Youth Icebreakers - Eye Contact

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Youth Icebreakers Eye Contact

This icebreaker game is similar to Connected but the connections are visual ones as participants make eye contact with one another. You can use this icebreaker to discuss communication, attention, community, and connections or relationships. It can also be used for team building and relationship building in training events.

Description Sitting or standing in a circle, youth look across the circle at someone and then when mutual eye contact has been made, they switch places while maintaining eye contact the entire time. Resources None

Preparation None

What to Do 1. Sit the group in chairs in a circle, or stand in a circle with everyone facing inward toward the center of the circle. 2. Each person must announce his or her name and one characteristics about himself/herself. You could also have everyone answer the same common question like “What is your favorite movie?�


Participants then look across the circle to another participant. At any time two persons make mutual eye contact, they must announce the name of the other person and begin moving to switch places. They must maintain eye contact the entire time until they have switched. They must not rush, but move slowly and purposefully.



Once they have switched they must again look around the circle until they make mutual eye contact with another person. They cannot exchange places with the same person twice in a row. Many pairs can exchange at the same time.

Variations 1. Play the game silently 2. Have participants exchange greetings in the middle of the circle. 3. As the game continues, periodically call out various emotions they people should try to express through their eyes only (care, love, anger, disappointment, honesty, encouragement, forgiveness, trust, hope, joy, etc).

Taking it to the Next Level • Did anyone feel uncomfortable maintaining eye contact the entire time? Why? • How did you feel to have someone’s attention focused completely on you? Why? • Ok, admit it. Who broke eye contact during the exchange? How did it affect the exchange? • Is eye contact important in relationships? Why or why not? • What functions does eye contact have in relationships?

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What feelings did you experience in this game? Why? Did you have different feelings with different people? Why? Is there anyone you did not make eye contact with? Why? Look at that person now. Are your feelings any different than from those people you made eye contact with?

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It has been said that the eyes are a window into the soul. What do you think this means? What things do a person’s eyes reveal? How accurate are they? If you were to look into Christ’s eyes what do you think you would see? If Christ were to look you straight in the eyes, how would you feel? What do you think he might see?

Teacher’s Note: This is a fun way of looking at Bible Stories that involve encounters between two people. Read the story. At crucial points throughout the story, stop the narrative and then ask: “What feelings might you see reflected in each of the characters eyes at this point in the story?” For example, in the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. Do you think the woman was trying to avoid eye contact? When Jesus asked her for a drink, what might you see reflected in her eyes?

As she looked back at Christ, what do you think she might have seen reflected in his eyes? Then continue the story. Later, when he tells her he has living water from which she will never thirst again, stop the story and ask the same questions. This can be applied to numerous narratives and events in the Bible and may provide a fresh perspective on a well known story.

Conclusion Our eyes reveal a lot about us. Look a person in the eyes and you can learn a lot about them. As you seek to build meaningful relationships with others, take some time to look into their eyes. Try to see the world through their eyes. Try to see them through Christ’s eyes! When you do, you will get a little more insight into God’s love and place for you in this world.

Action Point • Try to see others through the eyes of Christ? • Take a little time, away from the hustle and bustle of life, and spend some focused time with someone this week in eye to eye communication. By your attention let them know you care!

Icebreakers Ahead: Take it to the next Level This EBook not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities, but also includes lesson ideas and questions to smoothly transition into discussions about issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out more!

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