Portfolio 2013

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- Description

37 years from now, life may change dramatically. Climate may change rapidly. Nobody can predict what may happen in the years ahead. However, Architecture will remain relevant to the humankind. In the year 2049, Industrial place can eventually be eliminated; numerous old factories can be emptied and can be knocked down as same as in some other industrial areas. “The Meaning of Living Together in 2049” In 2049, many countries can eventually be involved in an aging society. The number of elderly people may rise and family type can possibly change. The average number of family can become even smaller while single and elderly couple can become dominant. Now, it’s time to give importance to the meaning of living together. Currently, many people dwell together in tall buildings because they find it more manageable. People of today are becoming more mobile so they tend to stay in one place temporarily. Even if this is the case, it is significant to let them experience the sense of belongingness wherever they go. The solution is “sharing”. This is the key for a community to be able to live together effectively.

“Architecture in Architecture - Renovation of Renovation” I seek to mend the theory of renovation itself. In 2049, obsolete factories may become a context in the society. For the purpose of this (study), I’ve chosen the meat process factory as my building site. The form of the architecture can be changed depending on the environment where it is situated. Roof is not only used to get rid of rain and snow but an element which leads to the formation of space where people meet. Nowadays, Insulating buildings are thought to be the best way to get an ambient environment within a building. However, making walls more open can be essential too. Many elements can be improved and designed through various ways.

“Overflowing of Activity - between public and private -” Inner-Common, which is the space between the exterior of the factory and the private space, serves to be the buffer area, the passage and the common space. The outer wall controls the environment of Inner-Common. Private spaces are minimized and the other functions are intended to overflow into the Inner-Common. This idea will promote an interaction among the people. Residents look for their own space and use it freely. Some public areas are put inside the volume and are open with doors and windows depending on the purpose. By this, larger space will then be created.

“Clothing Architecture - Sustainable Flexibility by Residents -” Architecture is same as clothes. It can be controlled by its users. Depending on the season, architecture changes as people change their clothes. It can be open or close depending on the day. As what most of the theories propose, insulation is the best way to achieve a good environment within a building. However, this proposed architecture has another story to tell. In this project, the mechanism used is simple- open it in summer then close it in winter. This idea is to follow the natural way of people's adaptation to their environment. Furthermore, people are given the freedom to be more dynamic in terms of rebuilding and redesigning their surroundings in accord to their needs.

“Architectural Village” This proposal can be the new type of community and living style in the future. It’s neither a city nor a town but an interactive village where people have good relationship with each other.

- Rendered images

- Industrial scale | The scale of this area is respected and used to make a small village where the future living style is.

- Outer-wall | It’s like a cloth which changed, opened to control a living environment by residents.

- Entrance for all | Architectural Village is open for the city, town, people. The facade isn’t closed for the city as many buildings are.

- Between public and private | Inner-Common is the buffer space between public and private. Residents find the possibility by their own.

- Private concert hall | The residents could find their own space in Inner-Common and spend time there not only in their private room.

- On the roof | Inner roof can be the space to stay, to enjoy the sunshine, to read a nobel...

“ Gradational Scene ”

Oneday, I found a forest in Tokyo, where is known as the city has the highest density, and it is not used by anyone although it is very confortable to stay there. In addition, this forest separate this town like a huge void.. I design a library there, and it become a intersection connectiong this town..

日本一高密度で知られる東京という都市の中に, ある日, 誰にも使われていない森を発見した. そこで過ごす時間はとても心地が良いのに, 誰もその森を利用していないようだった. もはやその森はまちを分断するヴォイドのようにまちにたたずんでいた.


- Site plan / Scale 1:2000

- Site and roof plan / Scale 1:600

- Plan / Scale 1:500

Passage like gallary | Wall columns which is parallel to the passage become gallary space of people.

Exterior | Semi-external space. The border of the building melts and becomes vague.

Town hall| A hall in the forest. The students use for a recital, people use to hold events.

Cafe in the forest | A space people gather appears in the forest.

- Library | The wall columns become longitudinals of the bookshelf, table, bench and so on.

- Landscape | The wall columns make ideas to use in the forest.

Axonometric drawing ÂŚ 3 passages go through the library and functions are put between them.

The library in the forest which was the void in the town connect and create community.

“ Kinder Forest Garden”

“ 包む森と包まれる空間”


Tsurukawa Sta.

Tsurumi river

- テーマ:子供のための空間 / 幼稚園の設計

- Theme:Space for children / Design of Preschool

- 担当教員:青木茂 ( 教授 / 青木茂建築工房 )・雨宮和彦 ( ユニティデザイン )・須永修通 ( 教授 )・猪熊純 ( 成

-Jury:Shigeru AOKI(Prof. / Shigeru Aoki Architect&Associate)・Kazuhiko AMEMIYA(Unity Design)・Nobuyuki SUNAGA

瀬猪熊建築設計事務所 )・久田基治 ( 構造設計工房デルタ )・高木次郎 ( 教授 )・鈴木 (studio on site)

(Prof.)・Jun INOKUMA (Naruse Inokuma Architects)・Motoharu HISADA(Delta Structural Design Studio)・Jiro TAKAGI

- 敷地所在地:東京都 町田市 鶴川

(Prof.)・Yuuji SUZUKI(studio on site)

- 期間:2009 年 11 月 -2010 年 1 月

- Site:Tsurukawa, Machida-shi, Tokyo - Period:Nov. 2009 - Jan. 2010

- WestsideElevation / scale 1:300

- Section / scale 1:300

Rental cycle


Public bath

Tourist office AtsutaMuseum


足湯 Footbath

















「 Loopbalcony apartment, without window. 」 「 屋上のようなベランダのある正面のない住宅には窓がない.」

1st Daito Trust Construction Co., Competition “honorable mention” 第一回大東建託賃貸住宅アイデアコンペティション “学生特別賞”

- From the way | The balcony becomes a scenery colored by activities, things, people.

- From a bird | The separated balcony from the interior becomes free form.

- On the balcony| The balcony, separated by the doors not windows, is the space like a rooftop without function.

- By the stair | The landing of the stair is also used as a space for the residents.

- Interior | Wind flows gently from under the floor, a soft indirect light comes from the ceiling. The surrounding landscape is reflected on the ceiling.

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