Fashion Arts Xchange Group-Vision 2020 Career Event

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Dear Friends,

It is with great pride and honor that we, the Fashion & Art Xchange group (FAX) are returning to the campus of F.I.T. to bring you engaging programing. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. In my mind it was divine order that lead me to call the Career & Internship Department last Fall. It was this very same department that invited us to partner with them and the Educational Opportunities Programs (E.O.P.) Office 20 years ago. It was felt that there was a need for an organizational entity that would offer support to career newcomers. This gave rise to our first of many shows here, “Being Black in the Garment District”. Things have gotten somewhat better in the intervening years but strangely, in todays socio-political climate women and people of color continue to face many of the same challenges.

Despite all of the changes in the industry, the one constant anchor is the FIT campus. Every time I set foot on this campus it feels like home. The fact that I came here from Syracuse at 17 as a full time student and lived in both Nagler hall as well as the co-ed dorm might have something to do with it. After graduating & working in the garment district as a women’s wear designer for many years, fate brought me back here in the nineties to teach for about 8 years. I realized that teaching and sharing my blessings with young underserved people was not only my passion but it became a major part of the mission of FAX. Helping, edifying, embracing, enriching, empowering young people through fashion & art is not only our mission but our ministry. We are spiritually powerful professionals. Even after 25 years, it still brings so much joy and it’s worth the sacrifice to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Vision 2o2o “Career Conversations” Program March 16, 2020 Live Fashion Exhibit 5pm-6pm Welcome………………………………………………Frantz Alcindor FAX Mission…………………………..………………..Gwen Sargeant Tribute to Gloria Hartley Panel Discussion;Internships……………………….…Moderated by Princess Jenkins Tribute to B. Smith Panel Discussion;

Sustainable Fashion…………….…Moderated


Teri Agins Raffle Drawing Tribute to Betty Esther Harem Panel Discussion;

Styling for Celebrities……………Moderated

by Karyl Truesdale

Closing Statements………………………..….…….Gwen Sargeant

Shai l aht e l l she rb r av eand s o me t i me shai r r ai s i ngj o ur ne y f r o m Po r t l and, Or e g o nt ot he c o ut o ur er unwayso fPar i s . She p aysho mag et ot heBl ac k mo de l st hatb e c amee xp at si n t he1 980’ sPar i sandwast he r ag eo ft her unways . . At r ues t o r yo func o nv e nt i o nals uc c e s s , whi c hi sp ar t l yahi l ar i o usr o mp , wi t h s o b e r i ngac c o unt so func e ns o r e d, j awdr o p p i ng e s c ap ade s .

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Su b mi t t e di nLo v i n gMe mo r y By Th eFas h i o nAr t sXc h an geGr o u p


@beaut i f ul _l oni @j i mmyj amesgr eene

16463517263Loni . gr eene92@gmai l . c om

B.Sm it h

Dur i nghersevendecadesonear t h, t hel i f est yl egur uputt oget hera vi br antr esumĂŠ.Fr om becomi ng oneoft hef i r stAf r i canAmer i can woment ogr acet hecoverof Mademoi sel l emagazi nei n1976 andhost i ngapopul arsyndi cat ed t al kshow,t or unni ngt hr ee hi ghpr of i l er est aur ant sand publ i shi ngmul t i pl ebest sel l i ng cookbooks,heraccompl i shment s wer evar i edand i mpr essi ve.Our pr ayer sar e wi t ht he f ami l y .

Ty y a nWi l l i a msi samul t i –t a l e nt e dy ounge nt r e pr e ne ur ; s i nge r , a c t or , a ndphi l a nt hr opi s twi t hagr e a tpa s s i onf ori ns pi r i nga nd he l pi ngot he r sa c hi e v et he i r dr e a ms . Shei st heCEOa ndFounde rof Pi nkySe zLLC, af a s hi onde s i gn c ompa nys hebui l tf r om s c r a t c h. y a nha spr ov e nt obea n Ty a l l r oundt a l e ntwa ybe y ondhe r y e a r sa ndat r uef or c et or e c kon wi t h. Asamode la ndde s i gne r , Ty y a nha spa r t i c i pa t e di nov e r onehundr e df a s hi ons hows s i nc ehe rde buta tt he i mpr e s s i v ea geofs e v e n whe ns hede s i gne d he rf i r s tout f i t .

Yv onneNewel l @Har l emf w

Aa A r a or n o A nP P o o t t t s s @APot t s Col l ec t i on

Br i dget t eAr t i s t e @Bor nAgai nVi nt age

Rac hel J ohns on @Lov i ngRac hel

Mi k oUnder wood @Oak andCombr and

Ar i anaSol ei l @Ar i anaSol ei l

Gr oov eyLew @#Gr oov ey Lew

Thepr opr i et oroft heBr ownst one “ Li f est yl eBout i que”Pr i ncessJenki ns f ocusesondr essi ngwomenf ort he speci almoment swi t het hni cal l y i nspi r edf ashi on.TheBout i que f eat ur esauni quecol l ect i onof cont empor ar ydesi gnercl ot hi ng,and accessor i es,andgi f t s. i thasbeen f eat ur edi n,O Magazi ne,Essence, Bl ackEl egance,NewYor kMagazi ne,

Ter i Agi nsi saf r eel ancewr i t er , l ect ur erandt hef or merseni orspeci al wr i t eratTheWal lSt r eetJour naland t hepaper ’ sAskTer icol umni st . She i st heaut horoft wopopul ar , nonf i ct i onbooksonf ashi on. ihasal sowr i t t enf ormagazi nes Ter suchas Vogue,Essence,Town& Count r y ,Al l ur e,El l e,For t uneand Har per ’ sBazaar . Kar ylJ.Tr uesdal ecur r ent l yser vesas acul t ur econt r i but orandOper at i ns Mgr .f ort heCFDA,t henot f or pr of i t t r adeor gani zat i onwi t ht hemi ssi ont o st r engt hent hei mpactofAmer i can f ashi ongl obal l y . Anat i veofHoust on, Texas, Sheat t endedPr ai r i eVi ewA& M Uni ver si t yi nTexasasaFashi on Desi gnMaj or and t heFashi on I nst i t ut eofDesi gn&Mer chandi si ngi n LosAngel es.

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Previous Events 2014: 20th Anniversary Celebration Honoring Princess Jenkins with the “Make It Work” award Presented by Tim Gunn Juneteenth Career of Excellence Awards: *2012 Honoree: Photographer, Anthony Barboza *2011 Honoree: Essence Editor-In-Chief, Constance White

Fashion & Career Expo: *2010 Juneteenth Career Expo - Honorees: Courtney Sloan, Jeffrey Banks & Courtney Washington *2009 Juneteenth Career Expo

NYFW: Fashion Showcase February, 2013 / In collaboration with RGP “Rogues Gallery Presents Emerging Designers” September, 2012 – “Style F.A.X.” / Featuring: Franklin Rowe International & Shannon Shenone Chic September, 2011 – “F.A.X. Presents”, Featuring: Mr. Witherspoon & MICHI Knitwear Black History Month Events 2010: “Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow” Co-Host: F.I.T. Gospel Choir / Featured Designers: John Higgins, Edward Wilkerson, Mychael Knight 2005: TrailBlazers Honorees: Gordon Parks & Damon Dash 2004: “Paradise: A Celebration of Excellence” Honorees: Geoffrey Holder & Carmen DeLavallade 2003: “Networking With Style” Honoree: Naomi Sims, Model, Author & Founder of Naomi Sims Beauty Products 2002: “Up Close! An Evening with Andre Leon Talley & Friends” -Andre Leon Talley, Vogue Fashion Editor -IMAN, Model & Beauty Entrepreneur -Harriet Cole, Columnist, Author & Lifestyle Coach

2001: “Being Black in the Fashion Industry” Honoree: Audrey Smaltz 2000: “Being Black in the Fashion Industry”

Professional Panel: Eric Gaskins, designer / Gary Williams, fashion entrepreneur / Lori Scott, Essence by Mail / Leonard Davis, DreamWorks design director / Patty Carpenter, designer / Teri Agins, apparel columnist / Veronica Jones, owner: Grandview Women’s Clothing.


Put y our si nt hehandsof amas t er !


Testimonials Fax is to be commended for its commitment to professional networking access and opportunities in the fashion and art community. The organizations vision and commitment expands the playing field for todays and tomorrows talent. They’ve got it right, “The Future Is Now!!” -The Fashion Institute of Technology, Director of Opportunity Programs; Taur D. Orange It was great receiving recognition from FAX at FIT. I was in the company of several fashion greats. Thanks to this organization, the new generation is exposed to the history of black in fashion. -Vogue Fashion Designer; Stephen Burrows For me, the Fashion & Arts Xchange scholarship was a catalyst to a brighter future. With the skills and lessons I’ve learned throughout the professional development programs, I feel I have been equipped with the knowledge necessary to excel in any environment. -FIT (EOP) Scholarship Recipient; Darlin Brown The Fashion & Arts Xchange helped mold my future and develop my professional growth in the fashion industry. I realized that I have gained a new family who accepts me for my individual qualities and wants me to succeed. -FIT (EOP) Scholarship Recipient; Joshua Williams For so many years, The Fashion & Arts Exchange has demonstrated a real commitment to support fashion industry professionals and aspiring designers. This is an example of networking at its finest! -Veteran Fashion Writer, Wall Street Journal Columnist & Author of “The End of Fashion”; Teri Agins As a beneficiary of the 2004 FAX Honoree Award, the awareness of my career as an artist in the fashion industry became more widespread. This exposure allowed me to connect and network with many illustrious people of color who had brought high-style and creative direction to the industry. FAX provides a superb opportunity for new and older members to receive support and networking possibilities that can make the difference in their careers in fashion. I will always be deeply appreciative to FAX. -Impressionist Painter & Professor at Parsons School of Design; Glenn Tunstull FAX is a strong organization for the up and coming designers in the fashion business. It exposes them to the business of the trade. The Juneteenth Showcase is a wonderful opportunity to experience a trade show. We celebrate FAX on all of their endeavors. -Black Retail Action Group board member; Veronica Jones

Thank You We'd like to extend our sincere gratitude to FIT, our friends and family the FAX production crew, our moderators, panelists, members, interns, volunteers supporters and sponsors for making tonight possible. But most of all we thank God!

T h e f a s h i o nA r t s X c h a n g e

S e r v i n gt h e u n d e r r e p r e s e n t e df o ro v e r2 5y e a r s i n t e r n s h i p s -f a s h i o ne d u c a t i o n -e v e n t s - wo r k s h o p s

i n t e r e s t e di nb e c o mi n game mb e rs p o n s o rme n t o ri n s t r u c t o r ?C o n t a c t u s t o d a yt og e t i n v o l v e d ! www. F a s h i o n a r t s x c h a n g e g r o u p . o r g@s t y l e f a x n y c www. f a c e b o o k . c o m/ F . A . X . G r o u p

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