Youth Icebreakers - Bobbing for Apples

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Youth Icebreakers Bobbing for Apples Halloween Party Game: Bobbing for apples is a common Halloween tradition in which youth try to take a bite out of an apple floating in a tub of water.

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Large tub of water Towels Apples with all stems and leaves removed

What to Do • Fill a large tub with clean water and put washed apples into the water. Apples are less dense than water, so they will float on the surface. • Instruct the youth to try to remove an apple from the tub by biting into it with their teeth. No use of hands is allowed. • Traditionally, the winner was the first person to retrieve an apple, but you can also award prizes to everyone who is successful or those who retrieve specially marked apples.

Variations • Smaller apples makes this game easier, larger apples make it more difficult. • Larger and deeper tubs are more difficult. • Fewer the apples in the tub makes it more difficult to bite into one. • Harder apples are more difficult to bite than softer dessert varieties. • Forcing a youth to go after a particular apple also makes it more difficult. • Make it a team relay with one person from each team trying to bite into an apple at the same time. • Add some ice before the game to wake everyone up!

Alternative method If you are concerned about hygiene, an alternative of this game has everyone trying to bite out of an assigned apple on a string. You’ll need one apple (with the stem still attached) and one length of string for each participant. Tie the strings to the stems of the apples and then tie the other ends to something solid so that they can hang freely. You can use a open door frame, a tree branch, or even a pole fixed between two ladders. One advantage is that everyone can go at the same time. The objective remains the same, to retrieve the apple using only your mouth – or at least take a bite out of it!

Take it to the Next Level

The original tradition of bobbing for apples stated that whoever bit the apple first would be the first to get married. In fact, instead of throwing rice at weddings they used to throw apples. DUCK! Whoever succeeded in getting an apple first was supposed to be the lucky person to be the first person to enter into a marriage relationship.

But the apple is also commonly associated with a broken relationship. While the apple is never mentioned in the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis, the apple is commonly associated with the forbidden fruit offered by Eve to Adam. If you cut an apple in half horizontally, it is supposed to look like a pentagram, an occult symbol.

Regardless of whether it was an apple or not, Adam took a bite of the fruit, in disobedience to God, and through that disobedience damaged his relationship with God. The Bible says that Adam “sinned.� Sin is an archery term which means to miss the mark, to fall short of the target. Because God is perfect and just, he cannot allow disobedience to go unpunished.

Because we all fall short but disobedience to God, He in his infinite love, sent Jesus to pay that penalty for us, to suffer the consequences of sin which is death. All we need to do is accept him and our relationship with God is restored.

We each have weaknesses and we all sin. What sin or temptation does the apple represent in your life?

Halloween is a time when people try to scare each other. But one of the greatest fears we all have is that of death. But when you trust Jesus as Savior, you don’t need to fear anymore. Your relationship with him is restored and he will give you eternal life. At this point, present the gospel plan of salvation. If you need an example use Jelly Bean Salvation which focuses on the colors of Jelly beans. You could also use different colors of Halloween Candy for the same presentation.

Closing Have youth exchange their apple (representing sin) for a cross (Representing Christ) or to place the apple at the foot of a cross to represent their giving up of sin and living for Christ. Take some time for prayer and quiet meditation

Holiday Collection Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays. Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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