1 minute read
Parents’ Evenings
The Anti-Bullying Alliance: www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk Kidscape: https://www.kidscape.org.uk/ Childline: https://www.childline.org.uk/ Young Minds: https://youngminds.org.uk/
Parents’ Evenings
Parents’ evenings are compulsory for parents to attend, as directed by the Department for Education, and they are a vital part of the partnership between school and home. Parents’ Evenings will either involve individual meetings with your child’s teachers or a presentation from senior staff. Parents will be contacted by email and letter in advance of their child’s parents’ evening, but the dates for the year are provided below:
Key Stage 3 (Optional Curriculum Information Evening)
KS3 Keys to Success – Wednesday 10th November 2021, 6pm-7pm
Year 7
Welcome to Y7 Evening - Tuesday 14th September 2021, 6pm-7pm Y7 Progress Meetings - Thursday 27th January 2022, 4.30pm-7.30pm Y7 Progress Meetings 2 - Thursday 16th June 2022, 4.30pm-7.30pm
Year 8
Y8 Progress Meetings - Thursday 18th November 2021, 4.30pm-7.30pm
Year 9
GCSE Options Evening - Thursday 20th January 2022, 5pm-7pm Y9 Progress Meetings - Thursday 28th April 2022, 4.30pm-7.30pm
Year 10
Y10 Progress Meetings - Thursday 17th March 2022, 4.30pm-7.30pm
Year 11
Y11 “Final Stretch” Parents’ Evening - Thursday 7th October 2021, 6pm-7pm Y11 Mock Results Evening - Thursday 6th January 2022, 6pm-7pm Y11 Progress Meetings - Thursday 10th February 2022, 4.30pm-7.30pm Y11 “Crunch Time” Parents’ Evening – Thursday 31st March 2022, 6pm-7pm
Sixth Form
6F Progress Meetings – Thursday 2nd December 2021, 4.30pm-7.30pm
Open Evenings
Y6 Open Mornings – Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd Sept, 9.15am-10.30am Y6 Open Evening - Thursday 23rd September 2021, 5pm-7.30pm Sixth Form Opening Evening - Thursday 14th October 2021, 5pm-7.30pm