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Interim TikTok Quiz

Community Challenge 1st FRANKLIN 2nd HONEYBALL 3rd ANGELOU 4th PANKHURST Interim House Football
H O U S E C O M P E T I T I O N SAt the end of October boys and girls from years 7 to 13 competed in the interim house 5 a side football competition during after school tournaments on the MUGA and Westway pitches. Teams played each of the other three house and were awarded 3 points for a win and 1 point for each draw. The final totals for all the tournaments for each year group were added together to calculate the overall winners - Angelou were first in the girls’ competition and Honeyball and Pankhurst drew in first place in the boys’ tournament. Community Challenge Our final interim competition of the half term was a community challenge to practice one of our four core values: citizenship. Students were asked to create letters & cards for residents at a local nursing home and post them in the collection boxes at the school reception. Students created an incredible 269 letters, stories, drawings, and cards! The letters were delivered to the residents of Princess Louise of Kensington Nursing Home by Ms Kruk on Boys’ Football = 1st HONEYBALL = 1st PANKHURST 3rd ANGELOU 4th FRANKLIN Girls’ Football 1st ANGELOU 2nd FRANKLIN 3rd HONEYBALL 4th PANKHURST Friday 8th October. These letters and cards have brightened the day of hundreds of residents of the nursing home and supported our local community. Competition places were awarded based on the number of letters created by each house as a community, with Franklin in first place at 95 letters, including this beautifully illustrated one (pictured left).