Youth Sermons Youth Ministry Objectives Some sample objectives for youth ministry
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To prepare youth for a lifelong walk with Christ To help youth become aware of God as revealed in Jesus Christ, to respond to Christ in a personal commitment of faith, and to follow God’s will in the full meaning of church membership and Christian discipleship. This involves such things as new convert classes, mentoring by older Christians, and involvement of youth in church committees.
To guide youth to witness about their personal faith in Jesus Christ and to invite others to respond to Him. This can be done through evangelism training, contacts, inviting youth to visit w/ you, etc.
To help youth develop a meaningful and devotional prayer life. This can be encouraged through providing quiet time materials, accountability, journals, modeling/example, letting youth know how important it is for you, asking them for prayer requests and following through with them, telling them about your answered prayers and telling them things you learned in your personal prayer time.
To help youth experience worship in private and corporate settings. This can be done by letting youth help plan a worship service, having a youth time in the worship service, allowing a youth position on the worship committee, and having a retreat on worship.
To guide youth to participate in Christian missions and help them develop the skills these ministries require. Possible activities include establishing a “Food Bank,” special projects, Bible studies, a spiritual gift inventory, a youth swap with another church, back-yard Bible Studies, vacation Bible school, etc.
To help youth increase their knowledge and understanding of Bible truths and to apply these truths in every area and relationship of life. This involves discipleship, allowing youth to teach children, being a role model, etc.
To help youth grow in understanding and acceptance of self by affirmation, Biblical concepts of self-image, giving them positions of leadership suitable to their gifts, mission/ service projects, affirmation activities, etc.
To help youth understand and commit themselves to a Christian perspective of morality through seminars, role-playing, skits, fashion shows on proper dress, parent workshops, guest speakers, a commitment to purity service, role-modeling relationships, etc.
To guide youth to explore their abilities and talents and develop a Christian perspective on choosing a vocation. Helpful possibilities include talent shows, Seminar’s on taking aptitude tests, giving them leadership positions, having businessmen talk to youth, having a youth career day with representatives from different vocations in the church.
• To guide youth in the stewardship of their money, time, and abilities. Use your personal example, a simulation game (ex. give each 1$ then make them keep track of what they spent that dollar on during the week), help run a soup kitchen, case studies, setting goals, making a budget, personal testimonies, seminars
To help youth develop a theology and rationale for being Christian in a world of religious pluralism. This involves parental education on cults, seminars on cults, studies on basic beliefs, scripture knowledge, visiting a service of another religion and then having a debrief time, etc.
To guide youth to adopt a lifestyle of Christian response to a world of limited resources and inequitable distribution of resources and power. Possibilities include defining Biblical success, sponsoring needy kids, having an offering for world hunger.
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To guide youth to develop good habits in constructive use of their pleasure time. To do this we need to hold them accountable for their time, teach them balance and priorities, and teach them about morality.
To offer youth opportunities for Christian fellowship and development of social skills. This can be done by involvement in full church activities, integration, working with home-bound, alternative parties and activities, clique-busting, and serving within the worship service in various capacities.
To help youth and parents understand each other’s needs and to build meaningful family relationships. Possibilities include seminars, a parents of youth night, youth/parent retreats, Father/son trips, communications skits, Freeze frame skit with questions and seeking of suggestions, youth created dialogues and parent created dialogues, party with youth handcuffed to parents, Youth and Parent talent show
To enlist and equip adult leaders who will work effectively toward the objectives for youth ministry.
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