Youth Ministry Illustrations - Uneasy

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Youth Ministry Illustrations Uneasy Do you feel uneasy when it comes to religion and spirituality?

Do you feel uneasy when it comes to religion and spirituality? Do issues of faith and morality create fear? The women who went to the tomb on the first Easter Sunday were terribly frightened by what they found–or rather, by what they ‘didn’t’ find, for the tomb was empty (Matt 28:6)!

Fortunately, God understands when spiritual matters invade the safety of our world. He offers help to overcome our fears and deal with whatever has come our way. For Mary and Mary Magdalene, He sent an angel to comfort and enlighten them about the reality of Christ’s resurrection.

He also sent an angel to Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, when he was troubled by his fiancĂŠe's miraculous pregnancy (1:18-25).

So it was for many others in Scripture, who were no less troubled by spiritual events and truths than many of us are today. In addition to angels, God’s help has included other people, dramatic and even miraculous demonstrations of His power, direct promises, and the enormous comfort of His Word.

These helps show that God appreciates the impact of spiritual light suddenly shining in a dark world. He helps us overcome the shock not only of what He has spoken, but ‘that’ He has spoken.

The question remains, Will we respond to His message? No matter how awkward we may feel about matters of faith, we dare not avoid them. God opens up these scary places in our lives only because He wants to restore us to Himself. Source: The Word in Life Study Bible- page 1704

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