Steven Curtis Chapman. It was initially written for a large Texas Church to use for their Summer Youth Camp but has since then proven popular around the world. -> Tell me about “The Great Adventure�