Youth Camp - Where’s Waldo Photo Scavenger Hunt

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Youth Camp - Where’s Waldo Photo Scavenger Hunt This is merely a photo scavenger hunt with a special title and a couple of items related to the popular Where's Waldo books.

Materials 1. handheld camcorder / video camera for each team or 2. Digital or traditional 35mm camera for each team

Scavenger Hunt Objective This is merely a photo scavenger hunt with a special title and a couple of items related to the popular “Where’s Waldo” books. Another key factor is that the entire group must be seen in each picture. Teams are awarded bonuses for non-group members they are able to persuade to be in the pictures. When choosing your list be aware of the sensitivities of your youth and their adult sponsors.

The intention is not to offend but to have fun. Don’t use all the suggestions in one outing. Save some for a future repeat as this activity is sure to be a hit. You can use slide film and have a slide show at the end or use regular photos and have special bulletin boards. You can even make a little money if you decide to auction off the pictures or print reprints. For digital photos upload them to a website so everyone can access them.

The List (Assign points to these based on the difficulty to accomplish each) * Picture of your team drinking a coke out of one glass with straws * Picture of your team with a Where’s Waldo Book! * Picture of a crowd scene. Your team among a large crowd of people, but with everyone’s faces visible. The team with the largest crowd receives an extra 5000 points. * Picture of your team standing on their heads. * Picture of your team holding cereal boxes.

* Picture of your team in front of a fire station. * Picture of your team on an escalator. * Picture of your team all licking the same ice-cream cone. * Picture of your team with the guys on their knees, holding the hands of the girls in the team. * Picture of your team with (local landmark) in the background. * Picture of your team with a Police station in the background. * Picture of your team behind bars (Hint: You don’t have to break the law to do this) * Picture of your team’s funniest faces

* Picture of your team playing in a playground * Picture of your team with the parent’s of someone on your team. * Picture of your team in a mirror * Picture of your team holding hands stretched across a residential street (be safe) * Picture of your team with a guy on the team in a dress * Picture of your team ALL on the same bench in a park * Picture of your team on a bus * Picture of your team with a boat in the background

* Picture of your team with a church staff member * Picture of your team’s bare feet only * Picture of your team with a museum in the background * Picture of your team with the guys kissing the girls * Picture of your team with pantyhose over everyone’s heads. (NOT in a PUBLIC place or near a bank) * Picture of your team with everyone wearing shaving cream beards. * Picture of your team with one member dressed up like WALLY! * Picture of your team all in a phone booth

* Picture of your team on a glass elevator * Picture of your team in a bathtub * Picture of your team illustrating the classical monkey statues of “I hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing” poses * Picture of your team’s saddest faces * Picture of your team with the girls holding frying pans, and rolling pins and threatening the guys with them * Picture of your team with all the younger brothers/ sisters of someone on your team. * Picture of your team with a church in the background

* Picture of your team all hugging each other * Picture of your team all wearing sunglasses * Picture of your team with everyone blowing bubbles * Picture of your team with one of the guys wearing a wig * Picture of your team eating popcorn * Picture of your team with someone in curlers * Picture of your team picking each other’s noses – (don’t eat it!) * Picture of your entire team standing up in one tree. (Double points for each stranger)

* Picture of your team modeling bibs from a local dining establishment. Please ask manager first. * Picture of your entire team standing on a fire engine. Thank the firemen. * Picture of your team standing in front of a large public clock that reads exactly 7:15 PM. * Picture of your of one of your team members kissing a mannequin in a clothes store while the rest of the team looks on. Get permission first! * Picture of your entire team with their feet immersed in a body of water (creek, pool, etc.).

* Picture of your team with a live amphibian or reptile. * Picture of your team standing with a pregnant woman * Picture of your team in front of a school spelling out the letters of the school name using your bodies. * Picture of your team in front of the church spelling out the letters of your church name using your bodies. * Picture of your team forming a Christian symbol * Picture of your team in front of cemetery

Variation 1. Use the standard rules, but add “For each non-group member in a picture, a bonus of 50 points is added.� 2. Print out invitations and have your youth invite every person they involve in their photos to your church.

Awards In addition to awarding an overall winner, also award prizes for funniest, best dressed, most unlikely Bible character, etc.

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